Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jan 1911, p. 6

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PAGE SIX. ' n a" et \ : ; THE DAILY BRITISH WE1G, ~ FRIDAY, RS 20, 1911. GROWTH AND SERVICE The constant growth of The SIGHT NEARLY GONE EXCESSIVE, USE OF TOBACCO TH OAL CAUSE. A Watertown Empicres of Agri cultural Insurance Company Has Been Stricken With Nicotine Poisoning After Years of Use of Indian Weed. * PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From An, Over the World. How. George P. Graham is il at his | home, in Ottawa, ith pneumonia. He | was taken suddenly ill i It is feared at a that Freddie The Government Again Threatens Wilson, aged seven, fell through ths; joe in the river and was drowned. Hel the Theatoriums -- Prosecutions has been missing since early yester | 'NO SHOW ON SUNDAY | WILL BE PERMITTED IN QUEBEC. Under Provincial Statute, day, Lapt. Ottawa, Jan. 20.--The Hull moving HU LL Will This Time be Institited CARE OF THE TEETH. | rimety Address by Dr by Dw. Rn E. Sparks' at YMCA, } of the . series of health | | talks arranged by the physical com-| | mittee of the local YMUA., was! held Thursday evening, in the 'parlors | fof the association, before a good-sised and appreciative audience Br. BR. E. fand held the interest of his listeners, {hy his instructive suggestion. He The first Sparks was the speaker, R { § Alexander Potvin and Fi ire- | man George Parker, Ottawa, were se- | verely injured, on Friday "morning, when a sizsel car collided 'with the fire apparatus in going in response to an picture theatre men, who have been eleverly punctuated his remarks by | congratulating themselves on their re-|short witticisms. He divided in sub- | cent victory over the provincial auth. | ject, "Care of the Teeth," two | orities with regard to the Sunday clos | parts, namely; Why and Ad. He | ' ing prosseutions, are due for a rude clearly showed that the teeth are very | The sentence of twelve of the twen- wy C, J. Brooke, who ucted as! important factors in keeping the bod, ty-four anarchists, condemned to death oo attorney for the pro *incial in a healthy condition. He peminded | by the supreme court of Japan, Were government, states that he has i the audience that Gladstone chewed | commuied. to life imprisonment. ceived instructions from the i] {each mouthful of food thirty-two | clemency was. pot xtanded to Denjiro |general's department at Quebec to times, which accounted for his long Kotoku. ' again take proceadings, the authorities | life. He also impressed the importance Charles Dudley Ward, sn English {having definitely decid to close all | of thoroughly cleaning the teeth each archaeologist, who -is making excava- "the theatres in the city of Hull on the "morning, using a powder or paste, tions at Colchester, reports finding 'g qu 4h Land after each meal with clone 'water. safety pins More than two thousand | The actions will be taken on the! A vote of thanks was tendered the years old. He says they Zpyaront ly IQ bec statute referring to this ques-{ speaker. after his address. The mext! ere in common use by the ancient | 8 and not on the Lord's Day act talk will be Monday, Janvary 30th, At Hamilton, Unt., '& heavy law jas on 'the. last ceqasion. | eet Pr. . x Comal Nil pou on suit will likely follow the accident at | oo ee ey | germs. the Grand Opera House in which | | . : | WITHDRAWN SEIZURE part of a sword flew out of the hand | of one of the Russian dancers and Made: on 'W. RB. Travers' Steam Yacht Here, a igh Watertown, N.Y., Jan. 20.