Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Jan 1911, p. 5

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THE STANDARD BANK | The Accounts of Corporations, Merchants, Manufacturers and Individuals Solicited. Small. Savings Bank Accounts receive Special Attention. a -- LAM BERT, - Merchant Tailor Don't you need a pair of Trousers, Our cut of Tronsers gives general satisfaction and we would like to make a pair for you! We have a special line of Grey Worsted Siripes which we ean sell, . $400 Thos. Lambert, 1s 157 Princess Sirset for Besesssssssesssseesine $000000000000000000000 Bar Solder, Babbilt Metal and al! not Metals We are headquarters. THE CANADA METAL COMPANY, LIMITED. : 81 WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO. ARBBR000H0R000 0000 ut RRR RRR RAR RATNER ER : i Wonderful Coat. Bargains All must go :-- A few Heavy Coats at Three-quarter Length . $1.00 each 20 Long Coats, semi-fitting and loose back ulsters, regular prices, $7.50 to $15, for $3.50 each 19 only, Long Coats, the latest and most choice goods shown this season, at half price (-- $8.50 Coats for $9.00 Coats for . £10.00 Coats fore, $12.50 Coats $15.00 Coats For Coat Bargains come now--in few days it will be too late. D. M. SPENCE, The Leading Millinery Store. ' a +4 takes more bread to the barrel than any other flour on the market-- bread that takes up water readily, "stands up' ' well in the oven, looks well, tastes well ihd is light and nutritious, . Being a carefully prepared blend of Manitoba Spring wheat and Ontario Fall wheat, Beaver Flour is also an ideal pastry flour, 7 making the most delicious cakes, . a pies and biscuits. ; Keeping two flours--one for bread and for pastry -- involves unnecessary expense and bother. Beaver Flour is best for both. "Ask your grocer for it. - - DRALERRS- Write jut prices an on ah Feeds, Coarse Gralus and mrs TAYLOR Co., LIMITED, that Is a Flour, bette ig TR any other ATI baking are Ee ns NS R Se CHATHAM, Ont 'OURANNUAL RED LETTER SHOE SALE STARTS sday Morning, Jan. 12 We expect | {his to be the bigges sb sale we e have « FHOES OF COUNCIL "work in pie should find: a Bome in sou 5 i H INOR AWAITS TH THE CHAIRMAN OF GARBAGE. Let the Smoke he Consumed----The | ¥ Council Looks Body---~The Mayor's Chain of Of. fice Lacks Several Links. to The board of health remains. prae-|3 Lieally unchanged, as Archibald strachan and Henry Taylor were --te-ii pointed. Ald, Bailey wants J. 'RB. dcleod to be chairman. Ii. Ald. Toye manages to establish o ystems of garbage collection the housewives of the city should convene nd demand that he ve elected mayor w acclamation next year. If there is anyone in the city who deserves to vesr the mayor's chain it is Ald. toye, The finance committee is composed |} i veterans, Pesides Mayor Graham t includes four ex-mayors. With Ald. Rigney as chairman wi. board of works there should be "something doing" this year. On this jommittes are two ex-chairmen, Ald, 'arson and Ald. Toye. Fx-Mayor Couper is a member of he finance, city property and House of ndustry comulittees. It looks as if the city council would harmony this year, taking a sample of he inaugural meeting as whasion. No previous city council ever eon- lnded its business 'at an inaugural | 8ken eating in one hour, as was dope sesterday Mayor' Graham was quite a dignified presiding officer in the chair at the}: suned s inaugural, An examination of the mayor's goldda hain of office shows that a number f ex-mayors have levted to add ¢ link to it. City k Sands in- ends to draw the attention of these sw-mauyors to the matter and have thei] hain made complete. Mayor Grabam kpew what he was hout last year when, ns chairtpan i the city property committee, he wad the mayor's office 'renovated and ipholstered. Ald. Elliott's light, Beat and power ommittee has two big problems be- we it--cheap power and street light- ng. "Do vou know, | think the coun- cil this year will prove to be one of he best in years," remarked a citi. en who attended the first session. The council ig composed of a good || ody of men. The mayor-elect might '! vell be proud of those around him nd | am sure thut we can look for ? ocd work." The citizen pointed out hat this year there were po han five ex-mayors around the hotge, hoe, and this aione should be , reat help. "They will be able a rain the other fellows," he added ith a smile. Mayor Graham made the suggestion n his inaugural address 'that' some- h'ng should be carried out whith vould put a stop to the smoke nus we around the city." He suggeited hat the factories use spwke = con: umers. In this recommentiation he' vil have the hearty support of the vomen in the city ' who puts their' lothes out on the line on De washing - 1 iy," and "have - them decorated sf | moke. The good women know moke, but they hélieve that means |. hould be taken .to stop the nuisance. |: hey will hold up both hands to erry | he mayor's suggestion through. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. 0 - The Use of the School bases. ; 44 Kingston, Jan. '9.~(To. 'the Edi or) i "Trustee" evidently ®is 'hot § ouch with the movement. vider use of the schools that hos teen oing on for the last twenty yeatsin he states. In New York thé boahd of education spends a very inthe, um of money, away Up into windreds of thousands, esckl year, Re he education . of the adult 'publics hrough lectures. 1 append »pinions culled from the phéss in gird to the community owning the: school house : ' "This is a great discovery--to find we have a beautiful elub: hoube, wilt and paid for and belé ying to! dl of us, pa all ready for use. LAYS sitizen ot a Rochester Social Centre. { "Every school house, so far as pos. sikle, should Jecome a centre' of com nunity life." --Superintendent Gordy, | of Springtield, Mass, git "Public rognize the larger use of school huild- ings by the public, the real owners: of the buildings, for wotthy Sivie. and ~dueatiobal -- purposes." Vilwaukee school board. "Thy National tion heartily cial, betterment." --Declaraticn of I "As President Eliot has pointed there can he no waste of school administrgticn parable to the waste involved in per- property to remain 'uoutilized except: during the hours when school 'is. is Repti --Superintendent Maxwell, aw To ilwankes they have denes in jhe schoo) houses. Don't be shocked." 1 would strongly favor opening the schosl house for all sorts of recrea- tien apd amusement. Any elesy fun' that would enliven the working peo- at ni : A = ® drou is the scarcely less prominent than A Wiese a eed, pe ration for, Fourth E ob yo fo of to-day, W with the panies, of these i a He received his, perience as his production of The, Wyrrens of. Vir * }Jdebler & Co" s pn Orpheum' Flae Show. A at 3 fo for ir? Ti hoe hat « is t Enoch, seth as brought Dare tee ginia," enter hing the a tiop, lark color, and all on account of the: the ai that | rome real good as heshnl there is mi A ] ' Hr a educaticn is only semi-pub- for" an' lie snd incomplete which fails: to pels | bitched. {0 'se "ole alt hoteh, lal iv rd . 3 {=e A Was surprised . Education Associ endorses the. use, 3 pda school buildings and "all sehool equiip-. stregt on nent for comivunity interesty and do- | fast stoiit fora falty overtbok "the vty and per. | ©, mitting millions of dollars worth or} to be a_Strong|tight, good talent, 'a and the difersot. parts wire en, In the, thie were the. author norte, § and + The Do yon to save, t H . aud ty. papi yn Fae a drew h. many . Ly Jk vhere there is a factory there must be Lynn sang in-his-usualigood maser. "Troubles 'of the Coal Mei, wane havine in _gnow oh tha groun The:naal oA for the en 4.0 "viroung mad, Re inchis be, Grand Charles Th 8 the dimction of od cs Ashwell's an play oof a part te.' ae ire was 4 QUEEN'S AND * VARSITY MEET ang' § Wen pe hae wa vy ; i Pring in that big ; ae figure star. the good leading men , Browdwa x hero: in the' Beles. {mood jokes and; at Tie Le wi Oe ahrie gon of bow, y to be able to swim jo bem in| ut ¥ Qo . reli afloat. The kd be ar FE I out, 'idaded him to go in'add remain ~~ Cou tranpqeting his businevs. Suerte gation 8. k has been en noed in o cot the' there. in belo Cataiuies Ss ii) i £ man ip that ' he | CANADA'S SHIPBUILDING. An lateresting O . Alex. Me vy Cap Capt. Alexander Medo gall, Presi- dent of the Collingwood Bel. Pw company, - limited, and & director of 'the Kingston Shipbuilding company, 3iike as follows at the launching .of steamship Emperor : great ship is the largest ship | British soil away from fis a, She is 525 feet long, ol _ feet beam and thirty-one feet deep, and is practically a double ship, one ship inside the other, or rather call it hfavy double bottom and hedvy double sides. ~All her boilers, machin. ery, cabins