"YEAR 78 -NO. 11. The Interests of Can- adian Manufacturers. NO RADICAL CHANGES LIKELY TO BE MADE IN THE TARIFF. ARE Sir Wilfrid caurier Made No Pro- mises Regarding Erection of Flevators at Liverpool--Amend- sment to the Opin BIL : FREE TRIP TO TRAVELLERS. WILL PROTECT eg The Baily KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 1911. ; : i Company Offer to Carry One Hun dred to South America. Montreal, Jan. 14.7The South Ame | : . Frad company ix desirous of developing trade between Canadas | 2 and Schih Ameeien. For this purpose! Free Trade Negotiators are Quite Satisfied. ean they offer free transportation for 100 wiclul travellérs with their sam-) "We are despatehing a steamer," { H. M. Boyd, the compasiy"s | esplaine ! spent, "with a large carga! American paris; and we have; { them in this new field | r the travellers and lPHAT CANADA WOULD GET ALL introducing them to the! eR SHE WANTED Canada has everything America from al {If the Democrats Were in Office Democratic Leaders Say No-- a | Agreement on the Long Sault Polish Farmer Mundéred Company's Bill. i South wants, Old Special to the Whig {ttawa, Jum, Hon. Harty, of Kingston, formed one of the big deputation representing the Canadian Manufacturers' Association that yesterday waited on the Domin ion government with reference to th tarifi. Last night, the Moatresl de gation returned home, and most (of the Toronto vnes went back dar) There seems to be a feeling in politi- eal cirdes thant whatever the result of | the Washington pour pacers may be! the Laurier government will make no | radical changes with the tariff he ] interests of Canada's big mavulactur! ing concerns, in ent, will tainly not be jeapardized The time of the house, wan largely taken up with supply work in reference to Qusheo public works es timates In the house, took oceasion tion extended to him at the sitting by Mr. Suaples, of Manitoba, to pronsunce upon the OF | otherwise, of a statement in the Grain Growers' Guide thie he hd promise i that the goveroment would erect ele | vatorss in Liverpool to tobe said of the wheat shipped to England by the Hiideon Bay route. He said he made | no promises of any kind, Word has reached here that Hon, R Lemieux, postmastesgeneral, will reach New York, to-day, by the 88. Celtic, and will bé in Montreal to-morrow He will spend a few hours at his father's there and "will then come on to Ottawa, reaching here, Monday. He has boon in Europe for some time, His brother, A. Lemieux, K.U., today, went jo Montreal to meet him, It is understood that there will he an important change made in the bijl that Hon, Mackenzie King, minister of labor, is introdiecing in the house to stop the illegal - ufseture and sale of oplam. One complaint, made ox: pecially from Montreal, he will prob. ably add an amendinent with refer ence to cocaine, It is said that at the Canadian metropolis snd some other cities througheat Canada, coenine is being sold to minors, and to sdults for purposes other than strictly medi cinal ones, There 8 reason to believe that stringent legislation will he put on the statute books to slap this, es pecially to punish the droaggist merchant in any line of business who wells this drug to chiidren. Sir Wilivid Cawrier will move the following resalution in the house "That it is expedient to authorize the governor-general in council io on er after the 7th April, 1911, grant a sub- sidy for a steamship service between a port or ports on the Pacific coust of Canada, and China and Japan, for sich period of time, as may be deemed expedient, not, however, to ox toed in ghe aggregate ten years, and to pay t refor a subsidy, or subsidies as the case may be, hot exceeding the sum of £25000 sterling per annum for such service a= may be deemed ox pedient from time to time." William oer | ANY ev : yesterday, | Sir Wilfrid Laurier | to reply to the invita i previou rorrectness, or DAILY MEMORANDA. Annual Clearing sale Of farx at Campbell Bros Leo Singleton, plano tuning and re- pairing, 408 Brock Street. 