PAGE --- 2 I ---------------------- p------ mimenenenlh Go to tpand ArrRASER. Cts Albert adding. a Stores will reet or sort Dr regeive ton. p wiven v ' Sa MAS COPLEY, \ od PHose 987. ¥d to 19 Pine Street when iything done in the Carpen- imates ven on all Klaas : ow work also Plocts or all kinds" All ecelion Prompt attention ueen St 'Health 3 k McCarthey's Ale Porte:. It's the , R. Jd. LAWLER Sn oa er tn PHOTOS. le have the most up-to- styles and finishes In the Special atteption to ren. BD. A. WEESE & Co, B.--Our Picture Framing mrtment is complete Wellington St. Up-to-date Restaurant' Eating House. Separate te. ~~ Well furnished lighted our "full course dinner, hivers' Orang Marmalade, Assorfed 8 and Jellies. . - ). COU PER'S, 76. 041-3 Princess Street. E Coast enled Oysters. ------ bo bP F ast by Test is proven in a Wormwith Try One in Your are sweet designed, priced. KINGSTON'S LEADING MUSIO HOUSE. In all popujar and . classle Music in Book snd Sheet Form. Orders promptly filled. WORT AO C1 toned, and \eson | ~. have | Quick Returns -- "It was in the latter end of the Par 190% that a nasty ite h came my skin, and [ scratched it tore the 1 tried several intments to no effect. | went to a skin hospital. They advised me to to the -- Hospital, but I re- used. I couud not sleep with the constant itch. I was that way until on or about the month' of January. One day 1 chanced to see in the papers a cdse like mine, But 1 gave it no credence. At last 1 said, "1 will try the Cuticura Remedies." With the first wash and Cuticura Ointment 1 used, I found their effects. 1 got one box of the Ointment more, and in jess than one week the skin was all right, and left Go traces after it. 1 not had a return of the same since, and 1 shall always praise the Cuticura Remedies as being the means of my cure." (Signed) Joly om: Trans, , Scotland Road, Liverpool. In a further Jatter Mr. Mr. 1 adds: "The first ap my ski OC2€IA WAS A a en itch which 1 and arms tore and left my body, one mass sores, t less nights, but now I can sleep as well as ever." .ey (uticura Soap and Ointment "OUR ROOSTER BRAND Of Smoking and Chewing Tobacco at, torty-tive cents a pound is a Tobacce. Why pay sighiy-Sive? 1 ANDREW MAC ia 0 Stren nb a or oe Electric Restorer for Men onol restores every nerve in the y Phosphonol to its proper tension ; restores vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. hosp! ol will Rake ou a pew man, Price $3a box, or two for alled to any address, Scebell Drug ines, For sa sale at: Maho Mahood 's s Drug Store. H PARKS &SON Florists | Rin" Fhene tis. All kinds of Cut Flowers and Plants ln season. Wedding and Funeral De- Signs a specialty shipped to all patsr, King Street, Headaches Quit when 'the stomach, liver and bowels are kept in the good. condition in which "they - will be by the jroupt. use of 'BEECHAM'S PILLS Sold Everywhere. in boxes 28¢ Honest Assortment Correct Market Prices Paid for all kinds of RAW FURS and SKINS Send your collections to REVILLON FRERES ESTARLISNED (723 The Leader in the world's Fur Trade. 134 88 136: Picilt Street, Tientren). Ou "° . PRICE LIST FREE ' for the asking WR PAY EXPRESS CHARGES FOUND DEAD IN HONE Miss HANNAH FRASER, OF ERNESTTOWN. : LATE Richardson, Formerly of Napanee, Ivopped Dead in Watertown, .¥.~=The Late Mrs. W. H. Perry, of Toronle. David po Jan. 1.