Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Jan 1911, p. 3

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5 Laundry! Fuarmutend. me a card and 1 od rompt] our laundry 1565 WEL Lr GTO tween Brock apd Clarence oe ¥ RONTEN AC J1OAN & INVESTMENT SOC ery. FEATARLISHED 18a. President--Sir Richard Unriwright. f insueq 5 Fro. » hebums Deposits Wah Long" First-class wor rot Ly + allowed o "Managing Director, jarence Stree 0 Pr Cent, Discomt 0 Al Batic and Cas Lams, W. A. SPRIGGS Electrical 'Contractor 167 Princess St, - Near Baget| PHONE 68. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Ie the Matiér of the Estate of Wallace | Hruer Watthews Carruthers, late of | the City of Kingston, Major, nat Adjutant-Genornl for Sigusiiing, | Decended. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN PUR- ant He the Bey ised Buatites of on. i od hat x "wet. i su tarig Chapter Creditors and others: vias p against the ate of the said Waliace Hriude Mattl Carrothers, who died on ar about 1 gist day of October | ivia ire required or before the! 16th day of Japuary, i911, te send by pop repaid, 'or deliver to Messrs | Maio & Farrell 3% Clarence Sirest gxton, Solicitors for the Execut ors last will and testa- ment . sald deceased, their | Christian and surnames, Addresses and deseriptions, the full particulars of aims, th statement of their and thé value of the securi- held by them » Notice, rs Ht ald Kin that after st-mentioned date. the sald Ex- will proceed y distribute the Deceased varies any then liable for the sald as- thereat ta any pers hose claim notice ived by them butien « f ors wilt not be i OF An Ban sad! the iyted fat r day Irecember, FARRELL, secutlors, MACDOUNNELL & Solicitors tor SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH. uss LAND ARGULATIONS. ERSON WHO IS THE SOLE 4 family, or any male over 18 may homestead a quarter available Dominion Jand Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alleria The appiicant must ust Appear in person at the Dominion ney or Sab- Agency for the dtr Afniry by proxy may made at any agency, on ce conditions, b father, nother, son, faughtor, hn brother or sister of intending omeste Si. onthe' residence upon ANY head Yea Dutles, mo and Fuittvation of the land in eac taree years A hethestender may live within miles of his homestead on & farm of at leant 80 acres sulely owned and occupied bv him or by his father, mother, son, danghter, brother or sister. In certain dia' ricts a homesteader in good standing miy pre-empt a quarter HY gd alongside his homestead. Price, og More oties---ust scion u . the homest or pre- fempt! months 'enr sate EEA aE and hamestoader who irr] 2 Sxhausted ha Da ry right and cannot obtain pre-emtpion enter for a purchased homestead In certain districts. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties] le months in each of three years, cultivate 150d jcres apd erect a house w W. W. CORY, Députy of he Mipister of the N.B.--Unauthort 1" ae Rs Unguthorised' " Buble oe A, Hut for Grocery Orders. Thanking my customers for the extra good Xmas trade this season, I wish you all a very prosporous and 'Happy New Year. a S. T. KIRK 28 PRINCESS STRENT. "Phone 417, : Agent for Asselstine"s Yara. Designers and Manufacturers THERE 12 NO ESTABLISH MENT BETWEEN TORONTO § AND MONTREAL THAT HAVE GOOD FACILITIES FOR NING AND "MANUFAC. PURING © FINE PIECES OF GOL. AND. PLATINUM DIA. MOND JEWELRY AS WE HAVE, AND OUR CHARGES CARE THE NERY LOWEST | CONBISTUNT WITH ARTISTIC WORKMANSHIP. "| candles = | girls Anmimt- | reatn | in honor of her grandda | Alta, arrived, | Harty the Goldin BGuwilight SodPe h ; p . 