Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Jan 1911, p. 4

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i 2000000000000 00000 8 PAGE FOUR. ] ky A al 4 BLACK, MIXED AND UNCOLORED GREEN a ih been Jooking into the case, is that the THE WHIG, 78th YEAR DAILY BRITISH IG, at 308 318 King Street, Kin oh, Ontatie a t $6 per year. Editions age and 4 WERKLY 3 BRITEH bos) 16 hols pouty ainda) To had = Cut into nlee LUMBER at our Mill. Take © advantage sleighing and while it remains good. 5. ANGLIN & GO. Cor Wellington and Bay Streets "Phone 66. Baw of the haul them in nl A ------------ Srp ne JANUARY SALE 25 Per Cent. Discount on Men's and Boys' Overcoats and all kinds of Bults. Large Stock of Gent's. Fur- nishings, Mitts, Gloves, Caps, Boots, Shoes and Rubbbrs at Reduced prices, SAAC ZACKS' 271 PRINCESS STREET, CURTAIN CLEANING, All work is important with us, but nohe more so than the cleaning of lace and damask curtains. We give satisfaction. R.PARKER & CO., Dyers and Cleaners, 5 Princess 5t, Kingston, Out H PARKS &SON « Florists | Rin&hone 3s. All kinds of Cut Flowers and Plants, in season. hid ding 5 and De- 8 a spec shipped to ar ig King Stree ty » pat ne sills ! Is the time to come and buy our ody For two good reasons he fush Is over and money is scarce. . We offer 20 per cent, off all purchases over ten dollars. A big line of Heaters and rages yet to clear out Our stock of beantiful Old. fashioned Furniture is the best in the country, and As we have too much on hand will sell very chenp All kinds of Household Goods and Bric-a-Brac bought, and sold. L. LESSES, Cav Princess and Chrathom Si S00000000000000000000 ING'S CAFE cove e® i her cost, A WOMAN IN DISTRESS, A woman in Montreal has learned, that she cannot - give {vent to righteous indignation freely. Passing nlong the sireet she encoun- tered a carter who was ummercifully beating his horse; and she expostula- ted. He gave her a saucy answer and she hit him with her umbrella. It was Hust what a woman would do aed for the moment she had no idea that she was violating any law. A policeman was present, however. Ho did not see the brutality of the carter, but he tivigged the chastisement of the wo- man, and at once arrested her. She protested, and he pushed and pulled her along the sidewalk, Others, seeing her distressed condition, pleaded that wie he allowed to sit somewhere, and rest, and" the burly policeman told them to "mind their own business." The evidence given before the recorder was against the carter and the police man, but his honor said he had only | one charge to dispose of and that was the woman. He charge of preferred the carter, and he would report the polidman to his captain for discipline. But the wo man, for daring to express her right- ous indignation in her own peculiar way, fined, and "made the som larger by adding The men who preferred the charge against the | woman, if really impartial and "honest | should have preferred a charge against the carter, and he should be made to realize that a dumb animal i= entitled to decent public treatment." Pity the horse that is left to the tender mercies of a vitious man, and God help the of assault against would hear a assault against he costs, women wha are oppressed when they take the law into their own hands and perform a duty that . should be done by the police officers. The Whig has not inuch sympathy with the suf- frageite movment as it is dgmonstra- ted by some of the women nowadays, but it ean see how that movement ean | be helped and supported through the anfortunate indiserimination of mere ' nen. v i THE PRESS AT FAULT. It is not surprising that Hon. John turns has searified some of the Lon-| d un papers and declared that the last! two elections had been a repudiation by the common people of the *'vul- gar, lying, sensational journals, whose e.nduct had been a scandal moet ing almost to a national crime, The London press was largely econ-: servative in the last elections. The party 'had tried the experiment of buy ing up certait papers and using them to boom or bolster the Unionist case. ed by some good journals,' liberals had, as Mr. Burns declared, seventy-five cent. of the London press against thém, and that they sue- but {in trying to follow it. .. the Yoost positive way. The idea , thing { 'mission has decided that he cannot The government was support- | the! i a a "THE DADLY BRIVIOH WHIG. FRIDAY. JANUARY 13. 