Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Jan 1911, p. 4

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' .. WR S009 i Trunks : and Hand 3 Baggage DN ¥. JANUARY 12, tout. 5 ete BE EEE PAGE FOUR. THE DAILY BAFTISH WHIG, THURSDA T ghstrd un phrasing of certain f HE WHIG, 78th YEAR of the proposed treaty so that T0 : } . COUGHED ALL NIGHT gt sovie REBUILD CHURCH | pr. sO! : [TER endear TO REBUILD CHURCH pr. SOPER- i11 This at L Cit o'el : States would be attained indirectly. 'onpega METHODIST a: ig TR Ho ph pe Sr ining Sad | In other words he plained a doofllc; TO BE REARED Fy - DR. WHITE A prominent medical man, who suf ted tates, 28 Teak haa SAMY, The United." States abandonad / x - rR he. Tae Sen: Derma kom Aweie] 08 "43 the idea of fortifying the canal, but case' Will % . on " br od the right, and had it con- Ready Next De Ber--Moeting all night, and weakened by loss of and of ey per oar Print. claim "Qffices in > »t pth sas " 4 : ng ities ne FL of maintaining such military of. the Township Council. sleep, finally discovered. a 8 Je formula which will cure any cough in a Ii long the can might be To Bt Wiig Peblibng Ca, Ld, 7= sions the consl me might In| pre jun 1.The toustons of he : -- [necessaty* to protect ituagain A%": Yethodist church, met to-day and con lessniess and disorder. fve hours by the clock, It i# a laxa- ® Sonic cough syrup which can a [ode at home b apvons and Hie rina is here given for e benefit : Subsequently Juded to proceed at once toward the Cham. the treaty, -so° worded, passed the erection of another im its stead, to B senate of the United States and was 05%, when finished, about fifteen thou- "accepted by the British foreign offices. , sand dollars. The congregation, in the |The assumption is that Great Britain, af those who pass sleepless nights ia fnful paroxysms. Hose who have « Aried it aay it is magical, and beats > fny high-priced, slow-acting cough meantime, has been foftunate in se: f : ev : the use of the Salvation Army was duped into signing or agreeing hall, {it not being used by the army), to something to which it had object- for their services until such time as jed, and that American diplomacy or | their new church is ready; about next deception trivmphed. Mr. Hay is Christmas. : pars- # - uit S Ca we oH ses | Dibby's HSE IIE IS vi HAAN be $15,000--Will be TORONTO Bulte 13 and M.S Baile Wing. OFFER OF CHEAP POWER. on. : City ative. Specialists in diseases of kia, 7 Blood, Nerves, Bladder sud Special Ail. ments of men ne visit advisable ; if impossible, send history for free opinion and ad- vice 'Question blank and. hook on of men free. Consultation free. furnished in tablet form. Hours : 10 am. to 1 pm, snd 2 to 6, pm. Sundays, 10 am. to 1 pw : medicine ever sold. - i Mix in a bottle one-half ounce fiuld wild cherry bark, ofie ounce compound edsence cardiol a three ounces ¥rup white pine cOfhpound. Take wenty drops every half hour for four ours. Then take one-half to one tea- &] nfl three or four times a day, ive children less according to "age. his will tone up and rid the system of The y of | I severe snow storms ate have Berp-seatod coughs every time. Deseronto has made a contract with dead, and his "confidential" note, the Sevmour company dor power, and twill illuminate its streets electrically, { and perform such public service as it can with the use of electric energy. Napaneo is about to close a contract { with the same company, and for all | the power it requires. The town bay | a plant of its own, one it 'purchased | | sisme vears ago, at a considerable cost,' 'when its dealings with & private com- pany were not deemed' satisfagtory. This plant, says rumour, will be pur chased by the Seymour company, 50 'that it will not become a burden up-| on the town. Jt will be for King.' ston to decide whether it can make an arrangement with" this same com- pany, not to take any particular quantity of power, or fot to put the vivia plant out of commission, but to let it sell. power at $25 per