'Phone 401 "1.0 "JOINT ToEIRTIation | Monday evening, by hish chief AREer Al Foresters and thelnsdriends walcome ' a {ef his wife, ay | tissae in a similar way { vears old, The Y.W.C be Ader Near Berlin, Ont. | - Washington, = Jan. 14. ~Brutally murdered Fielding, Hon. Mr. Paterson and Sec § the mutilated body of retary! Knox, negotiators for freer Franz lo an aged Polish Ca- trade between Canada and the United nadizn farmer, - near Wellesley, a "il- | States, held another three-hours' wes. iW aterloo connty, sion yesterduy., Those participants re- een miles from here, was: discoverad | presented themselves as satisfied with hy neighbors, yesterday, bound by a ihe progress made, Secretary Knox's wire to a post outside the house. statement being : "Everything is go- Lovinski was a man about seventy [img very well.'" " years ub. age and had his farm "1 of a conclusion for several days vet. he a - ER b+ the The ammptions in some quarters twel ce hn here. Ris hon that had Canada waited until the house, where he had democrats came into offite, she would slane: singe 'the : death have received all tariff favors she abs apd. Thete apa TOTH without giving anything in re years ag ere are surm, received n jolt to-day, in state ments made in interviews with two of | ithe leading democrats in the House of i Representatives, Champ Clark, of Mis | souri, anl*Ovenr Underwood, of Ala-| bama, od An argument took place in the har- hors and rivers commitiee on the Long Sault Development company's bill, with the result that it was referred to a sub-committee for < report. It will come up later with the expectation of being dealt with by this congress, Little Field spoke for the opponents of the bill, while Representative Maltby advocated it, and Leighton MeCarthy, of Toronto, spoke briefly for the pro- moters ' 5 14.--Hon. Mr. fe r hi Idd, meskes, ahout eigh-! 3 mie was an old fo lived entively no childeen TWINS JUST LIKE SIAMESE. Two Filipino Children Are Cone | nected by Membrane, New Orleans, Jan. 13. Filipino children, bapind together as the Two | by Nia- La, { mese. twins, have been brought to this city by Dr. J . H, Dunning, of Los Angeles and J. D. Louis, of Manila, with the view of consulling surgeons to consider the question of 'separatitg them, ot The children are two and a half The connecting portion is merely 8 membrane that seems to be) very elastic. One of the children got! the measles, which did not affect the] other. Both wete vaccinated at the! Passi Sway of same time. It todk on ane hut not on | assing ¥ the other. Fargeons here: have =o far! Napanee Resident. | refuted to cut them apart | Napanee, Jan." 14~Jgfmes H. * { Brown, one of Napanee's i rosi- passed away, on =day, dents, g aged ninety-eight years. Deceased was well known to the Napanee residents, AGED NINETY-EIGHT. ou DIED The an AMERICAN IN TROUBLE. | i Accused of Trying to Steal a 835.- | 000: Necklace able to move around much for the London, Jan. 1M American nam- | uact five or six years, Death was just od Weston, alias" Albert Cripps, has aa the infiemities of old age. » | been arrested at the Grand hotel for [funeral took place Friday afternoon, attempiing to steal a pearl necklace [at 2.30 o'clock, te Riverview cemetery of the value of 855,000, which he orient, : . dered Van Vourzeux, bf rue de Ia Puix | Miss May Steacy left, this week, for to send ta the hotel for inspeetion, lan extended visit with friends in Win- When it arrived he told the messenger Inipeg andl other western points, he withed to take it to - another room. The fourth regular meeting of the to show his wife. The messenget ve-|Ladies' Musical Club was held mn the fused to agree to this, whereupon town hall, yesterday afternoon. The Cripps threatened him with a revol- programine . was arranged by Mrs, ver. A struggle ensued, which aroused | Wartman, Mrs. Boyes and Miss Light, the hotel, and Cripps was taken into|gmd was exceptionally. fine. custody. He bas been stopping at the | ------ botel for a fortnight, and was appar-{ ently respectable. Child Was Murdered. Albany, N.Y., Jan. 14.--Aid of the police in every large city of the coun try has been sought, thus far in vain, i i ntity of sult of alleged wholesale vote buying |'™ the effort to learn he poe iy of four prominent citizens are under ar- | the Shabby fivp June alc RoR Whee resi along with three negroes. Four | [TO%R BUCY, vi o a te dng h hundred negroes were registered, a wd | Eh mouth, was found, yesterday, andi ARTONS Were : La A rdny i = { pio i overvone of them soll] ® Swamp on the Schendetady road. nN . ne tinh ' carried] The police have little Sow that the A es . : Ava : was slain by fiends who forced to the polls in automobiles, five nien ob sich] ah his throat. A toa cor, with oy white: mah-gn guani | half-empty hottle of the acid, bearing 10 that their vote wars/cast ac- the label of an Albany druggist, was cording to the terms' of sale. found under the body. a -- : Hon. Mr. Reaume, minister of pb. hie works, will make a flying trip to Hoagland to complete the organiza Say Negroes All Sold Votes. Savannah, Ga., Jan. H.<As the, re negroes were The Quebec Bridge. Montreal, Jan. 14.