_ '% © approach the Club for homeilke sur HOTEL DIRECTORY. DESEHONTO, G0 to the STEWART HOUSE. Leading | ¥ relal Hotel Rateg. $1.50 ies JAS. STEWART, Prop. TRAVELLING, RAILWAY HA] [Lt SYSTEM Eastern Ontario Live Stock and Poultry Show ONT JAN, Rotind trip tickets wi Monday, Jan. '16th, to F 20th, inclusive, at $3.70 good to return until Jan. 2rd Through Pullman Sleepers from Ottawa every night For Pullian reservations formation, apply to J.P. BANLEY, "Comer Johnson and Ontario LEC RI RAILWAY In Connection With i CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Trains Leave Kingston 1201 pm. Expresa--For Ottawa, Montreai" Quebec, Kt John, NR, Hali- Boston, Toronte, Chicage, Den- ver, Renfrew, Sault Ste. Marie, Duluth, "ft. Paul, Winni PoE. Vancouver, Beattie. Portland and San Francisco m~~Local, for Sharbot Lake, necting with C. P. B. East and est. 7.45 amMixed--For Renfrew intermediate points, Mon, Wed, and Friday. Passengers leaving Kingston at 12 Hl pm. arrive In Ottawa at § pm; Peterboro, 4.38 p.m.; Toronto, 6.55 : Montreal, 7.05 pan.; Boston, 7.30 Ta John, 12.00 noon Jparticulars at 'K. and P. and chk Ticket f Office, Optario Street Gen. Agent, Ft OTTAW, A, 16th riday, to Agent Street and Pass, BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY, n leaves ("nion Station, Ontaric ay aA p.m. asl alSunday excepted) Napanee, Deser- all iat north tch to Bannock- ih on ge -- ARD LINE New steamships, excellent culsine, Aan comfortable rooms and lounging fo relay Connections for Santiago, Interior Points, for Havana Isle of Pines. 'Where rigorous northern wintérs are each enanged for wonderful Cuban clim- 'MEXICO each ay, for Crus - Tampico. ing connections for Mexico City = BAHAM in the interior of Mexicy First linge i ip Sor BAHAM and particulars alex and accommodations, NEW D CUBA MAIL 8.8, CO, a Office. Pler 14, East River, New York. i WMLLINGTON ST ., mear PRIN: 'There are other hotels, bui uone Located In centre of city and close to principal stores and theatre, are moderate. Special rates by the week. M. THOMPSON, Pro; The and 8 you are looking for the kind we sell. Seranton Coal is good coal and we guarantee ; prompt delivery. BOOTH & CO., FOOT WEST STREET. Chivers' | _ A Dog's Picky Fight With a Lion-- knows that means a w 1 saving of time and -jabour in house- cleaning, Whether with hot or cold water, nothing gets the dirt off so quickly and without injury as Sunlight Soap, Use it the Sunlight way. * Follow the directions. * ad Electric 'Restorer for Men | restores every nerve in the body Phos phonol (C15 CLL temmon : restores | vim and vitalit Premature decay and all sexu weakness a «d at once. Phesphoneol will | ake yor a pew man, Price $32 hox, 0° two for | 5 Ma! led 15 any address. The Scobeil Di Drug | fo. Bt. Catharines, Ons, For sale at Makood's Drug Store. Soares reste ive see WM. MUKKAY, Auctioneer. ¢ Furniture Sales glyven spacial at tention. Country Bales of Farms ! Stock. ete, have been my specialty : for long years. If farmers want ¢ | the high dollar, get my services, MARKET SQUARE. i sss asaiasiisneaseng Pa i Sa---- | GRAND UNION a5 HOTEL 2% Send 20 agrees fo 4 8 Clty x nN Weeds 5 PE The Great ayn Remed, Tones and invigorates the whole nerveps system, makes new Blood in old Veins, res Nery. ous Debilily, Mental amd Bra ponde ney, Sexual Weakness, IF wa, ond Effects of A H per box, sixfor§ O Sok ke Hd 4! oid dy A Ese, ramph Maodicine Sing Co ond, » 5 Lxcesses, will please, six te or mailed in SPER PEV PE ELEP TEL PPRELOPOME KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE $ (LIMITED), BEAD OF QUEEN STRERT. "Highest Education. at Lowest Cost" Twenty-Bixth Joar. Fall Term begins i a 30th. ul Sop of Eon Be r Br positions. w Vine over sixt TA secured Pole with one of the largest rallway corporations in Can Enterany me. Call or write for lato tion. H. ¥. METCALFE, Prin Principal MAMLOAARNLMAL AMAL MSdbdiM Don't Persecute your Bowels Cut out cathartics and purgatives. Thy brutal-harsti-uanecessary. Try ay CARTER'S#ATTLE LIVER PILLS