year, : (fwenty four hours' servic), to Phone 66. wholesale users, and for a definite time. The idea is not to interfere in any way with the. city or its plans or con sumers, but 10. inoue. all the cost . of. connecting Kingston with its trans ¥ JANUARY SALE mission lines! ~ and giving tho 25 Per Cent. Discount.on Men's he pid and Boys' Overcoats and all kinds of ig us of power the opportunity Suits. Large Stock of Gent's. Fur: ° We i at present. It is nishings, Mitts, Gloves, Caps, Boots, proposition that will.stand considera Shoes and Rubbers at Reduced tion, and now, as it will take a year prices. . to build the lines and cork should be ogun upon them as soon as possible, » -------------------------- ISAAC ZACKS i ATTACK ON IDLE RIEH. 271 PRINCESS STREET. The Literary Digeit copies from the conservative press of England the eri: ticism they offered 'upon Lioypd<George. | Un one occakion ho referred to 'the millions of American dollars that had been" contributed 'as marrifige portions und which went to the support of cer- tain houses of the nobility - that were tottering, before these alliances; to the fall. The directness of the chan- collor's assault should have put it be vond question to whom Wo referred, | and vet the response 'comes' frém some who were : not embraced in bis cata: gory of the idle rich. Cut into nice LUMBER at our Saw Mill. . Take advantage of winter and haul them while it remains good. 5. ANGLIN & GO. Cor Wellington and Bay Streets - the in i i | 'man's way of looking at things. the jncome or personality, adds $59,704, cannot be found or located. He has 8 made no special report on the pow published, does not reveal = the state, of his mind, but Lansdowne's] lives, and the British Foreign Office] may some of these days turn up a version that will make "pi" of "the Foraker story. : EDITORIAL NOTES. Burglars in New York, after strip- ping a house of its valuables, polite ly bowed their way out. The wo- men declared that they never saw bad men act so chivalrously. The suffragettes of New York are becoming as noisy and as big a nuis- ance a¢ in England. How any move ment. can be promoted by disorder no one can imagine. But it's the wo- New York city's new assessment, on BGS to the city's endowment capa-, city. With this luck we can see, Tammany Hall, with a Tammany ad- ministration, rising Phoenix-like, from its ashes within a very short time. According to Peary the North Pole sub- ject to the navy department and, when he bad finished his explanation, one of the committee on naval affairs remarked that dhe Pole was as much lost as ever. : Wallace Nesbit advocates o dominion frdnchise for dominion elections. The present election law is foo liberal. Per- hape it is, The idea was to give every intelligent -man a vote whem be became -old. enough to cast it. Man- hohd sufirage would be ali right if thete were less crookedness in the political world. { One of Cornell's professors, Mr. Wilcox, = sees the day coming when America's census will show an awful shrinkage through race suicide. Yes? Well the Poles, the Hungarigns, Douk- Lo rather "rattled" the mail contractor, but he manages to get around occa- sionally, but we can stand it as we are used to waiting. We do get weary | waiting, at least two nights in week, though--they are Whig nights. A succesiful revival service is still being carried on by, the Free Metho- dist people in their cosy litte church, conducted. by Rev. R. Babcock. At the annual meeting of Odessa public library, William Dougherty was elected president for the year. At the first meeting of the township council the Napanee Boaveg was given the printing for the ensuing year. The following appoittments were made: 8. 