TENDERS, LESRED Ww a Fifteenth Fehruary, 1911, for. the « sores Steel tion * Ta Duy of ructio Sten rk i lowing Lengtt foet "bre moulded $ feet 6 Plans steamer cen ment of Marine at the offices Jdoma To i land and artment Vietoria, Plans and cured by ap ment of Mari * and the Age Victoria, B.C. There are Hach by Bn ac of the Dep Fisheries, e amount of will be forfe derer declines to e ith the Departme Fete the stepmer in the contract: ta be Department Cheqgt © unsuccesgful tenders The Department to accept the fuowest dr Newspapers copying tt ment without authority partment will not be y ALEXANDER JOHNSTON Deputy Minister of Marine and Fisheries * ny ited | witli doves fre paid Fis 20th, Department of Marine and Ottawa, Canada, December ries 1910 4 SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS. ANY PERSON WHO I8 THE BOLE head of 4 family, or any male over 1% years old, may homestead a quarter section of avaflable Domirilon land bo Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or bub Agency for the district. fairy by proxy may be made at any ency, on certatn conditions, by father mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader, Duties. --8ix months' residence' upo snd cultivation of the land in each of taree years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 8) acres solely owned and occupied bv him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, hrother or sister In cergain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter section alongside his homestead. Price $3.00 per acre. Dutles--Must reside up- on the homestead or pre-emption siz months in each of six years from date of homestead entry (including the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. homesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-emtplon may enter for a Burehas homestead in certain districts. Frice $3.00 per acre. Dutles---Must reside siz months In each of three years, cultivate i acres and erect a house worth Ww. CORY, Deputy oa the Ministér of the in B.--Unauthorised sdvertisement w publtéation of ot be pald for | ale TENDER FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES, SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSKE to the undersigned and marked on th envelope "Tender for Indian Suppl will be received at this Depart to noon on Wednesday, 18th Jan 1811, for the delivery of lodian plies during fiscal year ending 1 "lst March, 1912 duty paid at variou points in Manloba, Saskatchewan and Alberta Forms of particuldrs nay the undersigned tender not necessa Newspapers ment without ment will not J MelE Asst, Deputy Department of Indian Ottawa, Canada, containing full by applying t lowest or af weeepted tender be, had this advertise of the Depart insert auth be ANG paid, D. and Secretary Affal Dec. 2 RESULTS ASTONISHING New Science, stride that medical geience in the last few wm theory. When they Follow Each Discovery of The has made to the a disease has been discovered, tors have not been slow in finding a drag to kill it, In 5ifew it will be rare 40 find a bald headed man woman, The falling of hair is due to 'a dandrufi germ, and now it has been discovered how to kill this germ "The remedy. used is called Newhbro's Herpicide, Me-snccess has been mar velous, Not 4 failire has been so far reported. It ie al a delightful hair dresshng free from oil or sticky sub stances, Pry it and be convinced of its actual merit, Sold by leading druggists. Send 10e in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. 81 bottle guaran Jas. B. Mcleod, druggist, spe cial agent, Kingston, Ont. 2 grout is due germ of the do years VeArs or aso » ~. Save Your Money By Buying your Christmas Groceries and Fruits at ~S. T. KIRK'S Cash Grocery, 281 PRINCESS STREET. » Agent for Asselstine"s Yarn. 