Ticket Agents, RR OA A ot nc Xen Aha an SE Ajo Risa = 8 A vi, THE DAILY BRITISH MAKES STOMACH FEEL FINE. DESERONTO. | io to the STEWART HOUSE. Leading! : Sommercial Hotel. Rates, 31.50 per = * JAS. STEWART, Prop. : TRAVELLING. TITRE TRE : LOCAL BRANCH TIME-TABLE. . ns will leave and arrive at Clty as follows: Golng West. : Leave City. Arrive City sam. 13.57 Mall win . a.m. -12:35 am x 248 am. ns 1, 2, 3 4, ly; dr rin dat rough Pullmans to and from Ottawa daily on trains 2 and 5. For further information, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnston and Ontario Sts. except Sun- 004d Kincstong Pems { RAILWAY ia Uonaection With CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. EASTERN ONTARIO LIVE STOGK AND POULTRY SHOW | lieved me. Indigestion, Gas, Heartburn and Dyspepsia Leave in Five Minutes, There would not be a case of indi- gestion here il readers who are sub- ject lo Stomach trouble knew the tremendous anti-ferment and digestive virtue contained in Diapepsih. This harmless preparation will digest a heavy meal without the slightest fuse or discomfort, and relieve the sourest, acid stomach in five minutes, besides overcoming all foul, nauseous odors from the breath. ; Ask your pharmacist to show you the formula, plainly prited on each 30-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin, then you will readily understand why this promptly cures Indigestion an re moves such symptoms as Heartburn, a feeling like a lump of lead in the stomach, Belching of Gas and Ericta- tions of undigested food, water brash, Nausea, Headache, Biliouspess 'and many other bad symptoms; and, be- sides, you will not need laxatives to keep your stomach, liver and intes- tines clean and fresh. If your Stomach is sour and full of gas, or your food doesn't digest, and your meals don't seem to fit, why not get a fifty-cent case from your drug- gist and make life worth living ? Ab- solute relief from Stomach misefy and perfect digesiion of anything you eat 1s sure to follow five minutes after, and; besides, one case is sufficient' to cure a whole famjly of such trouble. Surely a harmless, inexpensive pre- paration like Diapepsin, -which will always, either at daytime or during night, relieve 'your stomach misery and digest your meals, is about as handy and valuable a thing as you could have in the house. IN BOMBAY AND CALCUTTA IS "FEAST OF DAYLIGHT." The Old Trouble, Which Caused the Indian Mutiny, Was at the Bottom of the Rioting and Bloodshed This Month, High from the minarets of the mos- ques at Caleutty swelled out the chant of the muezzin calling the faithful to prayer. Appealing, monitory, jubilant, proud, defiant, ' musical altogether, thrilling in its intensity of tone and wordy it ranz through the drawing. "There is no God, but God, the merciful, the compassionate! Wake ye that sleep, wake ye to pray, fot pray- er is better than sleep. For Him 1s a sacrific prepared from afore time. Wake ve to sacrifice, ye of the Faith." As the lark"s song, clear, but re sonant with the Valudubing heass of war trumps, the call floa out above the screaming lanes, the sodden streets, piercing the pall of fog and smoke, rising, falling, rising with the clear insistence that is its heritage from the wide horizons of the deserts and the naked hills. In the guarded mosques the hout of sacrifice passed. The prayers were said, the ritual fulfilled, the vari-na- tioned, multi-colored crowds, unusu- ally dense, bowing and rising, pro- strating themselves in solemn unity. In the Hindu temples, also watched against possible gutrage by some crazy fanatic, the bells tinkled and the drum spoke loud, as the dawn prayer was said, the priests waving the mystic camphor flame before the images of the offended gods. y Thus was ushered in the morning Do You Have My ira experience with Dr. iles' Anti-Pain Pills was a sample package handed me. They relieved the pain so promptly that I have never been without them since. - 1 have given them to many friends when they had head- ache and they never failed to relieve them. I have suffered with nedralgia in my head, and the first one I