3 4 . b . p A £ 3 "Suit The Merrick entertained fon Friday, at the mother, - Mrs. Heary Merrick, Bagot street. Mrs. Mertick, assisted &y her { duagliter, Miss Marjorie, received the f The tea table, which] was pre | Sided over by Mrs. Merrick, 'was most | uttrdetive ~being Gentred with a tall crystal of daffodils, the base of which was surrounded with billows of green and white tulle. Yellow shaded at each corner of the and the drawing-room and tea- also lighted by candles. | Miss Mabe! Dalton cut the ices and the who assisted were, Miss Irene Misses Hilda and Doris Kent, Carson and Miss Florrie The guests included, Miss Sullivan, Misses Mabel, Doro- Marjorie Brownfield, Miss Florence Cunningham, Miss Marion Redden, Misses Mona and Phyllis Kuight, Miss Edith Young, Miss Nan | Paterson, Miss Dora Oldrieve, Miss | Mollie Saunders, Mise Jessie Dickgon, and her visitor, Mrs. R. IL Partridge, Toronto, Miss Mabel Richardson, Miss | Freda Burns, Mise Dorothy Hill, | Mikses he and Susie Anglin, Miss {Helen Gordon, Misses Sylvia and | Christine Cochrane, Miss Madge Tay- Hor, Miss Mildred Jones, Miss Lenore Hamilton, Miss Mamie Garrett, Miss Lassie Kirkpatrick, Miss Kate Craig, Miss Leta Carson, Miss May Rogers, Miss Kathleen Ryan, Miss lian Mundell, Miss Katharine Sutherland of Calgary, Miss Isabel Waldron, Misses Fva and Ruth Martin, Miss Anaie Minnes, Miss Claire Robinson, Miss Dorothy Hooper, Miss Kate Smellie, and Miss Rita hice, LS *. Be tteui reset stg * wv Misses Marjorié amd Gweaeth at the tea hour, residence of their i were table, | room were swilt, | Migs Vera : Steward Frances jay and Miss Alive Nope entertained at a most enjoyable luncheon at the Coun- try Club, on Friday, in. honor of Mrs. J. Farrand Pringle, of La Toque: The table was very prettily arranged with Japanese lilies aud ferns. The guests included Mrs. Walter Boyd, Ottawa; Mrs. Halloway Waddell, Misses Amy and Bea McGill, Miss Ethel Waldron, Miss Nora Gordon, Mizs Marion Red- 'den, Misd Dorothy Brownfield, Miss Mildred Jones and Miss Bessie Rich- ardson. . * + Lady Cartwright was the hostess at a delightful tea, on Wednesday, given ter, Miss Marion Cartwright, of 8 mmerland, B.C. Quantities of red and white car- nations and roses-adorned the rooms and the tea table over which Miss Fanny Cartwright and Miss Merrick presided, assisted by Miss Freda Fripp and Miss Hope Macrae. > * Chatles Masters. and two chil: Mrs. h Fri- dren, arvived dram Halifax, on day, to spend, some time with her mother, Mrs' C. Paterson, Union wireet. Mrs, Mats will receive, with 4 Mre. Paterson, on Say afternoon. On Friday morning the lady curlers played off for the special prize for drawing, offered by Mrs. R. Hooper. Miss Bentrice Birth was the lueky win- ner, * 9. Mrs. W. B. Carmichael, : Albert street, will receive on Tuesday and afterwards on the second and. fourth Tuesdays of the month, 297 Mes. E. T. Sd Quins University, entertained at a party for her little daughter, Miss Nora Scott, on Friday afternoon. Mrs . - +. R. Hamilton Partridge, of To- ronto, will réceive with Mrs. Haston Burns, at 200 William street, on Tues day, Japupry 10th, : *$ larrie street, enter- this afternoon in Coy, of Vancouver, > The meeting of the Skating Club has been postponed from Saturday whgint uhtil next Monday night. a Mrs. R. tained at honor of Mrs, Uglow, bridge Ww. * on Mon- The Bridge Club will meet, A. Mitch- day