Purely vegetable. Act gently aa the liver, eliminate bile.and soothe the dole catemembrane ofthebowel, pion. 4 er Headache end Indigcation. as stilfions know. Small Pill, Small Dose, Small Price Genuine must bear Signature ----------S a ---- little clearing, and we were amazed pskin of the lion belongs, according to {local custom, not to thé warrior whose . with the black tip still between ber let | the skin belonged by right of seizure 'handle. » THE DAILY BRITISH wWHIG, _MoxpaY. . m------ cope | | a Edie A Camera Man's Narrow Escape Simba, the pluckiest fox-terrier in he world, add the only dog of its breed: which has ever tackied a full growil 'lion "single-handed," has re wurned to London, her birthplace, from Oritish East Africa. The story of how Simba fought the Bon was told by Mr. "herry Kearton, 'He dog's master, who a8 just returned from the Kenia dis- irict of British East Africa with a wniber of einematograph pictures of wild animals. Simba's fight with the lion took place when Mr. Kearton was trying to obtain pictures of the killing of a fioh by native spearmen. Two lions wd been located in some scrub, and wenty Masa! warriors, with spears, were ready to attack. The lioness, however, escaped, and the male lon, {after appearing for a moment, bolted into a dried river bed and refused to budge. "Simba." said Mr. Kearton, "darted |'nto the donga, and within a few sec- '| ands we heard a tremendous roar | which seemed to shake the ground, and the bushes within twelve yards of {us were violRntly agitated. The lion roared again and again, and in the brief intervals we heard the weak but very furious yapping of the dog. The Masai stood, every nerve tingling, with spears poised. Biting the Lion's Tail "Suddenly the lion dashed through a to see Simba hanging on with her lseth embedded In_its tail. Three spears were hurled at the escaping beast, with such accuracy .that they all transfixed the heart, and the Hom fell dead. You must know that the spear inflicts the fatal wound, but to ihe man who first rushes in and cuts off the black tip from the t&il "Two of the three spearmen: dashed nto the donga, but they found Simba teeth, resolutely determined to oppose wiy hostile claim. Phe spearmen, who were lost in admiration, agreed that to Simba, and they handed it over later 0 my wife as trustee for the dog." Mr. Kearton also relates the follow- 'ng stories of his adventures, during a very adventurdus journey: "Whilst I was in the Kenia district jefting cinematograph pictures I ittacked by fever, and for some als my temperature ranged from 102 to 103 degrees. "It was while I was in this state that the Somali horsemen told me that they had rounded 'up four lions. What would I do? 1 told them that at all Josts 'we would have the fight, and that I and my machine must be carried to the spot, some fifteen miles 'distant, By the time I arrived three of the {ions had escaped, but the fourth was still 'held 'up. - "We had with tus six Somali horse. men (unarmed) and eighteen Madsal spearmen, who were to do the killing, while, as 1 was unarmed, two spear men stood guard ver me and tie camera. The lion made a running fight for about a mile, and again and again charged the horsemen. Then he made a stand. "The spearmen rushed forward, and at a distance of ten yards six spears were hurled into his body. I was within thirty yards of the beast with my hand on the handle of the machine, but just as the charge was made I fell forward unconscious through weakness. I have no. films of that fight." A Successful Hunt "But my business was to get pic tures, and. I relied upon my two spear- man guardians, in whom [ had great confidence. ' So 1 went on turning the The lioness then seemed to realize that 1 was not the danger, and $he darted back and lay down, await: Ing the attack of the advancing Masai. "Then her heart failed her, but as she turned to bolt, one of the men hurled a short sword, which transfixed her mouth. Turning again, she charg: od the Masai, bit through three of the