_ fay S---------- When the Stomach Stops EE Because There Is i 1 Working Properly Wind in it, Use Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets to Set It Going Again. A Trial Package Free, it tnt ulency, 5 it as and most distreds- | It is a seni | olor The unprofes on the stor ing state of t ous condition gan, Always : the extreme. at times ofteh to bad and fatal results. The ach embarrassed sud hampered wind," "eanupot take care of is doet Ww wing 8 it 18. is great no ying and peanfal ip } stom with | food * properly aud indigestion follows, 'and § t¥8 this has a train too appalling to en umerate. The entire system is impli eated--made an active orf passive ac tor in this tsouble and life soon be comes a questionable YOON, All this is explained in doctor hoo how. indigested food causes gases fermentation and fomentation in which | process sore essential fluids are de stroved--hurnt ups-wasted by chemical action, followed by defective nutrition and the distribution tarough the ah mentary tract'f ch smically wrong ele ments and as a consequence the stom: ach and entire system is starved Plenty of food, you but spoilt in preparation and worse than worthless, A deranged : ach is spitome of evil: nothing too bad to emanate from it, but the gas it generates is probably its worst primary effect and the only way to do away with this is to remove the cause. Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets go to the root of this trouble. They attack the gas-making foods and render them harmless. Fla- tulency or wind op the stomach simp ly cannot exist where these powerful and wouderworking Ifttle tablets are in evidence, They were made for this very pose to attack gas making foods convert thom into nutriment. This is their province and ofiice. A { whole book could be written about them and then not'all told that might be told with profit to sufferers from | this painful disease, dy spepsia. It | would mention the years of patient and expensive experiment in effort to arrive at this result--of failures in- numerable and at last suceess It would make mention of the different stomach correctives that enter ifite this tablet and make it faithfully re- present all. , Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are not alone intended for the sick, but well folks as well; for the person' who craves hearty foods and wants to eat heartibggand ron no risk of bad effects they act like a oliaria and make cat ing and digestion u delight and pleas- ure. They keep the stomach active - and energetic and able and willing to do extra work without special labor or 'effort. Don't forget this." Well peo- sle are often neglected, but the Stuart Date Tablets have them in mind. A free trial package will be sent any ote who wants to know just what they are, how they look and taste, before beginning treatment with them. After this wo to the drug store for them ; everywhere, here or at home, they are 50 cents a box and by ef, them at home: vou will save time and postage. Your doctor will preseribe them; they 4 there gre 40,000 doctors tsing them, but when vou know what is the matter with) yoursell;: why po to the expense of a prescription ? Far free trial . package address' F. A, Stuart Co., 150 Stuart Building, Marshall, Michigan. ks | woe, pur and proper BRIAND CONGRATULATED. Legislation to Restrict Sale of Re- volvers. Paris, Jan. 20.--~Premier Briand, to- day, received hundreds of telegrams from home and abroad, congratulating him upon his escape from death when an insane ttan fired -upon him in 'the chamber of deputies, M. Mirman, who was hit in the log by one of the two bullets that did any damage, is recovering satisfactor- ily. Many of the deputies think that the assault will hasten the proposed legis lation to restrict the a of revolvers. These weapons are now sold practical Jeading | © by | ¢ ly without question. \ Post This crisp, wholesome food hasa distinctive, : fascinating flavour that appeals to the palates of particular people. 9 Tria The Memory Lingers" . Post Toasties are made of white Indian Corn, cooked, sweetened, rolle 'nto flakes and toasted to a golden brown. : Reaches the consumer untouched by human DISCUSS AT MARCH RESBYTERY WILL CHURCH UNION, P Question Was Not Opened at Meets id, on Wednesday Afternoon Discussion Over Meeting--Other ing He ---An , Calling Business Hour's of the Before Presbytery. the members Wilkins, clerd Laird, Prof ander Laird a H Gracey, ao (iandier, Newburgt Pitta surg: Rev, ) Prof. Ferg Na Hey Henry 1 by Dyur Heede, Mel Me saver, rose; Bonald, Picton; stedt, Dall Philadelphin Mel Heck Prof. of the Buck Glaze, anee solution | m | the motion, remarked that while some that t had | to stand over un be tha p had that the uestion hw Whether en, five | members of masle i the request taken | at thi a aereed wi ter of having } thia