afternoon, at Mrs. ell"s, William street. . * + Mise Kathleen Ryan, Rockwood House, will entertain at tea on Mon. day afternoon. ; +e . Arthur Cunningham, Beverley , will not receive ou Tuesday. * os Mee. street nu Master "Ted" rs leates for Trinity: College School, Port Hope, after spending three Weeks with his sister Miss 'Aileen Rogers, University avenue. Mr. T. H. Robertson, of 'Regina, Friday evening to visit his mother, - Mrs. George Robertson, Svdenham street. Mrs. BJ. Walker, Toronto, guest of her mother, Mrs. Robertson, Earl street. Me. J. LL XX. Burnside, who has been spending 4 few days in Wilbur, teturned to town to-day. Miss H. of Napanee, | is vise ieing her sister, Mr. -H. N. Robert- mon, Wel Judge and rn Relies. and son, s been the guests of on Wiliam Harty, returned to of, A. i Beverley street, leaves for Toronto, to-mor- Frow, : Mex. W. O'Brien, Barrie street, re- is the w J mother, before leaving for the west, - THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, ] spent" a few days in town with Chis = Mis Hesse Smvine, West street, returned from Ottawa on Friday Mr. Fitzgerald, of Quein's Univers- ity, liks returned from Parry Sound, | where he spent the holiday season. HA musem ents. | (aman OPERRY HOUSE ) JANUARY 7, 1911. The People's Fort rum = Mes. G. F. Emery, snd son, Gerald, i retarned lo Ottawa, on Wednesday, | They intend to return, to Kingston | in the spring to reside permanently. Mrs, Kobert H. Partridge, of Tor: '66 onto, who is visiting Miss Jessie Dick- son, Barrie street, will be the guest of her mother; Mrs. RR. E. Burns, William street. Mr. W. G. B. Bishop, oi Regina, Alta., arrived in town, ou Friday, te spend a few doys with Mrs. George Robertson, Sydenham street. Mr. Francts King, Stuart street, street, left for Toronto on Thuralay. Miss Grace Houghton, of Defiance, Ohio, arrived in town on Wednesday, and is the guest of Miss Agnes Rich ardson, University avenue. Miss Hudbury, Montreal, after ing Mrs. J. Wolie, Earl street, the past days, returned to treal to-day. i LR Mr. Arthur Carter, Westmount, guest of his mother, Mrs. R. ter, West street. la Miss Muriel King, Alige street, who is visiting her sister, Mrs: E. H. Vense, Ottawa, will return home on Monday or Puella Mrs. G. B. Tel "entertained Thursday in honor Toller, of Toronto. Mrs. Philip Toller, Toronto, who | has been the gest of Colonel _and] Mrs. Toller, Ottawa, will go to Mon "JUDITH ZARAINE" treal the beginning of the week to] _LIEBLER & CO, MANAGERS, wisit 'her sister-in-law, Mrs. Nase. PRICES--25, 30, 75, $1.99, $130. After visiting Mrs, Markey, Mrs. Toll | er will come to Kingston to spend | SEATS ON SALE TUESDAY. some time with Miss B. Smythe, West! * + 9 street. 3 Fi * oo ' wi Set slo wee, GPIEEHIN'S. Mr. King street, have returned from New York, where they spent the holiday: THEATRE Get the Griffin Habit The new members elected at Badmin- ; Thursday Friday & Saturday ton on Wednesday were Captain and | JANUARY 5, 6, and 7. PROGRAM : The many friends of Mr. "and Clex wer Sullivan will be Hui | Expensive engagement of those high-class entertainers, know that they have been transferred Black & LaRue, from Esquimalt to Halifax. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fisher, aid] Exponents of high-class mic and ' various favorite instruments. two children, Bound Brook, N.i., who | Taylor & Taylor, have been the guests of Nis Millie | Ferrie, "Willow Cottage," will my home tg: morrow. v Miss Jean Mearns, Toronto, who The theme of a. thousand laughs; a has been visiting Miss Jenbel Wal cure for the blues. dron, King street, for the holidays; res A L rthur ynn, The many friends of Mrs. W. Boyd, | Ottawa, took the opportunity of call- turned to Toronto, to-day - Rev. John and Mrs. Fairlie and "Sweet on of "on Dreams. s REE i TO-NIGHT Greatest Book Play af. the Decade, t. Elmo" Dramatized. from Agusias J. Evans Beek by Grave Hayward, A Cast of Umusual Eexelience. FRICES, 25, 35 36, Tie, Semts mow ou Sale. : MONDAY, JAN. 9th Jerome K. Jerome's Remarkable Symbolic Pilar, THE PASSING OF THE ' THIRD FLOGR BACK Entirely All-English Company, with IAN ROBERTSON sale, =ESE 'THURSDAY, JAN. 12th Engisnds Voromest. st. Emotional" Aei- LENA ASHWELL Assisted By Charles Waldrom, resenting C. ws. Melelian's Poswver- , visite for Mon- » the | ar Pertart Production. Greene, Primrose avenue, at bridge on! of Mrs. Philip' ing on her on Friday, when she re Seived with her mother, Mrs. H. A. i Calvin, King street. Little Mise Mar i garet Boyd came in for a share of} the welcome given to her mother. * + Miss Annie Fairlie returned from Ot- tawa, on Wednesday, where they wer guests at the. Fairlie-Fitapatrick wed- ding. Miss Margaret Fairlie it re | maining 'antil té-dav. The Bishop of Ontario and Mrs. Len CONDENEHP ADVERTISING RATRS Plage Iaseption 16 a ward Each com 'secutive insertion thereafter hall cent sertion, 30e; three insertions, 0c; six, $1; ome month, $2. HELP WANTED. APPLY King Street A HOU REMALD, TO MRS and ¥, 181 A GIRL FOR THE MARKING. ROOM Appdy to the Imperial Steam Barrie Street Laundry, A GOOD G ERAL SERVANT; ferences required Apply, In evening, to Mrs ¥. Lesslie William Stpeel RE- the 4 MEN MAY PAY COPY- ing addresses, spare time" H. Rewan, BROOM TYERS, | steady work. Company, Ltd, W.. Toronto -- A GENERAL dry or upstalr required. Apply ~Minues, 124 agot EARN GOOD ete, Parucu Dept. Ad Chicago. GOOD WAGES; Apply, the Boecish 158. Adelaide St = -------- SERVANT: NO LAUN- work; referenc ds tw Mrs, J Street, SALESMAN WANTED FOR "WINTE for our choice Nursery Stock aan newest varieties pot toon: liberal terms. Cavers Bros, Galt. SALARY oR stating ex- Jennings Specialty Church Street, To- SALESMEN AT ONCE. commission Write, perience, to the Company, 497 rento. A MAID TO ASSIST WITH GENERAL housework. Apply, before 3 or Alter 6 pm. to re G. Lobk- ety, 24 Stuart Street, near Barrie Street. < GOOP PAY fug nu Sim- MEN AND WOMEN, copying and checking advertis material at home spare time; canvassing: enciose stamp plex Mfg. Co. London, Ont CHURCH: organ Ap- AQualificallons, 16 ORGANIST FOR CITY modern two-manual ply, stating salary, ele, to Joseph Hodge, Steeet NSES TO to travel and for big wholes Emery, M481 $25 WEEKLY AND EXP trustworthy people distribute samples sale house L H *» Chicago | AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding pers. No -canvassin vd Frticulars Bross Syn cate, 3,969 SORDOTY, N. $100 MONTHLY AND. EXPENEFES TO travel and distribute <samples for big manufacturer; steady work 8. Schaffer, Treasurer. Fisl, Chi cago. WHO and Apply 158 UNDER- fintsh- te L Wel- GIRLS FOR SEWING stand skirt making ing: steady work Winstin, Ladies' Tailor ington Street ONE AGENT. LADY OR GENT for Kingston and couwotr to introduce fue new article. J ny, Joseph Taylor, Lagle Cafe, St homas, Ont. a RAL SERVANT BY JAN. 15th; family of .twg: must .be cook and hve references Ap- nox Mille, Bishopseourt, are the gietts of Avchdeacon and Mrs. Norton, at the rectory, Montreal, for a few days. Major D. I. V. Faton, Ottawa, who