Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Jan 1911, p. 7

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PAGE Ea-- -- HOTEL DIRECTORY. DESERONTO, Go to the STEWART HOUSE. Leading Commercial Hotel. Rates, $1.50 per day. JAS, STEWART, Prop TRAVELLING. ° LEVIN XN HINT E LOCAL BRANCH TIME-TABLE. Taine will leave and arrive at City Depo' as follows: Gelng West. Leave Cty. Arrive Clty Mall Lo. «13.35 a.m. 12.57 a.m ! Express > Bor agian Sy Arrive City _ - am 2.17 Fast E ot IXpress 2. 4 3 Te bien ps TTS oi 3. 4 6 8 7, rut Sadly: hor trating bails except Sun Through Pullmans to and from Ottawa daily on trains 2 and § For further information, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnston and Ontario Sts. would not eure me, nothing woads Kincstong PEMBROK RAILWAY In Comnection With CANADIAN PACIFIO RAILWAY. Trains Leave Kingston 1200 pm Ex ress-- Ror Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec, Bt. John, NB, Hall- fax, gogo Tgronto, Chicago, Den- ver, Men , Sault Ste. Marle, Duluth, Ht. Paul, Winnipeg, Vancouver, JHeattle, rortia id and San Franc 0 pon-.Lotal, for SHarbot Lake Sanz ecting with ¢. P. KX. East and a.m Mixed--For points, Mon. and and 746 Renfrew Intermediate Wed, Friday. Passangeras leaving Kingston B01 pm. arrive ig Ottawa at sterboro, 4.308 pm. Toronto, A pam; Montreal, 7.06 p.m; Boston, 7.30 am; St. John, 12.00 noon Full particulars at K . and CPR Gicket Office, Ontario Street F. CO} Ww AY, Gen at Pass. Agent, BAY OF QUINTE RAI. WAY. Train leaves Union Station, Ontari Stropt, 4 p.m. - dally (Sunday excepied) 'or Tweed, Rydenham Napanee, Deser onto, Bannockburn and all fotats secure qul despatch urn, Muyneoth, and poiats on Central rio Tu your shipments via Ba) guiars, ne 3 Ranlgar, Fo For further parti s, app Prous. No fa DICKSON, Ageal WARD LINE New nw , excellent cuisine, large comfortable rooms and lounging deck. Gonnectians for Santiago, Tr Points, isle of Pines, Hallings Thursday thern winters are ul Cuban ecltm- and Saturday for Havana Where rigorous no wxchunged for won sa ureduy Sailings each Friday, for A a Crus, Tampico. Making connections for Mexico City ud ow points in the interior of Mexico Sailingn for Gr BAHAMAS Cabin $256 and Up. Write for literature and particulars About ales and accommodations. ORK AND CUBA MAIL 8.8. CO. ey Offices," Pler , East River, New York. i OUR BEAVER BRAND Of Flour es unexcelled for bread or pastry, Price Is Todusate A. MACLEA * A io Street, ins each Bar i, Babbitt Metal and al! Ingot Nts We are headquarters. , THE CANADA METAL COMPANY, LIMITED. OFFICE: 81 WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO. eesssssssssnssebosnsestsssessescecccccnsese 98000008 3 sssessssssescessecenecessssscasesessscceneee Select Chocolates: In Fancy Baskets and Boxes. Lownay's, Ramsay's, Ganong' s, Patterson's, Fry's (nade in England), Moir's, Hunt's, from 25c. to $10." SAKELL Phone 640. ¥ secacsessannnfoncse $44540444045440058500204500080808000008000s Saat DOCTOR HAY WHIG CORRESPONDENTS ceived here by relatives, vesterday, i RTATIS AFTER ALL ELSE HAD FAILED > AND "FRUIT-A-TIVES" CURED MRS. CADIEUX Plantagenet, Ont., Jan. at, 1910. About March lst, 1909, T was taken deathly sick with Stomach Trouble, | Backache and General Breakdown. failed from 125 pounds down to 80 pounds, was confined to bed for gight weeks, and was unable to eat or keep anything on my, stomach.' he doctors said they could do nothing for me and as & last resort, one doctor told me to try " Fruit-a-tives"--if they 1 started taking Y Fruit-a-tives once, snd inside of ten days I was able to |' leave my bed. My stomach got strong | and I could eat and retain my food f gained rapidly and soon had my usual good bealth back again snd to-day I weigh és wich ax ever--125 pounds. "Mrs. LAURENT CADIEUX. Even the doctors realise that these | § wonderful tablets made of fruit juices! will cure Stomach Troubles, Indigestion, apd Dyspepsia. 