-Ward was receiv of, yesterday morning, that Hannah Fraser, of Ernesttown, was jound hy wor relatives dedd in her home. De sased lived alone. ou the farm the of death wus heart diseases Icons | loves two sisters, Mrs. J. i. Willer, of Switeerville, and Mrs, Ww. Ww, (hl, of ¢ srieton Place. She was + daughter of the lute . Allen Frases, i Erpestiown, and lived on the womestead with her sister, who died couple of years ago. The funeral vill take place on Thursday. David Richardson, formerly of Na- sow of Watestown, N.Y., drop- esterday morning, mn Deceased was forty-nine He leaves three brothers teupen, B., and Benjamin, St., of Napanee. The remains will be brought to Napanee for interment. Amother of the old residents, in the person of George Leamy, was called to his. long howe on Monday; at the age of seventy-six vears, For some had been u sufferer from He leaves, besides his danghters, Mary and Jose- phine, at home, and one son, George, in South Africa. The funeral will take place on Wednesday morping to St. Patrick's thence to the Roman Catholic vault The many friends Perry, of Teronto, hear of her sudden last at her home, 370 St. James Square, Toronto. No particulars of her death were received, She leaves, be- sides Wer sorrowing husband, two young daughters, Ethel and Catherine.' Mrs. Peryy had many friends in Na- panee, where she resided before remov- ing to Tetonto a few years ago. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Paid at Centres. Jan. 3.--Trade, good; prices, steady; 2% loads in to-day, in cluding 521 cattle, 195 sheep and tnmbs, 200 hogs, and 39 calves. Trade, good; prices, steady. Export cattle, choice, 36 to $6.25; export cattle, me dium, 75 to 86; export bulls, $4.50 to %4.75. butehers' cattle, choice, 35.75 to $6; butchers' cattle, medium, $5.25 to $5.40; butchers' cattle, common, $4.50 to 24.75; butchers' $4.50 to #5; butchers' cows, common to medium, $3 to $4; Butchers' bulls, $3.50 to #1; short keep feeders, $5 to $5.95 fear stderx, $4.75 'to 35; stockers, choice, $1.70 to 85; stockers, light, $4.25 to $1.40; canmers, $1.25 to £2. mileh ¢bwe, choice, each 880 to £75; each, N spines, CAYE ynee, wel dead, Watertown vears of age. James yeitrs he rheumatiom wife, two chureh, of Mrs. W. H. will be pained to death on Friday The Prices tlie Various Toronto, £35 to #50: springers, each, 35 to $45. Sheep, ewws, $1.50 to $1.65, steady; bucks, NI to Lambe, S830 to #5.90, steady. Calves, £3 to S850, sicady. Rogs, fob, $6.90: hogs, fed and watered, $7.25, Chicago Cattle Prices. Chicago, dan. 3.--Cattle roceipts es timated at 4,500; wwrket steady; and beeves, $1.70 to 87; Texas steers, $4.25 to $5.40; western steers, $4.25 to 36; stockers- and feeders, $3.50 to $580; cows and beifers, $2.60 to" 836.308; calves, $7 to 89 Hogs receipts estimated at 16,000; market, le, to 1dc. higher: light, STA0 to $20: 'mixed, $7.80 to $8.20; heavy, STRO to 32.20; rough, $7.80 to $7.95: gvod to choice heavy, $7.95 to ER pigs, STHO to $8.15; bulk of sales, $8 to $8.13 Sheep receipts estimated at ma arkete steady: natives, $2.60 to $4. western, $2.75 to 34.35; yearlings, | £4.75 to £5.50; lambs, native, $4.75 to £6.50: western, $34.75 to $6.45. 4 40 'Montreal Prices, Mositreal, Jan. 3.--About 575 head of butchers' cattle 55 ° calves, 550 sheep and lambs, and S00 hogs, were ofiered for sale at the Pomt. St. Charles stockyards to-day: The offer ings of live "tock at this market dur- ing the week 2,000 enttle, 126 calves, 1,400 and lambs, and 1,400 hogs, there are nd dhanges to note in prices. Prime beeves sold at 5je. to Ge. per ih. pretty good animals, dic. to Hie. and the common stock, 3ic to 4fc. per dh. Calves sold at from tic. tO Te. per Ib ' Sheep sokd "at Ae, lambs at 6le. ta 6ie. Jor 15 Good ¥dte of Boes sold at about He. perth. were sheep to be. per th.; - FOLIFTHEIR VOTES. Aml Haye Been on Jailed for the Of. fence. 7. Blair sent five Manchester men to jail on vote selling charges. These are {ihe first jail senfences actually carried out, dlthough a suspended sentence has been hung over everyoue of the guilty, men in the wholesale bribery investigation. The total _indiet- ments to date wither 1141. The five men sent bo jail are Leslie Henderson, Really 'Jack™ Bentley, Thomas Reh and illiam Parr. They were: indicted sev ee. but fst ta appear. a and} COWS, choice, hy milch cows, common to medium, £3.35, steady. § Trade was rather dull, but }. West Ustion, thio, Jan. 4. Fudge A) a to Farthesir, Shien oy Village of Athens, Reeve--M. B: Holmes. Coancillors--F. Tadlor, A. Seatt, E J. Purell, E. A. Mclean. * Village of Westport. *Réeve--t. H. ; ikea arah' { sn illors-- Botting. J Ivy A Bs A i Rear Yonge anid Bscott. 