and fitout were made in our yard. She would command particular attention, because of her great size, in aby part in the world; in fact it ds sehjom such a large exclusively Treight ship is seen in the large ports at soll. On the prégent draft of our lake parfs, she will carry about 10,006 'ons, ad at sen she would carry much mo She is the third large "ship that 'Se have build to the order of Mr. I" fyir, the King, the Prince, and naw the Egperor. Loog may she and her royal principal live and prosper. This great ship bas in her construe tion British and United States steel and iron, yet she has more, than $250, 000 worth of Canadian labor, material sud transportation; this . is money that stops in Canadg, this great pros- perous country, - with .a coast ling T= ve. ports HERE ON FRIDAY 81 4 [in the Pires of the Intercollegiate Hockey Games--Baskethall at Queen's Gymnasium Next aad! Bens ang woh "shier his in this i Queen' Bs, and Varsity will Pring here, next ay eveming, in the first of } Bet Bia Sapecionce the Intercollegiate senior hockey g wan for maoy matches of the season. The Presby- of the country. j teriata expect to win out, even with- 3 { out Dobson, for it is not expected that the Toronto seven is any stronger' . than Queen's. Owing to the re-ar- under ToUgemsut of the Intercollegiate sche dule, Quecn's will have only two home matches this winter, with McGill and Varsity. ' Queen's are still hopeful of having Dobson in his okd position before the season. ends. There is the chance of from the 'west and "Dobby p pawrying back to his studies and hoe- could: nein ER i aod thir: ing lathe sur ¥ his father returning earhier than expected, Games at Palace Rink. - There will be * two good games of bockey st the Palace rink, to-night, Ww county and. Portsmouth will play ib the senior city league series, AD od | Do You Use A Bafety Razor? Don't throw away sour old blades, but buy a Gibford Safety Razor Strop and stop shaving with dull blades Simple to use, and sharpens any kind blades, of safety razor PRICE, $1.50, Prouse's Drug Store Branch Post Office. : and oe ok and Barvietield will line up in Justior ee series. Kreater than any other, country. in the wold, bordering on three oceans, the wighty St.. Lawrence and the great lakes, Where originates (he largest freightivg by water of any part of the wprkd. Canada has a spall amount, of sl tounage, » S0haidexin neces sities, The an hunt yr nec in- dicates he 700, L000 tous, but. as all scows, barges and boats from one t8i capacity up is included, it is some what misleading, There, are about 100 steel ships engaged in coustwise trade. These were mostly built" in Great Rri- tain, and there are about fifty steel vessels under 'the British flag doing coastwise trade in the lake country There are also about 300 steam ves sels; mostly 'small 'size, that were built in the United States, while there are jonly twenty steel vessels that weve built in Cangde. The Canadian Regis ter 'has practically: no oversea ton nagesandd all told about 200,000 regis tered 'tonnage fit for the coasting trade in rough sea. Buying 'the stosl- shapes and plates in England or the United States, and baildiog "the - steel ship 'in Canada leaves more than eighty per cent. of the cost 'of the ship jn Canada for la- bor, etc. Railways have been proteet- wl by twenty-five per cent. on rails, thirty per. ceut. on cars and bridges, also great laud grants. and subsidies, While the ship has bad practically no protecuion, amd the ship is the nearest thing" to life that man can make, an Lif "made in other countries, it cau oni ry fisell to Canada to compete with Canadians, For ten years we have la- hored here against these odds without pay. Here we have?one of the best plants' in the world for its size, and with its two dry docks ent out ef o! ; 1 pr Bd aN z oo" = 4 SALE Hoeft is borse in Ss, hil id § HY Fhe exsntice of the 2 = "A pers . ;. "pideketball o on Saturday. There will" be" gti afternoon of basket- ut in) Simens gymnasium next' Sat ld urday. At 4.80 o'clock, two co-od. hata a brush. At five hn w'w-nnd V arkity will meet ughs From | nan otercoliogiate game, wef: * aiiday' School Basketball. The Sunday school basketball leagtie #xill open at the Y M.CA. to-night when in big double-header will he put - en. his troubles Brock and Hethel will clash, and alsé that: St. Paul's and St. James', There is quite alot of enthusiasm, evinéed Aa shave] over these games, and it is expected § that 'there will be quite a number of le Bcroiog tn spaRigtory there, . ie . Fe Witideawn. From City League." on ton hockey club has with. drags from the city league, owing to . 