stn THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JANUARY 5 1911. PAGE FIVE. -- Be ---- Natute implanted in the Coffee berry all the ' ingredients to produce a healthful, invigorating drink. In Seal Brand Coffee - a!l the natural ingredients are retained. \ Sold in 1 and 2 Ip. Cans only. CHASE & SANBORN, MONTREAL. LAMBERT, - . Merchant Tailor BLUE CHEVIOTS AND WORSTEDS are dressy and always right. Lambert has the standard makes in Tadigo «dyes, at from $22 to $28 a suit. SCOTCH TWEEDS are good wearing cloths and make comfortable suits. Lambert has them fresh from the mills in Scotland, at from $20 to $28 a suit. y "WORSTED TROUSERINGS in grey stripes are the best cloths for an extra pair of Trousers. Lambert has a nice variety at from $5 to 87. Thos. Lambert, 157 Princess Street Brandy Snaps Fresh ard Crisp at 10e per dozen, Our own make SHORT CAKE in cakes and by the dozen. 5 3 : S .H. TOYE, 5%,Koe st PS. FINE LARGE SPY APPLES 50e peck Hall Mirrors 3 and Hall Racks' and Hall Seats A useful piece-of furniture, No house complete without one. Three-Piece Loose Cushion Parlor Setts, in the latest silk velours, at - James. Reid, The Leading Undertaker. Phone 147 Rr Coat Bargains All must go i= A few Heavy: Threequarter Length Coats at ..... . . $1.00 each 20 Long Coats, semi-fitting and loose back ulstefs, regular prices, $7.50 to BIB, Or ule soriinns semi: $2.50 each 19 only, Long Coals, the latest and most choice goods shown this season, at half price :-- $8.50 20.00 $10.00 $12.50 Coats $15.00 Coats For Coat Bargains dome now---in few days it will be too late. D. M. NCE The Leading "Millinery Store. Coats Coats Coats a RESOL E, ~That the Best Shoes in Kings- ton are none too good for you. "Then come to Sutherland's --"The Home of Good Bhoes"--and let us demonstrate the worth of this statement. oS jen TO ABOLISH THE MARKET Sotie THIS YEAR. The County Council Will Appoint a Deputation to Confer With the City Governing Body----Free Mar- kets and Free Roads The county council at its session this month intends to appoint a deputation to wait upon the city cotncil and ask Yhat the tolls on the produce marist be abolished, in view of the fact that Frontenac has freed itself of toll roads. On several occasions within the ten years, effigqrts to bave the Qty abolish its macket tolls: hay€ been made, but without success. "First get rid of your toll road houses and then we'll consider the market toll ques tion," was the reply of the city alder to the Froutenac councillors. Now thé county's roads are all free to travel, and the city will now be ask- od to give thé county something ir return for the benefits the city re ceives from the free roads. All that Rimgwton receives in tolls from market No. ' i or the produce market, is $1,- 000 u year.o With free roads and free markets, the county councillors con tend that more farmers will go to Kingston, which will benefit materi: ally. In the past, aldermen have doubted if the market would be increased by toll abolition. Road tolls, they con- tended, were a greater hindrance than market fees, and that when the farmers had not to pay toll over Kingston streets, they should mot kick. It will have to be decided be fore April as to whether market tolk will be sholished, so that budget pro vision may be made. It has been prophesied that the Ca taraqui bridge toll Yetuipts will de crease, how that- the Kingstou-Stor- rington road has been Rings of tolls. It remains to be seen Whether farmers of Pittsburg township will drive a few extra miles to "eacape the payment of J Bridge tofl. SICK { WITH THE GRIP, And Induiged Rather Freely, With Result. Because he was sick with the grippe, William Tierney, a stranger in ths city, who claims Detroit as his home indulged rather too freely, vesterday with the usual result--that of being arrested by the police. Constable Fil son gathered him in, very early last might. Tierney was staggering around the down-town stheets, counting the tele graph