a PAGE TWELVE. ns TT ee -- ! ee ' i er Sa 8 310s Te RH ila] [x CHURCH, STORES FI] OUR SPECIALTY FON oN (a \ p- ~ | 7 4 ) TOPRINCESS ST. ¢ yA WL (\)S di Laer ORDERING FLOUR Ask your grocer or dealer to send you a trial sack of QUALITY Flour. : 'Try it and be convinced of the celebrated quality ot the Flour. ; * 4 Manufactured by the le Lt Wiig Go, «# Branch ' Office, Ontario Street Kiugston. Telephone 886. Hanging is too good for a painting that is badly executed. It's a joke when some people take themselves seriously. . Seme Cynic Said ""A man's heart lies in his stomach'. - keeps the stomach sweet and clean, 26¢ and 60c. At dealers. Pre : IS YOUR COAT DUSTY? You Probably Have the White Scab of Dandruff on It. H your coat or shoulders have a shite dust upon it, the chagees ure that it is from dandrufi. The anly way to permanently cure dandruff is to | remove the cause, which is a germ. 1 Newbro's Herpicide kills the germ. Ev- ery toilet table should have such a hairdressing that contains also the de- stroyer of the dandruff and hair-falling germ. It stops all irritation, keeps the scalp sweet, pure and wholesome. Remember that something claimed to be ioe as good ¢ will not do the work of gewidine Herpicide. _ Sold by isading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. $1 bottle guaran teed. Jas. B. Mcleod, druggist, spe |: cial agent, Kingston, Ont. --- DIOP P0000 Women's Pains "1 received your sample of Zutoo Tablets, and took thém for severe pain (monthly) and headache. At the end of 30 minutes I was entire.y free from pain and experienced no more throughout the period. [I Suffer a great deal at these times and feel grateful that I now have a remedy which affords, quick re- lief. Every woman in the land should know about Zutoo Tablets and what they will do." MRS, ALLEN WRIGHT, Fulford, Q. * An Object of Pity That part of our nature which wa call esloped Wh women than {in man. They are the smotional Is much mare highly dee more sensitive, more tencer, Tie sm. Pathetic, more pronounced In ther likes and dislikes, more susceptible 16 the ex- tremes of pleasure and pain; and these refined mental gus of form and. feature, make up the atmosphere or alvdys surrounds true womanliness no less than beauty of atteactiVeliess and charm which The continued existence of these winning, engagin Fé hs ® womanly characteristics depends to a very large extent an the regulacity of the wWonhhily functions and (ne condition of the womanly organs; and when these functions and organs become dis- orde: or diseased the same mental qualities which yr a b the source o fulness is changed Ww f suffering and torture almost fo a fesling of deapondency, ar Torebodi of worse evils to come, on mondy and irritable; rasionuble, dwe! on her troubles of her mise condition . a agtausty inclined thio fs very Hable to be ng lo. J ritual condition, or to think that S$ also to endure the of arly approaches ar: due to a disordered that to effect a cure these organs the circalation, which has must be improved so that the waste needed be brought to these issue, which is held in t most of the sultering by She becomes morbidly or forpsaken by her relatives and (rien ry of a well woman . Her chesry hope , and she Is haunted being utabte keep her mind fbn sensitive has a most humilis fF Womanly attributes I? th doubts and fears she ernally lost. In ad: Iressing aches and pama. y ried women is the fr sufterive. or the thease disorders for being » most dis n yr. wotdition of the womanly organs, it is must be restored te normal condition: om betome congested and stagnant in these matter will be expetied, and the rourish- organs, Mt is the waste matier nt blood vessels in these parts, fated in these part y ORANGE relisve he QUEEN TO LAY A KEEL PLATE | A Wel-Known Magistrate Doubts its { are very puritanical in every way, | has decided upon a crusade against | page few years. She prefers to intro. | Z ; | Great interest in Connection with the land it is belleved that; although the | Royal . Family's Approachin {visit is te De entirely foformal and ' Visit A -- th ys | almost private. Queen Mary will be 9 CoriameutY, , | asked ta lay the first Keel plate of the s-- {new mammoth super Dreadnought. i Great preparations are being