THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, PACE FIVE. - - PRICES $s = EE ---- EE a _- i § - . mis ce Re « - a -- RR = I few moments before I. rose to ex- PROF DYDE ANS i "LIQUOR CENSUS" TAKEN. SPEECH OF MR. HARTY i 3 on my part t px . : Inspector's . Report Sent to the . d $F Government. IN REGARD TO THE ROYAL i MILITARY COLLEGE, i properly 13 a matter for hi think he is as well * posted om the The Member for Kingston Speaks. le situation and ils requirements | Liberal State Aid Has Come to] hotelmen are still This neti co what] mh ? 2 2 Pw i I {. Ai 8 as ' Pointédly in the House--Pays a: | oi and I was slow to pr Queen's While Denominational--! #il! happen nex 8 40m, came 4 THE OBJECTIONS TO QUEEN'S Dector «Wright has SHURCH CONNECTION. | "figuor census," and 'h an You 25 Per Cent. $3 75 3 35 3 00 Is 3 i oreat « 10 them. Yo 5 foi tion to the house regard T », ? i fr. great surprs His Compliments to Dr, Edwards any, ink Aon To Le gg TOgBN The Pension Fund Question No The local inspector has not seen fit wg it se I feared 1 should be and Mr. Crosby (Halifax). trespassing on his. prese ves." Longer the Bowne of Contention. j to give out the DHigunss collected, but How. William Harty, M.P%., spoke as -r oa ---- As the trustees of Queen's university | the inspector a St Catharines was follows in the House of Commons on LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. are asking the graduates of that uni ssn discreet, an gu s on i ne gures Friday afternoon, when conservative " ---- versity to express by ballot - their! io the press, mn ae 3 > aa shown members opposed the grant of $30,000 The Board of Works Receives a|opinion regarding certain proposed | that. the daily bar USINESS. there was for additionat dormitory accommoda- Walloping. onstitutional changes, and one plan | S500. The loc al petition and no ~ 1 i ¥ ' com : - 1 LIX > secu 8 tion for the cadets of the Hoyal Mil Kingston, Jan. 23.--(To the Edit- submitted has been given some pro i ir ruble in Joc ring he information Colle . or): It has been stated at city coun | MIBENCe in the public press, and as|which he desired. ip tary Lol : r words in ex- ha EY. : be : another plan suggested at the same| THe results all over the proviice are "i | by offer afew words in ex-|.g poatings that the only money ap-{°; : c , i a 1} exon ; . » informa- i ol th time has received comparatively little! being sent into the government, and planation, 1 can give "ime ol propriated for the pleasure of the peo tice, the pros hus been asked = 1a] it will probably be made: the basis for ro » position of the col- is = 1 8 an. Ja . press has kb as iit | ably bas Sion regarding the 5 gor the building pis § She im prov iced Jor b aad OB | ublish an outline of the alternative | some changes in the present license re- jo # pr . Re 1 5 i : x * loge and the spins tion. and the com- Serie in i Pats. 1 n an 3 *} woposal, as set forth by Prof. S. W.| culations. The license inspectors all A Bw under consi a *% i better wy ortunately itie, 8 people Ie ivde, of Queen's university, last sum- | aver Ontario have been making the "mittee may then have a little belief] ive comparatively litte in return for] rounds of the hotels in their district. knowledge of the situsion jan at the taxes they pay. The board of Prof. Dyde, at that time, pointed out Eo iari-- . prevent. | have "been slow o Jake works seems 10 be even too miserable | 10s cine elements of ar tagonism to | Indian Women Waited on Tables. ® any part in the discussion . | to expend a little money in sanding | }ourch connection were disappearing.| WH. K. Caskey, general secretary of ' spend. ple reason that while the co _ il the walks in slippery weather, Surely | 11a Carnegie pension fund was no|ths Lavmen's Missionary Mavement, called the Bingston Military 1 OR, that committee needs an awakening. || nger the bone of contention it once ho spcke here on Sunday, has re b \ as a master of fact it is not In NINE} parkaps it would take one of the local | « #8, since serious drawbucks were| cived word of an interesting ban-!