o NOTIGETO CONTRACTORS ¥ & fhavi hinged mottled iined a bridge fal) SEALED to the unders "Tender 1« Wi nt - f until 4 vill " 00 po tract can be obtained offices of J Engineer, London Esq., District tion Life en application Gravenhurst, Ont Persons i tenders made and signed with tures, stating places of resid firms, the act of the oecup ence of each n be given Each an this tend Bees by yt the order, n Department of P Ottawa, Newspapers wil advertisement if out the ment, From Best's authority b and ep it Or Bullding to the K a 'be a printed for thei €. 1 ubli December i be pad™ for this not they fr "PUPILS MAKE MERRY : i j ON THE CLOSING. DAY OF THE ift Store. and form of con- forms of tender artment, Lamb 18 Postmaster se of | nature { of . resid firm must 'accomi antfeq | re dollar forfeited to | cellent fing of chorus | and | grammes ESROCHERS, Secretary Works 19, 1910 it insert with om the ra ® ® Tenders for Ralls and FVastenings. SEALED TENDERS, ADDRESSED | to the undersi envelope "Tender "Pender for Iiail ease may be wii office of the Transcontinental Ontario, until tw the 24th day of proximately 6 ib. steel rails, fastenings Tenders must be made on the supplied by which, with to the deliver on application Chief ngineer te by all the partie witnessed, and be accepted cheque < of the Dominion to the order of 1 the Transcontiner sum equal to teu the amount The right or all tenders. By onder P. The Commizsione Dated at Ottawa Newspapers ment without Commissioners will nat ee en-------- A SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTE. | ed Ho Fas 1 be Commission Hall elve January } RY and the the il Mr tion r ) : Otiawa, Tenders must be signed 8 to Boe md of 1 ntarked on the r Ratis" and tenings' received "rs way at o'clock naon 1911, Tar ap tons of &i as at O ORS necessary ral forms Commissioners, | with red, may Gordon Ont and sealed the t omy hi he ital per ¥ re Dec nserting this authority of Transcontinental il We of the tender is regerved to reject any RYAN Seoretary the Railway, 1910 advertise from 12th i m-- Departs | | able druggists of Lynn, Grant, | the | be paid for it | SCHOOLS. Christmas Programmes Render hom | The Youth of Kingston Cantribute | Gifts and Provisions for, the Poor learn Early the Blessing of Giving. from Page At Rideau School. { Confinuet 3.) "Wha lobimwon; the recitatio Thing Phy 'Christmas Car y slogue, nine boys and Mildred McAdoo; duet Freddie Davidson; chorus, €reeting 'What Mc Children,* rus, edi recitatyon, yd pps Da Her le rls: thirteen boys Timmerman; see tat n winson; "The Porrowed Stockings," Pr recitation, } 100 Willie | rtman, | reading, io tion chorus Shea "Chri tmas iman, Stockir "Santa Cla primary recitation, | Veale: recitation, "A Christ- | Letter," vs Saunders; chorus, { Bells." i At Victoria School Leonard mas "Chr ry Gila mas s in Victoria ied and ar td garten depart ues One losing exerci Here of Leres nature held its entertainment on i great success tires was a splendid and of the fathers and the tree, a real Many ta Claus ame OF to en and sre were much gratified hy L In the junior others ourage hildren the teacher inter: | the parents. hirst dhivision programme was given, shown by an ex consist , songs, ete. a Christmas tree In the remaining divisions good pro rendered, all pointing to the interest both pupils and teach: | were {ers take in this phase of education. | A closing this pecially interesting feature 'of the the hearty man per in which the pupils contributed to VOAr- was Proof That Proves, | If ome person more than another { should know the value of medicine, it is the retail druggist. Therefore, when ten thousand retail fruggists of the United States recom mend Vinol, the 'delicious cod liver and without oil, as the best | strengthenion known, and willing to return their customers' mon every fails to give faction, there oan be BO room iron tonic, tone are y in ease where it aati for © tdoubt, Among others, one of the most rele Mass., Warren Foppan, says : "From personal experi- enca I know what Vinol will do. 1 had ja chronic cold all winter, and was so | {weik I could hardly about. Noth- ing seemed to help me until 1 tried Vinol--the change magio--and what surprised not cured the cured me of a stomach | trouble that had bothered me for twen ty Vinol is certainly ful medicine," (We guarantee tins tes simonial to be genuine} get was me most, Vinol only anu severe years a wonder ask every run-down, nervous, de- | bilitated, nged or weak: person or any sulfering from chronic coughs {and colds to try. a bottle of Vinol the "understanding that be returned if it does not Gi. W. Mahood, drug person { with their | money will dl we claim. gist, Kingston SCIENCE tdo | ee ------------ SCORES AGAIN. hat Will Destroy the Discovered. | A Preparation T Dandruff Germ : ! Finally the scientific student has dis WEST LAND REGULATIONS. ANY PERSON head of a family, yeara old, may tion of the Dominion condits ne, b Oo ughter, 'brother homedtoader, ' utles. d cultivatl & farm of at | upled a nding tion alongside per acre. Sle homest avRtiabie anitoba, Saskatchewan o applicant must appear Lands Agency for the district bo made at any agency, father, WHO 18 THE BOLE! or an homestesd a quarter Prominton land to male over 1% or Alberta in person &t Agency or Sab. ntry by proxy on_certalu mother, sup or sister of intending er. 81x months' of the Jand in sack ree years. omesteader may lve Within nina miles of his B east 30 acres solely owned 08C kv him iether, son, daughter, brother or ta bis homestead. Dutles--M or Bp ix residence upon ot mestead on his father sister arter Price. ust reside u re-emption years from date or b in districts a homeste may pre-empt a 'qw e time a patent) and { covired: a certain remedy for dandruff, { When it first became known that dan drufi is the result of a germ 'or para {site that digs into the scalp and saps {the vitality of hair at the root, caus jing falling hai and» bakiness, biolo- | gists to work to discover some preparation that will kill the germ. After a vear s labor in one laboratory, the dabdrufi germ destroyer was dis teoversd; and-it is now embodied in | Xewbro's Herpicide. It prevents' bald i ous, stops falling hair and speedily { evadicates dandrufi. "Destroy the | cause, you remove the effect." Sold hy leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., troit, Mich. $1 bottles guaran- toed. James B. Mcleod, druggist, special agent, Kingston, Ont. set, ? A cent. in, time, in binders, and in filling space is accomplished by the Underwood Condens- ed Willing Typewriter, as well as an equal gain in " accuracy, simplicity and legibility. * SAVING of 100 per | ------------------------------------ T : UNITED TYPEWRITER Co. 4 RC DoBRS, + | KINGSTON. Cw recita- Rus { butter for the immates. of the House of a ele Potter, | Hutgheson, Kathleen Harkness, Dor- | win § arnwright. - Kathleen Harkness | i Payne, Charlotte Campbell, Asg | ship -of Principal | recitations, i aftexnoon cold, but built me up | iK the wants of library, in the i grat ny the Christmas sparit of children. ! ° The pupils of this schoal b 190 honor. certificates vere IPF Was an nterestmy an r evidence. of the [HIS BUSY TIME a SPELL IS ON, Orders Come in" Thick and At Cataraqui School. On Wedvesdny * @fternoon the Ho | junior fiest classes of Cataradui school | assembled in. the cue room, which was | rettily decorated, and a conti Many of the parents and friends were present, The programme consist- al of a wreath drill by ten little boys, a little play called "The Three Kit- tens That "Lost Their Mittens," and 'two Scotch dances cleverly done by | small girl. There were also somgs and {recitations by® difiervat little tots. {These were interspersed by choruses {and recitations bythe classes. X hap (at times, it had almost been impossi- hour was spent, and the children [ble to look after the business. {were all the happier for having ench! Did you ever telephone for a plum- jdomated their little toward a git" of ber, on some cold morning--say in the {butter which the whole sehoul is 2iv- middle of January--to thaw olit some ing to thé House of Refuge. ¢ | pipes, and then wonder why, it took On Thursday