7 feeve--Andrew Ferguson, § i Councillors=S. Kelly, W. C! { Haves, T. Heffernon, 4, Cughan. ' i Gohnol- £ harbonndas Village of Newboro- * Reeve--y. Prestou. ° ; : Comeillors--E. . Bolton, ¢ Lyons, } E. Leach, .J. Spicer. . Front Leeds and Lahsdowne. t Reeve--Nelson Webster. i Deputy reeve--D. Hempster. Councillors -- I). F. Warren, M. i Steacy, H. Connor. ; Front of Escott. Reeve--J ohn Donovan, Councillors--Henry Warren, K. A. i Foley, William Reid, 'John Wiltsie. { Front of Yonge: | Reeve=D. 8. Clow. Elizabethtown Township. Reeve--Checkley, 198: Davis, 454. Councillors--Stagg; 508; Smith, 163; Boyd, 427; Léverin, 349; Wood, 291. Township of Clarendon and Miller. Reeve--J. D. Godin. | Councillors--Joseph Card, James Deme, Joseph Schoneam, Philip Wens- Iv. Township of Bedford. Reeve--J. A. Kennedy. For councillors--Leister B. Bateman, William Lee, Joseph Jones and Daniel Mulville. i News From Parham. Parham, School re-opened to-day, with Snook as teacher, Mrs. (Rev.) J. sister in Kingston. Mrs. McGregor, of Perth, and Mrs. Buchanan, of Maberly spent New Year's day with their si; ter, Mrs. G. Killins, Miss Bertram, of Kingston Business lege ill for the last two weeks, able to come home last week. Rev. A. F. Fokes, of Victoria College, Toronto, spent a few days, Mst week, here, in the interests of local option. W. 1. Black and family, also Stanley Ball, Friiest Barr and David Goodfellow, leave, today, for New. Outatio. A 'wamber of the young people attended the temperance meeting in Wagarville, Friday might. Revs. A. F. Fokes gud A. W. Stewart were the speakers. C. Godirey and family, Godirey, were recent visitors at W. D. Black's... Miss Myrtle Smith has returned from a visit with relatives in Westbrooke and vicinity. Miss Lana Lowry. leaves, to- day, to take charge of a school near Sharbot Lake. Jan. 2. Mr. sis Edna ' aii ------------ Makes Moving Pictures Talk. Paris, Jan. 4.--Dr. Arthur Korn, pro- [fessor of physics at the University of 'Munich, whose experimen(s in long distance photography stiracted much attention a few vears ago, has ex- hibited before the Academy of Sciences his invention for synchromizing the phonograph avd cinematograph by meand of which the moving pictures appear to speak. x } rp pe-------- 14th Regiment History. The publishers ofier the balance of the edition of this illustrated. histori «cal pamphlet at ten cents a. copy. For salp-at McAuley's book stowe, W. J. Paul's, Whig office, and Uglow's book store. A splendid suit or avarenal made to das foe $18, at Jrovont s, Brock 00¢ chose fro al a gr o_ Yeacy-mady clothing. Canada's custom revenue for twelve months ended Saturday $85,819,231, a gain of $11,928.45, Your name nicely «printed on your | purge in gold or on amy kind feather ruovds at the Whig Office hook bindery. - At Vamcouver, a pedestrian threaten: wd on the street, seized his assailant and handed him over to the police. The Toronto police found a seven- year-old boy drunk on the street At Toronto, a window cleaner fell fil- ty feet and was urn jared. \ the Was * L TURLEY CURD, J Saxony. - aration Fand west |ing; at mine o'clock, ! ned, eldest son of Mr. Ferguson is visiting her | | | tended | | | embrgidered in the lace and wore of ed by Lo in the vil oi. Newboro = Be Br pe A Fority for Preston, 54. George ward leech, 0, Haulett, 36. od. ° Mervicky le township, Wimers, Ky. a aor) in Wie. Sownthip of oo" 0 mo. HEAL BREACH I SEEKS RETURN ORIENTAL