Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Jan 1911, p. 7

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= HOTEL DIRECTORY, DESERONTO. G0 to the BTEWART HOUSE. Leading Commercial Hotel Rates, $1.50 per day JAS. STEWART, Prop. TRAVELLING. TTR | Eastern Ontario Live Stock and Poultry Show OTTAWA, ONT., JAN. 16th to 20th. I izsned Jan ickets 'will he to Friday, pight. ervations and all in- v to J. P. HANLEY, Agent. Corner Johnsen and Outario Streets. KincsTong PEMBROKE RAILWAY in Connection With CANADIAN PACIFIO RAILVAY. EASTERN ONTARIO LIVE STOCK AD POULTRY SHOW » Ottawa, Ont, Jan, 16th to 20th. From Kingston, Round Trip Fare $3.70 16th, to Fri- Going Monday, Jan. Re- day, January 20th, inclusive. turn limit, Monday, January 23rd Full particulars at K. and P. and C.P.1. acket Offles, Ontario Btreet BAY OF QUINTE RAD. WAY Train leaves Union Station, Ontark Street, 4 pom. dally (Sunday excepted, for Tweed Bydenham, Napanee, Deser nto Bannockburn and all points north To secures quick despatch to Bannock burn, Maynooth, and points oa Centra Dntario route your shipments via Ba of Quinte Raunt, For further parti sulars, apply BR W DICKSON. Agen Phone ~ » $3 BERMUDA Round Trip $20 and Up Fast Twin Screw 8.8, "Bermud- fan," 5,680 tons, salls from New York, 10 am. Jan. 18th, and 25th, svery Wednesday. ; electric fans; wireless steamer dock In st and passengers at only landing the Bermuda WEST INDIES "GUIANA" and other ; alternate Saturday 8 Thomas, Si Guadn- Bt St gua, Domintes 3 Lisiique, Barbadoes, and Demerara. For full information, apply to J. P HANLEY and C 8. KIRKPATRICK, Ticket Agents, Kingston; A. BE. Outerbridge & Co, 29 Broadway, New York; Quebec Steamship Co, Quebec. > 5 THE GLUB HOTEL WELLINGTON ST., near PRINCESS. "here are other hotels, bul. uone approach the Club for homeilke sur roundings. Located In centre of city and ciose to principal stores and thortre, Charges are moderate. Special rateg by the week. P. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor. THE AMERICAN CAFE 183 Wellington St. The Up-to-date Restaurant and Eating House. Separate appartments. Well furnished and lighted. Try our full course dinner, Ba. o THOS GUY Prop. "A Treg is Known by Its Frit" AND spt OUR COAL: is known by its godd burn- ing qualities. P. WALSH, 55-57 Barrack St. Best by Test ; This is provea In a Wormwith & o Plano. ~ Try One in Your Home artaE™ dimime, i - KINGSTON'S LEADING MUSIC HOUSE. In all popular and classic j- Musto In Book aud Sheet Form Orders promptly fies. Sleepers to and 1 i i | i i i } i ! ae i Made in 98 difisrent styles' "ldeal" Metal Beds sre made to | satisly those who want the best-- uot the cheapest--bed they can buy The trifle more you pay for an * Ideal" i Metal Bed saves you the disappoint- {to read of the recent efforts meats & cheap bed 8 sure to bring It guarantees' you a bed that re tains the snowy whiteness of its enamel, a bed that is stromg and substantial, never rattles, never be comes wobbly. Write for the name of the local dealer i who sells "Idesi' Metal Beds--alsr i for "The Philosophy of Sleep." which i we send free if you ask for Booklet No. 120 # IDEAL BEDDING Clune (PE FOR Health Drink McCarthey's Ale and Porter, It's the best. Agent, R. J. LAWLER Dr. de Van's Female Pills | A reliable French regulator; never fails. These pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the generative portion of the female system. Refuse ail cheap imitations Dr. de Vaa's age sold at 85 a box, or three for $X Aailed to any address. "Sn Soobell Drug Co., St. Catharines, Ont. For sale at Mahood's Drag Store, H PARKS &SON Florists | Riu" hone fis. All kinds of Cut Flowers and Plants In season Wedding and Funeral De signs a specialty shipped to all parts 128 King Street. - Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief---Permanent Care CARTERS LITTLE EE = we - = distress. cure indi 2 . : Sores Sell Pill, Smal Bose, Small Frc / Genuine mut ber Signature Te FEATHERS NEW SANITARY MATTRESS. Jour old feather bed made into modern and sanitary mattress. Feathers cleaned by sanitary pro- cess. HIGHEST ' PRICE PAID FOR FEATHERS. Dominion Feather Co., KING STREET (Opposite St. George's Church). Drop a card and our agent will call BEST REMEDY ForWomen--Lydia E. Pink- ham"s Vegetable Compound ; Ont.