COSTS NO MORE THAN THE ORDINARY KINDS MAKES DELICIOUS HEALTH "FUL WHOLE SOME FOOD. CONTAINS NOALUM SOLD EVERYWHERE IN ALL SIZES FULL WEIGHT ONE POUND CANS 25¢ New Year's Chocolates of Per Cent. Discount Off ' Fancy Basket and | 5 §. A.J.REES, Boxes at AICHE nn TO YOUR MEASURE, } Your New Ovorcoet In breadth of shoulder and in length- to suit your proportions. In no other way can you hope to wear a classy, distinctive looking' coat, give exclusive Our Overcoatings for Winter you a wide choice of really fabries. Our Styles, everything adapted by .4 custom tailors as "right." Crawford & Walsh Leading Tailors. : Princess & Bagot Sts. 3 Every Stich a ma match, Re \ every mafch a ) 2 and ev or a Oa Greatest Mateh Manufaciory Holiday -:-' Presents Buy Something Useful for the House Silver Knives and Forks, Silver Spoon, Carving Sets from $1 to $15 per set, Carpet Sweepers, Fancy Tea and Coffee Pots, Wringers, Washing Machines, Fancy Andirons, Gas Logs, Brass Fenders, Fancy Gas Heaters, Coal Oil Heaters, etc. Elliott Bros., Telephone 35. 77 Princess Street. Slippers, Slippers Slippers We Are Still -Selling Them Men's Carpet and Leather, ey 70. and $ 00 al good value. 'Women' s i Plush and Carpet, 252, 50¢, 75¢c. ard » he Women's Felt, fur bound (something very fie), $1.25 and $1.50. Children's: Slippers, ie. to 75. 1 Signa MULTIPLEX CTRLE PHONY ~ Is NOW DECLARED PRACTICABLE. 3 -- Tests, are Sucessful--Return Wire For Efficient Operation is No Longer Required. © Wasiington, D.C., Jan. '5.--Gen. Allen, the chief signal officer of the mv, jo-day asnounced that as a result of recent experiments by the Corps, the mutiplex telephone is now practicable, whereby several independent conversations -m be carriei on simultaneously over the eme wire circuit. Anntber i t discovery, cm: b ulated to double at least the capac ity of the existing telephone lines, is that it is no longer nelessary to use two wires, or what is known as ths Signal Corps, the multiplex telephone but that a single wire with "sileat arth' oribnections, can be vsed for multipex telephony. Tha pew system is entirely' practic- able und has long passed t ox- cerimental stage, 2 evidenced by the fact that a single wire circuit | be weny the research laboratory of the Sigal Corps at the Puiu of Stand: « or. the Heights norih of Wasp ington, "and the Signal Corps Con. tewtion Lobhorstory, dt Neo, 1, HO Cenmsyitanie Avenue, is nov in daly use, . THE SPORT REVIEW. The Jolly Winter Sports Are in Full Vogue. (otch states positively that he will o wrestle Hackenschmadt or anybody else, The reported price paid by Toronto raseball club to St. Louis "for Phelps, ach and Backman, is $1,500, Hugh Jennings says' "Sa long retuin any connection with the roit. club Ty Cobb will play in troit."" ; As a result of Kingston's defection 'oronto Rowing Club and Eatoniass #ill play a senior OHA. game on iatarday night. "Clego, compra espejuelos' is what he Cubans say to the baseball um- ire. Translated it reads, "lH vou an't sed buy spectacles." Toronto Telegram : hingston Fron enacs, with only one change from ast year's champions, look promising as De De: SEVERAL CAN TALK| AT THE Gi GRAND. Te night "The oat a and the Fiddle" Will be Presented. "The Cat and fhe Fiddle," best of all the musical extravaganzas will be the gttraction at the Graad, tormight., As the title indicates the play tells a wonder story, doings of the peo- ple of the mystical Isle of Eye, - in tonnection with some of our own The motif in brief is washed onto the Isle "St. Elmo: Puounteminh, that "St. Elmo" that woadrially interesting romance, be loved by grandmother, mother and | daughter, © say nothing of the charm it has had for many of the sterner sex would they only admit it, is booked for the Grand, on Saturday, Jan Tth, matinee and evening, comes as the best wuts of may g day to countless peo MF oscinated