The best little more than the poor grades. You get the best that price when you use Seal Brand Coffee Packed in 1 and 2 pound cans ogply. Coffee costs but 124 -- -- Remick's Music F Folios and oot Sov NY y body is singing it WINTER This souy is a genuine nov city different from 2!i others Has a lively iingling _ welody and i wild over "WINTER™, near! For Sale Wherever Pop ular Music is Sold. Get a Girl 16 Love You Hovey Heart Pretty Molly Neath the Weeping Wil ww Emmalina See Gpen Your Eves I'm Just Pinia' for You Vale of Dreams, A beau tial gem ssi buitud by shi wi of our, famous wrden of Roses." We've Kept the Uel'en Rule. Companion song te "0d Grey Bonnet." SADE COM POST, On Mobilg Bay Sugar Moon O Ohio I Met My Love Among the Roses by the The Remick Favorite Collection of 01d Home sk words and mesic of 121 favorite ol nations) airs of all couptties, Fustpaid ners very piano student is book~ 1% pages. ful theet Mall orders foilos prometly filled at Send orders to Detroit Office, 30-30 New York x 3 A folio contain- ballads and Popul Plane Pleces from the compositions of standard and JEROME H. REMICK & CO. The Alamo Rag Love Dreams Sweet Red Roses I'll Meet You When the Goes and teacher Sun music stated If your dealer cannot supply yeu, St. Ble catalogues FREE on tequset, ro t We have several lines to we are closing out at reduced prices before Stoc k taking. James Reid, MANY J0v0Us HOY Ss HOMES In Camden Over Passing of Local Option--Nates From Yarker. Yorker, Jan. 11.<Visitors: Mrs. Thomas Shepherd, of Burlimgton, Ont. and Miss Edna Bryant, of Kingston, at A] Hollma's; Mrs. A. Dawson and Miss Rosen Shultee, of Kingston, at 8. laboock™s; Mes, H, McCarthy is on the mek list. The grippe has again wade its appearance here, and quite a number down with it. Mrs. J. Fry, of Norwood, who came down ia attend the funeral of her brother, Wil Ham Ashley, has left for her home. "ie closing of the doors of 'the Far- bank has eaused mourning in this section. With their savings gone, it was a hard blow to many. Miss Hattie Irish has goons to Watertown, NY. Mrs. J. V. Barn, who fell down stairs aml broke her arg, will soon be around again. The sheds st the back of the terrace went down under the woigit of snow on the roof. At the aonual school meeting, James Warner was reelected trustee for the euswing three years. A suly WAY 18 HOw necessary at the railway "erasing for children going to school A, W. Benjamin and B. 8. O'Loughlin were appointed a commitiee to joter- view the CNR. There were many joy ous homes in Camden, when it was loarned that local option had carried. Following are the officers of the AO, Ww, Harley Deare, MW: W, E. Woodhouse, foreman: W. H. Wood oversese: Do Oldham, recorder; are mers hone, - reduce that The Leading Undertaker. Phone 14 Beare; treas . Connol Mid Winter, financier; G. urer; F. Uatvison, guide; J ly LW; A. thar, OW: A, dleton, repros tive. =, -- QUEBEC HOUSE OPEN. Increased Appropriations for Edu- cation Are Foreshadowed, 11.-<With the usual session of the provin cial legislature was opened yesterday afternoofi, Escorted by a military wunrd the administrator of the pro- vince arrived at the parliament build a salute being fired from the citadel. The speech from the throne Was not an exceptionally long one. It referred to the success of the late Eucharistic Congress in Montreal, in. terprovincial conference, Royal ecom- missicn on tuberculosis, and other matters. Increased appropriations. for educaticn and other matters in eon nection with improvements in the salaries and pensions for teachers are foreshadowed. Quebec, Jan ceremonies the nis, Accepts Call to Calgary. Calgary, Jan. 11.