{ . o ston. It is situated in the riding = of | batteries to do it. The sidewalks on | oc nnectdd with it. - "The trustees of | net "held at Port Simpson, B.C, at' y Frontenac, and [ presume that tne i | Sunday were in a disgracefully, slip- | the fund have power to alter the which about a hundred Indian men | rne oe ore : formation which has been asked § by pery and dangerous edndition. Why onditicus at their own option. They | uthered, the tables being spread and | hb 3 various members would very properly | gore they not sanded? It's mo ex-isi' in judgment upon the internal! waited on by Indian women... There ' ' have been furnished by the honotabis cuse for the board of works depart- administration' of the college, accep- | were a number of fine orchestral se | CPOE ECE IRE EI AER IRL AIRE ee member for that riding (Mr. Ed ) ment to say that the walks did not | ting the pension, and so disturb itsifections and solos by the Indians, | pack ggasi dab did he see fit to give it, rather than |freed till Saturday afternoon. If I autonomy." 'The value of the pen-|though the speaking was done by | by myself, who represents the riding | were head of the board of works, 1]sion had, he said, been greatly over- | white men. ! which is barely adjoining that : in would see to it that men were ready | stimated. Tis discrimination against | - . | T TERRY AT GRAND TO-NIGHT. which this college is situated. Thefat hand to go oft to do this work at [a whole class of colleges (those call-! The death oeeurred in Chicago, on | The Great English Comedian Visits college, being in the county of Fron-| any hour of ghe'day or night. Labor- Jed by it "denominational") could Wednesday, of Jobn Coilins, 4 former | tenac, in the village cross the baying men are only too anxibus in win | cculd not, he thought, b> defended on resident of Prescott. SERMON _ BY HEV 4 . Kingston, 2 from Kingston, is usually known by | ter to earn a few dellars, and when | grounds of reason. . NSIDE® HISTORY A SE . a: . 3 ROF. Edward * Terry, who is to appear the name of the Kingston Military the comfort and the safety of the peo- He suggested that the Queen's trus- INSIDE Y. JORDAN. OF QUEEN'S. here to-night at the Grand, has en College, no doubt from the fact of ite|ple are at stake the walks should he Joes mig fithingly adopt the assem- | Some Soit-Boommary Licht i ---- deared himself 10 a generation of Eng being close to the city. The sit ation sanded at night and even on Sunday, is 3 suggestion b about tne Jars bome lk " - i | A Religion That is Without | lish theatregoers by an exuberant hu- regarding the building is this: The just as they are cleaned of snow. pid am ol i § Senmion i i Battle Creek, Mich., Jan'y 7, "11. | Righteousness Cannot: Save the | mor, an extravagant fancy and with. wing which has been in ust a8 8 (Some time age the Whig tack uplUCn wk the aesemwbys scvie]pr E. B. Prats State St Nation--Real Sacrifice to God is| 2h 8 dry, quaint, contentious sort of WONDER SHINE dormitory ever since the college was) this matter, bug the works depart Da x ae ks mpl g 83 a nes Suite 1202, 10 Sate * Hino id > philosophy, underlying his most far ! opened, was built by the imperial gov- | ment evidently requires a daily prod- iat in seat e nat fu os a Deze Bll cago, Illinois. Service of Humanity. cical impersonations. He has held up There is no rubbing. Just dip ernment long years ago, and the late ding else it will forget. the School of Mining wolessors to] Yo ro we disagreement with Rev. Prof. W. G. Jordan was the | before the audience so ludicrous a spe- your silver in Wonder Shine cl ie Ww oreman i int. out, also at . olan? : i i cimen. * of umanity, some eréature ¥ 3 Alexander Mackenzie was f : of 1 might point thy Iso, th Por Queen's could, he EE ht be rot out wing 14 Some . oo preacher in Brock street Methodist f hb "lure rinse and dry with a soft its construction. That building has (ions of the Princess street roadway of the we be lirtin. : brie toll Bo a tr oy | chireh: 'on Sunday evening, and gave | made up of such odd whims and weak cloth. Makes your silver just been in use as a dormitory ever since p.Saturday were fairly blocked with which could be entrusted the fune- have Teton bliely ohn