THE DAILY BPITISH WRIG, MONDAY, JANUARY 6 1911. TiE DAYS SOE The College Book Store GENERAL, THR FINEST BOOK STORE IN EASTERN ONTARIO, Oeesonrs iT Giy 128 Vici ; For This Week Holiday Goods at Radically Reduced Prices Easily Read and Remembered. ial Brand underwear makes a \ Some at half price. Some at 1-3 below regular priees. Some 1-4 less than : regular prices. Imperial splenaid Christmas present. : William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders ALL 1911 CALENDARS AT HALF NEW YEAR'S GIFTS FOR BOYS: PRICE. en ------_p-------- sm s-- ' . 1 : bim on important committees because INAUGURAL MEETING: ox SEs ' { ] of the work, He was getting tired of mau {this. However, be finally consented to CITY COUNCIL HELD) et, THIS MORNING, | On motion of Alds, Elliott and Rig- : ws en Iney, the standing committees above | Mayor-Elect Graham and the Alder, [Ped were adopted. Communications Read. men Made Their Declarations 2 The Standing Committees Ap-' These commupica tions were read and nted--~General Business, referred to committees : ; ga ; wr i J. Ross Robertson asking a con- of 191) held its | oipagion for Sick Children's hospital, this wpofling, Su Secretary of board' of "education, Muvoceleet | ooking application. for the sum of ofiice by | 340,000 for new public school building. nd Hetiring | City olerk, Toronto, asking support PAGE TWO. {OF THE FUR SALE The city council inaugural meeting began the year work Graham was installed in Magistrate Farrell received at MoAuley's. Phone 77%. Miss Elizabeth Mctiall, confined to her room for the past week, is able to be out again. SPECIAL. Only one or two of each. a i | now on JOHN MCKAY, The Fur House, 149-151 Broek Street. | orm Ls ns en ---- i -------- " agen MID- WINTER SALE Furniture, Carpets, Curtains Greatly Reduced Prices Good Time To Save All new, up-to-date * lines, | Repair and Upholstering Work 107per cent. cheaper than any other season PHONE 90. Yours, . : T.F.Harrison Co. ¢ é Yolice Mayor } fice, J men made t heir mayor, arid the Lusines BS gun, gfter Mayor Graham bad deliver- ed his address... The most important matter was the wppointment of standing committees, hut the sflection wits made with the atmost unanimity. There was nn good atiefdance of spee- Canpur t he declarations to the of the Was ators. . : «The aldgrmeny as has been the cus- council of Kingston in peti- re as of city ticn-to the Ontario government purchase of Bell Telephone system a provincial institution. Prime minister, asking to have dele- gate sent to the / Canadian forestry convention, Jan. 28th snd 29th, in Quebec, as Secretary Trimble, of the NY. M.CA,, asking that the city arrange for its policemen and firemen to take gym- ALD. ROBERT FRASER -------- tom since Ex-) were seated around the a atphaleticgl order, thas ;. Armstrong, S. Bailey, J W. Clugston, I. Couper, R. F. Elliott, W. J, Fair, R. Fraser, I). A. Givens, R. Hanley, T. F. Harrison, F. Hoag, R. E. Kent, J, W, Litton, J. S, R. McCann, W. A, McCarthy, T. J. Rignev, A. E. Ross, A, Shaw, R. H. Tove. . The retiring mayor placed on Mayor- Elect Graham, the gold chain of office, and wished him all success throughout the year. Both the retiring mavor and the police magistrate shook hands with Mayor (iraham, who then took the chair amid hearty' applause from the horseshoe, Mayor Graham -then gave his inaug- ural "address, which appears. on page I, and on motion of Alds. Kent and Hoag, it was referred to the standing committees for their consideration. On motion of Alls. Elliott and Rigoey, the following were appointed to strike the standing committees for layor Mowat took of- horshoe Alls. RB. Carson, { the year :--Alds. Carson, Ross, Hoag, Kent, Elliott and Rigney. The motion Blankets And Gomforters PAA ATA A NEN Pin White' All-Wool Blankets. Grey All-Wool Blankets. Union Blankets. Comiorters in Batting, Wool and Eiderdown filled: ~ All fresh new stock. CUO INIBEOOIOMICCOCIIEIONITNDURERHER oo R. McFAUL. CARPET WAREHOUSR. Bossscessssssecssvene : » @ a » ) | for ten minutes. When the | returned jt A ---- ® ser, Toye, was adopted, and council adjourned committee that the recommended I. W. LITTON standing committess be as follows, the first named on each to be "chair- man :- Finanee--Mayor Graham and Alds. Carson, Couper, Hong, Flliott, Rigney, Kent. : Board of Works--Alds. Rigney, Bai- ley, Carsom, "Waterworks--Alds. Carson, Arm- strong, Harrison, Litton, Ross, Shaw, Hanley. Fire and Light-<Alds. Givens, Fraser, Fair, Hanley, Hoag, McCann, McCar- thy. - Light, Heat dnd Power--Alds. Eili- ott, Armst Hanley, Harty, Me : Get a Hrme Now It means life and happi- ness to you. You will feel dif. forently toward yourself, your family and your fellow man. Let us help you to get a home | $C of your own, A year hence vou e would not go mek to the wid ) remt-paving plan. = VS eee es] Cann, Rigney, Hove. oS Property--dlds. Ross, Litton, oag, Givens, | Couper, Clugston, Bailey. Parks--Alds. Kent, Shaw, McCarthy, Hanley, Fair, Bailey, Armst Prin Carchar Gi . Clagston. Don't make your mind that | { youl eannot aflord to bay j "yet, until you have the matter with us. nastic at the Y.M.CA. 