took re- They have cured me of neuralgia. I would not be without them." MISS LILLIE B. COLLINS R.F. D. No. 1, Salem, Va. Price 25 at your druggist. He should supply you. If he does not, send price to us, we forw, . . tributed, in alms. Mahomedans go on Ottawa, Ont., Jan. 16th to 20th. MILES MEDIC and ag 2a & AL CO., Toronto. the day. on: which was celebrated From Kingston, Round Trip Fare -------- -- -- tn. a st Stn a pilgrimige to Mecca, and this form of pilgrimage is known as "haj." The Mahomedans who were at the beginning of the present trouble in the in Caleutta, Bombay " and the other cities of India, the Mahomedan testi. val know to Europeans and Hindus as $3.70 Going Monday, Jan. 16th, to Fri- day, January 20th, inclusive Re- turn limit, Monday, January 23rd. Full particulars at K. and P. and CPR liucket Office, Ontario Street BAY OF QUINTE RADU. WAY. in leaves ('nlogp Btation, Ontarl | i, 4 pm dally {Bunday excepted | voed Sydenbara, Napanee Deseo: snnockburn and all points norih | re yulck deppateh io Bannock | Haynooth, and points on | shipments via Has ther parti | SON Agee' | amie the Bakr-Id, as styled by the Ma. homedans themwelves Id-uz-Zoha, or the "feast of daylight," and the sacri fice 'which is the cause of the present right, have, as the result of their later action put themselves very much in the wrong. pos All the evidence points to the fact THE AMERICAN WHIG, SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, | WHICH IS "WEAKER SEX. : = Si A Evidences of Woman's Marvellous | . Endurance Numerous. : 9 All physicians seem to be' agreed & , that woman is a greater stoic" in the . y endurance of pain than man. Whit will the profession, and humanity at] Sik large, say when evidence ia adduced + that the woman is physically stronger ite a el Ale Extra Mild Ale most crushing aspect, coaling a steam- As brewed by the er by hand, is still the highly es-| than man? teemed prerogative of the women z Domini on Brewing Co., Ltd. A man, at what is defined as mode- portions of the Japanese and Korean Toronto. . < rate exercise, expends 290 calorics per hour; a woman when she does her sweeping, uses up 300 calorics. When she is tossing flap-jacks she is working at the rate of 355 calories per hour, and the expenditure of 450 calories hourly is considered severe exercise for a man. in Ireland is some- | to see women _ and | huge baskets be- | ing strapped over their shoulders, and | a 'on Sheir backs, filled to the top with the heavy lumps and making | such a load as would daunt a long- shoreman. fr That very longshore work, in its! coasts, where-they can be seen in con- tinuous processions of burden bearers that make the strong, well-fed sailors | of the vessel thank their lucky stars the native women are so eager to earn | rivial pay. i rr . : she i woman of Korea, carry: Unsurpassed in quality and purity. The product of ing only an ordinary native load, is the perfected science of Modern Brewing. world, of which as few as possible are : The traveller a Rigney & Hickey, Agents times privileged girls carrying peat, Wherever in America there: is an' Italian settlement--and they are pretiy 136 Princess St, Kingston. nearly ubiquitous now---the native born male has had his chivairous feel- ings lacerated by the sight of little worn, wigged old women, a luri handkerchief abouf 'their. withered necks, trudging the #treets or road- Le a _--_-- ways with loads of wood wnithbir poor 2 CAFE. 183 Wellington St. The Up-to-date Restaurant and Eating House. Separate appartments. Well furnished and lighted. Try our full. course dinner, Wo eran? THOS GUY Prop. trouble takes place at a very early hour of the morning. , Amongst European Mahomedans, such as the Turks, the word Bairam is employed for 'the same festival. There is a Parsee festival also known the Bairam. : At the bottom of the difficulty which led to serious rioting and blood: shed this year, lies the old trouble, the active cause of the fearful Indian that the Mahomedans were the aggres- sors both in the attacks on the police and in the looting of shops. : I'hey® spread the wholly: false report ! that some Mahomedan shop had been | looted by the Hindus. Large and ex-| cited crowds quickly began to as- semble in Harrison road, Halliday | street, and Canning street. From hust- | ling Hindus the crowds began to as-! as i to BERMUDA Round Trip $20 and Up | Fast Twin Screw B.S. "Bermud.! 