s --- | an admirable discourse on "The Pro- nesses, that their laughter has arisen like new, and will .not injure the college was opened. For the past chunks of ice. Why were these qbstruc- tion of conferring honorary and other ful on be ! lt that -, phet and the Priest," taking as text | from sudden cgneeption of superiority it. as Wonder Shine is guaran- four or five years every room, which | tions not at once removed from this degrees and making intet-faculty ars bal ss " In rs sitatems 8, | Amos VII, 12. He said that here we [in themselves; al other times there has teed to contains ho injurious should be occupied by a single student | main thoroughfare of the city ? Is it rangements. MT gam toe our rule t vols , | have a striking scene which carries us been a dry humor which has set the ingredients or cadet, instead of being used only necessary that the press and the Pub- | 'Dealing with other objections to from publishing the names nh wn { back to a distant land and a remote | wits to work - and won a more de ots Paikaes by ove, had to accommodate two or | ie should notify the civic servants atl hurch connection, Prof. Dyde argued | jyymen or pysicians who have writ. | time; yet if we get at the heart of it | sc riminating tribute, or as in the rok = fe. three, and I believe, in some few in-|the city hall every time? Can they | hat adequate endowment through | ten to us in a complimentary way, | we Wilt find that it is*not by any | of William Todman in "Liberty Hall, stances four. This made it necessary {not see for themselves and act ? It is) jurch connection was mot impraeti- | 4nd Se have declined to accede to| Means a foreign business. The simple } the play he is to present here, actor for the commandant. of the institution | such tardiness as this that makes | ile As to state aid being un-| the demand of attorneys that we turn | unssage of this man Amos marks a and author have created a character to ask the government to provide an| Kingston appear so backward. Why | avoidable with a denominational tie, these letters over to them. { stage in the higher relizious thought | with more humor and pathos blent in additional building to be used as a] does Mayor Graham not stir up and he pointed out that the School of ' "I am asking a fow men whom 1]©f the world, and helped to prepare "t than have been known since Dickens dormitory, so that every cadet could {put some life into the civic adminis Mining, apart from princely ' gifts of deem to be friends to permit me to] for the richer revelation that comes | died be housed and cared. for in a room of | tration? He has a great chance be buildings, is not only assisted bv the reproduce some of their lgttefs over though later teachers and found its : a bis own. Whether that is advisable or {fore him. CITIZEN. > province to the extent of $42,000 a their signatpres inorder Xo refute the | "When Sweet Sivteen." t is a question for the house to de- mee etm year, but has begun to reap the ad: {,isehoods. : nn v | J The title of "song play" given to het od it is not for me to offer DR. GALLIVAN MARRIED. vantage of generous ives benefac- "We have hundreds of letters f oy 4 or gr pasting phase - We lite ol "When Sweet Sixteen," traly describes any opinion upon it. Pa aa tions; that the medical faculty is Sup- | physicians, but I esteem the ome that | that ume; 1t represents an eternall 1. Herbert and' Hobart composition, Hd arding the question put by the | His Bride Was Miss Mabel R. Kirke ported by fees, Bll it too has recei¥®® | \'ou 'wrote to me: in 1906 among the | contest between types of men and {¢, if is a comedy that could be play. - a Bom ed han who last spoke of Brooklyn. a building from the government; thai very best particularly in view pi" the | kinds of forces. te : = ed without the music, but is lavishl, (Mr. Middlebro), as to whether the| Tn James V. V. Gallivan, of Peter- the grant to the faculty of education |fyct that it recognizes the. work 1/ he Bible is a gallery of types, ns embellished with harmonics. There arc honorable member for Kingston had| oro, was married at Our Lady of | is now $1000, and that though. arts | have