made | mike Ring Edward, who at the Portsmouth naval station for the | ook only a superficial but pairiotie expected visit of King George and his | infersst in the Navy, King George | family. According to present arrange ' Ww8 every new step made by the >: x | Admiral with the most intense ments King George and Queen Mary, | petness, and he. is already in pos with the younger children, will *visit {Session of flie secrét designs of the that great naval centre about January | new ships to he Jald down next year. 17th, and will remain in the harbor on | He 18 also very alive to the grievances board the roval yacht Victoria and of the "lower deck" and When at | Albert for several days. There Is. Portsmouth he is expected to pay a | great excitement among the naval offi- number of visits to the naval barracks, cers and officials, a number of whom the dockyard, and various establish remember the King in his sailor days, | ments outside the port. A A NA I Nn I AI NPAT TN SANNA Clerg ireturning on Christmas morning fiom the sick bed of aged parishioner. tp very deaf Old Woman) -- "Poor Mr, Smith is in a high fever." Old Woman "The same to you, sir, and many &f "em. "---Punch, AAA AA AAA A AAA A A A AEN T0 WIPE OUT THELOW NECKS Queen Mary Has Started a Crusgde cut as low as possible, but Queen . | Mary bas a great dislike. for this fash- Against Them, and "High Necks" ion 'and ghe has madesit clear to the Will be Good Etiquette mar i Indies of her household that if a dress | is cut away at the neck at all it should | be as Tittle as possible. At the present - | time the 'edicts of the Court,make it . Queen Mary, whose habits and ideas | compulsory for low-necked dress to be worn on all "full-dress" occasions, but this will be greatly médified during the the low-necked evening dress, and in | duce the innovation gradually, but she] this she bas the full support of King! has already made it clear that elderly George. Diving the reign of King { ladies 'and others, who desire to wear high-necked dresses at next seasol's Edward, and even under Queen Vie-| ours may do so without infringing toria, the court dresses of ladies were | any detail of eourt etiquette, | AAA AAA SIAN NINN A A A AA IN NTN SNPS NIN EXHIBITION VILLAGE | SEATS IN CHURCH it Will be Partially Surrounded by i Baronet Claimn Seventy-two Out of a Painted Scenery of the i Total of 380 in the Parish Highlands | Edifice THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, It. is proposed to begin 'bullding the Highland Village in comnection with | the forthcoming Exhibition in Kelvin- A dispute as to whether Sir Oswala Mosley, Burton-on-Trent, was entitled {to the exclusive use of seventy-two agining that she iv } for the sale of homo industries. seats in the parish -church was sit grove this month. The site is on the | tiled at Lichfield Conmsistory Court, left bank 'of the Kelvin, extending Sir Oswald applied for a faculty from the Prince of Wales Bridge t9 | appropriating certain seats in the Park Road, and consists of two and | south aisle of the church. It was con- five-eighths acres. The village will | tended that the aisie had been in the be partially surrounded by painted | Possession of the family since 1615, " Land had been kept in constant repair, scenery (ypical of the Highlands, and "ng oon time to time various monu will contain six or more cotlages of | ments had been erected. various types--walls constructed of | 'When the Rev. and Hon. H. L. Tyr timber and plaster, roofs of thatch 'whitt became rector the congregation treated with fwreproof preparation-- |4ncreased, and people were placed in with posi office, smithy, joiner's work- | the south aisle, to the annoyance of shop, general merchant's shop, and | Sir Oswald. The rector called upon probably a dairy as adjuncts to the cot- | Sir Oswald to prove his claim to tages. In addition to these there Will [seventy-two seats out of a tofal of 350 be a village ball, wheres concerts will | in the church. be given and exhibitions of piping, | A conference between the chancel dancing, and illustrations of Highland | lor apd counsel on the matter, together customs, such as walking the cloth, ete. | with the respective parties, took place. The village in Will be used