shields which the warriors carry, and wounded three of the men before she |). {fell under the spear thrusts. ) wae a Sugsessful hunt with satisec- That oe en ttan then related particu- Pains or *1 carry, Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills with me all the time, and aches and pains there is nothing equals them. I have used them for rheumatic pains, in side and you or bl misery a few doses of Pape's Diuretic now will effect a cure. ney, bladder or mrinacy + feel a dull, éonstant Batkache; or the urine is thick, "cloudy, of sediment, atiended by Ww senlding sensation, be gin taking Pape's 'Diuretic as directed, | with the knowledge that there is other 'medicine at anywhere else in dhe world, Which is rheumatic twinges, Prostatic debilitating headache, dizziness, {Hungerford 4 KIDNE Y-BACKACHE GOES. A Feu Dates Make the Kidueys Fine, Cuving hy ¥- {4 - kidneys' are disordered or suffer with backache or bladder Put an end to kidney tyouble while it is only trouble--belore it develops into Bright's disease. Dropsy, Diabetes, Gravel or The moment. yoy. suspect any kid: ry Or offensive or full of passage; or no ' ahy price," made so harmless or will effect #0~ thorough and prompt a eure. Pape's Diaretic acts Zirnetly upon the kidoeys, bladder dnd urinary sys- tem; cleans, heals and regulatés these organs, pletes the cure within a few 'days. ducts and glands and Come sides or loins, "trouble, nervousness, weakness, hilious dtomach, sleeplessness; inflamed or pufly eye lids, worn-out feeling and many other symptoms caused by clogged, mactive kidneys promptly vanish. Frequent, painful and uncontrollable urination due to a. weak or. irritable bladder is in the back, Pains overcome. Your physician, pharmacist, banker of any mercantile ageney will vouch for the m sibility of Pape, Thomp- son & Pape, of Cincinnati, who pre- pare Pape' s Diuretio--50 cent treatment. --sold By "every diuggist in the world. lars Of A :"CiOSe Bnave™ wim a THino- ceros which he had last year in the same district. On this occision he did not succeed in obtaining any pie- tures. "One morning" my friend: Clark, of the New York Natural History Mu seum, and I, went to look for a troupe of fourteen lions of which we had heard. We both carried rifles, and two spearmen and some porters ac companied us. Suddenly my camera boy shouted. something which. 1 did vot catch, and bolted past me. A Narrow Escape . "Sharply turning, I saw the spearmen and Clark making with all haste for the only tree in sight. 1 thought the troupe of lions was on us, but ina second or two:l heard the. an mistakable pufing noise made by the rhinoceros, then 1 saw two com- ing Sowari BEat full speed. . 1, too, made a dash for the tree. "But the tree was too thick to climb, The Masal hid behind the trunk. Clark was five yards away with rifle levelled. The two rhinoceroses came on in a cloud of dust at a speed of about twenty miles an hour. "When they were within four yards, Clark, whose rifle had jammed, shout ed, 'Fire, Kearton. 1 fired and dropped one. His head as he fell almost touch- ed my feet... Within a few seconds he rose, made as though he would charge Clark, and then bolted. rhinoceros « animal, but it had gone in another direction, and as 1 dashed round the tree I ran shoulder to shoulder into #t. I suffer ed most in the collision. "This rhinoceros escaped, 'but the one I had shot dropped dead within a hundred yards.'