afternoon the four sen [him so long to appear on the scetie * ior classes met in' the principal's room, [Have you pot often said some rather been tastefully decorated by | yncomplimentary things about him, to enjoy their Christmas | hecause he did not come directly he |exercises. Bert. Butlin, as chairman, | heard ; the cpll ? Perhaps wou- have introdueed lito of dialogues, | uot, but, at any rite, there are 'some . recitations amd choruses given | who have. " by members of each of the classes, At | Perhaps, if you were tor pay a visit {the close, the gnnnal collection to buy | (6 one of the stores where the plum- {bers are to be found--that . is in { "breathing spells" --vou would able !to understand the situation. Whig | man dropped in one store, yesterday iafternoon, just to see what would hap- i pen, and alse to see if there was - any sort of a rush. The scribe had just got into the store, and made some remark - about {the cold weather, when the' telephone rang. ~ fa : "There's another call," said the pro- prietor of the store. "That bell: has been ringing all day long." de guessed right. It was a call. The water pipes in a house om C- street needed fixing, and the lady | was giving the order, wanted to know if the man could come, straight up-to her house, and do the job. The good lady said she would be entertaining at a party that might, and would certain- lv like to have the work done. "Al right; 1 will send a man up just as soon as I ecan,"' was the reply |¢iven by the master plumber of the establishment, and he started in to talk to the scribe again. But no change. Again the telephone bell rang, and the man ran to get the message. This time it was a man. He was not 'Im very good humor, either, and wanted fo know what was the | matter with the 'phome, as he had been trying to get the stores for about fifteen Ninutes or more, "I've got a job here, and 1 want it {looked after right away," he explaisi- lod. "We had bad luck with our fires, and. as a result, the water has frozen in the pipes." The same old story. He was told that the job would be looked after. The shop keeper marked down the two Jobs in his book, and with that little boy entered. "Mother wants vou to come down and fix the lights," said the youngs- ter> *"There is one that don't work | very well, and she thinks there must be something wrong." "All right, my boy; it will be at > ST a | tended to." This was enoulth to sat- Notes: on Football and Qther Field; (he boy, and he was off. ' Events. : The Whig man was only in -the store Renfrew Hockey Club has landed | a very short time, but the orders ior Frank Patrick, at a salary of $2,000, {this and for that, came pouring in, Carr-Hairis, the former R.M.C. and 'and the: proprietor stated that this Goderich: cover-point, may turn out had been going on every day, since with Toronto, AAC. !the cold weather set ih. "Buck" "Goodearle, formerly of the] This little story is written weston Collegiate team, is playing | to remind the people of the rush th with Varsity juniors this season. | plumbers liave during the winter President Barrow announces that the months, so in the future, if yeu should Eastern Baseball League averages will | happen to want a plumber, and he be issued monthly next year. should be a little in arrivisg, hen McLaren, the former Stratford | just remember that is doing hs goalkeeper, will look after the pets for | best, and that he eannot be in two or Toronto A.A.C. this winter, J. B. Mc-| three places at the san time. Just Arthur being moved out to point. have a little patience, and give him a "Freddie" Welch win from "Jem" | chance. Driscoll in Cardiff, Wales, in the tenth | round. Driscoll fouled Welch repeated: ly and was disqualified South African sportsmen did not ap- prove of "Reg " Walker's.action in| turning professional They gave him a cold reception on his return from Eng- land. : | Detroit Free Press : Hockey seems to have gained a permanent foothold { among the winter sports in Detroit, for fiesver before has such interest been | manifested in the game as there is at the present time. A