poles, and making himself quits friendly to-every person who happene. to pass by. "1 was "suffering from. the grippe am took a few drinks," he sail to' th magistrate. "I'm sorry, very sorry though." It was an old, old story with th court, however. The penalty was $i and cdsts, or ten days. Moral--Never take an whiskey for the grippe. A ---------------- Victorian Order Report. ¢ The regular meeting of the Vietorias Order executive was held, on Tuesday afternoon, ten members, being present The nurses" report for December show- ed 140 nursing visits and seven casua' visits, and fourteen patients cared for Of these, seven were Anglicans, thre Methodists, two Roman Catholics, and two Presbyterians. Miss Hurse re ported contributions of cash from Miss Macnee and Mrs. Kirkpatrick, which she applied as requested. The com- mittee also acknowledged contributions of clothipg, img and nourishment from Mrs. Burstall, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Dyde, Mrs. Massie, Mrs. F. Reid, Mrs. Sherman, Mrs. H.-P. Smith, and Mrs. Hare. overdose, of ------------ The Hardest Thing. "Whi at's the hardest thing about skating when you're learning r * asked a hesitating voung man of the instruc tor at a rink. "The ice," PILES CURED QUICKLY AT HOME Why Suffer Agony Any Saas When You Can Get a Quick, Sure Cure For Your Piles by Simp ly Sending Your Name and Address? answered the attendant. Absolutely to Trial Package is Sent Free, in Plain Wrapper Everyone Who Writes. Surgeons themselves consider a per manent cure of piles by a surgical op eration as very , and resort to it only when the patient has be- come desperate from long continued pain and agony. But the operation it- solf is every bit ad excruciating a Te root as the disease. Besides, it is Humilinting and expensive, and Ny a success The wonderful Pyramad "Pile Care ation unnecessary. You od J of abstinence has been granted by the PLEASE a3 THE WALKS len They Get t Slippery. and Sy Them Well, The generat indon of citizens is] that it wouldn't hurt a bit if there | was a beiter system of sanding walks when iy become Fv. Some] neople's limbs would be hurt leds in! fact. Fhe ard of works with ii2 sand' and could well afford to | spend three or four times as much as t does on walk sanding. When sand- | i requ on a Sunday morsing, it should be done for the church- | 5. (dive the people band concerts | a summer loxury, or return for! heir taxes, and give them sanded walks in Slippery wintry weather, Ji} Ald. Toye ix chosen board of works| hairman, he would make himself a hero if he saw that the walks were well sanded whenever needed, whether ter daylight hours or during pro- hibited ligiior hours. TO STAY IN KINGSTON. Invitation Given to Rev. W. F. Ll Fita- | "Thomas Webb Nash, PLS. DLS REV. W. FP. FITZGERALD The bishop of Ontario and the con- gregation of St. Mary Magdalene's, Napanee, has offered the position of vicar of the church to Rev. W. F, Fitzgerald, of St. Paul's, Kingston. Mr. Fitzgerald, while deeply appreciat- ing the honor, felt it wiser not to feave his work in St.. Paul's. Kings- ton and St. Paul's are to be congra- tulated in keeping this eloquent Irish- man in their midst, Since vomiag to Ontario diocese Mr. Fitzgerald has had the offers of Christ church, Belleville, a church in 3t. John, N.B., and the principalship of a theological college in the west. Mrs, Perley's Death. The death occurred, on January 2nd, in Ottawa, of Mrs. Gi. E. Perley, after an illness of five days. Mrs, Perley was for twelve years treasurer of the Woman's Auxiliary amd was prominént in charitable circles, where her genial nature and' her executive ability were most helpful. Besides her husband, Mrs. Perley is survived by one son and two daughters, George F. Perley', Mrs. Aubrey Rowan-Legg; and Miss Florence M. Perley, all of Ottawa. A brother, Albert 1. Smythe, also resides in Ot- tawa. Much Sympathy is felt for her relations here. The burial service took place from