_ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG; SATURDAY. . EE PAGE SIX. / . 3 ------ -- " - . -- ---- -- n-- ETT TT -- ---- . Ee ; . 1 HOW 70 DO IT: . A CA NADIAN ACTRESS : COMING TO GRAND. UNION JEWS PROMINENT Providing Farms for the Growing) f "St. Elmo" 'ill be the Feature To " i : Boys. a ER night. i ROGHs LENA ASHWELL © «ATPENDED ~ MANY EMINENT MEN OF RACE A writer in Canadian: Farm. in 'Src Blma" on the stage ! The lone- ' y A ; WERE ELECTED. stances the gase of a farmer with four BISHOP STRACHAN'S SCHOOL. { ; . « bays on a one-hundred-and-sixty-acre : : anticipated play, from the. novel of . 0 . a . +. lthat name. A special company bas Postiggster-Geneval Right Honor. farm, sod asks bow is this farmer 1o| Her Nam Was Daisy Pocock, and been organized, following a delightful } able Herbert Smmnucl is a Leader provide farms for these boys when it She Hailed 'From * Brockyiftes production © by the playdight, Miss i comes to the time when they start out : al ue sd dirace Hayward, 'and "St. Flwo™ will Among the Ministerialists. for themselves. There is a difficulty Now She Is One of the World's be on a tor, every day of which, it is | here, no doubt. If (up to the time Greatest Actresses... _ freely. predicted; will prove a sucpess when the boys are ready to do for Not ThS sore af "Yonge strent ail "St Elmo" bas held its own with fie themselves, the, farmer has n thing | College street, Toronto, is a red brick. {tion tenders "in d day when {weniw | laid by to purchase Biore Totus, ie ed, vine. coy . bron shaded id ibvdle ps writtls {0 one of Re 9 3 A men who are as welcome as they were thing else may have ta be © i; ie fashioned | ii . whi We time, It is a ¢ amatic story, lending, Nika! Poating end Bleetro r) ting tabooed in the days lenjamin easiest Way out, of course, is tO et {from New bn Yo Napa 0 feself quickly to 'adaptation 16 the ete. : 2 : '| Disraeli was at the beginning of his the boys drift away as they come of p51. John te Saskatebew an, With aon, stage. The book itsell has the We gurantee a good job career : : . age to the city, or somewhere else tof, fiourishing hunan ofl- in both Goshen of two generations, PARTRIDGE SONS for parliamentary make a living. But the farmer usually | I'niged States and the Mother Coun- | traditions of the stage will be sadly : hn . Lonors all unr mmon, does not do that; if he has spy ambi- fry. It is the Pishop- Strachan church { upsel if the play does not command | . KING STREET EST. even in the early Victorian dave, but (ion at df regarding the future of his School Jot girls, founded in 1567, and uite as widespread attention. At the i 'Phone 2) 330 : the) ste od a { boys. He will probably plan tht one bo shining tole tons in She, efupatiop {Grand tonight. , i BEFORE (3 iar because they were wohl yn boy become # doctor, the second ove a {al and social - history Sanadac Ts, cart NEW ay LIST a votes in consti dencies winwe (he awvir, the third a dentist, the fourth Thousands: of spun wl, many ~ ot] } lan "Robertson's ashi. : US SHOW YOU SOME ew sh electorate. s to remain on the farm. It requires {whom are now' mothers and rand- | Tan Roberfson's visit to "Canada, | OF OUR money, however, these days to put almothers, have flourished its lappearing at the Grand on" Mouday, : SE boy through * for any of the profes- fhehign Jifluénces, but this isc not «January 9th, awakens imterest in one | sions, Therefore, if such be the far-ihomily on the good old Bishop's | of the most able actors now before the | ce ha ¥ aA . . Framed or Unframed chance ...'s ambition he must rolse the mon-School. It is the story of one of its!public either "at home vi whread. : The' Bistionoich i kai Miss AERA ASHWELL, an a ok g : with the Christians. ley somehow to put the boys through sgupils. # On his present jvisit he relies entire; | ie sastingul i "Ng a Tharsday. ry araine, at the U Pictures What wo be more acceptable? $> get together. wy . e : Among ministeriplists the Right | "peo. The farm is mortgaged, thé} Among the ly ou his latest success, 'The Passing ---- NIRPATRICK'S ART STORE ANUARY 7, 1911. Lowdan, Jan. 6X study of the per. ww House of Commions of eminent i Now is ont of the ne Let us have jt to replate. the time; alsa na iol reveals § none Sk