Vv Cutlery Only the best at Low- est Prices, ¢ ¢ _ ( carvers 75¢c. to $5.00 Pair. Everything in Cat- lery at prices that eannot be beaten. : ¢ Corbett's. ) CCC 0IIDID COAL TO BURN BLACK DIAMONDS radiant with heat. 5. ANGLIN & GD. . Cor Wellington and Bay Streets 'Phone 66. - S. J. WILSON, . Member Dominion * Exchange, Ltd. Mining, Listed and Unlisted Securities. : CORPESPONDENCE INVITED . 14 King St. East. 'Phone Main 4228, : Toronto, Ont. -- -- C0000 00ROOOOOOORRNYS NOW --4oe Is the time to come and buy our nods. For two guod reasons he rush is over and money is Bearce, Wa offer 20 per cent. off all purchases over ten dollars. A pig line of Heaters and ranges yet to clear out. Our stock of beautiful -Old- fashioned Furniture Is the best in the country, and we have too much on hand will sell very cheap All kinds of Household Goods and Bric-a-Brac bought and sold L. LESSES, fay Princess and (atham See 0000000000000 0000000 ING'S CAFE ING'S Lunch Counter ING'S Private Dining Rooms [| ING (James) Prop. ING ST. Nos. 338-342 INGSTON. Now open. , * Catering Contracts Taken. ---- Telephone No. 1138. " if we please you, tell others. If we don't please you, please tell us. 090000000000000000006 ®000000000000000000 0) Bs cast, and the chairman of the com: 2 suggested that electric light might business 3 eventually be supplied for the cost of long long § candle light. The sipectation was to Lean, M.P, 8 ties, but ; the stove and the 4 3 8 | Q | . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. - SCHOOL MEDICAL INSPECTION. The time has come when the school boards of Canada, like the school am 5 boards of Britain, must give earnest ¥ BRITISH of Monday" Sd {bend to the question of medical school at #1 a year. 01 oxamination. Tt was an object' les frie | Be BER 53 lac. of the highest value which Dr. bast fob Pei «| Knight offered in this city some years ago. By consent of the' board of edu- cation, '(and with some misgiving, let Lid, ius add,) he made an examination of the pupils who volunteered for it in ¥ictoria school amd later submitted a report which was read and fyled It was 'not acted upon befause public opinion was not insistent, and some public bodies move only when they HIG, 78th YEAR| EMT wtte ptt t8rio, ¥ Editions at 20 and 4 TORONTO OFFICE. tr Suite 19 and 20 Queen Cit 'bers, 32. Church St. Toronto: EB Smallpeice, J.P. representative. cannot help themselves. Daile Wing. |= ra. ™ GET BACK 10 THE FAEM. : , » lend is very suggestive. a law was There may. be~aegreat deal of forge 'passed in 1888 with regard "2 beul: in whit Dr. Strong, of New York, inspection, but it was too general n says. He is a stotistigian, great at its character. Many mel val appoint: | figures, and great ob tha lessens which | ments were made, of a teutative chats they teach. One argument is that the acter, but the evidence produced machinery of the farm enables four 1909 was such as to surprise the vor men to do what fourteen would be re ple. "These reports," said & cone {quired to do without jf Hence the temporary, "showed defects in the young men are being drawn off the school children everywhere which caus farm, and they wre filling up the towns cd indignation and a turning to the and cities. This is not a correct discovery of a remedy." It was Hon. conclusion. The land is still; for the : John Burns who finally put on the people, and thousands more, natives statute book a provision to the effect of his fair land, could. find profitable that there had to be medical inspec employment upon, it, as well, if not tion, especially in the, scifols. Mark better, than the thousands who come the effect. We quote from the press : from Europe. s | "Dr. Newman, the chief medical offi- Oh, the wealth, - the amazihg cer of the British 'board of education, . Fa has made a very important report on wealth, that is in the soil. Take the the rosults 'of medical: inspection of bin, the common everyday ben, the the schools of England and Wales place and worth of whish afe not which has attracted wide comment. i i . He states that the number of children Sully estimated.' fle family this. yunr now" attending the public elementary in Canada numbered 25,000, and they _ 4 1 in these centres, some 6,000, snd their eggs were valued st $45, 000, ten per cent, or 600,000, suffer 000,000, Take the cheese. The East- through Qelestive (Sah, Sires to J ol 3 i ' aOoiat: r cent. from lective hearing, og ern Ontatio, Dairymen's association Pe adenvid 'growths ob | has had its session af Perth, and Sen i ics of proper breathing, twhnty ator Derbyshire--the greatest and hap- to forty per cent. from extensive and piest man in Canada--bas boen telling jurious decay of puethy Jorty ae fo : : cent. from unclean heads, a abou somo surprising stories. The farm one per cent. from ringworm, tubercu- } products of Ontario were worth, in | oi. snd heart disease." - 1910, over $250.,000,000. An increase What Cansda wants is compulsory of ten per cent. in the milk production ',. 