St. Matthew's, Ottawa, on Thursday. The Late Mrs. D. Guirey. The death ocourred, on Tuesday { morning, in the Hotel Didu, of Mary Ann McKernan, wife of Daniel Guirey, of this city, an engineer on' the Kings- ton amd Pembroke railway. Deceased was born in Loughboro, forty-seven years ago. She moved to Kingston twenty-five years ago, and was a resi- fent of the city ever since. She leaves two daughters, Eva and Kathleen: four soms, James, - Willigm, Francis awd Leonard, and one sister, Kate Me- Kernan. The sincere sympathy of | their many friends is extended to hem | in their sad bereavement. ---------- Local Railway Earnings. For the year ending Jue 30th, 1910, the gross earnings of the Kingston and Pembroke railway were RARG,002, of which $130,940 was for freight. "The pet earnings were $25,951. The Bay of Quinte railway gross earnings for the same year were $167. 735, ot which $121,792 was for freight. The net earnings were $35,046. fate Owing to Misha}. The G.T.R. traia No, & from the west this morning, was five and . one half hours late arriving ia the city, owing to a mishap to her engine near Collin Bay. She was due here at two | o'clock and did not arrive until half past seven. CL -------- rr Can Eat Meat To-morrow. A general dispensation from the law holy see for to-morrow, the Feast of the Epiphany. ere "Buy cough syrups" at Gibson's. A pretty Sh was solemmized at the home of Mrs. 8. Chambers, Cor December 26th, when her Tontta, was united A VERY BUSY LIFE is stingy | {gold coin. PART OF THOMAS 'W. NASH IN BUILDING COUNTRY. Has Just C elebrated Eighty-Third Birthday---Graduated as Land Surveyor, and Eatered Railway Setvice in Year 1849--Engaged on Many Roads in This District. On Monday, Thomas W. Nash, one {of the city's oldest residents, celebra- ted his eighty-third birthday, and, al though having réached his three-score years and ten, and more, he is still quite active. He was ome of the early residents of the' citi--one who had the opportunity of seeing this part of the country grow, and who, in his own. calling, that of a civil engi: neer, had a great deal to do with the of the country. Mr. Nash | knew Kingston' when it was not much more than a bush, and he can tell many au interesting story shout the olden days. E., was born in 182], at Lennox. He graduated as a land surveyor and en- tered into railway service in 15849, He started as a chairman on the Bos ton, Ogdensburg and Lake Huron rail- way in 1830,.and in the year 1851 act- ed as an explorer for the Belleville and Peterboro railway. From 1852 to 18568 he was » draftsman for the GTR. and from 1808 to 1864, he was en- gaged on a special survey for Grand Trunk railway; from 1866 € 1867 he was an for the King- ston penitentiary, and from 1367 to 1871, he was the chief engineer on the proliminacy survey for the Kingston & 'rontense, Kingston & Madoe, and Ki a & Napanee railroads; from 1871 to 1876, he was chief engineer of the Kingston & Pembroke railway. During the year 15876, he acted as chief ineer of the Kingston Loop Lie Grand Trunk, railway; from 1876 to 1585, he was chiel engineer of the Kingston & Pembroke riailway, and from 1885 to 1901, he occupied the position of chief engineer and secre tary-treasurer. of the Kingston & Pembroke railway. In addition he also acted in the years 1595-96, as chief engineer on the surveys, of the Kingston, Smith's Falls 'and Ottawa railways, and from 1901 to 1907, was chief engineer of the Kingston & Pem- broke railway. Since the year 1907} he has been engaged in private wark | as a land surveyor, with an office over the Kingston & Pembsoke rail- way station. PEP 00000000000 00000000 Hockey Boots Hockey Boots i Latest and Best : for Me#' Women, Boys and Girls. ABERN ETHY'S SE000004400500000000040004040000040000090006 a A FIRE ON SCHOONER MARY ANN LYDON DAMAGED AT PORTSMOUTH. Where She Had Been 'Laid Up for the Winter--Kingston Firemen Went Out to the Scvene--Wikd Mr. Nash has had a very career, and a record which he