CHRISTMAS - : Happier because of giving one of | r useful joy forever gifte. | legians by the close score of 34 10 : Desks for Office and Home, with Chairs to match, Tables and Clocks, all styles and prices 4 % CBflain Stretchers, Carpets, Rugs, Curtains, ete STORES OPEN NIGHTS. 'Phone 90. Yours. o So" T.F.Hairison Co. Blankets ; Ang hi mforters TL ---- | AAA AAA 8 White All-Wool Blankets. Grey Al-Wool Blankets. Union Blankets, of Comforters in Batting, Wool and Eiderdown filled, S600 onecssccccsces i : : : : PLAY IN OSWEGO N.Y. { 1 | MEN TO pLAY 'BASKETBALL. The Team That Will go From Here ~The ¥.M.C.A. Team Had a Go { With Queen's Last Night--~Gene- ral Sporting Notes. i The Y.MCIA. boys journeyed | Queen 5 last. night, for a friendly game of basketball, and beat the | The Y. M's count themselves exceed ily fortunate to beat the team to re (present the college in Uswego 11wo teams fined up ds Toliows } 'Queen's--Stern and Watts, defe: | Erskine, centre: Menzies and Warde! | forwards. ~ |] YMCA Gilbert and Meck, for wards; McCartuey, ecetitre; Beara: "and "Shorty'" Pound, defence. Arranging for Game. about settled that "Chaucer" 3 junior Quebec hockey cham! ipions will play Frontenaes (Ontario champions), on Wednesday next, at [tie covered rink. The M.A-A.A. team iv a cracker-jack and the local boys [will have to fairly fly to win out; but jus the hoys are rounding into shape {rapidly, they should deliver the goods [ht 1s likely one-half will be ved u dir Quebec rules and one half under Ontario rules. As tilis will be the {opening fame of the seasom and « f ~"dhriller," a large crowd may be ex-| { pected to rect- the local boys to vie I= In | Elliott's i Let McCammon Play. Hockey fans, at last night's prac jt'e:, were very much disappointed at | not seeing McCammon, the husky cov- er-point, out with Frontenacs. Many tetithusiasts claim that he would fill | in, and make Froutenacs' defence a stonewall. It is to he hoped that] ithe management of the K.C1. team | will accede to public opinion, and al-| |low McCammon to turn out and help | reinin the premier junior hockey hon- | lors for the old- Limestone city. Last 'weason, it is pointed out, Frontenacs | ihelped K.Cl. ont financially, and it would be a gracious act for K.C1 to] reciprocate in this way. | Will be Quite Strong. { Manager W. W. Gibson says that the | Frontenac senior hockey team will be (quite strong, and he is satisfied that | the Toronto teams will have to do gome | fast work to defeat the seven | that he is confident he can put on the | jee. lLastevening, the Frontenacs had | u good workout. Some of the players | gnnpot get out at this busy season, but, pext week, nearly all of them will be in their togs and preparing for the first game with the Argonauts, in To- ronto, on Januaty 7th. Had a Great Practice. The junior Frontennes had a most satisfactory practice, last night. There was a turnout of the boys, and from the start to the finish they kept on the jump, ani got is some geod . Among those who were out on | A ut idan Williams, Me | Guire, Somerville, Hunt, Millan, Boyer The seniors also had a very good practice, and among those who were out were Reid, Mchay, Walsh, Craw- ford, Vanhorn, Dumphy, Hiscock, Rich- ardson and Gratton. The members will have a workout in the YMCA. gymnasium to-night. . To Play in Oswego. ye tting fraternity of I Fe a appottunity, on next Friday esyn ig, of sesing how the stu- dents from Queen's College play well-known 'and favorite game of bas- ketball. Arran ts have been closed whereby n's and a team from the Normal School there will clash in the Armories at Oswego ov 'riday night. ; ak caning of the team which will go over from Queen's the Oswego Times says: "The visiting teams one of the best in Canada, and last your won the championship of . the country by defeating Toronto umiver- sity." - - z The game will be interesting in| comparison of the style of play in| vogue here afd the Normal students are hoping to get a number of point- ers from . the Canadian team which will bé of special benefit to them. Lawrence Nacey, an Oswego boy, will accompany the Queen's Seam, : The Queen's team to lineup is: Stern and Watts, defence; Erskine, cen- | ire; Menzies and Wardell, forwards. | 4 Oswogdy get in shape for the coming sea of Bey made a good showing last | ob, in fact some of the boys were - oir led' to. enter junior O.H.A. to SON. ses eee INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. TL tm---- Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up by Re porters on Their Rounds. » McCann will bond you. Latest fiction at the College Book Store Ww. to-day Fair returped from Montreal mixed ereams, 23, at Gil bert s . - ot George Moody, of Fdmonton, is isiting in the city. £ Christruas post cards at 0c. a doz The College Book Store. n writes insurance most reliable companies, M. Cameron has left for North to spend the holidays. S. W. Dyde, of Queen's left, this morning, for Picton. . 