Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Dec 1910, p. 4

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PAGE POTR, / = = ; ' -- THE DAILY BRITISH WHY, 1 THURSDAY. DECEMBER 23, 1810. > Cy BT : em ks $0000000000000005660800 DR. SOPER-| Ladies' .Men's DR. WHITE | Umbrellas Umbrellas | BIBBY"S Store Open Evenings All This Week. THE DAY'S EPISODES {| LOCAL 'NOTES ANI AND THINGS IN GENERAL. Ceocurrences In The City And Vicinity ~--Other Brief Iteins of Interest Easily Read And Remembered. 3 MeKay fo ayor ! ' ry y D i bre 2 i I Cxinera from S------------ cr |THE WHIG, T7th YEAR. tiny | DAYLY BRITISH WHIG, pub at td ast year, 306-110 King Street, Kingston, Oliario. | thr t 3 r. Editions at & : sunding out experts, ax when Ir Sin in Fle waa bombshell into the eas medienl schools," The is M. LL. ( ie of Col etme whe, ME nhs, absolutely s, charge for pos od, - making price of 1 t he is LS ob W sekly per year impa . Ne and 'ol i Columbia, commentivg upon Otficen in cheap work; 0 ax The Bich Whig Palin Co. 1d, _ fF 13* a ference of students towards the smoking cigarettes as. they) B buy wards the lecture # E P rooms, pet's TORONTO OFFICE. riotous Yiscussion on | Pricay 1% and 30 Queen City Cham- the question, : : { bers, 32 Church Bt. Toronto, H. E Shae Store, Bre or similar | Smallpeice, J.P. representative. kev Doots ! be _ your o- i m---- lewsor ? Mis aret Rothwell, of Brock. wt TH IAT GRAIG. |, hie dino Sli system, 'a neglect of two weeks he city Suite "Is it etiquette to wait wlan' s wi street, or. hiteen' minutes for a tardy pro- : Ea oo st. : pecialists io dis 1 pe Nerves, Bladder and Special All- of men 2 : mate visit sdvisable ; . If impossible, history for free opinion Sud Question blank and b onli diseases of men free. Consultation § | free. Medicine furnished in tablet form, Hours: 10 am to 1 pm, aud 2 to © p.m. Sundays, 30 am 1 pw DRS. SOPER & WHITE 25 Toronto Street, Toromte, Out. atter { the past } exceptional' ability Spanish 'onions, 25c., at Gil will enable us to re- TRIP NOT IN VAIN. . » damage and 11 wy. in of o0 many western mes 1 uniformity or accepied » 1 ord for it--our }! Pe udization. In certain colleges e {to hand Hutton, Market | has wil x fair = BOA B. mostly wheat growers, to aa id Princess ate 4) gos will be fair and mode committee treet, - = J. Reid, Princess street, > ee, tr urwh, > there the world's cham- a trade we the a PLUMBING : have Hud fed hard and per_ picture at ly, and, we believe, suc. - ily demands which could not be practica YOU WIN on the other side a plea LLL BG oe | moderation which was certainly ' i i The meetings that 'David Hall, «place, between the petitioners, "Phione 32 66 Brock St. ministers of trade and agriculture, "A > Hesidence 806. the such consideration that on near! Sp---- a -- -- = . prizes, thix ( RA | points there has been an understand rAd a ee 5 probably ~ = Wing. The tari will be duly considered, ¢ OLD stich a" revisior L : | : . yes further i lation will be passed with regard 10 do of the | the terminal elev : . fli be had for the tion and transportation of stock; Hudson's Bay and operated by the government, 6 lba. wrt's Specially pretty ca from 4. O inciples, and an entir i lendars have come : pakness in ma their grievance The first meetir ates with the premier wa to, ventilate ind it is evidenced in Se pron Verestler sin Speaking | Wonderland to-pight. 4 } eyularities which exist. i John ie Ka av 18 an all-round man MADE ANOTHER TRIP. FE The steambarge Navajo went out oT tent Own realize that his position is not He is er rs He eH Tul « eng Overcoats that are made the finest $ launch, ~ that human hands can produce. in vain. moving teacher, Cooke says he On the one side ther A SUCCESS. Navajo Went Out to John Sharples on Wednesday. . city's can ev of any progressive person olin : Make son | rom Best's, John McKay's committee T ln Princess street, in the building Oronto Jy rmerly occupied by the Skinner rug company. . Drop in there and see ihe election lists, e 1: on " seat 'of learning] Farmer's fresh print Batter, 25¢. 