5,680 tons, sails from New! ork, 10 a.m. Jan. 18th, and 25th. | ry Wednesday. X i Hevie iectr fans wireless | steamer passengers dock WhST INDIES KEW BAR 'GUIANA and other MBers every alternate Saturday, wm New York for St. Thomas St frolx, Bt Kitts, Antigua, Guada- vip, i inica, Martinique, St gn Barbadoos, and Demerara. or full information, apply t P IANLEY and C. 8. KIRKPAT K, Kingston; --A, BE, Jaterbridge & Co, 29 Broadway, éw York; Quebec Bteamship Co. Quebec. 4. E. Hutcheson in} { ~~ The Army Constipation Is Growing Smaller Every Day. Ot : CARTERS LITTLE gum Oe L pewest and 3 ! LIVER PILLS me oni cure tion. Mil. lions ase 48 Bilioas- Small Pill, Small Dose, Small Price. sault them, and from that to looting Hindu shops, was but a smuil step, Then a rush was made for some of the larger Marwari "residences, the inmates of which were severely beaten and the rooms wrecked, The European constables and para- | L wallahs on duty in Harrison road and in the vicinity of the Amratalloh mos- que, were for the time being left alone, but early yesterday morning they were | also attacked. Bricks were thrown at them from the roofs of adjoining | houses. It is for future enquiry to! settle whether the bricks. were 'thrown by Hindus or by Mahomedans who had taken posscasion of the houses of the Hindus. : | The police had further to check the 'mobs of Mahomedans that were pour | ing into Burra Bazar, driving the Hindus before them. As they wero quite ouinumbered and as the dis | turbance was spreading into Tiretta Pazar and up Chitpur, the commis- | sioner of police, who had himself been ! out all night, determined to call out all the reserve police, and summon Lmiilitary assistance. - mtiny of the last century, the sacred ness of the cow to the Hindoo. The entral part of the Mohamedan feast he ritualistic sacrifice of 4 cow in wh of the laces of mosgues or f ip, st daybreak, long the neighborhood of the < inhabited only Ma he custom thoogh ab the ilindoos was not ohjected to. Of late years, how r, the towns and and cities have become more thronged with these peo le, who object most strongly to hayv- ng their localities profaned by the ln ghter of the sacred cows. Meetings are reported in the Cal cutta Englishman and other Indian papers, as having been held in various placed with the result that the natives at big business centres like Bombay, Cawnpore gnd Delhi have also closed their firms and shops in obedience to telegrams from Calcutta, and else where. Ty The attempt to put a stop to all business by closing shops and firms is a well-known form of Oriental passive resistance. It is often Fesorted to with Q by ser wsthle --~they pot Jf y give reliel - 4 perman, Constipa- Genuine mis bear Signature ool AUCTIONEER and APPRAISER, RA A went to Albert - Jot at ' at : tenti . ; references given HIRPATRICK'S ART STORE ESTABLISHED 1874, * es 0 Fine Picture Framing ai Reasonable Prices Original works by British Artists, and full line of all =s3/"A Tre6 is Known by Its is known by its good burn- very good effect in native states when the ruler; issues an order to which his subjects object. A Caleutty journal remarked upon this phase, "The idea amongst the Calcutta Marwards is by this means to bring pressure to bear upon the Bengal chamber of 9 The military had considerable diffi- culty in quelling the Calcutta riotings, and though the numbgr of fatalities was small here, it was feared "that when the news reached Bombay and Delhi, the trouble there might be much more serious. At the former difficulty arose, yesterday, and the day before, owing to a procession which marked the close of the feast, and the opening of the New Year. The failure of the police led to a calling out of the troops and" also of the native and other volunteers. The fighting between the two Mahomedan