--"I was so weak and worn out from a female weakness that I concluded to try Lydia E. Pink. ham's Vegetable THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, . THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1911. UP T0 THE FARMERS ORGANIZE AND SUPPORT ORGANIZATION. - TO "Organize and Work" Should be Their Motto, Says Writer--Mast Invest. Money in Freedom's Cause, West Kensington, London W., Eng., Jan. 9.{To the Editor): It is cer- tainly gratifying to a Canadian a- broad, who is deeply interested in the curtailment of the tariff robbery, of the Canadian - farmers to throw from their soculders the 'Old Man of the Sea,' 1. rotection. In front of this good work difficul- ties, of enormous proportions present themselves, It is much mdre difficult to disseminate truths, especially poli- tical truths, among people distributed over a wide range of sparsely settled country, than to the same number of people assembled in towns and cities. Macaulay says "that even the most arbitary of the Caesars found it ne cespary to divert the inhabitants of Hlome at the Sepats of the country." For this samhe reason the inhabitants of Canadian cities have been cou- sistently able to exact tribute from the genuine producers of wealth in the rural districts. The beneficiaries of protection have taken infinite pains; directly and indirectly, to educate the city toilers to the reflected advanta- ges gained by the scientifi¢ plunder of the former. The privileged pro- tected classes know that their letse of plunder is dependent upon their de- pendents in the cities and upon the ignorance and gullibility of the plun- dered, They know that the farmer holds the key of the situation, so they act accordingly, They know that they can be assured of, the support of townsmen by assuring them that the are joint partners in this economic robbery, so they naturally direct their infamous activities of deception against the farmer. These protected tyrants know that the present trade movement is preg- nant with possibilities of fiscal liber ty, and, of course, will do their best to make it abortive, So with Ma- chiavelian ingenuity they have map- ped out the Canadian naval scheme. These interested persons have clever. ly disguised the real purpose of the proposed pavy which they think will be the ace of trumps when the far- mers play the "'deuce."" TT know that to build a navy requires an enormous expenditure of public mon- ey. They know that increased expen- diture 'of public 'money means increas- ed indirect taxation. They know that for every dollar the government col- leets by indirect taxation they as protected manufacturers "get six. The navy which nominally costs $20,000, - U00 really exacts from the toilers of Canada $140,000,000, ' At the present time these patriotic protectionists, whose patriotism not on y costs no- thing but means huge profits to them, are especially anxious to pro- vide causes for huge increases in the national expenditure, knowing that this expenditure may stifle the far mers' demand for the abolition of protective duties by the plea that the tarilf is necessary = for revenue pur- poses. Nothing, therefore, would suit therh better than a scheme, such as a navy, which would require constant expenditure. By covering their _mer- eenary motives by the old, old trick the waving of the Union Jack, they have made a clever and strong = ap- peal to the unselfish and. real pa- triotism of the Canadian farmer. It has been well said that patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel. When all things are considered, the Canadian farmer is not to be blamed for falling into the trap laid by the manufacturers. The war scare, which, as timé has shown, was manufactured in England f or party purposes, and which disturbed the peaceful citizens of this country, naturally had its ef- fect in Canada, and was a Godsend, or rather a devil-send, to the alert and greedy protected vampires who are always on the "qui vive" for plausible reasons dor the retention and the increase of protective taxation, As under the guise of patriotism (how much this woid has to answer for !) the South African war was generated by garbled and 'untruthful cable grams, selfishly ipspired by the weal thy Jewish financiers of South Africa, so this war scare in Canada was fath- ered and. kept alive by cablegrams from the English yellow press, which has sinister designs on the