ates reign 4 au men ol imong its members when Jewizh candidates were not at or chains of sucess; peal for ts. th wich did toem ao § harm then Now they have changed all that, They appeal as * "fit and proper persons' ouky and so stpnd an equal ils entered in "SS! and known as one of the ablest postmas- {hard and spend little in order that [cock. = Her "residenve was given as | K. Jerome, in which he has already | 9 Brockville, and ker father was Cap lappeared 200 times in England, "this | Ey 4 'BIBBY CAR TAND tain John Pocock of the a} Nave, {popular play having enjoyed a ram of Passed Away at Napance, Aged 76 ) . ters-general that has ever held office. [po Tick and. Hagry may enter pro- Sir Kufus lndes in wot ohly g pictur poo' al life. They may beeome shin: i esque figure - within ° the, commumty, |. = 4 isi their ehosen professions, | who, after coming to Canatla, resign [over 300 consecutive performances in Years. . g but a prominent member of the! Zov jing ligma-in the More pr than not jed his position pA Dee i clergy New York and Ro its re- A i Phone 201 ernment. y } atter, as the number of real stars {man in the Church. of fei ception on the road being mo less en- ks . I'he Honorable E. 8 Montagu pa lhe Sa is not large. But to {record of the college show that Daisy. po 5 DAY OR NIGRT shown much promise in fhe work hei oo" (0 (he farm. The interveniug |Tocock was the winner in 9. of the! It is seldom that the personality of m------------ -- | hae performed as under geccctary for | yoy hop made the load any | James Henderson gold thimble for pro- | an actor is so remarkably jin harmony | long "life at the age of seventy-six * India. Of. the other mindstociclisie, {lighter for those ut home. The mort- | ficiency in darning. A brother. of this | with the role he is representing as is | yedrs, spent in doing his duty towards | Wood's Fa: Sir Maurice Levy, Sir Add busy Jittle gid of the darging apd | that of Ian Robertson in the mysteri- | God and man, in a qhiel unostentati- The Gwar Paglish Rewed knitting needles is Captaig Roger Po- lous: and inspiring individuplity of | jus way, although fori the hall of his "Tones and Envigrateathe whole cock of the Roval Geographical 3¢-| "the Stranger" in "The Tassing of | fife he war a great amyl patient suffer nervous spstew, Jakes pow a rn 1a cant Tr 3 - : Hiood in oid Velps Cures Nero ciety, and.qne of therhest knows Eng- the Third Floor Back."~ lan Robert- er from inflammatory rhewmatism, | us Debility, Mental and Brain, Worry, fhe lish travellers and suthogs. After shoigon does not act the part as others | Mr, Leanly may be bet described hs | pendency, Serwal Weakness, Kslsvions, Sper leit the Bishop Strachan Behool, Daisy {night have done-he lives it ! ane of nature's noblamen trae to his Pocodk went to Switzerland; where she tae ! religion, his family. bis town and him- | will cure. Sold br all druggisse or mallod fn studied languages, and tence: tor the | Have it Easy Here. self. He leaves a widbw and three chil- | plain pk= on Ol a re To PNet Roval Academy = of musie-in Engel Kitigstonians have been having wn | dren to rgouru his low, two daughters Yorn adsor Toronto. Ont, tani. On the Academy Soard of Ex-{ easy time with regard to the cleaning | at home, and Georgy F. Leamy, in | =e 8 E hi good part of their farms themselves, jaminers wad Miss: Ellen Terwy; who | of the snow ' off their sidewalks | to | South Africa. The funeral took place | FOR FALLING HAIR. Incurables at Totenham, as vice-presi- (8% 50 Foi oo hoe who remains on | heard the young Canadian iwWeloeutipn | what residents of other cities do. A | on Wednesday, Patrick's chorch - dent. of the Jewish Workingmen's Club Eha% 1d farm to have to pay off thedhas well as'in siging. On Mss Terr. s | nan who has lately come to the Lime- | where a requiem mass. was. sung and | You- Run Ne Risk When You Use and as a member and trustee of the | 8 ia aiburrdd in order to put his-tadvice young Miss Pocock abandoned {stone city from one of the northern ja large of Mp, y This Remedy. Jewish Board of Gaardiane. H. H ne wi He srofession? { music for the stage And mhdé ier | tates, says the police keep: a, strict friends church in town were | hint y throthers. J | | first. appearance