THE DATLY BRITISH WHIG. T TUESDAY. JANUARY 17, i - 78th YEAR! ments and general debt. The city endorser of them all, but the city can- not be charged with the bonds of schools and public utilities, and for, very ; defipite reasons, i The muni ipality can issue bonds tor! school purposes more advantageously than the school board, but "the inter-| est 'and redemption fund of school | ! bonds, even when issued by the city,' do not constitute p charge in the gene- ! tax." Public; utilities, such as electric light, street railways, constitute enter-| prises, mndertaken by the municipality | {for the benefit of those who patronize' them. "E beh utility," says the Finan- cial Post, "is expected to take care ot its own capital debt, both as to prin-| cipal and interest, and net profits, | when shown, should not be applied to THE WHIG, DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 306-3190 King Street, Kingston, Ontario, at 3 per year. Editions at 2.80 and 4 o'e Ww a BRITISH WHIG, 18 pages published In rts on Monday and Thursday morning at $1 a year. Teo United States, charge for postage had 4 price of Dally §3 to be added, maki ody of Weekly $1. per.¥ year. best Job Print- stylish, : Artnched » one of t oe Officks in Canada: raph and cheap work; nine Improv presses. The British Whig Publishing Co., Lid, TORONTO OFFICE. Suits 1% and 20 Queen City Cham- urch St, Toronto, H. E. Bmalipeiee, J.P, Pails Tibia, BRITISH LITERATURE BEST. the Canadian Courier You will like the fine flavor of Red Rose Tea. It has the cup goodness that comes only from Red Rose quality --the reason why it holds first place in thousands of Cana- dian homes. Will you try it AT tints ian ral | water, gas of business i A writer in | comments upon the last appearance of | Mr, Borden before the Canadian Clab lin Toronto. He was in splendid voice j and he talked well and entertainingly. | Besides he was entnusiastic, flashes, 'of humour occurred as Ke proceeded, {his matter was well arranged, and he an animated attitude throughout, There were a couple of | défects. The first was the long quo- | tation in which the speaker indulged. | This being read was tiresome, The se- it was his relieve general taxation, commodity rates." This latter remark will be read with unction by the "council of Kingston, | whose members not so long ago un- conscionably plundered the water de- partment. ' The borrowing capacity of a city is that which lies beyond the amount for which a general tax is liable, and in! all the municipal statements this | should be made quite clear. The bond- ed indebtedness for all other purposes should be shown separately and under | its appropriate heading. | { maintai ed cond was 'more noticeable freuent reference to American writers. {"For a man who professes such a to Imperialisor," contributor, | NEVER SOLD IN BULK Your CGrocer Will Recommend it strong attachment {remarks the Courier's and one who is not unfriendly - to] Mr. Borden), "it seéms strange that he should quote entirely 'from United de King Edward's Statue. Lotdbn, Jan 17.~An ngenious method was employed in London a few days to a suitable site for the proposed memorial equestrian statue of King ¥Fdward in the Green Park. A large dummy statue was pre pared i abeut from place to place in park, ie King George directed the operations from a which lies at the base window of Buckingham Palace. educational system. Canada long been dining at a foreign literary table, and Mr. Borden seems to have been directed by the general tendency." of discussing THE EVIL MUST GO. The good name of Winnipeg has not been fully vindicated by the report of Judge Robson, upon the segregation question, A distinct shock was occasioned when charges were made, and in effect a vice was being tolerated within has too ..\ limits, and it differences of public were expressed by contending factions | elections. ago hoose States' authors. Even when he sired to draw a lesson from the eciv- Rome he quoted fauly of our general of vice ilization of Ancient : BNE Was move : A te This i oO 8 mercan. iS 18 Aa rom an i that the by! the whi was followed opinion Death at Cobourg. Jan. 17.