meeting, he give them The moderator, he said, w Higme for the summons issued for the meeting. Ye had given the summons, He admitied that it might have boén done in a way somewhat out of or der, but he could nol that there had been anything irregular in what he had done Some of the members asked for minutes of tho last to reatl, and also asked if they were i hv the wpreshutery, Mackie said that t was not bef the act up meetin not the mat juestion discusse must as woe the meeting be be sustanie Rev. Dr tion of the minutes preshytery, Tt was ion o chair, in calling the for the discussion of this question, which had f meeting, to be considered. "Do we, action of the moderator, notice for the meeting Continuing, Dr. Ma as one who had prote la taking up of the question of anion, at this session, he wished explain "why he had taken tion. He was glad the moderator was present, as he was not at the meet. ing held in Belleville. To 20 on with the question, would mean the ' setisng aside of 4 decision arrived at, at the Belleville meetin. At Belleville, the members stopped in the middle of a debate and decided to adiowrn until the March meeting "I hold that no moderator can sat aside the decision of the presbytery," agid Dr. Mackie, "and make his own sustain the suing the as a presbytery in ed. that church to objec | would be a ' whole « eal take in procedure, which anyone might | there arrangements. I.do pot think such a thing as that would be ststained in} any presbytery. 1 an appeal were] made to the sysiod 1 certainly believe | it would not be sustaiied. Ne » has power to sel. aside a de- fix other dates, and mix up the business. Dr. Mackie said that it had been re ported t certain members of preshy- tery had asked the moderator to call the meeting for the discussion of this i bat apparently no reason been given. Summing up the ole matter, Dr. Mackie snid that be ted to have to say but that he the action of the moderator If thig were allowed, derator would practically be- usurper of the rights of the I tery. Had the ivoderator all the power or members of the presbytery ? Dr. Mackie - asked that the protests vend, but rol. Robert bard ask: the moderator for the grounds on h he had called the meeting. e moderator explained about the request coming from the five members of presbytery, that the question Be taken up. dt this meeting, He was of the opinion that it would give an op- portunity 10 discuss the question, and good would: result. He had no # other thaw that of promotigg At the March meeting there 3 o large grist of business n up, and he was under the that this important ques church union might not re- he attention it should. The best ts of the church bad been con i. He wished to meet with the of the people, as far as pos- At this meeting there was a attendance than usual, and it very good time to dis matter, Jordan question tangle. All but could the members proceed to scind the resolution passed in Septem- iy vas irregular. he me be ragues sible, larger the Prof. remarked that the was that of a techni this, re were agreed on a," said several of the mem was not considered to if presbytery had the pow wise veri or Prof Jordan said that it was a mis Hen It the could not mto was a pay agree on the mat Drum then moved the re given, and which finally spassed. He said that + who had protested, he wished Me. ax already as to ke this motion Prof. Robert Laird, who seconded believed that a mistake had been made room for expressions of this line. He bel > that the sending in the request were in the wrong. . He believed that the March meeting would be the best time to take the matter up. There was a good attendance ai {he meeting. day, b attendange at the March m s would be much larger. Dr. MacTuvish pointed out that very little could come out a continued discussion on the matter: He agreed with the remarks of br. Mackie, in that there had been ad irregularity but he did not think thdt the presby- dd waste time in disoussing procedure; he would move that the preshytery condone the irregularity, and procesd to businese, Rev. of. D. Boyd said he would cond a motion of this character, Rev. Mr. Beckstedt and Rev. Mr Gracey favored going on with the dis edémion on the question. The latin stated that had he been asked to sign us request for the matter to be taken up at the meeting he would have con Ha looked upon it as a the members were being given a to discuss the mat- was along men opinion the mn tery she sented. case where good opportunity ter Rev. Mr. Binnie agreed with Rev Mr. Gracey. As he had been partly responsible in the matter he wished to make a few remarks. A prominent layman, in Madoe, desired to have tue matter taken up at this meeting and be had suggested that they up a requisition and send to moderator. This was done and speaker was very much surprised see in the pewspapers that there been warm protests as a result, The moderator said that he not ignorant of the fact that had been an irregularity Rev, Dr. MacTavish moderator and five not -charige the matter. bers went away from the Iast get the the to had it was there the could that members Some me 3s meet. said ce -------------- ------ Hi | i | i H| { i HH! fi bo § Ra . "R= s ANN we! oh band. "wr Ready to serve right from the package with cream (or milk hot or cold) --a de- "2 Wy licious food for any meal of the day. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1911. ET. ing with the understanding that the question would not be taken up until the March meeting and they, per haps, had made arrangements to at tend that mebting and not the 'one to-day. On this sccount jit would not be fair to open discussion to-day. Dr. Mackie stated that he knew of oue member who was absent from this meeting because he expected the meeting to take ithe matter up at the March meeting, This member was en- in in opening s new church to- day and the reason he was not pred pent was because. he nad made his arrangements according to the de cision of the last meeting of the pres bytery. : "The motion of Rev. Mr: Prum was then read and carried and the mem- bers propeeded with other business. -- Other: Business, Rev. A. P. Mershon, pastgr of Be {hel church, who is a member of the Philudelphia presbytery, was .introdu- eed by Rev. Dr. MacTavish and greet ed by the moderator and members. The presbytery sustained the call given to Rev. F. 8S. Dowling, of Brantford, from the Church of the Redeemer, at Deseronto. Members of the congregation were present and said the call was a unanimous one and on moticn of Dr. MackKavish the call was sustained and arrangements made for the induction of the new minister a week from Tuesday. A committee composed of Rev. J D. Boyd and Prof. Matheson waz ap- pointed to look after the matter of the James Robertson Memorial Fund. The late James Robertson, as is well known, was superintendent of mis sions and throagh his work much good was aécomplished in the fields in the North-West. [It is proposed to raise the sum of $20,000 for a lecture ship on missions. 'The Kingston Pres- hytery has been asked to provide ©50. The memorial will be com- mended to all the church sessions. The moderator and secretary were appointed to act forthe presbytery mn regard to a claim for insurance in the burning of the mission on the In- dian Reserve, near Deseronto. The ase was in the courts recently, ow ng to the fact that one of the rustees of the mission. made a ¢,aim for the money. He was non-suited, however, and now, the company is about to 'make 'a settlement, Rev. Mr. Binney asked that Mata- 'watchan, Polland and Clyde Forks territory be transferred to Lanark nid Renfrew and the presbytery agreed: Rev. Mr. Binney pointed out hese places practically belonged to he other district and that it was impossible for him to look after them ind do justice to his home work, I'ne following committee was pomted to look afier the revision ot the Book of Praise, with a view to naking additionr for the young peo- le:. Rev. Mr. Bimey (convenor), Prof. Scott, Prof. Dyde; Rev. Dr. MacTavish, Prof. McClymont and W. G. Crag. . The moderator drew attention to the naking additions for the ple's societies were not making wogress thev should and urged nore effort be put forth, Dr. MacTavish suggested that members set aside Sunday, Feb. people's - day in churches. An hour could not he bet- ter spent than in taking up this work. "Christian Loyalty' was the subject" set aside for that day. Prof. S. W. Dyde, who has-accepted the principalship of the new theologi eal college, at Strathcona, made ap- lication to the presbytery to - be taken, on trial for a license to preach, He pointed out that he had been a member. of the presbytery for nearly twenty wears and was in his final vear in theology whén he wai ap- pointed to a chair in tne university as professor of philosophy. The ap- plication was left with the committee on the examination of students to be reported on at the March meet- ing. Rev. Dr. MacTavish made an ap- peal for financial aid on behalf of evangelization and social and moral veform, referring to the good work along these lines. . The presbytery now stands ad journed until March Ist, at 10 am. that! ap- young s young " FIRE AT VERONA. Postmaster Craig Had His Hands Burned as Result, Veronm, Jan. 18.