--Suffering {from micotine = poidbning in. its cv | serious form, where the eye | comes affected, Milton De Lang, of No. 1316 Mullin street, a former clerk in the Agricultural Insurance company '» 4 {offs ces, is home from New York, where ihe has been attended by four experts. Mr. De Longs affliction is a rare one in this vicinity, For years he had been an inveterate user of tobacco. During the daytime, when at work over his books, he chewed the weed, very often breaking wp vigars to get the fuli strength. After hours cigars | or a pipe were used incessamtly, until {one day when at work he was sudden {ly stricken blind. Local physicians | diagnosed it as a case of micotine poi- | soning. KINGSTON BRANCH: i | Mr. De Long is still unable to read, 107 PRINCESS STREET, the words on a page running toge lin a hopeless mess. Glasses avail nothing. Upon *the street he wears George B. McKay, | Manager, 1 smoked glasses and is able to get {about alome. New York doctors told {him that he must attempt no work for six months of more. - . At a private New York Mephal, Mr. De Long underwent a daily sweating HOW WOULD hor) LIKE TO GIVE ois that, while drawing the. ajo " a tipe from hia saturated body, left him JMETHING THAT waren KEEP | thin ahd pale. Strychnine was also NSTAN ORE HEF { given to sid in the work of freeing the | system from the poison. Une opera- { tion was- performed, at which a bone | over the eve and extending down the nose was removed. Mr. De Long has now lost all erav- fing for tobucea. Since his return here | he has gained some weight, tipping the | senles better than 105 pounds, but his | sight shows little improvement at of Present, Mr. De Long is a son of Mer Pritt De Long, secretary of the . water i with offices at the city hall HOME RULE. Bank of Teoromto Is a signifi cant indication of "the excels lent banking service given to its many customers, YOUR ACCOUNT 18 INVIT- ED. BANK OF TORONTO Assets, $50,000,000 sierced the brain of Robert Shiver ick. By the will of the late Major Sherifi Dawson has withdrawn the ligmson,- Kingsbury, Que., the Pres- | seizure made on the steamyacht of | IW. R. Travers, the former general { manager of the Farmers' Bank, which ayterian church of Canada gets the remaindey of the estate. After "pro- | lis at the ningston foundry, as Mr. {Travers has made am assignment to viding for certain legacies to relatives | he amount the church will get is stimated at $25,000, T. Clarkson, of Toronto, of his » for the benefit of his credi- Wil- | &* - ip! Sessessssbessne + MUSIC FOR CONVICTS. Worcester, Mass., Jan. 20. -- Believing that music will aid in the reformation of law breakers, Keeper Albert T. Richardson, of the House of Correction, will install a musie Xx in the guard room 80 arranged that alt of the inmates y hear it. The men are also to have to- baceo, good reading and varied diet IN BOILING OIL. 8t. Catharines, Jan. 20. -- William Dewey, aged fif- teen. an apprentice in the saw works, slipped into a cauldron of belling ofl, and one leg was so badly par- boiled that he may die. FEE PEP PO Pat sresbesseat 1 ; i i i NOMINATED FOR COUNCIL, PEEP PPIPIFIEP TIE FEDERAL | A Description Given by a Come] mercial Writer. | popu- | of Mon-! The one | Is a Household Companion, and ca be used every day, and can't hélp am appreciated. Chops everything ! In Bize 1. The; Size 2, $1.00. | Ana lots of other things. BRASS GOODS, Beautiful Selection. Safety Razors, Hockey Skates, Snow Shoes, 3 Bras: Son of" Lord Advocates Fxperiment, london, Jan. 20--~The Hon. I. A, . : [iraxsey, advocating last night at | Heir { Bexhill federal home rule, said Treland was an open sore, a weakness to the | empire in her relations with the Uni | ted States and our own oversea do- | minions. The experiment of federal government, which proved so success ful in | wolving similar problems in Canada, and elsewhere, was as likels to do the same for Ireland as it was doing for South Africa, and was sure lv worth the consideration of reason: able men of all parties. Hon. T. A, Brassey, A SOCIETY SURPRISE. Earl Cadogan gaged. London, Jan. 20.