~ _ PAGE TWO. The College Book Store 260 PRINCESS STREET OPEN NIGHTS MUNSEY | 30 Per Cent. Publications Reduction on all Pennants and - Pillows' Queen's. Royal Military College K.C 1 K. 4 H. Kingston Pennants. ~~ MIDWINTER SALE . AW tawa, where hey were the guests of . Mrs. Fistor : a 2 Mrs. James Reid, after spending » : ! few days with her ts, a ! it Mrs. T. W. Bowie, University avenue, , 8 |feturned, on Thursday, to Pnglehart, Guwilight §| 5" #1" Miss Margaret Fairlie, who hes been > oe 0 visiting Mrs. Graham , im Oty taws, returned home on Wednesday. Mrs. George Cliff, "Park Villa," Barrie street, x '> . and ternoon to a Admiral Kingsmill, Captnin / Roper, who have been the guests o friends, when she entertained at tea, on Wednesday, at her pretty home. Col. and Mrs. J. H. V. Crowe, re The decaratiaiatin the reception room turned to Ottawa, on Thursday. Major Henri Punét, R.C.H.A., has were very tastefully arranged, and the # By Kate Langley Bosher. tea room was made most attractive received orders to raced to Eng rs. Panet expect by Killarney roses, emgploved in its land, and he and to leave, early in February, to re appointments. The hostess received in a lovely gown of satin swiped mauve main a year. They will be greatly isan by their many. iriends in King- ston.f} Mrs. J. H. V, Crowe, al Military miton, over . mauve silk. The | College was hostess at goby pri \ slightly hahple sitirt ya banded in on ly "evening in honor of her with mauve satin, with large bey guests, Admiral Kingsmill Capt. mauve satin qt the edge of the train. . 3 ng. Copa The bodice which was empire in the back had ki sleeves and was! finished with bands of ' mauve and Raper, of Ottawa, rs. J. R. Sedgewick, Royal Mili- tary College, entertained at dinner, silver, and a handsome bugle orna- ment, The dainty yoke was of dew- - y + + + drop net. Mrs, H. H. Wormwith, Mrs. Mrs. J, Tousil, Earl street, .n nounces a, t of her daugh- John Nicolle, Mrs. S. R. Bailey, Mrs. | ter Esther hE le, to Charles © IL. W. Gill and Mrs. John Gaskin as- ing, B.Sc, son of Mr, and Mrs, sisted Mrs. CLff in entertaining the | Andrew Peeling, Campbelliord. The a in the drawing room. Mrs. A. | marriage will take place quietly at ". Chown, and Mrs. R. H. Toye pour- | her home early in February, el tea and coffee at a polished ma- hogany table, laid with a Cluny lace |, contre piece and doilies and central {Continued on Page 8.) View of the Government. with g mirror on which was arranged a handsome cut glass bowl nil of "In accepting the proposal to nego- 2 ha Bn. hn fre Hate; | however, we were not oblivious illarney roses a Aden tas d A ote. Tall roses of lilies-of-the:valley stood bs . dip ahi hish existed Bi at each corner of the table. Mrs. R. |}... longer in business, had a larger E. Sparks served the ices, and amore | opuiation to cater to, and that con others helping were Mes, J. I'. Sparks ditions in: the ¢ Nitric Were B Misa Aditie Toye, Miss Mabel Meek, | itiof ug COUNTY were Dot Miss Mabel Milo. Miss Ofive Boyd, iden tical. I can assure you that Mr. Miss Hazel Massie, Miss Florence iii. | biclding and Mr. Paterson, our com- inmeon, Miss Marjorie McMahon, Mir | FE IUTE EE MOO thes Jean Gaskin and Miss. Jessie Dickson, | 1h 18° natal x is apis Master Courtland Elliott openel the 8 AT ey y he ween two front door and little Mise Crawl |COUntries. At t Sametime CANDOL| evenings during the week. The devo- ushered the guests into the drawing for my part, see that it is impossible tional Xercisés were conducted by room. The aflair was practicalty o|!0, reach some trade arrangement Rev. D. Lai ' ud Rev 8. Sellery leuvetaking for a Oh, Gill's which will not in any way interfere 21h ong a do ie REGGE friends, as she will be so busy from : : £0 The speaker for the evening was Rev. with the manufacturing community - of EL. Rieo, of the First Congregation. now {ill the time she goes west that she will not be able to roveive or fay Canada."