--Mounday, about 3 pm., a fire broke out in the upper part of the residence of James Craig, postmaster, but with remarkable pres- ence of mind, Mr. Craig succeeded, with some blankets, in extinguishing and subduing flames, before they had time to do any at damage. Mr. Craig bad both hands 'badly burned. Dr, Gienge was called in to dress his wounds. It will be some time before he will be able to use his left hand. James Goodberry has leased the pro- perty of Lorenza Goodberry,snorth of Verona, and a good indication of feldspar is shating. Mr. Goodberry has several men) employed on the pro- perty; and aboyt fifteen or twenty tons have been fbrought to surface. Mies Phillips, jof Harrowsmith, is the senior icacher fpr the term 1911. Miss Genge will teagh the junior depart- ment. 3 Reeve Stewagt, of Harrowsmith, pur- chased from 1 Vaness, Verons, a athed span pf black ponies, paying Charles Mogfe has Di. Genge's new house. nearly frompleted and ready for OCCUPAREY. harley" deserves to be his splendid work- manship don interior. inter Joad is now available for A Wreck in 1892 Well and Strong Now owing to the wonderful curative value of WARNER'S SAFECUR For the Kidneys, Liver, Bladder and Blocd J. B. Adams, 3 . P? } Pa I was a wreck, wa i to take Warn a writes Mr 5 188% : fe the ld wome they ne When 1 » deiigate marble br credit disorgani y , are breaking ke appearance, and the whol remedy the trouble and bring Warner's Safe Cure is put ¢ druggists everywhere, Constipation and Biliousness When the bowess it the liver is inac eliminated by the in In consequence the yoy have a hilious ati skin becomes all headache, stomach, fee! out purely are shows ad of t do not move freely nd the bile, " inste tines is taken up by ternal organs are le k After frequ i consti pe ris gripe or leave any bad after effects Sample Bottle and Box of Pills Free To sufferer from diseases kidneys t WARNER'S SAFE - will absoiu of Warner's postpaid, to any convince every and liver cure, a ple and a te Pifis will be sent FREE OF one who will write WARN 8 8 CURE CO, Toren tozaat., and mention having seen liberal offer in the Kingston British Whig. The genuineness of this offer is fully guaranteed by publisher = bottle AFE this the e000 00000000U0000OUDO00000000000000800000 ect Chocolates : In Fancy Baskets and Boxes. (made in England), Moir's, Hunt's. SAKELL'S Next Door te Opera Houge. Phone 640, serecsboccccncencee Lowney's, Ramsay's, Ganong's, Patterson's, Fry' E | 'Wah roma ius gr cong coi nese? 0 PAGER SEVEN. a ~ First teed rompti Ly 3 Kl NGTON 4 Clarence Sta. work gua T will ran 1 £33 WELLINGTON STREET. 'Phone 443, Long's Laundry IO! or ST. 'BIBBY'S CAR STAND Phone 201 DAY OR NIGRT FOR. Health Drink McCarthey's Ale and Porter. best. It's the Agent, R. J. LAWLER te . {nt Bs 220 Princess Street | $00000000003000000008000000000000000000000¢ ~- A SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION FRIDAY. NIGHT ree IN BIJOU HALL for thé ladies who are unable to atterd during the day. Beginning at 7.30 Sharp No Children Free samples of cookery will be st ryed with = delicious cup of Rideau Hall C. fice. oo pecia Men's $5 and $6 Tan Calf, Velour Calf, and Pat. Colt Skin Blu, Boots, Caradian makes, for the best American and $3.75 See Window Di:play gs . . . AN iy/ LusciousTree-Ripened Fruit <8) It is not sufficient to know that oranges are the most healthful of all fruits. It © Q is quite as important to know the kind of 24 oranges that are most healthful and most = @} palatable. The very finest California oranges are now packed under the label "Sunkist." Please serve "Sunkist" oranges at breakfast tomorrow and learn the superio:ity of tree-rip- ened, seedless, fibreless oranges over the coms monplace kind. Dow'! fail to save the wrafpers. There is so much "meékt" and nourishment in Sunkist oranges and so little waste that, in addition to their extra fine flavor and goodness, they are really the most economical oranges to EN: You can get them by the box and half box. \ Get This Valuable Orange Spoon ve 12 "Sunkist" orange A a NT ARS PE SENN SSE 0 Se reer TEEN ae ee . ,. * Hardwood saop, §0 Queen CON BNPOIORRIEEL 1Sale . | 1 santiug an ba THOMAS COPLEY, Prong 987. Drop a card to 1% Pine Street when r Hine repairs and new work F re of all kinda. receive prompt Street. al ders. will ALL KINDS OF LUMBER AT LOW PRICES. ASBESTIC PLASTER FOR SALE, ALSO OOAL AND ALL KINDS OF WOOD. { Oor. Bagot and Barrack Stas. 'Phone 941. pore ng done in the Carpen- tes given on all kinds 50. Ail attention Et rE S. Bennett & Co.| i : f Highest Grades GASOLINE, COAL OIL. LUBRICATING OIL. FLOOR OIL. GREASE, ETO. PROMPT DELIVERY. W. F. KELLY, Clarence and Ontario Streets. Toye's Building. i ~ a msifle i grace *« > & " - CRP OOOHROIPEROOLS Best by Test This is proven in a Wormwith Plano, : Try One in Your Home They are sweel toned, artistically designed, and reasonably priced. KINGSTON'S LEADING MUSIO HOUSE. in all popular and classic Music In Book and Sheet Form. Orders promptly filled. WORMWITH PUNO CO LIMITED, 83» PRINCESS STREET. DOCU ICO OO OOOO January "Sale Per Cent. Discount Off all : Felt Boots | GOOF IFEIF FEIIIITITIReascanantere teh at \ PRB IRR tress ssn sasha rans E ar and Slippers The Sawer Sho Sor 212 Princess St. PHONE 159. 2 . g