<«Rev, Sanford F Marshall, of Hamilton, Ont., has ac cepted the call to the pastorate of Central Methodist chweh here. Mi Marshall will arrive in Calgary with in the nest month and will take wp his duties shortly afterwards The M ender, JLocontinuance of those feelin vacancy has heen caused by Rev, GG, W. Kirby accépting the presidency of ' Mount Royal College here. Treat Yourself ~ To The Best Among flaked cereal foods=~ | Post jlSastics Wd ermine NH Sees fe iemprrng Serve with THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, . THURSDAY, JANU ARY COURTEOUS BUT CURT TREATMENT GIVEN BRITISHERS IN AFRICA. General Hertzog Dismisses Them by Telephone--Vigorous Protest Made--True State of Affairs. The Duke of CUonnaught's return irom South Afric has again been the signal for joyous congratulations on "the welding. together' of the Poer ued Briton policied in South A Africa and the great success of the daring Aan which gave the defeated Boers the ruits of victory, It is as well, therefore that the Bri ish public should be kept fully in- "ormed of the true state of affairs in- tead of being misled by highly colored éports designated to hide the fact that the Boer has again become the naster in South Africa, General Botha's loyaity to the Union s undoubted, All sides admit that yt for his firmnéss and tact the two races could not have been hrought to work in harmony, But General Botha will have to rid himself of one or twg langerous colleagues in his minist: d he desires to wscape the charge of avoring Boers agninst Britons. Géneral Hertzog who is declared to w "an evil genius" by the Transvaal is minister of justice in the new government. The Leader =ays of wm: "It is becoming plainly evident that - Jeneral Hertzog's continuance in min- incompatible with ge of re spect and cordiality hetwees different swotions of the people without which wither the political suecess of the Union not its commercial prosperity 5, in the long run, possible. General Hertzog cam to the executive capital vith an evil reputation, as far as con- wrns racial impartially, gained in the Free State." The case of the South African police shows how the Boers have carried out their part of the "brotherly" arrange- ment. Ail the important Dritish offi- ers have been "'retrenched." Readars ff the Express will remember the case i Maj. Capell, D.S.0O,, who was dis: nisded because of his alleged inability to talk the language, though it was woved later that Maj. Capell, who wd seen eighteen years' service in Africa, knew Dutch thoroughly, and talked the native languages as well, I'he man who was not good smough for the Hoers has since jound an un portant post under the imperial mov srnment in another part of the world." Gen. Hertzog, next "retrenched" R. McIntosh from one of the chief in- spectorships. Mr. Melntosh's fault lies in the fact that he is not a Boer, Next comes the turn of Col.Byrns- legy, who was in command of the po- lice. He was "retrenched" to make way for Mr. Truter---not a Britisher, Che obvious successor to Col. Burns- Jegg was Lieut.-Col. Madoe, deputy sommissioner of police. Put instead of promoting him, Gen. Hertzog rang hia up on the telephony and told hin Ye was dismissed ! J The. Transvaal Leader says: "Cal. Madoc, is a South twenty years' standing. He speak: Dutch well. Tle has never had the least connection with polities. Te does not even bear the reproach of being an Englishman, He is Welsh, | Not only does he speak Dutch, bat, as is wellknown he actively promoted the study of Dutch among his subor- dinates. His career has been one of contingous progress, There is not a mark against him. He knows the life and needs of this country, as few men know them. He is broken, so far as the government can break him, at forty." --London Daily Express. sterial office is Long Hat Pin Peril. New York, Jan. 1l.--Long hat pins, n_ subject which has agitated othe city councils, were discussed at » meeting of New York's board of aldermen vestenlay. Ap ordinance pro- viding a fine of'not more than $50 for any woman whose hat pin, unless' suitably guarded, ratonles more than hal an inch from the crown or other portion of the hat, was referred to the Comnittee on Law and Legislatipn. A splendid suit or overcoat made to order for $18, at Prevost's, Brock street. All new goods to chose from. Also a splendid stock of ready-made clothing. - So milk Rk or gold edlisions African of § A HUMAN BANK VAULT. Surgeons Explore the Iaterior of al St. Louis Man. St. Louis, Jan. H-With the with drawal of a quarter from the hip oi Walter Chariwoed, of No, 1419 South Eleventh street, last night, the Mqui- dation of this human savings bank was completed. Total deposits in cur rency one time