3ical inspection in the schools. But would add $10,000,000 to the farmers' yin. ions board of education should in tevepue. More care of farms, orchards | 4 «uit for a change fn the law be- [28° © marriage issuer aud cattle would raise the income of fro doing its plain duty towards the the farmers from the land to §500,- children. Its management commi'tee 000,000 a year. The eream shipped |... been asked to report upon the sub- into the, United Stated in 1910, thanks ject, Why des it hesitate or delay ? to a slip in the Payne tariff, was val + \ ued at $1,250,000. - . There. was a drought in some parts EDITORIAL NOTES. of Canada last year, in Manitoba, | The democrats are revelling in the Suskatehowan' and Alberta especially, slories if uot the sweets of office. And * but the crops of Canada represented the experience is so new and exhilar- | £532,992,100. The hoed crops were ating. 'worth $68,006,200, and they fodder | what. i | Cheap power is what the city wants. ops 101,670,000. The fark BUSE (3) is what all industrial centres want antees to the man who works it a OL und must have. The pewer commit- ond Reng, and to spare. He has to ! tee will see to this matter at ance. slave in summer but he cap rest in winter and toast his shins "hy the People are willing to wager a good fir. Young men of 'the farm, be con-' deal that Monday's council meeting tent with your lok. You constitute jl] pe the quietest imaginable. * The the otily really independent men in the! ites have been passed with little country, and you ought to be ox potion. ceedingly grateful. { An evangelistic company, led by { Chapmen and Alexander, has u . taken tne conversiob of Toronto. Vain hope. The politicians' retreat is no haven for religion. y NO MONOPOLY IN POWER. There is in the west what the poli ticians call a "holler." because a num- ber of companies, interested in power Sobemes, and holding federal char-| qhe Dominian Express company ters, have consolidated. These com- unsels its employees everywhere to panies have contracts that affected the ko their motto "service and Civil- towns and vities east of Toronto, and jy." Earl Grey has fot been talking the rumour goes forth that an at ahout mabners to po purpose. tempt is bed made hold i is ni han the a = - There is something mystifying = Hydro-Electric Commission. perplexing with fegard to t Jeol This commission had its origin - in load. Experts say that - fwurisipd x the desire to supply Niagara power ity or an ditigual may got k iy cheaply to the, municipalities. A num- the figuring upon this basis for § ber of these formed a union, and the : commission undertook to acl om their! 4 little bird whispers that the Leech behalf by contracting for power at company may offer the city electric the Falls, by building transmission (nergy at #20 a horse power. If there lines, and eventually supplying what is any prospect. of this the council has been termed the "white coal," at will be warranted. in waiting the de- the city's or town's distributing point velopment of events. at a given rate. Originally, too, the oy commission wis desgned to deal with OR : . alt the western situation only, but later asonding Lo which the municipality wh hack TE will be able to tempt or ddpe ver- Hb out Wm hs pass. sad 8% tain industrigl syndicates with ivi sited ta onuro] the od Ontario" ee. 1s .this legal? What about as it deft the waler falls or was, jejislotion of Omtorio against geiereied hy en POSE: ob ii the | Hin Kind of thing * . n So the Seymour mecger is not a mission, at a meeting in Kingston, new th'ng, but consolidation -f interests which was effected ago. Where has Mr. Me 'been putting in his time set as the intermediary between the during the last veer * He's not com power - companies and the municipali- peting for any Rip Van' Widkle hon: meanwhile thaspterger, has few is Be? 5 gone into effect wo that the Trsiton z Tica} Pont 9 company, the Northumberland Durham | \/_, 'Kinguton's pec capits fax fv the { *ompany, Peterbore, Ottawa | in the proviiite; "dor and Cobouly companies, Sed united, OH lowe 18 the PLACE ee em oe noon 1 Soc pupams $e £00 Up 1 the Hylifa-Hlsctric Commission. lowest in Ontario. Here is Hon. Mr. Grabam was alleged 0 oiihing one can think. hs people. are