by the dramatic nd ties of the Jet povel, Miss Grace Hayward, actress from ear- ly gislrood and per deamatizations of "reutuk. has pleased thousands, set to work to make 5 stage story of Mes. Wilson's wonderful story. That sha succeeded in building a cohestive, thrilling play, teeming with bears interest og with all the drama- tic unities ved in threading the ctizring incidents which fill the chap- tera, is the testimony of thousands who had the good fortune to witness the production. -- "The Third Floor Back." An actor, like a prophet, is not without honour except in his dwn country, snd the return of lan Rob ettson to America as the "star" of so popular a play us "The Passing the Third Floor Back!' (in which he wr the junior honors agsin. Fdward Barrow, president of the "astern League baseball league, de ies that any steps had been taken oward dropping Montreal from the ircuit, Toronto News: With Kingston ropping out the senior OM.A. series would have had little outside inter- st had nt Stratford jumped back! A Word comes from Montreal that Me- #ill university are holding excellent ockey practices, and Captain Sar- ent is well pleased with his men. hey will visit Boston and New York | \] the eqd of this week for a 'series of ames. toronto Star: "Jim' Sutherland's Jdngstou Frontenges are the joy of he cel . No matter whether they hink they deserve u penalty or not hy hike to the roost of the wicked . to tne referee's nod. They play a ice clean game and are gritiv eno vh | o take their medicine if the other eam can get away with itd Davy Tope, the manager of the! {amilton Tigers, is out with a new mendiient to the rugby rules: He oes not want much, merely suggest. ns that after a goal from field the wll be kicked off at the forty-yerd ne, instead of from centre field, as t present. 'The Interprovincial un pn meeting is in Ottawa next Satur | iay. James T. Sutherland seat this mes- ' age to Mana Dissette, of the To- nto St. Michaels' hockey team : "I m instructed by the executive of the rontenac hockey club, junior cham- ions of Cavade, to offer our y ongratulations to\!'the senior sms | eur champions of the world" on the ble manner in which your club dem- netrated the high standard of > \. hockey during your recent trip to he United States." Australian papers just to hand con- ain interesting criticisms of Bill 'apke, Ray Bronson¥ Cyclone Jobnny (hompson and Jimmy Clabby, the Yankee paigilists. Papke appears' wave made a poor impression in the ntipodes, as his recent defeat on a foul by Dick Smith, the Australian niddleweight champion, would seem to ndicate. When Papke defeated Ed. «lliams in the Syviney Stadium the umerican was harshly criticized. Hans Holmer, the Cabadian run- er, won the professional Marathon at he Powderhall grounds, in Edinburgh, cotland, in the record time of 2] wurd 32 minutes and 21 seconds, de eating twenty-six ruuners of conti t ntal and Pritish fame. The ama- eur Marathon record is 2.30.26, by dalonywy, of New York, and the best wer the London Ulympie course 2.43, 1. The best previous professional re- ord was 23230 135, by St. Ives, at seattle. The Edinburgh race was for + purse of $2.500. I---------- Solve Labor Question. R kane Wash., Jan. 1. Declaring str lock-outs to be il nd compulsory arbitration for rg rive Thy " the means' set forth 0 solve the question in 'a bill wepared by State Wastor George W. 