Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jan 1911, p. 5

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OSB ~@ 032048 0 125 % Discount eet iene Fancy Vests, Mufflers ~. Smoking Jackets HUNT S, 53 Brock Street rr BE ECONOMICAL 'BE COMFORTABLE Oar Great January Reduction Sale will help you. You can tell by coming Saturday. "A close range will reveal tremendous saving inevery . department. 4 ™ "Phe items below point to a most desirable money-saving opportunity : 25 LARGE SIZE ALL-WOOL BLANKETS, of fine white unshrink- all-wool best Canadian with pink or blue border $3.75 and $4 20 BED COMFORTERS, made. of English printed Tar- key red chintz on both sides, with © good filling; size, 72 x 2 Regular price $2.00 Regular price, REBUCTION PRICE . Sr $1 48 REDUCTION PRICE ... .... ; $2.48 500 YARDS PURE LINEN ROLLER TOWELLING, heavy, sergteable make, never better Regular Made able, yarn, 20 EADIES" FLETTE DRESS. ING SAQUES, Light. 2 dark shades, neat pat- tern®¥, with contrasting bands of sateen Regular price, $1.25 and $1.00 CLEARING PRICE . Good with red border; saving in this line. price, 19¢ yard, REDUCTION PRICE ... .. Te sari 15 MEN'S SUITS To. be cleared at less than manufacturers' cost Suits made in newest single and double breasted models of English Tweeds and Fancy Worsteds, in mbst popular patterns. Broken lines. Re- gular price, $16.50 and $18.00 REDUCTION PRICE, . .. . : $9 as 750 'Maunnfactorer's Sainplo pieces of 'Dress Goods of English, French and German Manufac- turers' Agents' samples in different colors and de- signs. Kaich piece is 21 inches long by 48 or 50 inches wide, Dress Goods, ranging in values from 50c to $1.75 a yard, You will find lots of use for any of these pieces. Your Choice on Saturday Only 5¢c a piece Be on time and have your pick. 49c 18 MEN'S BLACK BEAVER OVERCOATS. Broken sizes, made of hand- some . English All-wbol Begver Cloflf, cut In the very newest styles, well trimmed, silk velvét collars. < Regular price, $15.00 and $18.00. REDUCTION PRICE Don't fail to see our Ladies' Tweed, Bea- ver and Broadcloth Coats at $6.98, Men's Mocha Gloves at 49¢, English and Cana- dian Prints, this spring's patterns, at 10c 'sn yard ; Ladies' and Men's Furs at reduc- tion prices, and many other bargains too numerous to mention. Comb and see them. The Montreal Stock Co. 180---PRINCESS ST.--180 Between Redden's and Crawford's. Phone 844 + No Phone orders taken for this sale. | Misses Reid, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRID1Y. ss LADIES MUSIC NIGHT % FINE PROG RAMME CONVOCATION | The Third of the Ladies' Musical Club Series--The Large Audience Enjoyed: the Numbeis Very Much. Phe thicd wecital for this season (of the Ladies' Musical Ulub was held Hast evening in Uonvorition Hall and i the progrimsme was throughout 'a brilliant success. Two piano = solos, \ Reverie", (Schult) and, "Etude op. 110, No. 5° (Chopin), were given hy | Mies . Phyllis Knight as the opening numbers, and were much enjoyed by we large audience. yr vocal gquartetté, composed Faldron, Craig and El- der, followed with two numbers bv A. B. Hawley, "Oh! "Tis. a Dregm™ and "She Was But Seven." In this iquartette the parts were well bal maopd and the shading was perfect. A violin solo, "Reverie, op. 22" (Henri | Vieuxtemps) by Miss Draké, "was giv- en with great expression, and © was {heartily encored. Mrs. Arthur Craig | sang with much beauty of voice and [menses of phrasing three little GIVEN IN| HALL. of songs, "The Rose Vine," "Just June" and. Rococo," composed py her {brother Geoffrey "Hara, New York. {A voung™ pianist of fine accomplish- I ment and promise is Miss Rosalind Maclachland, who gave "Love's Dream" {Liszt) and Mendelssohn's 'Spinning Song. In tesponse to an encore she gave 'Waterlily'" (Macdowell) Three part songs, "Lullaby," by Jakobouski, and "Ave Maria," by Me wrdelssohn, were given by the Misses Reid, Waldron and Craig with much sweetness of tone, whether in pas- sages of tender expression or in those characterized bv power andr brillianey of effect. Miss Drake was again neard to good advantage in "Cava- tina" (Joac him Ruff) and she respond- wel to an encore by playing with much britliancy "'Kniwiak" (Wienieuski). Mrs. Craiggthen gave three charm- ny songs hy