as a res | Ii was agreed that & faculty should be faurant, gud another hall will be built | granted to the Mosley family, giving The | them the exclusive use of thirty-eight village school and church will also be | out of seventy-two of the existing seats represented. It is proposed to have | in the south aisle, and also the right to competitions in the Home Industries | erect monuments in the aisle. Section and competitive displays on f the village green of piping, dancing.) ARCTIC EXPEDITION and Highland games. The village building and. grounds will be lit bv electricity introduced into suitable fittings. Gas will be used | for cooking, and peat fires for heating. | The water supply will be led to the different buildi and to an artificial | "burn" and "well" Provision against | Like. $0 many other explorers, Sir fire will bo made according to the re-| quirements of the. authorities. "| Ernest Shackleton finds the cali of the | wild Irresistible. : i Next May or Junc he Tas decided 10 head g party of sclentists in an expe dition to the Spitzbergen lalands Ocean. Sir Ernest Shackieton Finds the Call to the North Irresistible . Industries ng will bs seen in active opera Spinning, card weaving, knit- oF OAT JANUARY 7, FEAR { Deterrent Effect on the Criminal EE The ~ wellknbwn magistrate, Mr. Plowden, contributes ean interesting 'study in erbminal péychology to the discussicn on the dedtlh penalty which has been carried on for the past fort night In the columns of the "Times." Incideniaily Mr, Plowden pleads' for a saner judgmant of thé character and motives of the murderer. He says: --- It is a popular fallaey to regard a murderer as the worst of criminals. The real truth. is that in 'many cases it is hardly {air to describe him as a criminal a: ali, No one wha has not been through the fire can tel what may be the effect on his seli-conirol of a long course of studled insuits sid provocation on the part 'of a worthless 'wife against her busband persevered in day by day, for months and sven years at a stretch. Sir Henry Smith, in. Bis virtuous indignation with Crippen, makes no allowance for desperate eircumstances like these . He is angry with Crippen on account of his coolness in the witness.box, which he calls an outrage, and he ap- parently regards it as a distihgt aggra- vation of his conduct that he should 'have sworn to love and cherish at the altar the wife whom he subsequently put to death. ! ! It is somewhat amazing lo me that considerations such as these should weigh for a moment in ahy just appre- ciation of Crippen's character. They were to me absolutely irrelevant. What Crippen actually did, and for which he suffered death, was to kill |' a wife whom He hated for the sake of a woman whom he loved. Probably of all the murders..that are committed under the sun, in one couniry or an- other, there is no more common type of murder than this. : It was the irony of Crippen's fate that he did mot meet No. 2 until after he had Tet No. 1. Had such been his good fortune he would probably have lived a life not-bettor nor worse than his neighbors, and have enjoyed with the best of them the reputation of a contented, law-abiding, citzen. 1 am convinced from such experience as | have had of criminal courts, extending over many ycars, that what a man murderously inclined really dreads iv not death, but pain. The spectre of death, though it can always be conjured up, is too remote and shadowy to have much effect on the nerves of 1 man In the enjoyment of full and vigorous health. Not so with pain. There is no imagination #0 dull that it cannot take in the ter rors of the "cat"; and 1 believe if such punishment could be made part of the ntence, evn without abolishing capi 1 punishment, the deterrent eifect would be uninistakable. Lthink even Crippen's courage, won: Jerful as it was, would have quailed on that dark and wintry morning, had he known that he would have to endure a flogging before he was hung. : And had ho been asked" which he feared most--the physical pain of the lash or thy death to follow--can any one doubt what his answer would have PRESIDENT FALLIERES Qf France, who, it 8 romored, will re- sign his office in the near future owing to M-healh ROMANTIC RUSSIAN TRAGEDY A young