1011. council checks progress in medical edu- cation. "It is alleged," says our con- temporary, "that the curriculum pre- se=ibed by the council is not advanced, and thus This is so par: ticalarly in the scientific subjects. ition in the 'curricalum of the Medical Council, and the reason assigned is "| that the council have not men at their disposal who are qualified to act as examiners on these subjects. Toromtq) University is reported to have request ed the government for authority to allow its students to practice when hey receive their medical degree. This t { would be ignoring the Medical Council, which allows no medical man to prac 'tice in Ontario, no matter what de 'gress he holds, till he passes the ex- | aminations of the council and receives its loense."" It is incumbent upon the council to meet this disquieting "charge and in Ol it being domisated by men who are back numbers in the profession, who are deficient in scientific knowledge, {and who, because of this fact, dodge difficult examinations by failing to pre- scribe for them, 4s a surprise ! This is humiliating. The medical men, on their graduation, can not be the equals of those who, in addition to the study they, bave continued, have an experience thut should be of the most valuable character. The council can- not hie under the imputation that it is not progressive, and it camnot let the impression go that its existence is really threatemed. The council was designed for a a00d and 'wise purpose--to see that no ome practised medicine, and incidentally practised on the lives of the people, without a license. Jarring notes have teen heard from time to time, and notes that raised the question of the council's usefulness, but it is a new to have a university ' challenge ita right to operate any longer. EDITORIAL NOTES, The Quebec government will found in Montreal a school for higher com- mercial studies. Something of the kind is very necessary. Schools of the Sheldon kind have triumphed long en- ough. "We have a new council and several 'mew committees, but we have still the typhoid water, the bad lights, and the bad streets," said a citizen to-day while in a critical humour. H may be wise to give the new men a chance. ---- The United States government "impatient" about its request to build a dam im the Detroit river on the Ca: side. 1 the Canadians were is nadian ithe seekers of the favour they would probably find their impatience in vain. The grafters of Pennsylvania have made restitution of public funds, taken wrongfully in 'connection with the ! capitol buildings, to the extent of $1, 300,000. Has the restitution been on the Zaccheus plan ? If so the act car be approved. 3 The chairman of the Railway Com- regulate the salaries of the express companies, though he can regulate the rates. What a pity I' There is nothing so much in need of revision as the sal- ary Hst--revision upward. A certain ex-mayor ia announcing, 8 the university is hampered] i They are mot given sufficient recogni-|* 'would sustain " Miss Luella ety ING"S Lunch Counter ING'S Private Dining Rooms ING (James) Prop. ING ST. Nos. 358-342 'NGSTON. Now open. Catering Contracts Taken. Telephone No. 1138. It we please you, tell 'others. It, nie cide of we don't please you, please tell us. . whatever, or it was misdirected. cendled at all is an evidence that the 'year ahead of time, that be will 'be a conserv atyp'e papers were not reflecting ' candidate for aldermanic honours next public sentiment. | your. Giving us time, as it were, to There is the party organ, which re look into the publig records and see' tails the daily cant of those by whom (he wonderful things he accomplished it is subsidized. Let it be kniafin once when he was in the council. that it is not free to express an in- dependent or impartial opinion and! The graduates of Queen's will proba- its usefulness is gone. Apparently in bly vote very strongly for the nation _London there were many such -or- alization of the institution, or rather "rans, und they either had no influence its independence, but' how will the Presbyterian church vote? The longer Thite are papers which present