bodies who were quarrelling here was so intense that the troops were rushed to the scene of the fiercest rioting and orders were given to fire on the mobs. Eleven 1 con merce which, it is hoped, will in tury press the govprnment to intervene on behalf of Hindoo susceptibilities.' It may be said, at once, that the Bengal chamber is hardly likely to do anything of the kind and even if it did, the government cannot respond, To forbid the sacrifice would be to confess to a deplorable weakness, and would infuriate the Mahomedans who have in this matter absolute right on their side." fruit" AND ee OUR COAL ing qualities. P. WALSH, 55-57 Barrack St. kinds of pictures. * + 9 Regilding a specialty. ~ Chivers. Marmalade, Assorted! - ams and J Plum aii yo SF the Ser a Bnise ADY | into Principal : * It ought to be explained that the ammual cow-sacrifice is neither ap act of wanton eruelty nor one desim- ed to deliberately offend the Hindus, The Bakr-Id has to the Mahomedan a deep religious significance, for it is in commemoration of Abraham offer- ing up his son. Those who are aware of the dogmatic nature of the Ma- homedans religion and of the ferveney of the belief of its adherents must veal ize haw impossible are the Hindu demands. . . : Marwarts might ask that cows should not be killed publicly, or that new centres for the sacrifice should be erected, for the Kourbani is not performed in every mosque, but to des mand that it should not take place in the Amratollah masjid or elsewhere where it has taken place regularly is {to demand what no true Mahomudan could concede. ] At the same time it is o'wious that i something ought to be dome in order to prevent the annual dispute petween i the Hindus and Mahomedans. © last | year, it may he remembered that there was serious trouble at Titaghur over | the Kourbahi, and the Rake-Id never i takes place without rioting somewhere 'in India. There happens to he 5 wav out of the difficulty, but the solution which on the Maho or rather on ther | Bos were killed at the firgt firing, and fourteen dangerously wounded. Tt is probable that many received minor wounds, in addition to the fourteen accounted for. The bodies of the kill- ed lay in the streets for a comsider- | able time after the rioters were dis- What the end will be does not ap- pear as vet, but all the cities are in a state of ferment which may require the utmost and most strenuous exhi- bition of law and assured force before tranquility is restored. i i Labor's Protest. : A school teacher gave her pupils this sum for home work: "How long would it take eight men, workisg ten hours a day, to build § house fifty feet hich if they build an inch an hour The pext morning one boy brought to the school, instead of a solution of the sum, this letier from his father, who was a carpenter © "Madam--1 refuse to let, my son do | that sum, as it looks to me to be a shir on the eight-hour system. Any: sum not more than eight hours a day he is welcome to do, bat no more." -- Cleveland Press. $ ~ King Alfonso's Gift. ton Transeripy King Alfonso has just sent a sent to the widow of a Paris poli man, which recalls the bomb incident 1 the Rio do Jachun during his first visit' to Paris. One di the policsinen, It is onlv in India that cows are | sacrificed on the festival. Abraham's | sacrifice wae 54 ram, and the general | (rule in Mahomedan countries is to of it i the United States within an hour af { pitiful rivals. | of Munich--these are only examples of ! the classes of female laborers through- | DRUNKENNESS CAN BE CURED, old heads that ought t¥ be in a wag- i A Few of OurLeading Cakes gon. Go to Italy--for the daughters of those prematurely aged females learn the lesson of woman's place in Chocolate Walnut at 30¢ each D Hy Varden at 30c e ch Maple Cream Coitre at 30¢ exch Columbia and Elderado at 3 ¢ ech Try Mitanas Cake ot 2 b ter they land--and you can, see girls playing that same role of faggot-bear- er, but on a scale which leaves the very old creatutes we observe here very To recall the wood supply women of Wurtemburg, in Germany, who deliver a hundred-weight of "kindling" as