Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Jan 1911, p. 7

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{. JANUARY 14, 1041. evens back. 'He therefore led off almost at "PAGE SEVEN. -------- A --------"-- EE A------------ ---- - me -------- ; H PARKS & SON send and Miss Ada E. Toplif were A juietly matied ¢t the Methodist par- § > . hy ' nage, y ednesday Florists i Ray hue BL. i. es - age en n a) ATE And WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS |G%, et. H Wartian has All kinds of Cut Flowers and Plan in season. Wedding and Funeral De- Wilton. Visitors : return. her sister at Miss Inda once with : ; : "Widow Coliville? I am a widow - ar 1 x "Yes ™ " . . 3 = Yi ipertien, Municipal and County Deben- Ag i hg signs a specialty soipped to all Ler 128 King Street. » . Try WM. DRURY, 235 WELLINGTON STREET. 'Phone 443. » FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. ESTABLISHED 1563, President--Sir Richard Cartwright. vney issued on City apd Fao otes tures Mortgages purchased. Peposits focelived and interest allowed, S. CU. MeGILL, Managing Director, 87 Clarence street Peovsrsassssessease : WM. MUKKAY, Auctioneer. Furniture Sales given special at ¢ tention: Count Eanies of Farms ¢ Brock. ete. have been my speciality # for long years. If farmers wan! ? bigh doilar, get my se 3 MARKET SQUARE : Sees ssssssesIasVAN "THOMAS COPLEY, Prose 987. Drop a card to 19 Pine Street when t 1 done in the . et Thiies Even on ail Kinde new work also the y } orders will receive prompt attention Shop, 60 Queen Street. ,. PICTURE FRAMING, We make a specialty of fine gold work. A large rauge of exclusive designs, most ar; tistie and beautiful. PD. A. WEESE & Co. Fine Photos. Wall Paper. OUR ROOSTER BRAND Of Smoking and Chewing Tobacco at forty-five cents a pound is a good Tobacor Why pay eighty-five? ANDREW MACLEAN, Ontario THE GLUB HOTEL WHLLINGTON ST. near PRINCESS. There are other hotels, bul. none approach the Club for homeilke sur- rest The Tidi In Every s TELL US, From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing and What They Are Saying. R ----------N Echo Lake Echoes. : Echo Lake, Jan. 13-C.P.R. sur vevors: have moved from Feho to Chip- paws neai Fbterprise. A aumber of young people enjoyed a pleadant even: ing at John Switzer's. On Saturday "Uening Arthur Buckley and family, at Alin Wagar's; Mr, and Mrs. Me- Calla, at D. Meleod's; Mrs. 'Cox and Mrs. A. Wagar, at Mrs. Jacob Bab cook's; Miss Mary Ely Vand Mrs. A Wagar and William Wagar spent Fhursdsy evening. at Wagarville ---- At Brewer's Mills. Brewer's Mills, Jan..13.--Many from here attended the dunce at Joyceville on Wedn sday evening. The many friends of Miss Lizzie Smith will be pleased to hear she is 'recovering from an attack of appendicitis. Recent vi- Bite Mr. and Mrs. J. Dovle," Ga: nanoque, Fl. Scott and W. BSeott, Senley's Bay, at James Smith's. Mr. nd Mrs. M.A. McDonald and little son, end Miss Pearl Murray, Lanes downe, at John Murray's; Miss Celia McKenna is visiting in Toronto; Miss I.. McKenna has returned to Chicage having spent the holidays the" guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McKenna -- Notes From Kepler. Kepler, Jan. 12.-H. A. Townsend and Miles Orser have completed their work at the school house, School was commenced en Monday by Miss Stewart, ¥ Soremto. Otto V. Hanson Jmw gone 10 Kingsten to attend the business college. Mrs. Donnell is visiting at Perth Road. T. Garrett and family and T. A. Townsend, wife end daughter, visited at George Kavener's, Sydenham, recently. Henry Lindsay and family have moved imto this neighborhood. Hubert A. Town- Home there is sure to come ical sufferi at times -- suffering tac au ny ing which will B® followed by serious sickness, if the first symptoms are neglected. Top liff, Glenvale, at A. Townsend's; J. Nichol and wife, at Henry Lindsay's; Miss Hoppin ; 'at Ambrose Orser's. acy of $5,000 she sat down and did Mountain View Doings. logan serious thinki She had been , Mountain Grove, Jan. 13. There was|a widow for five years, but was one of # joint meeting of the Woman's In-|ihe overlooked. That is, hecause she stitute and Farmers' Club on the 3rd | had been left in poor cirew 8, nst.. Miss Wallbridge read a