Hall Mirrors and Hall Racks ) and Hall Seats A useful piece of furniture. No house complete without one. Three- Piece Loose Cushion Parlor Setts, in the latest silk velours, at : : James Rei Dr. de Van's Female Pills! A veil French regulator; never fails. Thess pilin areexceedingly powerful in reg the Renerative portion of the femnle system. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. de Van's are soid at $6 4 box. or three for $10. Mailed to any address. The Scebell Drug Co., St. Catharines, Ont. Go to the STEWART HOUSE. Leading Sommareial Hotel. Rates, $1.50 per JAS. STEWART, Prop. POSED 4S ICH LADY tune--A Domestic Whe imitated Violet Charlesworth ng her mistress's absence on Boliddy a Handsworth servant girl was suddenly seized with an invinci ble desire to play the part of a lady, to live in great style, and to dispense' | promi of benefactions wholesale. In some respects her escapes recalls the adventures of Violet Charlesworth, but the only thing that can be brought { to her charge Is that she obtained Tood and lodgings in a questionable manner, Save 32 by Making This Cough For sale at Mahood's drug store. ©. Syrup at Home. GRAND UNION Bona 30 SEaS soe BT. B05 0nie Buk ack Map ------ o_o sot TRAVELLING. TTR, "Eastern Ontario Live Stock and Poultry Show OTTAWA, ONT,, JAN. 16th to 20th. Round trip tickets will be ineied Monday, Jan. 16th, to Friday, Jan. 20th, inclusive, at Remarkable Story of the Successful " [Effort to Get Sparrow to imitate the Song of a Canary This recipe makeés 16 ounces of better Experiments have Been made fn England with a view to determine what are the conditions under which birds learn and cling to 'their 'traditions! | remedy notes. For this purpose one experi menter employed very young birds of non-musical spe : Reoping hem en tirely ' with songsters in order to as certain whether they would thus ac quire the power of song. in the month of July, several years Simple ast it is, no better can be had at any price. Mix two cups of granulated sugar with one cup of warm water, and stir for 2 minutés. Put 23% ounces of Pinex (fifty cents' worth) in a 16 oz. ; them add the Sugal Syn It has a pleasant taste and ts a fam- lly a long time. A Take a teaspoonful | The Leading Undertaker. $3.70 good to return' until Han. 23d. Through Pullman Rleepers to and from Ottawa every night. For Pullman reservations and all in- formation, apply to J. B: HANLEY, Agent. Corner Jolmson and" Ontario Streets. CRC SPEED RAILWAY In Connection With CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILVAY. . ---- Trains Leave Kingston > 1201 pm. Express--For a, Montreal, Quebec, St. John, N.B, Hali- fax, ton, Toronto, Chicago, Den- ver, Renfrew, Sault Ste. Marie, Duluth, st. Paul, Winnipeg, ancouver, Beattie, Portland and San Francisco. 5.00 p.m. for Sharbot Lak $hnecting with C. P. R East an ont, 7.45 amMixed--For Renfrew and intsrmediate points, Mon, Wed, and AY. Passengers leaving Kingston at 12 B81 pm. arrive In ttawa at 6 pm; Peterboro, 4.38 pm: oronto, 6.55 p.m. 'Montreal, 7.06 p.m.; Boston, 7.30 am: Bi John, 12.00 noon. Full particdlars at K. and P. a CP. "%icket Offige, Ontario Street : F. CONWAY . Gen. Fass, Agent, BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY, ain loaves, Union Br Tweed, fiydenh Napan rn and all secure quick despatch to 00 ints WARD LINE New stbamships, excellent cuisine, large comfortable rooms and lounging deck. Connections for Santiago, and Saturday nterior Points, for Havana welisle of Pines. Where rigorous northern winters are Bailings each Thursday Making connections for Mexico City and all polats in the interior of Mexice for fas and p. + about rates and accom NEW YORK AND Sema MAIL 8.8. CO Sxchanged for wonderful Cuban clim- for Weekly Firat Nassau. | BAHAMAS General Offices, Pler 1 East River, Sailings Thursday ne. Sailings each MEXICO: for Vera Cruz Tampico. Sallings Cabin Write for Ifterature and farticulars modat s. New York. Tro BERMUDA Round Trip $20 and Up Fast Twin Screw £8. "Bermud- fan," 5,630 tons, salls from New York, 10 am. Jan. 11th, 18th, and 25th, and every Wednesday there- after Bilge keels; telegraphy. WEST INDIES NEW EE "GUIANA" and other steamers fortnightly from New York for St. Thomas, = St. Crolx, St. Kitts, Antigua, Guadaloupe, Dominica, Martinique, St. Lucla, Barbadoes, and Demerars : "For full information, apply to J. P. HANLEY and OC 8. KIRKPATRICK, Ticket Agents, Kingston; A. E: Outerbridge & Co, 29 