~The death of Mrs George 8S. Aylesworth in Perey town- i : y dvantage ship, in her eighty fourth vear, has re- The only atvantag ; moved one around whom much of in- the subject is to show our public men terest centred. She was the second the unwisdom of a practice which bas daughter of the late David Cumming, continued too Mr. Borden who enme to Perey in 18500, annoyed over the eriti- Toronto address, seeing in which! Cobourg, in the municipal Mayor | Evans was re-elected and his was regarded as a distinct and phatie approval of the course sued by the civic administration. While the election waged a judicial enquiry wus being conducted, and the report is now presented, i The newspapers are incidentally re-| 'probated for their eagerness to adver- | tise Winnipeg adversely with their re- | ports and scare heads, and the judge suggests that affiliation be made for legislation that will enable the city to get after the slanderers in future and visit upon them a fitting punishment. It is admitted, however, that a policy of segregation was adopted, and that since October, 1909, the number "ol bawdy houses were increased from 29 to 50. lilicit liquor selling has been conducted in these houses, because the law" has not beer enforced and this allegation of Dr. Shearer is, fore, true. The civic and authorities, who are mainly responsi ble, are censured because they. did not The statement that the houses of ill-fame paid for protection, and that the police were corruptly concern- ed, is not correct. Some good will follow the presenta- tion of the report, because it sets forth a serious duty which the ad- ministration of justice cannot evade. Granted that Winnipeg, like other large and populous cities, has its difficulties, and that the gravest is to deal with vice, the fact remains that there is no defence of the segregation policy. . Vice cannot be tolerated. The law does not permit of any arrange ment by which it can be continued. To suppress vice in' one place may only cause it to break out in another, since it is the unfortunate faihng of some people to go wrong, but the duty of the civic authorities is plain. They must continue the suppression until it can be said that there are no known places. of evil resort within the city. _EDITORIAL NOTES. Edmonton is about to build a high success | em- | | pur- | long. may not be © cism of his ESS that he may not be the onhy™ Boat Lumber §- | Boat - Timber We make a Specialty of SHIP PLANK, DECKING AND TIMBER For Shipbuilding. 5. ANGLIN & CO. WHLLINGTON ST. NORTH. "Phone 66. ING'S CAFE ' bark. If politics could only be elimina- ING S Lunch Counter ted from the municipal life, civie ING' S Private Dining ernment would not be so bad, and it Rooms can be held in check as the experience ago of Brockville*shows. There some years ING (James) Prop. political feeling was intense. There the annual collisions between ING ST. Nos 338 342 party men and electors was something to lament. Eventually overtuses were INGSTON. mate by the ls losing side, and Now open. ; with the yesult that there is a fair Catering Contracts Taken. representation of the people in the Telephone No. 1138. ecpuncil and conservatives and liberals If we please you, tell oghers. one marks. NEARING THE CIVIC IDEAL. A committee, appointed by the coun- ¢il of Duluth, Minn. Which is no mean city, has looked into the question of governing a city by a.commission and has approved of it for many reasons. Business will be conducted on business principles; 'politics will be eliminated; responsibility will be properly placed; economy will be. aimed at and secur- competent men will be secured for when. the ini have been in- them- t ed; the public service; and tintive and referendum troduced the people can assert selves and comnfand attention, The commission idea gaining ground, but it will be a long time be- Yel it is an evidence of the spirit of the the progressive spirit, that con- thére- provincial is act, fore it becomes very general. times, « ditiond and men cannot eventually! gov- r At iin con- 0 enn. SORROOOOO0H Mi | | It we don't please you, you, please w us elect alternately their best men to the mayor's chair. les The result is apparent. When politic KING'S Full Ditirse X "wtrife js kept out of the contest, 8 and usually the house to hous" can J nm y vassing, nen whi mpuld not accept 25¢ DINNERS otherwise are pat in nomination and ' elected. They give to the people's business the greatest care and school which will cost between $100,000 Cannot ba excelled in tideration, and in this way they ex- and $150,000. "It will," says the Ed- Kingston, Toronto or Mon- hibit their appreciation of the public monton Journal, "be one of the best treal. confidence. Commissions in Brockville schools in America." It should be at , direct and manage the public utilities, | | this cost. This ity is thareiors as pear, to -com- | Alberta wants fuller autonomy, and mission Fula. Sow us. it. ean gut. with, { Hon. Mr. Sifton, the prefpier, is said out a complete change, and is not | [to be negotiating for it. The Calgary | now demanded. News (liberal) says that whatever he MUNICIPAL INDEBTEDNESS, wants he will have. Wouldn't be a Sif The Canadian Gazette makes a ton if he did not. 