I minutes is all the time required for brewing Red Rose Tea; and the result is a 'beverage of matchless flavor and satisfying strength. The verdict of your family will be that NEVER SOLD IN BULK Your Grocer Will Recommend It ONE-CHILD FAMIL Contrasted With Large it ly Less eek Healthy. A London eorrespondent sayw: The health of spoiled children is the sub- ject pn which' Dr, Friedjung, a Vien «physician, lectured the other day rv he Medical Society of that .' He discussed especially 'the case of families in which oD wigs a single As. a result of his examinations of of children of both sexes be- two and ten years of age he that of one hundred children each the sole offspring of its parents, : «thirteen could be described as en- 4 healthy, while sighty-seven were nervously afflicted and 'eighteen suffered from nervous debility und hysteria in a severe degree. Fifty . n out of one hundred were trou- bled with' Wigetiy®_ com laints, and thirty-seven were confirm speptics. Dr. Friedjung found that A chil- dren invariably suffered much more than others who had brothers and sisters from any iliness aflecting the ervous , such as whoopi ; train slept badly, a of these bad severe recurring terrors. ? rast stand children be- families. Of one hun- sixty-nine were quite only thirty-one showed t nervous defects in vari 'the chief cause of the unsatisfag- from overanxiety, deeper physiologi- te Mite woman, * : town; "Takes the 1 ai {lien i IN Wis DRINKING fmaelf once more, 1s just a paradise in store! : A Gordon and Mrs. H. E. 'guests were: Mrs, R. OC. 'Hemming, ses------ Gold in Guwilight . + 9 2 A very delightful bridge party was given on Thursday, by Mise M. Hora, King street, who receivid in'a be coming gown of resedy green veiled in black ninon, with handsoine jet ornaments 6a the bodice and skirt, Mrs. Richard Cartwright, who assist ed Miss Hora in receiving, Wore a handsome dress of maize poplin. Cards were played at nine tables and tue sizes were won by Mrs. William arty, Mrs. Walter H. Macuee, Mrs. Fdwin Loueks, Winnipeg; Miss Nora Burstall. The Carter, Mrs, P. Shine, 'Mri. Frank Seed etee | Deane, Lindsay; Mis. J Mrs. H. E. _Burstall, Strange, Mrs. Edwin Loucks, Mrs. Frederick Brownfield, Mrs. Campbell Strange, Mrs. A. Flower Mardh, Mrs, Walter Hl. Macnee, Mrs. Prances Hill 'Macnee, Mrs, James Cappon, Mrs. R, E. Kent, Mrs Cornelius Bermingham, Mrs. Herbert Saunders, Mrs, William Harty, Mrs. I. Stewart Ro)ertson, Mrs. Remmety Blair, Mrs. A. de Mow- bray Bell, Mfg, P. C. Stevenson, Mrs. Jeremy Taylor, Mrs. W. R. Givens, Mrs. Douglas Young, Mrs. T. D. R. Mrs. Hallowsy #Waddell, Miss Carrie Waldron, Miss Lis Saun- ders, Miss Eleanor Maddon Miss Amy MeGill, Miss Dorothy Brownfield, Miss Nora Gordon, Miss Frances Sulli- van, Miss Helen Fraser and Miss L. Norton-Taylor. The polished mahog- any tea table was laid with a hands some lace contre piece centred by a mirror, on which stood a handsome silver howl filled with pink carnations and white hyacinths. Silver vases fill- ed with the same flowers stood at each corner of the table. Mrs. Rieh- ard Cartwright poured coliee, Miss Amy McGill poured tea and Mrs- Hall oway Waddell cut the ices. They were assisted by Miss Frances Sullivan, Miss Nora Gordon and Mies Dorothy Brownfield, Mrs. Norman Stewart Leslie, Mrs, Arthur Consingham and Mrs. W. Robertson came in at tea hour. Lo Stewart, Alfred street, was hostess at a most enjoyable t#a on Wednesday afternoon. The tea table was very prettily arranged with Killarney roses and smilax, and was lighted with = green-shaded candles. Mrs. Bernard-Browne poured tea, and Mrs. J. C. Strange poured coffee. Miss (. Hooper served. ices, and the assis- tants were : Miss Jean Duff, Miss Muriel King, Miss E. Goodwin, Miss Mildred Jones, Migs Mary Stewart and Miss Alice Goodwin, Some of the guests were: Mrs. James Cappon, Mrs. A. B. Cunningham, Mrs. R. . Carter, Mrs, Deane (Lindsay), Miss Deane, Mrs. H. R. Duff, Mrs. W. T. Connell, Mrs. John Megillivray, Mrs. John Mackie, Mrs. Herbert Robinson. Mrs. R. Par- tridge (Toronto), Sirs. John Fairlie, Mrs. A. Strachan, Mrs. Stafford Kirk. trick, Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. Charles ev inguion, Mrs. Walter Dyde, Mrs. Tandy, Mrs. W. G. Craig, Mrs. D. 