Chpminade and her sweet soprano voit of harmonious tone quality interpreted this * com- poséf with exeellent effect. Mrs. Craig graciously responded to a vociferous encote, «| v The closing - numbers were instrumental duets' by the Misses Wridht and Shaw, "Nocturne," '"T'he Dance of the Elves" and "Wedding Maréh" (Mendelssohn) played in a most perfect .mahner. Miss Shaw, as aeednpanist, was, as usual, most sympathetic and artistic her work, three in Orphenm's Excellent Bill. The bill at the Orpheum theatre for the rempinder of the week is one that is sure to please everyone, Doth acts are 'excellent, Owing to the success which they scored diXing the first part of the week, the manhgement decided to liold over the "Thaten Duo." They presented an entirely different act from the first part of the week. The sketel, is very laughable and elicited much applause from the large audience last night. Their act deals with the do mestic troubles of a young married couple and how the girl worked the dotile game am well as the man. Nebr and Cacum presented their high class dramatic and musical sketch en: titled "His Last Dollar," and intro. duced some good singing, including snatches from Grand Opera. Arthwm Lyon sang "The Star of f.ove." The peonle continue to throng Griffin's popular Orpheum. Epworth League Drive. The young people of the Epworth League of Princess street church held their annual drive Wednes- day evening. The party left the city at 7.30 o'clock in two vans "for the home Of My. and Mrs.James Barnes, Dufferin. Thwroads were good and the night perfect, consequently the drive wil enjoyed very much. Uporl their arrival, they were received with open arms by the host and hostess, and a merry time was spent with games and music until ghout twelve o'clock when dainty refreshments were served by the young ladies. About owe o'clock the gathering broke up and the young peo ple reached home shout 2.30 a.m. One of the Examiners. Dr.-J. G. Evans has been elected to the examining board of the Ontario Optometrical Association just formed in Toromto, which hoped to secure ovineial powers to' license members. .» Evans is also on the directorate. Only One "Bromo Qt Quinine," That is Laxative Bromo nine. Look for the signature of E. W. Grove Used the world over to Cure a Cold in One Day. 5c. Methodist « LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Suggestion to Divide Frosienac for County ae? Kingston Station, « 9 (Fo the Padorys | motive m terday 'an article" refering to the re presentation of the township at the county. council board and the likeli- hood, if 4 Jepdtation' waititg of the Untatie government to have matters fairly adjusted. Would at nt be bet: ter for all parties eonderned to ask the government to divide the couaty for mymicipal purposes. In road improve ments, school purposes, and many oth- er matters, the mterssts of the front and rear of the county are not idemti- cal. Besides, the distance that some of the reeves have fo travel to attend committee meetings, especially when they are on improvement committees, adds greatly to our m ex- penses. Also loss of time and incon- venience is caused by the msm living fifty miles from the court house. I would like to hear the views of other ratepayers, both front and rear, on this important mafter---R. H. FAIR. FOR THE POULTRY SHOW. Between Four and Five Hundred Entries Now. There are already between four and five hundred entries for the show to be held in Ontario hall, next week, by the Kingston Poultry jimd Pet Steck As sociation. This announcement was made 'at the meeting of the association, held last night, when reports were received from the committees. This goes to show that the display will be the largest ever put on by the association. The exhibition will open on Tuesday, and will be continued on Wednesday and Tharsday. ---------- A Word of Wapning! You've seen the imitation fires on the theatre stage, made of red paper amd an electric light buth 7 What good would they be to warm your house ? lake a lesson for the hour of sick- ness. Imitations of Zam-Buk and sub- stitutes may give the dealer a little mere profit, but they won't eure you skin disease, or stop the pain of burn, or ease the agony of i or cure the rash on your baby. Dent