great many per- sons who never witnessed a contest. be- | gp . { fore this year already have become big boosters for the game, and, will lend | their nid to make the first season of} the newly organized amateur hockey league a successful one. 4 | Bett The Cuban trip - of the Philadelphia | put '&® 18 o'clock on | Americans was brought to a finish by | you'll think of 'one you'v | getting walloped twice, The world's| Dé your Christmas shopping early, do | champions were first beaten by the Al- it early sister dear: mendares Club hy a seore of 7 to 5, | Get a card for out r and going down before the Havana | qo bul him on Rand Inine by a score of 6 runs to 2. The one and only beau {trip of the *champions was a financial He will ay A I naw lsuccess and an artistic failure. The Worn piltow for the preacher. | Athletics won only a third of their get something for each friend | ames, the Cubans hammering the hie | But Jou ll £4 J mes at an end. fof "Chiel" Bender, "Eddie" Plank and e | "Jack" Coombs. News to the effect | thit the National Commission in the) Inear future will adopt stringent rules prohibiting champion teams from com- ling to -this island hereafter reached the ball players yesterday, and did not have a good effect on them. Thé Ath- Jetics cannot understand how they happened to be so easy for the Cuban 'teams, and blame their reverses on the | chuaate. | Jump--Many Hurrysup Calls are Can te Serve the People. io I ferret, you like be the plumber The Kingston plumbers have been a very busy lot the past lconple of weeks. When the cold spel! starts they are kept right on the jump. "During this ome cold spell, we have {hed a great rush," remarked ome plumber, to a Whig representative. He added that it "has been so busy that How would ge ai which had the pups, lefuge was taken, to which the chil- dren gave liberally. Boxes made and decorated by the senior pupils were filled with candy to send with the but- n------ At Depot School. i \ number of visitors assembled at the Depot school for the closing ex- The little folks seemed very happy as they sang their Christmas songs or contributed 4 part to the programa. Recitations were given by Grace Gow, Della | ercises, who sang a solo. The following pupils took part 'in several dialog Gordon Sears, Lylton Maynes, Ulifford Vallier, Al bert Knox, Bertha Henry, Edward Bol Marriott, EH Gladys Inez Maynes, ton, Hildred Sears, Jertramm Marrott, wood Vallier, Honor certificates were Lylton Maynes, Asa -Bolton, Stewart fowland. The usual treat of candies | and, oranges was enjoyed, and a pleas. ant hour brought to a close by | singing d Save the King." : given to -------- At Frontenac School. She kindergarten Christmas closing | was held, yesterday (Wednesday) af ternoon. This forenoon some mem: bers of the school under the leader Greenlees, paid a visit to the House of Industry, and after a short peef@Xamine of music and presented each of the in-| mates with a box of candy, an orange and ten cents in money. | No special preparations for a Christ mas closing were made, yet in the different rooms at least a part of the was given up to exercises suitable fo the occasién, a THE SPORT REVIEW, | | * ' Tr ordei late, he . SUITABLE GIFTS FOR CHILDREN Fur Store. * Fur sets, $1.50 up. Fur muffs, $2 up. Fur coats, $10 up Indian mocassins, 50c. up. Teddy bears, 25e. up. : SHOP EARLY. Chirago Post Do your Christmas shopping it early mother dear, you know you were with the flurry yester year Please go out and get the the prattiing Hitle ones--< Get the engines and the candy and the pistols and the guns: er start right out to-morrow your money: and your list early, d¢ e missed it early, do you b Let the high cost © . neither fret nor There are friends in ot , whe are 'ery sure ta write Ere the first day or ete serenely into sight. be reany to ople far a But Pros find" ¥ for some one en So on Christmas Day. Snows are fore is enr-- ¥ T the driftin For the day all ot And no odds how final be ° You whi o ov or yg dear ine ma, Fexelatm: Pawel, e had quite forgotten pal' ---------------- Alaska Sable: : pr