| REDUCTIONS IN ALL] LINES. '$65.00 Sideboards for $54.00 $7500 rior Suites for $63.00. $45 00 Hall Racks for $37.00, $3.00 Jardinlere Stands for $2 . GENUINE - Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum all re- duced in sympathy with above. Repalr and Upholstering prompt- ly done and .cheaper now than any other time. : 'Phone $0, T.F.Hairison Co.' BOBAMAASE IA MORAAMMMBGOM The Wretchedness of Constipation Can quickly be overcome by CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Yours. Regssssesasssannesuve * i Blankets i And : Comforters RRS Ap White All-Wool Blankets. irey Ali Wool Blankets. Union Blankets. Comforters. in Batting, Wool and Eiderdown filled. . All fresh new stock. I R: McFAUL. | WOOOOODOOOOGODO0000000POO0000000PCOOOOOOOOONTS JOOCOO00ORO0OO000C0CO0) » . ' Don't Neglect CAN (10 | Don't put off taking out a fire i know that pro- not oply the Shin ination in thief of time, but that it has many a man's entire of 3 Men's Fur-Lined Lined with No. 1 Muskrat, Otter or Persian Lamb Coliars. Our own make and guar- anteed. We are closing out the above lot at fess than cost, over... No obli- gation to buy, JOHN McKAY, 149-151 Brock Street.' WELCOME TO PASTOR A "SOCIAL EVENT HELD AT BETHEL CHURCH. Mershon and Family Were Given a Hearty Welcome Last Evening by the Congrega~ tion of This Act've Church. The people of the congregation of Bethel Congregational church formally extended a welcome to their pastor, Rev. A. P. Mershon, and his family, last evening. The reception was held in the Sunday school hall and in spite of the inclemency of the weather there was a large attendance. The musical part of the prografome was very appropriate and reflects great credit on those who had it in hand, and those who took part, namely, Miss Isabel Moxley, Miss Gertrude Hol- land, Herbert Treneer, and thé Bethel male quartette, Allan and Frederick Rev, A. P, | oithe waterworks comunitiee aad 'gave a full explanation of how REGAKDING THE WATER SUP- PLY FOR THE CITY. While. New Intake Pipe is Being Laid--Members Queen's Medical Faculty Met Board of Health and Water Commissioners -- Com- #migget Still Open for Suggestions. 'Yesterday - afternoon, the matthéts t board of health, and members of the medical faculty, at Queen's, held a private questions conference, in re gard to the means to be taken for the city's water supply, while theold piece of intake pipe is being replaced by a new piece. Information was given out to the press this morning, shout the conference. The following were present at the conference: From waterworks commit- tee, Alds: Carson, (chairman) Arm- strong, Henley and Ross; board of 1 : Alds. Bailey, (chairman); J. B. Mcleod, A. Strachan, Messrs, Taylor and Knapp and Mayor Gra- ham. Alsg Superintendent Hewitt of the waterworks department, John Donnelly and consulting engineer R. Carr-Harris. The medical faculty was represented by Dean J. C. Connell, Dr. W 2 Connell, and Drs. Garrett and ington. . Mayor Graham was moved to the chair, and afterwards explained the reason kor the calling of the meeting, pointing out that Ald. Carson, the chairman of the waterworks commit- tee, had received a letter from the medical faculty, asking for a confer- ence with the waterworks committee and the board of health. It was point- ed out that it was proposed to re- place the old piece of intake pipe, with new. The faculty was asked i they had any suggestions to. offer ip the carrying out of the work. Dr. Garrett who was first asked 'to speak for the faculty, said that the matter of putting in the pipe was a question for an engineer. The fact which alarmed the medical fgoulty was that while this piece of pipe was be- ing replaced, the water would be pumped from the harbor, tog' close to the wharf. ? He wanted to kpmow what means the waterworks committee would take to carry this part of the work out' Superintendent Hewitt had plans and pointed out how this piece of intake pipe was going be put down. He the be carried oT Ether- engineering work was to ont. The question was then raised as to whether the committee had a consult- ing engineer, and Ald. Carson then in- troduced Mr. Carr-Harris, Mr. Carr-Harris stated that he had gone over the work thoroughly, given it his careful attention, and endorsed the method as laid down by the com- mittee, He looked upon it as the only one which was practicable, AN. Carson pomted out "that Dr. Connell had been making tests, and had found out just how much chloride would be to put into the ree it of conta Haffner, Frodorvick Wilson and William Thompson. Refreshments were served | by the Ladies' Aid under the supervis-) jon of Mrs. I. Moxley. Greetings from the First Congregational and. Cal- vary Congregational churches were ex- tended by the pastors, Revs. LeRoy Rice and H. D. Whitmore. Brief ad- dresses were also given by Dr. Boyce, F. G. Lockett and