00¢ a box, 6 for $2.50; trial size, 2c. At uli dealers or sent postpaid on receipt ol price by Frait a-tivex Limited, Ottawa. Rich party at Mr { Knapp und her brother, Milton, Lund Mrs. man. ing at trip to Cherry Blanche Vangbaen,; lespie Christmas broek," the teacher for 3.8. No. and Miss Miller in No. ¢ THE DAILY BRITISH Wg, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4. 1911. -- [NEWS OF NEIGHBORS TELL US. Are Doing and What They Are Saying. : At Crow Lake. 2 Crow Dake, Jan. 2.--H. Tharreit has left for Moosemin, Sask. The dance and waod 'bee at James Mahon's was {well attended, as also the dancing Keynold"s. Miss: Grade are Visitors : D. Me- Ewen, at R. Reynolds'; Mise M. War- ren, at George Bertram's: ¥rs. John Knapp and daughter, Alma, at n. Stafiord"s; Mrs, John Hasna, at S. Jones", going to Perth. Glendower Notes. CGlendower, Jan. 3.--Timothy man js in this vicinity sawing wood and doing some threshing. Mrs. Ste ot! phen Hickey is still on the sick list. The school meeting elected James Wil son as trustee. John Campbell and family, Parham, at George Timmer- man's. Fdgar Timmerman and wild Cobalt; are visiting his parents, Me. George Timmerman. Allan Snider is going to visit Sanford Lee Archibald Timmerman is visit- James Wilson's. Picton Personals. Dec. lL 8. Fox made a Valley, this week. Miss Mrs. Thomas Gil- Lily Werden spent McCaw's, "Glen Miss Moore is 3, Hallowell, 2. Miss Annie Colliver is to teach at Woodrous' Cor Miss C. Fox is visiting her par- Free- Picton, and Miss at FE out of town. ners as Cream a aris Dal I wd ee Werden McCyw, after spending some Make a regular meal time habit of this palate-tempting | beverage {24th oceurred the death of Mrs. | relict of the late Heary Finkle, i ALE Absolutely pure, mild, mellow and delicious. It nourishes, and is especially good for people who don't sleep well. Order some to-day. 2 At all Dealers OF LONDON, CANADA 339-341 King St. B., Kingston. JAMES McPARLAND, AGENT, Next Door to Opera House. 220 Princess Street 3 | Hall Mirrors and Hall Racks and Hall Seats Three- Piece Loose Cushion Parlor' Setts, withont ne. in the st silk velours, at James Rei The Leading Undertaker. time their home in town. ter again yopened in this locality, on drawing it out at. Tamworth Maude and Olive Salsbury expect Cherry Valley, are again Nr. Crandall, absence of some time, is home at at an A Maribank Death. Maribank, On \ December Finkle, at the The Jan. }.- home of her son, S. S. Finkle. | burial took. place at Tweed. A quiet wedding took place it the | home of John Berry on December 20rd, the contraceing parties being Miss Ina Hartrick and Marshall Berry. Rev. F. Dixon officiated. Miss Kuby: Rich mond, F. Hughes and NM. Benn ave home from business college for their holidays. They will return in a few days. Miss Ida Carscallen is home from Toronto for her holidays, * and will return next week. A number of the young people attended the Christ- mas tree at Tamworth. " p---- Hockey at Verona. Jan. 2.=-The hotkey season on Saturday, when Verona succeeded in husky Vv erous, Nee. 3st, holding down Sharbot Lake's seven to an even game, The contest was one of the cleanest and fastest over seen here. Kenneth Trousdale, the tast little Verona forward, was one of the stars of the dgy. The teams: Shar- ot Lake, A. Roberts, goal; J. Legatt, (Capt.), point; A. Doyle, cover; F. Roberts, rover; W. Buatterill, centre; Carey and Willianison, wiDgs. Verona, : RR. Webber, goal; W. Asslestine, (Capt) point; E, Grant, cover; E. Trousdale, rover; Burnett and K. Trousdale, wings. I.. Burnham, of Sharbot Lake, handled the game very satis factorily. Mount Chesney Items, Mount Chesney, Jan. 3.