ti---------- ~ A Quiet Marriage. . At 419 Albert street, on Wednesday marriage of George Weight Smith, | the township of Ki May Simpkms, of Loughboro. - Rev. s have come r how, ors, of 3 our showing in muffs, searfs, | stoles and collarettes. this week. Campbell ers of five furs. _~ ¥ Hie Sold only at ; 2.30. re- $ * < direct from blank wk books made at WT niece dinner sets, $1.30, at Robart , : of: Tnpetind 8 Arthor by the WHILE COLD| Fast | liberation, These Days, and Keep Men on the Given, and They do the Best. They A At George Mills & Co's. Famous exhausted trinkess-Lor with Christmas eve feh uncle that will Aopainted for your "splendid for a and one Do your Christmas shopping early, do t ving glve you hor countries, er heaves ember all the pou' failed 'to get one Do your Christmas shopping early, ere er thiam soon you do it, when ts ns subsidiary all {in accordance 'with goodness The most durable of all furs. See tes, Open: evenings Pros', the mak. 5 2 ------------------------------ % "Fuyler's Christmas' sweets," 20e., 00 $1.20, $460 and cash books, er any kind of BL ES FIRE CHIEF W. J. SMITH, A Kingston Man Chosen by Ganan- ogque Council. > sod, yesterday, the che "tive { 3 A great fallen on Williaoy J. § of the Kingstom fire department all probability be will be settled in In new quarters by the first of the yea 'There was a meetiog of the fire and light . committee, in Lrananogue t g¢, for the purpose of re some of the volunteer firemen | resignations handed in a mouth | take effect. s soon as the fore | engaged. things will he ready new chief, Chief Smith will control there as regards the of rulés and regulations for the forse He will have a volunteet buirade twenty men under him, and the npces sary apparatus. The town ww pw chasiftg a team of horses and hose waggon The people of Ge {ue seen to be well satisfiad with selection which has been made, have assured the mew chief that do evervibhmg mn their power assist him. This is the first time a local man has been appointed to position of in i town and a great deal of credit w be given chief Armstrong for the tra ing which je has put the men throug! Fireman Smith is a very quiet, reser od man, one who has always been tentive to hie business, and this large 'measure, responsible for being chosen for the position U.S. CAPITAL FO As i of a hi i nogue, we, 188, evemin me .t q t and will that chief fire an 14 his RR CANADA. . rp" Large Manufacturer Joins the Ideal Bedding, Co. One of the largest manufacturers © metal beds in the United States, Simmons Manufacturing -company Kenosha, Wis., has purchased an inter est in the Ideal Bedding company, lim sted, makers of the well-knawn "Ideal" metal beds. . Having for some time to enter the Canadian Simmons company, after thorough vestigation, decided that no better op portunity could be desired than an al lisnce with the Ideal Bedding com- pany. To the splendid facilities of the Ideal company will, therefore, be add od all the improvements or better ments now possessed by the Simmons Manufacturing company, which hould | result in wn organization sec nd to nome in plectiveness or in the high quality of the goods produced Officials of the Simmons company will be added to the present board of directors, and the benefit of their valu- #ible experience and active co-opera- tion will thus be obtaimed. ns he in been anxic market, 4 ---------- Orillia (110 Miles by Rail). Has sent us seventeen students this year, although they have their own college teaching Pitman. Why ? On January 3rd, 1910, James Beaton, of, Orillia, enrolled with us, and on Feb ruary 10th he returned to his home competent stenographer. He might vet doubt _thirty-day stenography only he spent the holidays in Toronto and learned that Mr. Ingram, a son of th vice-chairman of the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board, was-as enthusi astic Moon College student .The ing in fees and time many times ove pay fare aud board. Catalogue and Return Fare Offer upon request. Moor 982-986 Yonge street, Tc sav College, ronto, -------------- Expmple and Precept. London, 21. Lord Alverst at the annual prize distribution to the Districe Messengers' Brigade, at the St. Martin's branch off ves terday, gave the motto th in the words : "Try to the related an incident of his runnin when, owing to an accidental trip from a companion, he was left forty yards 'behind in two-mile race He almost abandoned the contest, struck him that he mig "try to the end,"' and he finally the race by vard: * 8 Pec. Lane for ir life He g days some 3 but ht as vel Vol a Woodstock, Dee. 21.