calling the old city bad . So London has been passing by-lavs declaring a lis !. : The Man . : + On Watch. : 00000000000 00000000000 ' The Lampman does not think that politics played fany significant part in net ire mayoraity election in Kingston. He says | fthat "Christy" Graham won his own battle by his own hard work. Had he on his party, he would have: licked, as he was twice before. This time he knew how to do the trick, and be did it successfully. The Lamp man hears that there was an Uwrange vote cast on Monday, and that Gra ham and Ross got it. Evidently there were fears that the vote from another quarter was going against them, be cause two months ago, at the annual meeting of the Kingston Conservative Association, not a single Catholic was allowed upon the executive. Ever since there has been a great deal of ill feeling against certain docal tory lead ers, who thought that too many Ca tholies were being appointed to public offices. These facets, the Lampmen says, are well known on thé street, 'and were much discussed on election day. * & 0 : While whiskey ofttimes kills, it some- times saves. The hampmap has in wind the case of a horse that recently jumped into. the harbor and was saved from perishing of cold by pour ing a whole flask of good liquor down its throat. Had Kingston been a dry town, there would have been a dead horse. It would have been just as well if Kingston had dry around Christmas time, the pman says, for on Christmas eve he never saw more drunkenness and ULeawling than there was here early in the evening. It was fortunate that the bars had to close at seven o'clock. There were quite enough men jagged before that hour. The Lampnian is not a prohibi- tionist, but he likes to see men take theit whiskey decently, He again rel peats that he would like the town council to reduce the number of bar licenses here by five, and® he hopes that Councilmen Bailey, Harrison, Shaw and "Litton will be heard from on this matter before Jong. * + 0 up been The attention wi the Lampman bas been directed to the fact that a good many people in this town give wrong and clergy- man. Some time ago reference was made to a case in which a sixteen- year-old girl got a marriage license. Not long ago a seventeen-year-old lad became a bridegroom, and registered himself as twenty-one. In another, a thirty-two-year-old bride declared her age as twenty-five. Thus do people en- ter the holy bonds of matrimony, and go through the marriage sacrament, * = An honorarium of $500 is not suffi. | cient for Kingston's mayor, the Lamp- | man holds, and he suggests that in this geiguing tear of his worship, May- or {iraham, the honorarium be. boost- od! to %1,000. As Christopher has al ways for economy, no one could say that he sought the increase. Besides his slection expenses. a mayor has to pay out move than £500 in the year in gifts and entertainment. He is a good deal out of pocket at the close of his term. No wonder a num ber of past, mayors have not had oil paintings of themselves added to the town hall collection. ~ ~THE TOWN WATCHMAN. CITY COUNCIL INAUGURAL Will Take Place on Monday Morn- ing at Eleven O'Clock. On Monday 'morning at' eleven o'clock, Mayor Couper will cease to be Kingston's chief magistrate, and will hand over the duties of the offie to Mayor-Elect Graham, after rendering twa years of good service to the city. The inaugural meeting of the council will take place at the time above men tioned, and mayor and aldermen will make their declarations of office, the mayor to the police magistrate, and the aldermen to the mayor. The standing committees for year will be appointed, and the usual routine busi ness transacted. The council session will last an hour and a half. Holleford Reports. Holleford, Jan, 5.~School has ro opened with Mrs. B. Babcock, Warl ington, as teacher. George Smith, wh, is suffering from 5 paralytic stroke, is "improving slowly. Master Clayton Walker is very ill with pneumonia. Miss Mildred had eve badly hurt at school, on Tuesday, and "is quite ill from the effects. Mrs, D. Walker - entertained her Sunday school class, on Saturday evening. J. W. Redmond was ted school trustee in R. Paboote P ace. A Jit tle son hae come + the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. i n diseases of Skin, Nerves, Bladder and Special all ments of men. x One visit advisable : if impossible, send history for free opinion and ad- blank "and 2 tc 6 p.m. Sundays, 10 am. to 1 pw. DRS. SOPER & WHITE 25 Torunlo Street, Toronto, Oat. A CHEAP PROUESS. bi a Purified and Quickly. Nowadays when science has proved that nearly all of the epidemic