des he had not been sought by any of eription_ of her trip 40 Europe. H. 4. the numerous widowers sd a wife. The "taflord sang and Miss Rosie Welsh time had now come when she would rosiind A discussion will take place be it the next meeting on which is the] + "ollvi i most profitable, the dairy business led -- Coltville hay had ony ot Wu by Jastion = {uddorscn; selling live] 4" She had run 10 romance in stock, ; I. Barber, or sellin, : of ¥ iy cream, Jed by (ieorge ot Mr, stead of cook books and family al Doxie and Mrs. J. Dodd are still very ana dow didn't say to herself that iL George Nobbs is also under the she wouldn't marry again, but she Joctors cure. Wesley Way in pressing | 0, ELC he did 5 would bo © hay and Straw in the neighborhood, Boro. A hero might be slow ir coming Mr. Mackenzie and family have : turned to ' Ameliasinre after ee slong, but she had Plenty of time to weeks' holidays in Picton. J. Night-| Wait. . 2 Slip] ingale is ys after being ight It wasn't a fortnight after the news months foreman of a ranch in the ©f that legacy got around that Dea- west. Prince Edward farmers are be | con Hindmap made an afternoon call ng forced to use three-inch tires by ot Mrs. Collville. He was all dressed the county council, and a great num-{ up snd had his boots greased. For her are strongly objecting. five years he had simply vodded to . her when they met. For three years he . | had been looking for a second wife Mountain Grove, Jan. 13.--A large | looking right over ber head and be- namwber from bere attended the Sup. |yond. And now he entered her house day school convention at Sharbot| with a bland 'smile on his face, and lake, this week and were fortunate in | be gave her hand a hearty squeeze, being able to bring back the banner | and without saying a word about the ior the best average attendance dur.]cas) he complimented her vn looking ing 1910. J. D, Clark, home frown the | younger and many other things. rhanty with inflammatory rheumatism | The deacon had a home, he said. It is improving slowly, George Crozier, | was now a desolate home, because Portsmouth, visiting friends here, re. | there was no wife there. let a bright turned .on Wednesday. S. Dawson, is|star step in there to cook, sweep, ill. The Misses Mamie and Egnna Drew | bake, make the beds, put up the fall have gone to Toronto. Miss Bessie | pickles and be a mother to the five Price was able to return home, og | children, with unwashed faces, and his Tuesday, after her illness at F. Cox's. | house would be a paradise on earth. Mrs. Tryoni Horseshoe, ill at her | Would the widow seize the golden op- daughter's, Mrs. William Miller, is} portunity ? The deacon held out his Convalescent. Mr. and Mrs. PD. Hart-| arms, but the widow didn't see them. wick, and daughter visited her sisters, | Instead she continued to sit on a Mrs. R. Crozier and Mrs. Wm. Miller, | cane-seat chair six feet away while recently. The men folk arg hauling | che replied : logs and wood to the mill and wood "Deacon, | feel that you have honor yard. N. M. Price, ill with bronchitis lel me, but I cannot give you my and scarlet fever is able to sit up. | heart. J 1 marry again it must be (louneil re-organized on Monday with] to a hero." ie the old members in their seats except | Bo vou mean the fellow who walks bl. Youmans, who resigned. H. Drow the tightrope at the circus ¥* he ask- takes his seat, wl wp "Ohh, no. | mean a man who has Howe Island Wedding. dens a brave and gallant action and Howe Island, Jan. 13.--St. John's |h:s thereby won the praise of his church, Gananoque, was the scene of a [fll w men. You have never saved a quiet but very . pretty wedding, on|madin from being carried away by Wednesday morning, when Miss Mary [a villain, have you Turcott became the bride of John| "Of course not. What chance havé When the Widow Collville received a At Mountain Grove. "1 either want to married in or I dom't." : bi ye "f see." 3 "You are a widow, and you either want to get married again or doa't." "Exactly, Mr. Griggs." "As for me, | want a 'wife. 1 am hete to ask you to marry me. You know who I am. You know what my grocery is. You can realize the hap piness of being able to send to the grocery for anything wanted in the