--At Oxford ty, graft enquiry, to-day, great deal of evidence of a contra dictory nature. One witness would tell of certain things being said and done" and the next would call it a false hood. Tait, spok The m\ch-wanted Robert en of by Buchanan, has not yet turn ed up. Detective Sergt. Mackie is here with photographs of a convict of that name, for Buchanan to identify, coum there was Passed to Trenton. Finding themselves stra city, on their way to their for home, in Trenton, a mpn named Pa with his wife, applied to Mavor Cou per for railway transportation to Trenton, and after investigating the case, the mavor gave the couple = pass to ther destination. The hus band is in very poor health. They have been on the other side for = short tige. 5 14th Regt. Christmas Souvenir. The histdrical booklet of the lith regiment, of Kingston, ' ma a Christmas souvenir that would be ap- iated by former members and ol regiment who are living elsewhere. The publishers offer the balance of the edition at ten cents a copy. The booklet may be had at the Whig office business counter, MeAul: ey"s' bookstore, W. J, Paul's and Ug low's bookstore. ---------------------- Bonus for Steel Employees. New York, Dec. 22. -The United States Steel Corporation -snmounced | its plans for distobuting a bonus to the officers and employees of the cor- jary corporations, its annual pra tice. The sum to be distributed for 1910 amounts to approximately #3; 00,000, amount is determined by the annual earnings. G. T. Pacific Completion, Montreal, Dee. 2 -E B. Chamber- fin, vice-president and general manager of the Grand Tremk Pacific, who re tymed from Prince Rupert, says that the system will be completed from the Bay of Fundy to Prince Rupert early in 1983, Your name micely peinied on you in gold or on any of father goods ai the Whig Offies book binders. : 3 5 PAGE SEVER CURE Backacl Pall shooting Pais Thick Clomdy Grave Stone, Don't Chastise she Child 1 i Hh aud diseases Kidneys bladder, GUARANTEE) atism of of BOOTH a ry Seos0encscscsessseee 00000000 RROROORRONS LEAD BLOCK TIN AND COMBINATION PIPE Any 1-16 to 8 inches. "Write us. THE CANADA METAL COMPANY, LIMITED. OFFICE: 81 WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO. 1ze {ron SZ 1'uin OS ° ® . » > * + - - a $000000000000000000c0000000000000 RRS a-- Pees P ests ss sr es dis ass scree sees E - + THE HOME OF GOOD | Confectioner i ae -- PPR EE Full line of Lowney's, Moir's; Perrin's and Cowan's Chocolates in boxes and bulk.- Our Specialties: Satin Butter Gups, 25c. 1b, our own make. Also Creams, Taflles and Cream « Fudges. Goods all pure and fresh. Prices right, © McLAUGHLIN'S, Z04 Princess Street. sss esses sass eens ss uens ! . . As . » . . . fe v ? ; Sees e/s esses ena sesso ses sinjaines The Leading Undertaker. Phone 147 Freight James Reid, Store Upen Nights. Pail NO TIME TO READ LENGTHY AD During this busy week. . COME TO SUTHERLAND'S CHRISTMAS GIFT - SHOE STORE And let us show you cur big range of Holiday Shoes. Seeing is believing. | NOTHING BETTER IN CANADA Woel's The Great po : The ¢ 4 Tones and invigosetes the w € n. Ye Brains Worry, Wenkness, Frefaniops, Sper 1 Effects of Abuan or Froiaees. wig for One wil please x 1 bv all ista or oailed in nt. of joes, Nw pamphlet Wood Medicine Oo . Toronto, Ont tpi. J NEW LINE DINING-ROOM DOMES, GAS, AND ELECTRIC TABLE IOEEIN We are Experts st Lighting Your Home. ons Dhebril pondency, ! modorrho Price $1 per b will cure. Soi Tre #6 CLEANING CLOTHING FOR +L MEN. $ R.PARKE] ELECTRIC C0. 79 Princess St. Phone 441 8 Princes St. Kingrton, Oat ' : : BEC 00500000000000000% Lo 5 . '