y Tr typewiiter is no longer 'used for corre spoydence alone. In the modern offic 'the: keeping of accounts and other records is done almost entirely by typewriter. ¢ a An UNITED TYPEWRITER Co. J. R. C. DOBRS, BLACK DIAMONDS radiant with heat. - | vestigation made by the stite -- Pry aoe. 10 cio w ork; The British i uite 19 and 20 a ER TE Beant Daily Wibig. ve. i i THE WHIG, 78th YEAR Gish oni Bdmoston, are pow gov- Be Sore at erned. most: satisfactorily by commis- Berar ad Tanaris. on Monday Sad at 3 a yeas. big The commission means the assignment pron. of $3 of men to best fob Frist jovved greases. stand. Councils Whig Publishing Co., Lid, ty han: & sions. This system may not be appli- 'cable to Belleville, but Haverhill is an object lesson well worthy of study." the direction of depart- ments, the work of which they under could do better if their members were sorted out snd delegated to duties according to the !eternal fitness of things. i TWO STALWART FIGURES. ! No ope has been more heartily con | gratulated upon his decoration by the {Ming than Sir Daniel Mann, the part- MAKING THINGS HUM. The state commissioner has under taken a purification of the large. i ties of New York, and that he is in- spiring in his criticism is made ap- parent by what be says of Oswego. Listen to this: "A municipal housecleaning is need ed at Oswego. At<4he time of an Loa partment of milk the milk supply was not properly looked after; the method {ol garbage collection was most ineffi- cient and unsatisfactory; the pave ments of the city wre ly in quate, smd the "cleaning of the streets is not efficient from a sanitary stand- point. 'In tue opinions of the state department of health Oswego, in so fir as sanitary matters are concerned, his mot kept pate with moder bugwiedge and Jethode Jand Jn on sadly * remiss 'looking after LU health ofiits people." - There is one advantage in the pub- lication of information like this, and | per of Sir William Mackenzie, and the | owners of the 'Canadian Northern rail- way. The rise of these men has been "i remarkable. They are the most con spicuous' figures in Canadals commer: cial life. Tolk of James J. Hill, the { other Canadian, and his. triumphs in transportation in the United States. He is a very clever man, but he is not the peer of those upon whom the king was conferred his knighthoods. A glimpse of what Mackenzie & Mann have accomplished was given by their right hand man, D. P. Handa © the vice-presidént of the CKR, at Halifax, recently. In 1596 Mr. Hapna joined the firm as their train de- spatcher, road master, treasurer, audi- tor," general freight and passenger agent. In 1507 they operated { miles of road, snd mow have over 7- 00 miles, By 1914, when present ton aver seven willions deposited the railway | ous batiks by Alberta and Great Wa- tracia are completed, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JANUARY THE NEWS OF WORLD Matters That Intercst Everybody-- Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read asd Re- membered. od, as expected. ; Two immigrant boys were abused by farmers in Kent county. A charity ball in Chicago raised al- paign opened quietly at Toronto.' Another divi oi twenty-five cents on York Loan assets is in sight. Woodstock board of trade passed a resolution favoring the present tarifi. Earl Grey may postpone his trip to the Arctic and go . to the coronation instead. + ~The provincial secretary is collecting information with view to grading hotel licenses to revenue. Under a new law a prisoner senignc- ed to prison at Moutreal, was o do pay his prison earnings to his fam- uy. Charles 8. Drummond, a St. Louis millionaire, was found guilty of big- amy and given six amon and a $500 ne. Grand Trunk railway's traffic earn: ings from 23nd to 31st, 1910, $1,815,304; 1909, 81,140,943; increase, £174,451. : Twenty-seven million ounces of valu- able 'ore were mined in Ontario during 100, 'logist's report. in the Bulletin of the state. It is im. (i cover 10,000 miles. In 1596, the portant and it cannot be'ignored. The pay roll was $630 a month. In 1910 lgeal physicians may talk or protest it was over a million dollars a month. against conditions they do not like, I; 1596 the gross revenues were $60, and the local authorities act or fail 000, and in 1910 over $15,000,000. The | to act as they seo fit. In News York staff of employees in the same period a state official /makes an inspection oo inorensed from thirteen to 48, 1910, according to the provincial geo- A legal fight: is on in Edmonton i in vari terways 3 ye Chateau Windsor, the biggest hot in Windsor Mills, Que., was burned on Wednesday night. The loss is estimat- ed at $15,000. The Pennsylvania railroad manage ment has or the expenditure of $2,750,000 for increased and improved indiang. = Gaynor and Green will not be parol | 6, 1911. : i m------ [ p=. SsoPER- WHITE Specialists In diseases of Skis, Blood, Nerves, Bladder and Special All. ments 'of men. One visit advisable ; if impossible, send history for free opinion and ad- vice Question blank and book on ses of men free. Consultation Medicine furnished & form. ours : 10 a.m. to 1 pm, and 2 to § pun. Sundays, 10 am. to 1 pw , DRS.SOPER & WHITE , 25 Teronte Street. Toreate, Ont. "A Tr Is Kaown by Is Fit" AND <4 : OUR COAL is known by its good burn- ing qualities. P. WALSH, 55-57 Barrack St. S. J. WILSON, Member Dominion Exchange, Ltd. Mining, Listed and Unlisted Securities. -- CORRESPONDENCE INVITED SALE OF.BOYS' SPEED. "WAY OVERCOATS GOOOOVLOGDH IG OUD Fabrics are Nobby Tweeds. Style, same as | the men's, Double Breasted long coat, New two style collar Nobby patterns for boys 8 to 14 years Regular $7.30 7. 6.50 qualities. We have too many s on hand. : Bibby's January Price $4.50 $= Men's QOvercoats $15. We place on sale to-day the rest of our Hand. facilities i ii ' a in Pailored Overcoats, New Browns, new Greys, new Blacks, Coats worth regularly §21. 22, 20. 18, 14 King St. East. "Phone Main 4228, Toronto, Ont. Wood's Edward * B., Whitney, of the New York supreme court, died, at his summer home, at Cornwall, Comn., of double imonia. . and then something has to be done. - : : , 100, Ontario has its hasith experts, but | Mackenzie & Mapa ate he bepefac- they are helpless. ere it otherwise tors of the ea extent. S. ANGLIN & £0. Cor Wellington and Bay Streets ee "Phone 66. Lewest Priced $62000000000000000000 Start the New Year Right Save your money by buying your Clothing, Beets, and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Sweaters, Mitts, Underwear, Socks, fle, at ISAAC ZACKS' 271 PRINCESS STREET, Clothing Mouke in the hy. CAB STAND BIBBYS Phone 201 DAY OR NIGHT NOW Is the time to come and buy our or two good reasons--- e rush I# over and money is Searce. We offer 20 per cent. off all purchased over tem dollars. A big line of Heaters and ranges yet to clear eut. Our stock of beautiful Old. fashioned Furniture is the best in the country, and as we have tee much on hand will sell very eap. ab {nds -of Household ana c-a~-Brac bought sold. L. LESSES, we Princess sad ( athew Ses 20060000000 000000000 ING'S CAFE ING'S Lunch Counter ING'S Private Dining ; Rooms Goods and 0000000000000 00000¢° ING (James) Prop. ING ST. Nos 338-342 INGSTON. Now open. . Jelephone 0. 1138. please you, tell others. It a -- Kingston's sanitary condition would be better than it is. DEATH OF TARIFF REFORM. The Brockvilld~ Times of & recent date contained the following : : "The Kingston Whig sunounces that tariff reform in Great Britain is dead. No doubt the Whig, and other grit or- gaps which approve of ton for ¢ but not for t Britain, would like to pen aun obituary . of tariff reform, but: the Whig et al will find it a very lively . So far from being dead tariff go 102 made during trade strong gains in Great Britain the recent gefleral clection. Free may be all right in thedry, but in practice it is as much out of date us the stage coach and the tallow can dle "» The Whig has not heen correctly juoted in this paragraph, though it is _ generous enough to believe | that mis representation has not been meant 'or intended. The Whig simply reviews the situation as it was revealed in re- cent correspondence, and Rt quoted what conservative papers--the Mont: real Gamtte in particular--had said, and to the effect that a political or tae tical blunder had been . committed. True, Austin Chamberlain had remark- al that the referendum was tot origin- ally a part of the programme, and that Mr. Balfour had committed the party 'to it. (For the time being, I» Mr. Chamberlain's opinion, tariff re- form was shelved, but it would be an election issue again, soemer or The Gazette does not expect its ve vival, neither does the Whig, and if any servios is in order, so far as tarif reform is concerned, it is a funeral ser- vice, - WORK OF PUBLIC MEN. The council will meet on Monday and strike its committees. Meanwhile there will be some consideration, sud _ some jockeying, with "regard to the chaitmanships. The men, who direct the