--It is reported hatidise shipped by aver a hun | . \ nadine manufacturers direct to' There is no indication | [res upon every beholder, 'who cannot look on God's masterpiece | zette, $136; La Presse, $466; La Belle a score of years ago, but has been ug- | 'I Madria river and seek out a favorable FEEL SORRY FOR PEOPLE Who Can't Look on God's Master- piece Without Blush. Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 13. George Gray Barnard, the American sculptor and desigwer of the studies in nude which were to have adorned the state i i i , and about which much agitation has been raised ou account of their nudity that they may be attired in the latest costumes, is so im with the idea that Am- ericans have not béen educated' up to the standard 6f* "nude in art" that he draped in have them corre- spond with the views of Pemnsylvani- ans on the art idea. Mr. Barnard said : "You see, this is a new land. Pioneer days here are only a matter of yesterday, and art has had little or 50 chance to see through the masses as in older. coun- tries where its place and power are fixed. |" "Our people as a whole must be edu- cated in the matter, and while there {isn't amy earthly reason why the he {ure of a man as God made man d at tl shock anyone, it is an i man in the diocese of Montreal. Parish TO WAGE WAR On French Freemasons 5 in Montreal Diocese. TO UNMASK FREEMASONRY'S UNLOVELY COUNTENANCE. The Freemasons Say They 'Will ¥ 1 * -- i © THE REAL FOUNDERS by | Wnts a French-Canadian Of Nationalismi are the French Pre. god Intes, Londen, Jan. 1:3. ~William Maxwell concludes, in the Daily Mail, vester- day, his report on his recent "Cana: 'dian tour.- He says he found that Canadian statesmen realize the dap: get of the Bourassa movement, al though they will mot discuss it public bv. "They Teel that though Mr Bourassa: may not be" a : Charles Stuart Parnell he has some ambition an! some, dangerous material. His | movement is more than am anti-naval agitation, it is anti-imperial, even, if it lights again the slumbering fires of race and on, But the French prelates who are seeking to make the whale of Canada bilingual with bo varate schools everywhere are the real founders of Nationalism, The vati- ran, howevcr, is beginning to look with disfavor on these pretensions. Recent vacancies in British Columbia and On- taxio have been filled by the appoint- ment of English-speaking bishops. Sim- iliarly while Archbishop Langevin appointed to newly-created see of Regina, the vatican is believed to faver a German who speaks English." SO oh fact that Mhy of thode who visit priests are enjoined to be prompt in with repredsing to im- Bi Da a, xi that they wo 3 the groups rather than im Freemasonry w er it} may appear among the fai . Spe! cial sermons are to be preached and the international Masonic movement is| to be denounced from the i wl the life lessons T want then "occult, lying, snd anti-religious." Priests are to "unmask Freemason- ry's unlovely countenance," and then "strike at its heart," at the same doing all they can to ent money reaching its coffers. Warnings are to be given against individual Freema- | soms, especially leaders. ! The priests are also instructed to at-! tack socialism, warning the people to] Lave nithing to do with it, and point- | ing out the falsity of its 'teachings concerning labor and property. i War is also ordered to be waged | upon what are described as dangerous books and newspapers. "We Freemasons are evidently com-| sidered as outlaws," said a prominent French member of the order, "but we have rights which)we will maintain by law if necessary." Mgr. Bruchesi, in fis New Year's message given to the English newspapers, said we should all nize that there must and always will be differences of opinion among men, and that we should give those who differ from us 'in politics and in x. : ach oi z SECRET PLANS [=i is ap-- "1 feel sorry for the man or woman without a blush, but my feelings and 'yours are not the hig thing in this matter, "The time will come when conditions will be changed. The people will take higher ground, and then, of course, the drapery can aud will be removed. It: may be a hundred years or longer, but it will come." | Where the Money Went. Ottawa, Jan. 14.--A return asked for by Mr. Monk, hat elicited the in- formation that between March 3lst, 1910, and November 15th, 1910, the following amounts were paid by the government in Montreal and Quebec papers for printing : La Patrie, 381,089; Montreal Herald, $20,800; Telegraph Reinting Cog; 3674; Le Soleil, : Montreal Star, $323; Montreal Wituess, 387; Montreal Ga: tin, $18; La Semaine, 324; Le Canada, $382, OF ADVENTURERS | IN CHICAGO. Xr kL gi Tp------ They Were Organizing 2 Filibuster- ing Expedition to Proceed to Brazil to Seize Rich Rubber Lands. + Chicago, Jan. 14.