'STORE OPEN EVERY NIGHT. "Phone 417. Ets Merry 'Xmas To All. a The ver oe rl Is apt © Aen Is apt tu generate n re to kis HKitle brother whan Teh omg mn pr, * Charlie i ~~ Plenty of Them. WON THE HONORS IN| AWARDED CERBIFIC ATE S VICTORIA SCHOOL. Given for tegularity, Conduct and Half-Year. They Punctuality, During the are Good hiligence certificates daty, fol= hone aré guiary diiger he school vards in Jordan, Helen i Le Clement, Ken David Susie dod ~Kate Wiskin, Gill, Mildre Ire on mon, Ceriid Hugh Fraser, Johan Sullivar { Donnell McQueen, ulvert ulvert, White, Kenneth, Clags--Vivien , Grant Minnes Mildred Annie Charles Wilke Macleod, Lee, a, lass Twi Daykin, Ar Jennings, Jenkin, Holland, Donaldson, Class--Mildred Patterson, Herbert Corbett, Wilna Mcbonald, Miller Donnelly, Elva MeQueen, Hatry McQueen, Wilfrid Wis- kin, Margery Meclelland, Robert. An dvrsan, Maisie Blomely, Marjorie Bird, Dine, Patricia Forster, Alma Lewin, Kathleen Lockhart, May Pot ter, Harald Packer, Vivian Sills, lsa- milton, Elizabeth Douglas. Third Class--Iscbel Hughes, Graham, John Murray, Mabel Jack | Robertson, William William Davkin, Margaret Joseph Westeott, Dorothy Eugene Palmer, Eleanor Wiliam Anderson, Mary An Margaret Wilton, Mary Taylor ed Senior Third Class-- Lurray r Third Class George Calvert, gle, Willie Graha Harry Me- wl, Jack Renton, Clarence Steen, frabel Webst McKee, Norah Minnes, Edna Hall, Harriet Donnelly Dora Murray, Marj Smith, Jamie Mebeod, Harry Twig Thelma Wright Hubert Sills, Anit, (rer Dorothy t harl rude thur Second Katie Spatding, Greta Stewart, Ashley, Jordan, 'almer, Bloan, drews Pre fo! ' to m r, Jessie Donald McPherson, Pu Jusion ( pm Fourth thel Ch Fle Gray Met ammon; Presley Majorie Seni Glad dolyvn Ander- Graham, Gunn, lyla MeGowan, Stewart, "Nn M iriel , Marion Ethelwyn Mcleod, Elzabeth Favor 1 r} th Class--Gladys Lemon, Hunter, . Helen Gunn; Gwen- Folger, Florence Sloan, Mildred Francis, Clifford Mellquham, George Stewart, Alwyn Murray, Angus Bond, Vernon Craig, Fred. Medley, SUITABLE GIF mn, an Oo $ FOR LADIES At George Mills: & Co's. Fur Store, Fur hand bags, £2.50 to $12. Indian shoes, $1 to $3.50, Sweet grass baskets, 15¢. Dent's gloves, 75¢, up. Bore: s fur-lined gloves, Famous to 81.50, $ $2.50 a pair nm : U mbrellas, 75¢. to $4. | Snow shoes, $2.50. and $3. And furs of every description. New Picture of Chamberlain. | Woodstock Sen Chamberlain fig Smith Reminiscences rambler laying his Rouge, now on Noir." "He into Gladstone's. government to please the radical wing of the party, and in against his chief, working up the cabinet a party him drawing from Gladstone, us in Truth, about words that ever fell from lips." The singular that at that time Gladstone untonist and Chambetlain the When Gladstone became a home rule; Chamberlain it "apd without explanation went over His next rainst Balfour Gladstone trick of the the cabinet, of it, leaving in movement of el-Review res in the a stakes; Goldwin "political now was ta as on pn trigued outside elf and Labouchere told the bitterest Mr. thimg wa for as Gladstone's is the ruler: to aginst home onvert apolo to the move turned gy or onservgtive camp n a repetition a the manoeuvre against 'After getting rid by a trade of {Chamberlain went out to work as a confederate up a protectionist captured the party organiza: press, meaning when this was done to press Balfour on the * This he did. But the vessel was driven too hard, and broke up To Chamberlain was due the Boer | the consequences of which, after thein the spot, led him to them by an agitation for tanfl | as he and his followers called | was of free members his son it,rgot his own, tion and rocks. war seeing cover reform, protection." on i { ifteburg Herald 1 | Andrew Carnegie, discussing at a I dihner in Pittsburg the Pittsburg graft | | scandals, said: "Exposure followed ex: | posure so thick and fast that Yo ex- press astonishment became after a | white, ridiculons--like the astonish. | { ment of the waiter. A waiter, vou | { know, brought a gentleman a salad | with his chicken, and the gentleman, | after eating a 'little, said 'Look here, | | waiter; there's a worm in this salad!" i | "That astonishes me gir," the waiter | 1 | answered, 'I only just removed four | { from it, sir." } | Pr | i i i -- i . A Sure Proof. i { London Argonaut. 