= PAGE FiY. --10L uy Lomo + HOTEL DIRECTORY. : DESERONTO. Oo to the STEWART HOUSE. Leading 7 ommareial fivies Rates, $1.50 per : fw JAS. STEWART, Prop. TRAVELLING. YI IDRC TEST Eastern Ontario Live Stock "and Poultry Show OTTAWA, ONT., JAN, Round trip kota Monday, Jan. 16th, 20th, inclugive, at $3. 20 good to return Through Pullmna . from Ottawa every nig For Pullman reservs formation, apply 1 J.P. BANLEY, Corner Johoson md Ontario 16th to i be Friday, wi ¥ fo until Jun Sleepers to itione and all Agent. aireels LTR LT ALL RAILWAY : In Connection With OANADIAN PACIFIC RATLV/AY, EASTERN ONTARIO LIVE STOCK AND POULTRY SHOW Ottawa; Ont., Jan. 16th to 20th. From Kingston, Round Trip 7 > "$3.70 Going Monday, Jan. 16th, day, January 20th, inclusive turn Hmit, Monday, January 23rd Pull particulars at K. and P. and CPR ticker Office, Ontario Street may OF QUINTE RAV WAY. ron Beda | id Station, Ontario Fare to Frj- He wor Waris LINE|: ew steamships, excellent cuisine, comfortable rooms and lounging and Saturday Ballin Centections for Bantiago, Interior Points, for Havana Isle of Pines, Thur 'Where rigorous northern winters are sthanged for wonderful Cuban clim-! Sailings each ay, ENE ing Sonneetions for Mexico City & in the interior of Mexice ga BAAS : rite: for literature and arcleulars : i. rates and Actamimodat Ons, 5 YORK AND CUBA MAIL 8.8, CO, 2 neral Oftices, 1 Tier ons, East River, i Wah © Long's Laundry HE card ana"f wn call prom, Drop for call Mt PRR hy ol FY Sires ». NN i MUKMKAY, Auctioneer. ven special at. rr hates oF TE oun wore | are other hotels, bul uone : dphtoach ¢ 'he Club for homeitke sur- Toundinge. in centre of city and close principal stores and thorfre. Charges are moderate. rates by the week. OMPSO to ally fall . promptly eviclicats Sunlight Soap camnot spoil your clothes, There are no injurious chenilcals in Sun light Soap te bite holes in even the most delicate fabric. $5,000 are offer-. ed to anyone iinding adulteration in Sunlight" Soap. 4. - : oe es OUR ROOSTER BRAND Of Smoking and Chewing Tobacco at torty-five cents a pound is a good Tobacco. Why pay eighty-five? NDREW ACLE A ALE direst Electric Restorer for Men Phosphonol restores every nervy ny the to Hs proper teas ; resto vim and vitality Foon uatire decay wd alt geal weakness averl hos, will k ane 55 Mailed to» o Drug s. eC Catharines. Ont. For sale at Mabhood's Drug Store, GRAND UNION Page 0 om 8 Free Bend hSIS 1% °F. City Guide Bock and Map PICTURE FRAMING. We make a specidlfy of fine gold work A large range of exclusive ~ degigns, - most ar- tistlc and beautiful * I A. WEESE & Co. Fine Photos. Wall Paper. S. J. WILSON, Member Dominion Exchange, Ltd. Mining, Listed and Unlisted Securities. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED 14 King St. East. "Phone Malin 4228, Toronto, Ont. That's Why You're Tired --Out of Sorte-- Have ro Appelite. CARTER'SLITTLE Small Pill, Small Dase, Small Price. Genuine mw ber Signature ey "A Tree is Known by IS Fruit" - AND { OUR COAL is known by its good burn- ing qualities. P. WALSH, 35 $7 Barrack St. HAIR HEALTH Take Advantage of This Gifer. We could not afford 4p so strongly endorse Rexall 3" Haier Tonic aml continue to sell it as we do, fl we were pot eettain that it would do all we claim it will. Should our enthus- asm arty us away, sad Rexall "93" Hair Wonie not give entire satisfac. tion to the users, they would lose faith in us and nr statements, and in conseqguehee © Prestige would suffer. Therefore, when we assure you that i vour heir is beginning to hhatur. tov if voll have any so Rexall "95" Hair Tonic wi dake abla ir growth and prevent 8 baldness, vou may rest assured Foon, we know what we are Rexall differant trouble, I You Have Scalp or Hale Trouble, i talking about oa Hoe Fone is Yaatly , other similar port | taining --r DAILY BRITS BRPTISH hid FRIDAY. JANUARY Js. ------ OF THE ESTATE OF THE LATE] COUNT TOLSTOI. Russian En Route to New York to} fer Ydsnaya Polyana to Carnegie or Rockefeller--Appeal to Their] {iene rosity. New York, drovitch aprive here wh of Jan. 13.