~The secret plans of a clique of adventurers who, using Chicago as their headquarters are credited with backing a propesed fili- bustering expedition into Brazil to seize rich rubber lands, were revealed by one of the men who was asked to join the expedition, says the Record Herald, Under these plans the Cuban steam- ship Oteri is declared to have been chartered to carry the party, supplied with arms and munitions of war, into the heart of South America. The Oteri is supposed to be lying at some intermediate port, awaiting the arrival of her adventurous crew. So secretly has the work been car- ried on .in Chicago and New Orleans, Sons are ly to be ruled out of human society altogether, but if this js carried on a sensational shuf- is certain. OTTAWA BURGLAR CAUGHT. Ald. Stolen Jewellery Found at Prisoner's House. Ottawa, Jan. 14.--Riding home in a car, being off duty, Constable Col- lins noticed an unusual light in Wright's store, and taking the motor man and conductor along for assis- tance, he caught Emile Noel in the act of burglarizing. Then going to Noel's house he found a three thou send dollar bag of jewelry, stolen from Ald. Gaulin's jewelry tore, on Thursday night, thus clearing up the mysteriotns affaic. . Died in the West Moosomin, Sask., Jan. 4. --Arthur Henry Swith, B.A, who came to Moosominfrem Kincardine, Ont., died last nigh after four days' hess from typhoid. He was princi of the public school till 1898, w he ' All this is made doubly interesting to Englishman by Archbishop Bowine: outimrsts in Montreal hg bere on the subject of the English language as the churbh"s true wediym in Can: > ies THE MOTHER CONFESSED. Says She Poisoned Her Boy When Distracted, Rochester, N.Y , Jan. 14.--Mrs. Edith Meber, of Schenectady, was placed un der arrest here, last night, and is charged with the murder of her four year-old son, whose fromen hody was found near Albany, this week. She has beet turned over to Detective Reed, of Albany. The prisoner, after denying her identity, and later de claring her. innocence of the crime, admits that she is the woman wanted and that she poisoned her son. She was placed under arrest at the New York Central railroad station, late yesterday afternoon, under the name of Ida James. She was taken to police headquarters, where, after be- ing confronted with the facts, she broke down and finally seid: "Yes, | did it. I don't know why, but I was distracted, and was not aware what I was doing." FINTON IN THE BOX. He Sald His Father Gave Him the $100 He Had. Hamiltod, Jan. M.-Theee was a i the court room when Lawyer " unton asked § prisoner, Finton, to step into the wit: ness ~ box, Staunton questioned him about an insinuation that he had tried, to poison ! his father at one time. Finton said he and his father were on the best of ferms. The hun dred dollars he had on the day of the murder was given to him by his father. The prisoner told his story in a quiet and cool manner, and smiléd occasionally. The prisoner stated that he left his father alive and well ut eight o'clock, having been given one dollar by him to buy a bag of feed. When he was in Hamilton at soon, he received message that his father was dead. SEND WHOLE PARLIAMENT Te he Covonstion "of "King George Next Summer. bought oat the Moosomin Spectator, which he published nnd edited until] he sold out last November. He was a prominent Mason, Oddfellow and Orangemsn and a» member of the of the University of Saskatehe that it &as only yésterday the secret Service" men iB jt. Capt. Thom: as I. Porter, head of the local secret service, said he expected to get more information to-day. The Oteri is scheduled to make for the Amazon, go up the stream to the place along the stream from which a revolution might be started. In view tion of the London offices | that the two experts of commission At Halifax, there is suspicion of jars to be named for the purpose of foul play following the schooner | breaking the deadlock in the matter of | erew's, story that the captain was | plans for the Quebec bridge will be | washed overboard . : {appointed as soon as Mr. Mojeska re AD will hold a valentine | tgems from the other side.of the wa: tea on Tuesday, Feb. Mth. fter. Messrs. Mojeska and Macdonald wish to accept the plans of the Uni ted Companies at Lachine and Walker- ville, and Mr. Vautlet is kicking, want: ing the official plan of the commis sion accepted. Indian Schools Dispute Settled. Toronto, Jan. 14.