_ daintily. perfumed. Blankets a koto eT Em a-------------- PAGE TWO, > MIDWINTER SALE" GENUINE REDUCTIONS LINES, $65.00 Sideboards fof $54.00. $75.00 Parlor Suites for $62.00. $45.00 Hall Racks for $37.00, $3.00 Jardiniere Stands for $2. Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum all re- duced in sympathy with above, Repair and Upholstering prompt- ly done and cheaper now than any other time. 'Phone 90. Yours, T.F.Harrison Co. The Ladies of Kingston May Now Grow Beautiful Hair, Best, the Chemist, backed up by the manufacturers of SALVIA, the Great Hair Grower, guarantees it to grow hair. BALVIA destroys days. The roots of the fshed that a new springs up to the delight of the user. made soft and fluffy. erican preparations Dandruff in ten hair is so nour- crop of hair anfizement and The hair is Like all Am- SALVIA. is It is hard to find an actress who does not use SALVIA continually. A large bottl for bbe, . -- ------ -------- W---------- -- 5 2 AO000EPOVPOOOOOOINOD And i Comforters White All-Wool Blankets. Grey All-Wool Blankets. . Union Blankets. Comforters in Batting, Wool "and Eiderdown filled. All Iresh new stock. - R. McFAUL. tneescesssssssseve We are in receipt of many fnguirfes regarding medium- | priced lots in good neighbor- 3% } hoods, for building purposes, i also for small improved pro- perties. Lr a . If you have anything soll, Het it with us. © The Indications are for a good buildihg your. Our prediction is that more persons will build. and buy es in Kingston this year an in any previous one in If yon want to buy, see us id to You can safely entrust @ ely 0 i 'on any investment. nS ® | hack or other symptoms fur-Lined GOATS Lined with No- 1 Muskrat, Otter or Persian Lamb Collars. Our own make and guar- anteed. We are closing out the above lot at less than cost. ord "Sl over... No obli- gation to buy, JOHN McKAY, 149-151 Brock Street. ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT. I------ A New Position for > Booth, A despatch from Toronto, this morning, stated. that Capt. E. A. 'Booth, of -the steamer Kingston, of the BR. & 0, line, had been appointed as an assistant to the superintendent, with headquarters at Toronto. Capt. Booth is at his home, in this city, and when interviewed by the Whig, stated that he had received no- tification - of "his appointment. He pointed out, however, that the new position would only occupy his atten- tion during the winter months, and that_he would be in command of the steamgr Kingston, as usual, during the months the vessel is in commission. This will necessitate his removal to Capt. E. A. » yegret that he will be obliged to take up his residence in the Queen City, they will be glad to learn of his ad- vancentent. Capt. Boolh has been with the R. & 0. company for twelve years, and is one of the company's best men. Up till a year ago he was in command of the steamer Toronto. : The C.O.C.F. Installation. The installation of the officers-elect for 1911 of Councils Nos. 20 and 27, C.OCF., will take place this evening. The installing officers will be Dr. J, H. Bell, grand medical ex- aminer, W. F. Campbell, grand or- ganizer, 'and W. F. Montague, grand recorder, all of Hamilton. After coun- cil meeting the grand officers will "be given a supper at King's restaurant. For the Third Time. For his third time, a Kingstonian was tosday placed on Inspector Wright's "prohibited list." This goes to show that some people believe that the list renders good service, \ bven though some are of the opinion that it does not work out well. Hotel Transfer. The board of license commissioners mot last night, when the license ob the Grimason hotel was transferred from the Marshall estate, to Messrs. Dris- voll and Mulville. This was the: only bukiness before the commissioners. The News is Spreading Of the wonderful bargains at Camp- bell Bros'. asmual clearing fur sale and people at a distance are now taking advantage of it, Fifteen Years In One Family No Better Recommendation For the Medicinal Virtue of Warner's Safe Cure Could be Asked Than This. "I wish to say that your remedies have been used in our famil for about fifteen years. Fe -are never without a bottle of Rafe 1 ful medicine AR diseases kidneys and liver."