committees can make or mar their work. A' good deal depemds upon them, and if they are forceful in man- wer, men' of idess and - action, and, above all, men who are interested in the work, the city will have occasion to remember and, perhaps, appreciate them. ; | The Whig emphasizes the word "ap- PB preciate," and for many reason 5. In True, they have become rich, but they have given to the company all the advantages - of the subsidiary services of sleeping cars, telegraphs, and ex- pressage, to say nothing of the land grants. They have extended the . ser- { vice of the east by Atlantic ships, and in the west they have opened up the J ower provinces at a remarkable rate. At present there are 535 cities, towns | gnd villages in embry in the C. N.{ RB.' Sixty havé a population of 3500 and over, and eightyive have been four months. { | What was Mr. Hamna doing in the j east ? Here is the secret in a few lines, the closing work of his address in Halifax : "You have the Intercolo- nial railway, with its terminus in Montreal, but without any hold of its own on business with Ontario and the four great western provinces. 1° sub. mit to yon that there is no question of more vital importance than a frank and full discussion of how. the L.CR. can he linkdl up with the C.N.R. The | (LP.R. haw its terminus in St. John, the G.T.P. proposes to have its. ter- minus in the east, and 1 ask you whether a connection for the C.N.R. into Halifax would not be advantage- ous to all concerned." : | The C.N.R. is surely a "going con- | dern," apd the latest project of its later. | owners is the construction of the Hud- | son's Bay FailWay' ss a goverament scheme. There is absolutely no limit to their ambitions. © EUITUORIAL NUTES. The Conservation commission con- templates sn expenditure of "$25,008, "(000 in the preservation of Canada's forests, A great outlay on behalf of a great end worthy cause. i Oxford county has been humiliated by the scandal of an official, whose | grafting (rausactions have been -ex- posed, but Usiord county will be re deemed by ils prosecution of the wrongdoer. the iniquity of one man. Success to it. It has bad x % ia t tewdent St. Lawrence District given railway conuections in the last, of 8 : The honor of the county]. land its council cannot be forfeited by , The Toronto Mail and Empire says Mackenzie and Mamm have offered to lease the Hudson Bay line on terms like Grand Trunk Pacific. The mounted police, at Regina, Sask., have arrested Emile Bengede, a French 'youth, aged sixteen, for the murder 0% 5 woman in Fraice. GANANOQUE TIDINGS. What is Transpiring in the Little = River Town, Gananogue, Jan, 6.--ExLComp W. CU. Davy, of Morrisburg, grand superin- at the convention of Leeds Chapter, No, 152, RAM. Wednesday evening, in stalvsdithe following officers: Z., Robt. J. Webster; LPZ., J E. Mills; H., A. B. Munroe. J, Wilbur Clow; PS. NN. KR. .Garduer; SE, W. 8. Bowden; S.N., Maj. John B. Robin- son: janitor, James McKellar. At the" close of the business session adjourn ment was made to the rooms of the new Masonic club, where a banquet wis tendered the visiting siperintend- ent and served as the opening of the club room to the general membership. Invitations are out for the wedding of Miss Eva Mooney, daughter of Mrs, John Mooney, Charles street, to John Z. Mclellan, of Montreal, at St. John's church, Tuesday next, at nine a.m, ' . Miss Janet Crouch, Miss Nellie T. Wright and Miss Hazel Wilson, the first' two pupils of Toronto Normal School, the last of Victoria College, have left to resume their studies. John Wright, formerly assistant sup- erintendent of Gamanogue Spring Shop and now superintendent of the Chat- bam Works, was in town for a short time this week. Messrs. Waldman Baker, Roy Pickett and Walter Emery, have "returned to Chatham, aiter spending the holiday season with local relatives. Mrs. M. J. Reid, Kingston, who spent the past week with cousin, iss Ar DeWitta, left for home yes terday. .Miss Gertrude Banford, holidaying with Brockville friends Wilbert Rowsome, Athens, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Howe. Miss McKay, milliner, is holidaying at her home in Creemore. Mr. apd Mrs. M H. McGivern, Utica, N.Y., are visiting Frank McGivern. James Anderson, Kingston, is visiting his sister, Mrs. George I. Crawford. Mes. James Rattan and Mrs. George Maxwell, past few ell, Leeds, The Late Walter Beatty. Delta; Ont., Jan. 6.