1b., t Gilbert's, = receive the Carnegie ' : . Teg Some the medal." : . " w the eity registered' ten The eriticism of the science halls|grees below zero early this morning, the same nd cne went fourtaen. © Out on "the t Hath Road. it was fourteen degrees be- low ? mdg- English Lert's Kk. J Who lv met; He must be a producer, and he duet. be judged by his pr Mr. Cooke work of says the Herald, must Incidentally 4 magnifies the "And if" Cooke were have since fEamer pnesday, and 1.000 bushels of corse, leave on Fhe lauds rooms are} the body happy with a kdtlak, and ° int of the! here | late | i Navajo had part} Sharples is | position as she was the: 'Navajo went out to they complete with all! should have! i set} we IVersity, i elled to premier, have been attended with \ ¥ i rough weather in the afternoon, ar jast night While at of her rail loft 110 elt passing around 1 + returned anadian would work the torn off. The thermometers around A i i a welve de- and it will receive and t fe antes may suggest: legisla See Our Young Men's Speedway Ulsters § Double and Single fli the circumst -_ aqme She is still ishings. These hefore the i 2 great deal will be damaged, | so that it will be unfit for further It covers the use that is scene. With new Two_style Collars, her fu Fabrics Breasted, styles. 4 Scotch Cheviots in new : ; » buildings and their con ators; due vegar t » as : : college plants, ard holly, 235¢c. 1b., at Gal: wint Hand tailored garments. are chilled meat proposi . . . several which little from the reports this that the kind of the college upon Greensand Fawn. New Wales Cords, New ete. nN Flurl Ee L '$18.00 AND $20.00 QUALITIES, Bibby's Xmas Specials, $15 dh shades of Grey, Brown, Donnelly, Fox Warren, Man., 3 woompanied the western farm se ol Lory' deputation to Ottawa, is in the] Carnegiefecity to spend Christmas with. his mother," Mrs. Donnelly, 456 larrie sire very used. Incident- i color on Sale a a ki Herringbone Patterns, Ri Of a our Yards it can be yich-dark railway will be owned but gather wade lu Juar; aml Awaiting Harbor to Freeze, cold © weather | Islander will] with regard to all of these schemes the details have yet to he worked out that the the delegates have got closer together, owe articles of Furni- § dation is. a academic day of this Wolfe Another wand the steamer ! « closed another season, lov a of davs of real cold weather { freee the harbor over so thick ould not be able she managed. to hai able gulator, and that which Y.3s delivery delicious Best's, who received Christmas hocolates m Rings The fact i oi ¢ aud i The fact is governmen s to put its prolessors, in their old a letter . this morn- were sell upon the pension fund, must be with FACTORY. a there is scar THE GENUINE, so close indeed that pioders and like the industries, haat v to get i Mont : ® See Our New Standfold Ulsters shades of Brown, Grey, $15.00 and any doubt abou pir 1 liation any doubt about their reconciliation, fimte aims plans and a co-or day, er pound = Bi i 2, iy -------- mi imminent. MW and the five hundred can return hom & that rut ' i a y This she t Kingston is not the > feeling that their trip has not been | bly missing from most schools of v place ¢ I' upon to pay al R | i vain. learning high price 3 --- - . Ea Kingstondins having cashed cheques Cor W Fig wn and Bay Streets | REASONS FOR FLECTH K DITORIAL NOTES tn the Fa Bank h ice outside the will be lination of interests h ix lament- : : > i 7 1 : nati of mite ts which is lament Fabrics, English: Tweeds, rich $16 sly she 50 qualities Bibby's Xmas Specials, $12.50 to-day, » "this navig officers of the boat formation: oot over | The watching the yuld not be thought | the | | morrow been in-] will end. anxiously the » Ar they wT i wharf if and if such is the ease | the ould be too thick in Ringsténians have no need to 0 ' rt a t a safe passage worry, ficers think they will make straig run formed have or as strong as | made that a bank, good. be popular expres- [given oat