--Florence sSchmidi, RF, D, Ne. 1, Dunkirk, O, There is no case of kidneys, liver~or blgider trouble that Warners's Safe Warner's y {Cure will not relieve almost immedi- wielv, and if you have paius in the kidney disease, You should oo time in getting a bottle of Warners Hafe "ire and begin taking it as prescrid- and medi- Tofonto, and while his many friends | THE DAILY SPOKE AT QUEEN'S WESTERN + STUDENTS' DINNER. * Eira | Now is the Time, He Said, That the West Needs Help--He Made an Appeal to Western Men Whose 'Heart Was in the West. Seventy sturdy students members of the Queen's University Western As. sociation sat down to their secomtl anpual banquet, in King's Cafe, Thursday evening. An able exeedtive was responsible for the splendid suc cess of the function, which was de- clared by all as being she best yet, | The tables were sumptuously ead and artistically arranged. With go dent' Wallace at the coard of honor, sat Hon. Frank Oliver, minister of the interior; Principal Gordon, Prof. Dyde, Rev. A. Gordon, Prof. W. C Baker and Dean J. C. Connell. The toast to the king was ably of fared by the president. J. P. Mac Leod proposed the health of "The West,'to which proposal Prof. Dyde replied fittingly. "An official of the C.P.R." said the speaker, "claims that the West is wheat mad." This spirit we could perhaps best define as wa terialism, but I wish to point * out that it is a phase of our life every where. We all bave our materialism. The people of Ontario are mineral mad, as much as the westermer is wheat mad. Whatever allegations may be made against the man from the HON. FRANK OLIVER. vice, and happiness here, and for the be land of the plains anlmou.tains, we' must admit that the westerner is a! worker and I tell you that an honest livelihood is no disgrace; there is no | shame in being diligent in business, and in this respect 1 will say that snobbery is not a characteristic the people of that country. It has been said that Canada is FKurope's second chance. 1 say that the west | offers a second chance to everybody, | to the man from Ontario as well as the immigrant from Europe." De. Dyde spoke of the blems pre sented by unmigration #nd offered education as the sole solution &*It behooves us," said the speaker, "to so lead these people that they will not be underlings or inferior to the intelligent nations of the world. Let us employ ourselves so that when the time comes for us to lay down the implements of labor, those who fol low will be able to say they are proud of us and our heritage." Rev. Alexander Gordon, of Lethbridge, als so spoke briefly to this toast. J. W. North presented the toast to "Our Guests," to which Hon. Frank Oliver replied. That spirit of honest and genuine worth which has won the confidence of the Canadian people, and made Frank Oliver, minister of the departinent of the interior, permeated the speaker's remarks at the dinner Thursday evening. "lI am an exile from the West," he said, "and it is as good as g trip home for me to meet with you here to-night. Iwill confine my remarks of this evening to the prairie provinces. I have been asked: to speak reminiscently, but 1 did not take kindly to the idea. Old-timers, when they become reminiscent, usumd- Iy become tedious, and I do not wish to become tedio¥ more than~ordinar- ¥v. "We hear repeatedly what is said with regard to the marvellous pros- perity of the prairie west, and we do not realize how it all happened. We are all apt to believe that it is that it is because it had to be. The condi: tiohs we have are the climax and re sult of vears and decades of persistent effort and in many cases deplorable failure.. The wesy, to-day, in the eyes of many people, | pecially outsiders, is a fat goose, iv to be plucked, as my friend suggested a mine of wheat to be exploited and stolen from and to be enjoyed some place else. That idea is destructive and' it would be a dalamity if we ourselves or vou young men had that view, but I am satisfied that you have not. However, thers are many men in your university who have such an idea and 1 say again it is a calamity if such ideas prevail." Mr. Oliver vividly traced the ¢ defer | ih t sentatives irom McGill and "Varsity. ---- ---- -- est possible equipmen HON. that you are to take up. : "The attractions of the west are not {he prairies, nor the blue sky, nor the abundant sunshine, but the sense of opportunity; this is the difference be tween the west and the east. Hete we feel the lack of opportunity; there we feel the abundance of it. The attrac] tion does pot exist beeause of the cli- mate or the soil,'but becapse the westy is in the process of development. It) will not last for ever, now is the time we need the help of the best men nl Canada. I appeal especially for our] own men whose heart is there, . who, form a part of the west, a part of | Canada and a part of the empire." ! G. N. Urie entertainingly introduced | toast to "The University," to which! Principal Gordon replied, and was listened to with intense interest. 