' PAGE FOUR. ns ; : Fy Family Gough Syrup THE jo, Jub YEAR Lv ZR SA RECORD YEAR POPP POO o valve life, and have. made up their 4 ind to kill and maim as many as AS possible before they are arrested. One 1 a year. Fo has only to recall the workiof a mad-' 19 pomage had : - ShEL ot 4 ry dded. of Dally $3 man in Montreal who, with rifle and The Imperial Life's Excellent State- and of GE r vear. Print anununition, kept the Montreal po- | ment © Reflects Country's Pros. Sttlons tn, Canad; Tapia, wiyiiah. stylish, Bie a in he Nr perity--Local Business Good. & a 0 essay a : ] T to, 5.<The t ek Pl Ld. little further out than the others in oh a prevailed. ny their desire to end the deadly work.' , out the country during the past yesr am. A negro, in Torento, a murderer, gave 'is being reflected in a suriking manner s0d:t1a Kl Pris i icra we wing 18 INSURANCE COMPANY'S phi hed in pare, nday GOOD SHOWING. | a Med ps Sharpe "Cures Any Cough in Five Hours. NEW PRESCRIPTION HERE. Here ven the most effective Cog riptios Knows to the med iy orl a mild laxative foo, a t a body needs when suffering with co ugh Bre cold on the Iy old. indicates poisons mw usirig'| Anfiami- mation a sn, Nearly all cough ByTUDR ¥ make the trouble stipating effects, 1 only relieves y eough that is curable upce fluid wild cherry bark one ouhte compound essence cardio] and three gunces syrup white pine compound. Mix in a bpttle Take tor acute cough or RronMiitis twenty drop every half hour for four hours, The Pe bait 10 one teaspoon ful three or four times daily Give children Isss according to age A few hours' treatment wil cure and heal the throat and lurigs of all but consump- Cut this out and give it to some who may need ii to be saved from an early death by consdmption, COAL Jan: worse by This pres: quickly, b peclalists in diseases of Skis, ts 4, Nerves, Bladder and' Special ails men ts visit Lng it impess! ble, em: Hours : 10 am. to T pam, and an eo me Bandar 10am tol pw. DRS. S0PER & HITE Malesman! and , 25 Torente Street, Torente, Ont. | ; ; anh S. J. WILSON, . Member Dominion Exchange, Ltd. Mining, Listed and Unlisted TORONTO OF OFFICE. Bulte Sa a a arog. "Br! ! evidesiee of the harm he Id d in the annual statements of our large Shiaiipston. J.P, representative. fore. the bi " coud do be-, ! financial and 'commercial . concerns. A i - combined attacks 'of police C8 | noteworthy example is that of the Jm- Daile Wiig fore firemen drove him into the upper | perial Life Assurance company of Can VN ' part of the building where he erro | aly shot and killed. | the 'year ended December 3st, 1910, A GAME OF BLUFF, London is not often made the scene, *h shows that 'the results of the "Representing the people of the west' of o donflict such as has been des . »_opetations in- AAI8 sutpassed in Je Brandeis has fyled wth the Inter- Griped in the cablegrams, and the won- | oe ¥ Fuportaue yuri Ta , state Commeree Cominiy nm at Wash gop' js that in the vicious firing of | The new assurances effected, {ington a brief in Yd opposes the the impounded desperadoes the loss.of , policies revived amounted to $6,500, proposed increase of . railway rates, life was not grenter. London is got- , 200, and exceeded by over a million fand contends that it ie got warranted | ting ite terrible lessons these days. ft' Qoflazs the company's © heat record in = existing conditio ¥ affords an asylum for the outcasts | any one year Toe San stone is SALE OF BOYS' SPEED-{ WAY OVERCOATS "Ii their net incomik if. insufficient," { und exiles of every. land, but it eannot | the year the assets were increased by he says, "the proper remedy is not 'afford it any longer if, as a result, over $800,000, and now stand at righer rates, resulting in higher costs ! there is no safety to the life of the | 26,117,000; the income from premiums, Land but | and interest amounted to over $1,370. "BURN BLACK DIAMONDS radiant with heat, 5. ANGLIN & 00. Cor Wellington and Bay Streets 'Phone 66... Start the New Year Right save your mone by buying your Clothing, Boots and Shoes. Hats, Caps, Hwoaters, Mitts, Underwear, Socks, etc, at : ISAAC ZACK 271 PRINCESS STREET. Leawvent Priced i a House in the "A Tree Is Known by Its Fruit" -AND eg OUR COAL is known by .its good burn- «ing qualities. oP. WALSH, 55-37 Barrack St. ¥ BEeasasstsessereorasen srs. (NQPW emit is the time to come and buy out goods. For two-good rea: sons---The rush ia over and money Is scarce. "We 'offer 20 per cent. off all purchases over ten dollars, A big line of Heaters and ranges yet to clear ont. Our stock of beautiful Old- ashioned Furniture is the best in the country, and as we have too much on - hand will sell very cheap. All kinds of Household Goods and Brie «a-Brac bought or sold. L. LESSES, wr Gstmecsn and { nthewm See SER0000000000000000S ING'S CAFE ING'S Lunch Counter "ING'S Private Dining Rooms ING (James) Prop. ING ST. Nos 338-342 INGSTON, Now open. ! raherng Conacts Taser. 