'gym- nasium. The city clerk gave the results of the vote on the by-law to extend Bar- rie street, 931 for and 624 against, and on the bydaw to extend and im- prove the street lighting system 1,21] for and 402 against, By-laws were confirming the assessment of 1910; to appoint mem- begs of the hoard of education, of the oy of mining, board of héalth and ap- court of revision. The mayor his re- pointed Thomas 1). Miones as | presentative on the latter. " On motion of Alds. Elliott and Fra- ser the following special committee on garbage was appointed : Alds. Toye (chairman), Hoag, Bailey, Harrison and Shaw. Ald. Toye said he had great pleas- ure in accepting the chairmanship of thé above committee. The reason he did not want to go on the hoard of works was that he thought there wak sufficient work for any man on the garbage committee. This motion was adopted on motion of Alds. Givens and Cargon: Where as the total assessment for Kingston for 1910 was $5,907,378, and whereas the total amount of exemptions from taxation was $3,438,825. resolved that the city clerk be instructed to procure from the city assessor and submit to council at its next regular meeting a schedule showing the names of all per- sons or corporations owning property exempt from taxation, the assessment of such property and the amount of exemption frém taxes in cvery case. The following was given by Ald, Givens as ® notice of motion ©: Where- as the municipal elections are held at a timé which is most inconvenient for all classes of citizens; resolved that in the opinion of the council it is advis- able to hold these elections at some earlier date, say either in the last week of November or the first or second week in December; that a copy of this resolution be sent to Sir James P. Whitney, premier of Ontario, and that a copy be also sent to W. F. Nickle, M.P.P., with the request that this matter be brought to the attention of the Ontario legislature at its next session. 21 H. Cunningham, = piano tuner, yo King street. Leave orders at a bookstore. Prof, Jordan preadhed anniversary services. in = St. Andrew's church, Smith's Falls, on Sunday. 3 Martin McDonald, Montreal street, The selection includes very many handsome calendars, and you can pick out the Néw ¥ear's remem- brances you wish at JUST HALF former prices. Calendars that were has left jor Welland, _Opt-, » visit | 10c to $2.50 are now Sec to $1.25. his daughter, Mis. Thomas Lawrence. iiss Calendar, $2.00 .. Now $1.00 a the Tio an tv | Gibson Calendar, $2.00 Now $1.00 ing and Tuck's Line of Calendars from Sec to stores. | James Mcllguham, Albert street, was| "$1.00 .. . ... Now Half Price. Arts and Crafts from 10c to 50c taken to the general hospital, on Mon- «i+» +s... Now at Half Price. day mosning suffering from typhoid4 260 PRINCESS STREET fever. : Alexander R. Milne, who has been DUTY OF THE PEOPLE configed' to the general hospital for some time, is doing. nicely and will sobn be around. * Miss Edith Orser and Allan Lemmon were the soloists at Cooke's church, Sunday evening, and their seléctions were much enj no Miss Treme on. left, this morning, for Toronto, to resume her studies, after i the holidays at her home, on Wolfe Island. marked that he was not occupying the Your name nicely printed on your init simply to ~sccommodate a purse in gold or on any of | brother minister, but he was taking leather goods at the Whig Office book | his brother minister's place in de A : livering a message from his Master. Mrs. H. Wiskin, King street, who has | Dr. Kyckman pointed out that it was been ill for the past two weeks, i8 {too often forgotten that the man who not so well as wished. Her many preaches is an ambassador of Christ, frignds hope for a speedy recovery. |delivering the message of Christ, and Miss Edith Orser delighted the con-|it is the duty of the people to receive gregation, at Cooke's church, Sunday [that message, for they, as well as the morning, in her rendition of "This Ia] preacher, will have to give account My Tithe." She sang in sweet voice. It to God for their actions. is the At the request of "Tom" Finton's, To Hear the Message of Christ's Ambassadors. : During his