INTEREST PAD ON {SIGS DEPOSITS START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT BY OPENING AN AC. COUNT HERE. TO-DAY BANK OF TORONTO. INCORPORATED 18355, cr we $50,000,000 Assets ... KINGSTON BRANCH: 107 PRINCESS STREET, George B, McKay, 2 - HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO GIVE 5 , MOTHER SOMETHING THAT WOULD KERY YOU CONSTANTLY BEFORE HER? -- : . Is a Household Companion, and can be used every day, and can't help be appreciated. Chops everything. In Bize 1. The; Sige 2, $1.00. And lots of other things. BRASS GOODS, Beautiful Seleétion, Safety Razors, Hockey Skates, i Snow Shoes, , Rkels. Snow Shovels, Boh Skates and Wide Runner for WJ te How to Stop "Drinking Give Orrvine and Destroy All Desire for Whisky and Beer. Can be Given Secretly. Try it at Our Expense. We are In earnest when we ask an to try ORRINE at our expense, We will give yaar money back, If after a t ne fall te met results from ORRBRINE. T Vd is a very generous "offer. Ii Rives the wives and mothers of thope Who drink to excess an op- pastunhty 10 try the ORRINE Treat. ment, t also shows our confidence in the merits of ORRINE ORRINE Is recognized ax the best a mosi successful! remedy the world has ever known for Drunkenness or the so- called Liquor Habit. It is a very simple treatment, can be given in the home withdut patiteity or loss of time from Business. and at a small rive, Read the following letter from ww. Nolte. Sth and Race Sts. Phila. deiphia, It. will tell you about some of the wonderful results from the ORRINE Treatment: "t have had 8 semarkable case of fnebriagy under m¥ personal observa- tion Fhe putiont drank heavily for fifteen years and reached a degraded condition, whieh ecsused the breaking fp of "his family apd reparation from his wife Bwery hope was given up af ever savin the man from his strong Jesire' TF drivk, and only a mother's interest ' "finally persuaded him to valiniavily take ireatiment for his -digeased condition dt was wy ples: ure - to vegommend ORRINE, vour Hguor halit cure' ind the ireat- ment was taken faithfully. This was two years ago all the patient is now in u healhy condition and still abs staing fon the use of stimulants 1 have sold ORRINE for a number of years aid have slways found it to be satisfactory I helieve you have an "esxeeptionnity good treatment for this wliseuse." ARN, ORRINE is prepared in two forms Nai. 1, seerét treatment A powder, nhsalutely' tasteless and odoriess, ven secretly in food or drink. OR- ANE No 2 In pill form. is for those whe desire ta take voluntary treat- ment. - ORRINE © costs only $160» Tox. Write for Free ORRINE Book« Jet mailed in plain sealed envelope te ORRINE CO. Be ine Building, 'Washington, D.C IRGINE is recom- mended and Is for ah this city by Ws Mahood, for. Bagot and Prine cess Riress, | 10.~Six members of Mounted -Palige are to Jupirit of the Lord strated THINGS. Rev. Dr. MacTavish Télls Why the Church is Not Accomplishing What She Might--Revival Meet- ing in Queen Sireet Methodist Church. / There was a good attendance Queen street Methodidt church, Mon day evening st the beginning of the second week of the series of revival meetings. The pastor, Rev. 8. Sellery presided, and conducted the devotion al exercises. The speaker of the even ing, Rev. br. MacTavish, of Cooke's church took as his subject, Mieah 11, 722"Ts the spirit of the Lord Strait ened." .. Mieah, he said, looked ground him and saw that the people of God were pravelliiig (an debasing things whereas taey should "have been soaring to things pure and noble; therefore he indignantly asked the question; Is the these his doings ? The preacher then asked, 12 the condition of things in the garch und world to-day not such a¥ would suggest the same question, (irant ing that almost all good done av the world is done by the church, ie she doing all that might be ac somplished, The answer must be ag emphatic, No. ! . Why is ghe not doing more, seeing that the spirit is still and always will he in the churelh. I« it because she « depending too mueh upon externals, upon arganization, upon elo nent men n the pulpit or trained singers «ip the choir or rich and influential men aceupying the pews, Here the speak. ar concluded his address and left the weople to draw conclusions for them: selves, The after service waz ecandacted hy Rov. T. W. Neal, of Sydenham street Methodist church, , Numerous' testi nonies were given 'and weveral re pests for prayer were given ; those present were invited to bring thei meonverted friends with them «fstors were requestea to ask their Moirs to turn out and assist in the dining. The meeting this even ng will be addressed by Rev, A. P. Mershon, of Bethel Congregational church. IN GRIP OF WORST STORM The Country Has Known--Trains in West Stalled, Winnipgg, Jan. 10.