'The Association" was offered by Prof. W. C, PBakér, and replied to by Dean Connell. "Sister Institutions," by Mr. McIntosh and to by repre = so ecs------------ DR. MacGILLIVRAY SPOKE At the Revival Service on Thursday : Evening. The keen frost following suddenly the wet, slushy spell of Wednesday, made treacherous walking last night. Notwithstanding there wus a fair au- dience in Queen Street Methodist church for the revival service. . Rev. Dr. Macgillivray was the speaker. Rev. Dr. Ryckman and Mr. Jones conducted the devotional exercises, and Rev. Mr. Neal had charge of the after, meet- ing. Dr. Macgillivray took I Corinthians 1,:30 for basis of address. For a lost world what was needed ? Christ from God, made for men wisdom and right eousness and sanctification and ve demption. What a wonder that sen- tence was, with its great outranging vistas, covering all time and all hug man interests. There was wisdom to be found in Christ to answer all the deepest questions of the human spirit, knowledge of fullest, freest, fairest A ------_------------ The College THE FINEST BOOK STORE RE _ 260 PRINCESS STREET : Mary Cary By Kate Langley Bosher. comet is a g Here is whimsi- Rare as a new book of the heart. such a book---simple, cal, quaint, impglsive, . true-- .this wonderful Mary Cary. "She never walks when she can skip or dance," says the author about this little orphan. A story for everyone, a story even to meet that severest test-- reading aloud. Price, $1.00 ET --a----e are ret. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up by Ree porters on Their Rounds. * Print butter, 23c. J. Crawford. "Chamois vests," all sizes. 80 Gib- n's, Atiend Robertson Bros' china sale; twenty per cent. off. There was no session of the court on Friday morning. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders. received at McAuley's. Phone 778. Nearly three hundred unbreakable hcombs given away to Best's customers on Saturday. "Bromo Seltzer." Gibson's. Bars of all the hotels and saloon#in { Watertown now have to close prompt- ily at midnight. Royal Heusehold made. J. Crawford. police flour, the finest cFharacter. There was righteousness, the ideal morality, the highest lifting and consistency, bathed from base to summit, in the sunlight of God. There was sanctification, the progressive development of spiritual mindedness from strength to strength and from character to character, Not a narrow techunical thing that could be compressed within a defini- tion or a day, but something seeking to be narrow as the divine righteous- ness and broad and pure as the divine charity. And there was redemption, a spiritual renovation, the rescue of the stricken heart from sin for noble ser- inheritance of the saints in light, by the faith that is in Christ Jesus. Fhese four wonderful ideas, like four great torches burn at the cofners of all hu man needs and all divine bestow- ments. There ix nothing else by which sinful men can be save, and there is enough for every man, ecough for all, enough for ever move. This evening, Mr. Rice will speak, and close the series of services. -- 7 Entertained the Choir. / On Thursday evening, at their home, "Edgehill," King street west, Dr. and Mrs. A. P. Chown _ eutertained the members of the choir of Sydenham street Methodist church. The first part of the evening was spent in fo- bogganing down the natural slide in front of the house, after which all repaired to the house where supper was indulged in. After the supper a concert was given by members of the choir. A very pleasant evening was spent and the choristers trooped home at a» late hour voting the genial doc- tor and his wife the best of enter- fainers. ------------ ¥Y. W.C. A (lasses in domestic science. AMR wishing to take up this useful study enquire gt the association bullding, 196 Jobnscn street. Bread or pasiry made from Royal Household flour 1s the whitest, highest and best made. J. Crawford. A valuable dog belonging to Sawuuel Reid, Union street, was run over by a street eaf yesterday .morning and killed. The accident occurred in front of his house. The animal was play- ing on the tracks and did not see the car coming. The car struck . it fair und square and parts of the body were strung along the track for the distance of half a block. Awdrew Dunlop, who has been very ill for the past eight weeks, with ty- phoid fever, is able to be out again. Royal Household . flour, the finest made. J. Crawford: : panics "Kingston's Famous Fur. Store" Exclusive |, CLOTH COATS AT CUT PRICES No old stock -- every up- | TELY iE Theresa will oppose the moving of the Royal Arch Chapter of Masons to Alexandria Bay. | *"Psychine." Sold at Gibson's. The skating was very good on the | harbor, yesterday, and quite 5 nume | ber were noticed enjoying the sport. H. Cunningham, psno tuner, 21 King street. Leave orders at Me Auley's bookstore. {" Meoting of Ladies' Auxiliary, Hotel | Dieu, Monday next 8 p.m. All ladies ! interested in the cause kindly invited. | Print butter, 25¢. J. Crawford. | Mercharts have started cutting ice in~Anglin's Bay and report the ice to oF fair quality and a good thickness. Ald. Carson, chairman of water: works, has given instructions to have] the dead ends of the water main ser vices flushed. The old-fashioned horehound candy, in twisted sticks, "strong kind," for coughs and colds. Sold in Kingston {at (vibson's Red Cross Drug Store... At a meeting of Limestone lodge, No. 91, AOU W, held on Thurs day night, the officers recently elected were installed by Lieut.