--Jt is announced that an agreesient regarding the main- tenance of Indian boarding schools thas been unanimously arited at be- tween the department o ian af and the four churches priaies $255,000 towards the main Elliott was asked after place and gave this reply --" 'When yoil See & man every &® Year or two, and he asks you every day to marcy him, why, all. Repetition every day is too much for marry him, that's yhody to withstand." You couldn't got a better example of the effect of persistent ad- Tell the people every day in a plain, sirllghtforward way your story, and it will produce the desived 'effect. They will believe business in you, and s effort "advertising. t's in our mental make-up. No mah oF woman can escape (his ent. may BOL §how any results the first time it ap- tenance of the schools in question. Hotkey Player Lost Eye. Antigonish, N.S. Jan. L4-While at her divorte why she had married XA t of the shoulders the first few 'to think saviously about them. and of the fact that the country has been in a state unrest since last May the leaders do not believe they will have trouble finding followers on one side or the other. Eddy Will Contest, Concord, N.H., Jan. 14. Opinions by two eminent lawyers, Hannis Taylor and William L. Chambers, that the bequests of the late Mary Baker 6. Bddy of 32,000,000 to the First Church of Christ Scientist, of Bostou, |" is forbidden by the Jaws of both Mas sachusstts and New Hampshire, is ex- in documents given out by De itt C. How. It is believed that it { connection with Canadian 4 Ottawa, Jan, 14.--A hew proposal is likely to be made To pasliament in represefita- tives at King George's coronation. It is that entire Canadian parliament shall make the trip to Pngland on | the Niobe. The promoters of this idea point out that this would add to the dignity of the Canadian house be- fore itain and impress -Britishors with fact that Canada has undertaken her obligation to help in naval © de {ence of the empire, Fire at Burk's Falls Burk's Falls, Jan. 14--Four inmilies were bummed out smd $4,000 damage caused this morning, in a fire which destroyed a building and furniture. Scale Than at the Time of King Bdward's Coronation Nine Years \ 14.~The legislative in charge' the plans at .e i il i i I I i i E i id £ i HE : ¥ ES i # # x F i 2 iL $i 5 Ld § i i i 4 HE it : ; Hy i i f i i ih 7 Es Faf i ? E f i 5 { coronation of , be on a more : than at the Time of King ard's coronation. The route of Jrocesion to Westainster Abbey 22nd will be the same as on occasion, and the Royal ugh the capital after the to the Queen's deli i ¥ i i gf : fas ¥ i i invited to attend the L AST EDITION : HIN nd a Lawrence ow "Tate. and new and Sanday es etd, ovr -------- ---- sie apy 'From' Paris -------------- EXQUISITE MATERIALS For the making of besduiiful Bren ing Gowns. : There's noZsa moment to loss i you would get your share of thsss PARISAN IELTS They are ours only one of each. a FRENCH NETS, With beautiful floral rebe designs and garnished with steel beads. PARIS STRIPE NOVELTY. A beautiful fabric of white and gold. FRENCH NINONS, White with Colored Robe effects FRENCH NINONS, With Grecian and Floral 'Robe ef fects, spangled with gold and silver GAUZE CHIFFON By the yard in pear! grey only, with silver, 42 inches wide at $1.25 " Ladies' Home Journal, Quarterly Style Book angst Monthly Style Book NOW READY AT STEACY'S DIED. Kingston, on Jan 11h Jane Darragh te) Sumsday afternodn, al : St. Mary's Cath in disn DARRAGH 18 JAMES REID 254 and 358 PRINCESS STREET. 'Phone 147 for Ambulance. TAKE NOTICE, Heaters, Coal Happy Thoughts Oxfo Cook Stoves Will sell th duction now at TURKS also other a re 705. Gas aters, at Phone These cold mornings nothing tasies 80 good as a cup of our Java & Mocha Blend COFFLE It goes right to thy spot. It is pure. 'w PRICE, 40 Cents. Jas. Redden & Co. IMPORTERS OF FINE GROCERIKS Czarina is Very IIL St. Petersburg. Jan, MThough the fact has been kept sedret, the Czaring is again critically ill and on that aceount 38 court ioten hove iwen tponed, HRProvement police Rhle after she took the cute at Nee Nauheim was followed by & wri relapse. Partial paralysis attacked the Cearima's tet and id extending io other parts, The doctors eaunot give any reason for ber conditibn exvent the nervous sirain. . On Magnificent Seale, Ottawsn, Jan. 1i.~A umber of high ecclesiastics of the Roman Catholie church from all parts of Conady and many of the | ane States will be enthronement of Ganthier, of Kingeton, ae head of the Ottawa archbisdeneis This will likeli: be some thine wat month, and will be on § magnifies + scale. Rome preparations gre alread, ander way. Lane's jewellery store wipdow is at tracting scores of people. Goods thers discount are marked st. 23 per cehi., now. * Sa A