'startling announcement, namely,. that he Te jin 1910 Canadian. enterprises invited Acsonding to. the Taranto Telograss the Canadian banking system ig sow {an investment of British o capital to the when the general manager is safe. | extent of $194,077,000, and the muni- ties were the best, the very best, -- ail here because we 3 course, or they would not have sold If some of the best' boats;of the Am- it pays us tobe up-to- § so readily, and several of the Cana: erican mavy are out of date, (and, dian financial houses have opened offi- lacking effectiveness, in five years), ces in London the more readily to where will our Niobe and Rainbow be Bast Sie Mp: sin fot So to five years hence? It is a pertinent, : |{may be an impertinent), enquiry. he United States un- conl cleaning de- § : md | The City Council Decides to Peti-| but to reduce ¥- tion contests right ahead. the Shearer The first or second | change of the city's financial vear. , | Council, 1911, WANTS ELECTION DAY CHANGED TO THE FIRST MON- DAY OF FEBRUARY. DR. SOPER. | DR. WHITE fl tion the Ontario Legisiature for This Change--New Year's Elec tion is Very Unsatisfactory. i "Whereas, the municipal elections are | held at a time which is most incon- venient for all classes' of citizens, re solved-- ! "First, council it is ation day on the last January and election day Monday of Febraary: 'Second, that a copl of this resola-| tion be sent to Nir James P. Whit- | ney, premier of Ontario, and that al copy be also sentto W. F. Nickle, ! P.P., with the request that this matter be brought to the attention of the Ontario legislature at its next ses sion." This resolution was unanimously passed by the city council last even- jing, oh motion of Ald. Givens, se- conded by Ald. Fair. The mover pointed out that .it was 'timé the present New Year's , season, election day be changed. The Christ- mas holidays had become a very un- satisfactory time for a municipal elec tion campaige. Besides the question of inconvenience, it was advisable to promote the "peace and good will" of the Christmas season, which was, difii- cuit if there happened to be any bitter Some of the larger cities had changed their election days, and about sixty smaller places were about to petition she le gislature on the matter. AM. Givens' original resolution sug- gested that the election date be chang- ed to the last week in November week in December, Objection was taken to this by Alds, Shaw and Fraser, who pointed oul {that the early part of December was {not the best time for an election as the marine men 'Were not home. If there was to be a change, let the date be a month later than at present. Ald. Kent raised the question as to He acs Specialists in diseases of Skin, Blood. Nerves, Bladder and Special dil. ments of men. One visit advisable ; if Impossible, send history for free opinion and ad- vice Question blank and book oa diseajes of men free. Consultation free. Medicine furnished in tablet form. Hours : 10 am to 1 pm. aud 2° 6 pam. Sundays, 0am tol by » DRS. SOPER & WHITE 26 Teronte Street, Toronte, Out. a that ja the opinion of advisable to hold nomin- Monday of on the first | : Pr. de Van's Female Pilis A reliable French regulator: never fails. These pills are exceedingly J Joweitul in regulating the generative portipe of female S System. Refuse a Seap Inti ent a a's are soid at a or three for ailed to any address. The Scebell Drug Co. St. Catharines, Ont. For sale at Mahood's Drug Store. OUR BEAVER BRAND Of Flour is unekcelled for bread or pastry. Price is moderate. A. MACLEAN. Ontario Street. Or. Martel's Female Pills SEVENTEEN YEARS THE STANDARD *rascrided and recommended for women's ail enty, o ecientifivally prepared remedy of proves worth. The fosult from their vee is quick and permancat. For sale at all drug stores. » ' or : FRENCH. DRY CLEANING. this method in the cleaning of both men's J and women's garments It gives splendid matisfaction. R.PARKER & CO., © Dyers andl OCleswers, 69 Princess St, Kingston, Ont. NOX A 108 DAY 108 is the number of a prescrip- tion by an 'eminent doctor, and it cures Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis and Sore Throat. Try it cents a bottle at Mahood's, King 4 We employ thought it should be changed in cordance with the election change. It was agreed that it would be well * to change the ending . of . the financial year, All. Givens said it was immaterial to him when the elections were held, whether before or giter New Year's He agreed that it: would be advisable to hold them in January or Febru ary, rather than at the beginning of December and changed his resolution as above given, and the council passed it unanimously. Lo. THE NEW PRESIDENT ain Of the Kingston Trades and Labor Council. csccesssssssscssecees -- NOW Is the time to come ar goods For two good The rush iz over and money Is scarce, We offer 20 per cem., off all purchases over ten Sellars A big line of Heaters and ranges: yet to clear out of beautiful Olid n » is the best d as .we have will sell very il buy our reasons---- House d Goods bought and of a-Brac inds Bric- L. LESSES, far Princess snd Crstham Ste. 000000000000 0000 and sold = AN EMPIRE-BINDING IDEA. Lord Strathcona on Colonial Parti- cipation in Coronation. London, Jan. 17.