'W. Clark, assessor; jJobn H. Gar- diner and R. Bennett, auditors; Dr. Mabee, on health board; George Fer n, overseer "township property. ions were fixed for the last Mon day in each month. the! DRS. SOPER & WHITE =» 'Toronto Stregt, Toronte, Ont. SNOW! SNOW! The sonw is coming and in a few days we will have sleighing You will want your sleighs repaired or painted and have them ready to use when needed. SLEIGHS, SLEIGHS. We have an assortment of Bob Sieighs, 2 and 2 kneed, all ready, with box or not: also Singis Bleighs: also a few Second-hand Bob Sleighs and Cut- *térs which we wil sell off cheap - NEW WORK. Special designs of Milk. Bread Crocer, Butcher 8leighs bullt to order on short notice Our workmen and facilities for do- Ing good work are of the best. Phone 152. w JAMES LATURNEY 300-3902 PRINCESS ST, KINGSTON. Hartman has sold his pro- perty and moved to the Roblin | property at Napanee. He sold the Dr. | Meacham place to Hartman Snider, of | merman farm to Chester Spider, of Odessa. LONDON PRESS OPINIONS, On. Reciprocity Between Canada and United States, Lowlon, Jan. 12.~The london press continues toogliscuss the prospects for a revival of the arbitration treaty be twean Great Dritain and the LU. S. The Daily Chronicle thinks that pres- sout conditions are more favorable Lthan in 1897. President Taft, it says, stands well with the senate, aud is acting prudently by bringing the sen- ate into an informal conference. The Chronicle adds that there could be no uvbler celebration of the hundred vears' peace between Great Britain and the U.S. than the conclusion oft such a treaty which would set the world 4 waining exumple., The Morning Post considers the idea attractive, hut discusses the ' prospect of the United States entauglmg Can- ada in a commercial treaty, 1 says that the greatest obstacle to American aims in Canada is the policy of imperial reciprocity, nut once Canada became thus, entangled 'it ight be easy for American diplomacy which never has been exactly serupul- ous, tp argue afterwards that Canady const not wake an arr ent of mu: third coneession, and the A. E. Tim< It is 'of no consequence , what Lloyd: obors, and 'other races, will see that George's early life may havg been, He the babies do not disappear irom the does not disguise the fact that he rose land. * This infant industry nust bo ssessesencsncssnceee re NOW Is the time to come and bay our foods For two good reasons he rush is over and money is scarce. . We offer 20 per cent. off all purchases over ten dollars. A big line of Heaters and ranges yet to clear out, Qur stock of beautiful O1d- fashioned Furniture is the in the Saumry, and as we have too much on hand will sell very eheap. All kinds of Household Goods Bric-a-Brac bought and from the peopls, that he knows what it is to be poor. What his origin is' does not affect the sitoation. "Nor does it disprove the merits of - the 'man, and minimize the ability with whith he has risen to the highest post of responsibility under, the premier and that he may bo the next premier of England. Disraeli was ove of the and dispised race wheu he entered the Bri- L. LESSES, tish parliament, but be lived down all 'wr Princess and (eibew Seg prejudices 'and demanded the recogni: | 000000000000000000000 (;,, | the nation by the forcefulness of | is chai . Lioyd-G pis aoth- ING'S CAFE Dra wt fn soma vert bei ING'S Lunch Counter »n more brilliant man. : All honour to the members of the "ING'S Private Dining Rooms nobility who are not idle though they are rich, who busy themselves in every way they can, who are a power ING (James) Prop. ING NT. Nos 338-342 INGSTON. in the civil and national life, whe are Now 000000008000 00000000 000000 RGOOROIOGOIOS® The chancellor of the exthequor, that dive to Any one, and he need mot care "We don't please you, please tell ug no degen; rofieet public opinion. The? x some wits, owe of the: Vanderbilts, but ! while_ago foyaity itso was mvited to peace. : : | A nsw phase has been given to the, a | foxtity it for defénce purposes. 