smougited to * sixty | cents, while within his anatomic al vault he also carried a good sized pen knife. Charlwood went shooting in Colo rado eight years age, and when game was scarce his companion fired al =n rattlesnake, What happened to the snake is not ; but Charlwood got most of the charge of buckshot in his hip. The shot drove into the muscles a quarter, three dimes, » nickle and the pen knife. A surgeon in the University of Colo- rado suc in extracting all but the quarter and Charlwood has carried it ever since. He has suffered pain in his hip re- cently, and when he consulted surgeons in the City hospital, the story of the shooting accident wae told, The sur- eons decided the quarter was working its way out toward the skin and ad vised an operation. An incision was made last night, and they had little difficulty in extracting the coin. Charlwood is expected] to suffer no inconvenience from his anatomical in- solvency. ARSENIC IX DRUGS. Chief, _Amalyst "Reports on His Tn. vestigations, Ottawa, Jan. JL.--"Ardenic as impurity in drugs," is the title of report issued hy the chief analyst of the inland revenue department. It is remarked that many investigations of drugs to determine their contents of arsenic have been made since the his toric case of arsemioal beer discovered in Manchester ten years ago, when it was found that "the malt used had be- come contaminated with amounts of arsenic through having heen dried in the fumes of pyritous coal; while glu- cose used as an adjunct i in beer manu- iactire contsined arsenic "from ~ sul phuric acid." It was not, beer, how- ever, that the dominion analyst test- «1 for arsenical contents, but that highly non Jntoxieant variety of fizz nown as effervesting phosphate of la. In all 134 samples were an lyzed, of which only three samples showed traces of arsenic, the most marked being one which contained one- sixtieth of a grain, the smallest kind Af a dose, in. three ounces, so thai aven this sample was harmless, as the dose of phosphate of soda is from one-quarter to one-half an ounce. Faint traces of arsenic were found. in 25 out of 130 samples of sulphate of soda and in 26' out of the same num- her of samples of sulphate of mag Lesa. FOUND DYING IN CHAIR. an a Poisoning. : Philadelphia, Pa... Jan. 11.--Benja- min Cramp, s mem! of the famous family of shiphuilders, was found un. « nseious in the dathroom at his resi- dence, 302 South Thirteenth street, Inst night, and died two hours later it the Pennsylvania hospital, of gas soning. He was found by Mrs. C her return home from visit ome of a friend. Smellin she «ntered the front door Mrs. Cramp wmmenced an investigation. Finding he bathroom decor locked she knock- d. Thete was no. response, and she, vith the assistance of a servant, freed open the door. They found Cramp | to the gas ar on and a magazine close beside The bathroom was filled with which had escaped from an open ipe vim. cas, jet. At thd hos him failed, nine o'clock. Cramp accidentally wet, BOY FROZEN" TO DEATH. » ital eflorts to restore he died soon athe It is believed that Nr. turned on a gas Winnipes, Jan. H.--Yester- lay's mail brings in, the story of the leath of the thirteen-year-old adopt d s.n of ME. and Mrs. John th Weir, near Estevan, Sask. He and his mother left home to bring in some cattle which strayed away, but in the storm they were separated, Mrs. Wein reaching a neighbor's house in an exhausted condition, . while the body of the boy was found later. -------- "White Slavers" Sentenced. Philadelphia, Pa., Jaa- 11.--ln the arrest of four girls and three wen in this city the police declare that they have amcovered an attempt to ply "white slave" traffic. The girls, Kath- arine 'Ri , eighteen, New York Barbara Wahl, sixteen and Lovise Fischer, eighteen, of Pottstown, and Alice McCarren, teen, of vel ton, were held in $100 each further Tearing, Magistrate Carey held John Me Guire under $2,000 = u further hoas- ing on the charge enticing gir! from their homes and sent Norman McHose and James Mclarpey to the House of Correction for ome year. All of the girls testified that they e induced to leave their homes throagh 'the prom'se of the men that they were to take positions as actresses. --------_---------- for a Benjamin Cramp Dies From Gas | Mr. Cramp seated in a chair, 'with his |. 