4. W.. Dougherty went to his home in Cobden for the holidays. P. Rutledge has left to spend holidays at his home in Carp. Musi¢ cabinets, china cabinets, trays, Morris chairs, at R. J. Reid's. George E, Wilson, of Queen's, has leit for his home in Perth. . Wilham Swaine, piano tuner. Order received at McAnley's. Phone 778. John McKay, the mayoralty candi date, is both Scotch and Irish. Special rate of $1 for life member ship in College Book Store Library. Captain Henry Esford went up _ te Guelph, to-day, to spend the hol days When you pucks, hockey Simmons Bros. Herbert Keill, student at Queen's has left to spend the Christmas vaca tion at Sharbot Lake. Special rate of $1 for life member the in the tea want sticks, skates, call a: sleighs, etc., | ship in College Book Store Library. A successful business man will mak: a good mayor. Therefore, John Mc {ay is the man to elect. . tanon Starr, Kingston, and R. J: Travers, Napanee, are members of the loy Scouts provimeial council. H. Cunningham, piano tuner, King street. Leave orders at Auley's bookstore. . Dr. Edward P. Byrne is home Brooklyn, N.Y., to 21 . Me fron spend Christmas ! with his parents, Johnson street. Miss Reta MacArthur, attending 1 Queen's, has left 'to spend the Christ mas holidays at her home in Renfrew Miss Fdith Wiltshire "will spenc Christmas and New Year's with her parents, on Colborne street. The wark on the steanier Stranger at the Kingston foundry, is being | rushed, in spite of the cold weather. Invalid bed side tables, tables, smoker's sett," at Reid's. The largest and best assortment of Christmas cards in the city at the College Book Store. : The Drogkville Recdrdér understands that Rev. Father" ('Connor is ap pointed usd@tant to Very Rev. Dean Murray., John McKay goes alty election with a clean record, has never been defeated yet in ping for office, Boxes of 10, 25 and 50 cigars make a good Christmas gift. King Edward Cigar Store. - J. M. Grady, who has been engaged on survey work, for the Grand Trunk Pacific railway, is in the city, spending the holidays at his home. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Wiltshire and child, Forest City, Ark., will spend Christmas and New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. W. Wiltshire, Colborne street. Lloyd Smelsor; of Cayuga, is the Tatest addition to the Kingston peni tentiary. He 'waS"Bfought down, to- day, to sérve three years for theft. Large leather easy chairs, wire back couch to match, at Kk. J. Reid's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones, Peter boro, are expected in the city on Saturday to spend the holidays with Mrs. Jones' mother, Mrs. . Emma Ball, Alfred street. Keep in mind that John McKay, Kingston's big fur man, is a candidate for the mayorsity. He will be unable to canvass the whole city, but invites the support of the electors. The real work in the mayoralty elec tion will not hegin till next week. Monday will be nomination day, and the candidates will have a chance to address a big meeting of 'electors. Chums, Boys' Own, Girls' Own, Oz Books, ete., at the College Book Store. The money, collected by the Salva- tiion Army band in their serenade, was not for the poor, as was stated, but for the repairing and purchase of new instruments and for new music. folding card Robert J. into the mayor He ran- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 22, 1910. TWENTY CENTS PER POUND Yoked for Turkeys on the Market Thursday. There was a very good market, Thursday moraipng; but there was drop in the price of the much-looked- for turkeys. The average price was twenty cents per pound, although lew sales were made at ninet and some farmers ¢o twenty-two cents. One man was seen market with a twentvtwo-pound wy, and when asked how much bad paid for it that he bad parted with $2.50. wys come high, but they have ave them. x ot as On a if coming of he Tar- to Constable Timmerman was making is rounds through the market, when he spied a man with a little goose, ander his arm. "How much for that," asked onstable, by way of information. "That cost me £1.50," was the replx. "Well, t 200s%¢ of the~two," with a broad smile. The man the