5. J ind, Br sushility 10 get 'players ogether? and + path. 'Othery the game which it was to have play- d to-night, at the Palace rink, with hal Wolfe 1sland, will have to be with i drawn. Regiopolis and Barriefield {will play instead. After the 'two ". "lsague gumes are over the senior aud Among junior Irishmen will bave an eXhibi- suother {in Lame, Blot it + Willlamsville Bet St. James. | In.sn exhibition game played at the Ea Readivm rink, Monday evening, the Williamsville Hockey Club defeated St. ahd Dames ( tubs four 10 three. The 'ice was in poor condition avd would net it fast work, elve the boys would i aROWHE" Better shape. The sco ot half time was 3 to 6, for Williams- ville. ate anlop, goal; AeFbd- W nt; Smith, eover; Dovle, rov- Blakey; conire; Thornton. .. and pliatices for shipbuilding in all de wings. partents to ae the complete ship; James--Putridge, goal; Ruther they have nove as good on the Clyde; int; H. Sargeant, cover; L £3 they gn ooly beat us with cheap la Fraeig a he ro Atkineon, contro) hot. | was there lately and know. Mer oie 4 Conlsor Crawford, wings. A" little assfiitance from the govern oe + i hr McBride, went (or a few years would soon make a hall, Ao Canadians as noted for shipbuilding City Hockey League. | as they. are now in railroad construe: Cite Hockey | tion. Think of the hundred of ships. meeting last that will be requiral to do the coasts pight. Dunn, who played with twa Wige - dade along more Shan i theg nt junior 1 was suspended | 1 thas great country Hi thy fiifecn time, ae, a By | be made by Cavadians sud this help president last night on the condi | to stimulate all: other trade? Or a that be play with his own team, they to be made in other countridd Basitiess College. Ti he plays and carry themselves here to the great pee other team te will bé wus: loss to Canadian industries 7 A splendid suit dr overcoat made order for $18, at, Prevost's, All goods to chose row' Also a splendid stock of ready-mads horseshoe in the office of & Co. that was picked & Co which is of rid i It wensures fully " swhile lita sails! ei pf F : polid: stone and the most approved ap- i § Taylor, Limited. CLEANLINESS According to the: eld * pro- verb, Is next to Godliness A clean mind and a ofesd body contribute greatly to HEALTH. The greatest single bless. ing that we can , possibly Possess, HAPPINESS Is the natural cleanliness and GOOD PLUMBING produces all three. David Hall, 'Phone "333. 06 Brock St, Residence 856. S. J. WILSON, Member Dominion Exchange, Ltd. ° Mining, Listed and Unlisted Securities / result of om mead INVITED 14 King St. East, "Phone Malin 4228, Teroate, Ont. AT THE POLICE COURT. Young Man Was Ordered Out of Oity. » "Just a couple of drinks of wine," said a voung man, whé wav up ia police court, this morning, on a charge of being drunk. "We'll Just. soe what affect the wind had on vou," said the magistrate, aw he called for the constable who made the arrest] Constable James Downey was the man beh ' the arrest. e. said tha the young 'man was quite drunk, that he was in a Chinese restaurant, wont 5 to sleep, and that the proprietor could not" get him to leave. : The officer oi the law disturbed his slumglers The accused had heed' before the court ou several ocossions, smd the magistrate said that he would give him until Wednesday noon to get out of the city. Rod and Gun. Variety dnd plenty of it, is the kee. sote of the January bee of Rod and Gawin Causds, published by W.© J. of "Wosdsoek, Ont. There are a number of péesonal ox prriences in bunting, Shing, canoeing | and mountaineering throughout Cag- ada, while a paper op the birde of Manitoba sud some light verde, add uaterialii 1a the niente of the pom ber and it ax one in which 4 sportsmen of all tastes may lod wotne thing which cannot fail 10 prove ples. surable and ~ profisble. The Whole 1+ redolent of the ouidoors and mie act like a tomic in the wintry westher. Seven: hundrad people were Palace wink, fast night, 16 wax a fine night far skating, ier was at the a 1th band . provided

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