8. Robertson, Mra. D. Norton-Taylor, Mrs. A. P. Knight, Misses Cooke, Ger- trude Strange, Muckleston, E. Good- win, Alice Macnee, Marion Redden, Mrs. Russell Martha and Mary Smith, Ford, Annie Fowler and Alice King. * + @ Mrs. Robertson, Tweed, gave a de- lightful "At Home," Tuesday after noon in honor of her sister, Mrs. Me- Farlane, of Markdale, says the News. Mrs. Robertson received in the draw- ing-room, wearing a very becoming gown of rose colored silk. Mrs, Me- Farlane who received with the hostess was gowned in a very elaborate black net over grey silk, trimmed with fur. The tea table was very prettily decor- ated with pink carnations and fern, with silver candlesticks shaded with erimson and gold, Mrs. Binnie and Mes. Tuttle poured tea and coffee, as- sisted by Miss Kate Robertson and Miss Madge Robertson, while Miss Marion Huyck and Miss Phyllis. Rob- ertson waited on the guests at ithe door, + La . Mrs. RB. N. F. McFarlane, Johnson street, entertained at an afternoon tea on Thursday, when she was wearing a ' pretty gown of Alice blue taffeta cloth, trimmed with satin bands of the same color, and' lace, with yoke and sleeves of whité tucked net. The hostess received her guests in the drawing-room, which was pret- tily decorated with a profusion of pink carnations and of unshaded "candles. There were about fifty guests present, who had a most enjoyable time. The young ladies who served the guests in a very capable manner, were : Misses Mamie and Mabel Nesbitt, Mahel Milo, Lillian Slater, Edna Lake, Ida Smith, and Lyla Sabie * Miss Eleanor Phelan, Johnson street entertaived the dancing club, on Fri. day evening. The gitets, prennt were -- a4] n---- - - Indy aiirlers: have invited the Belleville lady curlers to play a friendly match {hursday pext. » 4 At the dance on Friday evening, given in Grant hall by the junior year, arts, scienge. apd medicine 'ob Queens University, ithe patronesses were: Mugs, Watson," Mrs. Govdon' Mylks, G. W. Mitchell and Mrs, L. Mal with them oo John Mrs. colo. ® + & Lawrence Saunders, who guest of his mother, saunders, Alice street, Winnipeg. x * + Miss Everett, Dorchester street, Mon treal, entertained at tea on Thursday afternoon, in honor of Mrs. T. wi Savary, of Kingsten. | + + Mr. Hilliard Robertson, who his] begn spending some time with his mother op Sydenham' street, left, to- dav, for Liegina. . ** Mrs. Charles A. Lows Union street, entertained at tea, this afternoon, for Mrs. Robert Pdrtridge, of Toronto. * + * has Mrs. left Mr. been the Herbert to-day, for Mr. and Mrs. Henry Joseph, Mon- | treal, eutertained on Tuesday evening | at a dinner party of fourteen covers. +> Colonel and Mrs. J. H. V. Crowe, Royal Military College, entertained at dinner on Wednesday last. + + * 'Major and Mes. J. A. Sedgewick, Royal Military College, entertained at 3 * Mrs. Arthir Craig, Albert treet, will receive the first Tuesday of each month during the wigter. +> & . + Mrs. Lindsay Malcolm, Ear] street, has issued invitations for am at home on Tuesday afternoon. * + Mrs. Norman Stuart Leslie, Bagot street, entertained at dinner on Tues- day evening. + Mr. John McKay, Sydenham utreet, will entertain at bridge on Wednesday afternoon, , + » Mrs. 'Arthur Cunningham wild enter- tain at tea on Monday afternoon, +> There was a small loncheon = at the country 'club on Friday. . v * + the celebrated dinner on Friday evening. | * EE ---- a -- for the dance at the Royal Military College. i Mrs, Lowe, will entertain the pridge club, an Monday. . Hy doing The marriage" oF Miss Nora NortH Burgess, of Montreal] to Mr. Walter R. Union street, afternoon, Charles ladies celebrated to-day' iw wrescent Street Preshyterian church, Montreal. TRY TO ABDUSES QUEBEC {Xe a Realization. of Forest Pre. servation Work. Quebec, Jan, BL" To arouse population of the provines of Quebec full realization of the work ol vation was the reason why the ion Forestry Association was this year meeting in the ancient capital.' : The report of 'the committee on forest fire legislation drew attention tg the lack of dniformbity in the laws of the various provinces. Those df Nova Scotia were the most efficient. In al most ail the provinces the setting of fires was permitted