heen trying to do partly through | Which we see the conflict o prnaiples | Gy musical numbers in the song- asked the department of public works | [Lourdes church, Brooklyn, to Miss | receives uo direct state aid, the costly | the little book, "The Road to Well: | embodied in personal Barns, ns Inf olay, as well as a dainty chorus of or the militia department for the | M.hel Regina Kirk, of Brooklyn, by | departments of physics, chemistry, | ville." | such cases as Elijah aud A ub. inh sixteen young and pretty girls who building under discussion, I can an-| Rev, Father O'Donoghue, on Monday, | mingralogy and geology, which were | "l do not sell or attempt to sell! ud Abas, Jonas and 3 ae, oe ht are thoroughly equipped ~ with good CAFE swer very readily. 1 desire to inform | Jan, 9th. It was 5 very pretty wed: ]art€ are provided for in the Mining | the higher thought which is more im- | Stipa. nese Iw ine Belg rw hd voices, and Who. are skilled dancers . that honorable gentleman that drom | ding. The bride was gowned in white | school, while the remaining arts sub- | portant than the kind of food, but I fowl pusitions in t pita hook ¥ the musical numbers there is one 183 Wellington St. the dime I have had thy honor of a | chi om clath, sare larze white plum-{ jects were io raceive the benefit oh fend takon considerable pains to ex- | !"®! they do not understand one an that is likely "vo rrente a ensation { ¥ The - Up-to-date - Restaurant { 8 Xe All $5.00 Shoes: All 4.50 Shoes All 4.00 Shoes All. 3.50 Shoes 2 60 3.00 Shoes 225 In other words you save | of your money, or 25¢. on every dollar you | Not many more of these Bargain Days. COME TO-DAY. P 0 Money - Saved nt *) Yeo er eve Sle ejele 8 a 7 Money Found THE NEW AND EASY wAy + TO CLEAN SILVER, USE "Phone 82 for your drug wants Prompt delivery Prouse's Drug Store Branch Post Office, culmination in the work of the Christ. The conflict of these to men is not THE AMERICAN in i soab in this house 4intif now, I haveled and curried 5 large shower RIM, 000 endowment. fund. mm tend to humanity sich faét "as may' | akjr- One repreactin things, i thay when it is heartl. It is a medley com and Eating House. Heparate | never troubled the minister of public] bouquet . of white roses and lilies-of As. to "any connection whatsoever | have come to me on this subject. awe, Tie tule hr & Wg ey Shier prising sixteen of Victor Herbert's appartments. Well furnished ' works or the minister of militia for a| the-valley. She was attended Sy Miss with any church being *a limita- "In order that your mind may be | things ae hi sug a' te dig A nd y greatest song successes takon from his | aud lighted grant or appropriation of any kind | Fannie Gallivan, sister of the groom, |'ion of academic freedom," ne quoted refreshed I am herewith enclosing 'a Presents v pi ue ra Le anc various operas. A potable caste of Try our Hu in connection. with that college. It is | who looked charming in a pearl gre the assertion of Queen's students to copy of your good letter, also 4 copy Bue ot ¥ be nl name ther ¥ pd ! artists will be heard 'he re, including | We, «+ entirely a military institution, and as|gown, large white plumed hat, with, | all creeds that there is no sectarian | of the little book, and if you will give | toe - thie oe side there In the | such prominent artists a arrict [| THOS GUY Pro such is. managed and controlled en | pink roses and carrying a bouquet of | "Mirit in Queen's, aud that the [me the privilege of printing this over | *° :. an one 3 Standon, Eugene Cowles, ! 