George Mills. A distinctive feature of the evening was the tag system. Each person in the room had a tag with his or her name and street address, and these tags were worn during the whole even- ing. This was done so that the pas- tor and his family would be able to find out the names of different persons without asking them all the time. Mr. Mershon, in a vigorous but happy address, dwelt briefly on the circumstances which had led him to come to Kingston. He also dwelt up- on the splendid geographical location of the church, émphasizing the fact that it was exactly in the centre of the ¢itf. It enjoyed a location that; no other Protestant church enjoyed. | He said he wished it to be understood | that his ministry would not be re stricted to Bethel church alone, "but that it 'would give him just as great joy to add new members to any other sister church: : The affair; which closed at an early hott, was considered by those who were there to have been the most suc- cessful function of its kind ever held in the history of the church. Make Report To-morrow. License: Inspector Wright expects to finish his rounds of the hotels by to- morrow night, and have the mforma- tion fegarding 'Phe amount of business carried on by each, as requested by the license department. - The report will be sent on to Toronto as soon as it is ready. Hotel men are still won- dering why the license department is seeking this information. With the Poultry Men. ~The entries still continue to walér to f mination, As there might be some water which could not be reached, however, it would be necessary for the people to be warned, both in the press 'and with notices sent around to the houses, ask- ing them not to use water of any kind, which had not been boiled. Dr. Etherington and Dean Connejl also spoke along similar lines, recom- mending the careful precaution re- garding the boiling of the water. No suggestions were given by the medical faculty, as to a better method for the carrying out of. the work, oth- er than that decided' ¥pon by the wa- terworks committee. i The members of the board of health and the waterworks commitiee gave the faculty to understand that they were ready and willing to take up any new plan, and if a better one was of- fered they would be very thankful. Dr. Garrett pointed out that he was very glad that this meeting had tak- en place. It has been shown that the committee was doing all it was possi- ble to do, te' get the pipe in such a condition as would supply the city. The question was raised at the con- ference, as to why the auxiliary pipe, ' if placed at the edge of the wharf, could not be placed: further out. tha found if the pipe was placed 1,300 feet out, the water would be just as much contaminated. The meeting closed, with the matter having thoroughly gone over and discussed, but with no new plan to be set om foot. Ald. Carson pointed out how he had been ably assisted in all his undertak- ings as the chairman of the water- works committee, by Dr. Wilk and Dr. W. T. Connell, and he wished to thank these gentlemen for. the as- sistance they had given him. Installed A.0.U.W. Officers. Kingston Lodge, No. 357 A.0.UW. officers were installed by Bao, B ol- The Frontenac executive held o short session to-day whem it was de cided that in order to give che man- i agers of City League teams an op {portunity to look for other players, the rule 'which was recently passed. requesting "the Frontegacs not to play with City Leogue games, would be suspended during this present week, hut. will be oughly enforced after that period. This was done in order to show that the exeeutive must pot act in an arbitrary spirit, but itis felt that if Frontenaes are going to {play O.H.A. games and endeavor to | win a championship the players must sabmit to the training and club regu- iations 10 accomplish this desired end, Consequently "after this week Fria ténac players must play 0. H. A. games only and get in shapesfor the hig struggles that are bound to fol low rapidly. Belleville will be here on Wednesday next, and the boys will have to go some to hold them down. Having defeated Pioton, the Quinte Bay boys are feeling confident of trimming Frontenaés here. A practice bas been arranged for after to-mor- row -pight's 'Varsity-Queen's game, and every Frontenac player must be on hand. Hockey Referees. "Mel" Lemmon will referee the game this afternoon at the Palace rink, harry McCartney will referee the senior game to-night and "Ned" Hartrick will rule the junior one. Likely Not Anxious Nothing. has been heard from either Watertown or Cape Vincent, N.Y., re- garding the proposed basketball games with Moore's garage of this city, The boys think that ad*Yhere has been nothing heard so tar that neith- er team is very anxious for a came. Will Have to Redise Schedule. There will have to he something done shortly in the