--With one or two transcontinental trains stalled in the mountains, with. telegraphic communi- cation with the Pacific coast cut off for nearly two days, with thes thermo- netsr in the neighborhood of twenty fegrees below sero, the whole of Can- ada from coast to coast is in the grip sf the worst storm in the memory of the oldest inhabitant. It was reported at Canadian Pacific headquarters herd, to-day, that every transcontinental train between here and the coast was from seven hours to one day Inte. Railway officials are facing 4n unprecedented situation. The Ylirzard is stil! blowing and shows littlé sign of abatement, Great anxiety in felt for those trains lost in « the mountains. Efforts to reach Vancou ver and Victoria via San Francisco, have been found unavdiling presumabl, because the upper Pacific coast suffer od ax badly as prairie provinces of ('anada. STOPPED WOMEN SMOKERS, Four Asked to Put Out Cigarettes " im a New York Hotel. New York, Jan: 10.~When the guests left the dining-room at 'the Plaza, last night, to take their coffer in the Palm Garden and listen to the orchestra, a womun took out a gold-mounted cigarette holder and began to puff at \ cigaretfe at the table with her es Cort. Her example was quickly followed hy three other women. They were well on in enjoying their cigarette when the matter was reported to Manage: Skinner. He quickly sent a 'request to the four kindly to discontinue smoking, ae this could not te allowed in the public rooms of the hotel. The four quickly discontinued. MANY WERE KILLED In Explosion in a hx Factory. Buenos Ayres, Jan. 10. ~Many fatali- ties were seaused by an explosion in he gunpowder factory at San Martin, to-day. Twelve bodies were extricntad from the ruins of the plant soon al ter it was blown to pieces. The seaech for other dead fas continued. Gunpowder Canadian Immigration, Ottawa, Jan. 10. Immigration into Canada from all points during six months ending Sepiember last; inclugd- pd 200,265 people, as, against 120,992 for the same period of the previous fiscal vear. Homo stead entries were 10,000 more for six. months than in the corresponding six months of the previous year, © Want Change in Act, ! (Mtawn, Jan. 10.<Ap appointient has been made with the government for January 15th for an expected de- Jegation of vegetable growers from ail over the province of Ontatio: lh secure. ges in the Weight and measures ho ebm ------------ i Government of St. Johu., St. John, N.B., Jao. 10.-The city jou to-day, paised an unanimous . favoring a ernment for the city, to consist 'of build | five members, mayor and four coms MISSHONers, : Washington, Jan. TOO MUCH UPON RXTERNAL| in | Are 3 and | 1 are L So------ a > The Very latest Culled From AH in Over the World. Newioundland refuses concessions jo Americans, the first sinee The Hague decision. Liga. Col. member. of parliament and soldier, dead at Guelph. Northern Ontario hotel-keepers are fo bé rigorously . prosecuted for imfringe. ment of the laws. | Western nmnufacturers to present | their views on (he tariff to counterset Jihe farmers' deputation. Hon. Clifford Sifton stated, at Mont- renl, his objections to the irade iréa: ty with the United Stalps. : "The Dominion government has seized a large yoantity of uneut timber at Fdmanton, for payment of dues, Foromto conservatives have organ. jzed a Disraeli Club. Ex-Mayor Judd wilh he the new magistrate for London. The Grand Trank railway system has just received the last consignment of an order for 1,600 box ears, pluesd with the Western Steel, Car dnd Foun- dry company, of Chieago, in May last. Higginbotham, = former is CANADIAN PEACHES WON. ------ Experiment in Packing Decided Saccess. Toronto, "Jan. 11. ~That the ex- periment made by the department of agriculture in specially packing peaches jor thr London market was a success iw indicated by = paragraph from a voar«nd review of the London fruit market published in the London Daily Yelesrarh. ht reals as follows : "Fresh peaches from Ontario com 11 td the trio of new intredugtions. The exneriment of importing tne deli- eateé fruit fromm the Niagara district was quite a snotess, and colonial growers and- shippers have expressed themselves as, perfectly satisfied with thy manny 'nn which their produce was i ndled 41 Covent Garden. "It wo happen d that these peaches arrived at a time when the home grown wire exeeptionally searce, and ten that aceount fgvorable markets were met. Next year large quantitie are expected." Proved = MORMONS IN ENGLAND. Catted on to Exclud Them. Liverpool,. Jan. 10. | tiv iey fore of elders of the Mormon church has led the Bishop of liver "pool snd other prominent churehmer 'te maugurate a campaign 'to sale guard the Faglish home against th groselyt ng efiorts of the church which practices and teaches polygamy." Twi biz meetings have already been held at which resolutions were adopted calling the attention of ithe home see retary to the Mormon activity and re | quest ny that the government tak steps to check it. It is pointed ou that such steps have been taken i Germany. In a speech to-day Arch deacon Madden said that if the alien who killed the police are to be ex cluded from the country, the equal dangerous aliens who are sowing seed: of en' extraovdinary imposiure ough to he barred from a moral, Christiar country, Government The recent ac RELIGIOUS FREEDOM. | Restored in Nicaragua by Fdig, ol President. Naw Orjeans, Jan. 10.