3 P- } sotirse dinnar, * royal Sanctuary, the popular and an hale the staff of the college, and| pink rose buds, Dr. Mulcahy, of Fa hurch connertion there i* no obsta- ydur signature I will accompany the | vo ; 1 | HS may be the hand ir, of the | Rockaway hospital, attended . the | °le to the search for truth, and the printing with an explanation as tel -- shrine; re ne a on { May McCabe, Frank Doane, Harrison | + 1 3 college, they are communicated fo the | groom. After the ceremony 4 sumptu.. | pursuit of a free, unbiased education, | why vou permitted its use in publica- | The sFiest o his. Avy round and h us | Brockbank, Louis Franklin, Thomas | THE GLUB ni i El artment of militia directly by the | ous repast was served to the friends This, he <laimed, fhe "OL an accident, | tion in order fo refute falsehoods, and | 11¢ Priest on ar . Jo: | Springer and Sentt Welsh i. din : . Spas authorities; 'wind the member for of the young couple. They returned to bis J helougs. to the very Spirit - of | under that method of treatment I feel, Adolph Finkelstein i WHMLLINGTON ST; peas PRINCESS. Kingston from the dal he entered this | their home, at 108 Hlvmer street last | Queen's fram the day of its birth. so far as 1 know, there would be no rector, who has pr j = 4Bere sre Other hotels, bu. sons n x week, where Dr. Gallivan has an ex : ------ | breach of the code of ethics. | spproach the Club for homeike sur- tensive practice, and with the good | Ferm Laborers and Domestits. | I trust this winter weather is find- roundings. wishes of all who have the pleasure Commissioner Coombs and Colonel | in: you well, contented and enjoying Located in centre of city and ciose | i i Nash, Gipsy Dale, Frances Gordon all the wordly interests on his sje; i | the prophet is regarded as an fm | | pertinent intruder. 1 > Amaziah thinks that Amos is a pro- | doctions of all fessional seet and that his main intdr. | operas, has been { est isin "the hread."' "Bread" is of | direct the augme | tremendous importance in the life of | "When Sweet Si | man, but it is not always the domin- | on Wednesday house until now, has never had oeca- a-- gion to interfere or ask for anything in the way of buildings or other im- provements to be put into that insti- tution "The hon. member for Halifax (Nr. Croshy) devoted some little time and of knowing them. Dr. Gallivan was | Lamb, director of the Salvation | the fruits that are yours by right, { "0 principal stores and thortre, formerly a Kingstonian, and resided | Avmy's emigrution work, have just With .all best wishes, I am," Charges are moderate. at 285 Alfred street. returned from an extended tour mak | Yours very truly, 3 . Rebar : , Special rates by the week. ing arrangements for the placing of C. W. POST; | ating mote either with nations or -------- -- J meee the immigrants that will come to| Dr. Pratt, whe is one of the most | individuals This sturdy man could At Cooke's Church, attention to the question as to wheth- er or not a military institution of the kind which exists in the county of Frontenae, and not in Kingston, is desirable. That is an issue altogether foreign from the one the house has under consideration when it is asked to vote a sum necessary to provide a better dormitory for it. 1° have own city to be for naval pur pases. 1 am not competent to dis cuss the guestion as to whether & na military college that it was rather a q estion of taste for them to throw cold water at an institution which liad been in existence since 1876, while at the same time the hon gentleman Jiom Halifax and the pecple whom be represents Were rea the benefits of the establishment oft a similar in-{to, son of Rev. Dr. Ry stitution to provide for the future of Cornwall, is now in London naval requireménts of the country. 1|land, where he proposes to spend the trust that the house, in dealing with | next year. It is said that Mr of the amount that has man will the been asked for this dormitory, will church guild was held on Sunday even- ing, after the regular service, when the members listened to a very interesting adidress, delivered by Prof. 00. D. Skel- ton, p president, H. W. Newman, occupied the The Misses Ross rendered a quartette composed | chair. not heard the hon. gentleman from [duet, and a Halifax (Mr. Crosby) take any exeep | Messrs. tion to. the establishment of a |Somerville, an ] somewhat similar institution in his guve a beautiful selectiva. "Gt 6 Queen's Museum. A valuable gift "has va! institution, somewhat after the |, qo +o toy museum from George lines of the military college, in King | yycleod, of hom oe the Holleran fom time age donated a very we te # A : +>-OF, 3 "i sth tusk: This "1 that matter, for the dominion i ol itis a ta aaatacion; ad