that : {ke made good they not vet been The statement has be all candidate for Brantford his reasons for Phone 66, i A mayoralty honours As sound as bank, ous any sets for sntagoricall > : the ot orth eatagoric ally will not such cheques will | nig hey desifing the people's | of office," matters " + more. 1 votes. * 'During . Lhe 1 nave proved a great boom to on SAVE MONEY Jrantford were "developed, such as street paving, surface draining, = gar hae my term em See Our College Ulsters £10.00 AND $12.50 QUALITIES. Bibby's' Xmas Special. $8.50 is fiekle-winded on ow os ! i Jacob's Irish biscuits here at hool He o . Mixed macaroons, dc. Ib.; afternoon | for the dry« mmitbees ouly, to cancel them. What tea, 50c. 1b.: butter pufis, 30e, of 2 eracknels, B0e. Ih: "many important sone Some a bg froze rs last hoard. calls meéting ant! not any | Et | risk of Finger pull x 3 10¢ each fruit th's the sign gathering, the Grand Tr received mv and securing of all of support," ir goods here, a rg Te i a Mscount is v non Uverconts, Suis, Sweater Coats, Caps, Mitts, Boots & Rubbers. Come in and sce for yourself, Wo can save you mpnpy on ev- = a realization of the ey purchs a > 1 He repre ISAAC ZACKS scnted the peop,e and it was ai 271 RINCESS STREET, to their He was eondeious, too, Bv the cut jn rates on Pullman cars, Best's List for Men. DOW unk main line, which neeilor 1 Uxtord lunch, nnet, 23 '1h : i : ow. Mirrors, each, at Gilbert's. i =havi ------------------ At Brew the travelling people w ill, £1,500,000 a vear. hearty uppersberths, about Men's Fur-Lined Overcoats £80.00 QUALITIES, Bibby's Xmas* Specials, $60 be spared this sum be saved ? one s We like that way of putting oluims, Book, pr i . Fhis particular candidate was Will He went the £1 to $6. to £5 pipes, adigar collar b and boxes cigars Smoking sets, rer's Mills. Prash sets, $1 irewer's Mills, Dec. 21. The parlor ( Depon-{sotial in ald of the Presbyterian has | church, Sand Hill, was held at John, ' Dillon's on the 16th inst. and i had. success. Recent visitors W. -------- lin and Miss 1. Todd, f homas Todd's; M. this busy | MeKanna are of | their homes ston, M. A. Murray, ray's: V, a worker, into coun Mr. Bourassa is said to have visited | cil with trust ; i + enlist the | 5 Roms in order to interest or enust as cases. wallets. 1 connected with his office. ionak tsed ASE, NA * | pope in his new natronahs=m. purses, 3 : saveth not what success he gre : promote interests in every ent say was a | Mens Racoont Corts. Ang- { i i | t Made Se our big ehaige welldurred skins. | alues. Campbell Bros' of fine furs "way he could. from that he hb ad to be a worker, a of thought, of plan, having exercised his a -------------- a nn S. J. WILSON, . Member Deminion Battersea, at Smith and J. spending the winter at! here; J, Murray, Kn McDonald and Miss Rose | Lansdowne, at John Mur | think that the old city Fisher, Woodburn, at Mrs. at nigh to an earthly paradise. W. Fisher's; Miss Pearl Murray is) o- 4 visiting in Lansdowne. man Not of shoplifting in Kings: ton, or a Chase of pocket picking, at season in Kingston ! The theft in other places makes ons e makers Otter C sllar, nglish Beaver Shell, Black Rat Lining. THE BIGGEST SNAP OF THE SEASON. We would like re . of purpose, and genuine Music Sale. opies for This News Lo. ability reasonably Blories #in the piblic service had a right to expect week only, opposite Y. Perey you lo see this Coat first, then look around if you wish. The H.D.Bibby Co. The Big Store With Little Prices. | 00000000000000000000, 000000 THE MONTREAL STOCKS 00'S BIC 'the public It is in order for every candidate in Exchange, Ltd. alin 3 oy hey . A office in Kingston, whether for the Mining, Listed and Unlisted school board or J Securities. an account CORRESPONDENCE INVITED 43 Ling St, East. "Phone Main 4228, & Toronte, Ont. recognition. nrston \ is morally very are printing John DD, handsome is increasing its production | raw ilk at _a rate Of about | bales in fancy pack- | Egyi : Extra value, at 25¢., or 3 boxes {bet 21 { Jolu Page, avion, N.Y + ship Ea builder; is dead. H¢ Books and pictures makes the most | Howe Island, in 1843 iccaptable gifts. The College Book! Tungst salts have Store offers the largest line in the fireproof te ~Nevae-in-the history of Kingston has there been such a sale as this. Everybody was delighted. A he throng crowds our store every day. 