--Loundon Daily Mail. NEWS OF DISTRICT. The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario. At Belleville, Williath MeCaw, con victed on a charge of wrongfully tak. ing away a horse belonging to former employer, was sent to for three months. Sarah Jane Wellbanks, beloved wife of Hamilton Wellhanks, passed. away Friday at her howe in Rediuerville af ter an illnesd' of 4 yeir's duration. - The nome of Mrs and Mrs. Ambrose Clothier, Kemptyille, Ont... was the scene of a quiet wedding, when their daughter Nellie was married to Maughan McCausland, Regive, Sask. On Wednesday the marriage. took place in Brockville, of Thomas Pearl, third on of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pearl, Brockville, to: Miss Florence May, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs, W. King, of Prescott. J. A. McGill, a Prescott binker, whe is removing to Montreal, was tendered a farewell banquet by Prescott * and Ogdensburg friends and presented wit}, a complimentary address accompanied by 'a' handsome gold watch A pretty wedding was colemmizdry the honse of Mr. and Mrs. R. Lahsdowne, op des day, when Mrs. Hungerford's ister, Miss LL. Stewart, Stratford, becamp the bride of Maleolin Ferguson, Hamil ton. A frame building, used as 5 general #tore" and' povtofite at the Rorrying Place, Prince E urd cotnty, wns on 'Thursday, with its contents, de stroved hy re he premises were owned and ocoupied by Frank Boyce, who suffered 4 severe loss. TA telegtam' wad "miebivell in Cao on, u on' Friday 'by Mre. Farley, an "ithe - death of son, Wallet it. in Silver Uity, New Hesite wii ie Fao is. father - of Perth wtiendi he dairy S amaeraiion at ne. oO jail the time. two JANUARY » 1911. THE SPORT REVIEW. The Jolly W inter Sports Are in Fut | Vague. Art. Throop the Haus bury team. Western hockey ¢ Ottawa players. Hans Holmer won $1 08 in the Marathon race ht Edinbu The Philadelphia Athleti Japan zext fall and 'play The McGill and Crescent' foams meet at New York this Tremton and Picton pros. ypened the | season in Picton on Friday, before af good crowd. The game was evenly | sontested. Picton won by 9 t0 6 Edgar Dey, who played as utility | man for the Ottawas w thes the Stanley cup in 1909, has closed 10 play with the Waterloo Hockey Club. | A: referee in an Eastern Ontario pro. hotkey game ruled of a player for] scragging. The player turned and! pinched the referee, whe promptly i kitocked the player down with his bell. . i The Chicago Cubs and the Cleveland i Naps may meet in a second series of exhibition . games this vear, following their atrival in the south for spring training about eight weeks hence. The ube will 'train at New Orleans, while the Naps will 'disport themselves gt Alexandria, La. It is amusing now that Holmer his won international honors, to hear the United States papers acclaiming Hans as one of their own. One. New York dajly states that Holmer came to the States when a boy and that he ms never left it. At the same time it is pretty hard to get over the fact that Holmer is really a Britisher. He was born in Lancashire, Eugland, of Danish-American parentage, com: ing to Canada when a wee lad and living for eighteen vears at Halifax Holmer enlisted with the Britith army at Hahiax and served several gears in the regulars there. He lived at Quebe for twor years and recently competed as a member of the Canadian team in the big indoor Marathon at New York city. Impossible (0 make a United Stales citizen out of that chap. chibs are again after may Vi msebadl. howke Venn won | GRAND OPERA HOUSE, Elmo" Was Presented Coon Sitsrday. Grand, ot, "St. Twice At Saturday, matinee and night, Elmo," a dramatize tion of A. J. Evans Wilson's was Lhe offering, and it was greeted with two good houses. The pany presenting it was a capable one and the different parts were well en. This "play bas beén given Bangston many times coming, quite popular, the book, com tak- mn and it is be Ian Robertson To-night. {an Robertson, well-known who is coming at the he: ad of an Eng lish company, to play "The Passer By" in "The Passing of the Third Floor Back," this most popular of & modern plays, was referred to enlogis ticaily by Madame Modjeska in the concluding chapter of her "Memoirs" rebently. "My company that season (IRSB- 86)." the greal actress sgvs, . "wae very numerous. asd. fine. There -were Maurice Bacrymore; Mary Shaw, Charles Vanderhoff, who made a hit & the 'Chouans," William H. Owen, la Robertson, brother of Forbes, stage manager, and a very good actor." Then came new plays in London, followed by Sir Henry Irving ane Forbes Robertson's SEASONS, an though more