a regular {ob and the women wood choppers and sawyers of Bavaria, and the women track workegs near Berlin, and the women walering-cart pullers Gti © Puy R. H. TOYE, 302 King St{ { ~@@ ca@re@reBoa@us@rs Seve eGroa@ea@eo Be " out Enrope whose daily work is as heavy as that of our heavy-muscled voal heavers and the strongest of our day laborers. The "weaker sex" fiction seeme to need revision these days. y Rev. Alired Geiger, pastor of Ger- man Methodist church, in Pembroke, died at the age of thirty-one years from appendicitis. Dr. (0. and Mrs. Lillie, Westport, left this week for Florida to spend the remainder of the winter. 5 A d Vest Pocket Size of EDDY'S Famous "SILENTS Every stick a match, every match a light, and every Light a sfeady even flame. bo De-Light for the Smoker --Try a Box Alweys everywhere, for, Old Fallacy That Drunkenness Can not Be Cured Exploded. Many men drink who desire te stop the habit. Whiskey, however, has un- dermined the constitution and created a craving that is not to be denied, | and 'the man must have whiskey or something that will remove the crav-| ing and build up the system and re- | stgre the nerves. Samaria Prescription stops the crav- ing, steadies the nerves, builds up the | MATCHES "The Jafest Matoh Geeation Greatest Match Manufactory in Canada, Ask MATCHE | general health, and makes drink actu- ally distasteful and nauseous. It is tasteless and odorless, and can ' be given wit or without the patient's knowledge, in tea, cofiee or food. It is used regularly by physicians and hospitals. It has cured thousands in Canada, and Yestored happiness to hundreds of homes. Rejad what Nrs gf Hull, ! says of it and what it did for her: "It is four months to-day since I started to use your Remedy I foltlow- ed the directions. and had the best of results. One week after I started using your Remedy the patient stopped drink-| ¢ ing, and has not dri a glass of liquor you * will OOOO OTGOOIOODODTI NI OHHOO Holiday -:- Presents Buy Something Useful for the House Oe, Silver Knives and Forks, Silver Spoon, Carving Sets from $1 to $15 per set, Carpet Sweepers, Fancy Tea and Coffee Pots, Wringers, Washing Machines, Fancy Andirons, Gas Logs, Brass Fenders, Fancy Gas Heaters, Coal Oil Heaters, etc. -- I hope accept my since. Heartfelt thanks Hoping God willl bless your Remedy whenever tried. I re- : Mrs. Gr, main, ™~ Hull, Que {Name withheld by request.) | Now, if there is anyone in your town | who needs this Remedy, tell them of | it. Practical philanthropy can take no better form. If. you have a .hus band, father," brother or friend who drinks," Belp them help thematlves. | Write to-day. i A FREE TRIAL PACKAGE of Sa- maria, with Booklet giving full parti culars, directions, testimonials, price, | etc, will be sent in a plain sealed | package to anvone mentioning this | paper. Correspondence sacredly con! fidential. The trial package alone has | often cured. Write to-day. ! The Samaria Remedy Dept. 7, 49 Colborne strect, ronto, Canada. Also for sale at i B. Mcleod's Drug Store, Kingston, | Ont. : ACOH IOI OERORCIOID « HODOOOOOON a Elliott Bros. Telephone 35 77 Princess Street. EMCO ie Company, To- Jas. i ---- ------------_------ A SA Our Discount Sale MAKE THIS TEST. How to Tell f Your Hair is Dis- | F oi vcs Of 20 and 25 Per Cet. luxuriant head of hair, you may want tq know whe: ther it is in a healthy condition or | not. Ninety-eight per cent. of the peo- | ple need a hair tonic. Pull a Bair out of your head, if the bully at the end of the root is white OFF . owl camel dx cmerificad. for: up sheen and roats. In Mecca It 3 tge 7 strictly means it mav be remembered wae imiured at and shrunken, it proves that the hair the time br a fall from his horse. ile is diseased, and requires prompt treat- died recently, after retiring from the ment if its Joss would be avoided. | service, and some one sent a cutting the bulb is pink and full, the hair is = healthy. ------------------ P. J. McParland has purchased ! valuable dairy at 8 from John McCoy. . Boots, Shoes, also Trunks and Valises Begins January 21st H. JENNINGS, KING STREET