Broadway, New York; Quebec Steamship Co., Quebec. Chivers'. in re Normal, rc Pl Pudding HE noha: Victoria Plumas, Dawson Plums. D. COUPER'S, Thome 75. oti Princes Set Best by Test This Is proven in a Wormwith Try One in Your Home aE. aed. electric fans: wireless The heroine of these remarkable ad: : Yentures was employed at a house in Real Estate 'Agent, 150 Wellington St., Kingston. The sonw is coming and in a few days we will have sleighing You will want your sleighs repaired or painted and have them ready (0 use when needed. . SLEIGHS, SLEIGHS. We have an assortment of Bob Sleighs, 2 and 3 kneed, all ready, with box or not: also Single Sleighs; also a few Second-hand Bob Sieighs and Cut- ters which we will sell off cheap. NEW WORK. Special designs of Milk, 'Bread. Grocer. Butcher Sleighs built to order on short notice Our workmen and facilities for do- ing good work are of the best. 'Phone 152. JAMES LATURNEY KINGSTON. 300-302 PRINCESS ST, The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. Scranton Coal is good coal and we guarantee prompt delivery. BOOTH & CO.. FOOT WEST STREET. SUN AND SNOW, Sometimes Help the Hair to Go. In any changeable climate, the hair is apt to become brittle and to break off stubby here and there. This makes % hairdressing almost A necessity, especially to ladies, In using a hair dressing why not get the best, one that combines with it the efficiency in killing the dandruff gérm, the germ that eats the Rair off at the roots, causing what is called falling hair, and in time baldness. Newbro's " Herpicide" is that kind of a hair dressing. You have uo ideg how delightful your scalp will feel, and how stylish you hair will appear, after an application or two of Herpicide. It is gertaink wonderful innovation as a scalp ati septic and hairdressing. ] Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. $1 bottle guaran: teed. Jas. B. Mcleod, druggist, spe cial agent, Kingston, Ont. C0000 0 0000000000000 * | : (LIMITED), : HEAD OF QUEEN STRENT. a ISH "Highest Education at Lowest Cost" lig fous IA ECZEMA IS CURABLE In Every Case Where Our Remedy Fails it is Supplied Eree of all Cost, In making this statement we it up with our promise that if remedy does not substantiate claim in every particular, we without question or quibble every cent you paid us for it. take all the risk--you take none. We strongly recommend Rexall Ee. zema Ointment, which re- markdble cleansing, antiseptic, ger micidal, soothing and healing quali ties. It is a gray sh-white emohient with back our our will return We Handsworth, dnd it is alleged that she obtained her situation by a bogus story that her former employer had | been sent to prison, and that his wife had gone to Australia. 2 Bogus Telegrams When her employers went for their holidays she was left, with two great Danes, in sole charge of the house It was through these animals that she became acquainted with the family she is said to have victimized. She way out one evening with one of the dogs in Handsworth Park when the big animal brushed up against a youth, He exclaimed, "Oh what a lovely dog," and the girl replied, "Yes, and | have another like him at home." She voi unteered the information that he: father was very ill and was AWAY af the seaside. The two met the follow: ing evening, when the girl startlea him by saying that she had received a telegram to say that her father was dead. Then came the more sarpris: ing sequel that when her mother read the telegram she was so affected tha: she fell back, and shortly afterwards expired. The girl said she would like to meet the boy's father, and he took her to his home in Holyhead road Handsworth. The father sympathized with her in her bereavement, bellev ing her story, and she then expressed the desire to take the boy and her sis- ter, aged fourteen, to her house. The invitation was accepted, and she took the youth and girl and gave them tea. There was no one else at the house, but before the meal was begun the girl went to the door, and, spesking.to an imaginary person, said, "Oh, Annie, You can go on that errand now." Af ter tea she showed her guests over the house. She told the girl that She Would Give Mer the Plano in the drawing-room, and that each s$uid have a bicycle from the shed. She opened several jewel boxes and offered the gir! a gold watch, but the child refused the gift. She added that she would look after them in the fu- ture, as she was "so taken" with them. The girl met