1f we please you, tell others. If we don't' Please you, please - tell us. 99040000000 000000000000 ® 0000000000000 000000000! both, the ote ut und the wounding Jou need. Sood conl; i ness, iptroducing -- and lessened business, "management, resulting in lower costs, in higher wages ~and increased busi- not prager remedy is to. apply the | delusive stimulant of higher rates, but | to strengthen their organizations by i advanced methods amd eliminating questionable practices. Thus they will maintain credit by de serving it." v It is added that by the adoption of efficiency, the railway companies could save nu million dollars a day. He made this statement some time ago the railway managers extended to him a liberal offer. They said that if he could show them how they could accomplish the result he said was poe sible, they. would put him on the pay list and give him ao saléry much great | er than he could"@in in the legal pro- | fession, It was a bluff, probably, on their for the people. He has fyled lis brief, and-repeated his declaration. Hé could do that, of course, and not have wuch evidence in support of it. sn di gnioman, HONOURS FOR JAMESON. King George maker Dr. Jameson, leader of the famous Transvaal raid, a baronet. Tv didn't take long for the whirligig of time to work wonders in this man's case ~FExchange. About sixteen years : Dr. Jameson precipitated the South * African war, and because, or on account of his for- cod march upon Johannesburg in the fall of 1895, nearly lost his life. Me was one of the men who came to the frunt in the days of Cecil Rhodes, whise service in behalf of - is being kept alive through the Oxford scholarships which he established. How fascinating some history reads in the light of lawr events. "The crisis in the Transvaal" jis but dimly remembered. Tt was only when it had read Current Evénts that the facts! came back vividly to the Whig. For a fong time the Uitlanders, (foreign re sidents), were dissatisfied with evenis in South Africa, and finally there was a demonstration towards the Roer government of which Kruger was the llad. The grievance of-the--for- eigners was that though they constitu. ted a majority of the populstion a d contributed nearly all the revenue of the state they had no voice in the legislation, no burgher rights, and no aid for English schools. In Johs annesburg the foreigners were for a "kick," and Dr. Jame pid, and at that time the of Dechuanaland for the Chartered company, "whs invited to lead the invading | party. This be did. The Jameson party sufiored in the vaid. About J00 fost their lives. The balance, about 100, survendered amd for a time, their lives were "in danger. Twas at this, tipe that (he German emperor sent Paul Kruger & tolegram of sympathy | and encouragement and opened up the | preparing san, the int administratd _ South African gull Fween the Rritish and German | empires. Dr, Jameson was denounced, as a troubler at the time, but be has in recent years been climbing public favour, and now miakes him a baronet. er and the. record of Jameson have been fully redeemed, but the work has boew gradual and sk slow enough. LONDON'S S AWFUL SPECTACLE. The world stands aghast "at the criminal record of London, and the 'attempted the. arrest scientific individual or the liberty of the America stands before it, | ashamed. 000 immigrants this year, the euipish | "lates with the soandowith odo; tion. Foreigners must Jearn to be! have themselves or be made to travel, | of surplus earnings, out of If their credit is impaired, the and meet the punishment that is their | profits to. policyholders are paid, the | due. EDITORIAL NOTES. The governor of democrat) is going to have his gov- erament practice economy. He may be lke Hughes, have his ideas anh lack * the power to enforce them. Economy echmomica! methods, without affecting is a thing the average politician likes to talk about but hates to practice. It is expected that 1 that all the mayors who visit London this vear, in conmec- tion "with the coronation of the king; | willbe knighted. Toronto is already accustpoming itsel to the sound of Sir Regiiald. Why should Kingston not accustom itself to Sir Christopher ? New York's society spent New Year's eve and morning in the restaurants 'and hotels, eating and drinking. There ® part, but it did not silence the counsel Was a 'veritable flood of champagne. It is estimated that 50,000 or 60,000 bottles of the wine were consumed. It was an awful guzzle, and intellectual abashed and The Strathmore (Alta.) farmers have organized a co-operation company aud | will .go into beet" growing and sugar making. -Dr.. Max Wiedman, a Ger: man, is at the head of the mbvement. | The company could get a lot of valu. nhle experience from the) Michigun and Ontario sugar beet men. They: paid for it with golden coin, It is said that Canada will get 500, It is popu: lation 'Canada wants, but population t kind. The desirable elo; that which readily assim element already here and loses -itsell in the larger field. The umdesirable is that which will not mix and wants to dominate the whole. The End of the House of Lords, London Nation T ords know full well that the sword is forged for their undoing. The three coalised parties ave assured "of power; their fore is unshaken from the greag public purpose to which it is devoted; the cabinet is united from its of" the ri ment is "most udvanced to its most-moderate member; the occasion for an agreed settlement having lapsed, by the net Adve men who. hoped... 