at' the Grand theatre, | watch on those wha da pot attend to | present to vay last, tribute of re- | . of xe 3 : 5 N Raphael is a vice-president of the Edu- | cation Aid. Society, and was formerly | Islington, in the * Plaviree." She ne. Liheir, walks propevly. Napanee Beaver ry One of the oldest land best citizens of Napance hed, on January | 2nd, 1911, when Georgy Lgawmy ended a Hondgrable Herbert Namuel. is well he boy-at honte work ['S0 appears 'the name of isy Po- lof the Third Floor Back," hy Jerome! = TRE father and the boy al hon / pps Rosa) hich 1 hes ciready| 'PEATH OF GEORGE LEAMY. ESTABLISHED 1874, aba a & A & Yovew PPTITTITTITTTYYY KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE , (LIMITED), » . HEAD OF QUEEN STRENT. "Highest Education at Lowest Cost" y-Sixth ear. Fall Term ugust 30th. Co ort! % vi r a to get the posi: ns. Within a short or 4 secured positions of the lar rallway of n EE taro? Of o ir in - . METCALF, Principal Mand x + Iv i ee & . TOC rage is still there, and the yearly in- aud, E. A Strausd linve not identified {Rerent. has to be-paid. The reply. then themselves much in an Beli e apw fio this ecorresponthnt's question is, ety with communal affairs, but CS | hy not mortgage the old farm to buy 8 why ; ? : " Henry known in the Jewish {farms for the three boys if it has to community us president of the Jewish Hse morfanged "at all # "I. might cost % tehen nw is a 1 ar ok ¥ - 1 h Ee agthe: ol. the more to purchase' a farm outright. for Arglo-Jewish . his wm h Stuart I. 3B Vi bo _| ench ome; than to pay his way throug a a i i Stine} is Busi ae pre flouch on But 'is it any mere of a hard- siden 0 ern Synagogue an | ahi for these Boys to have to pay for of the Home and Hopital for Jewish |S" 3 n RR A YE is well matorrhea, and Effects af A bnae or Ereesses, Price §1 per box, six for One will please, six in'St pumber Lem rast thot the ve. mot whe has A 3 ropa The Kind you. are looking for .... As the kind we sell, Scranton Coal is good coal and we guarantee x prompt delivery, H & CO. Pure Orange Marmalade, Assorted Jams and Jellies. Plum Puddi 'Phone 76. »41-8 Princess Street. Bhi Const ealed 'Oysters. Prompt Delivery. - Vv SSW Best by Test § Try One in MUSIO HOUSE. ifn all popular and classic Music in Book and Sheet Form. Orders promptly filled. WORTH PUNO C0 E N thirteen successive speed conte the Typewriter president of the Jewish Home for] Incurables All the Jewish uniopists are well kiown in the, Jewish community iu different spheres of "activity, }8ir Philip Magnus is vice-president of the Anglo- Jewish Association, and of the Jews' Deal and Dumb Home. He is also chairman of the council of the West London which he repre- sents on the Jewish board of deputies. | He, likgwise, takes great interest in| the fortunes of the Jews' College, of which he is an honored member of the couneil Lionel de Rothschild has already shown himself a worthy follower in the great house of waich he is + a member. Sir Edward Sassoon is vice president of the Jews' College, and past president of the elders of the Spanish and Portuguese congregation. Capt, Herbert, Jessel, the youngest son of "the Tite 'Sir George Jessel, master of the rolls, is best known for hig activity ip municipal affairs. Rir Henry Samuel was formerly a warden of the West London synagogue of British Jews, and Frank Goldsmith is still identified with the Hutchison House Club, for Working Boys, and with the emigration committee of the Jewish Board of Guardians. Formerly he was honorary secretary of sthis committee, 'and azo of the Jewish emigrants' information board. SV nagogue, POOR DRESSMAKER. Woman Rises From Lite of Obscur- ity to Fame. The rise to fawe and fortune of Marguerite Audoux reads like n fairy tale. Not long ago she was a poor Parisian dressmaker, on the verge of starvation. To-day the world acclaims her a great author. Her novel, "Marie Claire," has won the-annuel prize of the Goncourt Aca- demy, Marguerite Andoux's persoval ro mance, as told by Octave Mirbeau, is an authentic page from the living book of life, a twentieth century epic of a soul tn prison in the under- warkd.\ "One "night Francis Jourdain told me the sad story of a woman who was an intimate friend of his," plained Mirbeau. "She was a dress ; maker, always in bad health, and so Paris, Jan. 6.