'haefer, of Spokane, fat intfoduction at the coming session of the legisla. ture. The penalty for inciting a strike » a lock-out is fixed at ¥1,000, ' he now describes us "with hig" parents to Kentucky, and | { litehe anes, they - wouldn't sleep has appeared some 200 times in Eng- lad; in likely to engender added in terest in both personality and play. Th: Forbes-Robertson brothers early | uni appropriately divided their family vpame for st purposes, though lan Robertson not quit the schoolroom for the stage. He first underwent what "seven vears penal servitude" in the form of an ap- preniweship to the famous firm of i shipbuilders,-burning his boats bebiad hin, however pe jlad expired. After ! dey smell parts i Loui. be ss his articles perience of sun mar. vied the ¢ hier of a fam- ous Evglisk dramatic eitic, and per. | baps fearful of paternal Yritieism, fled with bor to Amcrics. here, during the next ten (though a quarter of century Pa since then) - nid up a edo], int moe | important parts: with Medien, Lawn . cos Harrett and Edwin Booth under | Abbey, Frohman aod Palmer's man- | oe a Ian Robertson with his all nglish company comes to the Grand on Monday, Jan. tk, in ing oi the Third Floor Back." A VETERAN MASON. He Was Likely dest in the North. Spokane, Wash, ard Perry Gibson, ninety-six years of age, who died at Pavespoft, Wash., a few days ago, was the oldest member of the Masonic order in the north- | western country, if not on, the contin ent. He was initiatad at worth, Kas., early in 1846, just before edtering (he service of the United | Statey in the war with Mexico. He was bory in Shippenburg, Pa., May 10th, 1815, and when a boy moved alter- ward going to Missouri, whence be made & trip as teamsier to Sante Fe, N.M. He drove an ox team to Califor i nia in 1850, returning to St. Joseph, Mo., two years later. He engaged in business at 1851 and came to Washington in ]1882, settling on a hoov tead near.Daven port. His wife, who died in 189], Mary souri. Five grownap children vive, In recognition of hie long vices, Mr. : Gibson was elected honorary member of Acacia lodge, 5 AF. and A. M., Davenport, 1892, Mr. and Mrs. T. Coates, Prescott, celebrated their golden wedding anni versary on Tuesday night, they hav. ing been married in 1561. Their four sons, Rev. Edward Coates, at loo, Que; T. NH. Coates, Bufialo: ¥ Coats, Brooklyn, N.Y. and Jobs | Coates, at home, were present at the | celebration. Sur Ser an m WHO IS TO BLAME. For. so Many Sickly Children? We bear of so many children who are thin, delicate, ailing and tired all the time, we are lod (0 ask what is the cause, snd who is to blame * Doa't blame the children --they have no stredgth. « They play hard, work! bard st "schobl, and rapid growth takes all their strength. It is the mothers of all such oil dren who ate to blame, for if Shey only realiced What our delicious cod liver and iron tomic will do for their at wie they Sud artad Shun on of | 'The Peas. | Jan. 5. ~Otiver Haz ort Leaved- | Stewartaville, Mo., until | was . Jane DeAtley, a native of Mis! No. GEO. THOMPSON, JR Distributor, 292 PRINCESS ST. 'Phone 304 for Case. ee A ---------- Sn ---------- lie - n 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Bar Solder, Babbitt Metal and afl -Ingot Metals We are headquarters. THE CANADA METAL COMPANY, LIMITED. OFFICE: 81 WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO. 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000008 > » * * * » ° ® HEALTH IN PURE SUGAR Sugar is one of the best, and most widely used foods. Would you risk your heaith for the sake of a few! cents on a hundred pounds of sugar? Buy only EXTRA GRANULATED SUGAR Its Purity and Quality cannot be questioned. it with any other and note. the difference PARIS LUMPS When buying Loaf Sugar ask for Redpath Paris Lumps sold in RED SEAL dust proof cartons, and by the pound. The Canada Sugar Refining ye MONTREAL, CANADA. Established in 1854 by Joha Redpath Compare in color, ™ THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE, . ; : The Most Valuable Medicine ever discovered. The dest known Remedy for Coughs, CoLbs, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. cts like a charm in : DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY & CHOLERA. Effectoally cuts short all attacks of SPASMS. Checks and arrests those too often fatal