--Lord Strathcona, | anent the suggestion that the colonial { representatives should have a part in { the coronation ceremonial, says : "Such & course would be hailed by Canadians as a priceless privilege, and ! further advance to the path to imper- ial union. In Canada, where loyalty president of the Trades and Labor | ta the crown is an outstanding fea- is a well-known carpenter,' tyre of the national life, the imperial and has resided in the city for some iden would be gripped as never before. time. He is district organizer for! How far the suggested innovation is the council and has been an active} possible 1 am unable to say. I am worker in local labor ranks. | sure his majesty will ses that the } END OF GOOD YEAR { colonies are adequately represented." By Preshyterian Woman's Homie | Missionary Society. i WILLIAM BUCK. Wiliam Buck, who has been elected "Buy Grippe Tablets" at Gibson's, "Hi the penitentiary is to be ¢ ted i the Portsmouth prison, then our vil The meeting of the Presbyterian Wo- | lage mer 'hants will demand the pa man's Home Missionary Society. was | tronage ¥' declared the Portsmouth held, 'as usual, in the old arts build | phitosopher. ing, Queen's University, on Monday! Twenty per cent. afternoon. As this was the annual | | Robertson Bros'. business meeting, of the society, inter-| The Folger line had a big run of esting reports of the year's work were | passengers over to the Cape, on Mon read by the secretary, Miss Nina Foe { day. The crossing is now first-class. uson, and by the treasurer, Mrs. | "Buy eough svrups" at Gibson's Gill. Twenty-five names were be to! February 22nd isr the date fixed for the list: of members during 1910, so | the enthronmement of Archbishop Gau- that the membership now stands at [thier at Ottawa. 102. TEN THOUSAND DRUGGISTS The finances of the society are in ex- cellent condition. Over SMO was de Unite in Their Opinion Regarding a Certain Medicine. voted during the year fo the work of missions in Canada and, in addition, a bale of clothing, valued at 355, was! 1, oie should know better than sent to a peedy mission in the west. ee After the adoption of these reports uy one else the value of every medi- the lis foc 180) ore ted | "From wen ome Ln. thousand dents, Wes, Robert Laird, Mrs. Diack ifon a at hoki Bowes and Mrs. J. D. Boyd; Semtargy, hina own signatures as the greatest tonic Sara Sibson; treasurer, Miss Lillian; nctructor and strength creator and offer to return the purchase money in every case where it fails to A hearty vote of thanks was give satisfgetion, it must indicate that Visio] is prutty reliable medicine. We could publ ish columns of such testimony as the following ©. A. Potterfield, the ling drug- gist of Charleston, W. Va, says he used Vinol for every member of off all china at at Pp tainly a wonderful 'medicine. He has proved it from personal experience." The many years that Vinol has been om the market has served to strength. en ifs popularity, and proved by con tinged tests that it will do all that ie claimed for it. § : - Suit and Overcoat Sale The man who stays away from our Fifteen Dollar Suits and Overcoats will stay away from ; the Best Fifteen Dollar Outfit ever Sheed at the price, OVEROCOATS, $18.50, #20, $22.5 Bibby's Clearing Price, $15.00! SUITS English Worsteds New Patteans, New SUITS that are in Grey, Browns, Greens, Etc., Cut, Hand "Tailored Garments. y being sold at $18 and $20. Bibby's Special, $15.00 'an't give you a " made to order" fit and tailoring style we won't take If we a "made to order" your money. - ' 'We ask you to take a look at an® rate. 300 Pairs of Men's Trousers, Tweeds and Worsteds. Bibby's Special, $2.00. 300 Pairs of Men's Trousers, Tweeds. Bibby's Special, $1.50. a the H.D.Bibby Co The Big Store With Little Prices. y Cutting Things Down toe, mn { 3 F ued perforated Tan Regular price $3.00 Colt, Blucher cut, Women's Patent DATTrOwW facing. medium heel, or Button Calf, with medinm heavy sole, and $3,50, $2.60 Sale KING Price 9 STREET H.JENNINGS, a sosesse; LAKE 1 TO YOUR MEASL RE. Your New Overcoat § In bresdth oF dhondider and is length to suit your proportions. In no other way can you hope to wesr a classy, distinctive looking cont. 'Winter give exclusive Our Overcoatings for vou & wide choice of really ps. Our Styles, everything adapted by custom tailors as Tright."