~Michael Alexan Kustinsky, a Russian, will next week with a project for s that he bas been the sons. of the Inte Count visit the United States and sale of the famous Yasnava estate for ithe purpose of re it in its origi al for 1 memorial, ye st intended that est ate | mere museum, that it] onverted into a great eduea- Tolstoi to aliect the Polyana i Ba A Toles "It is wm shall be » shall be tional sopher's trines which aspecially peace... The memorial vernment bY ah Wtéthational appointed by the purchasers. the but | the but name and inculcating the doc- feb Folstoi was devoted, com- it It was first proposed to submit project to the Russian douma, the Tolstor family procedure would subject. the enterprise tw so much. acrimenions discussion, ending in possible defeat, that they decided, instead to appeal to the! generosity of American millionaires. Masers. Carnegie and Rockefeller are likely to be the first to have an oppor tlmity of thas honoring the great Rus | bb an' BE name, )E ALCOHOLIZED LIQUORS. The First Brewery Will be Started at Grimsby. Jan. 13. Chemist announteyd lately that to make n London, ov beck, who had discovered how ithout Termentation, process for dealacholizing malt hh A company is being formed 16 operate under the patent, The first brewery will be started shortly it Grimsby. * Mr. Overbeck says the me thad is completely It' pre vents beer from being intoxicating, while leaving the flavor, sparkle and palatability wnimpaired. ° Fifty-two experis tasfed the deal coholized beverages and than hall of them unable to distin guish between them and those con- alechol, Others detected subtle difference, which would not be | apparent to the average taster. Th process is applicable to all beers; and is will be possible for teetotallers to Irink Bass or familiar ales without breaking the -- The new pany jroposes to buy famous brapds, deglooholize them and put them on the market with the familiar labels | attached to designate that the are not intoxicating. 2 Mt. Quarbeck's discovery has anoth: or side. Hié% aye that every hogshead | of beer doaleoholized by pis process will yield about three galléns of proot spirit. This forms an excellent, mild whiskey,. which can be sold as such. it burns clearly and steadily without fumes. If dealcoholized beer becomes general spirits will be produced in such fhe sntities as would supply the mar- ket. It could then be used the same 1s petrol, which might be ousted from the mark. Whiskev-driven automo biles, auto-boats and aeroplanes. are a possibility of the near future. he alcohol HUOrs i successful, more were com BALLOT FOR WOMEN. Rev. Dr; Aked Says English Women Will Vote First. New York, 'Jan. haven't that keen sense of humor for which they have been credited all these and are English cousins quality. Rev. Charles F. Aked, avenne Baptist . ehurch, Rockefeller's | church, says $0, In an address to an audience of suffiragists at the Broad: way theatve, he declared: "I have thought for a long {ime that the Ame- rican sense of humor was to a certmn extent a matter of tradition, than one of fact, but I never before Vears; in this hie-savoring of the: Fifth had the vourage to give utterance wi what 1 knew would be considered far more horrible herésy than any for which persons were burned in the good old days." Dr. Aked, himself an Englishman, told his hearers that Englhshwomen will get the hallot ahead of jheir Ame rican: sisters hecause they have the ability to amuse) the peop people. INTERFERE WITH LINE: Men Canght Trying t to Short Circuit ! Transmission Cable. London, Oat, Jan. 13.-Commis- sioner Stevenson - received a report from C, C. Latham, who had charge of the secondaries for the Hydro Electric Commission, to the effect that he had caught three men throw mg wirés over the transmission lino | in an effort' to shoi't cut the eireuit These men were warned to keep away from the towers. Another instance came up in the vicinity of Dyndas, where a farmer deliberately took the bolts out of a tower, causing the heavy casement to tumble over. To was fined $50 and aosts,. 