has been director of military training on the general staff, has been restored to his regiment, the R.C.H.A., King- ston. Major and Mrs. Eaton will ar- rive in town, shortly, Children under 15- Hockey 'Match T.AAC, , Toront o vei QUEEN'S SENIORS SATURDAY, JAN. 7 Game called at 8.15 fm. Admission; 25c; Reserved Seats, ] 25e extra. Plan open Yor sale of seats and tickets on Jan. 6th, at 10 am FARMERS INSTITUTE MEETINGS . JaNt ARY 1-DU " - HST DENRAMN, Afternoon and Evening Meetings. Speakers--F, M. Lewis, Burford, and AM. Campbell, Maxvilie and the Subjects--*€legver, The ey cessful arming.' cu I vy Cattle) eding of Dairy Sila" Rain of e "Care and Cows,' "Farm Management" Have You Tred Johnston for r 'Rubbers and Bel + 4 Williamson, of Gen- eva, NY, and" Dr. Harold William- son, of Port Arthur, who have heen spending the past two weeks in King: ston, left, this afternoon, for the west Mrs. J. H. Taylor and her two sams, Clarence and Willis, of St. Paul, Minn, who spent New. Year's with Mr Cand Mres.t F.' W. Coates, has left Tor her home. Mrs. Comelly, friends in town. + Prof. Fdward I. Yarker, visiting +» i The engagement announced' of Miss Gertrude Roberta Craig, daugh ter of Rev. R. J. Craig, Depot Harbor, formerly of this eity, to Dr. Alesaw- dér W. Richardson, and the marriage will take place at Childerhose Memor ial church, Depot Harbor, on Thurs. day, January 12th. La a A pretty house wedding took place at the residence of Mr. J. E. Peck, on the Bay of Quinte shore, near Allory, when Miss, Anna Ethel Peck was mar: ried to Mr. Allan Way Lovett, of Tren: ton, only son of Captain and Mrs Marcus Lovett, of Lovett, : -------------------- 1 to, Sye- The Name Noah. Not many persons are Shfficiently ac guainted with she Bible to know that Noah was the name of a woman" as wall as of the patriarch. At an in quest in England a female witness gave her Christian pame as "Noah." The doroner remarked that he had never before known a woman to bear the name, Ww whereupon the witness, who was oll posted in the a rigi of her sin gular prenomen, "It is a Bible name, sir; vou'll find it in the last chapter of the book of ee was daly made, the eleventh verse sd in of the thiriy-sixth : ih t suppose "vou Ere at the of the big New York ery. to 5 ply, ov between 7 aud §- pm, Mrs. Willhofft, Wellington | -- {I WILL { dally ing structive operation 335, Boston START YOU EARNING $4 at home in spare time silvers mirrors: no capital: Iree in. booklet, giving plang of G. F. Redmond, Dept { Mass. EACH LOCALITY; good pay made. acting as repre- sentative; 1ddress envelopes; fold circulars: material, stamps furnished free Rex Malling Agency, London, Ontario.' ---- GIRL. OR WOMAN BOYS AND GIRLS BE LL: POST CARDS For selling or $360 worth we give absolutel free fountain pen or pair thease are high-grade which will give entire satisfac tion; send your name. we will send cards frey Overladil Mer- chandise Company, Dept. I» To- route. - - articles TO SELL. ARTICLES MUCH needed in ery home, ally by working en; good salary; per manent position; If you are works ing for small salar behind the unter, write today; you <a Be our wages and be your own pply, Box "E B. C." Whig BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. The Dally British Whig, The Weekly British Whig, "tf Kingston, Ont, Price and circulation considers ed, there Is no better advertis- ing medium in Canada + i H S220 bb 30 P bbb PbS bebe aa ns asst ed XE J POSITIONS WANTED. ERs arn vossible x T. SITUATION: same business