City League schedule with regard to the dropping out of the Wellingtons. The = schedule will either have to be drawn up again unless some other team can be found | to fill its place. This will be hard to do on account of the fact that it isa senior team which has dropped out. {If it bad been a junior team there would. have been very little trouble in getting gnother to step in. en the Curlers. As a result of the soft weather, only one game was played in the local ser- ies, at the curling rink, on Wednesday. This game was played in the after- noon, when Skip Goodwin defeated Skip Sills, by a good score. All the gates in the evening had to be call- ed off. | Today, at noon, two teams - left 'for Brockville, to play in the Central Ontario League series. The following wen ry . t -- El - Ye Morris, W. R. Givens, J. M, Fili- ott, R. J. Hooper, i : A. Beecroft, R. J. MeKelvey, Prof. Gill, Prof. 1. There were been aird, skip. to . have some matches in the series for the ladies at | the rink, this morning, but owing to the poor.ice,. they had to he post. poned, Re Vote on Church Union. The secretary of the Kingston pres bytery, as it is reported, states that the presbytery has a right to take a | vote on the question of church union, at the meeting' called for January 19th. tery, speaking to the Whig, to-day, gave it as his opinion, that the secre tary was wrong on this point. He stated that the matter could be dis- cussed, but 'held that the presbytery had no legal right to take a vote It had been decided to take up the unestion at the March meeting, and, therefore, it would mot be in order to bring the matter on at the January session and take a vote. To Transfer License. There will he a meeting of the license ! commissioners, to-night, for the pur- Grimason hotel, Princess street; now conducted by the Marshall estate, to ville. "Psychine."" Sold at Gibson's. Nelson street, took place, this {noon to Cataraqui cemetery. been confined to his home all week on account of a severe cold. "Psychine." Sold at Gibson's. "Kingston's Famous Fur Store." L ------------ College THE FINEST BOOK STORE IN EASTERN ONTARIO. 260 PRINCESS STREET OPEN NI The By kate Langley Bosher. comet Is a Here is whimsi- Rare as a new book of the heart. such a book--simple, cal, quaint,. impulsive, true-- this wonderful Mary Cary. "She never walks when she can skip or dance," says. the author about this little 'orphan. ~ A story for everyone, a story even to meet that severest test-- reading aloud. Price, $1.90 600D REPORTS ANNUAL . MEETING COOKE'S.CHURCH. AT OF Various Branches Church Work Had Good Year--Debt on Organ Has Almost Been Wiped Out--Pre- sentation to Joseph Kimpson, the Sexton, On Wedneslay evening, the annual meeting of the congregation of Cooke's church, was held and the re ports showed , most successful year. There has been advancement in the various organizations of the church, and the reports were of 4 most en couraging mature. Rev, Mr. Mac Tavish, the pastor, presifled at the meeting, and after the devotional ex ercises, the reports were received. These reports came from the ses sion, the hoard of managers, the Ladies' Aid, Sunday school, W.F.M. S., the choir, Victoria Guild, Preshy- terian Guild, Olive Branch . Mission Rand. The session report showed twenty. four new members, with twelve drop ped off the list, owing to removal, or death of the members. The managers reported 4 small balance, and in ad dition the sum of $50 paid in advance, for this year's coal. : A very encouraging report was that the contributions to miss i » ee MUNSEY Publications These have been delayed for some time, but are now on sale Munsey. Argosy. All Story. Cavalier, Scrap Book. R. R. Mans. for ordinary coughs which are usu- ally only a local irritation of iafla- mation in the throat. The ordinary cough balsams cure that kind of a cough: Asthmatic and Bronchial Coughs require a systematic. medi cine such as Cripps 2 : I ure It has cured hundreds of bad cases of such coughs, particularly ; that deep wheezy kind which so Bien hangs on for weeks after tie cold is gone For all bronchial trouble nothing équals this remedy H0¢ THE REXALL STORE. Princess and Bagot. Book + 6 Ordinary @ough mixtures are good | Mahood' s Drug Store Store Phone 919 GHTS 30 Per Cent, Reduction on all Pennants and Pillows Queen's. - Roval Military College KR. C. 1} K.G H Kingston Pennants. This week only Sie of High (Class Brass Coeds idg January we are offer ing a special discount of TWEN- TY PER CENT. OFF any arti- cle of The ference] Brass in our store, stock comprises KETTLER, FERN POTS, 'CANDLESTICKS, DESK SETTS, VASES, RAYS, PHOTO FRAMES, SOAP BOXES, FIC, and all are First Quality, SMITH BROS. : 9 ® Jewellers. Opticians. : 850 KING STREET. ¥ Issuers of Marriage Licenses. ¢ ee ---- Abus had in- creased, and that the Sunday school had enjoyed a most prosperdus