'Why not join them?" It will be to your advantage to do so. - Purchase your Christmas Gifts from this great sale Even if one's Christmas money is limited, it will do wonders in buying such praetical gifts as DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, LADIES' AND M ENS FURS, FURNISHINGS, ETC. Take advantage of this great sale. The Bargains are GENUINE, and the prices RIGHT. A FEW OF THE BLAN- LARGE SIZE PIANO, DRAPES. Handsome floral designs Regular again and Rocke- man, Finest the council, to give| The papers of his stewardship, sc ET EL EE CIEE ET 4 again the picture of feller. He is and his profile in Perfume Bargains, + Vear . reward him ac not a flower odors tian lintil It would be electors to his may deserts. the press does not that he is taking the very of enjoviment order for each to give his reasons for suggest secking the there was born on amount out' of C00000% jod favour Inrgest of the people, and should be some discrimination his money. found t viiles prope, going to (Mtawa test against Monk's Co-operative So rE Peni il have 10 A SUCCESS or a City. be Ha oF i between the men who are getive the public mev- mostly 10 pro Five "thopsand chants, are 1 service, and the men whe ING'S CAFE ING'S Lunch-€ounter NG's Private Dining Rooms (James) Prop. ities; ING ST. Nos. 338-342 | CRIT LGLZING INGSTON. Ls representing Now afen, dation, caused Mele a Tag Taken. | (jut a little bit) by i we please you, tell othr It the medical department of Queen's we don't please you, please tell us. Why they did this is not ap ent since Queen's professors are not But 'the tritics » quietly, spent an . took a casual look at the 11 college and the hospitals, atl \ men usually do who kno about the ht develop an between inactive, who are seldom heard fromrpmtheeennneil and committee. ; Civie are government is n outdoor demonstration since there | fatluge according as those who have to do wilh TE Sr sen hs ur todifertd ar vg discharge of their respective 8 ¢ rowd of 1 hot q ar hall accommodation for al ITER ros rsdn cut in the Ontario Municipal Board is firm it can beé in certain the the pay-as-you-enter ! The hbwmyg now THE GOLLEGES, : st year Dr. Flexner and Dr. Col cases. It the some upheld street. railways | : lor © regarding Carnegie Foun- ; OTuer reganhng then asked the company rule for a month while . heart burning plans, and to waive the it studied the situation. severely eriticis : Sure sign of ite maghtiness, otlege a carn have Been dominion hotanist, The samples. of hroom grown MANY BARGAINS LINEN ¢iVE O'CLOCK MEN'S HIGH GRADE SUITS. TEA COVERS. Best Tailoring and finishing Ri efor near Peteérbora, pensions, at Norwood, SIZE ALL-WOOL s superior in their RETS, 1 ¢ iS spased to experiment with ops of | Regular price, Ja 00, price, $3.50 Regular prite. $1.50 gular price. $1650 and $18.00 worn in different parts of Outario next | { SALE PRICE. . ... | SALE PRICE . SALE PRICE va a SALE PRICE year. MH realized | . 2.48 1.90 75¢ + $11.98 Texas will cease to be | LARGE SIZE BED COMFORTERS, LADIES MEN'S FANCY VESTS, | Covered with Fancy Chintz and well} ™ by In all the latest shadek Just the | padded, in many difierent patterns} © thing for a Christmas Gift Prices looking for ex- | prices ranging $2.50 and $3.00. With ranging from $4.00 to $5.00 found himseli in | SALE PRICE. a see RIOD SALE PRICES oe. $12.50 while be-| S108) is Prick: ) : $198 and $2.48]SALE | JAPANESE MINK THROW SCARF) > he gud es Sl kaput : abhi a ~ msolation in, 'the iact that 4 yelled fn terror. The doctor | gyi ends, trimmed with heads and $1.98 MEN'S RN Lh, iy FFLER Kins to's school was edited with a should have then aml there etue tails. . Regular price, $10.00 te Ram TI Eo : obit i : : Laily » PRICE CHILDREN'S BEARSKIN COATS. | very large size Prices distinct towards higher ideals. ho bunch for the fall show. daily | SALE PRICE sawn, Regular price, $2.50 $1.50 and $1.75 cand one of the visitors put it in class oid by them on the mere men --. $5.98 PRICE : = SALE PRICE 'A for equipment and efficiency. The make a real sensation. ARRIVAL OF 72 IN. DAM. SK TABLE LINENS, local collevians will 'find solace -in the ) delf-inspired tasks of the Foundation | In a yim designs. Regular} 75¢ yard. 2 men by the later (only now | I Eo gj men by h ; ¥ BOW | are ruing at Best's, some w are | 4 x issued), reports of the science ENC ing of, till the last day are go- SALE PRICE... .. upon the standing and service of the | ing to he' dixappointed and should Higrger institutions, wi the Luited make Their selection' at once. : States and Canada, namely, Columbia | Jobin Nelay Hos the Yourd of works and Harvard Universities, Massachn- | rine. He knows what the peo: setts, Inetitute of Technalogy, Uni: | ple want im rerard to roads, and, as {versity of Taronts, Usdversity of Wis: tmayoe, can advise what should be ! 3 $8. 18 {eonsin, Princeton University, md The members of the police force! " Pe $3 18 afternoon | LARGE and it is} the FANCY pronounced, by quality, situation. Ann Arbour two larger very little are the Mecca of ; expectations Queen's m GLORIA SILK UMBREL. LAS fancy hahd for a Christmas gift school, and with certain raw Ww type. of MEN'S ALL-WOOL TWEED C(OL- LEGE ULSTERS. «§ Reversible collars. Regular the breom, dorn men. cities, very pro- inconveniences ! ! Dr. Orr, According to Publieation No. 2, of hibition attractions, the Medical Faculty, the criticism was o band of suffragettes who, inaceurg and vnjust, but thers wax joo clubbed by the police, lant, just the thing Regular price, nounced in Ex price, PRICE. | 2 shrieked | $7.48 Bulure foasting-----covking. 4 Bolore morry makin g--cheery 8. Hrew For both, the stove and the & rite, vou nesd good coal: 'R COAL a Wilk thagk as : our wife will thank us fin set} Shank we some MEN'S BLACK ENGLISH BEAVER AND MELTON CLOTH OVER. COATS. Silk velvet coliars Custom made Regular price, $15.00 and $18.00 SALE PRICE . na --------------. a $9.98 BOYS HIGH-GRADE MAKE OVER COATS. Pricas from $7.50 to $3.60 SALE PRICE ranging effort SALE 90c MEN'S GLORIA SILK UMBRELLAS Suitable for a gift. Fancy handles. Regular price, 33.00 A SALE PRICES $1.95 $145 NB BET $1.48 » : : 'FANCY SILK. NET AND LACE WAISTS AT. GREATLY RE- DUCED PRICES. LADIES" WALKING SKIRTS, Made of English Diagonal Cloth, in all leadtng shades. Best tailoring Regular from $6.06 10 $7.50 SALE PRICE. . May be Disappointed. ding At the rate the fancy dressing cases LADIES s ra AWHITE MEN'S SUITS, High grade" Regular priced, SALE PRICE. Very andzome yatterng Regular price, $3.50 [> Ha verford i fang shat the peime abject of thie BS {ing them over to the police station 1 Williams Colleges It is alleged in the Now York Her © dation (endowed by Mr. to provide pensions for ar ehotolwees {Boston kit, fe 5 Best's od "college professors." FOHOOOROOON td mind we Miay anal Carnegie), In dispensing | {thix bounty it insists that 'no nstite | Mule hule ankle Suppara, 5. pai tion shall participate which doe not | Beock ead surf medtal A eefain stadt. With | that and in "view the Foundation i lare enjoying a few cigars to-day, the 'gift of Mayor Couper, the latter send. Fast might, with his best hn, Special delivery quality for Christmas. fat J dahmec 5 Bbos -. Store, oe. et, ou Selon Bi ewes worming for ; All our Ladies' Coats, in several different stylés in Melton, Broadcloth and Diagonal in all shades. Prices ranging from $10.00 to $25. All go at Half Price, and some less than bali. There are hundreds of other Bar- gains that will go at sale price. The Montreal Stock 0. MPINGESS 51.10 Between Redden's abn Craw ford's. Oped every aveons this week, Phone 814

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