i; Sood educa- Cs this of- YOUNG MAN SE would like to or trade if tion. Apiy, fice. HAIR, MOLES, s, yp thout a word. Minimum charge for one in-| Brock LOST. FR Kindly Street A SILVER MESH day or Hat wrday return and HANDBAG ¥ receive EYEGLASSES ON UNI] . between Earl and re A PAIR OF s Versiy o Union turn ONTARIO AND SA VETERAN SCRIP to buy for cash. J. 8. R McCann, 81 Brock Street. FUR NISHE D ting Re focality King Sireei : HEDR OOMS AND SIT- ood "Addre ho H POSTAGE change purchase basis Sce license . Canadian Limited, iy i Dept Pr. Tor ENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR Cloth and have it made up inte up- toate suits' Price and workman- and & guaranteed to sin and pl ring done on the shortes omas Galloway, 130 Brock i gr next Bibby's Livery. --_------ ANY PERSON HAVING GOOD SE- cond-hand Furniture and Stovea before disposing drop ms & card I will ood prices. I have for sale Ranges. Will sell reason- Thompson, 333 Princess © --- TEACHERS WANTED, JALIFIED TEACHER FOR S58 4. Canonto; salary, $300 per 1 Apply to Samuel Shs Fens Folger, Ontario NORMAL CERTIF Ic ATE pred erred, for Separate scho No i. Wolfe Island; sal 0. to Edward Payne, Wi Ont. N¢ an nks EACHER, Ap- ply 1s and ARATE SCHOOL SECTHN orth Burgess at qualification and PY to E. Mooney A On ing pected Newboro CATERER BIRDS, BIRDS, BIRDS, IMPORTED Have sin it REY Ar land. Perie Come | Queen an GOOD SECONDHAND MOWING achines. Apply, D. J Hay, 138 Clarence Btreet. TW A VERY OLLI AHIMIANY, hance, {OR FOR LEASE, THE PREMISES Net 34-38 Princess Street, suitable for storage, livery, stable or garage Cunningham & Mudie HE INTZMAN . co Plano, us gular ei s reasonable cash or-mo; ply to Box § pd WwW nig oftic € - THAT CHOICE BUSINESS nown as Exchauge having a frontage of feet 1 Brock Street being specially built of brick with gaily fron roof, and bridged sc roof can be lifted stories added - with PRprerss at any time This make good safe investment for,all fi with a © sie of enhaneed For terms and particulars to Geo. CMY BLOCK, Chamber: 54 v6 other TO LEY. FRAME DW EL reat $6.4 21 Bron HICKSON -A lng Appi sirect VENUE wi stabi Si MeCa XK 308 EARL BTHEET ROOMS, b & C.: also other dwellings stores, offices, et. Apply at MeCaun's, 51 Brock Street CLEAN, moth key. tL. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE dry, airy rooms absoluiely roof; your own lock and at's Clty Storage, 199 Queen 'Phone b26b INCLUDING SIT» ting-room, bedroom and bathroom, Jqfuing near. Market Square. Ap~ to Cunningham & Mudle, ? Ly Street. SUITE OF ROOMS, TO PARTIES, pregkiasts, Ha Rent Dishes, Silverware corner 'Phone WE CATER Woeaun ete.; also Linens and Hambrooke. ivigsion Streets « Union 843 UPHOLSTERER. J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE- pairing and carpet work, hair mat- tress renovatin Drop a card or call 316 Bagot treet. FINANCE AND INSURANOR, 'roR INSURANCE THAT INSURES GO to :Geodwin's Insurance Emporfum, over Northern Crasa Bank, Brock Street, or 'phone 4 GENERAL INSURANCE. --FIRE, LIFE Accident and Heajth Policies lssu- . rst-class companies; standard J. Boon, Agent, 188: Weilingtos Street. GEO. A. BATEMAN, CUSTOMS BROK- er. Put your invoices in an envel- ope with a one cent stamp on it A WARM a threy Mer rehants 8B Chambet TEN- ROOM betw nk Yark Street and Cherry Stre once. Inquire on p J. McClelland's, 1856 A ------------------------------------ a ---- 5. -- HOUR A NEW AND LF ABANT h otusrkeeper ng companion. Apply to 157 Alfred Street, Kiugst THE EXTENSIVE BUSINESS PRE- mises for many years b ocqupled by Henry - Skinner & holesale Druggists, ne trom Pri Bitest 10 Queen Street, wi h ro ontage on both, and includibg ox-~ tensive buildin in. Apply to Cume~ ningham & Mudl and drop In the nearest letter box We do the reat. All Kinds of Fire Insurance plac on short notice. | Shons 396. 7 Clarence St, Kings- | BRUNBWIC Ke JOTEL, \ HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. ONTARIO station; ---one- blogk aT. iTR LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND GLOBE! Fire Insurance Company. Available | assets $61,187 216 In addition to! which the policyholders have for! security the unlimited Ifability: of | all the stockholders, Farm and | city property insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old | or giving new business gel rates] from Strange & Strange, Agents i 'Phone, 325. | MEDICAL. J. F. SPARKS, BA. M.D PHYSICIAN | and Surgeon, 108, Wellington St Office hours, 10 to 12 am, 2 to 4g and 7 to § pm. 'Phone 386 CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. DROP A CARD TO CHAS. W. KELLAR, Carpenter and Bulider, 268 Division St. for reasonable prices on _ all kinds of Jobbing. All work done promptly. 2 DROP A CARD TO JOHN R. MAYELL. Carpenter ahd Jolner, 262 Syden- ham Street North, for reasonable prices on all kinds of Javbing. All work done promptly and nikily. RR BECKWITH. EL SONTRACT. 1 for "Hila" specialities. oie} Sireet and 292 Ear te lana prepared and a mates given for all classes of work HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT. 258 King Street. 'Phous, 348. i j « c PR, on street car line; lately remodelled; charges moderate; apecial rates by the Joba Cousineau, I'rop. BUSINESS CHANCES. { ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN START a mall order business at home No CANnVAsSIng Ba your own boss Send for free booklet. Tells how, Heacock. 2.96% Lockport. N.Y FURNITURE FINISHER. PANTIQU E FURNITURE ASBPECIALTY, ebhonizing and gilding, enamelling and all colors of mission work: all work given best attention Driscoll, 23 John Breet. 55 "st 'Phone DENTAL. SPARKS. DENTISTS, Kingston. SPARKS - AND 2 shy incess Street, Phone 348 8s i DE. DDS Street HL. SIMPSON Lox *rinces 6s Tele DR C. Cl NASH. DENTIST; DR C. A. sick ker, assistant, 183 Princess SL OR. A. . KNAPP. DENTIST. 19 MONT- real Street, near Princess Bireet, 'Phone 852 LEGAL. ARTHUR BELLIS University 1913 ABCHITECT 181 Avenue Telephone ~-- CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE BARRIET- ers and Solicitors. Law office 79 Clarence SL. Kingston WM, NEWLANDS & SON, ARCHI- tacts. ss, Officn, 28% Bagel Street C. 8. KIRKPATRICK, VERNMENT Issger, 42 Clarence i Ra on, ence, 35 Frontenac treet. $100,000 'Workshop. TNew York Américan Harry Payne Whitney, 'who for sevepul vears has been kaown as one wf New York's most prominent ama teur sculptors, is hating built the most magnificant stadia in the workl in on het estate at Whentlev Rls, og Idand, and is one and' a Rail story structures of tile and marble whose cost will be in the weighbor hood ob $100,000. An iminense ort: 100m and luxurious loungisg Sin oom oe model ar ve OSTEOPATHY. "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS --R croft; DO, Edaa KE AShocott. LO. Graduntes under Pir : Foupder of Osteopathy. acon Street, ooruer | viston No charge for Hrazauen . 8 toh oon. Ottice $tos ROADS BLOGKED. UP Does not alter our -#artage system. We deliver promptly to any- part of the city. &CO

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