iN N \ A 4 Pere TTI TINe ITI & SEPP P PPP P EN steers HOW NERVOI'S MEN GET MOST OUT OF LIFE. "Buccessini Men." normal fiinded Jan hes to get all he can" out of : ~ppt many a man knows e is falling far short { successful man, works 3 eats and plays with the keenest" enjoyment, because his nerves are keenly sensitive. He tastes, hears, sees and teels all with the highest emotions of vigorous i From vary healthy nerves AS a consequence he has stamina endurance and magnetism, which makes those near and dear to hir worship his manliness, hi ry. and strenousness Keen, sensitive, well nerves, such a man we k ylect of pity, and net the bri lant. success he is, All men should have well-nour- ished nerves. but If the blood and vital organs do not supply the chemical or substance known as nerve fluid, then the waste of the nerves is not renewed daily and hourly as it should be. The nerves become exhausted, giving rige to such symploms as tremb- ling bands and limbs cold feet and hands, melancholia, hysteria, timidity, nervousness, sieepless- ness, dizziness, heart palpitation, paips in the back eadach langour and oon at all times. A most valuable nerve treatment, restorative (h every sense, i8 10 be found in the fol- lowing prescription, emanatin it is said, from a brilliant an Amerie specialist on nervous a personal ents. ® treatment can be prepared in the privacy of home and thus causes no ie Any embarrass- ment First get thres | dunces of syrup of sarsapari ound in a six ounce or his add one ounce of com Ti fluid balmwort, shake well and let stand two hours. Then add one ounce of tincture cadomene compound (not cardamom) and one ounce of compound essence cardiol. © Mix. Shake well and take a teaspoonful after seach meal and one when retiring. it ix astonishing to feel the new nerve force, the steadied nerves and the (Control of every muscle in the body after using this, Overwork office men, and the many victims of so- clety's late hours and isu ation with surely find in this 4 @ re- storative, Iluvensting force they are sorely in need of. ingredients are used in oy prescriptions and any good drug- gist can supply Them, ro + Highest Grades \GASOLINE, COAL OIL. LUBRICATING OIL. - FLOOR OIL. GREASE, ETO. PROMPT DELIVERY. W. F. KELLY, Marence and Ontario Streets Toye's Building. Optimism is being able to keep hoping after proof that you ame fool to do it. Old Diogenes with a lantern. on a dill his pwick-raking ¢ Mrs. | WHAT WHIG. CORRESPONDENTS TELL Us. | The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing and What They Are Saying. Lansdowne Council. Lansdowne, Jan. 4.--Dbr. Frank Moore amd wife left, Monday, for their home in Dalcartes, Sask. Dr. H. 2 wrphy, Philadelphis, spent a Yup here last ph Miss" Campbell, of Arnprior, spent a few days with her brother, br. Campbell, while en re ute te Chicago. C. Ring, of Sguris, Man. is visiting his brother, M. King. The municipal council for job is eompased of the following : Reeve, Nelson Webster; deputy reve, b. Dempster; councillors, M. Steacy, p. FP. Warren, i. Connor, B. W. lLeverette, Norwood, was here last week. E. 8. Landon, Watertown, N.Y., has return- al, after a visit with bis parents here. News From I -- on amworth, Jan. 4.-Dr. Edwa % i of New York, ok, soem at the holi- days at L. Way's. Local option was defeated bv sixty majority. Mrs. Bary Stinson, Miss Maggie Reid, Mrs. Rol and daughter have gone (0 King ston to 8 the winter, W. IL Mace and wife are visiting here. Ray F. Way arrived here from London, Eng., to visit his parents, Mr. and 1. Way. Mr, Preston, Napahee, was here, Monday. W. D. Mace 'has sold his 'mill site to William _ Files, who intends making. improvéments. | Council elected . George Warde, reeve; Edward Harrison, George Black, Mel vin McKim, John Sullivan, council lors. Bell Rock Budget. Bell Rock, Jan. 1.