joke good-natured. took A Finely Decorated Stove. The Christmas display of R. HH. loye, King street, is one that is be- ing noticed and commented upon hy the numerous patrons, inasmuch as they say they have never seen the store_look so well on any occasion. Uf sourse, the fancy cake, chocolates, ete, | wip to set things off pretty well, but the holly, evergreen and wintergreen vhich i artistically woven around the ounters and walls makes things look ery bright. Across the end of the tore is strung the welcome which eads "A Merry Christmas." They wave. sold an enormous lot of Ghrist- nas cake already and expect to do a arge business ofl} athirday. "The Y.M.C.A. News." This morning the first number "The Y.M!C.A. -News," which Secre- of . ary Trimble hopes to make a month- v publication, made its cappearance. t is a four-page paper of modest di- "nensions, and should be very popular ged in loeal YY, M. CC. A, g advertisers who "have number are sith all eng: vork. Amo aken space in the first Taidlaw, dry-goods' store, and the Me- Kay, fur store.' No Selection Yet Made. The: management committee of * the ward of education has not nade a selection of a domestic science | 'eacher to succeed Miss Susie Bawden, vho goes to the west. It has a num- wr of applications, and enquiries re rarding the applitants are heing nade. It may be necessary for wt in the matter. Help he Needy. In referring to the help needed by a! oor family, in the Whig, last even- hg, it was stated that money wasn't | it should have read | wsential, when hat "money was most essehitial."" Up o date William Carroll, who is look- ng after the donations, has received he sum of $325.50. He will he glad o receive "further subseriptions to his worthy cause. Centreville Lady Dead. The remains of the late Miss Agnes Nilliamson, who died in the general 10spital here, Thursday, were sent to yor home in Centreville by Bay of Jduinte train. She was sixtv-eight years f age an. a Methodist in religion. she two brothers, one "in 'entreville and the other in Napanee. Information Wanted. Information as to the whereabouts f Mrs. 2: McAdam, formerly of King- ton, will be gladly received at the Whig office. IGF ORGE MILLS & CO. Special . Christmas Sale of ¢ Maska Sable Scarfs. 20 Per Cent. OfF--Over 50 to on | po | al the tar he sadly replied | ever plan the I think you are the biggest | replied the officer, |" vet | { the | yourd. to give the committee power to i $ The Coll \ ege Book Store # The - Christmas Storer SCOTT'S, n= THE LADY OF THE LAKE. Centenary Edition Sir Walter Scott's most popular i romance, in the most luxurious dress ned for it One hundred | plates by Howard Chandler Christy. Boxed, $3.00 HARRISON FISHER'S "GARDEN OF GIRLS." A gift book, par excellence. ' Sixteen full page illustrations reproduced in | colors and mounted on pale gray { water colored paper Handsomely | boxed, $3.50. THE ROSARY. Special Gift Edition | The most delightful Gift Book of 1 the season is Florence L. Barclay's exquisite edition of "The Rosary. | Full page colored illustrations, and { wide margins decorated in tint | Handsome cover decoration of gold lon a background of dark blue silk { cloth. . i i | meee Jt For Xmas --Liggett's, Chocolates, * The - Sweetest Story . Ever "Told? Half pound, 43c.; pounds, ¥5c; two pounds, £1.70. --Fenway Chocolates, "Where Quality Counts." We have just received a fresh - supply flor Christmas. Beautifully boxed. Half pound, 33c.; pound, 65c.; special two pound box, $1.30. --Waterman's Fountain Pens, special Christmas boxes, $2.50 up. ~Rexall Fountain Pens, a GOOD pen for only $1.50. --Remex Foudtain Pens, the best pen on the market for $1. -Gillette Sailety Razors, 25, £5.50, $6.50. 3 Chocolates on Monday i orders for delivered Any will be { morning. S | MAHOOD'S ic | | #RINCESS AND BAGOT STS. | 260 PRINCESS STRE $e000e0000000e 100000000000060006 ALTEMUS SHARESPEARS Regular price, $13 special, 3 A 39 volume beautifully bourd in el one of the best gif JANEY CANUCK IN THE Ww EST, By Emily Pe The most popula? Car of the year rd exhausted. Fourth edition ordered CHUMS. set « 3 th. mak t season gifts of rgu dian CANADIAN GIRLS OWN ANNUAL, ~. LATEST FICTION. {The Master of the Vineyard Myrile Reed Red Pepper Rurns, Grace 8S. Richmond Janey Canuck, Emily Ferguson. Lady Molly of Scotland Yard, Baroness Orezy ET, 8 - 90000000 It does not pay to d choosing. Se High Class Pearl Ebony Goods, Leath -- NN Jewellers ~~ 3 LADIES LIKE 'OPENTO-NIGHT Ask to see the swell range of Fine Kid Gloves in all the wanted shades. Reg. $1.25 quality, on