Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Jan 1911, p. 7

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« H PARKS & SON . Day "Phone 139 F lor ists i Night "Phone 238 it Flowers and Plants WM. 'DRURY, WELLINGTON STREET. 'Phone 443, --t 235 bese eee. FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. . ESTABLISHED 1863. Fredident--Sir Richard Cartwright. oney ssued on URly as Farne pws persies. Mi anit eipa} and ( nty Deben tures Mort Deposits HEE TVEd ADC allowe S.C. MeGILL, Managing Director, 87 Clarence Street. strate sessRBe wh El Muay, Aactioneer. rrritu ales given special a 'guntry Bales of Farma ow ate., Sn been my specialt) for oe years. If farmers wan! be high dollar, get my services MARKET SQUARE. att } : \ sr -------------------------------------------- THOMAS COPLEY, Puone 987} Drop a card to 19 Pine Street Nhe wanting anything done in the Car ter line Estimates given on all Kind: of repairs and new work alle Hardwood Floors of all kinds. Al orders will receive prompt attention Shop. 60 Queen Bireet. PHOTOS, For the newest tinishes and the most up-to-date' mounts in the city, we lead, and what fs of great convenience to you, our Studio is on the ground floor. A. WEESE & Co. Framing. Wallpaper. FINE Pleture Try This Home-Made Cough Remedy Costs Little, But Doep'the Work Quickly, or Money Refunded. - Mix two. cups of granulated sugar with one cup of warm water, and stir for 2 minutes. Put 21% ounces of Pin- ex (fifty cents' worth) in a 16 oz. bot- tle; then add the Sugar Syrup. Take a teaspoonful every ome, two or three hours. You will find that this simple rem. edy takes hold of a cough more quick- iy than anything else you ever used. Usually ends a deep-seated cough in- side of 24 hours. Splendid, too, for whooping cough, chest pains, bron- chitis and other throat troubles. It stimulates the appetite and is slight- ly laxative, which helps end a cough. This recipe makes more and better cough syrup than you could buy ready-made for $2.50. It keeps per- fectly and tastes pleasant. Pinex is the most valuable concen- trated compound of Norway white pine extract, and is rich in guiaicol and all the natural pine elements which are so healing to the mem- branes. Other preparations will not work in this formula. This plan of making cough syrup with Pinex and Sugar Syrup (or strained honey) has proven so popu- lar throughout the United States and Canada, that it is often imitated. But the old, successful formila has never been equalled. A guarantee of absolute satisfaction, or money promptly refunded, goes with this recipe. Your druggist has Pinex or will get it for you. If not, send to The Pinex Co. Toronto, Ont. OUR ROOSTER BRAND Of Smoking and Chewing Tobacco a forty-five cents a pound is a good Fobacce Why pay eighty-five? ANDREW MACLEAN, Ontario Strest THE GLUB HOTEL WHELLINGTON ST, vear PRINCESS There are other hotels, bu. none approach the Club for homeilke sur roundings. Located in centre of city and close to principal stores and thoetre, Charges are moderate. Special rates by the week. P. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor. SPEETIIROPTDIPIEEERED COAL! The kind are looking for is the Kind we sell, Scranton Coal is good coal and we guarantee prompt delivery. BROOTH & CO, FOOT WEST STREET. Chivers' Pure Orange Marmalade, Assorted rams and Jellies. Plum Pudding. Pineapple Chincky, Victoria Plums, Dawson Plums, Peaches D. COUPER'S Phone 76. odl- Princess Street Coast ealed Oysters. Prompt Delivery ee LIMITRD) HEAD OF QUREN STRENT. ls Twenty-Bixth ine August Robi koapln om faghal | our' Withty time over sixt the ito I at he arsed Tait ratlway time. all or write ny ar RE Principal tion. "A Trec is Known by Its Fruit" AND tee OUR COAL is known by it 8 good ing qual P. a 55-57 Barrack St. Highest | Highest Our Bend 1c Pagsaes to 24. Oity Ei Map S.-J. WILSON, Member Dominion Exchange, Ltd. Mining, Listed and Unlisted Securities. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED 14 King St. East. "Phone Main 4228. Toronto, Ont. T HE Underwood multiple 'unit type- writer has a feed which enables thirty sheets to fact that they had lost their anoque, appeal to those which was nobly those present. charge Stafiord, spoke a few words to the people, re viewing people for their support, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TCRSDAY, JANUARY 17, NEW CHURCH OPENED THE VERONA | METHODISTS + HAVE A NEW EDIFICE. | Half of the Debt Upon it Was Sub- scribed at the Concert on Mon- day Evening--Speeches Made at the Event--A" Fine Programme. The formal opening of the newly. built Methodist. church at Verona, which has arisen from the ashes of the one which was Durned last May took place. The present commodious and comfortable hi which has just been finished was built 'at a cost ob $4,000. At the time of opening the only debt which remained was $1,500. ihiring the course of the entertain ment,on Monday evening, over ball that amount was given and subscrib- d by friends far and near, The church was packed to the doors, every inch of standing room being taken. A arge number of people went from the city lay a special train, 'which left the ity, at 5,30 o'clock, arriving at Ver- na about 8 o'clock. Quite 5 number were taken om at Harrowsmith and iartingion, so that Oy the time the train reached its destination the coaches were filled to capacity. I. F, Harrison, of Kingstun, oc cupied the chair in an able manner. In his opening remarks he said that he considered it 3 great honor to have the privilege of presiding on an oe: casion of the kind. He complimented the people of Verona, on the way they hatl carried things through, com- mwncing with the charred remains and building the present handsome struc- ture, Elmer Davis, of Kingston, said he had no doubt that the burning of the old church had been a great object lesson for the people the com munity, inasmuch as they had been called upon, to rise to greater things, to be equal to any emergency which might confront them. Rev. Dr. Ryckman, of Kingston urg- ed tho people to clear off the remain ing debt as soon as possible. Rev. J, A. Waddell, of Harrowsmith said he was the bearer of best wishes and heartiest congratulations from the people of his parish, and sajd - he sympathized deeply with the Verona people in their loss, but was lad to. see that they were not daunted by the church, but before the ashes were hardly cold, they began discussing plans for the building ob a larger and better one. Rev. J, Tallman Pitcher, of Gan chairman of the Kingston Methodist district made a passionate present for funds, responded to by Rev. B. been in Mr. _ Pierce, who has for some time and Rev. the present pastor also the work and thanking; the The programme was varied and well rendered, and was mostly furnished by Kingston talent. + and Fdith Orser delighted the ence ceived encores, several successes with her songs recitations, which were 'applauded vig- orously. given by the choir. Arthur solo, much. Mr. Stafford, the pastor, a solo in good wpice. Reid audi- with several solos, which re- Miss Bureau scored and Misses Jessie The opening selection was Master Harley gave 'an instrumental was appreciated very sang John Plewes, Sears which | : | | bey ing ure. brought into perfect registration at the print- joint. This is an ex- clusive Underwood feat- UNITED TYPEWRITER Co. J. R. C. DORRS, KINGSTON. -------- A --------" WORTH OF GOLD During Change of Life, says Mrs. Chas, Barclay Graniteville, Vt. -- "I was through the Changeof Lifeand . from Juttered of Kingston was called upon to con- tribute to the énjoyment of the even- ing, and very genérously responded. His power as an entertainer was well known and he succeeded in amusing the people to a very high degree. He also addad 4 few spicy remarks which were -very appropriate, After the concert refreshments were served in 4 neighboring house, and ahout 12.30 o'clock, the special K. & P. left for Kingston, arriving here about 1.30 am. GANANOQUE INSTALLATION Of Oddfellows' Officers--A" Kind of Ice Boat, Gananoque, Jan. 17.