bouse without having to pay cash down. Is it yes or mo?" "Mr. Uriggs, you 'are an abrupt man," was the reply. "l am a widower. When a farmer drives up to my grocery with pota- toes to sell I call out the price I will Be. That settles it. He takes me or leaves me. "1 undersell all other grocers in the county. I've got codfish down a cent a box below. them all, and kerosene is to take another drop next. week." "Have you ever fought a duel with a villain ¥ "No, ma'am, and 1 pever shall. Groceries are my line, amd-1 stick to 'ein. Is it a hero you want I" it is" "Then our little deal is off, and. 1 hid you good-day.Remember the cash- wn grocery © when you bave.an or! der to give." The next caller was a wire fence man, who had a job of fencing for a farmer two miles outside the village. He heard the widow Collville and her $5,000 talked about, and it occurred to him that Providence was at last backing him for a good thing. He ut tended church of a Sunday 10 get a look at her. No fault could be ound with her looks. In the afternoon be called to see her. She divined his errand, and when he began to preface his remarks with words of praise fo the way she joined in the morning she interrupted him with : "You probably have matrimony in view ?** "Y-yes, I am a man who--' "But are you a hero?' "I--1 hardly know what you mean.' "Have you done anything brave gallant--great *' "Why, I licked an autoist who al-! most. ran me down." "That is a mere nothing, sir. Have you handled a sword asd lance ?V "Not that 1 know of I" "Have you rescued any one? Have you taken a motto and upheld it with ttle-axe ? Have you, sir--have. you--" ! i January 18th to January 23rd OCILVIE'S Expert Demonstrators Giving Free Instructionsin the Science and Art of Bread, Cake and Pastry Making | From Royal Household Flour, in BIJOU THEATRE, 165 Princess St. At 2.30 p. m. Sharp. Sunkist Oranges 20¢, 25¢, 30c, 40c per dozen. Sunkist Orange Spoons Desert Spoons and Fruit Knives. Save Your Wrappers. 166 Piss SL A. J. REES, Poe 8 hymn of "The Sweet Bye aud Bye," it teeistetsreeny P0000 000000000 000000¢/ LET Us MAKE In MEASUNRE Your New Overcoat =z In- breadth of shoulder and in length to suit your proportions. In no other way can you hope to wear a classy, distinctive looking coat. Our Overcoatings for Winter give you a wide choice of really exclusive abrics, Our Styles, everything adapted by custofn tailors as "right." But this suffering will soon be for. gotten, and there will be no after conse- quences if relief is obtained from a safe, roundings. Located in centre of city and close to principal stores and thoetre. : Charges are moderate. Special rates by the week. P. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor. Prior. Both belong to Howe Island, |! ever had But the wire fence man had faded | Fhe bride looked very pretty in a] ' Have you ever rescued n child i away. He nas She: bast by five oc | ¥ 5 i tress of white crepe de chene, wi ie- [it was about to 'be swept over the lsix. A fair ing widow wit L000 | reliable, natural corrective medicine. |iure hat. She attended th Rr fullg 2 ; y : in the bank -- sink out of sight sister, Miss Estella Turcott, who wore] ~ihere's nothing in the way of falls [like a stone thrown into a pond. But an dress of wv voile, with hat to [around here" ' came a slack at last, and the match, while William Prior, brother of | But have you men in battle? | widow was asked if she didn't despair the groom, acted us best man. Afte- | Huveyou control a frenzied mob ? [of finding her hero. Crawford & Walsh Leading Tailors. Princess & Bagot Sts BERRY We Peeve : Hy e you put your back to arvock and | "Bat T have found Kim," the ceremony, the bridal rity droy : to the home of the bride's parents, [def nied a pass? Have"you dushed |plied. "It is Mr. Graham, the shoe | where wedding breakiast' was served, |i7l0 the ranks of the enemy with | maker. We shall be married in two | only the immediate relatives of the {YoU trusted sword wad put a Bun: | months." | dr d men to flight " she re ® The kind you are looking for ; is the kind we sell 2 Scranton Coal ! is good coal and we guarantee ; prompt delivery. He gt TH & (CO), FOOT WEST STREET. * > 9 C 1IVEIS . Pure Orange Marmalade, Assorted rams and Jellies. Plum Pudding. Pineapple Chincks. Victoria Plums, EE SL D. COUPER' ~ 041-5 Princess Street. oast ealed Oysters. has 1, its and ! ; 3 bride and groom being present. The |%" y ow 3 But what great thing has he ever . ; ! 