--Religiows reform, for ten years denied the peo ple. of Nicaragua, has been restored by an ediet issued by President sJuar Jose Estrada. A copy of the edict has just reached this city. The Mora vian schools . of German Protestant denominations along the east. coast have been parmitted to re-open. Thew | sehools were ordered closed hy Gen i Jose Santos Zelaya almost a decad. ago. on the charge that they wer disseminating ideas contrary to ths { of the government, and of a revola tiemary eharacter. Nince that thaw there has hen little or no religiow: freedom in the ecduntry. WILL ARREST THOSE MEN Whi Failed to Report as the Law - Kequires. - Ottawa, Jan. 10. Because certain ticket-of-leave men hyve not repgrte menihly according to regulations thy department of justice has found it ne oetNary to issue drastic instructions The men released from prison, whe have gona to the United States anc hnve failed to report, will be imprison "cd the moment they enter Canada. vs Utility of the Mustache, New York Mail There has been a genteel suspicior that, outside of personal adornment, the mustache had little nse in the world. Investigutions made by Dr Paul Krager, a noted Viennese phy sivian, lmve recently shown, however, how far wrong this idea has. . Ae cording to him, the fashion of shav- dng the upper lip is responsible fon. the constantly growing number of mer who suffer from headaches and disenses of the iratory organs. In his pri vate pri 'has made obkerva- tions on more than 500 cases ol seri ous headaches and diseases of the nose and throat, and out of the cases obeerved he found 420 patients who find their mustaches shaved off. Pr. Krager is cofvinced that the mys taghe is a natural protection for the against the invasion of cold wir, ot and bacteria. The very young 'man who is cultivating a mustache is consequently doing a strigtly sanitary g physician ~ disposes of the 3 Soutradiction in the Stations made to him regarding women by say- n that | v are not so often in the amd their faces znd nostrils, EI I vou were thinking of shaving off your mustache, therefore, do mot do it. The Boy on the Farm. n Farm. . . e hoy the farm may hive 'o iow NAVY PLAN { sa 2 5 WOrLn USE GRAIN ROUTES. He Thinks the Canadian Govern ment is Making a Mistake--He Thinks Cruisers Should be Built.' Nootreal, Jan. 18.-Sir Charles Hib! bert Tupper refuted 5 very interesting conversation he had with Sir Charles | Tupper during his wx dags' sojourn | in Loudon. The ex-Prime Minister | told his son that he considered that | the government and . parliament of | Canady were making 5 very great mis | take in the manner thev have chosen | to assist the mother Jand by the | eotistruction « Canadian navy. Sir | Charles Tapper declared that his pro- | ject was one that would not only de | velop the trade of Canad, in time | Oo peace, but it would alse assist the | empire to which we belong in time of war. The veteran statesman would construct the most rapid steamers of the cruiser build, and then institute' a service between Halifax and Great | Britain that would deave New York | and American ports far in the rear, | Lang then, if hostilities were to bres! | oat, these eruisers, perhaps more | rapid than any of afloat; wonli | refider signal service in keeping open our "grain route' atross the Atlantic. | _ Hibbert sifn his father js most enthusisatie in the project, and says that if he were ten years" younger Wel Soul take the stump and advocate measnre fore Me © Dominion. the Prag eo i FAST CRUISERS ON Harwood, ition of the Peterboro & Lake Simece { Navigation Company, v 1 i The company has acquired the DAILY STEAMSHIP SERVICE Is Promised Between Trenton ahd Georgian, Hay. Jan. 9.--1t is the inten: wn. the come pletion of the Trent Valley Canal, tp have 5 daily line of steamers between Trenton and Georgian Bay. The com: pany propose covering the whole wa. terway connecting Rice Lake and Lake Simcoe. Their stpamers onc Lake Nim- | (eon will make daily trips between lo | cul towns. From Reobeaygeon another steamer will run 'through td Poter- | boro' and Rice Lake. In addition to! the tourist snd passenger iraffic | which these steamers will cater to.