under the .futile injunction of caution and only in Nova Scotia, Manitoba and British Columbia were permits required at least for clearing fires. The commits: tee recommended. that authority be placed in competent hands fo frame rules for the execution of the law, which may be changed as circumstan- ces suggest, It should be 'compulsory for all 'train crews to report fires at the first stop, at n telegraph stotiph, and the opers ator to report ta the proper officer, Besides penalties preseribed against engineers and fishermen, the co-operas tion of these men could undoubtedly be wecured by proper education and premigms for immunity from five dae mages. ------------ Mr. Arthur Blight, guest in town, 'on Monday. Mrs. A. Melville Bell, of ton, and Mra. B. 8, Guess, of rowsmith are the guests of Mr, Mrs. Leighton Guess, Bagot street. Mrs. T. W. Savary went to Mon treal, last Tuesday, and is the guest of Mrs. Everett. Mrs. Herbert Saunders, Alice street, entertained at 'bridge, . on evening, Loucks. Mrs. D. Stewart Robertson, Syien- ham street, leaves for Montreal, on Monday and will be the guest of her sister, Mrs. Carman. Miss J. Drummond, who has been visiting in Montreal, is expected home to-day. ' * 9 +» Mrs. J. M. Campbell and children, Emily street, leave on Wednesday, for Rochester to spend several weeks. Mr. George Graham, Belleville, who attended the dance at Queen's, on Friday evening, was the guest of Mr. Edward Wood, Wellington street. Miss Garland, Ottawa, arrived in town, on Tuesday; and is en pension at Mrs, Kavanagh's, King street. Canon Starr returned, on Tuesday, from Toronto, where he attended the meetings in connection with Trinity College. ' Mr. Arthur Cunningham, who has been in Toronto for the past week re turned home to-day. 3 Mrs. J. Garland, Ottawa, who has been with her son, Cadet Garland, who is laid up with pneumonia, at the Royal Military College, retirned home, on Tuesday. + + Mrs. "© Richard Cartwright, after spending a few days with her sister, Miss M. Hora, King street, returned to Napanee, on Friday. Mrs. Fredetick Hammond, Toronto, arrived in town, on Wednesday, to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James McParland, Bmily street, Major and Mre. Ernest Hubbell, of Ottawa, who have been the guests of Mrs. H. Hubbell, Bagot street, return. ed to-dad, to Ottawa, accompanied by Mrs. Bernard Browne, who will spend o few weeks with them. Mrs. Samuel McCallum, Niagara Falls, who has been the guest of Dr. and Mrs. A. R. B. Williamson, Brock street, left for home, on Friday. Ned Har Mrs. R. ©. Carter, West street, re- ceived a cable, on Friday, from Mr. snd Mrs. Hansard Hora, announcing their safe arrival at Nice, Mr. Isaac Brisco, of Napance, came to town Friday, to attend the dance, at Queen's, and is the guest of Mrs W. A, Claxton, Union street. : Miss Marjorie Duff, of Guelph, is visiting Col. and Mrs. HH. R. Duff, Princess street. AT Miss Luella Hall, of Napanee, came to town, Thursday, to attend "The Rejuvenation of Aunt Mary," in the Opes ouse, . . E. E. Kenny, Toronto, arrived in town, on , 40 attend the i ; sii baritone soloist, of Toronto will be a Washirig- | { and | Tuesday | in honor of Mrs. Edwin | { South : "One AREER hs. Sry SHAME, QLame' Who will be next speakers of the US Congress. . STEAMSHIP CARD SHARPS, Companies are Posting Their Photographs on Beard. New York, Jan. 21.~For years the steamship companies, acting in co-op- eration with the American, British and cessfully to protect their cabin passen- gers from well-dressed card sharps, but to-day they hit on a plan from which they hope much. Below the customary warning to passengers, there were posted in the smoking-room of the Lusitania, when she sailed, to-day, the twin portraits of two well-dressed sharpers, known as "Stuttering und © *Joe's Part ner." The ship's officers 'thought the pair would find partners rather scarce lon this trip. Joe" RABBITS A PEST. Club Will Petition for Amendment Act. Chatham, Jan, 21 -The Chatham Hunt Club, made up of farmers and others interested, have drawn up a largely signed petition asking the leg islature to amend the rabbit laws, so that rabbits may be shet from October ist to February Ist. The farmers claim that the rabbits are déstroving their trees and shrubs, but that under the presenti laws, they are not allowed to kill them. to A SERIOUS STRIKE Ties Up 1,000 Miles of Mexican Railroads, + Mexico City, Jan. 21.