2 | {' The counsel for the opposition had | {been bullying the 'witness for more! than an hour, when he finally asked : i "Is 1t true thers are traces of insane { {ity in your family * | "It would:be folly to deny it, wi iphed the witness. "My otitis. iwho was 'studying for the ministry, gave. it wp to become a lawyer" 5 | A --------------. Speaking of Fires, Kansas City Journal Roy Bowne, a brother of Unitad States District Attorney Harry Bone, vera} years ago was a reporter on tie Wichita Beacon. In going to a fire one | of the members of the fire department was thrown from a hose cart killed. Bone wrote a head wita this - a8! the first deck: "Gone to His Tlast' Fire." and Bone was promptly "fired." , Music Sale. Six copies for 25c. This week only, a Kingston News Co., opposite Y. 4 als ------------------ Pon't inn the mistake of claiming | you never make one. inn : v sawdust be at all dealers, pencil just thread a needle, | for your smokers' supplies. more than lieve bert's. unfortunately 'more of the time than up. blank books made. at thé Whig Office | { book bindery. able prices King | man likes to have his wife get so mad {she won't speak to him--- | purse in gold leather goods at the Whig Office book | the girls, and bindery. cember series of by don purse in gold leather goods al the Whig Office book | son Century," Quarterly of conditions, { Fur sets, $1.50 up. ¥ JHE DANY! BRINSH WHIG, FRID AY, DECEMBER Ww UMBLE. | THE WHIG'S A Lot of News of Totes to Every- Engiish bert's The loser n » Winner 97 piece dinner sets, £4.50, at Robert soft Bros', It's not a. difficult to be policy of Ar matter honest as 2 Case Pdward ig The world pendthrift Every at Gilbert' No man Pipes description. King aL is of misers--as the looks at it wi foot rreen, lengths 10e., that he green color blind the Imperial Brand underwear splenaid Chhistmas pr When woman he beautiful Indian in can be fooled on long makes ai ' a mirror ib. she hunts i up Dahl for soups, be: at Gilbert Many a man is kept ithe things he Buy your table stores"in 1911. 8 People write busy want at acquiring doesn't ants Gilbert's ction there, a lot of things in a let- they won't to your face. lohuston's Shoe Store, Brock for hockey boots. Skates put on free. Thin blown glass tumblers, regulay 60c., for + f:doz., this week only at Robertson Bros'. 2 No really good man will te age of and profit by misfortune. Magazines bound in volumes. kind of binding desired at the Office bindery. People who preach earn short. Farmer' § fresh print butter, 25¢. 1b., at Gilbert's. In many instanges the reform mea- | sures we plan for to-morrow do not materialize. | Ledgers, cash books, or any kind.of blank books made at the Whig Office book bindery. A man less he marries a' woman relatives Fresh cream from Collins Bay every morning for Gilbert's stores. "4 Some women would eat predigested if it was labelled "complexion | wutifier.'" Imperial t street, 35c e advan another mansd Any Whig try to, to® cut practice their all they sermons is sure to have enemies--un- who has no The practicability which is alw ays well-known French couturiere, Beer, charming frock of changeable tatfet as. { benutiful colors of a summer sky at underskirt; two and a half yards in widt | the figure so as to describe the fashiona | wide band which finishes the tunic, silk of pink and blue coloring. ise front is -surplice, and has a dra | tends below the waistline back and fro Jrand "underwear for sale Anyway, a woman as gracefully sharpen a a man can | can as EVENT AT NAPANEE { THE Go to the King Edward Cigar Sore} v | Nothing amuses the average to have some woman is bossing him. Spanish onions, man be- | Not she the, HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCE- ME CRCISES. 6 25¢., at Gil- Bufi Lifé*is full of most ups ang downs--but of are down Scholarships Awarded--Death of John McEwen in Alberta--Sale of Clark Property on Piety Hill, Napanee, Dec The - ment exercises of the Napanee | ate Institute held in the { Opera House, day. evening. entertainment Ss. us Ledgers, cash books, or any kind of commence Colley Brisco | The large ri uncaseéd, at feason- 8 i Follow the crowd to the x Edward Cigar Store. it sometimes happens that Pipes, cased or Were Wedn was ¢ And - yed by - R. Miller aetexd programme consisted instrumental and sev elections orchestra. The fan the gun drill great ap 3p lause brig audience in a a | audience, ag chair- "then she will tmpan. The monev. lcitations, printed 'on your | speeches on apy kind of | collegiate of re M drills, the | by the Ihe witty | ask him for salos, name nicely or not Your by drill by eral H i Har | boys, received | too, the fe s was the p atation diptor scholars warded to the printed on your | tric culation. Miss any kind of matriculation, The Living Age, in its issue for De- journal, 24th, begins the reprinting of a land kept important letters relating to | A leadin America in the Philippines," written | of the a special correspon tent of the Lon | Flack as M fron * | feat { Du fe How jz Mari Mi niatry Uriah Times. name nicely or 'on Your or nior Graham. 