40. gain by war, the hour for #n enforced sottlement has struck. Nothing more is required of the lords than to take that phice in the scheme. bf things which, thirty years /ago, every consti tutional student of econséquence as signed to then. The lords could them rovive bills, and delay bills, They could vot upset party government, as they bave upset it during the last five years. This power of confusion they must lose, They will not be allowed to destroy our trade, of our constitution, or our representative system; and this act of wise restraint the three guiding pow- ets ih 1h land--the king, the commons and the people--will, the day after the government is fully confirmed in office, take in bund together. hE GIP. Buys Land, Vancoaver, Jan, d.~A statement is officially made that the deal for the | purchase of Albion Iron Workers site by 'the Grapd Trunk Pacific is about into completed. It includes several hundred |to the employment of the King fect of the inlet water frontage gt the | school age'in any The honour northith end of Westminster avenue, business, and both parents or guardi- he plan now awaits the sanclion Fy CPR, which owns the water front rights. es will be erected and the G.T.P. steamship business han. dled from there. 3 o* = Masked Thugs Again. Vancouver, B.C., Jan. 5~Two mask. ] | amounting New York (Dix, again ; expected according Ra: 1 000, an increase of $165,000. A new record 'wus also made in the amount which net surplus over and above all Labili | vies, including policy 'reserves, Maw to over T0000, It 3 wo noted that the death losses were those w! were to be to the standard tables of mortality. The rate of interest realized on the company's funds was 6.52 per cent. an increase of 40° over that earned in 1909. This favorable rate is due two the fact that about sixiy-five per cent. of the company's "assets consist of 'first mortgages on "improved farm lands in Western Canada. The policyholders and others having interest in "this strong, progressive Canadian company are to he congra- tulated upon the marked success which has uniformly characterized its opera- tious, and especially the success of the vear just closed. J. B. Cooke, the company's district agent at Kingston, . states that the business at his agency during the past year was most satisfactory and prospects point to a greatly increased business in 1911. PAINFUL BURNS AND CUTS. Really Wonderful | How Zam-Buk Gives Ease, This is the verdict of all who have tried © Zam-Buk.' The woman in the home knows best its value, A burn fiom the stove, from a flat iron, or a hot pan, is instantly soothed by Zam- i Buk. When the little ones fall and cut or seratch themselves, Zam-Buk stops the pain, and, incidentally, their crying. The best proof of this is the fact that children who have once had Zum-Buk applied come for it again; For, more serious burns, too, it is unequalled. John Johnston, of 731 South Marks street, Fort William, «a moulder in Copp's foundry, says: "Some time ar burned the top' of my foot severely by dropping some molten iron from a ladle I wa: carry- ing. A large hole was burned through my shoe and into the top of my foot, 1 was taken home and Zam-Buk was applied to the buen divectly. Tt was surprising Yhat relief this balm af forded. Tl. burn was so deep and so serious that it requi careful atten- tion, "but Zam-Buk prevented other complications, arising, and as it was daily applied, soothed the pains and allayed the inflammation. In the course of two weeks the hole burned in my foot had Been well healed." Ww. B Gibson, of Belleville, writes ; "We have tried Zam-Buk' often on cuts and sores, and | think there is noth ing that can equalijt." Zoi Buk. sill also he found A... Sure. cure for cold sores, chapped hands, frost bite, uloers, blood poison, vari cose sores, piles, scalp soves, ring- worm, inflamed patches, babies' erup- tions and chapped places, and' skin in- juries generally. Al druggists and stores sell at 3. box, or post' free from ZanmrBuk Co., Toronto, for price THE WEST IS PROGRESSIVE. The Alberta Compulsory School Law. Manitoba "ree Press. : he session, of the Alberta legisly- ture; just © clused, has emacted a tru- ancy and compulsory "attendance law. It promises to be an effective conet- ment. The age limits aro eight and thirteen years, and the period of at- tendance is fixed at the whole time during which the school in which the child resides is open during the year, subject to the customary exemptiops belonging to compulsory attendasce laws. A part of the enactment relates jgost children of class: of work or fan and employer are subject lo fine. The boards of fowns and cities ap- point their own officers and prescribe the Ju Securities. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED 14 King St. East. "Phone Main 4228. 3 ° <° 3 3 * : was adn, whose preliminary statment for || send history fo ow . i IN NEED OF ATTENTION. Conservation of Children in the Old Land. Manitoba Free Press There is a district in London called Daptiord, aud a street therein called the Creek Road. The Creek Road school was visited recently and ex- amined by, the medical officers of the education department, and i was certi- fied by thosp officers that fifty per cent. of the children atterfling the school were in need of medical attend: ance. \ The Creek "care committee" secured from the borough coumeil of Grepuwich the use of two large rooms in the ves- try hall of St. Nicholas' church, rent free. To these rooms, after school hours, rome crowds of little children for teaching and: treatment. Their teeth are attended to by a deptist, who combines the teaching with the heal ing art. There is a portiomeof one of the rooms curtained off for a bath- room, which is constantly in use. In another corger, close to a fireplace; is a nurse "who in five weeks cured sixty cases of, Slight," a Rorcible dnd infec. tious eve disease." Exe defects ave very common, and the demand for glasses is very great "The health centrs is the germ, not of an hospital, but of a new order of school," suvs one writer. Already the London commty council has undertik: en to pay a two-shilling grant on ev- ery child freated by, the dentist, and a further grant of £400 to cover the sal- aries of the dentist and the nurse. Jo eph Fels is the name of the man whose bounty made this health centre ble, aud he is probably doing for his country as if be had spent his time and money im a search for a new kind of explosive for use in the navy possi- a8 much = City Government by Commission. Toropto World Oakland, Cal, is lamong.the latest cities to adopt the commission form of government, which it did last month by a vote of three to one. The pre gressive victory decisive, and though the cousent of the legislature i necessary, no difficulty is anticipated in having the popular verdict carried into eficct. The new charter provide for a commission of five members, hetttded by the mayor, establishes the initiative, referendum and recall, lim- its all franchise grunts to thirty-five vears, authorizes regulation of rates for public utilities, amd reorganizes the municipal civil service, The omly elective officers are mavor, auditor, four commissioners amd six schoo! di- rectors. In the governing body of five all responsability will be centoed. A Mexican revolutionary agent en listing recuits at" Winnipeg. END STOMACH TROUBLE. Indigestion, Gas, Dyspepsis and Heartburn: Go in Five Minutes. As there is often some one in vour family who suffers an attack of Indi jon or spme form of Stomach trouble, why don't you houp rome in the house handy harmless blessing will digest a yom can eat i slightest , and overcome a sour, gassy Stomach five minutes af- "Tell Four Pharmacist 0 lgt you read ba Plainly Printed on these then . rey see oh it has Indigestion, Sour § tomach eartburn and other distress go in five minutes, and relieves at once such miseries as Belching of Gas, Eructations of sour, undigested food, Nausew, Headaches. Dizziness, Comstipation and other Sio- mach disorders, Ee folks have tried so long to Gul tion and Dyspepaia was it fj nih ! iif English Beaver Overcoats $1 Fabrics are Nobby Tweeds. Style, same as the men's, Double Breasted long coat, New two style collar Nobby patterns for boys 8 to 14 years Regular $7.50 7. 6.50 qualities. We have too many on hand. Bibby's January Price $M. 50 armen Men's Overcoats $15. We place on sale to- -day the rest of our Hand Tailored Overcoats, New Browhs; new Greys, new Blacks, Coats worth regularly $24. 22. 20. 18, Your Choice For $15. Ten Dallars will buy a Fine English Beaver , Cloth Overcoat, beautifull y tailored, Sold regular- ly for $14. Bibby's January Price $10. Ra Hosiery 2 Pairs 25c. 'Scotch, Heather, Cashmere and Wool Hosiery regular 25c. qualitics Bibby's January Price 2 Pairs 25¢ A A Al tet PN lit -------- The H.D. Bibby Cos. The Big Store With Little Prices. P2000 0I000600000000000000060000 % 'A SMART LITTLE PAQUIN SUIT OF NAVY SERGE. The loose box coat and very harrow skirt of the season are well in this clever little walking costume by Paquin. The cut of 'a ma Ga Se pb