--8ir Wilfrid Laurier to the ha x zd . al church, who took for his text the he ¢ a manufacturers iatan, parable of the rich farmer or the rich visits, She and Mr. Cliff will bo vary greatly missed when they leave us. -------------------------- te - Battersea Drivihg Club. fool, Luke xii,-6-20, : The Battersea Driving Club is ar-| The speaker asked his hearers if they ree ranging for 5 two days' race meet on regarded this man as Christ has de- Mrs. George McKay, Stuart street, | Loughboro Lake, beginning about the scribed him, as a fool, Is not God 8 was hostess at q particularly bright | middle of February. About $300 ip fool the world's wise man The and pleasant toa on Thursday after | purses will be put up, and 'it is ex- preacher thus endeavored to modern- noou. The hostess received her puests | pected that some fast horses will be | 17¢ the parable by placing the soul of in the drawing room. Ia the tea room | present. The free-for-all race will be |™Ma0 in the parable into the hody of the polished table was arranged with | for a purse of $180. It is expected the | 0° of our modern farmers or business a lace centrepiece, and a huge bowl! event will be 3 most successful one. | Men. Such a "man to-day would of pink roses, and lighted hy coftly | About 1,500 people attended last | doubtless be regarded as exceedingly shaded candles. Mrs. John McKay ' poured coffee and Mrs. I. B. R. Craig year's event. wise. If he were proposed for a city ; corneillor, he would be elected hy a poured tea, and Mrs. Richard Waldron Major Panet Goes to England. - | sweeping majority. It is evident that cut the ices, assisted by Mrs. .Charles | Major Henri A. Panet, commanding | God's fool is today the world's wise Low, Miss FEtta Uallaghan, Miss | "A" battery, R.C.H.A., has received | man. But in the face of all this, God Florrie Stewart and Miss Helen Ug- [orders from the militia department to | again reiterates. his former judgment, low. The guests included Mrs. Will- | proceed to England as soon as - pos- | and says, "Thou Fool." We pause to iam Harty, Mrs. Halloway Wuddell, | sible for duty. He+does not know yet | ask ourselves wherein we have gone Mrs. Fiward St + Mrs. J. Walton, | must where he will be stationed, but | wrong in an estimate of this "man. Mrs. Hugh Nickle, Miss Marion Hed. [it will be with one ob the Royal den, Mrs. J. W. Rigney, Mex. Mu- Phone 919 oe > . Rare as a new comet is a book of the heart. Here is such a book--simple, whimsi- cal, quaint, impulsive, true-- this wonderful Mary Cary. "She never walks when she can skip cor dance," says the author about this little orphan. A story for everyone, a story even to meet that severest test-- reading aloud. Price, $1.00. These have been delayed for some time, but are now on sale. . GENUINE REDUCTIONS IN ALL Suns nnsey LINES, $65.00 Sideboards for $54.00. $75.00 Parlor Suites for $63.00. $45.00 Hall Racks for $37.00. $3.00 Jardiniere Stands for $2. Argosy. All Story Cavalier. Serap Book. R. R. Mans WISE MAN OF TO-DAY } ree AEs of Hy Cussd 'Brass Gouds During January we are offer # GOATS Lined with No. 1 Muskrat, Otter or _ Persian Lamb Collars. Our own make and guar- anteed. We are closing out the above lot at less than cost. Come to-day over." No 'obit gation to buy. JOHN MCKAY, 149-151 Brock Street. W. F. KELLY MET WITH SERIOUS ACCIDENT. This week only IS NO MORE THAN A FOOL IN ' GOD'S SIGHT. Rev. E. L. Rice Speaks About the Foolish Farmer--A More Aggres- sive Campaign to be Undertaken by the Churches. » The week of special evangelistic ser vices in Queen's Street Methodist church was brought to a close on Fri- day evening. Owing to imgiroved weather conditions, the attendance was somewhat larger than on other Because of so many de- J mands from those who heard | of it, but missed it, we have H renewed our offer of a 25c J box of Rexall Cold Tablets | free with every bottle of Cherry Bark Cough Syrup | purchased. | 50¢ Worth for 25¢. " These two taken together acording directions will quickly cure | any cough or cold, This free offer is to intro duce this wonderful new remedy It works like magic on the cold. oy OFFER GOOD TEN DAYS. MAHOOD'S 750 STORE: | MINCESS AND BAGOT STS. || [0- Night ing a special discount of TWEN- TY PER CENT. OFF any arti The cle of Brass ia our store. stock comprises i preparations | Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum all re- ficed in sympathy with above. Repair and Upholstering prompt ly done and cheaper now than any other time. 'Phone 90. ~ T.F. Harrison Co. SHOE BARGAINS For January Boys' and Little Gent's. : Boots. ALL WINTER GOODS MUST GO. JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE 70 BROCK STREET and all First Quality, are ------------ SMITH BROS., KETTLES, FERN POTS, 5 CANDLESTICKS, * : ' b Jewellers. Opticians, : 850 KING STREET. ¢ DESK SETTS, VASES, TRAYS, PHOTO FRAMES, Issuers of Marriage Licendes + SOAP BOXFS, EIC, Yours. | Missed Hold on Rail When He was About to Board a Train--Suffer- ed a Bad Shaking Up--Was Re- moved to Hotel Dien. As the result of an accident he met with on Friday, William F. Kelly, the well-known oil dealer, is laid up, at the Hotel Dieu, with a fractured arm, and is also suffering from "a severe shaking up. He is doing as well as can be e ted. Mr. Kelly was a passenger on a C.P.R. tram, returning from Ottawa, where he had been on business. It ap- pears that when the train made a stop In Men's, Like the man himself we had forgotten about the soul. But this God never Horse batteries. Major Panet will 8 in BIBBY'S GAR STAND Phone 2v1 DAY OR NIGHT Lake, be had just finished cating his lunch, "in the 'dining car, and instead of walking through the car to the day coach, he got out on to the platform, and then walked to the car. When he went to grasp the rail of the car, he hissed his hold and fell, with the re- ROCOONECNCCO0CCCO INOS Blankets And Comforters | White All-Wool Blankets. sult that his right arm was fractured at the shoulder joint. He was assist ® [ed into the car, and at Sharbot Lake She was attended by Dr. Coutlee, and upon the arrival of the train in ® | Kingston, he was removed to the Ho- ® [tel Dieu, where Drs. Mylks and Hanley reduced the fracture, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. porters on Their Newman & Shaw's "Speciials." See King's menu for Sunday. Page 8. See Lane's window for 25 per cent. discount sale prices om jresiies. : Harvey Milne, Univ: y avenue, is spending the week-end in Montreal. 'William Swaine, plano later. Uelers ® | received at MoAuley's. Phone 778 Meeting of Ladies' Auxiliary, Hotel Lat a station, the other side of Sharbot Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up by Re- court Callaghan, Mrs. Gordon, Mulk« Mrs. McCallum, St. Catharines; Wis, R. MH. Partridge, oe Jeremy Taylor, Mrs, Stafford Kirk+ patrick, Misses Josephine and Agnes Browne, Miss Frances Sullivan, Miss Nan Patterson, Miss Susie Arg- lin, Miss Kate Smellie, Miss Jessie Dickson, Miss Edith Young, Miss Lilla Callaghan, Miss McKeon and Miss Mabel Dalton. * + 9 Mrs. H. R. Duff, Priucess sircet, en- tertained at a most enjovable and in- teresting bridge, on Thursdav after noou. Cards were plgved at eiht tables und the prizes wore won hy Mrs. D. Phelan and Miss Eleanor Macdonell, Mrs, Campbell Strange and, Mrs, Vere Hooper pu osided * over the tea table, which was centred by a huge bowl of red tulips, Mrs. Jeremy Taylor- helped the ice cream. Among the guests were Mrs. J. °P. Shine, Mrs. Kenneth Blair, Mrs, 7. D. R. Hemming, Mrs. P. ¢, Steven- son, Mrs. Frank Strange, Mrs. Edwin' Loucks, Winnipeg; Mrs. Mcleod and Mrs. Stiles, of Cornwall; | made. leave here gbout the end of the month He will be absent for six or eight months. tt Kingston Business College, The students of the Kingston Basi- i ness 'College held an informal dance, ' last evening, in the college. The an- | nual "At Home" is to come off soon. of amusement out of it. The ice is in {one corner. The team do all their practising on it. seeker The chronic bargain often buys articles that he or she has no use for, simply because they are cheap. Three 10c. bottles vanilla, 25c., at H. Free, 36 Division street. Royal Household flour, J. Crawford. A good resolve for 111: Don t 43k too much. See King's menu for Sunday. Page 8. the finest Newman & Shaw's "to-night." The rink is in good shape now and every man must J the students are getting a great deal What am I in the sight of of God ? He overlooks, Every man reality three men. There is the man as his friend and neighbors see him, the man as he sees himself and the man as God sees him. In his own eyes and in "the eyes of his friends and neighbors, { the man of the parable was an admir | able fellow, but in the 'eves of Cod be was a fool. The question which ask himself. is this that makes provision for the 'probable {good condition, with the exception of but no provision for the inevitable is a fool. At the close of the meeting plans for future work among the churches were discussed. Tt is believed that in the pear future a more aggressive cam paign will be carried on in an effort to reach the men of the city. Oyster Supper at Wolfe Island. Wolfe Island, Jan. 14.--An enjoyable evening was spent here on Monday, Jan. 9th, at an oyster supper given by the meubers of Circle No. 190, of the Order of Canadian Home Cir- cles. After sthe regular mweting of the Ciréle the lodge room was thrown open and a public installation held | aa 22 only Misses Skirts in plain colors, also Tweed ef- tects, nobby styles, in lengths 30 to 34 inches Priced up to $2.00 each. ' | { TONIGHT AND 98¢ Each. MONDAY, i Ladies' Flannelette Under- skirts, in Pink, White and Grey shades, the balance of our 75¢ garments, for 19¢ Each, The best Corsets in the trade at 50c¢, 75¢ and $1.00 a pair. Ask to see the range I ---- > Sale At COURDIER'S Valuable Lots For William Street, laneway in rear, be Barrie Albert $850 Johnson 132, Early Buyers 34- x 84, with tween Clergy and Street--Size of lot, 68 x Size in Street of lot. 25 x . Grey All-Wool Blankets. her guest, i10, with laneway Beverley rear, near $200 Unton Cornelius Bermingham, . , Mrs. D. Phelan, inkle, Mrs, field, Mrs. Douglas Young, C. Ashby, Mrs. St. Pierre Hughes, Mrs, D. 8, . , James Cappon, Mrs. H. T. Hughes, Mrs. W. R. Givens, Dieu, Monday next, 8 pm. Al ladies held. interested in the cause are invited. BH i piano tuner, 21 King streaf, leave orders at Mo Auley's bookstore. Bread or pasiry - made from Royal Household flour is the whitest, highest and best made. J, Crawford. Rev. A. H. McGreer, Barriefield, is ® iin Toronto and in his absence the services St. Mark's Shurels on The following officers for 1911 installed : Past leader, George Friend; leader, William Kemp; vice-leader, Oe- car Fawoett; secretary, Mrs. David Bustard; treasurer, George Boyd; fi mancial secretary, Herbert Leakey chaplain, Rev. Walter Cox; marshal, | Rodney Walker; warden, Mrs. George | Friend; guard, M. Wiggins: Robert Todd. Fhe genial chaplain, Rev. W. tox; was then appointed to the chair opened the programme with a = #nd chprus. Readings and 'recita ticn: jJollowed, the Misses Keves, Topping and Kenney and Master Aus tin Friend contributed. Ladies of Wolie Island are noted for their culinary accomplishments, but on this occasion the members of the Circle excelled themselves in providing for the inner man. The beautifully appointed bles were a feast for the eyes. After su the, programme was re- sumed, itations were given by the Misses Stella and Mabel Walker, Mas- ters Amos Friend and Earle Kemp. The chairman delighted audience with snother song and then called for an . address eR | from his home in. Fort Hope 10 ne | § FOF the Physician $ And the Nurse from his home in Port Hope to be Sterling Silver Thermometer | Union Blankets. Comforters in Batting, Wool and Eiderdown filled. near Union with lane Street, t, 36 x 8¥ in rear, $500 For a niece Home tion see our big list Fire Insurance at fe . Hogses to Rent and Rents Col- lected Mullin Corner Johnsom and Division Streets. Phone 539. Monday stock, and @ 230, in good loca Any Cloth Coat in priced up to $15.00 $18.50 each, for $5.00 A big snap for early buyers lowest rates, sentinel, All fresh new stock. oo 0 ~ R. McFAUL. CARPET WAREHOUSE. Be00000000000000000000 a A, » 'Miss Kitty Hughes, King street, is entertaining some of her friends at a drive this evening, after which they will 'have and 5 dance at Mrs, St. Pierre hes'. The in 1 | TETSU STIR IENEEEINITSR EY ng made. J. Crawford. Last evening the Fort hill was the scene of a most enjoy: party. The crowd went over early, and, after enjoying the sport for « x yjeouple of hours, returned to 'the city, Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. OOCOOO0000C0O0000 OOOO 0O00O000) it \ {present at the gathering. He stated the benefits of the Circle in a few well-chosen words and expressed him- ; 4 Bam Can Do High-Class "Pocket Case of Surgical Work : No contradiction can wash Needles: ' Pocket Medicine Cases. . out that ct. It is as clear Pocket Surgical Cases as the water we use, as n= effable as Instrument Satchels. we hy linens, and as unyielding ¢ Buggy Cases. : =e Chate ig ors an the starch in our cols lars and cuffs Forceps, Probes, Medicine Cases, ete. Everything required by the y Doctor or Nurse in the sick ' | Mesasssessssssases FRABVABLVVVAVLLVVVVAVRTL TALES ® Phone 22!