7 pee YMCA, gn for Pekin. ich he hop obtain the sup-{ A mere "i aires. i 0 ¥, passed through | y b r to Liverpool this |e conms- § establishment bearing the philo i to be! feared that such a} has patented a | 13, ~Americans | even inferior to their | rather] Dgremen {stant dull backache or the A i i ------ 3 [COMING TO DISPOSE] Strength Comes | Not From What 3 You Eat Bat From What Yeu Digest, Ia Tablet Digests a' Meal--Trial i . Packuge Free. | Most people eat most foods without | i diserimioation--it matters little what! j Few stop to think what shat food {does for them. This js 'the first tuen fon the road to dyspepsia. Reckless { digregard "of the proper choice of jloods, rapid eating snd improper { mastication, are' the + unquestioned causes of all stomach disorders from | the. slight ache to' the aly raat cAn- OF. There is nothing more revolting than a dvipeptic dtomadhegn eecy val for | putrefaction, sending forth ils poison | throughout the entire sygteni, depres. {sing the brain, boiling the breath, | suring the taste, deadening the mus- cles, incapacitating the liver and kid- ness for their work, deBifitating "the { heart, choking the hungs apd dogging { the bowels. All of these disagresable and ".dan- gerous conditions are due te the im- | proper digestion of food and the con- sequent assimilition of poison. What | else can be expected ? 'H the food lies {in the stomach, if the system is con- stipated, fermentation is the natural outcome. - It shows itself in walery rising, belchings, heartburn jand painful breathing, | There is only one way to relieve this condition. I the stomach refuses . to {digest your food put something into it that will. Stgart's Dyspepsia Tab- {lets are nothing but digestives. They jare not a medicine. They work when the stomach will not. |" Each tablet contains enough. pep- isin, diasrase, golden seal and... other | digestive elements 'to * reduce 3,000 grains of ordinary food to the proper [na for assimilation ino the blood { { or. |: Stuart's Dy spepsia Tahlets wre she tntely pare. There j& nothing harmial {in them asx shown in their endorses | nint by 40,000 physicians in the Uni {ted States, apd. Canada, . Ask your family physician his opin {ion of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets and {it he is honest toward you he will | state positively that they will cure ivour stomach trouble whatever it imay be, unless vou have whited foo {long and have allowed $aur disorder {to develop into Sincer. Act to-day and hegin to and MIT | suffering. A free_trial pac Kanga will be jsent to your address, upon request. he 50 cent size pac cages are for ale at your druggist's, F. A. Stuart 150 Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mich, Co., | LOOKING FOR HER LOVER. | A Torontu Girl Spent Spent: Hours Trying ! _ to Locate Him, | London, Ont. Jan. 13.--For hours, | yesterday, a pretty little Toroito girl Kaunted the Grand Trunk Station look ing for a young farmer frp Sarum, near: St. Thomas,' to 'whom |vhe was to have been married in the Hatter city yesterday, But the lover came not. | Miss Edna' Gould, he young dy, prissed the proper connection at To- route for New Suram, and came, on to {London instead. From here she tele phoned New Sarum, buat was unable jto locate ler swaip; %ho, had purohas- {eel a ticket for London, and Pad left the village. She met all, the trains; but he did riot appear" Terrified tltat 'he might think she had jilted kim, apd conjur- ng up all manner of dire possibilities, {she left for St. Thomas in the after nopn fo locate the missed and missing lover and have the knot tied. PEOPLE DO NOT REALIZE | ! { ! -- | The Deep Concern Felt in Japan Over Pacific Laws, Sacramento, Cal, Jan. 13. --Japan's {first official protest against proposed jut: Japauese legislation in the United ates comes in the form of a letter ro Consul-Geperal Matsuzo Nagai, .jat San Francisco, to Sepator Leroy { Wright, chairman of the senate com- [mittee on federal relations. I think the people of this state J hardly realize the deep concern felt: in Japan on this subject," says the eon- sul-general. "Discrimination at this {time would be particalarly surprising to the Japanese pegple in view of the jefforty which have heen made during ! tive past two years to gultivate wk will of 'the -American people and to prove to them the sincerity of Ja- panese good-will." FINE FOR THE KIDNEYS. {A Few Doses