the the agitation coutinues the more um- the case, or present certain becomes the result. the facts fairly, aud let the people ex- Prof. Slack, of McGill University, be- BORO 10a some of these. They have mould- fore oh i 'press. ercise their judgment' freely. London a meeting of the Oriental Society, 'discussed "the Book of Jonah, and lightening and convincing way. With "treajed the subject from a mythical oe pug Burns a. find any 'standpoint. * Tt was a great night for fault. Mis attack on the "organs™ | the higher critics. But the lower eri- (will make them furious but he realizes | 1104 have got to be heard from. that they did their best to misrepre- 'sent him and his colleagnes, and the 'yp. hanks is not always a sign of fact thik he has triumphed is a tes mercial progress. A couple 'of (timany to their populurity and the years ago the banks shut down on the { power, of public opinion outside of the discount and by so doing they avoid eee obi a panic. The bankers ought to be A COUNCIL ON TRIAL. he best judges of the public pulse, : Fhe a a al hehare taking a most hopetul derstood to be on its trial. Tironto, View of things. : ed opinion, and expressed it in an en- The large borrowings of money from FREIGHTS COLLIDED AT NAPANEE, AN "AND SEVERAL CARS WERE SMASHED, The Engineer of the Moving Train Was Unhurt--"Pinafore" Was Acted by Napanee Talest. Napanee, Jan. 13.--Last evening about 7.20 g'clock two freight trains tollided at the Grand Trunk sation, A fast through freight east crashed into the way freight which pas standing partly on the. main Several empty vars were cons verted into kigdling wood. The fire- man on the east bound freight jumped hut THe engineer stuck to his and was uninjured. T ifs. The auxiliary from Belleville arrived about tem o'clock and com meneed to clear the track. On Wedndsday evening the Napanee Amateur Uperatic and Dramatic club presented "Pinafore" to a crowded ouse in the Brisco opera house. Not a vacant seat-was left in the house. The citizens - knew that the amateurs ir reputation and they were not inted. The char- acters were all well taken and all de serve 'a measure of praise. The lead- ing parts were taken by D. L. Hill, as Sir Joseph Porter, K.C.B., F. H. Car- son as Cept. Corcoran, E. RR. Fite: pe ry Dick Deadeye, and A. H. Ralph Ww. Wise Allie Paul, as "J was a misunderstanding of sig ine," Miss Marjorie Furnival as "Little Butter- cup," and Miss Marion Wilson, as "Hebe," brought forth many ex- pressions of praise for their excellent work. The little midshipmite, Mas- ter Morris Wolfe, was the cutest char- acter in the cast and sang and acted his part perfectly, The Napanee or- chestra never was better and Mr. Sim- mons, the conductor, is to be eon- gratulated as well ax the players on their excellent work. = The music. in the play was bright and catehy and swerything was carried to a most successful finish., The play was again put on. last evening to a crowded house and it is sand that a "third night will be given. subject alists In diseases. of Skin, mite Serves Bisdder and Special afl: men. ments visit advisable ; If inipossible, send history for free opinion and ad- vice Question iank asd book oan diseases of men free. Consuitation Tree. Medicine furnished in tablet form. Hours : 10 am. 21pm, aud 2 to § pu. Sundays, 10 am. to 1 paw. » DRS.SOPER & WHITE , 25 Toremte Street, Teronte, Ont. DOCKING OF HORSES. Doctor Condemns Practice as Cruel. Dr. J. G. McPherson, D.V.S., onto, writes as follows to the onto Telegram : I have read a little regarding the docking of horses' tails and trimming and 'setting up of dogs' ears, wherein Dr. C. E. Rutherford; veter- inary director general of Canada, gives praise to an Ottawa veterinary aur- geon for being the first who has the courage to come out and say he will never dock any more horses' tails. I think he is a little late, or has for- gotten' the articles written on that through the columns of the Telegram, - Mail and Empire, and Globe, wherein I came out flat-flooted and condemned the cruel practice some years ago. There are but few who have any idea what a horse has to suffer. In the first place, to suit the fancy of the public, the depressor muscles of the tail' have to be severed, the tail up over the back with pulleys and weights, and the horse kept in a nar- Toronto the Tor- Tor- . Hall, as directress, H. Simmons, as conductor, and D.