--Another society surprise has been given by the unex: ected engagement of Viscount Chelsea to Miss Marie Coxon, a prefty girl | '"I'ne subject of this brief sketch was | ; Thanks for Contributions, k | sf twenty-one, and niece of Lady Jar-| Kingsion, Jan. 20.--(To the Edi- born at Kingston, Ount., at an early; line. Viscount Chelsea last May | I Permit mu Ro rete sine Ee" He has never 'been in jail, and] sed th h the bank tev court, | 107): army, me * . {we don't know why. He is an ar- Missed threugh the bhankruptey eonr t 8s to the kind contributors to He became heir 10 the earldom of | IIONKS Ci ' : \} D {dent temperance'man, having been on | 'adogan and an income of $500,000 the veliel und of ie : fred Davis, | hi water waggons (particularly | i : death. of hi (in whose benall made an appeal | {through the eanals), for some vears. | vearly on the recent death o "15 | some weeks ago. Liberal supplies oi | vi Id hew. Only a week] oO g A PP | His ability to talk is well known, | feven-vear-old nephew. MY. # Slfood apd clothing have been given her | 4 be has a mumber 'of our Joenl | go Earl Cadogan, who is seventy | and William Carroll has deposited in| | politici k il fact ni Countess Palagi igang skun a mile; in fa sma ars of age, married Conn A851 [the Standard Bank the sum of $51.- |, dances have gone to sleep under | Ww Florencec. Sr 40 on which she may draw. as ate | bis eloquence. He lives in West-| i 4,000 ACRES IN FLAX. L. L. Henderson is one of the lar nominations to the members council of the bourd of trade, { treal, says the Montreal Witness following "life" is furnished by {of his friends on Change : | i | | { i of is FEn- EDWARD TERRY, | Liberty Hall" at the Grand on Monday, Jan. rd LETTER TO THE | EDITOR. Special Sale of Linens TO-MORROW, 9 a.m. to 12. We have just received from a noted Irish Linen manufacturer in Belfast the following ve1y special bargain : ; 15 Fine Pure Linen Table Cloths, These are seconds, that is figm slight imperfec= tion in weave these are placed a\ide and when suf- ieient for a case is mado up, they are scold much below their real value. 'This manufacturer is ro careful that in many cases itis just one thread thicker than another in some pait of the cover." | Note the saving. : Skeis, Snow Shovels. Bob Skates and Wile Runner for Ch ¥. A Mitchell's Hardware, #5 PRINCESS STREET. At Kirk's Grocery. Miss Dunbar will demonstrate the superior quality of "Ridean Hall Cofiee." Everybody invited to have , cup. You will enjoy it. 281 Princess street. "Was, Lumar, Shing , Lumber, Shingles Méasurement. Prices, N. JACKSON PLACE I'ARMES, Residence, "Phone No. 1019. $00000000000000000000 W. P. O'BRIEN, 57 St. Francols Xavier St, 4 MONTREAL, Member MONTREAL STOCK EXGHANGE Long Distance Telepljone Main 6936 CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Orillia was lightlcss, on Thursday night, and powerless on Friday, a flume of the large genorator at Ragged Rapids having burst on Thursday night, nearly drowning several work- men. It will take several days to re pair the damage. requires money. For the sympathy | 5 unt, which is not very much in and kindness of whis h Mes. Davis has | his favor, ~ goes to a Presbyterinp {been the recipient she desires me to Land Company r. Preparing to. Farm: o ores. her gratitude, I may add that) She, but plas yr ery andinagy ; its Holding. her friends have the satisfaction ol Mount Royal and Canada Clubs, also Calgary, Jan. 20.--C. A. Briggs, [knowing thet the uced was real andthe Brewery Mission. has been a life- pressing and . the family worthy.-- 1,0, reader of the Witmess and oc who, in company with associates, pur- | p h y. thased twenty sections, 13,000 acres, ' Yours truly, R. §. FORNERL casionally glances at the Pink'un.'*" | Married and Awey. of noncirrigable land, within the jeri- ation block, south of Kininvije, last Bethel, Jau, 19.