Will Regulate Your Kidneys and End Backache aud Bladder Misery, The blessed relief that follows "the- use of Pape's Diuretic is a revelation {to sufferers from backache or kidwmey, bladider and urinary disorders. i The time to pure kic trou is while it is "only bots, Ab Before it settles into Dopey, Gravel, Diabetes jor Bright's Disegse. {| Pape"s Diuretic acts at oni upon the kidneys, bladder and urinary sys- tem: cleanses, -vitalises and regulates these organs, ducts and glands and completes. the cure within'a few days. The mousnt you suspect any kidney or urinary. dera by OF feel a con: urine is v, ofienmve dF full of sedi- ment; irvegilar of ge or. attended " 1hy a sensation 'of Feoding: you should begin taking Pape's Diuretic as di- : thick, cloud: sour; New | the- 1911. WOLF - ISLAND COUNCIL. Officers Appointed for the JYear-- Accounts Passed. Wolfe Island, Ja ¢ elected council, Fawcett, reeve, wood, William H. Woohman, Furger and George ( Tors, took the and progvedea of Jast ~vegulur confirmed. Steamboat Rawley, washing, Bireh, amount of acéoun George Rattary, paid stceunt George Wright, ete., $2.65; Jackson printing, $3.38; Stamiard Peblishing Company, panting, io: W. B. Dalton and dems, amount of accoum, $F James Crawford, 1 month, captain 850; .R.) Mullin, | month, engineer, 366.66; James Davie, 35 davs, mate, R50.66; KR. Berry, 35% dave, fireman. Midi; George Rattary, 35 days purser, $35; Mrs. Dav®, 38 days, cook, F033; W. Armstrong, 98 dave, deck hand, 32633; H. Marlow, 351 dave. deckhand, $23.66; Roy Card, 1 day, extra deckhand, $1.50; "H. Sluman, 1 day, extra deckhand, $1.50; Rattary, S84 meals, $106.08, Township accounts paid : tréasurer, county Frontenac, $13.45; Mes. P. Kelly, charity, $10 | Mrs, Cadotte, charity, $0: Mee. W. Mdteer, charity to Norris, $6: 1D. J. Pawson, stationery, postage, 1910, $4.50. Resolved, that T. D. Minnes and W, G. Woodman be appointed auditors, P. O'Reilly, member board of. health, and James Mcfilynn, astessor. Re solved, that the township treasurer be structed to accept endorsement of bank cheques instedd of endorsing township orders. Resolved, that P McPermott be appointed to bush road on ice to Kingston, for 85. Council adjourned to the firét Monday in Feb ruary, at 10 a.m, why 1am hic he wi Laowy « Reorg rillespie; con DPOPSSAry vomposed and § wer declarations 0 busuwess, and * special accounts 15; Praied Press, George D. Purdy, tile, HALIFAX NAVAL COLLEGE. Temporary Building is Being Fitted . Up. Halifax, Jan. 12 finishing towrhes are the dockyard, which naval co he being painting applied to the interioc of building in the be used temporarily for purposes, It will begin work on Ith with twenty adet next year it is expected that the magent. buildings on the house grounds will be ready. Capt. Martin, the senior naval ofli- cer of the dockyard, will be the cap tain of -the college, I. Hactley be ing director of studies. Other members of the college staff are: Lieut. Nixon, enirineer: Lieut Bartlett, staff pay master 'Gertie, Lieut. Young and the | acting naval instruetor will be | Robinson, AN INDIAN WORK OF ART, ary one « oD x Government May Have it for $100, or $40 and Letter, 18. ~The geological Ottawa, Jan. of an inynense painting now at the department of Indian Affairs, the own: er of which "is "Bob" of the Tdesaht band of Fodians at Alberni, B.C. The painting is a representation of the fegends connected with "Bob's" ances tors, and was used at a recent 'Pot lech' or celebration by the I'sésaht tribe at Alberni. It is the work of a uneducated member of the tribe, and | is done on a big sheet of canvas about sixteen feet Jong and eight feet high. A. W. Neill, the agent at wrote in sending the "Bob'" was willing to aceept #, or 340 and a letter from partment, v the de- Lost Voice dt Got It Back. Chatham, Jun. ~Miss- Anna sons, of MeKay's 3 orners, who tending: sehool in Ridgetown, the skating. rink a couple of ago and Was rendered unconscious She remained in that condition some time, and from convulsions. Whén she from - her 'injuries it was found she had lost her voice. Yesterday, while walking to a neig bor's house, she slipped and fell again The shock of the second hier voice to return, and she is rv fully recovered from ther temporary af fiction. wee recover tha ---------- Cobalt Police Report. Cobalt, Jan. 13. Chief of Burke's report handed to the council, last night, shows receipts rom fines of $11,490, for year, The surplus expenses, officers, salaries, ete, £4,900, giving Cobalt the record of be ing -the only municipality in the vince whose police department shows a | town I'he convictions numbered 455. 