~ { poor that she often wanted bread. Her name was Marguerite Audoux. Then, in spite of left completely withowt work--she was threatened with blindwess and she could neither sew not read. In thisex- tremity she began to write--not with any hope of becoming a novelist or of getting her writing lished, but just to keep her from thinking of her mis ery apd to cheer her loneliness; also, 1 beliéve, because ghe mist have loved writing." -- 3 = * Mirbeau's opinion. tha ithe novel is peculiarly impressive is Being indorsed among the most critical teaders in London. +p > "Marie Claire" gives' the' annaly of an obscure toiler in simple and direct language. It telld the story of a little cir! left wn y orphan, deserted by drunken father, wocepted of a convent orphanage, mg the convent to become a sopbing attention, for square to much of the av experienge of to-day. : rr tas At Allen, Wolfe Island in the canal is fit for travel. The an- i on Wednesday all fer gourdge, she was Alle, Wolle Island, Jan. Sg-Theice | Nowthbrpok News. Noethbrook, stan. 7~-Among those wha visited this v ilage during the holi- days weie Miss H. Reid, of - Tem worth, with Her sister, Mrs Marshal Preslars Misses Lily and: Grace Shier Fon apveared with under the parental?roof; Misses Nina and Mabel Wood, of Napanee at R Woods": Misa Nellie Lloyd, of Nap anee, at Joshua Lloyd's; Mr. © Biers, of North Bay, at the Shier erson, of Yarker, at Philip Paterson's and Miss Mary Reid, of Stoco, at James Reid's., The genial stage driver, Lawrence Rofufs; took a well-earned holiday by spending Christinas In Trenton, as the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Austin Williams. Others = whe spent' the holidays. out of town. were: +Miss 1.. Abbott and Marion Ruttan, mn Kingston; Miss A, Preslar, at J. Wheeler's, Tweed; James Preslar, at his chter's, Mra John Campbell's or "Mrs: Avehibald Shier. and daughter, Burma, in Newburghy Mr. and Mrs. William Both, 'at F. Clark's, Flinton. A little boy has come to brighten the home of Marshal Preslar. John Critchley, of Porcupine, Ont., is in the village on business. Miss Ren- dell re-opened school on Tuesday af- ter Fad the holidays at her home in Deseronto. Messrs. Ira Wood and Henry Smith made 5 business trip to Tweed, on Tuesilay and Wednesday. Portugueie Burial Custom. Portugal has one of the oldest burial customs. The cemetery in Lis- bon shows row after row of tiny chapels ranged in long avenues bord- om by- cypress. trees, instead of the headstones, and - monuments - of the graveyards of other countries. This custom is the result of the fact that the Portuguese people do not like the idea of burying their dead out of gight and these chapels serve as mor: tuaries for the coffins. . The latter are placed on shelves within the etielosure. Through the irdn grilles the eve can discern small altars and' flowers gleaming through the sub- dued light within. In America the 1n- diand have the most peculiar methods of burial. The custom seems to be different w th each difierent tribe, some of the Tedmen believing in plating the bodies in a tree, while others al rites are quite long, lasting sever al days and being conducted by the high men of the tribes. ] A Strict Dramatic Censor. Vienna cones possessed the strictest dramatic gensor ever kmown in the person of Franz Hoegelin, who held that post in the Austrian capitil at the beginning of the last century. Hoeg#lin 'published a manual for the guidance of censors. "A ¥ should mover be allowed to appear on the stage alone. They must always be accompanied by 5 third person of mature years. M ges out of one's class were also strictly forbidden by Hoegelin on the stage, and he quotes an instance of 4 play which he. ae fused to pass because the author made the 'hero, Counit Valdemar, marry a gardener's daughter. 