---Mr. and Mrs. G. I. Patterson entertained a pumber of friends on Wednesday last. Fhe young sports are, looking forward to a hockey match in Glenburuie on Jan. Tth. Hecent visitors: Mr. and Mrs. D. Dillen, at Mrs. D. Fowler's; Miss Alice Patterson spent New Year's at home; Miss L. Leahy, at ame Hickey's; (i. Sear, Huck Lake, Mrs. Gowan snd Mrs. GG. Hart, a: Sask., at H. Sear's; Mrs. F. Switzer, at Mri. G. Draper's; Miss Nellie Pat- terson, at J. Fowler's; Giles Stoness and family spent Sunday at Mr. Du cette's, Battersea: J. F. Kune and "Chuck" martin, Kingston, at Mr. Fowler's. Budget From. Bethel. Bethel, Dec. A1.--The closing of the Farmers' Bank of Canada has caused a great deal of inconvenience to near- ly everyone round and about Camden East. People having their mone; nearly all jn. the bask and depending as they had need, find themselves greatly put out for the winter, a). 8, Galbraith has réturned from Vancouver, B.C. Henry Sals- bury, of the North-West, is visiting his father and other friends here. The marriage of John Galbraith took place on Wednesday Misses to return to Ottawa on Tuesday. Miss Estella Manion, of Kinggtan Business 0 , is spending the holidays at st home here. Henry Robinson and sistpr, Lena, and Miss Nettie Gal braith spent Saturday in Napanee, Presentation at Macdonald. Mucdonald, Dec. 31.--A pleasint ev- t in Tuesday last when of friends from Gretna and Macdohald met at the home of tiworge Birch and gave Mr. and Mrs Arthur Dean 'a kitchen shower. On Wednesday "even'ng fifty-six friends assembled at the home of William 'Tne Tidings From Varions Points In' of fnswnonia. Eastern. Ontario--What. People mer resident " Cro °, id ' gethering of the many relatives i day, | trustee and M. Redden secretary-treas Se., and wile, dav at G. SN. + Alen, | | | day the home of Mr. and Mrs. te nu done to the good things, sant and of Brockville; Mr. and Mrs, of Mallorytown; kota; lund family, of South Lake; bert, ue; burton. sented ut the happy { mas at Mr. 'We Invented ing 'was upset, and he 'was thrown. to the ground, receiving' gpite severe He will be tonfined. to the re- of of illness for injuries; house. for some time. Word was the death of Mrs. A. Parker, Mouniain Grave, after a short Beceased was 2 of this place. Mrs. Clark, sr., continues very poorly. Nr. and , Mrs. W. Castle, of Elkliorn, Man., are ! spending a few days at J. Meek's, Mr. nd Mrs. J. Fremch, Mountain at S. Grant's; Miss Olivia Sanborn, teacher at Maclean, is spend- ins the holiday sessom with her pa rents; Mr. and Mrs. Clare i Shar bot Lake, ai Leonard : Rev, Mr. Pierce, at W. Moir'ss: Elsie Moir, Hamilton, is visiting her moth: er, Mrs. W. M < Five Genérations Present. 3.0m Christmas Thom- near Thousand Island the © scene of a home amd Gearge Nuttall, Sr, together to wish her wany happy returns of the day. The taliles were beautifully laid with Christmas cheer and after justice had a plea- speech was given by John Nut fall, of Port Huron. The relatives and friends from a distande were Mr. Mrs. John Nuttall and soni pf, Port 'Huron; Mr. and Mrs, FE. Smith, McDonald, of Da- Nuttall Mr. and W. H. Metcalfe, of Portland; Al- of Gananoque; Mi. and Mrs. i sou, Harvey, of Ganano- Mrs. Day, + of Dufierin; Melomald, of Mallory- of War repre Gananoque, Jan. ws Nuttall, unction, was friends of Mrs. who had come McDonald, George Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Widdes: and Mr. and Mr. aud Mrs town; Mr. aud Mrs. Day, Sr, Five generations were gathering Doings at Westbrook. Westbrook, Jan, 4.