-Col. Massie. "McConkey'ss caramels." Gibson's. Bread or pastry made from Household flour<is the whitest, highest and best made. J. Crawford. Miss Jessie Clark. 56 Pine street, left, to-day, for Saskatoon, Sask. to visit her sister, Mra. A. A. Godwin, for the next three months. "Psychine.". Sold at Gibson's. The romance by which the new trans. continental railroad found its way across the Sierras is outlined by Ben- jamin Brooks in the February Serib- ner. William McCammon, market clerk, yesterday commenced his annual inspection of the city butcher shops, t the same time collecting the license fen' for the year 191). > "Fresh horebound candy." Gibson's At the barracks, yesterday after noon, there was a treat in the shape of a Christmas tree and entertain- ment for the children and the little folks enjoyed the affair very mueh. "MecConkey's caramels." Gibson's The mn with the sand suceeoded in getting around to some of the resi dential streets to-day. The paths through the city park were missed. There is heavy traffic there, and they should be covered as well as the side walks. "Strong son's. . Dr. William H. Rankin, of Prook- lyn, N.Y, a brother of Reeve A. N Rankin, of Kingston township, is vis- iting in the city. He graduated from Queen's in 1880. Yesterday he gave an-address_ to the medical students wt the college. y "Abbey Salt," at Gibson's. Royal Household flour, made. J. Crawford. Ernest Thompson Seton concludes the account of his adventures in "The Aretic Prairies," in the February Seribuer, with a description of "The Land of the Musk-Ox," including a vivid picture of the narrow escape which he and his party had in the rapids of a great river owing to the upsetting of his canoe, CASE OF YOUNG MAN. horebound candy." Gil» the fitiest Stated He Has. Been - Given Every Assistance. . vagraney, . to which reference was made iv- the Whig, it is. stated that his 'relatives have been doing all that was possible to help him, but that be refuges to help himself. The young man has a pitiable story, bat it is £ FEE 2 E Royal | retard to the cave of the young who was in the police court, for 4 ~ Publications These have been delayed for some time, but are now on sale. Munsey Argosy. All Story. . Cavalier: Strap Book. R. R. Mans Ordinary cough mixtures are good for ordinary coughs which are usu- ally only a local irritation of infla- mation in the throat. The ordinary cough balsams cure that kind of a cough. Asthmatic and Bronchial Coughs require a systematic medi, cine such as i Cripp's Asthma of sich coughs, particularly that deep wheezy kind! which so often hangs on for weeks after the cold Is , gone For all bronchial trouble nothing equals this remedy S0¢. THE REXALL STORE. Mahood' s Drug Store Princess and Bagot. HALF PRICE! Big Sale of Dress Goods Remnants Piior to closing our inventory. The balance of this season's selling and includes some ex- 'cellent pieces from 2 to 8 yards in length. Your choiceof the lot on Saturday Morning for exactly Half Price. Any of our Ladies' Cloth Coats to clear at half price. Not very many left, Make your choice early Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. £3 For the Physician And the Nurse Sl a-- Sterling Silver Thermometer Cases. Hypodermie Syringes. of Sargical i Pocket Medicine Cases. Pocket Surgical Cases Instrument Satchels. Buggy Cases. 2 Nurses' Chatelains, Seissors Forceps, Probes, Medicine Cases, etc. Everything required by the Doctor or Nurse in the sick room. Cure It has cured hundreds of bad cases 4 Book Store IN EASTERN ONTARIO. Phone 919 OPEN. NIGHTS MUNSEY ~~ 30 Per Cent. Reduction on all Pennants and "= Pillows Queen's Royal Military College, KC 1 K. G H Kingston Peananls. : This week only. / Sa of High (Class Brass Goods During January we are offer- ing a special discount of TWEN- TY PER CENT. OFF any urti- cle of The stock comprises '-- KETTLES, FERN POTS, CANDLESTICKS, DESK SETTS, VASES, TRAYS, PHOTO FRAMES, SOAP BOXES, ETC, au all are First ality SMITH BROS., | Son KING STi Setans. Brass in our store. J electric $4.700, Issuers of Marriage Licenses * FUR Sale At COURDIER'S A Few Properties SELECTED FROM OUR BIG LIST. $2,100, Albert Street, grounds; R rooms, b. & e¢.; barn. $2.400, 108 Queen Street; 8 rooms, b & c. and furnace - $2,500, Alfred Street; 8 rooms, b. & ¢. and stable $2,500, Nelson Street, brick dwells ing, size of lot 132 = 132. $2.8060, Earl Street; 8 rooms, b. & c. and electric light. $3,600, Johnson St £ rooms, b & ¢.; hot water heating; Hght $31.3068, Clergy St near William: 8 rooms, furnace and gas $4.000,. Clergy Street; 12 rooms: hot water heating and gas. Johnson Street, double, furnace, electric light, b. & « Rents near fair Houses to Rent and Cul- lected Mullin Corner Jobnson and Division Streets, Phone 339. htt dh hee heh hh dh RR RL hh hh hh : . Can Do High-Class } ~~ Work : RE Re | : : : : : : lars and cuffs : We Do High-Class Work KINGSTON LAUNDRY Cor. Princess and Sydenham Streets. "Phome 22.