sale, for $1.00 a pair. Guarantee with each pair. » nar tl Pl it Scarlet Toques, Mitts, Scarfs and Overstockings Save $5.00 to $10.00 by Buying | Your Coat Now A A ts A AO A AN NAINA All Ladies' Cloth Coats mn book edition nearly]! CANADIAN (BOYS' OWN ANNUAL. | 90009000000 00090000000 000000000 CHRISTMAS Fast Approaching Pearl Necklets or Pendants, Scarf Pins, Links, Lockets SMITH BROS. 350 Ki Issuers of Marriage Licenses 00060000000000000000060000000000000006000¢ COOLER OE GOO CRORE RIN DOORN FRR COO { Shakespeare, ! vindow at The White Cat, \ ary Roberts Rhinehrt >» Green Pateh, Baroness Voir Hatton. Rest Harrow, Maurice Hewlett . » Motor Mald, C. N.and A. M. * {| The Seige of the Seven Suftors, i Meredith Nicholson Williamson Shenstone, 'Rebecca, of Sunnybrook Farm, Fifth Edition Phone 919 : ne ----_---- elay further your gift 2e -our prices for or Diamond Rings, er Shopping Bags, Eic. ng St. Opticians 3 00000000000060008005000000000000000000 | FURS rnp For Xmas Gift W. F. Gourdier, 78-80. Brock St. For Sale Cheice 82 W Park; for §2,100 oe Rough-cast, down-town llington location, No, near City good cellar, | Sireet, 6 rooms; Earl Bagot; 8 rooms; good yar No. 58 Earl Street, rooms; gize of lot, 35 3 400, Wellingson ling; 13 rooms; 60 Scleet From. These are} {This is the pick of the college and! The members of the Masons' Helpers should deo honor to the city, which Union, held a most enjoyable "'smok | they represent. The boys leave, to-|er," Wednesday night, in"Laber hall. {duy, for Oswego as they have to @9 Theres was an impromp ii programme, k At HALF PRICE {by Cape) Vincent. . yo ---- ! Correction of Schedule. { Th drawing up the schedule in the {City Hockey league last Monday even- jing there. was mistake made in ar- (ranging the games in Group. "B" of | seniors. The way the schedule was {made up, Portsmouth was- to have i played only two games, while the Ren- } County club was hilled for si | The other two teams had their. part of it adright. The schedule was drawn jue by the managers of the Welling | club. How -thy mistake happened to be | _isolid mahogasv tons, Portamwouth and Renfrew county day 'by her sister, lo | who has been visiting her the past and a general good time. Chums, Boys' Own, Girls' Own, Oz Books, ete., at the College Book Store. Abraliam Shaw is being urged by the electors of Victoria ward to be come a candidate for aldermaniec hon ors in that ward. The city would be Incky to secure the services of Mr. Shaw at the council hoard. : Five o'clock tea table, $4.50 to 815, indies' work tables; solid mahogany centre table, at R. J. Reid's. ! ) Mrs. George Waker left at noon, to- ry, to a few weeks at her home, in Burl mn, Vi. ace nied iss Mary L. Gratton, two months, Special rate of 81 for kif ber- ship in College Book Store Library. Ald. MeCann's iation of John withthe World," by Price, $1.35. The all new ard splendid styles. Some are satin lin- ed, others fur on h sides, eh are trimmed with Natural Sable tails and heads, While there is nothing in our Show Rooms more staple, we want to reduce our stock. Here's your chance: $7.50 Scarfs for.. $6.00 $10.00 Scarfs for ..88.00 $12.00 ..89.00 $1800 Scarfs £20.00 Scarfs for fs for 814.40 Scarfs for .$16.00 And so on. a Come with the crowds to Newman and Shaw " THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. geivieielelelalutnlvlelutntatatetvietatatn on Bute ntl oil All thas best in drinkables fo the holiday season is found at the Thompson Bottling Co. In Ports, Sherry, Seotch, Brangg Gin, Champagne, etc, we cs lease the most fastidibus. Snr We are Agents for Stroh's Bo- | hemian Imported r, Plisener's 'Berlin Beer, and Fisher's Ale, Porter and Lager in Bottles and Kegs. "Tel. 304. : winner of the mayoralty election. The Best | | | | f IGEO. THOMPSON, Everyone is calling John MeKay as] ForthePhysician And the Nurse Sterliggg Silver Thermometer i Cades Hypodermic Syringes Pocket Case of Needlog, ¢ Pocket Medicine Cases Pocket Surgical Cases' Instrument Satchels Buggy Cages. «+ Nurses' Chatelains, Forceps, Probes, Cases, ete J Everything required 'by the Doctor or Nurse in the sick ; room : Dr. A. P. Chown, 185 PRINCESS STREET. 'Phone 343. Surgical Scissors Medicine , | i | Johnson and Division Streets. VO G RV OIOOPGVVOVOVOPPO : . Santa for his _ raed ie Prefers wi White Christmas and boos reat Yeast and Tmmacul. faultless Dregs immaculate ate iinen "anndering Our Laundering Of course How about your Christmas Huen? hy not follow Santa's good example? j Ln LAUNDRY linen means Phone Cor, Princesse & Sydenham Sta, w TR 2%