{ L. Hill as stage manager deserve much | waise for their excellent work: in ringing the performance to such a successful finch. : J. I. Neilsen and wife, of Winni- og, are spending a few weeks: with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Neil wn, Bridge street, on their way to Montreal, where they will reside, &,! R. Russell, of Calgary, arrived 1a} town to-day to spend a couple of nonths visiting friends in Napanee md New York city. Mrs. OC. B, Keenleyside and four hildren, of Regina, are guests of her isters, Mrs. A, W. Grange and Mrs. ?. 8B. Richardson, for the Minter months. Miss Florence Gibbard gave a "tea nd tin shower on Wednesday after row stall where he cannot lie down for weeks, each day breaking down the adbesive tissues so that it does mot heal too quickly. After these muscles become filled im, the tail is cut off with the docking shears: The hemarrhage is stopped by pressing a red-hot iron against the ar- teries, thus leaving , a portion of the coxogral exposed, which eventually de- cays and drops off. Now, if Dr. Rutherford has taken a humane view of this subject, why does he not take the proper steps, and with his influence, have an act passed through the Dominion government of Canada, making it a criminal offence ? We, as veterinsry surgeons, are pow- erless of ourselves to prevent this cruel operation, while blacksmiths, livervmen, coachmen and horse dealers non for the bride-elect, Miss Gladys 2 range. Mr. and Mrs. T. B, Lund received' vord last week of the death of their | sldest son, Thomas, of Pembina, N: 7. Death was caused by an explo- | Hon of gas at the gas works in Pem- ina. Deceased leaves a wife and bree children; WON'T PAY SECOND PARE And Shoot Up Trolley Cars , When Extra Nickel Demanded: ° East Rutherford, N.J., Jan: 13.-- Riots in which shots were fired broke nut here, yesterday, as a vesult of a raise in fare from five to ten cents by the trolley line that . runs from this town to Passaic. The riots occurred! when attempts were made to collect a} wcond fare at the dividing line of the | townships. The town officials secured several old stage coaches and carried the crowds back and forth for nothing, Last Lap of 25,000 Mile Trip. Deaver, Jon, 13.~Williame Brown and! his famous dog team are here. The| canines aud their master are en route on the last lap of a 25,000-mile jour- | ney, which was started four years ago at St. John's Nid. Uf Brown be suc- cessful he will receive $10,000 from the! National Sporting Club of Newfound-| land. Brown's dog team has carried | him 20,000 miles. He has 5,000 miles | yet to travel, and he says uander or. dinary circumstances, he will arrive at St.-Jobn's within another year. His cart can easily be converted into a sleigh, \ Fortify Panama, Says Taft. | Washington, Jan. 13.--President Taft yesterday, sent to congress a special message urging the fortification of the Panama canal, and recommending that an appropriation of five million dol- lars for thé initiation of the work on the proposed defence at the present session of congress. He forwarded with the message the report of the' special army and navy board, recom- mending fortification of the canal. Men's Raccoon Coats, Ladies fur and fur-lined coats, neck , ote, all being sold at rd 19.10 50 per cent discount, from | our alreagly low pri at Campbell Bros'. hig annual clearing fur sale. Forger Arrested in Toronto. Toronto, Jan. 13. = ishael Wine berg, alias Joseph Oestric after | through Germany and the ited States, by some of | word from the : found a are daily performing this operation on the dumb animals. smith in thie city who gets ten dollars for docking horses' tails. Now, T will willingly place my name on record by saying I will never dock another horse's tail mor erop a dog's ears, ns 1 consider it cruel and une cessary, and very umbecoming to the great majority of horses and dogr re spectively, This cruel practice could easily be stopped if goue about in the vight mannes. Hoping s something may bh done by the proper to abolish this brutal practice. authorities Origin of the Word "Bosh." "Bosh" sounds a fairly good FEng- lish word to apply to your - political