200 | oversqns did time for viol ation of the i lijuor license act, and 127 were fined | for the same offence. | King Gustav Fell Off Horse. | Stockholm, Jan. 13 A copulation | of ewvinent physicians was held, vester- | day, to determine whether an operas: | tion is weecessary upon King Gustav, | of Sweden, as a resplt of the injuries | he received m a recent fall from his forse while hunting, Fear of injury to the heart and of consequent paralysis tends to the belief that an operation may be necessary, although this will be averted 4f possible. A slight im- provement in the monarch's condition was voted to-day. "To Oppose Home Rule. Baolfast, Jan. 13--The first steps were 13.<08icinl = re 'ta the state department indi case that the plague situation at Har Manchuria, is very serious, Dur. ne the last fifteen dagy a total of a. have been New survey is negotiating for the purchase | Alberni, | painting that | S100 for | pro- | profit. i | reported. eases have "occurred at the fale of 10 mortality of*foety = poe nly, | ami naval hospital | will | Hege | Janu-§ Admiralty | | Be | -- | i i | i i $ § } } { i Par- | 188i | fell at | for | afterwards suffered | fall caused | | Police { the past | over police court | was | - THE NEW INTERNATIONAL ENCYCLOPEDIA SAYS Cod Liver Oil is one of the mest valuable thera. peutic agents, that the benefit derived from it in diseases associated with loss of flesh caanot be over estimated. Mt bs given in JUBERCULOSIS, in RICKETS, in CHRONIC ECZEMA, in many NER- VOUS DISEASES and in GENERAL FEEBLENESS, Scott's Emulsion is the world's standard preparation of Cod Liver Oil; it contains no alcohal, nodrug, or harmful ingredient what. ever. if is the original and enly preparation of Cod Liver Oil recom * mended by physicians Lhe world over, Be sure to get SCOTT'S. known the world over by the mark TRADEMARK of quality -- The Fisherman. ALL DRUGGISTS Bar Solder, Babbitt Metal and ali Ingot Metals We are headquarters. THE CANADA METAL COMPANY, LIMITED. " OFFICE: 81 WILLIAM SY REET, TORONTO, S0000R00P00000000COCUNO0ETR000NROROUREBORES tone up weak stomachsssupply the digestive jui which are lacking~easure your hesupaly being al eo erked into brawn and sinew, red blood and active ay 50¢c. a box, ° National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited "Beaver Flour" is the finest blend of the : two best wheats Ca --Manitoba § and Ontario Fal provides tl makes bone other gi £1 1e rich gluten that and muscle, the ves lightness and to and Beaver Flour makes whiteness pastry. the "bread po imore loaves to the barrel than flour on the market loaves that are sweet, nutri- tious and light, and it also + makes delicious biscuits, cakes and 5 any other pies. Try if, and show your friends the excellence of vour bakiog, DRA LRRS<Write for Prices on Feed, Coarse Grains and Cereals 117? The T.H. Jaen C0., Limited, Chatham, Ont. On the breakfast table--in the sick room--for making . salads, puddings and other desserts--for a bite between meals, in the lunch box, there is no fruit j equal to the famous California "Sunkist" Orange: Being tree-ripened, sound- -picked, packed and shipped with the utmest skill and care, it 1s the most healthful and luscious of all fruits, Sunkist Oranges dre thin-skinned fiberless--seedless. They fairly melt in the mouth. There is so little waste in serving and eating them that they are truly the cheapest orange you can buy. -Every kist Orange comes in a Sunkist B® Wrapper. Thousands of families will have none but Sunkist Oranges. After you have tried them once they will win you. Please make the trial today, Your dealer sells them. You can buy Sunkist Oranges by the box and half box, Anddon A forget lo Save the" Sunkist", Wrappers, i |