1€ hae giving of their ewbstance and them- most esustic 'individual, ig not offen- | Catering Contracts Tahgn, bout the stabs of the Duke of Marl nt t st 0 0 arl- Telephone No. 1138. a "duke got $10,000,000 with his hand- pow ronuch he deserved it may be im- "bring 'about a restorgtion of domestic A ----------"--r | disevesion upon the Panama cuval r Eo ) been = 1 here because we § selves in beball of every worthy cause. If wo please you, tell others. ¢: borough for they by no means, and in 'dgined * when, according to rumour, a ola - STORY WITH A' MORAL. | und the right of the United States to it pays us to be up-te- § preserved, Quebec is taking an advance stand on education. The government will pay a special grant to the school in which the boys are managed taught by males. ~ A sensible proposi=| tion and oue that will bear repetition in Ontario, Women cannot satisins torily teach the boys: That has been pretty well demonstrated. A GIRL LEARNS TOO LATE That Bask: or Hartford, Conn. two weers' patient waiting following his fiancee's discouraging attitude an East Hartford youth summoned sui- ficient - courage to call on Miss Eliza beth Carroll. He demanded an ex- planaticn of why his $100 diamond ring given as a Christmas present, was not 'acceptable. He also asked "What ~ is all the.row shout any- way *' He learned why quickly. "Did he think," he was asked "that he could send a miserable lit tle basket of cundy to his promised wife for 'a Christmas gift and get away with it in reply the youth auswered bon estly and truly . "Why, UDessie, of course 1 wouldn't insult you with a mere basket of candy. Of course you found the dia- i ring | hid in the bottom eof the basket, rolled up in gold foil." The girl had to acknowledge thit she had buried the basket of candy in the fire in thé furnace, and all the searchi of ash receptacles and te dious i of last week's furnace ashes failed to reveal sight of the Wifious gem ot ils, weling, At was search that annovnced after the Kingston. 0 clam. J3.<Thay Japon; and some no geans of 8 grade, fond 1a way to Kingstoo is shown in the bloe Tf aniatiun wth pine of the schemos tusl preferer. with Great Britain ~onsistently with her American com- mitments, "Then," continues the pa- per, "'the dispute would go for arbi 'tration to an umpire representing oth- or n intervets, not sympathetic to the British aim." . The Ppst says that it is an speakable pity that Me, Balfour de layed tariff reform and imperial pre ference, and argues that an abritra- tion treaty might have the effect of still further delaying these matters. Daily Papers in West. Winnipeg, Jan. 12.--The way west- ern daily newspapers thrive is one ol the marvels of the west. Small cities which could barely support a couple 'of little dailies in the east have of ten three Sourishing daily papers. They get the news, too, and pay big sums for it. The latest addition to the newspapers of the west is The Province, un conservative morning daily in Regina, The Leader, the liberal paper, has retaliated by starting an evening edition as well. Regina, with a 'population of barely fifteen Shou- sand, has two morning papers and two evening papers. Lethbridge has a new Conservative daily, the News. un- has excellent possibilities, but noth- ng . yet, fire in Winnipeg forced. people from a house, with the thermometer | thirty-five degrees below zero. INDIGESTION WILL VANISH." | ---- : Dyspepsia, Gas, Sourness and Other, Stomach Misery Go in Five Min- Take your sour, out-of-order stom- achi--or maybe you cell it iodiges- tion, d sia, tritis or catarrh of » 3 it Sasear't matter--take stomach trouble right with you i ask him to J 2 i ; i 2 i : 3 » hi es E i i ih Experts say that the Keeley mine 'utes 1 { ' Eis Sticky, Sweating Palms after taking *salts cathartic waters--did you ever notice that weary all gone feeling--the" palms of your hands -sweat--~and-rotten- taste in your mouth--Cathartics only move by swealing your bowels --Do a lot of hurt--Try CASCA- RET and see how much easier the | job is done----how much better you | feel. - 908 ; CASCARETS 10c. a 'bo week's treatment, 'all dru Biggest seller in the world fon boxes a month. or ts. ll Sowards Keep Coal Coal Keeps Sowards. HAVE YOU TRIE HIM? 