dis eases result from contaminated water supplies; the household: problem of absolutely pure water has assumel in- ternational . importance. The oli fashioned method of boiling water 's absolutely safe, provided it is tho oughly done, but then, exeept with unusual care, it is apt to be recon taminated in pouring from ome veisc to another. Moreover boiled water loses all air and becomes flat and poor taste. Wherefore boiled water is popular on every table and the tural distaste of humanity for it ofter leads to a relaxation of the preceu- tion, and consequently disease resuits. In addition to all this boiled water must be chilled and the process ia sununer is Bot inexpensive and there fore bears hardest (nu the: class of families for whom the precaution is mostly h However, science has now worked out a quick, sure, inexpensive and simpli: fied method of punfying drinking wa- ter that has none of these objections. It has been highly recommended to the populaticn of Paris by the autho- rities cn' hygiene, and it is claimed that its use did wonders towards averting a typhoid or other epide- mic outbreak in the French capital ai- ter the disastrous floods, The means employed comsist of two cheap powders that ean be bought at any drug store, and five vents worth of each will purify drinking water for a large household in sufficient quan- tities to last a week. The two pow- ders are the widely-known permangan- ate of potash and a new reducing ageal called resercin. The permangan ate of potash is used first: for it is this chemical that will sterilize the water thoroughly and make it abso- lutely _harmless- The permanganate should be put in the proportion of about a teaspoonful to a quart of w let alowe for two or three hors. the end of this time the amount the reserein that will hang on the end of a knife should be thrown into the water. The water will turn a prownish vellow at onde and must stand about five minutes As a matter of fact, the purification of household drinking water need not be =o exact in the amounts used. A big bucket of water should be purified at » time and the permanganate can be put in in the proportion of about 2+ teaspoonful to each two quarts of water. Two hourdtuter the resercin should be added just until the wate turns brownish vellow, After standing five minutes the wa ter should be run through a fun- nel over, which any clean cotton rag has been stretched. 'this filtration takes off all the coloring matter, which stays on the rag in the form of a light brown powder, The water obtained is absolytely pure abd can ccntain no disease germs. * During en epidemic of typhoid, or where cholers is dreaded, the use of this inexpensive and certainly not dif- ficult method of water sanitation will ranrd against all but' the mos, remote chances of eomtagion In addition the water is neither aed nor alkaline, but just the right neutral flmd that nature's most perfect beverage the human race. When the amounts spent on all sorts of drivk- ing inuterials. are considered, the pro duction at home of perfect drinking water at much less than one cent the quart 'is a boon to even the poorest mortal. Water is Easily as n un- ra in half » then At is for Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days. Your druggist will refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure any chse of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protrud- ing Piles in 6 to 14 days. Bic. Trusts and Guarantee Co., Ltd, To- routo, have heen appointed adminis trator of the estate of the late Ar 7. Reid, Cape Vincent, bas heen newing acquaintances here. Campbell Bros'. Fur Sale, Ten to fifty per cent. distount all manuiactured furs. ---------- Goes on K. & P, RE. F."G. Forrester, Tweed local, will the run on the Kingston & Pembroke line. Mr: Hick sop, Sudbury, succeeds him at Tweed, & thur Damson, of the city of Toronto, teamster, who died on or aboul Ov tober Ist, 1910. The esiate copsists principally of a deposit account W the head office of the Bank of Montreal, Toronto. There are several heirs, all ol whom reswie in England. Passing fame is apt to leave 5 man scaalier than ever. The makers of Imperial Drand un derwear pay out $70,000 yearly in wages, which go back into the hands of the Kingston merchants. Sometimes the mortgage on a house A h al ins hort age oir a is too heavy for the foundation. Vast | TT scl tg ts and A rt thas irs bl SC ha ' Basi Many Articles ay iJanuary Sale at Half Price. Ons and Puffs. Derby. Fitters, all sizes, 14 to 16 Men's, , sizes, ribbed and plain. 35¢. Scotch Knit Plain Grey, Blue and out door sport. Genuine Scotch Knit and Fancy Mixtures. 