1 ride received many beautiful presents, | Look hers, widow," said the dea- | done 3 i |The groom's gift to the bride was a {77 8° he rose up, "I'm a plain man| "Made me a pair of shoes that took 4 pold watch and fob; to the brides-|] .'i%e wheat, can und 'taters. 1] away a corn that had bothered me for maid, a locket and chain, and 'to the |™'d my business and let other folks |g. years 1" : best nan, a signet ring. Mr. and ust the fool, I.it yeu or note what | r-- -- i 3 AH Se A SHIP OF ALL-NATIONS | A : - { ---------------- ------------ er rt 4 a hero ALSO COAL AND ALL KINDS S. Bennett & Co. Bagot Oor. and Barrack Sta. "Phone 941. EE a. BE -- I -- HH ie nasal nes, so that at every future exposure the trouble returns. At Jength these conditions sre fastened onto | © ~~ Hinchinbrooke Council. the system, and the sufferer undergoes | Viecadilly, Jan. 9. --Council-elect . the annpyance and danger of chromic | and i to their @ rel 0 . + : | Some 'doctors confine themselves to ig external applications "A Tre is Known by I mi" . AND OUR COAL is known by its good burns ing quali ios. ¥ a 55-57 Barrack St. i i i ; i & » A rd, Clow. r, that $20 be granted to Ringston to ' «ral hospital Carried. Moved, Clow Ww, , that the collector's time be ex tigi frit Lh ought to be on hand in home ready for use at first Sign of Tou proved in years and years of tr power lo correct physical trouble Try for yourself--or | I Nirs. Prior left, on the afternoon" .. , . a few donc and ton Mow bodily «| train, for Toronto and -other western ---- You Nee only. = av, 'dea a ' Its Crew is a Very Cosmopolitan V o . . - ad how surly and sfctively they [Ne of mavy ive broadoloth. (| Aud 116 00d man stamped out und > One. The Gatlin Treatment Cures Liquor Drinking in | meek here before evi for thie die [nd Wom. * Hie trucks were "hardly | No SoTk MOO crow on. the! po- Relieve 1am hon ia Calpuey, (Whete the | oe along. He was a man who had a sh 'righ dermic Injections or Other Dis- groom has a resident for the past AN : . i from tl iver ate. She is com- | SuH eri # I" w years. YE TN (pve Snurvial, beewdse the girl he ad SULO Cunt Bennet," of Larvik, | agreeable Features. 8 r ---- in a huckleberry swamp and died | of : ianm Doings at Denbigh. exhqustion. Ie vowed to be true he Stew. paar ing Saath Amatie 0 gleven thousand men and wethen as been cured of liquor drinking Ly the . : Gatlin treatment---there has been failure to cure in no case, | session of the municipal council for [that legacy it occurred to him that : Norway. Scotland. | { Denbigh, Abinger and Ashley for the [the huckleberry girl, as am angel up | decks a Jahetica, NGtway, Heat sh * substitutive stimulants--a treatment so har:nless that any child could take ft. ¥ rear: whi Mow. (ab --h ¥ too Redon Denmark, Australia, Germany, gil Bach patient is accepted for treatment under legal contract to care ia 'day, Pau ein was re-appoin im getting along in this wor 3 : . 'township clerk, which office he has (low. He therefore called on the wi-| Once the South American Indian got 1. fee paid 1s refunded when the patient is leaving the Institute and treat E. Berndt were appointed auditors, H. | fore, but that vow had kept him irom and they went on deck to settle the) The Gatlin Home treatment Is just as effective as Institute treatment Glaeser a member of the local board!it. Would che be his ? affair. In the excitement a marlin: 4 platy; simple directions are followed, road survevor. A -donstion was made | Was calmly asked in reply. The dispute was settled in favor of the | 5ener information, of to the Kingston general hospital and{ "No, 1 wouldn't go to say I was." |German. Another time the negro re | / & alse one fo the hospital for sick| ° Then it is useless to talk further! sented fault finding in the galley and | x children, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs.|o? the subject. If I marry it must be] chased the Indian out on deck with a! e ht ass y "to friends and relatives here, have re- "But I'm selling more machines than | cook and prevented blood-shed. turned to Temiskaming. Herbert |#0v_other man on the road." The Ingrid was delayed several days | Corner Maitiana. NOI frew, and Albert Both and his friend, (hero. This is my ironing day, and I the low tide. She got away from Bue- | x {| Mr. Clark, to Kingston. Miss Martha [am very busy. nos Ayres on November 9th. Capt. | a -- -- -- HEAD OF QUEEN STREWT {the old home, but will return to Gt. Village grocer. He was red-faced, red. ; : : me pa <5 1 = > mL AL E.., - ship-was favored --by bHsk south-east! A DOUBLE CURE FOR DOUBLE ta an a few days. Miss K haired and fat, and he was a widower. Trae winds. On December 22nd ! Marquardt intends to pay a visit to 23ed, whe th-east of Be la, on! I wen "Bluth Jeht Fall Jerk her sisters in Ottawa before she re- | five thpusand dollars he could enlarge the dpe pr gar vn ll. Sire Ag a. post . 1 Tele Patlr ¥orriscy Cures Catarrh hy foots. Tale ¥ Ho. 18 falo, N.Y. The Misse® Katie Mar |%idow Coville looked good to him ae : h i . | Eahak the tr a Combined Treatment. Audrdt ahd J. 4 ar ohe opensd the 1 . m which was following the stream. ! : quardt «nd J, Youmans have accepted pe rout door in response Though the sea was running from ¢ ae Sudden Be tiame ig AeSuty. ad sections ad. in charge of a clerk and must hasten wind came out of the northeast. In ; : tina © many ; : m of this condition the In-' : i hard to cure, and one whi schools in operation, while our board a 3 At a. . x 3 y-six hours. During the storm the often leads to serious pulmonary and [of trustee have so far failed in se my, and AN steam pump gave oul. The carpenter A neglected cold in the head weakens qualification. y , utes, rn NSE We Offer Tolstoi's grave at Yasia Poliana is likely to become one of the chief places % At lgri in the Russian empire. A hg | : i. "5 - And 25 Per Cent. Discount on all This' famous family remedy to ward off disease. system is strengthened and refres {peints. The bride's travelling suit And the good man stamped out and ; a fe THREE DAYS Under Contract--No Hy weeks here before leaving for their dis- enki - when the. sewin chine sont i RB machine agent} iurdy Norwegian ship Ingrid, in port; been engaged to at twenty got lost | ™ he : ind Norway. There . are eighteen mien in | The Gatlin Institute was established eleven years ago. More than Your druguist can supply you: in buzes Denbigh, Jan. 13.<At the first [to her memory, but when he heard of , with helpful directions, 28c. countries represented between her | No hypodermic injections, no bad after effects, no poisonous drugs, no {current year, which was held {ast Mon- | above, would be only too glad to see land. THREE DAYS--the cure to be entirely satisfactory in every particular or held since 1886. Charles Booth and [dow. He had meant to call years be-|into a dispute with a German seaman, | pont conte nothing. (of health, and E. Warwich township] 'Mr. Matthews, are you a spike fell out of the Indian's sleeve. | Call or write for books of particulars, coples of contracts to cure and OF ONTARI Bruce Pringle, who paid a good visit [8 hero." bread knife. The captain disarmed the ps $28 JARVIS STREET, Long Distance mand Local Telephone > RTH 4538 Fritsch and his sister, Flga, to Ren-| "No sewing machine man can be alin leaving the River Plate, because of | TORONTO, ONT. { Petzold is still enjoying her visit at] Next day there came Mr. Griggs, the Dannell said that south of the line the | AE af a ( A {tawa in Emm 34 "Highest Education at Lowest Cost" TROUBLE o{lie was a man of business. With that on : twins to her former position in Buf- his grocery and buy for cagh. The | Dan ell in with the tail of a gale gar args ee positions as school teachers in Ren-{'® bis knoe". He bad loft the grocery | she north-west and very strong, the catarth--a troublesome disease usually [Raging teachers and have their END STOMACH MISERY. grid had a hard fight for nearly thir | intestinal troubles. carin: a baving the desired had to tunnel through the cargo of ' Suaece Vise uf Fit i Sutherland's Shoe Store The BestMen's $5 Sh | € vién s oes Leather, Goods. Come early.- JH, SUTHERLAND & 880; |

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