TO ROMAN CHURCH. Papal Epis is Issued--Aims to Neutralize Effect of Article Re cently Witten, hy, "Mayimilian of dau. "t=The Osservatore the vatican organ, publishes to "alt Oriental churches, Which sims at weutralizing | | the effect .witich the article recently written by Prince Maximilian of Sax-| omy 'may have produced, and to ex- plein whieh the prince a few days » appeared bef ore the pope and Cardi Merry Del ¥ Fhe Be says that since the wep- of the Roman and Orienssl | churches, in the ninth century, Ue | popes have always endeavored to heal | ithe breach harmiul both to the east it enumerates the six dog mas, which, according to Prince Marr millinn's article, should be waived to facilitate the return of the "Oriental to the Roman church, demonstraging that {this was impossible, as dogma is} truth, and truth cannot be waived { The epistle declared that Prince | Rome, Romano, { a. papal Jepist le i }& or gl Eo * z bonita gutta sesssssasasssssseasased WM. MUKEAY, Auctioneer. ¢ Furniture Sales given special ~~ tention. Country Salew® Block ete. have been my rea for Jong years. If farmers want the igh dollar, get my services 4 MARKET SQUARE | pessssssssesressassae § mmm ht 9 ! FOR SALE. S$ The Albion Hotel property, commer dontreal And Queen streels, Kingston, 25¢ and Got a bottle, ¢ LJ ¢ ¢ * %ill well at a sacrifice. For particulars we T. J. LOCKHART, 'Beal Estate Agent, 159 Wellington St. Kingsioh. COAL WM. "DRURY, 2335 WELLINGTON STREET, 'Phone 443, os (LIMITED). HEAD OF QUEEN STREET. "Highest Education at Lowest Cost" Twenty-Stxth Fall Term Year, begins August S0th. Courses in Bookkee Shorth Tele- pv. Siva Our gradu ge positions: Within a short time over sixty secured positions with one of the y Iar eat raliway corporations in Canada. Eniersany t Call or write fn a tion. H. F. FRONTEN! & INVESTMENT SOCIETY, ESTABLISHED ves Te Richard £ artwéignt. i ' wi LOAN and § oh Makimillian, "in the presence of the pope, solemnly undertook to teach, reject and ° condgmn what the chy arch | teaches, rejects and condemns. Jt char acterizes the article as unconsidered, | { put written in good faith. } TWO DESERONTO WEDDINGS, Solemaized Last Week--Notes About | Visitors. Deseronto, Jan: 2A quiet wedding | was solemnized at the home of the bride's parents, last Wednesday even- | when Miss Jesse | May; youngest daughter of. Mr. and | ra. James Kimmeriy was wedded to | Clarence I'. Denison, of St. Cathar and Murs. Casey of . Napanee. Rev. ( 5, > of the Methodist The voung couple were The bride wore a mos coming gown of white silk voile with | toimusngs of white satin, wy | veil and orayge blossoms and curried | shower boquet of white roses nnd] fers. After congratulations y wadding breakiast was served, only relatives of the contracting parties being present The young couple took the train for a tip east, after which théy will make their home in St. Catharines. ' Mr. and Mrs. Percy Johnson, of Cal gary, after having spent some mq mths in Deseronto, returned hom last woek Mr, and Mrs, James Knox #1 srotice Knox, relatives in Kingston. Maloney, of Collimgwood, with her | brother, T. J. Maloney. Miss Maysell | Gordon, of Orangeville and Miss Mand Gordon, of Peterboro, spent the holi- | days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Gordon. Fred. Kimmerly, lingwood, with his parents, Mrs, J. Kimmerly; "Jack" son, Lambert, of Syracuse, ] parents, Mr. and Mrs. A; P. Brown; | Bert Gamble is spending the holidays | with relatives in Kingston, Mr. and | Mrs. Jack T. Gowan aml = daughter | Margaret, of Oshawa, with his par | 3 : Demson, Copels Sopa hurch, of wear nt ga ow aD es with Miss Laura | of Col Me. ¢ ents, Captain and Mrs. J, Gowan; Mr..and Mrs. S. MacKee, and daugh- | ter, of . Michigan, with her mother, | Mes. T. Hud; Mrs. David Thompson is spending a few weeks