diseases FEVER, CROUP sad AGUE. The oly palliative is NEURALGIA, GOUT, RHEUMATISM. Chlorodyne is a liguid taken in drops. graduated according to the malady. I? savariably relieves ino whatever kind; creates a calm refreshing sicep | allays irritation of the rervous system when ail other vemedies fail: leaves ve bad effects. and can be taken when no other medicine can be tolerated INSIST ON HAVING CONVINCING Dr. J COLLIS BROWNE'S MEDICAL TISTIMONY CHLORODYNE. WITH EACH ' sOTTLE. Th: immense success of i this Remedy Bas gives rise | Sold by all Chemists i to maay imitations. WE Prices in Eagland : i 0 CW. Ne Rpg ny outils Sole Masulacturers: 1. 7. DAVENPORT Sears on the stamp the same of the i isveator, Dr. J. i : lg CUTIE TIRIIIR Te = g COOORMOOOCOCOOCO0 TRADE IMPERIAL. Durabili Comfort, "Popular Price EVERY GARMENT GUARANTEED, refunded. MADE ONLY BY MARK Imperial Brand Men's Wool Underwear: jo to the STEWART HOUSE Commercial Hotel. Riles $188 We JAS. STEWART, Prop. GRAND TRU! BLE. aa will leave and arrive at Cny Dijrot as follows: ny West. vy City. Arrive Clty. ? Male 1338 0m. 19.81 wan ; A am, RAILWAY AER S Train 5 jaity daily except San Through Pullmans to and from Ottawa daily on trains 2 and 5. For further information, apply to ~J. P, HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnston and Ontario Sts, TA othe? as GEES OTT ASEEGIY: RAILWAY In Connection With CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Trains Leave Kiagston 1201 pm Rpress-- Far He Montreal, Quebec, St. John, NB Hane tax, Boston, Toronto, Chicage., 'Dens ver, Renfrew, Sault Ste. Marie, Duluth, 8. Paul, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland and. San Francisco. $5.00. pm.~Local, for Sharbat Lak cvnnecting with C. P. East an West. 7.45 am Mixed --For Renfrew and intermediate points, Mon, Wed, and Friday. Passengers leaving Kingston at '13 6! pm. arrive in Ottawa at pm: Peterbore, 4.38 pm; Torontdy €.68 pm; Montreal, 7.06 pm; 1.50 and Boston, «wm. Br John, 1200 noon : re. Ontario Street JAY Full particulars at. K. and P CPR 'uwket Offi ¥. C0) Gen. Pass. Agent. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY Train leaves U'nlon Station, Ontarte Sireet, 4 p.m. ally {Sunday ox for Tweed, a mto, Bannock are Toute say ® ipments TC nian , APP R % DICKBON. t BERMUDA Round Trip $20 and Up Fast Twin Screw 8.8. "Bermud- lan," tons, 'salls from New York, 10 am, Jan 11th, 18th, and 25th, and every Wednesday alter Bilge keels fans; telegraphy WEST INDIES NEW 88 "GUhANA" ana sisamers fortnightly Trem New for Bt. Thomas, St. Croix, SF. Kitts, Antigua, Guadaloupe, . Lominios, Martinique, Bt. Lucia, Darbadoes, and Demerara For full information, apply te J. P HANLEY and C 8. KIRKPATRICK, Ticket Agents, Kingston; A, BE. Outerbridge & Co, 29 Broadway, . New York; Quebec Steamship Co, Quebec. BAHAMAS IDEAL WINTER RESORT FIRST SOIR = CABIN New twin screw S58 BRAZOS "and fur other large steamships in servies, connecting Nasagu with Havana, : th ¢ gateway to 5.630 ; electric wireless Mexico and Galy an aliforuia and Pacific Coast points WEEKLY NASSAU & FL ERA AV ERAGE. i pRY ud BE SER YORK Seat of British Coionial Government Splendid hotels excellent Joiting, Len nis. polo, motoring, yachting. fishing, bathing A paradise of besautidul flowers and ve etatie nm with abundance if fruits. Write for literature and (WARD East ur ther particulars N.Y. & CUBA MAIL LINE). General Office, 8 C0. N Pier 14, ew York. THE CLUB HOTEL w ¥LLINGTON ST., near PRINCESS. There are other hotels, bul. none syprogch the Club for bomeifke sur- roundings. Located in centre of city and close to principal stores and theatre. ' Charges are moderate. Special rates by the week. P. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor. River, hildren that nto being them the good fw yolng 3 TIRE bw & PIVETES 8 Comfy Fit If pot satisfactory money there- 3