recent spent of necessity under the his famous brother, for whe staged most of his successes and plas ed many important parts, Ian Robert gan is now emerging out of the gloom into the glare of the footlights as the "star" of widely «discussed and popular a play as "The Passi if the Third Floor Back"; and we » TD mised an impersonation of illiminat mg force and magnetism At the Grand to-night the wit years have beer shadow of om he w has 80 'Lena Ashwell. To-morrow morning, at Opera House, the advance sale of seats and boxes will begin for the famous English actress, Lena Ashwell in C. M. MeclLellan's powerful pla "Judith Zaraine,"" at the Phursday, January 12th Miss. Ashwell"s first professional f pearance in Cavada. In England he 18 universally deemed to be the | most emotional actress onthe English stage. She made other America, four ago, plaving "The Shalamite" and "Mrs. Dane's Defence." One of her most po erful ereations was the little role in "Leah Kleschna." Miss Ashwell is u~du the management of Lishler & Co, and they have surrounded her their customary exceptional strength Xhe wil be assisted by Charles Waldron who, for the Jast two years has play- ol the star role of "The Fourth Fs tate," and who has been especially drafted from that piece for Miss Ash: well's company. the Grand Grand This will bx one years trip te will The engagement announced of Miss Acley Z. Dior, Calgary. but formerly of Westport, to Gordon Good ison, formerly of Fairfield™ but now. of Calgary, the wedding to take place this month. is In the frozen regions of the North or in the hot countries of the South,- -a pure high grade Coffee like" : "Seal Brand Coffee is the friend of mankind, bringing comfort and cheer wherever used. Soid in 1 and 2 1b. Cans only. 1s CHASE & SANBORN, MONTREAL. secsessesivectsanssssseesecrrcentteestrteses Bar Solder, Babbitt Metal and al! Ingot Metals We are headquarters. THE CANADA METAL COMPANY, LIMITED. . OFFICE: 31 WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO. P00000C0000000000000000000000000000v00R0RON Children Often Need ® laxative--but you sannot be too careful what you give them. Harsh purgatives injure the bowels and pave the way for life-long troubles. The new evacuant in the bowels or causing any discomfort m for they laste like candy. Oue of the most popular of the NADRUSCO preparations 28c. a box. li your druggist has not yet stacked them, feng 25. und we will mail them. 20 National Drug and Chemical Company of Canada, Limited, + . Montreal, effectively wi Th PERFECTION COCOA (MAPLE LEAF LABEL) Give the children, Cowan's Per. ! fection Coca and drink it yourself, It is the best beverage for young atid old. 153 THE COWAN CO., LIMITED, - TORONTO. Cured His Rheumatism In Three Weeks. James LeB. Johnstone, a prominent member of the Citizen's Band, of Chatham. writes : "1 contracted Rheumatism by expo- sure, five years age, and was adding for two months amd if great pais al IH the time, 1 got Father Morsigcy's Ko. 7 Tablets and took them for about three weeks, when the Rheumatism ail left me and 1 have had vo return of the pains since." Father Morriscy's "No. 7" Tablets Rheumatism is generally brought on by exposure, is really caused by Uric Acid in the blood. This Uric is an irritating poison, formed from the waste matter body. The kidneys should remove it, but when they poisons the blood, and, settling in the joints, Rheumatism "No. T'* Tablets clear otit the clogged up Kidney s and stimulate them to perform their: task of filtering the Uri Acid out of the blood. When this is done the REeunatinn simply and naturally vanishes, "No 7 Tablets cost 50¢, have cured thousands of this terribly painful disease, but Act d of the fail it causes At your dealer's. 28 Chatham, N.B. Father Morrisey Medicine Co. Ltd. uaranteed in Kingstonby Jas. B. McLeod. a iat rao oB : Right RESOLVE, ~That the Best Shoes in Kings - ton are none too good for you. Then come to Sutherland's--"The Home of Good Shoes' --and let us demonstrate the worth of this statement.