'Such misalli- ances have unfortunately been" knowp to occur in real life, but that is no reason why they Sheu! is allowed on the stage,' be said. wn," "Red Cross Cough : Seld only at to play {King Arthur' at: the House ; } 1505 Misses Bertha Clarke and Gertie Pel-| ji} She: appeared in the. "Coystubiag, RK Martin, at cloves o'clock Tues | Giobe" more wher ou.ed 'with God ze 4 Alvxitiider m town he came from were "aquired te | "Lady Windewmeéra's Fant, danid later [have their walks clean <T show within | Ariba Dacre | 2.0 lgwelve hours from the time it stopped i Amy Raselle jn "Man ard Woman. | snowing. Those who were tardy By this tone all artistic Lopdan fined, This caused them® to =~ was talking of the _eharpung c¥OURg ground when nn snowfall came and girl from the Dominion, and she was | et the "beautiful" cleared away. engaged by the late Sic Hemry Jeving : : daine in his. production of Eyerym in| in 1586 in "Richard were hustle Wedded at Holefonl. ) Holleford, Jan. 5.--A pleasing event ! following took place at the residence of Mp. und | ati the - Princess thpatre, in day morning, when their eldest daugh 1898, and in 1599 she supported Wik ter, Miss Charlotte, was united in son Barratt at the Lyeéum in "Man marriage to J. R. Snider, Sydenham, and His Makers. Then followed Jh [Rev. J. A. Waddell perfor méd the core rapid succession hee rivmphs w Henty' mony in the presence of eighty guests. Arthur Jones? "Mrs. Dane's Defence, { The bride was attended by her sister, Chancé the Idol, "and The: Mums i Missy Editly Martin, while Schudle and the Humadngr Bid" © ut Siriaas Sydenham, performed the du Charles Wyndham's theatre 'in JOO. [0 of Beit man. Little Mabel Mar In 1903 she again returne to ,. IE tin," mister of the bride, was flower Hens being's a In Dante" ab todd "The brifde was the recipient of t eX ry, Tate alt» rte He many' handsome amd valuable presents. ater, she Rppearer. in fhe SUE: b Agree, Outher, Mr. and Mrs. Snide rection at His Majesty he watre with. drove to their new home, near Syden- Sir Beerbohn Trée and "The Dapling |. . of the Gods" in the same vear. She Me created her famwus title role in "Leak Kleschna" at Sir Charles Wyndham's theatre in 1904, and, - ia: 1905, . she teok over the Savoy theatre, eatly in 1806 producing: 'The Bond of Ninon™ and 'The. Shulgmite,". achieving most4 have. the sketch. : remarkable. successes in the lattes, li }.: Ei "taint too dear," he added, cau | the umm of 1996 she came to Ame jHously. {erica and presented in New. York, Bos- | Ohi" said the ether, | ton, Philadelphia and Chicago, "The $12,000 a year, 'T won't charge Shalamite"s and "rs. Dang sTalence" | anything for the sketch, but--- repeating every where the triumphs "Hig eve lighted on the pigpen i! A Haggler. " Adistinguished etcher made a study of a farmer's barn.: The farme- hap pened to appear, and said he'd like to makes You who Citasens the | spect to the] memory of ou o long been part life of Napg- |° alven 4 Ion: bh Canada, nb with noisistent I 1885, from King's oo Tredad, anal ey hal hie lenath of wid helped to build the Rowman Oath lie chaach, her hat wher ha has been | sistent' member } church. The { drent "have the Fy their many friends In"Napanee and 'su : i 1 | ps wing Rexall sioe ever sthoe he \ i whe, clpatising, a nr, nee |yeeptic, germigidal preparation, that atyl_fon-, timulate 8 i hid, thie hair roots, § rishment, removes « haie health, It is WE pare wals Grrowt shoere rounding count perfumed. It is - 0 Slow. to tey Rexall "gt" » that it I cost vou potling unless you are "Going to apake am enddy | H Tome with our pre Innkeeper to se the glacier to it moves ab the r only one foot an how Tourpt--"Yes, hut Jow getting ready that Fin of cid medio | Ha start last sew. | fd per aatisfie]l with its use 1 « nw si price, Me. gid $1 my yife soo Remember, von can obtain Rexall Re apmvinity only gt o Store... G, WB Ma Do vou know, whe 0 we'll miss it after all! Puch full of ene Gibson's, atthmetie y | aid i Speaking of bad exgousles i sthudh f brushes". at { y ek y at is Halt Ar smportant Gs he ther people think. he is rnin tha price when » ain with a grouch i known | bark think an't alway w writen' he s anvthing else - NE EE she had achieved in London, and be- --* 'but T'll tell you what. You ing readily concegled hy both the Ame |can give me one * of those mice little erichn Press and puble to be the fine | pink suckling pigs there est émotional actress . that England " 'Why, man," said the farmer wit] had yet sent to. the United , States, | a frown, 'do you know what them pigs \ goodly list of . accomplishment is it {1s worth ? They're worth a dollar | | not for hittle Daisy Pocock who won! apiece." "' | the James Henderson gold thimble for | proficiency in dagrning at the: Bishop | Strachan School, Toronto. | What is all this? "A airy asks the reader, Neither the . Englisch | Wyoming. 