be misled by 'the plausible "This prepara- ticn is just as good as Zam- Buk: and cheaper," It isn't 'just as good." Get the real Zam-Buk. - See the legally pro- tected name on the packet. Dance at Sunbury. James McGarvey and Thomas 0" Brien were hosts at a delightful dance iven in the village hall ut Sunbury, Wednesday evening. There were ahout sixty-five couples on the floor, who thoroughly enjoyed "the choice pro- gramme of excellent music furnished by McAuley's orchestra of the city. Refreshments were served about mid- night inj the hotel, after which dane ing was reésy : Harvesting lee at the Cape. The New York Central ice = harvest for the annual supply of ice on the S¢. Lawrence division . commenced Wednesday at Vincent. About 8,000 tons will distributed and aout 6,000 tons more will be held in reserve at Cape VincentiiIt id pro. bable that as usual after the division's supply has been harvested, ice will be cut for a portion of the Ontario and Western divisions. Campbell Bros', Clearing Fur Sale Every manufactured fur article in the { store, including fadies' fur-lined coats, fur coats, men's fur coats, ladies' fur neck' pieces, nyafls, sleigh robes, etc., ull being sold at startfing reductions. Campbell Bros' big clearing fur sale. iin df ii Masons Satisfied With Wages. Recently, the statement was made that next May there would be a dan | ger of a general strike among all the labor trades in Kingston. Members of the masons' union say that they have no intention of striking. They are! satisfied with the present standard of | wages. Clark's Pork and Beans. everywhere, in tine of several sizes. Three kinds; plain, or with elili or to- mato sauce. Invaluable as a regular or emergency dish. Wm. Clark, «Mir. Montreal. The partly burned steamer Ottawa still lies at the depot wharf at Cape Vincent. It is now the property of a marine insurance company. In the spring her 'machinery will he faken out. It is not expected that the craft will be rebuilt. tour issue of ves | This is Canada's leading brand; sokl | JANUARY 20. 1011. ee ere SL samy SEPP RRE) 3 ~ Saturday' s Attractions At Hl i Gon ge A . PAGE FIVE. SEEEIEREOERREEERRTAE: Abernethy' Ss Shoe Sale $3.75- BUYS ANY PAIR OF MEN'S OR WOMEN'S $5.0 SHOES IN OUR STORE. YOU SAVE $125 ON EVERY $5.00. 2.25 SEE THE MEN'S TAN WORK- ING BLUCHERS, SOLID "LEA- THER, REGULAR . 83.00, ALL SIZES. JALE PRICE $2.85, | : QO O000000000000000O00: WOMEN'S RUBBERS MEN'S RUBBERS ... . CHILD'S RUBBERS ... 20 per cent off Trunks 25 per cent off Suit Cases and Bags EEREEREARLERIREEREE VOSOTOCOT i] es IN ALL LINES OF WOMEN'S SHOES, EVENING SHOES, HOC- KEY SHOES, ETC, AT 25 PER CENT. DISCOUNT. 49c. BABY BOUTS, REGULAR oe. .. tr nr 3 WOMEN's The. SPATS ¥ WOMEN'S 6c. SLIPPERS i000 0C00¢ SEER RNREREE ooo i F : | 70999090 LTRLRRS THE SPORT REVIEW FRONTENACS PLAY IN PICTON THIS EVENING. Picton is the Frontenacs' Hoodoo Town--Toronto Star Says Front. enaes are the Goalia-minute Team. The junior Frontenacs left, this morning, for [Picton, to play their first game with the O.1LA. team there. The boys would not express themselves one way or another as to WHE the result of the game wonld be. They have regarded Picton as a "hoodoo" town ever since Picton beat them, last winter, there. On the yetuts Kime Jae Picton was beaten 11 to ine- up will be the same as in Wednesday's game, with the exception of Marchand, wba will be replaced by Williams, in goal. - -------- if To Play on Palace Rink. The Bath Road Beavers and Glen burnie will play their scheduled game in the 'township hockey league. 5t the Palate rink to-morrow night instead of at Glenburnie as had heen intepd- ed. The reason for the change in plans is the fact that the ice at Glen burnie is in bad condition. p Rooters' Club to Root. The Rooters" Club have made ar: rangements whereby they will have the covered rink gallery, where the band plays, for the remainder of the doa- { son. They will have a practice with | the band next Monday evening at the | rink. The music for the different paro- | dies has been written by the bandmas- ter and the boys promise to make the rink. ring with their music at the Both Granite Teams Won. The senior games in the evening were watched by a large crowd, owing to the fact that the weather was