'Phone 155. POPPOOPONIIOPOOIOPOOOIN NO REASON FOR DOUBT. AMM A Statement of Facts Backed by a strong Guarantee. We guarantee complete relief to all sufferers from constipation. In every cage where we fail we will supply the "medicine free. | Rexall Orderlies ! five, dependable and safe bowel regu Jater, strengthener and tome They re-establish nature's fumetions in quiet, way. They do not eause any inconvenience, griping or nausea { They are pleasant to take amd work so easily that they may be tak en by anyone at any time. They thor oughly tone up the whole system to healthy activity Rexall Orderlies "and ideal for the folks and dilicate persons too highly recommend them to all sai feress from any form of constipation and its attendant evils. Two sizes, Ihe. and 25¢. Remember, vou can ob tain Rexall Remedies in this commur ty only at our store,--The Rexall Store. G. W. Mahood. are a gentle, effec a ensy 50 are unsurpassable use of children, old We cannot OOOOCCOOO0UDY ® 1! @ee Al January sw OC AC OO! * 8) O00) o» 10) S (s ® Discount Off all | | | January i < - Specials TROUSERS, 2.00. Just the thing' for the working man Fabrics are neat p-tterned worsteds. Good welghts All sizess 31 to 46 BOYS OVERCOATS, : $4.90, Overcoats for Boys, 8 to 16 years. Coats that are worth $6.50 and $7.50 for $4.90 We are not going to carry these goods over season if low prices will" clear them out. -------------------------------------------------- MEN'S WOOL GLOVES, \ 5c. Xhout 25 doz. Men's Pure Wool Fancy Knit Gloves, plain whites, regular 50c qualities JANUARY PRICE, 25¢. ------ p-- BOYS SULTS, The. Bloomer Style, $3.50, are showing of Boys' Flodmer pants, some plain, in fine Canadian tweeds. We think this range will beat anything ever offer ed at the price a fine Two-piece We range Suits, MEN'S WOOL UNDERWEAR, S50c¢. Men's heavy ribbed Underwear Shirts and ers, all sizes, 34 to 44 £1.00 Qualities for 50c, Wool Draw- Our Overcoat Sale IS 33 1-3 to 59 per « Discounis of offered at this Sale AA AAAI The H.D. The Big Store 20000000 00¢ 009000004000 000000000000000000 Sunkist until next ge SUITS, $10.00. One and Worsted Suits. terns New styles season's make single breasted groatest $10 sult ever ed. hemdred Men's Weg i Neat -- All this CBOYS' OVERCOATS, > R2.90, T yeni some J¢ Fog, Boys 2 1-2 years, "10 will surprise when. ¥ou see the nably. Hill coats we offer at this price Plain Blue, Red, Grey, and Green Military style collar A snap for you 82.90. ~ STOCKINGS, 5c. BOYS This line {8 a dandy riibed wool Easily 1-2¢ per pair BIBBY'S SPECIAL, 25 Heavy wort! Pe 37 CLEP PPOOVVLPVP HOOPLE OO0 2U00000000000000000000 2000000060004 LADIES' CASHMER} HOSIERY, 20¢, plain full fashio Regular 30¢ A fine Stocking, sizes values BIBBY'S FOR 25¢. Cashmere i d, i all and 40¢ 1 ON ent Every Coat in the A Bibby Co With Little Prices. : Oranges 208 25¢, 80¢, 40c per dozen, . Sunkist Orange Spoons Des A AN A.J. REES, 166 Prices St. ert Spoons ard Fruit Knives, Save Your Wrappers a Nn Phone 58 "COAL. J) ry { WM. DRURY, 285 WELLINGTON STREET. | 'Phone 443, | H PARKS &SON 1 Day 'Pnone 239. i _ Florists | Ri. "Phone 23s. | gt Fi » and Plants' nae naa oddin ong Funeral De- | sans a specialty hipped to all pater. | 126 King Street. a } PICTURE FRAMING. We make a speciaity of fine gold work. A large range of' exclusive designs, most ar tistic and beautiful PD. A. WEESE & On Eine Photos. Vall Paper; ------------ op in bar aap tn" Will be complete with some of GRIMM'S Delicious : lee Cream | 797... % . - x > . THOMAS COPLEY, Puong 987, Drop a card to 19 Pine Stree! when wanting anything done in the Carper ter lige. Estimates given on all kinds of repairs and ne work Hardwood Floors of all kinds orders will receive prompt ail FOR. Health Drink' MeCarthey's Ale "and Porter. It's the best. Agent, R. J. LAWLER @ BIBBY'S CAR STAND Phone 2v1 DAY OR NIGHT THE AMERICAN CAFE 183 Wellington St. The Up-to-date Reéntanrant . and Eating Bouse. Separate appartments. Well furnished and lighted, Try our full course dinner, 25. THOS GUY Prop.

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