---N. R. Gardner, D.D.G.M., of this district, assisted by his suite, consisting of Past Robert Webster, Damon Buck, Freder ick Lloyd, George Dowsley and Thom- as E. Boucher, and P.D.D.G.M. Christie Kuight, installed the following officers of Gananoyue lodge, No. 114, LO.O.F, last eveming : P.G., Gilbert Orser; N.G., Sidney Mullins; V.G., Roy Kemp; RS, W. 8. Bowden; F.5,, A. FP. Russell; treasurer, A. E. Megys: R.8.5., Thomas Baushes; LSS. Cecil McIntyre; RS 5 G., George ley: LSN.G., Israel Keyes; RS.V.G, Maleolm Harding; L8.V.G., R. Mills: warden, Frederick Lloyd; Com., James McKellar; -1.G., Charles Melville; 0.G. Henry Parker: trustees, Gilbert Pelfie, George Dowsley and N. R. Gardner. Rohert Meek, Kingston, supreme grand patriarch of the Grand Encampment of Ontario, was also present. Mr. Carter, of Thousand Island Park, had a new idea in the line of ice New 's {boats here for inspection on Sunday'. It consisted of an ice boat runners, steered abead, on the rear being a gas- oline engine operating a fan which drove the craft at a speed of about thirty miles an hour. Work was started, yesterday, in the main channel, near the government buoy, for the harvesting of the ice crop: The Jee in quality is well up to the standard and of about twelve-inch ickness. Grands | GR! AND OPERA HOU SE. EO An English "Opinion of an Americar : Comedy. The London Standard says "The Rejuvenation of Aunt Mary" was cer tainly a surprise, pathetic and drama tic incidents follow unfo ing the story, while May Robson as the New England spinster, dominates and holds the humoi; occasionally little bits of pathos creep in here and there as a relief from excessive laughter, Per- ---------------------------------- | -------------- 1911. Fancy Macaroons, Plain Macarcons, Almond Iced Macaroons, Vanilla Wafers, Almond Wafers, Sponge reps and Lady Fingers. All mixed at 50c. per Ib. R. H. TOYE, 3 P.S.-- Cream Puffs Thursdays and Saturdays. King St It is in your. own interest that we * Guarantee om every | "Ideal" quality | You don't find it on the cheapest beds you can buy---but the surest | Phone 141 $ - Qo 8 ay to find the best is to ask for the | Ideal" Metal Beds, and look for | ~Guarantee. i "Ideal" Métal Beds few cents more--but you ine value Let us of Sleep." a book of facts about ! A Ask for Booklet Ne. 129 EE --_ | 0600000000000080000vsERI0cRR0EEERsRCRRRIRRESY Select Chocolates In Fancy Baskets and Boxes. Lowney's, Ramsay's, Ganong's, Patterson's (made in England), Moir's, Hunt's. cost you a | , Fry's CLULARANTIE RD RL a MAY rRoBsOk. Miss haps the picture of an eccentric old woman enjoving for the first time a sumptuous dinner in a first-class ho- tel is funiy, but the mistakes are pathetic and Miss Robson develops and holds interest as the play pro- gresses. At Terry's theatre last night there was almost 4 continuous ripple of laughter and yet at the moment 'Aunt Mary" became serious, she compelled absolute silence. Miss Rob son is certainly a clever woman and her sense of comedy is enormous and heinz supported by a clever company of Fnglish actors, all London should see this very funny play under the fun psoducing, Mi} Robson," This attrac tion comes to the Grand, on Thurs dav, Jan. 19th. » ULCERS AND SORES Zam-Buk's Healing Power. An, illustration of the way in' which Zam-Buk cures even the most serious and chronit cases of wicers, eruptions Cannot Resist The Wretchedness A ecard an order left at H. srompt attention. Best SAKELL' Next Door to Opera House. Phone 81C, 220 Princess Street SOTO NOOPONOOSONORNIIYS of Constipation 000000 RONNIEUY PO00000R000000000000E 0000000000000 C0CRRRGS Can quickly be overcome by CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Purely able Bids dn Sunkist Oranges Sunkist Orange Spoons Fruit 25¢, 30¢, 40¢ per dozen. ness, and Indigestion. They do their duty. Small Pill, Small Dose, Small Price. Genuine must bess Signature Sea Ferret, Desert Spoons and Knives. Save Your Wrappers. em mag Phone 58 Ne 166 Prinsess St. A. J. REES, Ime. JE, . Hutcheson AUCTIONEER and APPRAISER. sent to $17 Albert Btreet or Whaddington's or J Stores will Henderson's reselve references giver and sores i§ provitled by Mr. R. H, tarker, of Glencairn, Ont. He "I would not have believed that any remedy could eure so quickly, 'and 'at the same time so effectively, as Yam- Bulk cured me. "My face began to be covered with a kind of rash, which itched and irri tated. . This "rash then turhed to sores, which discharged freely and be gan to spread, I first tried one thing and then another, but nothing seem- ed to dy me any good, and the erup tion gol worse and worse, until my face Nat covered with running sores. "Apart from the puin (which was very bad), my face was such a ter rible sight that I was not fit to go out. This was my state whem some one advised me to try Zam-Buk. 1 got a sughly, and, marvellous as «t may sound, within fittle under month every sore on nw face was heal ed. 1 was so amazed that I have told the facts to several persoms, and | have no objection to your stating my experience for the benefit of other suf forers." Zam-Buk is purely herbal in ~com- position, and is the ideal balm for babies and young children, for whose tender skin coarse ointments are go dangerous. ZamBuk is 5 sure cure for cold sores, chapped hands, frost bite, blood-poison, varicose sores, piles, scalp ringworm, inflaemid patches, babies' eruptions and chapped places, outs, burns, bruises and skih injuries generally. All druggists stores sell at BOc. box, or, post from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, receipt of price. SAVE sores, and free upon A STRANGE MEETING. A Clerk and a Manager Stand To- gether, + Brockville, Jan. 17.~The Times says that W. R. Travers, of the Farmers' bank, stoed, a few weeks ago, in the Brockville police court, pressing charges against a young man who had been in charge of a branch near here, with the result that his subordinate officer was sent to the penitentiary for three years. Fata has been ironical in the swiftness with which it has dealt lout retribution" to the older man. What a meeting there will be between the two at Kingston ! "Phone 230, Gibson's" for drug wants. One of the prettiest weddings Smith's Falls has had in some time was that which took place, Wednesday, at the home of Mr. and Nirs. W, H. Frost, when their youngest daughter, Laura Agnes, was united in marriagevto Dr. Claude Allison, Patterson, Forest. A great reduction in price in ready- made clothing, "gents' furnishings and clothing made-to-order, at Prevost's, Brock street, to make room for spring rtations. pretty wedding January 11th, at Frankford, when Miss Ida Pearl Tripp, third daughter of Peter Tripp, Frankford, and Ste phen I. May, Saskatoon, Sask., son of J. T. May, Trenton. oie Robertson Bros' china sale; twenty per cent. off. . Harold Publow, son of J. Publow, Brockville, died in Calgary on took place | Saturday. He had been ill for over a year. He was about thirty years age. The death opeurred . Saturday, of Mrs. the.) P. €C. Mere , wife of the registear North "Bu "uv sough syrups" at Gibson's. - daughter of amie Sievers. on Trek died « on Sunday, aged ; Whe cannot supply the SARVEL crept no other, Every Woman , Is interes d and 1 know The fav MARVEL Whirii Spray Our Big Clearing Furniture Sale Opens THURSDAY, the 19th. ---- The Latest and Best at Manufacturers' Prices. BLAC K | James Reid, The Leading Undertaker. Phone Cienaeal Aownts foe Ch 147 STOVE POLISH f i IPOGOROCCOBUO0CONC0OT Con rOOOQCUOOCOCO0C0OOOOY is the best polish in the biggest box. It is a paste,and far lesstrouble than any other prepar- A gentle rub brings out a brilliant, lastin 1g shine. Is with- out a rival for polishing stoves, pipes, grates and ironwor k. de: rales does not carry t Polish ia $ +8 3is name and wx and we will send a full size tin by return mail. PALIEY C0. LIMITED HAMILTON, ONT. famous "a tn i** She ation. Makers of the Your kitchen needs this superb flavoring END to the ~ groceryman to-day for a bottle of the most delighting flavoring money can buy-- and that is hirriffs TRUE VANILLA Made from the choicest Mex- ican Vanilla Beans in a way that gives you more value for your money--and a finer flav- oring--than 1 vou ever got be- fore. You'll pever buy an- other kind of vanilla once you use Shirriff's. Caution: --A smaller quantity' required than of any other extract. } Other' delicions Shin £avorin} 8 are: Lemon, Almimd, Rose. Pmo- 8 apple, Strawberry, Raiafia and! Holiday -:- Presents g Buy Something Useful for the House | é fact yu | Silver Knives and Forks, Silver Spoon, Carving Sects | 2 from $1 to $15 per set, Carpet Sweepers, Fancy Tea | 2 and Coffee Pots, Wringers, Washing Machines, : Fancy Andirons, Gas Logs, Brass Fenders, Fancy Gas Heaters, Coal Oil Heaters, etc. Cr A -- a A Atl tA Sa AN Elliott Bros. Telephone 35. 77 Princess Street. DO0OOOOOC-% ODOTOO OOOO YOO OORGOFT DOONOOTOCHOIGOOPIRROOC A v x 1 {|All This Week Our Big Shoe Sale Continues OFF the Best Shoes in Canada. This is your grea Oppottuniy. ih H, H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES 4 If Al es i --_-- ye, A a ---- Fa TH

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