the two children many times, and talked about her fortune, her good prospects, the fine clothes 'she had, and her servants. When the mistress returned from her holidays the girl ran away in her best clothes. The, same afterncon she appeared at the house.of her friends with another story. Since she had last been there, she said, her fiance, who was in the medical profession, had died, and to her fortyme of $150,000 was now add- ed all that the doctor had left her, including his house, coach and horses, and other effects. The children's fa- ther offered her the hospitality of his home. She made herself at home, and declared her intention of making the daughter her maid, and taking her to the Continent, where she would have her volce trained. She also said that she would give the boy a first-class education, and went so far as to en gage a French governess from West Bromwich to give him lessons. With an eve to the value of ready money, the head of the family one day asked the rich lady to advance him $25. The money was not forthcoming, al- though she said it was nothing to her, it was only like a farthing. . The lafly then wrote to a gentleman at Wal sall:-- + Please send me $35; have just roa out of money, and I want. it to-mor- row. 1 am sorry I have not besn to see you, but I have been unwell. Yours faithfully, Emily Van Wart." As the money did not come, she went to Walsall, and came back with & story that the gentleman had ab sconded, but had been arrested at Birmingham. She afterwards invited her friends to the house at Hands worth to dinner, and was proceeding in that direction. Her intended guests got a bit suspicious on the way, and in the end "Miss Van Wart" bolted as hard as she could. Chase was given, but she has not since been seen. BETTER GET MARRIED Best Course for a Young Woman, All Circumstances Being Favorable Judge Bacon had one or two amus ing exchanges with applicants at- the Bloomsbury County Court, who came for grants out of compensation awards under the Workmen's Compensation Act: A widow remarked that if the judge allowed her anything it was all wanted for 'poor rate. The woman added that she had a daughter earn- ago, to 8 Weekiy, he placed four org wb Sparrows in the nest of a pair of singing can aries. Three of them died, but the fourth survived. This one had already acquired a sparrow "chirp, and, hear ing henceforth only the notes of the canary. he went uo farfher with the chirp that was his birthright. - Instead he came gradually, when among the canaries; to give notés different from those of the sparrow. Even when he was slient, if" the canaries were sing ing. 'he could be 'seen to move his throat just as if he were trying to form the sounds, much fa the manne: 'that 'a person often msudibly follows ® song that another is singing. At last these sounds to be audible and 0, began to give notes in rapid succession three or four tones up the scale, repeating the tog note five or six Aen. Then the sparrow, becoming bolder with practice and pleased with the und of is own voice, soon indulged hree or four runs in succession with eight or twelve notes in each, and in 'the last days of September, when three months old, he went up and down and up the scale all in one run. During this time his voice had been changing. At first it was harsh, as is natural - with lish sparrows: but gradually, with the effort or with the sub-conscious influence of the sweeter sounds about him, it became softer and acquired something of the canary quality. The sparrow's first efforts were sung on a low scale, and he tried the toy notes vainly, but as his voice becams milder, he went higher more easily He was about three months old when he tried his. first trill. It 'was short, but musical and he evidently thought pretty well of it, for he repeated it. and continued steadily to practise it A year later he had grown to be quite an adept in canary song and would trill and sing continually. ~~ ems------ LAST OF GOLDEN EAGLES The Species Qnge Numerous in the Black Hille is New Extinct '- When the pioneers entered the Black Hills 35 years ago golden eagles were as common as are English spar Ws at present, but with the death of bia Sentinel, that occurred several days ago, it Is believed that the birde . of fight and of a dif ferent color. The feathers and plum of the back were almost yellow ence 'thé mame In the early days of the hills the birds were so numerous that they were considerable of'a