Canada, but it struck na atthe Hie curator, Prof, MacClement, says it is the gentlemen were ticizing | the very best ever seen, rare treasures' under his care. May be in British Parliament E. B. Ryckman, K.C., of the firm of Ryckman, Kerr and Maeclnnes, Toron- Rev. Dr. Ryckman, formerly The Orangemen of the city held their annual their hall Canada under the auspices of the atmy in the sprinz. These will prin cipally cansist of laborers for farms and domestics. During the past year the army has arranzed the imumigra- to this country, and arrangements are beitig perfected for th bringing of a larger number during. the next will shortly be eisiting the Old Coun- try for the purpose of selecting, ad- to secure labour for next spring should write for information and application forms to Brigadier H, Morris, Immi- gration and Colonization Department, James and Albert streets Toronto ® Wedded in Winnipeg. A quiet wedding was solemnized at Grace church parsonage, Winnipeg, on Crammy, the contracting parties being Robert Laidley, Maberly, Ont, and Mountain Grove, Ont. young eou- ple were unattended. The bride looked charming inn sage green costume, trimmed with cream allover lace and braiding, and wore a black velvet pic ture hat; 'the crown was draped with white fur and caught on the left side by a bunch of sage green silk roses. The groom's gift to the bride was a many useful, and costly presents, testi- 631 Jessie avente, Winnipeg. or Had a Big Coal Year. It may not be generally known but atcording to the returns, the year just closed was a most success te i tion of about ten thousand persons | = season. A number of Canadian officers | | vising, and conducting parties. Farm. | ers and others in Ontario who desire December 27th, 1910, by Rev. Eber | Miss Anna Laidley, third daughter of | John Wellington Price, formerly of 1 sunburst and carman bracelet. Re a a also the recipient of fying to esteem in which the young couple are held. They will reside at j erica, very kindly granted our request lin the cause of truth and justice, i i . | | prominent and skillful surgeons in Am- | 2 i Chicago, Ang. 31, 1906. | [Me. C. W. Post j toil to deliver this message. There is Battle Creek, Mich. | My deat Sir i "I write to express my personal ap- preciation of one of your busi wethods, that of accompanying each package of your Grape-Nuts produe- | tion with that little booklet. "Fhe | Road tq. Wellville."" A more apprapri- | ate, has headed and effective om j fation of health-giving auto-sug'es- { tions could scarcely be penned. | '""Grape-Nuts is a good food in it- | self, but the food contained in this {little article is still better stuff. 1 | commend the practice because I know { that the greed and 'strenuousness, the { consequent graft and other types of | thievery and malicious mischief gener- ally can never be cured by legislative | action, "The only hope for the betterment of the race rests in individual soul culture, - Your process has been 80 original and unique that it must set a pace for oth- er concerns until finally the whole country gets flavored with genuine, practical Christianity. "I shall do all that lies in my pow- er to aid in the appreciation of Grape-. Nuts, not so much for the sake of the food itself as for the accompany ing suggestions. . "Visiting Battle Creek the other day with g friend, Dr. Kelly of Evanston, Nlinois, while I was consulting with Mr. Gregofy, my friend visited your amazed, not onl & the luxurious furnishing of the offioes | religion as wisely as they do common | things. How can he prove this* He'} has no miracles, no external aids. Ae Victory perched ou the ba cording to his view it does not peed | home team by a score of "In taking , step. im this direction, | actorjes and came away eatly | . , : ' a ibunals if the Dutch government dg A. Edwards, Elmira, rehewsd aoquaint. easily find bread to supply his single needs. He has nn political studing, no professional positions, why should he | make this sensation ? He claime that | God has called him from his Jowly | Park rink, on Satu GANANOQUE TIDINGS, What fs Transpivinog in the Little | River Gananoque, Jat a