--Sechool has opened with Miss Martin, Marysville, as! summer, announces that he has now organized the Boston Alberta Develop- teacher, Miss Nellie Hamilton, Bethel, aud James Gibson, Belleville, were ment company, and that they pro jose to put 4,000 acres in flax this married, at Cagden East, on Thurs day and left on the same day for pring, breaking the land with 'trae- I} trip to the old country. Grippe mn plows. It is the intention of his agtin around malting its annual call, Don't You Wish You could be as sure of the whole someness of evervthing you eat ag yon are of Carnoveky's oysters. : : . » . o . . : ° * . * ® é i -------- Storrington Agricultural Society. The annual meoting of the Stor rington Agricultural society was held {at Iverery, on ISth, and was wel- attended. The president, 8S. A. Lyon, cecupied the chair and called 2 fon the secretary, F. §. Ferguson, to is read the financial report for the to ny to put the greate t of the i 3 MPARY ta put Lae greater part of the J ey All pretty designs, 2) yards wide, by ' ny as Lor visit rather. Visitors: Me. and Mrs. | 1100 J00C0 SU ed the Sqialy . Wan long, worth regularly $8.50. entire avea in wheat as soon as possi fe "| George Emberley, at Mrs, Homan's, owing officers and directors were elec: . Yours To-Morrow $2.25 Great Bargrins in Fine Furs At Campbell Bros' annual - clearing --------------------------_ sale. A Re 35 Pare Linen Table Cloths 2} yards Official statistics show that 100,000 Spaniards emigrated in 1910, many of them going to Canada and the United States > Brig.-Gen. Jesus Camargo, who has just died at Mexico City, left forty- two sons and daughters, Tulips, white, pink and yellow. Pur dv's, 109 Broek street. Phone 36. The Ontario Railway Board is in a deadlock on the question of Paye cars. " "Orange wood sticks," Gibson's, ROTHER SUMMONED, Actused of Selling to Member "Prohibited List." The proprietor of the Hub hotel, wus today served with 4 summons to answer to a charge, in the police sourt. He is accused of selling liquor to a member of the "prohibited list." The case has been booked for hear- ing before Magistrate Farrell, on Saturday morning. It is understood that the charge was brought about by the father of the young man, who it is alleged, was served with the liquor. DIES FROM Dr. Armitage Falls Over Balustrade and Expires. Berlin, Ont., Jan. 20.<Dr. ble.- on New Years; Naorge: Swnedley, at | god" for the ensuing year : President Walter Higgs'; Mr. and Mrs. Walter fe. W. Sleeth. Brn am preiitont G. Higgs at. W. Carl's; Rev. and Mrs, | Letherland; second vice-president, Dr Batstone and Mr. and Mrs. Frank | Freeman; secretary-treasurer, F. S, Martin, at J. M. Jayne's; Mr. und |Perguson; directors, M. B. Traves, J. Mrs. Levi Salswry, with Mr. ond | Tavier, *. Fdwards, John Gibson, Mrs. Albert Salsbury. A number at | Wiliam McGarvey, William Moreland. | tended the concert in Hinch's ball, on | Thomas Thompson, Janse Shepherd, Monday evening and enjoyed a very |G. Aykroyd; auditors, 8. A. Lyon. R. | pleasant evening. A variety shower was. Arthur, " i given Mr. and Mrs. John Galbraith op their return. 40 Pure Linen Table Cloths 2 yards long by 2 Roya I Household for Gake THE LADIES SHOULD NOT MISS THE CAKE MAKING TO-MORROW and SATURDAY AT THE FREE COOKING CLASSES, - BIJOU Theatre Jake will be 'baked and iced right before you. Ne more shorten- ) ing 1s used with this Pure Manitoba Flour than with Pastr Flom Come and see for yourselves at 2.30 p m. Sharp Free Sample of Cooking will hp served. with a delicious Cup ap 1 Rideau Hall Cotte ee, New and novel designs, yards wide, Harry Looking for Harry. Worth regularly $2.75. a. Es H.. Lindley, advance manager of Why the Sea is Salt. | Edward Terry, who is at the Grand, It is generally considered that the! pn Monday, in "Liberty Hall," is in saltness of the sea is accounted for by (the city® Mr. Lindley is not ae the deposition of soluble salt from the | quainted with the ever-popular Harry rivers. Salts of variows kinds form |L