fiscal free dom and other liberties of the British people. For this reason the arguments of the scaremongers, though absolute ly quashed in this country, were in Canada never effectively reputed. The Canadian people quite naturally thought England to be in grave dan- ger of a German invasion, hence the sudden determination to build a Cana- dian navy. The original object of this navy was to help England in the hour of need. Its purpose now, the war scare being over, is to help the Cana- dian manufacturer in his hour of need. It would not be diplomatic on the part of the manufacturers to disclose the real purport of this naval scheme, so again this word patriotism serves the usual purpose of the scoundrel. Now, a navy is mecessary to supply mind to take | ueicine for | dignity to Canada's national aspira- tions and patriotism. Greed and hy rue to himself, Sir Wilfrid Lau- actions belie his words. How any times has he assured the Cama- ian people "that Canada should not | be drawn into the vortex of European ! militarism." His words are true, but | with a navy, how can she escape it? "Qui vent le fin vent les moyens." Con- MAKE DYSPEPSIA VANISH. Distress From Gas, Heartburn and Indigestion go in Five Minutes, i Every family bere ought to keep | some Diapepsin in the house, as any- one of you may have an attack of In jgestion or Stomach trouble at apy ne, day or night. This harmless preparation will di- gest anything you eat gud overcome a distressed, out-of-order stomabh five minutes afterwards.' if your meals don't tempt you, or shat little you dg eat seems to fill you or lays like a lump of lead in your stomach, or if you have heart- burn, that is a sign of Indigestion. Ask your Pharmacist for a 50-cent ense of Pape's Diapepsin, and take a little just as soon as you can. There will be no sour risings, no belching of undigested food mixed with acid, Bo stomach gas or heartburn, fullness or heavy feeling in the stomach, Nau- sca, Debilitating Headaches, Dizziness o° mtestinal griping. This will all go. and, besides, there will be no sour food leit over in the stomach to poison your breath with nauseous odors* Pape's Digpepsin is a certain cure for out-of-order stomachs, because it prevents fermentation and takes hold of your food and digests it just the seme as if your stomach wasn't there, Relief in five minutes from all stom- ach misery at any drug store, wait- ing for you. these large 50-cent cases contain more than sufficient to cure almost any chronic case of Dyspepsia, Iudi- gestion or any other Stomach trouble. | > - 1 more liberty enlightenment and' honor, | and one of the. most hopeful features | ideas, fathered by sincere and ener- | gefic souls. Nations they think. They are they, introduce ethics into their thoughts. A dismal future awaits any country which lays its foundation of greatness on the sands of military ex- ploits. Aguin, why should Canada en- ter the arena, which, according to the leading thinkers of the day, is reduc- iny Furope to a state of barbarism ? it is unfortunate, however, that just as in youth, there is a tendency in young countries a tendency to fol- low the ignoble examples of older countries. It is also true that just as tobacco and drink are more injurious turism is mére detrimental to the younger eountry (if, however, Canada his reached maturity, what about in- fant industries ?) Money spent on militarigm cannot be used to develop Canada's resources, What reason has Sir Wilirid Laurier given for the post- ponement of the Georgian Bay canal 'wneme and other public works / *""kx- pense." "Can't afford it now." Every dollar spent on gunboats is éne doi- lar less spent on needful and produc- live public works: Canada certainly needs all her surplus revenue for veloping and productive uses, and can- not afford to waste money on warships which produce nothing, but expense and idle and wholesale murder, when used, If Canada, against the wishes of the major portion of her population, has already been rushed into the decision of having a navy, and if too late to withdraw, then the Canadian farmers should insist that the cost of the navy and its upkeep be paid for by. direct { taxation. When the find that their patriotism costs them something and that they don't make anything out of it, their appetite for national dignity will be satisfied for- ever. When they