12, Ie i Bree issued on City and Farm { tures PAGE SEVEN. "OUR BEAVER BRAND Of Flour .is undxcelled for dread or | pastry Price in moderate Arps A. WAC LEAN, Ontario Street, d. E. Hutcheson AUCTIONEER and | faster loft | ua eaddingetny or 3 vor T a Hendereo: attention. references given ? FRONTENAC | LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. ESTABLISHED 1863. | Prestdent--Sir Richard Cartwright. ia Drehen- Deposits | sroum] perties, Municipal asd County Mortgages purchased f received and interest gailowed, i Bar Sold, Babbitt Metal and all Ingot Metals We are headquarters. THE CANADA METAL COMPANY, LIMITED. :s + OFFICE: 81 WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO. $0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 g Phone 845 ow SSINEININSSS USL 4 -- ® a000000e® ra $00000000000000000000000000000000000000000s 0 Princ wer. YOU Afternoon Teas..... is not complete without Ice Cream. Order early from PRICE'S 277 Princess St. § Don't Forget Our Janay Sale of Fumiture It has always been a great success. Prices lower than ever, Robt. J. Heid | 230 PRINCESS ST. Ambulance Uelephone 577 1 8 4. on a hundred pounds . v it" with any other of s HEALTH IN PURE SUGAR Sugar is one of the best, and most widely used foads. Would you risk your health for the sake of a few cents sugar ? EXTRA GRANULATED SUGAR Its Purity and Quality cannot be questioned. Compare and note the difference PARIS LUMPS When buying Loaf Sugar ask for Redpath' Paris Lamps sold in RED SEAL dust proof cartons, and by the pound. The Canada Sugar Refining Co., MONTREAL, CANADA. "Betablished in 1854 by Joka Redoath Buy only &. PWNIIFOITITOGOIOIOIOOGS 8, UO. MeGILL, Ma §7 Clarence ing Director, Street. srassvee sess resrsesed WM. MUKKAY. Auactioneer. Furniture Sales ee Count - THE CLUB HOTEL | WELLINGTON S8T., near PRINCESS, There are other hotels, bu. uone . approach the Club for homeilke bo roundings. Located in centre of city and cioss stores and theatre. are moderate. Special rates by the week P. M. THOMPSON, FOR SALK, The Albion Hotel property, corper Montreal and Queen Strats, Kingston, iy sell at a sacrifice. For Paitioalg "1 J. LOCKHART, Real Estate A 159 Wellington St., Kingston. BEFORE FILLING IN YOUR NEW YEAR'S LIST LET US SHOW YOU SOME OF OUR Framed or Unframed Pictures What would be more acceptable? Let's get together, NIRPATRICK'S ART STORE ESTABLISAED 1874. - / "LL EL Ee Mp 3 4 bo) AN "~ --' [FET] LIGHT FOR URCH, STORES © | LUT | OUR SPECIALTY ) £, TIPRINCESS ST. KZ al Pn, RR - [3 ( be | \ 8 in color. Limited DY J.Collis Browne's J Vv The Most Val Couc / THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE, ble Medicine ever discovered.' known Remedy for HS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. Acts like a charm in DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY &@ CHOLERA. Effectunlly cuts shirt all attacks of SPASMS. Checks and arrests hose too disessen-- FEVER, CROUP aed AGUE. ive in NEURALGIA, GOUT, RHEUMATISM. id tabeis in drops. graduated according to the malady. often The only is a Is 1 imvariably wilays Srritatsan of + INSIST ON HAVING De. J COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. The immense seccess of this Remedy hoe gives rise to many imitations. BB. Every bottle of Geasia Chloredyne Sears oa the ; and can be taken - mervous system when oll other remedies foi} ----- 11 ¢ | erentes # vilm vifreowieyg sheep i leaves ue other wedicing can be tolcraled. : : > | celebrated Quality of the Flour.' CLEANLINESS According to the old pro- verb, is next to Godliness A clean mind and a clean body contribute greatly to HEALTH. The greatest single bless- ing fhat we can possibly possess. : HAPPINESS Is the natural cleanliness and wiraan GOOD PLUMBING produces all three. David Hall, 'Phone 335. 66 Brock St. - Residence 856, of result WHEN ORDERING FLOUR Ask your grocer or dealer to send | you a trial sack of QUALITY Flour. Try it and be convinced of the * + 9 Manuf! red ¢ by the Mae Lit Mila Go, Branch Office, Ontario Street Kingston Telephone 886 aga (Office bipdery.