in Erie, with | relatives. A hockey match was played Warren's rink, on Thursday night, tween the Granites, of Kingston and | the home team, in which the Igcals! proved too much for the visitors, the | scare resulting 3 to 1. Perey Johnson | mas referee. { At Christ Church, Tyendinaga, Thursday morning, a wedding solemized by Rev. A. H. when Miss Cecilia George, only ter of Mrs, Mitchell George, of Regis, Quebec, was wedded to Fav | Maracle, eldest son of Mr. and Mra | A. Maracle. The Bride was attired n+ old rose cashmere, semi-princesse with [lace trimmings and old rose } on| be | on | was | Creggan. | daugh- | St | flower | navy blue picture hat with large breast | a rose tr mmings. She was assist. | Mrs. E, Simmons, cousin of the | groom, who wore navy blue voile with | lace and. gold trimmings with . navy | blue hat to match. The groom was | supported by his cousin, Alfred Mar acle. After the ceremony they drove | to the home of the groom's parents, where a reception was held and par. | took of a wedding dinner and received congratulations. .- The young .eoupls | will make their home on the i stead -Iarm, on the Bay Shore home In Bastard and Burgess--=South Crosby Elections. Crosby, Jun. 3.---The following is a summary of the loeal option by-law vote, by polling sub«divigions, nr the | township of Bastard abd Burgess (8): | > For. Agaiust. | 116 5 Hi 129 ke A sl 3 jority for the by-law (required by | sixty per cent. cliuse), 12. The following is a summary of the] at the municipal election Reeve, Dr BB: ma Forfar "a Portland ...... Delta Plum Hollow | W. H. Degfett, For Coumcillors---W. Spicer, « HQ; dyoma, 3 RR D. .Matarity, =; Ed- Bilton, 5%. 1. Sy hy four wure pro ion by-la was defested jn by 3; in Kitley Perth and Smith's Falls & -------------- Lorain, the Brith avidtor, has awn ail his entries for fing { of Bathurst, N.}K. | possitle and § 'R. H. TOVYE, Behn I TW MeGil Lt. LAID UP FIVE YEARS | oo coosimt Until Half a Bottle of Father Murise's THE 6LUB "HOTEL Liniment Cored His Shoulder. WHLLINGTON ST., near PRINCESS, There are other hotels, bul cone approach the Club for homeilke sur- roundings. Located In centre of city and ciose to principal storespand theatre, Charges are moderate. Special rates by the week P. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor. Mr. Jos. } Roy, a prominent tinsmith s July 16, 90g: "] eanvot let this Opplrttiait > without lettin I received from your five years I had a sore prevented me fox n wi sleeping at nigh 3-1 Bor , witleh nd ing or from ed gverytling od no relief, until I was advi to try a bok your liniment, which I pn ¥ witle out delay' If of the bottle when vas completely éured and now feel as if I never had a sof | shoulder ise anvous suffers I t TL JOSE sees 2) COAL &§ fo) i») Kind you are. looking for is the Kind we sell. The Scranton Coal is good coal and we guarantee prompt delivery, BOOTH & CO. FOOT WEST STREET GRE » DOO EL 0 weiss ales Ree 0 aie slnTars; Medicine C Ltd; © N sold and guaranteed iw Kingsto pak | vad Moss by Jas. B. McLeod. Fee eee ed ; California Naval Oranges At25¢,30c, 10c per dozen, Grape Fruit at all Prices 302 King St Phone 141 Sooeiomeiie temecienesaniennenienS Don't Forget Ou January Sale of Furniture It has always.been a great ; success, Prices lower than ever. d Robt. J. Reid = 230 PRINCESS ST. Ambulance Telephone 572, LOCAL OPTION FIGURES. |. 1 IT HAS ROUSED THE CURIOSITY OF THE WHOLE WEST ; Ju really think"' o-re housewife will say to another 'that this new can be better than the flour we are using? Madam, there 3 no doubt about it. But Hisre is just one way. you can be convinced. You must use : r will not satisfy. you, but we beck 8p our claims in such away you i load noth by trying Robin Hood. Your grocer will Fou het Cr rate Sho 1c money if you are not Managing "ivee ton, |