leutenant of the Yalta gar rison (Russia) became engaged some months ago id a very pretty and ac complished girl, the adopted daughter of a Crimean family iu affluent cir comsiances. The marriage was 10 have taken place in the Yalta military chapel. Almost at the In Japen, a= bas been said before, the hotels furnish glests fr~ tooth- brughes. A better; story than this comes ftom Jamaica. si Down thete the natives have been seized with the sanitary enthasia and have accommodated a certain plant, sow dubbed the toothbrush plant, to their uses. By takiog a and ade into an piece | the re ATT id so Used by the best Bakers and Caterers everywhere alo by Chefs in the large hotels and Dining Cars, Steamships, Steamboats. etc. 4 . It is wise to we food products that are in clean factories. E. W. GILLETT CO. LTD. : TORONTO, ONT, WORK WITHOUT FATIGUE You won't feel exhausted when you take EPPS'S COCOA iii! It will sustain you as nothing else will--there is strength in every particle of it. As a supper beverage it is perfec' Rich as cream and as wholesome The most digestible of nourishing beverages ALE and STOUT Creates appetite; makes meals taste better; brings healthy sleep. Keep it always in the house. Your dealer sells it, or you can order direct. " John Labatt LONDON - CANADA + Agent, James McParland, 339-341 King St. E., Kingston. Range dog sak-atowe is ble You waste ood erly cocked, 1 make things 0 hear your A makeshift ¢ WAVE expensive, because it is not pi You time right You waste § oven---ar get a hot § andl night. Ye try t all day day 3 oO use an THE IMPERIAL OXFORD Hero ia the range for your purpose one perfect --all eight cast iron day in and day oul, year after year wast Jose money every uns tisfactory range. Th ran, Will altachy "n detachable niche! rips, eas New device for removing sshes The OXFORD ECONOMIZLR which easily saves 2077 of vour fuel. N kind ever invented is worth so much f You lose money every day von try Come in and let us show u th "Economizer'™ attachment. It mean Other Gurney-Oxford stove and any kind of fue! (ist best liked stoves in all Ca Luda, POS known It will THE YELLOW HARDWARE STORE Simmons Bros | Drs KENNEDY & KENNEDY CURE DISEASES OF MEN PATIENTS TREATED THROUGHOUT CANADA FOR 20 YEARS Drs. K. & XK. are favorably knows through ont Canada wheres the have fone bass ness for over © years Thousands of patients have been treated and cuted by their great skill apd through the virtoe of their New Treatment. When you trest with them you know you sre dealing with respon sible physicians as they own and occupy their own office building in Petr alued Aut SIN000 When they decide your case is corable, all your worry By removed fc na koow they will wot deceive you They , punramies 10 care aM evrable casen No matter how meapny doctors have failed to enefit you: mo matter how much money you have spent in vals. no matter bow dis cotmged you may be. dont gite up in den pair until you get & free opimen from (hese | aster . 5. If you mre at present within 'he cluteles of any secret habit which is sapping your life by degrees. if you sre suffering from (he redafits of past indisefw tions, 7 your blood Ras beet tainted from any private Giseass and you dare tot marry | if you are married and jive tw dread of symp. toms break Sot and exposing your past) if your are '. at the result of a Sse ie Ds KX. & K sre your Refuge, Lay your eave bet in them confidentially and they will tell you bonestis if you mre curabie. YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED CONSULTATION FREE '"» a Question Shek for We Treat snd Care v VARICOSE VEINS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD snd URINARY COMPLAINTS KIDNEY and Dinenses and ofl Diseases Peculior to Men. MOME TREATMENT Drs. KENNEDY & KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold SL, 'Detroit, Mich. - OTICE All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart. Emme ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us ly call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat ne bid torsgriaibn Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and 1a! for Canadian busivess only. Address all letters as follows: wt DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. for unr Bi a a