indley, but when he was told some part of the constituent ingredients of | of the good stories this theatrical the earth's soil everywhere; they are man is noted for telling he expressed | washed out hy springs snd rivulets | a wish to meet his namesake, and | and carried © to the sea by large maybe in the near future he will have | mitage, of Waterloo, a well mown stefnms, afd as the Suaporation} this opportunity. i in this art of the cour wmno st streams Carries none A ------------ GR the ors of an accident | the dissolved matters back again thet Convict Suitably Clothed. goh occurred at his home, Wednesday | tendeney is * for the salts to accumu-| Jn the House bi Commons, on Yours I'o-Morrow $1.90 night. Returning from a eall about late in the ses: The principle saliné Thursday afternoon, Sir Allen Ayles: « midnight, be leaned over the balus- dients found jo ocean water are! worth alluded to the report from King trade, at the top of the staies, to turn ohoride of sodium; or common salt, ston that 'a convict had been dis ) out a light, and fell twelve feet to with salts of magnesia and Kme, | hort ani deported clad in summer the floor, sustaining a fracture of the clot and without moned, He said gar. % . Hailed From Belleville, | that the report of the warden of the Belleville was well represented at | penitentiary showed that the man ! the police station, last night, in the Was suitably clothed and bad beep line-up of men who came in for pro- { given five dollars upon his arrival at tection, there being Bo less than three Ogdensburg. who claimed Pelleville as' their home. T~ = ; 'ng Kingston did the righ ng and gave : . fact that there were great losses to! their n ru shelter the might. ! The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Hotel The men were on their way to Mon- Dieu, at their meeting, on Wednesday the country through unnecessary and frnoent ange in maps, stali treal to look for work. At least this is evening, completed final arrangements ; on B. Northrup, , | the story they told. for the holding a bazaar and stated definitely that the SPpasition is (tombola on February 2lst to 2rd, in would demand a 8 dytunittes ~ of in- Kingston News Co. {conection with the ing of the vestigation into the departmen Will. sell three sheets of latest popu- ["*% ie wing of of the hospital, The profits Killed by a Train. lar wusie/for 25, on Friday and Sat- dei the bazaar will 'be used Killed by » urday. . Opp. Y.M.C.A, to purchase s new X-ray apparatus. St. Thomas, Jan. 3 Guiry Book, a Michigan Central: section foreman, 25c--Butter, Butter, Butter--=25¢. Campbell Bros'. Clearing Fur Sale. out of the way nasi | i an front of a local rolls putter, | Every manufactured article is ite primis or butter, sacrificed ora isk dencing, 'wits killed instantly. was aged a and married. and whed you buy here ig cer- Bnint of quality. Co ay Bros, the 25¢-Prints or Rolls Butter--205¢. Extra choice prints or rolls, 35. Ih. 4. Crawlord' " ). ACCIDENT. JOH. Av i ma---------- SHASASIIN. Will Demand Investigation. Ottawa, Jan. 20.--Further investi- gp this morning, before the Jak accounts sommitteo, into the bureau scanddls, brought wut the "Economy for Men. ri looms largely and genuinely these More Rubbers At Bargain Prices These Are Good Ones: | Ladies' 48c. Girls' 45c.) Children's 8 40c. Men's Overshoes $1 25, Men's [Fine Rubbers 7c | Splendid Boot for Ladies $1.48,1.50 ¢ | THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE; MOO CORO OOO OGCOTD t. : tons sitire stock of makers of fine furs Ted Te al on sixteen-year-old lad, who was 5 souple of wesks ayo. on + 8 still on remand, It i* not known will be given 5 term | iy sale > : will soon be over now. You Id share in the economies at once. 5 hare a het, the reformatory. ePrints ar Rolls Butter--23¢. or rolls butter, oy J. crated

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