=The news of the sudden death of Mws. A. Parker, Mountain Grove, came as a shock the people here. The late Mrs. Rarker | was horn and' brought up in this neighborhood. She also spent several | years of her married life here. B. F. Revell o {aid wp with two broken ribs. J. Yorke, who was ill fora few , Could You Use This Money? Believing that we can save the stad- ent from $100 to $250 on the cost. of a course in stenography(even though ' it snecessitate going from his. own town or city) and still give him an education which is fully the equal of any, we offer ta pay fare up to 810 to the first person enrolling fromm any municipahty. This is done to convince out-oftown persons that 30-days sten- ography is really und truly genuipe, fe can afford to do this. We have of to | 1 Mrs. } i ! i Lg hdrles Tennant and 0. L. i i Vanalstine, i MeDonald Hall, enrolled 17 students from Orillia this ' year although they have their own Pitman College. We have enrolled five from Lindsay, four from Galt, ' of North ete. | because one satisfied graduate carried truth. Write for full par- home the I . 2%2.2%6 Yonge ticulars. Moon College, street, Toronto. Bar. Solder, Babbitt Metal and alt Ingot Mefals We are headquarters. THE CANADA METAL COMPANY, LIMITED. OFFICE: 81 WILLIAM STREET, TO Ceeiuan aN ET NBII. vaviees Hall Mirrors A useful piece of furni without one. in the latest silk velours, at James Rei Sunkist Seedless and Sweet, Mexican Large and Sweet. d Hall Racks d Hall Seats ture. No house complete Three- Piece Loose Cushion Parlor Setts, The Leading Undertaker. Oranges Cheap, Oranges $3 per box. 15 cents per dozen, or $2.25 per box. i 166 Mess St. A. J. REES, ee Phone 58 3 0 cents Sold_only at {tnd Reuben Herrington daughters, ed, days, is able to be out again. Mise Elsie Moir left or Hamilton, Wednes- day, after spending the holidays here. Mise Oliva Sanborn has taken charge of the school at Mclean for another term. J, y spent Saturday in Kingstoh. T. F. Fumrs has taken charge of the Jocul school for another year. = Philipsville Reports. Philipsville, Jaf™ '3.--W. B. Philips spent the holidays with his daughter, William Lashley, in Torento. Wilkam P. Kénnedy, of Antler, Sask. is here on a visit to his mother, He has adopted mired farming. Word was received here, this momiog, of the sudden death of Mrs. §. H. Perry, of heart failure, in Toronto. Mrs. Perry was the daughter of the late George Brown. She eaves a husband, two * Toronto, and three brothers, ns and her mother and half sister. At the close of thé school for the holidays, the pupils of Miss Smith's of put wp a Christmas tree. Fvery scholar received a pres ent. A number of the scholars pre sented the teacher with a box of sta- tionery. Miss Smith will teach the school this year. -- Mallorytown Council. Mallorytown, Jan. 4.--Mrs. Sheldon Huta was visiting lier daughter, Mrs. P. W. Andress, of Brockville, for a ne of weeks. At the school mees- ing, Wedneeday, Charles Tennant was re-elected trustee. Miss Bertha Mallory, nurse at thé Eastern hospital, Brock- ville, visited her parents, here, on Wednesday. Hubert Earl, of Lans downe, is visiting this week with, Ivan Huston. Mrs. Charles Trusdale re turned on Thursday frem Brockville, where she has been visiting her sisteri)] Mrs. William Ferguson, Sr. Nr. Cherry Buell, of Poole's Resort, and Mrs. (Dr.) Lane, left on Friday to visit Mrs. FP. A. Reidy of Park avenue, New York. Erwin Dack, of Brock- ville, was the guest of Chfford Gibson, Monday. D. A. Clow received a favor- able ballot as reeve, as also did the councillors, J. A. Ferguson, R. Leeder, Gibson. & Moscow in Dry District. Moséow, Jan. 3.