-Traflie suspended on 1,000 miles of main line and branches of the South ern Pacific railroad in Mexico, as a result of the strike of American abd native enginémen, which began last night. Superintendent J. B. Spark, of this city, i= now making efforts to get a force of engineers from the na tional system. = the New Shoe Cost Him a Foot. Tom's River, 'N.J., Jan. 21.---Abram Stout, seventy-nine years of age, of this place, Rad to have his left foot amputated as the result of wearing now shoes. Stoul put on a pair. © new shoes which were tight: The lefi ohe chaled till a sore spot: came Blood poisoning set in and was follow: ed by gangrene, and the hospital sur goons took his foot off in the hope of saving the old man's life. Campbell's Big Fur Sale. Ten to fifty per cent. discount all manufactured furs including : Ladies' fur-lined coats. Men's raccoon Sn. on Sled : Shh fur mutts. Nockpieces of all kinds. Bros', the makers of line Princess street. Kill Birds Worth Billion Yearly. Chbnoweth, formetly gf Toronto, wax' ~. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JANUARY 21; 1911. i the" 4 ments calling for continental police, have striven unsuc.. | 14 King St. WHITE SLAVE DENS ARE MANICURE PARLORS IN ~ CITY OF WASHINGTON, Six Women Held in Bostow While . Police Seek Manager -- White Slavers Took Revenge on New York. Washington, D.C., Jan. fitable white slave tra 1 within the very pmal capital, and y-fonr cities over the has been revealed by rai here on manicuring and massage par jars. Six younr women are being held in the city = juil to-day, while active search is bein made for the man who has conducted the @ system traffic. : Innocent girls of tender years have been lured ivto these resorts, the po- lice allege, hv newspaper advertise "manicurists," and by promises of munificent pecuniary reward after a preparatory limited to two or three days. The girls engaged were then shifted from eity to tity, as long as there was an advantage ins retaining them. Even taally they are cut adrift to shift for themselves. This new system received exposure in Pittsburg last month, when "Poctor' Gite Higenbech and several of his girls, including an "in structress," were arrested and fined. course its first White Slavers' Revenge. New York, Jan. 20.-The police worn notified yesterday that Annie Del Duca, whose sisters, Mary, eleven, pad Josie, nine testified against a sang of white stave traffickers last summer, sending five to prison, is mysteriously missing from her home in Brooklyn. The gicl"s parents told the police that Annie had been kid napped ond perhaps killed, f res venge by other members of the band or hy the friends. The gir! has been mis weeks but the parents terror of the friends of the white. slavers that they feared tify the police befora to-day. for eonvicte to n JUMPED HIS BAIL. To Have Been Tried for Importing Boat, Broekville, Jan. 21.---John Dixie, of scott, failed* to appear for trial be- fore Judge Reynolds, on a charge of L bringhig a stolen boat into Canada at Dixie was out on bail, | his own bond of $500 and twe sureties of $250 each, given by two sisters. of the fagitive from juBtice, residing in Brockville. The eourt ordered the bail estreated, and issued a bench warrant for Dixie, Gananoque. Arai mse Health Certificates. > Topeka, | Kas., Jan. 21.-J. E, Wil linms, representative from Logan county, has introduced a bill requir ing that all brides and' bridegrooms must have health certificates Ahoy can. obtain a. marriagé license. The Bill provides that a physician must pass on eandidates not more than ten days before the application for a license 13 made and if he makes sny falde statement he to be fined from $300 to $500 or sent to jail for ninety days. : 18 Save "Sunkist" Orange Wrappers, uy Sunkist California's choleest, oranges, tree-ripened, hand-picked and save the wrappers. For twelve orange wrappers and a few cents additional, you can get a%genu- Rogers' Standard Orange Spoon For details pote Sunkist orange adver tisements or ask - your fruit dealer