1k ship, value tion at Walter After seepption bindery. 1 Davidson's = article "The and the World in the Twentieth which the Liv Ape for 7th reprints from the Church Review, gives a broad, prehensive and well considered contemporary wligious on Unoen" v Denyes the ent ing by January com- was he review good-bye te | lk the former 1 Say and social | ers, Calli Son. 00 iate and Mr: Collins years stall William Ira. D. C1 Mr. Norri to Walter File, March. Wilson, of Ithaea, N.Y. Denis Daly Preston," of for the ho here at last Ih.; afternoon puffs, 30¢c, Ib.; ginger. puff, 30e a each: fruit, Oxford lunch, 23 Ibh., Jacob's Ifish biscuits Mixed macaroons, 50e; tea, Bix th.: butter eracknels, 50c. Ib h.: currant puffs, Ih Irish short bread, 10e animals, 25¢. Ib.: Chancellor cake, 4 lbh. ting, 30c. 1b; 6 1b. tins, 30¢. 1b.; Bannet, iced, ¥1 each, at Gilbert's. } and Ww puit She, Norris has urchased ark's property, on Piet old his who Mrs Hill Richmor ke farm in ta posses will sion in 3 Wilfrid home for SUITABLE GIFTS FOR CHILDREN very ill RY Pueblo, At George Mills & Co's. Famous days. Fur Store. | Mr. and Mrs. 'don, Man. with his. grandmother, H. ] the holidays Miss Col., N me Janet is h e of Br holida W. H. Barker, spending the ir, Mrs. A. Smith, Collins, B.A vi ar A wh knt Fur muffs, $2 up. Fur coats, $10 up. Indian mocassins, 50c. Teddy bears, 25¢. up. Wouldn't be Missed, Lippincott's. A Rs pochonirise friend of a Nap- tasket man, who was visiting the 1at- | The death occurred at McLeod, Alta., ter's place on the coast of Musvachu- [on December 1ith, of John McEwen, setts, imagined, that he was deriving | who left here in October, after spend some benefit hy reason of the sea ing the summer months with Felatives, water he was drinking. Mrs, McEwen loft about December glst One day, as the two strolled alc ng | and was with her husband when the ridge street. i modern language mr of the €ol- legiate Institute, left, sterday, for his home. Before his departure he was | the recipient of a handsome club bag from 'the scholars and teachers of the Collegiate Institute. up. ve , tim hav be 1 A. CHANGEABLE TAFF is" sunset, the Thesimple bodice with Calais lace chem Shrubb Zbysco, to have made Lrordon that cent At 11.07 md und when rou defeated mises can derwear wag 23. 1910. ETA BY BEER. a marked characteristic strongly exemplified . in Delicaté pink and blue, the is the color scheme. The hat the bottom, is caught inte ble narrow silhouette hy the band heaily embroidered in of the this which ex- continues pery of pink chiffon nt into a panel that to the top of the Smbavidery meitf in the skirt band. tin THE SPORT REVIEW. Football and Other Field Events.' ongboat lay night Polish SOO 1) eos on and | Mons the alo on wrestler, on Roberts will Metall the tv bh University | 9 b 2 dostor National B wrepared to sppnd f100,000 on 184 player Walsh, uld make err, and awa forward Gaul Ridpath a great (ht line, Wanderer Ernie!' fear jump ontreal followers Johnson will also the silver country imilto Henged nite an jun football cham : in Kel to baseball stronger Pittsburg, ed " 0 expected I other and he is Batter he pitches tL Supu ite man' wked out od of heavywe ri Fhe He M Oklahoma he thisd at ipa, Oki rris s hoy Mary their hig WAR one Jefiries to himgaf Marvir Rot Marris pro wor and if he ecomtinue he . has started, will a thom in "Jack" Johnson's side ree msi makers of Imperial pay out $70,000 yearly in which go back into the hands 8 ing given it ter "Jack" to be a real lor Wer as he Brand "un- ren, | ing my dyspepsia, I've already * reach the "The piece got