vear. | The mémbers of the Ladies' Aid also had a good 'year. The ladies under took thé payment of the organ, and have now just a balance of S150. It is _efpected that this sum will soon be wiped off. During the year, the sum of $1,000 was raised for all purposes. After the business part of the meeting was con: cluded, there was 4, most pleasant af- fair, when the members honored faithful servant, in the person of Joseph Kimpson, who forthe past thirty-seven years, has been sexton of the church. D. A. Shaw read an ad dress, and James MeOnlla presented an A local member of the preshy- | pose of transferring the license of the ' tor) : ey other 1 stated | Messrs. Patrick Driscoll and John Mul- {a Canadian clib was c ntemplated test had been made and it had | The fuberal of the late Mre. Follest,' sentative. after- | ed, officers > and William Harrigan, Rideau street, has ' were to have in Kingston some of the i - mittee i "| Mr. Kimpson with a fine rocking chair. The members wish Mr. Kimpson many more years of good health and hap- piness. [He returned thanks to the ' members of the congregation for their , kind gift. > After this little part of the pro gramme had been finished, Dr. Mac Tavish was asked to vecate the chair, when by a standing vote, a very | hearty vote of thanks was tendered to Mr, MacTavish, for his able work during the year and votes ob thanks | were also passed to the members of | the varius orgadizations engaged in | carrying on the work of the church | LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. | - {= the Canadian Club to be Allowed ! 40 Die? i Kingston, Jan. 12.--(To the Fdi Nearly a year ago many of the best eitizens of Kingston were de- lighted to hear that the formation of jand a meeting was called at the board {of trade rooms for this purpese, The { attendance was both large and repre A constitution was adopt executive committee were elected and it looked as if we rich, intellectual and -educgtive treats that were enjoyed by the Canadian clubs in other cities. Now, who is to blame that up to the present time the club ngs been practically dead * We have plenty of good material in our own city, men who ean give in teresting and instructive talks on li terary, commerdial or scientific sub jects, besides the opportunities which often occur of securing men of note who are passing through our city or our country. Have we made any mis We Are Taking Inventory. And are offering spe- cial prices on many lines to clear. For instance : All Our Wool Blankets, white or grey, ave going at 20 per cent, off. All our Heavy Dress Suitings are being clos- ed vat at cut prices. All Sweater Coats, ladies', gents' and child- ren's, to clear at cut prices. The balance of our Ladies' Cloth Coats selling at half price. (A Beauty for $5.) Many other lines at big reductions in order to clear out this mont}, Call and see snaps. Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. take in the selection of our officers and executive? Has the president too many other demands on his time and interest ? ls our executive com- too large and cumbersome ? Can the secretary mot spare time from his many profesional duties * If this is the case, let us start again, with those in office who will put en ergy and enthusiasm into the club ox else let us dishand bef fore we die an unnatural death. I am asking infor | mation onthe above points. Perk isome who are in closer touch with oe Sterling Silver Thermometer 4 : Cases. Hivoderaile Syringes. C Noodles of Surgical Pocket Medicine Cases. Pocket Surgical Cases Instrument Satchels. Buggy Capes. y Nurses' Chatelains, Scissors Forceps, . Probes, Medicine Cases, ete. Everything required by the Doctor or Nurse in the sick ibe esas tli FUR Sale At GOURDIER'S A Few Properties SELECTED FROM OUR BIG LIST, $2,100, {Kigert "Street," near grounds. .'% rooms, bh & barn $2,400, 108 Queen Street; 8 rooms, b & ¢. end furnace $2,560, Alfred Street; ® rooms, b. & c. and stable $2,500, Nelson Street, brick dwell. ing, size of lot 132 x 132. $2,856, Earl Street; & rooms, b & and light §3.600, Johnson St; {8 rooms, b & ¢.; t water heating; electric light $3, Clergy Bt near William; 8 rooms, furnace and gas $4,000, Clergy Street; 123 rooms; hot water heating and 'gas 1 $4,700, Johnson double, {| furnace, electric Hght, b. & ¢ ° Rent Rents fair « | electric 200 Street, i Houses to and Col- i lected Mullin ! | Gorn Johnson and Division Streets, Phone 339. | NE TAT) \AUNDZ ONLY, BRA ETLLLATLRRCVLTTRBBLS a ; Can Do High-Class Work = No contradiction can wash out that fact, It is as clear as the water we use, as in- effable as the snoopy ~ whiteness we impart to Vinens, and as unyielding ax the starch in our cols "ars and cufis We Do High-Class io Wor, KINGSTON LAUNDRY Cor. Princess apd Sydenham Stredts. MERLE ARR L LATTER VLVLL TAOS BRL VLEVVLVLVET RBBB Thone 22. reese