25c. Neckwear, 2 for 25c. Bow, Hook-Ons, Knots, Flowing Ends and + $1.00 Underwear for 50c. Heavy Ribbed All Wool Underwear, Shirts and Dgawers to match. All sizes up to 44. 75c. Working Shirts for 37c. Dark and Light Patterns, Heavy. Drill, Perfect 10c. White Handkerchiefs, 5c. Each. Hemstitched, medium size -- Linen "awn 25c. Hosiery, 2 Pairs for 25¢c. Plain Greys, Blacks, Scotch Heather, etc, 50c. Necku.ear for 25¢. Flowing Ends, Derby, Four-in-Hands, Hook~ | | Caps, 17¢c. Each Brown. Tarn up bands i . ae All Just tlie thing for cold weather, for skating and $1.00 Knitted Gloves, 50c. , Seamless, Black, Greys. a NOTICE 'The H.D. The Big Store A LA Don't be afraid to ask for goods we at{vertise, Bibby Co $ GANANOQUE TIDINGS. Death of Daly Tryon, a Former Re sident, Ganaunoyue, Jan. 7.-On Thursday evening the semi-ammual nstallstion of officers of Gananogue counetl, R.1. of 1 » Was H. Hurd, senior P.1 Fhe | the staff : P.O, Robert Benson; Miss Easie Delong: V.CO.; Robert 5i pard; secretary, William Pratt; Thomas Mallory; treasurer, Grier; herald, Miss CC. Clow; Mize Ho Bewwm: sentinel, William Prer trustee, Thomas Mallory. orgunist Mrs. ©. Grier; auditors, Mrs. C. H AMurd, Miss A. DeWitta; representative to grand cowmcil, R nate, William Prati Word reached bere, Thursday even ing, of the death of Daly Tryor old resident of this town which oe curred in Belleville, on Wednestlay, al fer an illness of geveral weeks De ceased, for many vears, followed the business of fisherman here. Two sons survive, Harvey and "Kit." [Iuter- ment took place in Belleville, vester day sftermoon. : ). W. Sheets, seriously #11 for the past six weeks, bas so far recovered as to resume his duties. William Chapman, the TLR. conducter, imjar- «da week sgo, is still in very serious condition. Prsumonpia bas dev from his pulmonary mjury ; Bev. J. T. Pitcher and danger, Miss Winona, ¥ the past week in: Montreal, have returned howe. Miss Yan Camp. deaconess. sngngod-in mission work iw the North-West for some lime past, pave an miers Ing address im the Holiness Moventent Ball last eveming. / Quarterly meeting services were opened m the Free Methodist chursh, yesterday, conducted by the district elder. Rev. RK. Bufhbam. assisted by the Misses Luck and Davey, evangelists in charce Miss Agwes Jobunsion has retupned to her studies ai Si. Hilda's, in Toromto. Thomas W. Cersetf, spending the holidays with relative, has returned io resume his stdies in Toronto University. I i "students of Queen's, conducted in Sheppard; alter - oo - and Mrs. William Dustin, left, yeste: dav, to resume his studies in Montres! Theological College, Orel Pennock has gone to his home in Cobalt. Drew Is, of the toss Rifle company, OMe tite here and Mr A. | Shi . 18 spending My Quen with bas Shields. parents, ROSE WAS PARDOMNED. Theatrical People Indebted to Former: Governor White, New York, Theatrical fol in New York received with delight the announcement that the Jast act of rnor White before retiring was UL sentence of Henry 0, 'Rowe, the theatrical manager, who "serving A ninelsen- year tern mn Sing Sing for She murder of his wife Rose will be releasédd as soon as 1 pardon board meets within. a few days Kose owes his freedom to bic mother in-law, Mrs. Jennie Proctor, a sevent) two-vear-old woman, tice has' up every dollar she possessed and bared her dese! daughter's shame io the world that she might obtain Hose pardon. Rose married Miss Proctor in Milwaukee in 1558. 'He took her from w life of shame and tried to tedorm her, giving her a hixurious home. He t believed he had succeeded, but hen, in Septembey, 1902, he iF Hrerad that his wife was carrying on intrigues, } killed hee. lan, 7 folk ve comguuts. the wa 18 ris given A Crow's Stratagem, A crow had been captured b children in % southern famil broaght home and tamed. The very fond of the crow nnd trénted it with Lindness. As most hduse where there are children, there wus alse a pet cat. The cat snd crow were pot fdandly. One day an snusupli nice moves] was given to the cat This the vgow not only loved at with en. vious eyes, hut made several wttempts to secre. The cat beat off each at temot, however, gud the ero had 10 reset. lo sirstagem. Disppraring thesugh the open door, he retorwd io & few moments with a Jong string teat bad been raveled from oo ree carpet Placing this on the floor sow litth distance in front of the cat, be pro ended to wriggle #t as he had seen. the children do when plaving with the cat. The cat' inetantly jumpei to cateh the wiring. This was, of course, eunctly what and he the apd wore in the crow oy! » » &