very mild. The ice whs in géod condition and the brand of hockey which was pulled oF was a good variety. The first game between Barriefield apd Granites juniors resulted in 5 victory for the Granites by one point, the final score being 4 to 3. Things look #d good at the end of the first hall for the Parriefield boys, the score he- ing 2 to-1 in their favor, but in the § Picton game to be pulled off here.' Be One -of Them Advertise in the Whig's Classified Columns... These little ads. are wonderful business getters. A No less than 4,200 people buy the:Daily Whig every evening. business need their patronage ? THEN ADVERTISE. TVRVT TRV RLV TTTREG last hali they broke down and the other fellows ralljed somewhat with the result that they figured quite ex tensively on the scoring line. Granites--{oal, Cogke; point, Shultz; cover, Pound; rover, Purtell; centre, Muckler: wipgs, Robinson and Rae. Barriefield--Goal, King; point, S, Esford; cover, Campbell: rover, Mur- tay; centre, Stanton; wings, W. * Es- ford apd Tisdale. The senior game was the other at. traction and was closely contested. Regiopolis and Granites battled right royally for the first place, and the Granites got it by the lead of two goals the final score being 6 to 4. fine time score was 3 to 2 in favor of the winners. Allgn Davidson, of Portsmouth refereed oth evening games. Regiopolis--Goal, Walsh; int, Merton; cover, R. Fellowly rover, Little; centre, Freeman; wings Ryan and Joyes. Granites--Goal, "Richards: point, Mullen; cover, Dunlop; centre, Hughes; rover, "Ainslee; wings, Weicher and Pound. Cas- Portsmouth's Victory. Portsmouth walloped the heads off the Kingston Business College bunch Jat the; Palace rink Thursday after | hoon in the Junior city hockey league series, winning by 5 to 0. It was thought that after the beating the Portsmouth team got at the Palace rink, Tuesday, gt the hands of the K. C.L, they would he an easy mark for the Business College boys, but ft wap not so. They were shut out with- out » goal. "Billy" Campbell of Bar- riefield refereed. Portsmouth--Goal, M. point, McCammon; cover, Mcfiuire: centre, Imvidson; rover, Forsythe; wings, Thornton and Kennedy. Business College--(i6al, Dunn; point, Hoffman; wover, Staley; centre, Assels ting; rover, Davis: wings, Bradshaw and Turcotte. : Kennedy, Sporting Notes. v Toronto Star: The Kingston From temacs evidently desire to be known as the "goal-a-minute'"' team. it' took Montreal Wanderers all they could do to defeat the Canadiens 44 five goals to four. Those French hoc- kevists are good ones. The Junior Frontenacs broke the covers rink record at their game with Belleville, Wedneaday night, for the highest score. The previous high pra "Don't - Envy Successful People Does yout § ii Are You Pale Anaemic Anaemia means blood -- means languor, ? blanched lips, faded cheeks. You grow dyspeptic and nerv- ous. This condition cannot exist if there is plenty of healthy blood. Prouse's Com- pound Iron Pills makes rich, nutritious blood and. strength- ens weak nerves--that's why ft cures In contentrated form Prouse's Compound Iron Pills contain rare qualities that render them unfailing in anaemia, languor, peor color and loss of weight 35¢ Bottle. Prouse's Drug Store Branch Post Office. Telephone 82. colorless The est score was twébty-two goals Frontenacs scored twenty-four CAPTURED A PRIZE. Baby Hartrick Won Gold Watch at Portsmouth. All this week, a medicine company has been the attraction in the town hall at Portsmouth, and the hall has been crowded every might. Two men have teen patting on a - programme and selling the medicine. Last night the performances were broaght to a » close, with a contest for the most popular baby, and Fredjpirk Hart. rick's baby carried off the prize, secur- ing the largest number of votes. Another contest was on the pro- gramme, that of a prize for the most popular young lady in the village, but ss all the ladies in Hatter's Bay are popular, the event had to be called off. The Portsmouth philosopher was to have acted ar judge in this, but owing to the' circumstances, he was not required to give his decision When you want to lose a friend ask his advice occasionally awd then point. edly ignore it.

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