--FElections are over and local option has triumphed in Camden township. Moscow is now in nearly the centre of very large "dry" district. Rev. Mr. Fowks preached in the Methodist church on Sunday. William Ashley diéd at his | home near l'etworth, on Friday, after a chort illness. Nr. and Mrs. Charles of Napanee, were Christ. mas visitors at Forsythe 0'Neil's. Miss Edna Allan has returned to To- ronto after spending the holidays at her home here. Miss Ruth Lamp- kins has returned to her studies at 0.A.C,, Guelph. Nr. of Kingston, visited this place cn Tuesday. Cyrus Agselstine, Dakota, is spending the John Bell Pri<A. MN John : Evans are on the Bateman, winter with relatives here. is visiting his brother, Bell, in Toronto. Mrs. sjek list. i Salmond Elected in Barrie. Harlowe, Jan. 3.-Quite a number from horn attended the oyster supper at Cloyne, Saturday night. The excite ment of election is over, nad the for mer reeve, W..U', Salmond, is re-elect- School has re-opened, with the former teachers, Mise Campbell, and Miss Py he A. Marshall has a nice cut of logs. yonvention is now being held at i Movement church, under the able agement of R, CC: Horner, i t+ i of Ottawa, and a number of ministers from the surrounding districts. Rev. R. Wright was absent on Thursday evening, having taken a few holidays in Toronto. Miss Minnie Connors and Miss Bishop left for Toronto, Tues- day, to resume her duties in the mail order department at T. Eaton's, To robte. A party was given al er home, Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. Rombough and Mrs. Charity Miller spent New Year's day at the [Cedain. Frank Thompson and C. Thompson have gobe 10 the woods to work. Death of | Denbigh Resident. Vennachat, Jan. 3--At the an nual school meeting G., M. Be Bebee, J.P, was elected trustee, secre tarv-tregsurer ahd auditor. Thomas Jackson, New Home, Sask., arrived on Christmas to spend 'the winter months with his father, mother und brothers here. : Another bighly respebted resident passed away on Christmas day in the person of Harry Warner Snider, post- master of Clenfield. - Deceased was born March 20th, 1860, in the town- ship of Portland. On his twenty-se cond birthday he was married to Mary Hoppins, of Bediord township, and lived on part of the old home stead, then owned bv his father, the farm on which he was born, till Jan. Ved, 8889, he moved to Denbigh township. His illness was Brought on by over work attending the threshing Hashine as at fall, w brought on a tice of troubles. He bore his sickness with meekness and retained full ng Sh a I ram he was a Methodist and in polities a ocuservative, Besides the bereaved widow he leaves two chikdres. o -- Wellington News Budget. Wellington, Jan, 4.--Nr. and Mrs, L. K. Shourds, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Clark and Mise Stinson entertained. a large number of their friends at Hotel Alex- andra on Friday evening last. A number of the local soldier volunteers were entertaiged at Hotel Alexandra, on Monday night last by Capt. A, A. Ferguson. be council is: Reeve, Wiliam Me aul (by acclamation): councillors, Frank Gibson, Alles Haight, 1. Ains- worth and Mr. Teskey. Roy Fitzgerald arved home last week from the North-West. Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Tripp, of the North- West, are spendifig the winter with their parents, Mr. sod Mrs. Henry Clapp. Rev. J. L. Hill preachéd in the Methodist church lest Sunday, in the absence of Rev. Mr. Houck, who, IN 1898 Scott's Emulsion reported that the preparation fulfils ALL the requirements and thorities were to examine it now they would find it even finer, more digestable, more palatable and more satisfactory in every way; in fact, SCOTT'S EMULSION has so long been the ose satisfactory and perfect Emulsion that it is accepted as the standard by medical practitioners all over the world, by the public and by hundreds of imitators, for it is the ene and only imitated. The imitations are in name only for no other preparation of Cod Liver Oil is so pure, so perfect and so beneficial SCOTT'S EMULSION has become the world's Standard Body-Builder because of the perfect purity of its ingredients, its absolute freedom from ALCOHOL or any other harmfyl substance and because the "results from it are uniform and far