9 por American stage shows dnv record | Everything about the, seltlement --te- of Daisy Pocock: vet it does, for Daisy | pees, clothing, blankets, harness, et Pocotk is none other than the two. | that can be boiled is being sublegled 1c continént celebrated Lena Ashwell, wh, | that treatment to destroy traces of comes back among her own Canadian | smallpox. Boiling an Indian Village. i Fhe government is boiling an Indian | tale" {village in the Hind River resetvation, | faver | cremation. Several of the Indian bur pair of lovers | people to the Grand Opera House here | This village is. whee 100 Indians jon Phureday, "Tan, 12th. | were. quarantitied 4 while they suffered fffom smallpot Wwf mild form. There | | were no «deaths, und the quarantine is | practically lifted. of) The hot water method of disinfection | was 'resorted to' because five Indians | H_there is one woman who has. done | more readily understand it.--Milwau- | more than ber share ¢o relieve the sui- i kee Sentinel. fering. of. womankmd, that woman 'is | ; y Mrs. Frances PE. -Currah, of Windsor, | ~y Sardine Bait. Out. Mra. Currah was, at one-time, a French sardine fishers use as bait the great sufferer from disexses peculiar to [T068 and other waste products of the her sex. She had tried many remedive | Norwegian sod fishioricn, This 2 i hv < jexpensive, and its price 1s continn ally ithen a little-known remedy. Much '16' An artificial bait, which is much cheap- | her astonishment, she was immediately | ™ has recent been employed, hut henefited aml ina short: time tom- with only 'partial success; as it winks Jetelv restored ee toe quickly and often lures the ear ER From that file until 'the present, dines downward instend of drawing Mrs. Curral' bas devoted her life to them up into the nets. Sa . : " Per 8 empts are now beitg made to interest women, in. this remeds, whic respedy this defect. "The suedess lof these has now become [fumous Jd the attempts would bring joy {6 the fish- mame of Orange Lily » ond 13 at vertys- ermiin, but not to the dealers in Nor ed on page 12 of this publication. Mrs. weyinn bait, who enjoy a vers lucrs- Curragh is pow © Aq send of Live monopoly. The a D: EE miSiai ous of Witning igterest sig hus pearly led. mge Lily for a 4 ve treatment. {yg ohen war between fis and Doubtless winyy. renders will seize this {gait dealers on the Freeh coasts. ot A {Cosmos. SCALP DUST MEANS DAND. 4 ; DRUFF, < | | i { | i ONE WOMAN'S WORK { To Relieve, the Suffering } odmankind. ia o : Best By 1 Years Test i in Giving Advertisers Good Bish Whig Leads Retums An tn ------_ A AI # The following letter is frouy the" Mail Order World Advertising A genty, S8pecial- 5 ists in Classified Advertising :-- 3 "We také pleasure in handing you, 'under separate cover, copy of the fourth revised edition of our Booklet, 'Where . Your Ads. Will Pull) : "After a thorough and exhaustive test of the merits of the papers in your field, we 9% have selected your paper as representa- x tive of that-field among the leading classi fied media of the country. \ "In selecting the papers named in our Booklet, we have had at our disposal ac- curate figures covering seven: years of carcful testing, In no case have we béen guided by an argument or inducement of« fered by publishers. and feel that in pre- senting these lists to users of classified ad vertising space, we have produced the first absolutely authoritative list of the best classified media in America. "Trusting that you will maintain the same high standard that has characterized your publication in the past, we remain, "Yours very truly, 3 "THE MAIL ORDER WORLD ADVERTISING AGENCY." 1f out-of-town advertisers find results from the Whig so satisfactory--and they gladly acknowledge it- wouldn't it pay you, too, Mri Kingstonian ? The Whig is growing every day in circulation and in . advertising patronage. Come ahd grow with us. : Full particulars as to cost, ete, cheer- fully given if you 'phone 243, the Business . SE § " ~ .