--The death oc curred, on Thursday morning, of oue of most highly re in the person of years in» the ldgislature of this pro: ook sn important part in i of that ! ali i i is | : } BR The Great Remedy. Tones and invigorates the who! nervous syste: Ed es anc in We h " ous ponds Weak: » torrid, acts of Abuse or Excessea, $1 per bo: One will ix or aplied a 0. to, Ont, © TRADITION BARRED WOMEN. Eligibility. Pais, Jan 6.--~The five which make up the Tastitute met mm Jomt Sessiia to discuss question of the eligibility women for membership, which has been raised as the result of the strongly-support- od candidature of Mme. Curie for the Academy of Sciences. After a lomg and a resolution wgs adopted by avote of vighty-eight to fifty-two that the elec tion of women was contrary to immut able tradition, which it would be wis ést to respect. At the same time the assembly recognized that it. has no right to impose its decision upon the different academies ns séparate wmts. academies { France the ol animated debute, Dangers of Blood Poisoning. vhest and simplest way of ns ine against blood poisoning is to ap Zam-But to a cut, bury, cold sare part i mn piv or any open wound or diseased as soon as sustained. Of all the myraid forms of germs which set up blood-poisoning not one has vet been found that can live in Zam-Buk. A thin layer of Zam/Buk over a wound or sore acts in two ways. It prevents all harm coming in to the wound or sore from the top cide. On the underside it stimulates the cells to renewed activity, provides just the healing, tissue-building mater ial needed bv causing the blood to de posit this more rapidly, and thus bring® about rapid healing. Apply i to that cold-sore, those chapped hands, that frost bite or that eczesny Sold at de. box, Bil stores or drag gists, or post free rom Zam-Buk Co Toroute for price. Tamworth Widow Found Dead. Tamworth, Jan. 6.--Mrs. Harvey Smith, widow, of Tamworth, died, suddenty, Thursday motning, from heart failure. She was around in her usual health the day before. She was found dead in bed by her scm She was aged sixty-five and leaves flow sons and one daughter Campbell's Far Sale. ig 10 to 50 per cent. discount on Qu manufactured burs. Lee Syan, who in some way set fire to his cell in Wogdstock, N.B. jail, where he bad been lodged for drunk. eness and was badly burned, died on Thursday, He wns 5 Cuban veteran. The makers of Imperial Drasd un derwear pay out $70,000 yearly im wages, which go back into the hands of the Kingston merchants. William T. Wardell, prohibition didate for mayor of New York in 1806, and for governor in 1900, died sudden lv in New York, aged #ightyvdour years, HAVE YOU CATARRH Or Trouble With Your Breathing Organs ?--Hyomei is the Cure. . The guaranteed remedy for Colds, Cat , Asthma.ete.; is breathed into your system. No drugs, vou simply in the lite-giving essences of nature contained in the Hyomei outfit. Hyo- mei (pronounced High-owe), is a asant medicated and antiseptic air. thed isto your system it will cure eatarrh . and cleanse the head of all foal matter. A complete Hyomei outfit consists of a strong, bard rubber pocket in haler and ou bottle of Hyomei, and costs $1.00 (éstra bottles, if after wards needed, cost, only 50 cents each). Your druggist seils it and guar advertised, | antees it to do exactly as from The R. T. Bouth Institute of France Decided Against |' . Your Choice For $15. English Beaver Overcoats $10. Ten Dollars will buy a Fine English Beaver » Cloth Overcoat, beautifully tailored, Sold regular- ly for $14. ~ Bibby's January Price $10. Hosiery 2 Pairs '25c. Scotch, Heather, Cashmere and Wool Hosiery regular 25c. qualitics Bibby's January Price 2 Pairs 25¢ A A A, " A The H.D.Bibby Co The Big Store With Little Prices. 3 PEBVVVPVOOCPVPOPVE000P OL 2000 P0P00PPVVVVVPVV 0090000000000 00VVP000000000040 ° < 3 <> © can VES RTT Ive been SILT 7 + "BEAVER FLOUR" makes ideal bread and pastry, because it is a perfect blend of Manitoba Spring gheat and Ontario! Fall wheat. You dou't need to keep two kinds of flour for bread and pastry. Beaver Flour males both--a pire, white, nourishing, light loaf that 'stands up" intheoven, and pastry that i= crisp and appetizing. Itismore economical than other flours, and appeals to all thinking women. Order it to-day from your grocer. DEALERS Write for prices su all Preds, Course Grainy and Cereals 115 TRE 7. K. TAYLOR C0. LIMITED, CHATHAM, Out bs Brandy Snaps L) Fresh and Crisp at 10c¢ per dozen. Our own make SHORT CAKE in cakes and by the dozen: . R.H. TOYE, *,2=> PS. FINE LARGE SPY APPLES 50c peck ¢ Beer @ Benen ¢ f YY |