find that they are forced to pay their honest, share to Piles Quickly Cured at Home Instant Relief, Permanent Cure-- Trial Package Mailed Free to All in Plain Wrapper. Piles is a fearful disease, but easy to cure, if you go at it right. An operation with. the knife is dan- gerous, humiliating and rarely a per- manent success. of the twentieth century is the mighty | dewn of brighter and widely scattered { Guelph, Ont., says Jter Lorinda, are great because | jicaage, This first majestic whet | oq tor blisters, afterwards taking the to imitate the vices of the man, there is | to the youth than to the adult, mili-| de- | manufacturers | the piper, they will quickly order a different tune. : If, however, the farmers are con- tent to foot the whole bill and in addition pey six times ihe amount of this bill to the protected interests for |. the privilege of obtaining imaginsry dignity from a navy, then théy will merit the insults, the jibes, the con tempt of the clases who are fattening upon them. I'he farmers should organize, organ- ize, organize, and,then support their organizations. They must invest money in freedom's cause if freedom they receive. If they are to draw the dividends from free trade in the future {they must subscribe the working capi- tal now. They cannot invest. money in anything that will bring in higher interest. No gregter heritage can they leave their chi or their chil dren's children than the bounty of unresiricted freedom of trade. I they are to enjoy fiscal justice they must work. "Organize, work, and again organize," should be their motto, then the result will never be in doubt.-- Yours very truly, A. W. HAYCOCK. GRATEFUL MOTHERS! What Zam-Buk Did For Their Little Thousands of mothers in Canada owe a debt of gratitude to Zam-Buk for its cure of their children, and hun- dreds of them are not slow to recog- nize the claim. Mrs, J. Quiding, of Ninette, Man, ays: "My little boy was suffering very badly from a form of skin disease over his eve. 1 applied Zam-Buk to the earth now require lei gl y and pope fected part, and in a very short time, 1 am pleased to say, the sores were completely healed." . Mrs. F. Miners, of 311 Suffolk St. : "My little daugh- six, contracted a okin oke out like tinv {form of dry scabs, These would dis- appear for a short time, and then re appear worse than ever. We irritation and soreness greatly relieved and the child rested easier. Perseverance® with Zam-Buk worked a complete cure." c All druggists and stores sell Zam- Buk at 50c, box or post free from Zam- luk Toronto, upon receipt price. TIDINGS FROM LANSDOWNE. the Co., Was Formed. Lansdowne, Jan. 18.--~On Monday evening the young people of St. John's church organized a branch of the An- glican Young Peoples' association, Rev. Mr. Patterson being the organ izer. A business meeting will be held on Wednesday evening at the home o) Mrs. Frederick Bevins. Mr. and Mrs, Sheldon XY. Bullis, sr., are visiting with theif niece, Mrs. Gordon Lan- don. A. W. Burns spent the past week with his unele qt Moxley spent Sunday the guest of G. D. Redmond. Miss Mildred Jackson, of Brockville spent g few days with her cousin, Miss Sadie Mbore. Rov. Mr. Patterson, ob Athens, took the services for Rev. Mr. leech, on Sunday last here, and at Warburton, conducting services in St. John's, both morning and evening. Messrs. Mooney and Phillips have purchased J. H. Moxley's cottage at the river, which adjoins Lansdowne wharf. It is a desirable location for their swinmer store. Miss May Robinson, Lyn, spent the week-end here, the guest of Miss Edith Wollis. The funeral of the late Miss Annie Slack, daughter of George Slack, Sand Bay, took place on the lith, and was largely attended. Deceased was well known and highly esteemed. Mrs. Benjamin Tackaberry is a sister. The Presbyterian Ladies' Aid held a most enjoyable concert on Monday evening, Madam Anna Don Cochrane, of Belleville, delighting the audience with her fine voice. She was ably as- sisted by local talent. A carnival was held Saturday night on A. E, Haffie's rink. Among the aie winners were: Miss Gertrude affiec, Miss Ethel Johnston and George Potter. On Monday morning a highly teemed resident passed away, when Robert Allen breathed his last, He had been a patient sufferer for 4 long time. He was in his eighty-first vear, He leaves to mourn his loss, one