menace to the kcttlers: ~° Prequently "they would 8 voop down into the ranch lots, pick up & lamb or a small pig and iy away to some crag. where they would de vour the catch or carry it to their oung. Many stories are told of gold un éxgles' BANG attacked small chil ren. § KE. M. Norman, Rapid City, eon EM 2 8.D., determined if 'possible to capture the golden eagle alive. He relived that Old Sentinel was the last one of his race in the hills and that in his capture he would re u prize well' worth effort. ing out to the Ragged Top range with a 'small party of friends, he was told that 3 that had guarded the peak for years, had not been seen for more than a month. Mr. Norman concluded that trip to the lofty home of the eagle was worth the trouble, and climbed to the top of the mountain. There, covering a space of more than 20 feet square wepe the bones of almost all kinds of small domestic animals lying about in heaps. Down In a crevice of the rocks, some 20 feet below, was the body of Ropes were put around one file gf oi i pine will not work in this formula This Pinex and Sugar Syrup recipe has attained great popularity through out the United States /and Canada. has often been imitagéd, though never successful A guarantee of absolute satisfaction, Pinex or will get it for you. It not, send to The Pinex Co., Toroato, Ont. one, two or'three hours, can feel this take hold of a in a way that means business. good tonic effect, braces up the elements. Other preparations it ly. BLACK WU is not only the biggest can _for the money, but by far the polishing grates and ironwork. a messy liquid or powder, or cake which must scraped, but a large can of wonder-working paste. stock, send us his name and 10e, and we will send a full size tin by return mal. Aakers of the famous "Sizes Famous AW Vest es > fore Every; stick a match! every émafchta and even r Thght me. De Lg fontn hel moker--Try a Box. Alweys ev ¥ w Es Yoliday + Proscais Buy Something Useful for the House Stove Polish best preparation for stoves, pipes, Not be Silver Knives and Forks, Silver. Spoon, Carving Sets from $1 to $15 per set, Carpet Sweepers, Fancy Tea and Coffee Pots, Wringers, Washing Machines, Fancy Andirons, Gas Logs, Brass Fenders, Fancy : Gas Heaters, Coal Oil Heaters, etc. If your dealer does not carry 'Black Knight" Stove Polish in THE F. F. DALLEY CO., LIMITED, WAMILTON, ONT. 3 2 1 1 Shoe Polk, [ i 4 WM. MUKKAY, Auctioneer. Furniture Sales tent! or the 3 Indigestion, Sick Headache, Sellow Shin. Pill, Small Dose, Small Price. Genuine mus bewr Signature ven special at- lon. Count es of Farms ock.etc., have n my specialty ears. If farmers want nigh dolar, get my services MARKET SQUARE. : Telephone 385. Slippers, Elliott Bros., 77 Princess Street. COOORFO@ on 5 Slippers Slippers | We Are Still Selling Them Women's Felt, Plush and Carpet, Men's Carpet and Leather, 60c, 70c. and $1.00. all, good value. 25¢, 50c, 75¢." and $1.00. . Women's Felt, fur bound (something very fine ) $1.25 and $1.50. 1" Children's Slippers; 20c. to 75c. KING H.JENNINGS, STREET Knox Is the secret of the cook's good cooking It figures on every menu--in not one, but several dishes. Knox Gelatine - garnishes the meats, gives body to the jells, stiffens the sauces and gravies, thickens the soup, gives consistency to.the ices and ice cream, and is the basis for delicious dessert, PN MARSH. MALLOWS Pure, Plain Sparkling Each package makés one-half gallon. It is economical--goes four times as far as other desserts. pure--you add your own flavor, color and ingredients. You know what you are eating. ~ (Gelatine It is 5 box Kaos Sparking Gelafine. 2 cope (ome pist) grannlaced dager. Few grane salt and Savoring to taste. . in ten wediespoontuls cold water. Heat the suger with ten wibiéageos dissolved, Add gristine 1 syrup and +1 stand until partially rected. . Seat with 3 whip uni] 106 SHE, thes wirh + Gorge spoon uses! ealy enough io sestie (ato uw sheet. Dost gramite pans Mickty with confestionery' pour in the whens half inch Seep and set in one place antl] bh orsaghly chilled. out, ox in and roll in copfectioner 8 sugar. rad Send to-day for this Recipe Book. It's Free. "Dainty Desserts for Dainty People," our sew illustrated Book of for Desserts, Salads, Candies, Puddings. loss, los + ete., together with a Pint Sample, is free for your grocet's same. Address CHARLES B. ENOX CO. S00 Knox Ave. NY. U.S.A Branch Factory: Montreal, Canada Soak the fuls water tll alt ghd