| there is also 4 large amount of freight ! to handle, including merchandise and farm, forest and mineral products, fleet of the Qlonabee Navigation Com pany, Limited. Forget Their Lessons Quickly. OttawalCltizen, . When the recent row occurred in Lon- don a quick-iring machine gun was immediately sent for, as being more effective than o-dinary individual rifle} fire.. In the Russo-Japanese war it was | demonstrated that these Tuick-firers® were invaluable, . and the same iu South Africa, where they were used to a lesser extent. The point is that a tptick-firer gun can do as much shoot- | my as a company of infantry, while only one or two men are required to work it, eonsequently the risk of casu- silties is reduced to a minimum, while he volume of fire is as great as if a hundred men were loosing off rifles. | Yit the military authorities, asc soon | las a war is over, seem to forget these i Je ssons, amd continue to ignore the | iquick-firer except to the extent of de | | tailing an occasionul one ns an addi- | NOT ALLOWED TO LAND. Son of Prominent Liverpool Cotton Broker Sent to Ellis Island. | London, Jan. 10.--~Much astonish- neat and indignstion were expressc i iv members of the Liverpool Cotton exchange, at the fact that the Ameri 'an immigration officers had refused to allow Charles Heape, the thirteen: | year-old san of Frederick Heape, a wominent cotton "hroker and member of the exchange, to land in America } wivh his. incle, H. 0. Munro. A cable- ram from New York states that iol nite of Mr. Muara's energetic protests' the lad was sent to Ellis Island to be dealt with by the immigration board he Cunard company, by whose fine Mr. Munro amd his nephew crossed the' Atlantic, amd Mr. Wilmer, mayor of Vrkenhead, who is Mr. Heape's part der in the firm of Willmer, Stephens & leape, 'have cabled a message of pro test to the American secretary tate, a... | EXPERIMENTAL ROADS. | of! ee Provincial Engineer to Supervise the Construction. Toronto, Jan. 10.--Plans for a sys- ow, of experimental roads between ir gfhury and Niagara-on-the-Lake we being prepared by W. A. Mclean, | rovinéial good roads and highways ngineer. The work, which is being | wid for by the Niagara Fly Park | 'omission, is designed to show just ~hat results ean be secured from the ravious 'methods of road eomstruction | nown 16 the engineers of the public vorks department. Negotiations between the Park Com- nigsioners and Hon. Dr, Reamme, min- ster of, were dompleted | ecently, and the contraction of the wads will be eomménéed carly in the | pring, under fhe direction of the pros incial engineer. + A | { Bann iin GRIPPE IN NEW YORK. Epidemic Second Only to Famous One of 1889. l New York, Jan. 10.--New York city | ix having an epidemic of the grippe se- send oplv-- to that of 1559, when it, vorked such ravages over the ountry. Figures of the bhoand of walth, madé public, to-day, show the aumber of deaths from influenza, which is practically la grippe, has in- reased 400 per cent. over the number for the corresponding week of last venr, and ix due, it is stated, to they old and moist weather. The board of | health repos iffy deaths Inst wee | as against ten of a year ago | { Patient Halts Undertaker, Schenectady, N.Y, Jan. 10-~Owing to a misunderstood telephone message, | Fdward Chevalley, the proprietor of a rondhouse between. this eity and Al bany, came to his senses just in time to ask an Albany undertaker who was busy on his body what all the trouble was, i ft seems that Chevalley has suffering some time from illness, lastnight his condition heeame worse, His mother was called 'on the tele phone in Alban and told that he was | dying. Misumderstanding the message she thought her son was dead and sent an undertaker fo the house, While the man was busy with him Che valley sat up in bed and demanded an been | { and explanation, | Are Still Negotiating. % Washinzton, Jan. 10.--The recipro- i city amd fisheries envoys from ( anada ! were again engaged for some hours this afternoon with represéntatives of the United States negotiating varions| soints in dispute. All in authority re-| fuse to discuss matters. Payne, pro-} tectionist specialist, is hopeful that a reciprocity agreement will go through cn ress. : -------------- Boy Hero Rewarded, i Ottawa, Jan. 10.--Hot. Charles Murphy presented, last night, at Rus sell, Ontario, a medal of the Koyal Canadign Humans Assoviation to Masgter Thomas Barrington, for bra very im saving Norman - Carscadden from drowning last March. mrss Little Adulteration. te Fat Mew a of 31 t Revenue depurtment of 2 samples of butter shows 195 to have ben 'ne and four partly aduk ter The rest were below the gov- ernment standard. Se --------. Russia gets about throefourthe oi tspewiiters from the United Stato machioes being mn i ite twenty . American the market there. hich wil fruit picking machive which wil fruit don 'a twenty-fivefoot without Joruising rs TRoewtion.: | | structors is connected with the | donald wholal® dual head tion to the armament of an infuntry | regiment. The great usefulness of | these guns would justify the provision | of a large number of them, as they are comparatively