son, John, and four dnushters, Mrs. George Stevens, Mrs. Nathan McKay, and Miss Minnie and Bertha at home. The funeral took place on Tuesday after. noon at 2.30 &t the home, and was largely attended. Rev. Mr. Beckstedt, of Chalmers Presbyterian church, con- ducted the service. The réeriains- were os i There is just ome other sure way to be eured--painless, safe and in the pri- vacy of your own home--it is Pyramid Pile Cure. We mail a trial package free to all who write. i ive you instant relief, show less, painless nature of this great remedy and start you well on the way toward a perfect cure. Then you can get a full-sized box from any druggist for 50c., and often one box cures. : Insist on havi | addressed the Farmers' club, on piaced in the vault. Owing to ill-health Joseph Shields has been obliged to close his bake shop permanently. A representative of a prominent Montreal produce house,' Fri. day night, in the town ball, with the object of forming an egg and poultry circle to. ship direct to Mon- treal, thus securing better prices and insuring the trade of fresher supplies in three lines. A number of poultry raisers Somed the circle. The annual meeting of the Lansdowne Agricultural Society took place on the 16th. Fir. man Cross was elected president. Miss Olive McCrea, danghter of Thomas McCrea, is seriously ill at her home here, with typhoid pneu- monia. Mr. and Mrs. Frank (Griffin are rejoicing over the arrival of 4 little stranger. Mr. and Mra. James Foley have rented their farm and come to the village, to reside, on se- count of Mr. Foley's ill health. Mrs, i McConnell disposed. i. from J urst, where she was » ------ tried | Zam-Buk, and with each application were of A Young People's Anglican Society Odessa. Robert - 302 A TW Vest Pocket Size of EDDY'S Famous "SILENTS J Every. stick a match, every mafch a light, |i and every hight a sfeady even flame. 1 'wy jo De-Light™ for the Smoker --Try a Box. Always everywhere, in Canada, Ask for, ED0YS MATCHE FEET BEER : BL eee GEO. THOMPSON, JR. | Distributor, : RINCESS STREET. 'Phone 354 tor case. 4 The Jafest Mare) Creation Greatest Mateh May ufactory Holiday - Buy Something Useful for the House -- :- Presents Silver Knives and Forks, from $1 to $15 per set, Carpet Sweepers, Fancy Tea and Coffee Pots, Wringers, Washing Machines, Fancy Andirong, Gas Logs, Brass Fenders, Fancy Gas Heaters, Coal Oil Heaters, etc. Silver Spoon, Carving Sets Telephone 35. Elliott Bros., 000 O00OTCOVIGHOOOOOOO00 : 77 Princess Street. Comin KIRPATRICK'S ART STORE ESTABLISHED 1874. * L + + Fine Pictare Framing at Reasonable Prices Original works by British Artists, and full line of all kinds of pictures. Regilding a specialty. PRLBILILPP000000000000 Sowards Keep Coal Coal Keeps Sowards. HAVE YOU TRIED HIM?Y : 'Phone 185. POVFCPI00 0000000000000 SNOW SN ow! The. sonw Is coming und in a few are we will have psleighing You will want your sleighs repaired or painted and have: them ready 10 use when needed. SLEIGHS, SLEIGHS, We have an assortment of Bob Sleighs, 2 and 2 kneed, all ready, with OX or not; also Single Bieighs; also few ond-hand Bob Sleighs and Cut- ters which we will sell off cheap. NEW WORK. Special designs of Milk, Bread Grocer, Butcher Sleighs bulll to order on short notice. Our workmen and facilities good work are of the best one 152. JAMES LATURNEY 290-392 PRINCESS ST, KINGSTON, for do- { ---- TE ------ OUR ROOSTER BRAND uf Smoking and Chewing Tobacco at forty-five cents a pound is a good Tobacco. Why pay eighty-five? AN + FINE PHOTOS. | For the newest finishes and the most up-to-date mounts in the city, we lead, and what is of great convenience to you, our Studio is -on the ground floor D. A. WEESE & Oo, Picture Framing. Wallpaper, J.E. Hutcheson AUCTIONEER and APPRAISER. "A ecard sent fo $17 Albert Btreet an order Jodt at H Yeading owe or 7 L Hendegson's Stores will ressive srompt: attention. Rost rafarences wives SURE RTOOEEE VOLPE BEES The kind you are looking for BW is the kind we sell, Scranton Coal Is good coal and we guarantee | prompt delivery, ROOTH & CO, Chivers'. Pare Orange Marmalade, Amorted: ams and J Plum Pudding. Pineapple C A Vietoria Plums. Dawson Plums. SIM] RCH.STORES © ils] SPECIALTY D. COUPER'S JF wenty-Sizth ugust rein fod Es Sl A he tons railway yoo g ¥ i 3 } a ri ia El

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