greater then from any : other preparation. - ALL DRUGGISTS was assisting in the local option. cam- paign at Welland. Miss Mabel Burlingham and Har wood Leavens, of Hallowell, were uni- ted in marriage "on December 21st, Rev. D. T. Houck, officiating, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Burlingham. Nr. Mrs. C. E. Bowerman, of Lake Shore road, entertained on Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bowerman and family, Willian and the Visses Benson, of To- ronto, a reunion of and sisters and their families. Rev. D. S.. Houck, through an perance and Moral Reform League, hag heen addressing local option meetings in Welland county. Mr. and Mrs. . John Hubbs' on New Year's day, was taken suddenly ill and is still in a dangerous condition. entertaining on Christmas her . son, , Clifford and daughter, Ethel, both "of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Tesslie Hubbs, of Indian Head, are visiting friends and relatives hers. William Wilder is home from Toronto University. Harold Cronk and two sisters,' Norma and Cora, all of Belleville, are home for their holidays. Prof. W. K. Beech, of Albert "College, spent Christmas and New Year's with his mother. Miss Olive Shourds and Miss - RB. Herring: New Yearls with their parents. At Mountain Grove. _ Mountain Grove, Jan. 4.--Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Lojst gave a dinner on Monday, at which about fifteen were esent. The dining-room was beauti- Fully decorate] with evergreens and Christmas bells. . Mrs. Loyst received w black silk, The ball, given by the young men in the hall on 25th, was largely attended. Birs, rew Loyst snd son, Ervest, of Flinton, who spent Christmas week with Mrs, W. N. Lovst, have returasd home. "| Mrs W. No Loyst visited pt the board: 4. ing hoase. Russell Butterill and Miss A. Fraser have returned to Sydenham High School. Miss N. Fraser, who spent her holidays at her home here, has returued to Manitoba. Ross Burr ond sister Jette, are Visiting at Jap anes, James " and Stasley Fivno are heeping bachelor's halls. School opensd Wednesday under the Boston, as teacher. aw, kas taken charge of No. [ school. Marshall Price, very ill with scarlet fever. Election passed off cpietly, the former members of the council, except one are ot ~wfnge th uh sats again. Flett an, arker, mad pom through here on Monday. Miss Fdna Willmott bas returned to ber school, on the North Road. Miss M. ard still keeps house for her brothers who are preparing to draw logs to the mill. Mrs. J. Rischoro, has re tarved sccompanied by a voung son: W. "K._Somecs hes gone to Toronto, where he has accepted ao position, iis. Somers spent at . Richmond and D. J. Cronk es Nr one to the city. oy Lewis at Mountain In Chorus Cried, Give Us Newbro's Herpicide. This word of late has been ia every- ote's mouth, and many are w What She word sigvifies, though wo.oue has yet been found, who deny ERPS TERPICIDE nthe hat | Well, for the information of thousands of people who like to kor w at about thing, we wouid say Sat und Herpes, es dra or w »" we " is the lamily name of 4 disease cavscd by various vegetable parasites. A similar 'microbe edtmes dandcafi, itch ing ¢ and falling hair, this is that NEWBRO'S HERP 5 after and | Bloomfield, Mrs. Sanford, of Eldorado, | an only brother | . in- | vitation of the Welland County Tem-' 1 Mrs. Nelson Benson, while visiting at -- ov oe [Don't Forget Our January Sale of Fumiture It has always been a great SUCCESS. Prices lower than Robt. J. Reid ever. 230 PRINCESS ST. Ambulance Telephone Mrs. Melvin Cronk hud 'the pleasure of | ton, of Toronto, spent Christinas and ; able management of Miss Picard, of ot Mise.diradeh Sunday | In order to get you to try "Sunkist" oranges and learn their excellent quality, we will send you free the beautiful Rogers Orange Spoon here pictured on receipt of 12 "Sunkist" wrappers and 12c to cover charges, packing, etc. You