discourse in Chalmers church, on Sunday morning, Rev. Dr. Ryckman struck a note that impressed the congregation very much. He re duty of the preacher, Dr. Ryckman counsel the case against him charging | said, to déliver the message as it 'is hina with the murder of his father was contained in God's Book. . People will not proceeded with at Hamilton and criticize a preacher because of his may not go on til] Wednesday. About | peculiarities, or because of his looks, thirty witnesses have been summoned. or his delivery, forgetting that hie is Judge Barron, Stratford, is in Mon- { Christ's ambassador and speaking the treal to investigate the charges that { Word from the Master. Dr. Ryeckman Grand Trunk strikers had not been | émphasized the Resity of people taken back but found that Messrs. |who professed to be Christians doing Murdock znd Berry had leit the city | what God required them to do. The and . there was nobody to press any | trouble was that professing Christians complaint against the company. did not obey. Paul-immediately did Francis Berry, aged seventy-ome, | What he was commanded to do. He died at his residence, 244 Victoria Straightway went. The reason why street, on Monday morning of bron. | People fell away from right living was chitis, after an illness extending over [that they did not start right, Phey a course of two years. He was a well- | Wanted to do as they pleased, in known figure around the city and had |®tead of vielding themselves up and | lived e for the best part of his | doing what God required them to do. : life. He loaves 5 widow and an adopt- | - -- - od daughter in Washington, D.C. SENT TO REFORMATORY. Youth Sentenced in Juvenile Court Other Getg Suspended Sentence. The two lads, gathered in by the Everything. { police, one for forgery and the other Two excellent men's meetings were | for theft, appeared in the police court, 3 MADE STIRRING APPEAL For Men td Live Honorably in| On motion of Ald. McCann, the peti tion of the Ottawa, Smith's Falls and Kingston Electric Railway company, for a dominion charter was referred to Clygspon, Harrison, Fra. the finance and industries committees for consideration. The council adjourned o'clock, its inaugurdl session the shortest on record. STOLE WHISKEY AND MONEY. at twelve being Beaupre's Liquor Store Entered om Sunday Morning. Six bottles of whiskey and the sum of $1.10, was taken from the store of stfeet, early on Sunday morning. Mr. Beaupre has a dog on the premises, hut thé dog it is believed that the store was en- tered by someone who was well ac quainted with the place. Entrance was secured by the smash the rear of the wtore. left the door leading to the open. - There is a big Bar which locks this door, but it so happened that this night, the first time since be had been in the store, Mr. Beaupre ne- glooted to lock it. Thus the work of the Whisk oe thieves was made very easy. The money was taken out of the till in Fong fy ---------- JUNIOR LEADERS CORP. Annual Meeting Held at the Y. M. The annual meeting of the Junior ders' corp, of the Y.M.CA., took CC Fa president; R. McBroom, vice-president, and R. Me Gillivray . Als. Harty, Litton: "Meo | Monda | good Edwin Beaupre, liquor dealer, Princess some prominent laymen. | made no disturbance and 50. ing of two panes of glass, 12 x 8, in different hymns sung. Once in the treated to several pleasing solos rear room there was no trouble in get- W. E. Manhard, George Founder and ting into, the store, as Mr. Beaupre Mr. Treneer, as well store Plano selection by H. Treneer, organ- t 'Y'M.C.A. build- | on Monday morning. * Conduit a. he _3 the ate wr was sent to the reformasory at Capt. Turner and the band of the Mimico, for an indefinite period, and Salvation Army took charge and g the other was allowed to go on sus large number were on hand to listen pended sentence. The lad - who was to the message. Captain Turner made ett to the reformatory, had been in a very stirring appeal to the men to police court before, and has given the live honorably in everything and the police a great deal of trouble, and it earnestness of his! message went home 18 felt that a term in the school will to every man present. The band very do him good. Suspended sentence was kindly rendered several choice selec- passed upon the lad who forged. the tions, which were much appreciated. cheque, but it was his first time in The men were favored with a beauti- trouble, and the magistrate was good ful male quartette in their usual endigh to give him a chance to turn style. The Y.M.CA. intend over a new leaf. making this a weekly meeting, Next Sunday the men will be addressed by | Proposed Electric Railway. The Ottawa, Smith's Falls and In the evening another of these ever Kingston Electric Railway company popular song services was held at 8.