Sunkists" are as cheap as good or anges can be, so or 'anges, me should choose rem¥fims free you them and get valuable General Firmin Barred. Porto Rico tieneral Firmin, who bag been tically exiled by the Haitien went because he left his post as Hai: tien minis ority, haw arrived here. He was permitted to land in Haiti and the uvithorities refused him permission see his family or his bankers. ile remain here indefinitely, but h venounced his future plans pra govern San Juan, , Jan ter at London without auth not to will HOW WEAK WOMEN May be Made Strong at Small Ex- : pense and no Risk, There are hundreds of women in this vicinity, weak, thin, run-down, tired out apd nervous. Such women pead Vinol just as much as did Mr Pepper,| of 2307 Howard street, San Francisco, Cal., who says : "1 have used Vinol for some time with particularly gratifying results was rundown, weak and debilitated, and my appetite was gone. After tak- ing several bottles of Vinol 1 found my condition greatly Smproved, and do not hesitate to recommend Vinol to anvone similarly affected." (We guar antee this testimoniil to be genuine.) Vinok is not a secret nostrum, but a delicious cod liver and iron tome with out oil which will create an appetite, tore up the digestive organs, make pure blood and create strength. Try a bottle of Vinol with - the un- derstanding that your money will be returned if it does not help you. G. W. Mahood, Druggist, Kingston. S. J. WILSON, Member Dominion . Exchange, Ltd: Sag Std ws Bo INDENCE i | Toronto, Ont. Jane before | and has enriched himsed by the ilici Velour and Tapastry Couches, Sale Prices. James Reid, i N a - V00000000000000000C00NROOOPOORPOPOBOROOOROe NE Bar Solder, Babbitt Metal and afi Ingot Metals We are headquarters: THE CANADA METAL COMPANY, LIMITED. 3 OFFICE: $1 WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO. BOSCO RE0E0000C000000E0000000000000E0000000 SAAS YY TYR PL hd ape LY To E Our Big 'Furniture Sale Now On , Combination Bed Couches and Davenports, Fancy The Latest and Best at Mail orders promptly attended to. The Leading Undertaker. Phone 147 ---- am pt NS _- -- /00000000000000000000s see ecéecccccecsscseem «Your Afternoon Teas... is not complete without Ice Cream. Order early from PRICE'S s Phone 845 {277 Princess St. J 0000000 NN 000000000 V POCONO OOORRIORGIIIN 0000000000000 0800 eTVessnITIsIINOEI : Sunkist' Oranges 25¢, a 206, . Sunkist Orange Spoons Desert Spoons ard Fruit Knives, Save Your Wrappers. 166 Pits St: A. J. REES, 30¢, 40¢ per dozen. Phone 58 JRINK HABIT : ya The Gatlin Treatment Cures Liquor Drinking in THREE DAYS Under Contract--No Hypo- dermic Injections or Other Dis- agreeable Features. The Gatlin Institute was established eloven years ago. More than eleven thousand men and women have been cured of liquor drinking by the Gatlin treatment--there has been failure to cure in no case, No hypodermic injections, no bad ajter effects, no poisonous drugs, no utive stimulants---a treatment so harmiesathat any child could take it, ach patient is accepted for treatment under legal contract to cure in THREE DAYS---the cure to be entirely satisfactory in every particular or the fee paid is refunded whe™ the patient is leaving the Institute and treat- substit nothing. atlin Home treatmens vs Just as effective as Institute treatment le directions are followed. or write for books of particulars, copies of contracts to cure and it © The G {f plain Cs other information, OF ONTARIO, LIMITED The GATLIN INSTITUTE i075 $28 JARV:S STREET Long Distance and Local Telephone Corner Maitland, NORTH 4538 TORONTO, ONT. The Crowds Go WHERE THE BEST VALUES ARE OFFERED That's why OUR BIG RED LETTER SHOE SALE is drawing such large erowds. 25% Discount Off the best shoes in Canada. This week we offer specially 30 Pairs Men's Fine American made Opera Slip- pers, black and chocolate shades, fine vici kid, sizes only 7, 71, 8; worth up to $2.00, On Sale, 99c. 80 Pairs Men's $5.00 American Tan Waterproof * Leather Lined Bluchers, at $3.75. $4.00 Queen Quality Shoes, price branded by makers--very swell and new goods--at $2.98 Come Early and Get the Values eeSsrTsmsseTmmmm--; JH. SUTHERLAND & BRO. | ~~ THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES a