: pace FIVE. 'rae DAILY BRITISH SYHIC. THURSDAY. _DECEMRER an, . 1m SS wera = Pm --_-- N mR a ss a A gs 1 > - SP000000000000000400000000004000000000000000 THE MAY! OR A AC S HOST, a on egret that po 204000000000 06502 50500 00000000000000000000400000000000000000000 40 £2 ---- - c ; a B URS a For Christmas WE HAVE a number of Natural Muskrat Coats, 30 to 50 inches long, with deep storm collar and large ! revers. Coats that are made from the very finest Canadian skins, only the backs being used, lined throughout with good heavy brown gatin, Regular Price : $6500 CONS, - NOW $4875 $7500 CONS, - NOW $66.25 S500 CONS, - HOW $96.25 The above Coats are our own jile and guaranteed. They look good, wear well, are warm and serviceable. We invite comparison. No obli- gation to buy. sulk hh Sa xe JOHN McKAY, ron Suse : and, oH elec ted, he would make a good « ficial head. A toast to "The Ex-Mayors" proposed by Ald. MeCamm. In respe ing, ex-Mayvor Mowat remacked that " the eouncil was no plac for } hould he drops been counted tisfied That for some tim ad been no politics in the voun the reeords showed that there had noepolitical division. Ex-Mayor Me PW at thodght theme should be less eriti cism of the aldermen and more pr for them. The citizens should r encourage amd back them than sc and find fault. Mr. Mowat remark 1that Kingston had an honest avic a ministration. There was no graftis bv aldermen In conc 1 4 tri ibute e to the splendid work of the city . AKL. John Carson sho responded, and grew reminiscent, He told how he | had been elected mayor over the latf |Fdwin Chown. He ran as a reformer, a it was politics all the way | through. He owed his election, hel said, to the 'ladies. "H you have the ladies with you, you can never lose," Abernethy's..} | is fEs | "8 x ® | uo : : ] aid, had heen a Ald. Elliott proposed a toast to] pe . as { "| Pg tell States, ax +The City Officials," whom he r nated as one of Kingston' 8 best en's and Women's Xmas Slippers , $150, 31.75 and $2.00~wili be put up in Fancy Xmas Boxes free of "eh asge. . All Children's. Geos at § $1.20 or over will also be put up in Fancy Boxes Free. ~~ "3000 a sersosssssisssasisssatiiissssresssrtriesss PISE4TE00000005000000 Store Open Every : Night. S000 005400005000080000080000000000000008800000000000000 © I : ; ' on. 1 x tad t} +h sets. With the consent of the electors Store Open Every Night ! fools of friendship « ted betwee f St. Lawrence ward, it was h | the two nati ; tention not to desert the officials i I 1. 1 Responses "were made by various ithe officials. City Treasurer land | tald how it was that, notwithstanding the increased assessment and taxation, nnual grant for streets was no larg from er than years ago, The reason was . } » boi by on sg o i an arr np ment , Ithat the schools, the fire department, LAI B R gy ™ a erc ant al or ! one ty would choose s {the parks, charities and other things demanded a larger amoun BLUFF CHEVIOTS AND WORSTEDS dressy and always right. Lambert In twenty vear the ; his the stendard makes in Fadigo « s.-at from 222 to $28 a suit. a Be : ments had almost doublet! 3 » foily Good Fellow 8 rems ity Clerk Sands "humorously re . had heard of criti Is by the BOOTCH TWEEDS are good wearing cloths and make comfortable suits. Lambert has them fresh from the mills in Scotland, at from 220 to ¥ » suit : "ak : : he aldé®men by I: Cr vt : 5 ? had vet f criticisms WORSTED TROUSERINGS in grey stripes are-the best cloths for an extra d vet to hes wr of rity iy w <=» ~ alderm an pair of Trousers. Lambert has a' mice variety at from $5 to §i. i oh i Li 'B Lhd marks were City Engineer Craig Thos. Lambert, 157 Princess Street | {58 SE N oh a real he i; Ald. Harrison proposed " ----------_--_" 5 : i f : >a ¥ nd R. Henderson, of the Sta i J. G. Elliott, of the Whig sponded, ® ° ar i y i A. G., Eliott made the smu that, amnually, the council maght ne 'i . ig. : ant honorary mavor. from smoug the | ur tore i e pen nti YC? Lciiy's best sitcoms, who would sit. be- £7 pe . dae the mavor at the two last ses ne of the vear. Dommg seo the city 10 o'clock Thursday, Friday TEL nT $e gE . 2 W e closer relation between the coun ° y i > lw he citizens, He also Pp lend and Saturday Evenings. BE | emai : school children ~the city's best asset i . he Ladies" was toasted by Ald McCarthy, "und City. Treasurer Ircla CRUMLEY & JOHNSTON |{{ | EE 149-157 BROCK STREET. *- $000000000000000000090 SOFIE 00E0PIOPI00S00D properties of fi] | it tor knew which hey profess 200900000400400040000 4000 OTHE TILTOP Eset oe : Mavor 006000000000 000000¢ the Grape are 7 . last ¥ ast wag he b - pu m-- ., EE a - a speech} i Sivens, who, in the] | 51 JGHT UPSET ON STRERT. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. : transmi ed first place; remarked. that while - Oils ps 3 = ANAS IOS AS AS EASA ASSDOIIOS SES &/ b Soleo Nel roe a to bet 10M of Straw Came to Grief on Murray-Mackey Company -Present- Feettasaumananensessunpaeiecaenerasesrset Fi J the most defeated man in elections, Princess Street. ! ing Finc Puays. i hris mas : peaker) could claim to. has What might have bess a serious A fair a ™ rt 1" vg en ti | best def fe sted man, for the! accident: happe or rincess street, | Grand Opera House, last ng, } our iNew vver coat hi e majority that Mavar Couper esterday afternoon, about four | the Murray-Mackey com peri erfumes MRASt ne, ter him, two vears ago, was far Tox an Yas foing lown | ed the int ny Ww i te | crater than the total of the majort "Fines steeet- with a ox orse sleigh | vond. Pard ive r { RECS TE BY > ¥ sleigh snd. Pardo { piece 0 ies by which 3. Melntyre had been | on 1 he "had lon of baled | heart inter ot il ated in his four elections Ald tra carrier, Ww Foming out ! comedy 1 i sete, | No matter Bow many piftf dvens paid tibute to t good work | Montre street, from the th, and | The comp i 1 x t KX receives, a bottle of done hy Mayor Couper duri his two | atten ito wross | % t held the . f 3 pre- fump is always seccepia terms of office. - Under his direct +m front « 3 $ ' e straw : Kk. 1 \ Floreoce « sure to meet with of the city had been ' rier f tor v i wrray 1 e lea I i stock comprises Piver : nd the al oi raw hearing y him at ere abl \ ted | i } ybar Gallett's, Seely's, Palr sufe to be associa og trot and collision, { "Tommy te rman, Mil up in attractive. pac 5 : 28 y h { wd Bell } v Baby § twenty-five cents or Couper was londly applauded phy the ofr. 3 atl ths 1 Sa hie § wart in . when he arose to reply, His worship ne Thece i p_-- Sand : a Dowd : k fal hy Ab A Our special | 17 Ansotutoty said that this was the proudest m rOSSIT aw this t i . : y $ cannot. be equaile ment of his Hie. He was fortunat Sen wr h boc ase). i ; fn breadth of shoulder and in length to suit your proportions. In no other way can von hope to wear a classy, distinctive looking cont Our Overcontings for Winter give § vou un wide choice of really . exclusive § fabrics Sh Our Styles, everything adapted by eustom tailors as "right." ® md toed to do his duty to t - heats i right Sad Ee = ? E cs Ors? | ' a -------- -- to le . oe at all times, amd he hoped § he batl Jeich + ini : D1 -tha ' I ---- Crawford & Walsh! LE te ant gt tl mn ken a pres Drug Store hi 5 3 Ore ood, have served] two terms in. the : Mile go a Perfume Ator { iredd Bell, $1.25 ai r, and during those two ve Leading Tailors. Princess & Bagot Sts. : Rtddtddditiecttitohetitdiddtd tits dadadtdiid Th food Se IR tvear IF hire hdl mon, amy differ. 1 SE rtaroh an Lure the sis Te stage » Rverid b eS iS i left : us 3 18 A: sight the | Opposite St Andrew's Church. ences they bad been left at the horse | ara . oH wag dragued some 5 b e compan: o> -t Sherlock " Branch Post Office. esesses 4 PeRASASASLAEALRESS SSeS 4 Anansisenasts shoe. His worship said that he had | 04 ston Holmes:" | ight: *"Thelm thereb pained a great insight into civie mat. | uonad " A aver ind ? 3 y -- | ta : - y ioe ay it 3 fan i Lar on Saturday _- Y ers during his term of office, wonder ' shaft wore not! lang Fx "HY ba tha hil Bl | m-- It was halipast ome o'clock when holon. There was no da ea] : THE IMMIGRATION LAW the company sang the national an- ooo +0 the sleigh wee or harness. arcel Deliveries Busy. ---------- W made More [| | i Tw i . d i 1 IC t pleasant in the inter of mayoralfy are) i busier this | Was Violated a Native of Kings ( im u i 0a 3 lf | festive events in Kingston. ¥ e ' iv if . ve ever heen before. | . . . er . ty The sis ve? guestincluded the fol Now: tht ore i nite a depth of § is 3 indication: th According 4 0 tel trom Wa : i ri el tupert, me tink ' ¥ im lowing © United States Consul John: Tsmow on th round the merch the Chris PATH «Increasing : r b . y M ale and Ma Smith, 8 \ Bar ains : * 4 son, ex-Mayir Mowat, ex-Ald John begin to th wt cette to wk | ¥olume ¥ fo year. The hea ad epic } to this city, was g i 5 MeRay. Alds. Armisirg ng Bailey, Car- and shovelling the snow off the roof. 1 of a well known local delivery system | Who was deported - hin Vs i " v : : oe, som, Elliott, Clugson, | vivens, B. rity, A foot of sew on a rool de t | said tha . ears he was able to, i? i bu the nt sity - - don veh, All must go = } ' Hoag, McCann, MoCatihy, McCartney, strike ote as being wich of «load, | handle-t? p with thave rigs, while | 0 En tL _ . Kent, Robertson and Harrison; Police but in most ea thet af this vear was obliged 10 have fou: | 198t ax ma wh delas on the other vii, A few Heavy Three-quarter Length > Mogistrate Farrell, City Solicitor Me. supports under the 1 nel it is quite | duging' week, and he thanght | ARGLng Jags, as therd is on this Conta ab iit $1.00 each 0 Ratt : Tntyre, Medieal Heaith Officer William a strain Merchant find that' % hia 4 he id be whiz ot to | Be of She UN, the watah had 20 Long Coats, gemi-fitting "and loose RB 3) - £ " Are a En. o Adri Ja Mg rwa I the gon off ju ; Wfth r | Ratu ha a violation of seetion: 3 of - i - TE -- IY ® ete aevels, BER IL hRbim, wits nM "iW sont may be die bs 4 pa : back ulstere, regular prices, 31.50 to Bly im . = City Clerk Sande, Waterworks Vs thin freedes the « frompbs --t that there are BOL so mans ination Juws: The Seetion + $15, for . a siwiore R50 each J T-- - da tor, Newlands, Light Colieetor Moove, filled oni the result is that in » ple enrrving, their phreels as in oth fer wi : in prod ry ing Sod go 10 only. Log Conte, the latest aad Ek eB City Awditor Muir, Clty Assessor Gor- SER how one ' ( je fae + of the opinion th has y " a ; 5 1 a I ¥ MeClel. | Proprietors of store: 1 hei) 39 tiadhe within three years from the most choice goods shown this séason, zr n, Aweistant City Fngineer " wey By 4 b die 1 res . au Ptime she entered the country shall be : Jan, Fire Chief Armsirong, Assistant principal streets a : / ' ita : at "half price : a fier, W : ks lookott to wee 'that A 3 deported. The socunod was placed Pire Chief ¥ aterworks per. ~ 3 3 Ast Tor Ladies, Sn) srrost af he Riv "= $8.58 Coats fof $19 : ntendent | Hewitt, Market: Clerk: Me. OVE The wid of th » hava! 2s 1 $n Jor AE riots an on Silef * ; a -. \ a e ¥ " £ Phil. hen \nstances known where peo ie have] Kogaks, £5 10 . : tet, in ros ri > Hmigeation RE : : ammon, Parks Superintendent Raton § . i) wepector Jo A. Conaty, ¢ ge : 3 : lips, and press repasentatives. © Killed by falling enon. Tok ot, BY to B13 | ge y ! § 21000 Coats for 5. d b- : Vio bore Toile: ax j densbury.. : . $1230 Coats for 25 & IW | Ail roads lead to the post office, ond ~ Why Not Give Por. ations wn BE ] Saw Tmien 3 septal Yai B50 Coats for ..... FOO 3 SH, wy : the ef exyiress - plese te-dut. The ud Fuh a ert . eth Piste oe mad Work baskets, $2 to BB. Han od Ameliasbury, township, died, < : iy : ¢ arted as earh o'clock, This able; Persian famby, eb! Perfume cassd, 25. to 96, Monday stemming, Decenwed, in bie sev: Se Cot. Bargain te oy. ¥ RECA EENUEY- | | bens Thursday there was » great rusk mine, pink. Persian paw. Japusese! Fane, Mirars, 2 io 8 lemty-first year, had Jived aft his hile in dupe it will too late. i : f at the express office of parcels from mink, ete. Come in and we what we. Writin: cofs, $1.50 to 32.50. | the' fownship., ; a ai Salve apd tile ill he vour store. | Lande be, 82 fo 34 pair. i Indian Dahl for soups, 15. ib. at - apen up "ampheil Bs, store that saves sad . to B53. ci Gilbert's. Ho to Fur lock on Satay Fe the yon money on fine fs. | Chriss delivery of delicjou | Holm E. Foley, Clayton, N.¥.. died. world's wrestling Bama Lo git nin from Best's, i Sundax, a3 peed thirty-seven yents, aX MOE 4 onderiand to- Buy wr table santa at Gilbert's | Bie a 01 fadey salendart, : | stores in 1911. Satisfaction there {only Aly at Knox's. -