- will, at the coming session of the lo 0. There was a large turnout, in cal legislatdre, apply for "a charter, view of the miserable weather outside. and is asking the municipalities Robert Meek took charge of the ser through which it is proposed that the vice and made the meeting very inter. road shall pass, to endorse the bill of esting by little incidents cited "of the incorporation. - The company will be The men were capitalized at 81,000,000. It is asking by power to issue bonds to the extent of 230,000 a mile. It is propossd to pet the main supply of electrical energy from Ottawa, with auxiliary plants on 'thé Rideau or Mississippi river. = The cost of construction is estimated at | £20,000 a mile. as a splendid 15t of Brock street church. -- Evangelistic Services. Special evangelistic services will be held, this week, in Queen Street Meth. odist church, under the :Sispices of the Evangelical Alliance. Fvervbody is cordially invited. Service to-night fat eight o'clock; Rev. Dr. MacTavish will preach. -- Rev. Mr. Neal wil' conduct the after-service. The choirs of all the { uniting churches are urgently requested jto assist in the musical seryice | Sensational | Millinery Sale On Wednesday, The Late George Dix. The remains of the late George Dix {arrived from Toromto, Sunday, and | were taken in charge of by Robert .J Reid, undertaker. = The funeral ser- vices were . condacted, Momday morn- ying, from the residence of his brother, [om Bagot street, to Cataraqni ceme tery. Service was conducted by Rev. { Thomas W. Neal, of Sydenham Street | Methodist church. . Simms-Greer, The marriage took place at : ish chufch, at Kikgrass, Ireland, by vr James Greer, father of the bride, assisted by Rev. J. W. Marrow, rec. tor of the parish, of Harriet, second daughter of Rev. J. Greer, to Joseph C. Simms. The bride is a niece of | Roger Greer, of Kingston. It was 4 | pleasant event, -------- ~ Death of Bath Resident. » Richard Wilcox, a well and favor ably-known resident of Bath, died in Chums, $1.75 Boys' Own, $1.25 Girls® Own, $1.23... .... Herbert Strang Annual. $1.20 .. Yama Yama Land, $1.25.. New SOc AND GIRLS. GIVEN AWAY FREE "Rexall Cold Tablets" 25c. a Box. These Tablets allay fever, soothe the nerves and breax up the cold. Taken together with "Rexall Cherry Bark Cough Syrup," the worst cold and cough are quickly cu With each bottle of "Cherry Bark" purchased we will give FREE a regular 25¢ box of these "cold tablets." We are making this offer to introduce © this remarkable remedy. The offer is good for ten days. Money refunded if not satisfied. Harrison Fisher's "Garden of Girls" Price, $3.50. Centenary Edition of Sir Walter : Scott's "Lady of the 1 trated by Christy, with 100 draw- ings. Days With the Musicians Days With the Poets. Days WiHh the Authors. Regular price, Soc. '.... «+. Now $2.30 ke," illus Price, $3.00. .. Now $2.00 Phone 919 Sa of Mgr Class Brass Goods' During January we are offer ing a special discount of TWEN- TY PER CENT, OFF any arti The ' cle of Brass in our store, stock comprises KETTLES, FERN POTS, CANDLESTICKS, DESK SETTS, VASES, TRAYS, PHOTO FRAMES, SOAP BOXER, ETC, and all are First Quality. SMITH BROS., Jewellers. Opticians, 850 KING STREET. . Now 30¢ Issuers of Marriage Licenses. 1 + \ 8 Lady'sClothCoats | at Half "Price. $10 Coats for $5 0 «15 20 "10.00 Nobby garments, new- est style, beautifully tailored and at ridicu- lously low prices. " See the beauty we are showing at $7.50. 2 Per Catt, OF Woo 'Bankes Newman | L £1, Frame Dwelling, two versity Avenne, with modern Improves ments, Insurance in Best FUR Sale At COURDIER'S Choice Property Brick containing eleven good stable; depth 500 University Avenue, radoms, and furnace, of Tot, 185 feet, for Dwelling, stogeyve, Unis for $2,100, Houses to Rexit and Rent Collented. Money to Loan. Companies. Corner Johnson and Division Streets, Phone 539. & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. + Hypodermic Syringes. t Pocket Surgical Cases ° + Buggy Cases. Nurses' TURBO TBLTBLBLRBVBSS 4 Sterling Silver Thermometer Cases. E Pocket Case of Surgical Needles, Pocket Medicine Cases. & Instrumént Satchels. ! Chatelains, Forceps, Probes, Medicine Cases, etc. Everything required by the | Doctor or Narse in the sick § | -------- Frees ssssrvtsesetses Ses eee : No contradiition can wash out that fact. It is as clear as the water we use, as in- lars and cuffs. We Do High-Class W. KINGSTOX LAUNDKY Cor. Princess and Sydenham | "esses tecses TEAR RAR ABARAT AVA VT LLL ES \