will find 'Sunkist' Oranges at nearly every dealer's, packed in individual paper wrap- pers that bear the trade-mark shown below. Iftheyare not packed thus, they are not the 'Sunkist' kind, but an infe- rior fruit. You cin buy 'Sunkist' Oranges by the box and balf-box. "Sunkist" Oranges --Choicest Fruit *Sunkist" Oranges are Califor- nia's choicest re select of 5000 orange hr + The inspected c groves. No Tr oran rich an are thi Be Save the Wrappers fibreless, tree-ripeped, firm and Se . All are hacd-picked, No fallen, bruised or over-ripe oranges. Each "'Sunkist" is a perfect specimen, as delicious as if plucked fresh from the tree. and secure a completa set ol beautiful, useful orange spoons. In remitting. Jlaase 2 sead cash when the amoust is less than on amounts order or bank draft. above 20¢, we prefer postal note, money order, We will be glad to send Somplets list of valuable premiums. We honor both ® Ress TRADE "Red Ball" wrappers on premiums. Address PERSE EETE EEE IMPERIAL PAGE SEVEN. RIERaNT.. wg ae EFI A Jui relal Roel CEES SYSTEM GRAND TRUNK Eastern Ontario Live Stock and Poultry Show OTTAWA, ONT., JAN. 16th to th. Round" trip tickets will be issued Sunday, Jan, Ith, to Friday, Jan. th, inclusive, oy ' | $3.20 good to return until Jan. 28d Through Pullman Sleepers to end from Ottawa every ight. For Pullman reservations and alii in formation, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent. Comer Johnson and Ontario Streets, INGSTONS PEMBROK ) In Connection With CANADIAN PACIFICO RAILWAY. Trains Leave Kingston 1201 pm Express--For Ottawa, Nontreal. Quebec, 3 John NK, Han fax, Boston, Toronto, Chicag ver, Renfrew, Sault Ste. Marte, ar, St Paul, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland and San Srantisce. $00 pm --Local for Sharbot a with C PP. Kk Kast aks es 7.45 am Mixed---For Renfrew and intermediate points, Mon, ed, and Friday. Passengers leaving Kingston at 12 81 pm arrive in Oltawa at pm; Peterboro, 4.38 pm; Toronto, .68 pm: Montreal, 7.06 p.m; Boston, 7.30 em St. John, 1200 noon Full particulars at K. and P. and CIR Licks Office, € Oatarie Btreet ) Gen AY ass. Agent BAY OF QUINTE RAD. # AY rats leaves Union Station Ontaric fireet, 4 pm. dally (Bunday esxcepied) 'or Tweed, Sydenham. Napanee, Deser wto, Bannockburn and all polats north fo secure quick despatch to Bannook- yurn, Maynooth, and ints on Central ntario route your ofp pmen ts via Bay Xx TE Ratixar Rof further ars appl I & DICKBON rtf linge pach Fx greg VARD LINE WA 4 lan - comfortab; e rooms and lounging saftin Connections for and arorday Interior Points, for Havana {sie of Pines nkchanged for wonderful! C han clim- MEXICD:: each Friday, for Ara Cruz Tampioo. and all points in the interior of Mexice Weekly First & ' HAMAS i ane Nassau Up about rates and accommodations ND CUBA MAIL S58 O60, General Offices ew York. " There are other hotels, bus Bone approach the Club for homedke sur Located In centre of city and cigee w principal stores and theatre 5 Special rates by the week P. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor. New steamships, excellent cuisine, Thurs Santiage, Where rigorous northern Winters are Making connections for Mexico City Suilings Cabin Write for literature and particulars NEW YORK AD Pler 14, East River, i W YLLINGTON ST., near PRINCESS, roundings. Charges are moderate. ww of Fleur str) Pr tention. Country Bales of Wi ntario Sireet. OUR BEAVER BRAND COAL ® sescssssssssescsasssaced we vel Son far, got my services i unexecelled for bread or BRU WM. BRURY, WM. MUKHRAY, Auctioneer Furniture Bales given special at MARKET SQUARE + e in moderate A. MAC nl ws AN, 285 WELLINGTON STREET. 'Phone 443, eR EEET MARK Imperial Brand Men's Wool Underwear Durability, EVERY GARMENT GUARANTEED. Comfort, Popular Price refunded. MAUE ONLY BY * Comfy Fit If pot satisfactory money Hosiery Co., Ltd., Kingston, Ont. If your. dealer candor supply you write us.