into the paper 1 {ten are caused by Catarrh, which is Lat 2 the beach, the hypochondriac said to [end came. Deceased was about fifty his friend: | years of age and his death was due to "Dick, this sca water is really help- | pneumonia. : -- taken | William Hetherington, who has 'been two glasses of it, this morning. De in the west for the last six years, you think I' might take a third *' | expected home, to-day, to spend the "Well," returned the triend, with a holidays ~ with his parents, Mr. and gravity equal to that of his friend, "1! Mrs. R. Hetherington. Mr. sand Mrs. | don't thin a third would be missed, Irvine Vanalstine are sponding the Tom." {holidays with Mr. and Mrs s {Hlardy, Toronto. Might Keep Him. | Musieal Ameries. Harry Lauder had many amusing and strange experiences "out west," and he tells how he once sang to 1, 000 fanatics © on Ward's! Island. "I told them," says Lauder, "I would like to hear them all sing; those who didn't know the words were to listen while the others sang the chorus of 'I love a Lassie.' When they'd sumg it three times I told them they were Yh fig est choir I'd heard in the United ---- You may have noticed that a good many men who attend church are not | troubled with insommia.- | Deafness €annot be Cured. by local Applicati lications, Te A thay cannot of the ear. There is only one ne gh cure & and that " EL canst tutional remedies. fre by an inflamed condition: = used mucoug lining of the Eustachian Tube." When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, £54 and Shen it is nd | Cntirely closed, the re- suit, and unless the atin can ¢ 3 be taken ogt #hd this tube restored 30, States. One patient took ge aside and normal Sopdition, hearing Wil B%) sid: 'For my eke don't' make face or do anything Tto ake them think you're 1 bit off, they'll keep vou herve I' - destroyed nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will Sive One Hundred lars for any case nf (ea by catarth) that cannat ~ Be cured by Hail's Catarrh Cure. Send for il on on ENEY & CO. Toledo Hata ot Lag Sake 1 ails mity rts. for "ne Magazines Bound in volumes. Any kind d gh hin binding desired at the Whig rte mn Yontite, of the Kingston merchunts. Magazines bound in volumes. J kind of binding desired at the Office bindery. It would not be so bad hard for other people, See Simmons per. Best's Pv ported by resting on swivels en top « 'that mirror may position or angie picke!l base be od ustad Wie ih, at at i the. of the trapsgressor did not make Any Whig way it Bros' 9%¢. food chop- 1-2 in sap- polished . nickel rod. bottom of red. so to any * From Best's Gift Store, BUBONIC PLAGUE Corpses Mark the Sites of ITAGING. bandos OUR CLEANING WIN ed Camps i Z iN CU, ers, R.PARKER & Dyers and Clea © Priscess SU Kingston, Ow wy } 2.0. $ A |3ec0eeesscecesces S000 Prices Cut AND BLE 1 i bi AMIS, GAS YA ~ PF SUITABLE GI TS FOR Mills & Store. MEN At George Co's. Famous Dent's Dent' Umbre Lanes, Indid 3 : BER rina | j Us , EX LE ii MN Wil. NEW MAN ELECT! Th [0 & 79 Princess St Phone 44 5 00000000006000000¢ f iv FSOSITISREETEIEILINIeb bs Indian Queen = <2. and $4 y description, Sn Ar And ft rs They M A. I kL Here is told by M: While or of the ally action The "Did" for Father. A "cock-shy uck, and winner of comediar cigars These he had been a thanking tt lad remarked father A the I Unde partmen wood Si kate farts father Hel d "and ne Ah, they 'di he i A splendid suit or overcoat made f, order for R18, street, All new Also a splendid Jathing. Enver wear 1s At tha thing: besides A good £2.50, from ly-mad; 'UNITED TYPEWRITER Co Donn, stock of fe J. RC KINGSTON. at " ingr---- 0000000000000 000R0C0RPOGOIOISIOOOPODONERDOERIORESRS + LEAD BLOCK TIN AND COMBINATION PIPE . Any size from 1-16 to 8 inches. Write us. .® THE CANADA METAL COMPANY, LIMITED. x OFFICE: 81 WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO, BE000E00000000000000Et00RNRRERRRORUINIINRNS i Yew 3 The Leng: ng Unde Phos James Reid, Store Open Nights. YOU HAVE=-- NO TIME TO READ LENGTHY ADS. During this busy week. COME TO SUTHERLAND'S CHRISTMAS GIFT SHOE STORE And let us show you our big range of . * : 3 Shoes. Seeing is believing. NOTHING BETTER™ CAVADA 147 Holiday '