--The annual school meeting was held on Wednes Dec. 25th, W. Smith was elected urer. The tea meeting in the Metho dist church, on Friday night was 4 success. Rev, F. MH. Sproule, of King ston, was chairman, Miss Lorrjpine Smith, after spending the vacation at home, leit on Monday, to resuma Mer duties as principal: of Harrowsmith public school. John Russell, of M: PVE V ville, was 5 caller at D. Sheehan's, & Monday last. C. W. Drury, MAL B | Welland, spent Widnes W. Smith's, Mr. and: Mrs I. Sproule, spent part of last ' week at Bay Side. Authonv Smith returned home, on Monday, after spending the vacation with his uncle, DID. S. 8, Smith, Emporiom, Pa., and Dr. Ross Olean, N.Y. A number from wre attended g party at F. Peters, oi Thersday night. William McEwen, oi , Napanee, spent Sundav, at his home Lore; Miss Alice West, of Kingston, is renewing acquaintance here, Mrs. il ( lnistopher and little daughter, spent the week-end ut the homd of ler par ents, Mr. and Mrs, Jenkins Notes From © nintows, (aintown, Jan, 3.--Charles Tennant, attending school in Brockville, spoit] his holidays at his home here. Mr (Charles McDonald, Mallorvtown, was the guest of her sister, | Mrs. Joseph g Hull. Mr. and Mrs. Join Kincaid, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Franklin, Mr. and Mre. Bertram Grabam, spent Christ Evil's, Temperance Lake. Mr. and Mrs. EE. J. Kahot speut Christmas at Rockport. Miss: lear, of Poole's Resort, when closing her school for the holidays, gave all . the] children a treat, which was much ap preciated. Harley Ferguson has gone to Regina to take a normal course. Mrs. Wilcox, of Rockport, is the guest of her wother, Mrs. Nancy Buell, George Duncan has gone on a busines trip east. Mr. and Mrs. George Nuell went east for 'the holidays as guest of the latter's parents. Wilbert Purvis, attending Brockville college, spent the bolidaye at his father's here. Kenneth White, Gravenhurst, spent some of his holidays with Caintown friends. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Knolton, Athens, spent Christmas, the guests of the latter's mother, Mrs. Nancy Tennant. William A. Grahabn. spent Sunday at Rock port, Wedding at Bancroft, Bancroft, Jan. L.--A pretty wedding was salemnized at the home of Jas Lindsay, on Wednesday, Dee. 28th, at eight o'clock, when his eldest daughter, Mirtle, was united in mat- 3 to Lewis Glenn, of Westport. Mr. Spargo, B.A., pastor of the | Meth dist charch, Bancroft, performed | the ceremony in the presence of 'about sevinty guests. The bride looked very pretty as 'she-entered 'the raom on (he | arm of her father, to the strains Schwen Berger march, played hy Rage of | her | TEeEETEIEEeTPTee CTesea: i 0X0 Cubes to 5g Bi 8 op hi Hants, dies i AT -------------------------- "cousin, Miss Francis-Jadkson, She was | charmingly attired in a gown of white silk, trimmed with point d'esprit "and white. applique. Ske wore a white tulle veil, with wreath of orange hlos- soms. Miss Ethel Turner, of: Toronto, was a bridesmaid and Kenneth Lind cay, brother of the bride, was ° best man. lhe groom's gift to the bride was a pair of hat pins set with bril- to the bridesmaid a wishbone set with pearls and turqueise, and to the best man a set af gold cuff links. Mter the cereminy "the ruests sat down toa bountiful sup- per. TE © remainder of the evening was spent in dancing. The prisemts received by the bride were numerous. In the spring the young couple intend taking up house-keeping in Westport. brooch, News From Frinsville! Erinsville, Jan. 2. Mrs. Henry Flag ler, of Belleville, is spending the hali- days st the home of her father, Michael Durns. Richard Murphy, who has been visiting his mother and friends in the vicinity, returned to his home in Owasso, Mich., on Thursday of last week. Miss Garvin, of Toledo, has resigned as teacher of the Frins- ville school. Miss Marv Harrison is engaged by the trustee board for 1911. Miss Annie Killoran is engaged in the Garrett school. Messrs. William and Leon Turcotte, of Tweed, were here on Sunday. Some of the young prople attended the ball id Tweed an the 26th ult. John Mahoney and fam ily, of Langdon, Dakota, are spend ing some weeks at the home of his father, Richard Mahoney, of. this place. Lotal option is being voted on C. P. R. fireman, says: " The water gauge of my locomotive burst and scalded the whole left side of my face tevribly. | "had a box of Zam-Buk in my pocket, which | was using for a sore on my lip, and when 1 had recovered from the first shock of the accident, | produced the balm and had it applied freely to the scalded parts. | was suffering acute agony, but within a wonderfully short time Zam-Buk gave mae ease. | was able to continue my journey and upoa reaching home, | obtained more Zam-Buk and continued the treatment. © Zam-Buk acted wonderfully well, and in a few days had the wound nicely healing. | don't know anything so fine as Zam-Buk as a healer of burns, scalds, cuts, and similar injuries, which workers are so liable to, and, in my opinion, a box of Zam- Buk should be kept handy in every worker's home." George H. Duffus of Robertson St, Fort William, 8 in the township of Sheffield, to-day. (Snsiderable excitement prevails, A hatly-contested township election" is also being" waged by the opposing ran- didates for municipal honors. Miss Jule (FPrién is pngaged to teach the Ballahack schoql for 1911. Miss Mar Zam-Buk will also be found a sure cure for cold sores, chapped bass, te, wicers, blood- poison, voricoss sores, piles, sualp sores, ringw wm, inflamed patches, babies' erup- tions aud chapped places, cuts, burns, bruises, und skin in juries ;enerslly. All druggists and stores sel! at 50c. bax or post free from Zam Buk Co. , Toronto, u - FREE BOX Sead this Cou-on and a lo. stomp te Zam Buk Qo. and" free tris] box of Zva Rak will be pon receipt of prec wailed you, guenite Frans resames teaching at Larkin, while Miss Stella Lyneh takes charge of a school near Stoco, and Miss Margaret ('Brien resimes her du- Marlbank. Master Belleville, i= spend here. Master Justin | the Collegiate to-day, while Mas; goes back to at Regiopelis, al of ties as teacher Vincent Burns, ing his holidays {¥irien refurns to stituté at Napanee, for Richard Idynn sume his studies Rings! Miss Marguerite Hopkins also 'returns to the collegiate dt Na panee, and Mise Hattie Evans _goes| back to Kingston to resume her stn. at 'Notre Dame convent | whe wen to on. The most delicious of chocolate confections. They stand alone in their smoothness, richness and unique flavor. insist on having COWAN'S. Name and design patented and registered. THE COWAN CO. LIMITED, TORONTO. words of Richard Lovelace, lived in the early part of the w teenth century, have pointed out many the path of duty Magazines bound in volumes. kind of binding desired at the Office bindery. The Any Whig This Range Was Made For You Madam pi SS, You are a particular house- keeper are buyer a good x; Sa You a discriminating You That is why we ask you to come in and let us show you this ¥ The Imperial Oxford = There's not a better baker in the Dominion. A special divided A special grate guarantees the most heat for the fuel consumed. Special ash-door gua cleanliness. Nickel lifts off and saves work of scouring. And "The Oxford Economizer saves 20% of-your coal bill. \We want to demonstrate these exclusive 8 Grgruey economy, cffic the satisfaction they give. . Then decide--can you afford to use any other range in r kitchen ? You'll find a full line of Gurney Oxford Stoves on cur floor all prices--Made for every purpose and all kinds of fuel. -( we're always glad to seow them, are Manager- oven flue guarantees that. d guarantees vou-----their to features to ciency, we. leave it "oo you styles and time, all ome 'in any THE YELLOW. HARDWARE STORR Simmons Bros. v IMPERIAL Comfort, Comfy Fit Popular Price EVERY. GARMENT GUARANTEED. If not satRfactory 'money : : relonded, : Pre MADE ONLY BY Durability, ng Kingston Hoslery 1 Co, Lid, Kingston, Ont. | ees off your dealer + cannot supply you write us. Imperial Brand Men's Wool Underwear ~

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