inexpensive; nnd the adaption of special methods of tactics and trainiug should aseswreE heir kil | fnl nee on sertice, i Manual Tramping Teachers Ottawa Free [Dress Manual teaining teachers cannot be obtained in Canada, The ttawa pub- lie school board are in their need call ing on England to supply them with one. i Why can't Canada supply its instructors in manual training as all other branches of primary educa tion ? A course of preparation for in- | Mae | Guelph, But the! mén don't As teach: | of | own mn College at unfortunate feature is that want to pursue this course. ers in the more established lines education, they can earn as high salar: | | ies, and to be permitted to embark on the manual training course, they must | already have teachers' certificates. i There are two remedies open for thigg condition of affairs. One is to increase the schedule of salaries fo manual training instructors: the other! to abolish legislation requiring in: | stractors to have gone through a re gular teachers' course of preparation. Inspection Bearing Fruit. Toronto Star Burin the month of September only | twelve of Toronto's schools were un- | der medical inspection, yet 2,257 pu | pils were referred to their family phy | sictona and 2,000 ty their family | dentists. In other words, there were | over LUO cases "of bad dentiticn or | physical walitness which were such j to demand professional attention. | It used to he fashionable to use! the strap as a core for dullness and.| inattentiveness in children, Medical | inspection discloses the fact that many | of the supposedly bad-tempercd and | slothiul children are actually sick, | and that not a few of the dull ones! are. the victims of imperfect vision or fhsieal torpor resulting from ab- ormal bodily conditions, 1 medical ! attention can vemedy cnly. o percen. tage of the defects which medical | spection is disclosing, the efficiency of the schools and the happiness of the next gensrgtion will be appreciably increased nsf mn Sweeping Changes Needed. Toronto News The changes in the bank act, which parliament will make during the pres ent session, will probably stand for another ten years. Perbiaps the nine toen disappearances hy suspension amd absorption chronicled in the lust «do cade have removed all the weak banks and doit only Stible institutions. Nev- ertheless, many people believe with the News that parliament will not do its duty until it provides for frequent and drastic audits of all the femaining chartered banks by gither government or other experts independent of indivi office influence, Wr, Fiekl ing's amendment, providing for special audits at the instance of shareholders, does not go far enough towards meet- # » b Our Annual January Sale Of Whitewear Commences To-Morrow. Hundreds of dainty White Undergarments ure now ready for your choosing. All are new, fresh, well made and beautifully trimmed. There is no dearth of mate- rial and no "skimping" in size. The girments are cat full and made in the brightest, and most up-to- date factory in Canada ad under best sanitary conditions. In a word these garments are dainty needs for dainty peaple. Nightgowns, Corset Covers, Princess Slips, Chemises, -_ Drawers, White Skirts. WE INVITE YOU to come and see this dis- play of White Goods whether prepared to buy or not. 1t makes absolutely no difference _you are jast as welcome. Trousseau Needs May be selected now and placed aside until required. Many garments shawn at this display cannot be duplicated later on. rll tion mg a serious situation. As long as things look well on the surface, share | holders are proverbially lethargic and | incapable of acting contrary to the ndvite of their directors, presidents and geperal managers. - St. Thomas ond Its Railways. Stratford Beacon. Many a man has made a failure by trying to wear clothes too large for him. A, few vears ago St. Thomas thoiight it must have a street railway ind guaranteed the bonds of a com: pens to the extent of $60,000, The company defaulted in the payment of intergst after un short period, end the ptregpt railway became the property om the city. Last year it was ran at a loss of 39,000. There are people who think a street railwny essential to the prosperity of Stratford but withoot radial connxting lines it would be ren at a loss for some time. By the wav, what has become of the Strat- ford Railivay eompativ The time in which material wns to be placed on ths grouhd is rapidly passing, and we bear nothing of a start being y to me om his fans ily visiting! fist 7 he take wen ty cents for butter going to Liverpool if he ean get twenty-five for the same butter in Poflalo ? That is nob the wrt of un person the Hon, os in in i ' FP Thursday. # We start the Biggest Shoe Sale ever held in Kingston | BARGAINS for Everybody Look for Hand Bills And don't forget the date - THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE,