~ ' THE DATLY BRITISH WHIG, Baan aaa a ar 1 TO AID POOR BOYS. 4 ---- wi------ 'be Ranked fm ) we } 6G ld . S| Man Was Tempted to Steal Sum of The Work Shou 0 in 3 $130,000. : Co -- 2 Sortant. ile : Jan. 13. August =. William | AS LONDONERS. DESIRE TO BE! wWienever possible, the mistress or wi { I : forty-one years old, London MODERN. joue member of the household should 4 | manager for Phelps, Dodge & Co., of es : haddertake the care of Jamps and rovk ' 4 York, whe emberzed $130,000 | Famous 'Freemasons' Tavern Open-iit among her important daily fesks 2 rE re I FEILER the firm, was sentenced in Old ed as "Consianght Rooms" --Many for this ix one of the secrets oF suc > rv : Bailey to only one year's prison: { pamous Men's Haunts, are "058 if you would have a good fight hy wn gre. RT 3 > ere a i 4 H i 3 tea is re t 0 {Continged from page, 2.) | ment becafise an investigation had de Vi is ; jand avoid the unpleasantness of smell, AND THEIR CARE. : eT 2 Mrs. Hugh Fraser, hing street, en-| pelgped the fact that the defanlter bad' fsmats apd smoke . care and experience Lert at the. lea howr, om rp spent all his money and devote] his The Free Masons" Tavern, in Great] So set about the task at once and Siew v day afleraoon, in. hone Pre. + {lie to bettering the condMions of | (Jueen"stevet, London, FEgpland al- remove all the old wicks from 4 " : eet, L i EB ZH 4 id the in blending ~= must be Bouk, of Vancouver, ; Ihe AOSLe ve | homeless and friendless boys, teaching | most the last of the at historic lamps, cutting them up and Puttin ceived the guests in the drawing-room, | : 4 = Anding iti : 3 of th . i ha o : Yl ¥ i trades to them aud finding positions] inns of London, has chatged ite "them in a jar in the coal cellar. These the combination of fine Shieh looked bright aml cheery tie { for them Bo uame; anil hercaPer-it is fo be Kdewn 'bits of wick Will form capital pei tha glowing grate five, and softly}. A poci' mission. which he upported | a gs g » * "het Hiohters x ' ' Fl 'y s , < © § L as the "Consaught Rooms. The thghters. flavor, smooth strength Sharda gandies Xe Sharia E. Tay- fou of his salary, grew so rapidly that Pounce is significant of the newborn | Empty the containers of 'oil and or presided over the tea table, assists boo Shiain the money to maintain it 4 3 i drith "twash them Oo b i ") 8 ioconoclastic taste of the Pritish me-jwash them Sut in hot soda water. and richness. Because ol by Mrs, Montague Strange and land acting on the advice of a broker Aropolis, whick now sécks' to wipe out placing them where they are sure * all these elements are Miss Ella Frasee. The guests wege i friend Finch used 85,000 of the firm's | of existence not only the sctual 'his-jget thoroughly dry. Take the upper a Mesurier rl Hg R. { funds. = Speculating in copper he lost] ioric Ruildings of the city; bat even portion of the lamp where the wicks SO generously included . arter, Fre. . J. Birdwell, Mra. {gi and took more money, but con- | (heir very names as Well" By some appear all to pieces, wash and boil 3 John Mackie, Mes. i A ; Biving Niu, | tinued to lose, although the evidence this alteration in the national senti- [them in soda water till every scrap of in Red Rose Tea it 4. B ochrase, Mrs. Jolm Fuirlieg] poo hat he had "spent night after § ment is atiributed to the return of dirt aed charred matter has disappear. othill ss Gertrude | : h ; Mes. B. -H. Fothill, Mi; true night on his knees praying for the] Britain's sons from Usnada, where led. Dry very thoroughly and pelish the the lamp glasses with Dewspaper and well merits the term Strange and ¥en 1 Prager, market to turn, : "new" things, it if said, appeal Hp . "good tea "wr HES 3 J . Realizing at last (hat he had no § strongest to the popular fancy. ichamois leather, ut do not wash ag JD io UNE ated, ie played chance of recouping in the market, Great Queen ap jtself Iately has them. : a 3 1 ny RH TAY MOTE | Finch cabled to the firm, telling of | heen greatly transformed by the crea-| Have the new wicks well dried aml ing, when Mrs. R. Hoober's rink wom . "poe. "nd then disappeared. * tion of Kingsway and Aldwych. Most place them in their sheaths, fll up from Miss F. bi i) . xink Tg He started threesconféctionery stores | of the ancient tenements have gone, | the containers to within an inch of the Rt Misk Willie Fereis Mrs, | Liverpool in Hobe hope of repaying | but the Inigo Jones mansion, in which top and put . whole lamp together I Guiltier. aid "Miss: BY Hooper the money amd was arrested thbre. Hook, Richard Brinsley Sheridan and bean. : hie & skip. Miss "1 Dense Miss Dasy Fer: 1 he tes mony showed also thaty he |g y Robinson--"Poor Perdita --inl S wane to rb the new wicks n tl Mrs. WH. Macties and Miss had lived frugally, dating a ancheon | yen resided, remains untotiched. Free Hitt > qe Hoes rub off Se unwbea bits Flocencs RE niagh Nice Ada Birch of dry bread and cheese daily in a] Wasons* Hall was * Built under thé Roa ; ol the Sur of the duplex won from Miss Prats Sullivan it the dark corner of the Royal Exchange; plans of Paul Sandley, and was open: ie S, but Oo Viol, gut the Sie "cron singles. . : that he had mastered wood carving to} of in 1776. Thé tavern was opened in ay , San Ros Ny 2 . 2 ie oe teach to his mission boys and that to} 1746, Mrs. Siddons gave her 'drama-| We R un he deny 68 ? a Among the guests at the skating provide pay work for them all the} readings in- the hall. All the. great thane a Ja rs HY -- ge party, given by her exgeliency, the Futifisnre in his home was made by Hanonic bapgueta pe held there; {kn ell So ate, the ath ant 'oun ire 2 > , +} them, wesides] over by the various royal : a athe tagnte Sey in no wa; 2h Monday, Finch's associates told the court pass who, in succession, headed the | the §ime comes for lighting, FOR BALD-HEADS, Charles Keefer, Miss 'E. * McPherson that scores of boys had been helped to | gyder. John Philip Kemble here made | . P for W Ame : Miss Cartwright; Me: and My, Gilbert better things by Finch. his farewell speech. James "Hogg, . repare for Nork. . A Treatment That Costs 'Nothing if Suiith, Miss Aanie MacPherson. Mrs. The: defrauded firm, through counsel, | "ihe Ettrick Shepherd," was dined in | Every morning colleet all the lamps it Falls. Herbert Horsey, Miss Any Horsey, the pleaded for mercy for Finch, because the place. Charles Dickens and Henry that have been used and take them "We waht von to try three large | Misses Low, amt Misa Grace Baroet. satistied that\ the story of his umque | Irving said good-bye in the great hall, where you can attend. to them in a bottles of Rexall "93" Hair Tonic * charity was absolutely true. 5 The tavern closed some time ago. As wood hight. Rub off the charred por on our onal guarantee that the Mrs. R. Uglow, Barrie streef, enter- When he was arrested Finch surren- | is pointed out in the London Outlook, tions of the wick with a pad of soft MAY ROBSON, IN 'THE REJUVENATION OF AUNT MARY." AT THE trial will not cost you a.penny if it {tained at a most enjoyable house dered his home, worth 24,000, to the the twentieth century Pharitees seem apes, taking care that set 5 feck GRAND, ON THURSDAY. JAN. 10th. does pot give you absolute salisfac- dance, on Thursday evening, in honor firm, which has returned it to his wife | to. have taken a rooted dislike fo the alls into any Jartion o the amp. 1 -- tion. That's proof of dur faith in this | of her son, Mr, H. Uglow, of the Mer- | and child. ; word "tavern." {Polish the glasses and fill the contain. A should indisputably de- | chants' bank, Stratford, who is spend- ; The a in sxplaiping the! The Albion Tuvein, : in Ndirigire a. 55 boop: the: implonéits fot lamp monstraté i is i i ener of the sentence, 1Mposec on | street, where the Kas ndipgn com- ays > » "RIA lor A Ty { . . re mg Bre leader Ay ing his holidass da loun, eT ™ this ie an said he be- iy gave its dinners to its depg[t- cleaning in a box by themselves. They | In wiih Tartine at the Grand! A North Caroling Man Suggests a all "93" Hair Tonic will grow hair on Mrs. William Harty, "Otterburn," | lieved Finch had allowed the mission | ing .pro-consuls, had been closed seve- (hould include a mop for the glasses, mrsday Night. - l . Remedy, bald heads, except where baldness has | will not receive, on Vhesday, but will | work to so fill his mind that he did |xal years. It was there a lord mayor, | wick scissors, which should only be A great thought and a vital pri ireenshore, N:¢ 'For a long tine been of such long duration that the | receive on the first and second Tues | not realize the enormity of his of-] Sir William Curtis, served a spread used m . ches of dire hecessily, a ciple wrapped in illbmade and tos volu { sq run down and debilitated that roots of the hair are entirely dead, | days of the month during the win- | fence. The prisoner that cost $200 a head. A special ;chamois leather and two soft dusters, minous clothing is the impression ft] 1 could hardly drag around. My ap- the follicles closed and grown over ter. ! | and oven the lawyers .shed tears as | messenger went to Westphalia, on the | Always wipe each lamp carefully with | py "Judith Zar ine, a pay in Vhieh | otite was poor and TF eonld not sleep and the scalp is glazed. * > | sentence was pronounced. continent, to yelect the hams for the ithe last before putting them in place. Miss Lena Ashwell holds the litle tale. | I had tried different so-called » we are basing our state. The points' competition at the! Curl | im - gecasion. , The Cock," 'Dicks, : the | "When lighting, lamps do not turn The story of the play jdt 8 ine tonics without benofit. 1 was ad. ments upon what has already been | ing rink was very keenly vontested, on | Township of Kingston Councit. Rainbow" and the oid "Mitre," all the. wicks too igh at first, as i way fing town under martial law Ni \ to try your cod liver and Iron by the use ob Rexall Ihursday 'moruiig, by the ladies. Miss | 9} £ tast thsi long since have vanished from Fleet !make them smoke, and also keep a | Murray, partner the United int] tonic. Virol: god] am so glad 1 did. "93" Hair Tonic, and we have the po red g Ly Jan. 9--Mmites ol last meeting | cot. They "were famous taverns, | harp lookout for the first ten minutes ling company, disguised ns a reporter. fo {i cove me a hearty appetite, right to assume that what it has done Marion Redden secured 'the highest adopted. Moved; ~Gordon-Valleau, | it; nized by Johnson and his friends. [they are lit for the same reason. living among the strikers, and bel Jon "commenced to sleep soundly for thousands of others it will do for store. that two ASSESSOrs be appointed YO Tt wos inthe Mitre, in 1773, that coming influenced hy, Judi ¢ mo- | nd I feel strong, well and more '--fe- ed any vent you cannot lose i * 2: i, fassess the Jawnship in Fone, suid Si Thomas Topham, the strongest man FOR LADY READERS. grapher, who sways' the ; | tive than I have for years. Every rw by giving if a trial on our Mrs. Felix §, 8. Johnston, King essigent to Stane or ie years ry in the world, rolled up an iron dish - 5 preaches a gospel of happir te down of debilitated person should liberal antee. Two sizes. Se. and | "V0 Was hostess' at a "most enjoy- app icants to have unti nex. Iuetiig with his fingers. fn 1788 the place | The Secret of a Good Complexion], Col. Pontifex, who imsists on at-f Loe ion Vinol un trial." K. Allsbrook £1.00. ean + Your éan obtain Rex- able bridge on Friday evening. o Soundil 8 sani (iplications. "| changed its name to "Macklin's Poet's Revealed. tacking the strikers, not so miuch for | {wy Cuarantee this testimonial to be all Remedies in' this community only . a * nn - Lim Po ee vert TT lwo Gallery." The modern "Mitre," cn This is the season for evening |love of law and order as because hei oi) at our store--Thes Rexall Store, G. W Mrs. George Chiff, "Park Villa, Bar- plang, tor ort and road, antl OAS | © Mitre Court,' originally was "Joe's." parties, social events, etc. Why not jis a shareholder in the mining com 1 What Vike! did for Mr. Allshrook a! , * | rie street, will not receive again before | Guess refunded $5.25, lie hax Ing Per | Fven the site of the Crown and] ok vour best. Why let your com- | pany; Jack Borinski, the strike lead-| 4 «il 4, for every weak, run-down she leaves for the west. - formed 'statute labor. Moved Gorden-fpAnchor," which stood at Arundel] plexion suffer by contrast with other [er, in fove with Judith, and Bor-| o jabilitated person in thiye vicinity . *s oe Valleau, that J. Rawhie emblay is street and the Strand, is now almost | | dies? Why not ensure a good. com. | inski's father, a Polish cobbler. who | 9 Gow our faith we wiltdieni h the Mrs. J. P. Shine, Royal Military | bor to apen road between F. Gates forgotten. Its predecessor at 'the spot | j.cion? You can do this on sound, [voices ' the underlging thought inl dicine free if it d not do as we College, entertained informally at the [corner and Con. 4. Moved, Reid-Haw- |}. o the "Academy of Ancient 'Mu- pC ucal lines by "using | Zam-Buk, No- whale, play, "diz; that only f q.0n, Come in und got a bottle tea hour on Friday. it) Kie, that bonus on wire fences belgie» founded in (Queen Anne's reign. res herbal balm \ fd the: dreamed, io sees visions] these terms. G. W. Mahood "n *> + 9» 10c. per rod, that all bushes and. re- | Nore than 2,000 Reformers dined there? Zom-Buk is a skin food; and. com the strong men of business i " | Mrs. George Deane and Miss Ursula fuse be removed and that the fence lin 1708. in honor of Fox's birthday. slexion is purely a matter of skin | righteous action, with the in| Deane, will arrive, on Saturday, from [Pe Bot less than seven wires and 4} bye tavern endéd ils career under the Health Zam-Buk smeared lightly over : ture uplifting' of © thie yace! as its . FOR BALE. Lindsay, to be the gueits of Mrs. R, [feet high. 1D. Babcock's taxes. for} quspices of Douglas: Jerrold<1846' tothe face each might acts as a skin :€0ul, will the problan of capi | The Albion Hotel property, corner AC. Carter, West street. sf 1907 accepted, ' and county treasurer | 1873 qs the "Whittington Club and Fy Tt stimulates the cells - beneath | tal and labor be solves. For the mol | Wontreal and Queen sireets, Kingston. Mrs. E. L. Forte, returned, on Tues notified. Darius Babcock remitted Stuy Metropolitan' Athenaeum." It was suc-| iho cuticle to healthy action, makes | be feels little but fontempt, erying Will sell at a sacrifice. For particulars day, from Guelph, Whete fhe has been | tute labor for 1907 and" 1910. , | ceeded by the "Femple Club," of which | the capillaries and blood vessels work, | as mobs. will for blood. one day "and 8 ' ant : Moved, Reid-Hawkie, that TLR.Os : » he capillaries and DY sels work, : - A . 'ho i T. J> LOCKHART, 3 visiting for the past few weeks. ore Sh ll pay ; not a stone now remains. and the vigorous circulation thus | cheering for the oppressor the next if | Boal Fetate"A Mrs. Edward Moore, Winnipeg, who Te 57 1°) Cork, Tr each, and for The "Pine: Apple" in = New street, | i, tod carries away secreted impuri- | be comes forwanl with a few conces- | stata Agent, 3 has been the guest of ber parents hooths $3 each be paid and 30c. be |ihe "Turk's Head," opposite Cather-| 2 0 w sallow' deposits are i} sions i 159 Wellington St., : ¥ > jgiven tg. poll 7 for telephone. John }ine street: the "Devil's Tavern?" and min pe Sg Mi us Miss Ashwell clearly conceived. her] Kingston. E> ile : 8 : Member Dom Mr. and Mrs. Richard Waldron, Barrie | 5 : ' E i g 1 oon : Riley appointed member of the board | the other side of Temple Bar, where | oitoned and disappear, That yellow | Part as one of the Joan of As LENA ASHWELL SUPERB | TIRED, RUN DOWN PEOPLE, i | and his friends ~ street, went to Montreal, last week, to " . . nt + spend a few days "with Mrs. Beech. o nh Lie ie _ J utray Jail the reapolla Luly : pet and where tinge gives place to the pink of health and kept up pose | of half mystic h .- " ha Service us path- | Shakespeare supped, gil have vanishe : WIRaE 1 y sss and Absorfrti no Her . { » and the white, velvety "look and | ness and absorption in 1 « DYEING FOR THE AB the somewhat ten { IN FOR THE MASSES. Te Miss Ethel Waldron weat down from : 4 3 master on Div. 44, Moved, Hawkie- pve : . a Mining, Listed and Unlisted here, on Saturday, to join Mrs: Moore Yollan, hat -. aye, lawkis- for evef, "feel which healthy skin alone has. | even in v woment | : and they will spend the vemainder of | {ak be out. only to: thuse who do - he Isn't this wiser than relying upon when Murray tells he he loy ; Ie | our privilege to dye or CE the month in New York. ; the work and on order of pathmaster, Baby's Splendid Health. taleum powder and cosmiptics ? These J This is possibly ome o th an ate [mIne and every : INVITED Rev. Alexander Gordon, * Lethbridge, Matter respecting electric railway ro- Ma. KR Yates ' Montreal Que only put on a "complexion" from the | ments in the play, as as Charle ie Fh cles of persoual wear King St. East. "Phone Main 4228, | Alberta, will spend the week-end in [ferred to solicitor. Moved, Valleau | writes "Baby's splendid health was | 00tside: It doem't last. Zam-Buk | Waldron is concerned, for ke is quiet O%.for the home Toronto, Ont Toronto. » Gordon, that . a committee be ap- | obtained through the use "of Baby's helps nature to build up a complexion | and restrained in word and gesture . : Everyone is glad to hear Bhat Wr. nointed. to look into atditors' report, | Own Tablets. They are # grand medi- Hom Mood and Hasue, i Jans For he Slay wright has fonded the . A E & Co., Geoffrey O'Hara, who has been laid up i the reeve to name the committee ; Amit ant ; i : Zam-Buk also cures skin diseases, | part of Murray, which role he pla 3 . omiuitter, { eine for constipation, as their action | pimples, ulcers, abscesses, blood-poi- | with a' burden of volubilits which Dyers and Cleaners, L ; in the hospital in New York, for some | und report at its next meetin i ve : y v eting. | is easy and does not give Paby pain. : { b time, i= somewhat improved. Moved, -Hawkie-Reid, that all jobs] T would recommend rs hyn? rg son, eruptions, cute, burns, sealds | swamps n really fine opportunity for 68 Princess St, Kingston, Ont. i * + » « 1 chapped places, scalp sores, piles, etc powerful impression. His desire vf over 85 be advertised at least three | ors: + shoul ! iii aa at leas wd, no One should be without them jy ..° apt Po of ae Miss Marjorie Lindsay, Montreal, has { gov before sale, the lowestehidder, if | who have vo i ohiflidren. i" the Ble. box all driggists and stores, or | persuade Pontifex ta withhold > you Zam:Buk Co, Torontoo, but beware of | tack on the strikers and fo pewaade Lindsay. officers with cp of Munic ov very 8 " OR Sars . : Mrs. Stuart Wotherspoon, of Non- | world, Edward uk remitted 3 : te Tost tt Lhe on . Lam 014," Said the Earth. thing less caleulated to convince either | Let us have it to replate. Now Ig treal, who is in Ottawa visting her {jor statute labor done. Moved, Gor- | ones will tell vou they are the very en oe ales he Earth. *1 a soldier or a woman in Tove or gut of {the time; also parents, Colonel and Mrs. Penning- don-Valleau, that the reeve, deputy | best medicine in the world: They "not old. rag. AN nell. am Tah than - Murray's voluhility can Sk t ton Macpherson, , was: guest of honor} on and treasurer be a committee {0 only core the ills of the little ones, I am stiff with the northern cold hardly he _ imagined Mele Woman a es at a dinner party, given by Mr. W. arrgnge. regarding collections,' bands § but they make thém grow happy and i Dy ru therz) sol alive, dead in earnest over a cause Nickel Plating and Electro Pl ting : A. Allen, on Monday evening, at the | 4 ovtension of time, and committee | strong. The Tablets 'cah he given to [| am worn 'with the wavs of met: and in love at the same {ime would fof all kinds. Nickel, Copper, Brass, Ask your grocer or dealer to send Country Club. a . . have power to give collector two per | even the youngest babe with absolute Death reaps them dow a like corn ever be convinced hy a man wha falk i ue. Cr - Miss Helen Finkle .arived in-down, | ont on all uncollected taxes, and if | afety as thdy are "sold under the | Thov ae. hist 15 thi breast and then ed as ach as he does; Happily; how-1 We guarantee a good job Jou a trial sack of QUALITY Flour vesterday, to _ visit her parents, Mr. legal the amount to be added. Council | guarantee of a government analyst to Straightway, SEW wen are horn : SVE, Mr. Waldron does convince chief [PART RIDGE & SONS * §Jand Mrs. H. Finkle, Union street. Miss | ,jiourned to meet the first Monday in | CODtain no opiate or other harmful | And their laughter is all in vain, ly because he is a te, upstanthng, | KING STREET WEST, drag. They agnok pase do Wm | For he me in a ac | ma one who, shea the 2c | mone 350 Try ft and be convinced of the} Finkle has been training as a nurse in | popruare, # . one of the hospitals in Boston. y --they always do good. Baby's Own And they babble of loss and gain -eelebrated quality ot the Flour. Mrs. James McParland, 'who spent Niinston's. Character Dofamed. Tablets are sold by medicine dénlers | And they drench me with their fine actor. Sea i / 25 cents a hox from The Dr, ' - Phere was a fine lit of acting by GORDON Christmas in Halifax, with Col. and i for a --~ Mrs, FE. Kenny, returned 16 ~~ town ~London Eng ~>dan: --H~Ht--is--ox- fF Wilhiamy Medicine To., Brockville, | 1s there never an end of all ? Donald Gallagher, the lnd.who eon] > fesses to Murray his fear of the sol | pected that unusually sensational de- Ont. May a great world never die, diers. and 'of the: "Minchin: diers, and of the achine \ last week, bringing with her Mrs. : . i" i . ' i Kenny's little "daughter, Joan. velopments will enliven the coming -- a ; i fv which | Mrs. W.'H. Jackson came up from | parhamentary season. Hon. Winston The Usual Experience. A oat ake. mighty Ball A ways kills vou like it killed father" Rrockville on. Thursday to witness | Churchill, home secretary, has issued | Toronto Globe Or foul at eh 0 ae» » I a there ran through it all the ery of ter | In and ror which is stifled in the breast o 3 iy | ow the performance 6f¢ Lena Ashwell. | 8 writ against T. B. Spencer, union- Wallace Neshitt's proposal to loan] X.w t k'ni Toy While in town Mrs. Jackson was the | i8t orator, claiming heavy damages public money to railways in order to] RW Suisk-ing touch) of the hand the workers, who go out day by d: -- tof gain their brgad with their lives in| CURE ery for England oe ie he responsible, to be given work. Coun- | house." This testimony is similar to I ful substitu 1 imatati Judith ti hile | : marriage of her sister, 158 AGH | oil will furnish each member and thousands thors' vont: Wis rat wrmiul substitutes and umtations. whih that while her intentions Ae RDERING DE Tvry mther whe hes = : excellent her methods ara wrong. Ans: [WMVET WAY guest of Miss Lillian Mowat, Earl for alleged defamation of character, improve their facilities will be met by Street. The case. will be tried duting the ses- | the objection that the experiment has Have Fared Pretty Weil jeopardy. those lives which the capi: | H I. K ak *x h [dona -- scan Sind already, wnd has not work. Toronto Globe . taliste hold so 'cheap. Hoard Kyle's on. J. K. and Mrs. Kerr have re = ed satisfactorily. The existing rail-l 7 hunt + tial | conception of the old col r, Wis 8 turned to Toronto from Ottawa. The Michaud Case, i wigs owe a greet, deal 10 grants - of {Galumbin is over. The death © oop | fine piece of acting and Gordon John - The many friends of Mrs. Charles | Quebec, Jan. M.~The Cecile Michaud land and money 'and Bnancial guaran-| among the deer hunters was thirteen, | "fon as "Jack Borineki," wax excel | ~ A POSITIVE CURE FOR Parker. Kamloops, B.S., are delighted | case is to be brought to the attention | tees from the dominion, from the! The Anglo-Saxon pays a high toll for § lent - to hear that she and her little son | of the legislature, as Mr. Cousineau is provinces, and from municipalitie¥. | his pluck and Jove of sdventure, but| Mi*¥ Ashwell is an attractive wo CONSUMPTION ¥] jare expected in town the end.of the | asking for an order of the house for | Since 1576 'the money grants to rail- | there is no sign that it is 1 v I man and has a strongly dramatic ' UGHS, jmamthe "to ciate x" and Mrs. 'Har {all correspondence between the attor-| ways have amounted. to $200,000,000, | excosive, Theta has ata been | Personality, thought by some to be ou R Callaghion, Troutenae strest; and as ak 3bd ant potsen, garding and the amd rants Son 0000 no war since IST0 in which the pro- akin to, that ot Hrs Kien: She has COLDS, HOARSENESS, . M ' - oc) wchaud in | aeres. Public veguinti of railways i ith also 5 Fpower of restraine motion, ¥ Mise Ethel | Curragh, 0 Stuart Montreal, in the autumn of 1910. has daunted ba: as Jaton of Sialition Jo the total a that is very impressivh, With "Judith BRONCHITIS athe, Js visiting Mrs, Callaghan, ' i ; '3 thas British Coltimbia ater hs AN | Zaraine" written down she could N ' arrowsmith. i go : Those Girls ; ission, bh whets during the % BY | make of it a vehicle for the better 2 Mrs. George Reid, , Alta, | Boston Transeriat. " is ¥ ng Tent Season. understanding of the wage earners, ASTHMA . which i= clearly the intention that is the guest of Mrs. Fred. Mahood, s i the gaomt Hine Cot are | anboae ta 'the pec Jacasuren- True to Life, CM; % McLellan the author had in AND ALL DISEASES oF ie Eva Bichardeon, at Sixent, Ka'o---You always were a reckless +4 Goll Maniac (io a fellow traveller) mind, TS sind meh SN Ses |THE THROAT AND LUNGS bo the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Austi : : Gilli Rue wa . and Hrs iy a . : i oA Det $s» 1 ww Ljorite recreation be ? / : Mrs. Sol street samubile desigrged ig a i Hyvochondrise--Indigastin. AS. a result of the rate war hotween : mats. delivery i mam a the hydro-electric mansgement and LYON'S ; A Guarantee 'Which Is. the London Electric Company, ihe |, J positively guacanter, in writing. | cates of consumers of decir w | GUT RATE DRUG STORES to refund ery cent paid by shy Leadon have been cut ip fwo As 4 who, at any time during result hydro-electric power is bein, MONT! i | first two weeks in our Colle will | supplied in London at less than ---- 8 BLEURY ST, REAL - stand in the presence of the wud | and the deficiency in reveline wav Cobalt snd chromium have been ate that we have misrepresented the | bat to. be made up out of the genera combined by an Indians man 'in ets or that he or she is dissatishind | fund. How long the taxpayer will tableware ally that does not axidiny with our College or our i. This | consent to pay a share of thé mone Fund that, wn wade into knives = to convince vou that day Short Jacturer's power Lille and his neigh. takes an ede atont @ gal to steel ' hand is Rot as Sothe will try to tell | bor's lighting bills remains to be seen. In a new electrical water heater the you, 3 myth. We expect a certain -------- water itself forms the resistance to Mount 4 Nose Som ssttain quart- : Camphe ell Bros". Fur Sale the current and develops ite own heat ern a as at one lime Now going on. A great chape fof instead of necessitating the uss of mee Ei even ay some abuse : Hydro | buy furs chesp. taliie resictunce coils : Bailing an rod or steel article in a jewel i ao-ditile worn, and die | salion of water do whith has been ord af thai of eoiwistency. peed four quince of, phosphoric wel Sites we onl good planing | ob sn ounce of ion Rlioge will sise