can | rightly be proud of. He is well known in the city, and it is the wish of his many friends that he will be spared io enjoy many more years of happivess. Mr. Nash has travelled «a great deal in K's time. active ------ i Taylor-MacMillan Marriage. | The Calvary Congregational church, } Guy street, Montreal, was the scene of | a pretty wedding when the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mes. D. D. Mae: Millan, Ellen A., was married to 4: A. - MacDonald Taylor. Rev. J. Martin performed the ceremony. The \ bride wore a cream eolieune dress over ! white satin, trimmed with Irish lace and insertion; her bouquet was of white roses and lilies of the' valley. She wad attended by her sister, Miss Katie F. MacMillap, 'wearing a cream | volienve dress; trimmed with caspa vet | and a large black hat, amd carrying pink roses. R. S. Taylor; brother of the groomg was best man. Miss Wright played the wedding march. The bride was the recipient of many hand some presents. The bridegroom gave the bride a pearl crescent; smd the bridesmaid an emerald ring, and to the best man a pearl tie pie. The Ca- nadian Fairbanks company, limited. éd Mr. Taylor with a purse of On their return from their , honeymoon, in Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. | Taylor will reside at 90C Selby street, Westmount. Gone to Point Alexander, Capt. John Geoghegan left to-day for Point Alexander, Wolfe Island, op- posite Cape'Vincent, N.Y, to spend the next two or three months as cus | toms officer, instead of at Folger's wharf. Point Alegander is his winter abode, for he leaves Kingston just as soon as the harbor is fit for cross ing, in order to prevent smuggling be tween the Cape and Wolfe Island Ss --------en fl Put on Canadian Register. The Kingston Shipping Co, King- ston, has transferred its S.5. vrince Rupert from the British to the Care adinn register. She was bailt at "ne barton, Scotland, ih 1908, and is screw driven, with Shitifye of 178 n.k.p. Her dimensions are, length 249 +, breadth 43 ft., depth 19.5 ft.; ronnnge, 1908 gross, 1172 register. Ice Two Inches Thick. The ice between here and Wolie ls. {and x about two inches thick a: the tr time, but even that is not thick enough to prevent the Wolle Islander from making her usual trip. Yesterday, she made her trip without uy. trouble, and owing to the mild- ness of the weather she might be able to come across to-day again. Kingston Shipbuilding Co's pro- perty from taxation. : . ---------------- One swallow tail does Bot make a States of Ohia, Cty of Toledo, EEN Chee lakes tlh hi he che | 8 roan na ET Ea ru a Lpirr at Portsmouth rifts a the loss will Le could nat he n | ditions to fight ht made good. of roan on thew. ered with joe : Night for a Fire, Mary sajled was partially rode out, thursday was lod up hear Ann Ladoa, Capt, Wailiam destroved hy at an cary morning Ihe the long 'the schooner owed and * Patterson, fire, whi h hour on sthooner wan discovered about Muy Or Louper to give the asastanee was thought that other places catch fire Gs there was a very winkl. blowing ut the time Assistant « fuel Elmer aod a ber of seene, with the hose waggon, aod they service. © The mon to go out at 2.30 3 o'clock before back In the hall : It was a terrible pivht hw a It was very cold, snowing & Tittle great deal bE was impossible the fire o'clock and Wine asked "us 1 might wireug village num the Ta men wate, snl. out to engine and rendered riven thelgyl- und fire «hying wa hare orem wep wclock = the run anc Tamm get 0 the le change Four hot ses out hb that it would bw to the engine' out w heeds men were ul d apen to Uranners"" in quick order. were used to pul the an extra team being bys: inery ub the the, Portsmouth eon a lomg drive nd wih the steamer snow, but th Whin the fire was muiin in quick order th { playing on the thie that - the tro slat i" . but from some uu has. besn going vn pairs on th it that thore bad ben a fire bin, bat tha ths wa when the mon 1 