opponcnt's arguments, 7 says the Lon- don Chronicle. It isn't. Skimming Dr. Beddoes's "Memories ' of Eighty Years' one finds the doctor trying to explain the Protestant religion to a Mullah. *It seems 5 very decent sort of religion," said the Mullah, in ex- cellent English. But there were two | objections. The first wads that we "pay no honor to the prophet." The | second was "vour doctrine of the Trinity, which you .will excuse my saying is bosh." We have got the Turkish. It = means JAnd "bosh lakirdie sedil- nonsense. means "vou speak. empty ersemn" words," | in Cornwall. rils than over "Narrow Shave" There are worse charges in country barbers' shops. A torresporglents of the "Manchester Guardian' once related how he went into a Cornish village barber's, and youth -there with an on, rho smothered my face with soap and took up a4 razor. In 5 moment he had giashed my night cheek in three places, and I sprang from the chair in righteous wrath. Just then o man appeared at the door of the cottage, and the youth dodged past him and was gone in 5 fash, The man ex: plained that he had been to attend at 5 customer's house, sod had left the vouth to mind his cottage. 'He's a bit daft, sir, and he's always want- ing to shaye somebody! I have never had 3 more narrow shave.' Value of a Five Shilling Piece. In a case of coining which was tries just week at the Old Bailey the prisoner was accused of being in possession of ninety counterfeit coins of 2s each value. In his evidence nn official from the Mint stated that the actual value of the silver in a five shilling piece was only one shilling and six pence. Are Coming to Kingston. . The ladies of Ki i i # treat from Jan. tied | I know a black- 4 'apron A ov . oh TE 3 : Trunks {and Hand | } Baggage | Sesriem | + » reach SR WRI EER § nl | Los 2 Sai "} Specials TROUSERS, $2.00. Just 'the thing for the working - man. Fabrics are neat p-tterned worsteds. Good weights. All sizes, 31 to 46. BOYS' OVERCOATS, . $1.90. 3 Overcoats for Boys, 8 to 18 Jears. Coats that are worth $6.50 and $7.50 for $4.90. We are not golag to, carry these goods over witil next season if low prices will clear them out. 5 MEN'S WOOL GLOVES, 2c. About 25 doz. Men's Pure Wool Fancy Knit Gloves, plain whites, regular 50c¢ qualities. JANUARY PRICE, 2 BOYS SUITS, The Bloomer Style, $3.50. are showing of Boys' Two-piece *loomer pants, some plain, in fine Canadian tweeds We think this range will beat anything ever offer- ed at the price We a fine range Suits, MEN'S WOOL UNDERWEAR, O0¢, Men's heavy ribbed Wool Underwear Shirts and Draw- ers, all sizes, 34 to 44 $1.00 Qualities for 50¢ & - SUITS, bn $10.00. Men's Tweed and Worsted Suits. Neat pat- terns. New styles. All this season's make Double and single breasted style The greatest $10 suit ever offers ® bl One hundred BOYS' OVERCOATS. $2.00. For Boys 2 1-2 years, 7 years } It will surprise you some whén you see the nobby MNttie coats we offer at this price Plain Blue, Red, Grey, and Green, Military style collar A snap for STOCKINGS, 20¢. BOYS Heavy worth This line Is a Handy ribbed wool Easily 1-2¢ per pair BIBRY Ss SPE CIAL, L ADIES' C ASHME RE HOSIERY, 25¢, 37 25¢. Cashmeras all 40 d "plain full fashioned, Regular) 35c and A fine Stocking, sizes. values. | BIBBY'S FOR 23¢ . Our Overcoat Sale IS ON Discounts of 38 1-3 to offerad at this Sale 50 per cent Every Coat jn ti tore ) mn The H.D. Bibby The Big Store With Little y. ~~ 1 A Sunkist Oranges 20¢, 25¢, 30c, 40c per dozen, Sunkist Orange Spoons Desert Spoons and Fruit Knives, Save Your Wrappers A.J. REES; Scotch Whiskey Trade Dull. Statistics of the Seotch whiskey trade, published last week, show that dealings for the past twelve mouths have heen the worst for many yédars, The shrinkage in oll departments is severe, The total prodaction js the lowest for sixteen years, having declined over 2.000.000 gallons in the twelve mnths, Winnipeg, erly now in operation between Landing system has been Phone 58 . Wireless at Athabasca Landing. dan. 13+-The most 1 wireless station ia Canada Athaba and Little Slave Lake installed bb Northern Transportation Cempa ase in combection With ia busine the w a will be equipped -- Arming Le paRanY Thre ith northern wire 7

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