vosterda) an "Lennie secured at of on . It wa ork revues neillors rather «lov wach drifts it wud time the but Toi ae nog "een wlio ay wate appear calm Work the say of a n bad it the calise was stat in the « eating ui Ye od Must wh Certo ed this mor hut "it is styled that the loss is pattially surance The fire was ecnfived to the that with repairs the vessel put into shape fur work again The Mars Lyd : best-known ve been used in carrie go nd Charlotie for Years. She i sd before como ont cof LUolboary well-known marin charge. For sev cral vessel had been Lid up ne Fan © but | this ver apt made the chisu ie to Portsmouth Assistant { Bef hiner was in charge of the fren n fle had five "men William Fisher and Wichue! . Kenneds were sisa on the and rendered the firemen valuable assistance. They both worked lite Trojans and the fire men ase grateful Lo then for the as sistance thx gave There were aboot three tons of coal cn the vessel and whin this caught' it made it quite Hels Ihe sails "on the vessel, whith had ben stored away were destroved, © ~ Latkily there sere weix Iying glose by $0 as to catch from the flv ing sparks or the situation would have been far more scrivns, The good work of the women saved the long pier from being desteoyed. The firemen hud terrible weather von. It. was a hard might for the five engine snd it wae a very dificult matter to keep np steam and, as' ean be imagined, the cork around © the engine was not | af «fl pleasant, Jo! Was very "wold py when the firemen gol back to the hall theic costs were ihe engine was cov: Hin covered sletn se can Dr n Hols one ode Fox, sailed I boss mn Tulers the ar the Grove HOR Las fraant Patterson geen» Br The Namie Muller. "The wan: of sie forvser Kingstosian | how of Peterboro. who maids an io vention for' an astomatic (me. about ---- FY graph BE wn ro ] 3 won ey twa | by in | ------ A Danger Signal A cough is a danger signal. You should heed its warning Begin at once the yon have regular doses Hall's Cough Balsam, a won®erful remedy coughs, Con- Harmless, promptly you know a cold and take of Dr. ¥ very hour i for bronchitis and asthma tains no opintes put effective i Large Bottles, 28¢. : NIM IMAI ANNAN tPA PN gy, Prouse's Drug Store Branch Post Office, CARE OF ONE'S CLOTHES. ) - We take the care off your } shoulders with either men's or women's apparel Our me. thods of cleaning have the ap- proval of the fasgidious R.PARKER & CO., Dyers and Cleansers, 0 Priscess St, Kingston, Ont. BE FORE FILLING NEW YEAR'S US SHOW YOu OF OUR ' Framedor Unframed Pictures. What would be more acceptable? Let's get together. (RPATRICK'S ART STORE ESTABLISHED 1874, 30 ft. Bowels--- tof the body--the the" most Important looked after--negleet suffering and vears of CASCARETS help nature Keep ovigy part of your bowels cleas and strong---then they act right means health to your w bole body LIST SOME organ and to Le Biggest bowels It's got means misery 'CASCARETS lic a box for a week's tremtment, ®il druggies, Riggest séller in the world Mi ton boxes a» month. SCIENCE PREVENTS BALDNESS, The Fatal Germ n and § ts Kemed ly Now © Farts of Science. $1 is » rarest thing in the world for & mah to be necessarily bald. No fan whose hatr is not dead at the goed he Bald if he will we Neabro's Herpicide, thw new scalp an tiawpiio) Herpivide destroys" the geres thal cals the lode off at the rout; amid cleans the sChlp of dandenl and Pontes it an on perfects healthy DOr dition. Mr. Magaett, in the Maryland Block. Hutte, Wont., was entively bakl. {In Jew than a month Herpicide had re p sae od the ensmivs of hair growth, and ature did ite wonk bn covering his § imads with thick hair ae inch Ing, and {in six weeks he bad a somal nit of har 1 Sold ly leading drugg ets. Send le. Lig stamps for sample to The Herpicids © Coe, Detroit, Mich. $i bottle guaran [teed Jan. IB. Mcleod, druggist, spe jreal noent, Kingston, Ost, 'People. who live wm glass houses hy rine hothouny grapes instead "of trouble. i foots,