severe scientific simplicity gho it his | splendid exhibition | statement. He mentions that, men eyn | Was played, the comt | see its reasonableness if they will test | team 'representing med proving, only seeing. He goes against | Jueen's, Kingston, as wesenting the Gananoque Mrs. Redden was taken the popular views oi religion and | Kingston general hospital, for shows that Jehovah is their Judge and |v { not merely their patron fNo one ean | give a fnal verdict. He must commend ment for puneimonia The personnel of Gananoque board | { of health for 1911 is: J. I. Sinelaic. himself to God and the futiire time. MD. medieal health officer: Chief } In the lizht of history we can see |). Ryan amd Sanitary Constable | barles Sweet, inspectors: Robert Tay- | that he spoke the truth, and that in the | end his words tended to lift religion {1 or, W. J. Wilson, I. N. Asselstine to a higher plane. The text of his {Mayor W. N. R were, ex-oflici message was that 4 religion that isd William Kelly, of the stafi of D without rightousnéss cannot love the Darling's grocery, has been confined to nation. In a ricner mavner we find the [his home for the past week with sound truth, iu all "its applications, I pleurisy. Robert McBroom has been in the life ob our Lord, who showed | confined to his home, seriously ill. W that the real sacrifice to God is the | R. Acton, undergoing treatment for hia service of humanity. t Big Crowd on the Ice, The harbor was thronged with peo ple all day Sonday, some walking, skating, driving, or ice boating. The mild spell, with 5 sudden change 1, colder weather, made the skating good. A great many made 5 trip over to Wolle Island. 1 Great Powers' Ultimatum. i hroat, in Toronto, during the past week, has returned home. Joseph Russell, M.P., has donated an extra fine fifty-dollar eup for com- petition at the poultry show here William Lasha spent the past week in Brockville, taking soundings in con nection with the completion of the concrete wall arovnd Block Taland Charles Baker, Fort William, formes y bartender al the Provincial, is vis ting his parents, Mr. apd Mrs. Tru man Buker. Miss Agnes Helfie, Pros The Hague, Holland," Jan. 23. This! 4 is visiting bern . 5 ott, g some time with ber will no longe- be the seat of peace tri- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Belfie. cides fo fortify Flushing as thréatén- ances about town the latter part of To Extend a Call. , ® This ix the ultimatum of the great | "(ol "Nill Poole, of Poole's Re- 480rt, spem thi past few days in town, guest of the Misses Mar and Fdith 'Mes. O'Neill and daughter, " There will be a meeting of the con- | yi Beasie (FNeill, are spending a few the Preshyterian | woop in Cobourg, guests of Mrs, W, H. Hopper. ' sonage, Picton, V. H. Emory married Miss Majorie ¥. Hare, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. i. BR s Te Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinitie Tals lets. Druggists refund money if jt fails to cure. E. W, Grove's signature is ou each box, 2%. At the First Methodist church par- Hare, to Fruest J. Colliver, son of ae bd Mre. Jobe: Collicyr, East 1 W. Babonck Filner Yarhubin: wai Wh V | pondency, 5 Pealneow, Frdsviona, Spere suilorr haa, nd ax or Freessen, Price st per f a, a will plone, six { will care. 84 VY al deur r muded In platy ~ re f price, nt a { | ma Tro Wood Med.~ins Uo. te t pi. inte. One, § a] P.M. THOMPSON. Praprietor. ! ov FRONTENAC | LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. . ESTABLISHED 1563, President--Sir Richard Cartwright, Money issued on City and Parm Pro- perties, Municipal and Cou Deben tures Mortgages purtchused. Deposits écelved and interest allowed 8. CG, MeGILL, Managing Director, §7 Clarence Street 100000000000000000000s Wood, Lumber, Shingles Honest Measaremént. low ¢ Prices. # N. JACKSON, . $ PLACE IPARMES, # Residence, 280 Bagot Street. © - "Phone No. 1619 * W. P. O'BRIEN, 57 Su Francois Xavier St, MONTREAL, Member MONTREAL STOCK EXGHANGE Long Distance Telephone Main 6936 CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED, Great Money Makers. Montreal Star According to sn official summary al Rev, ready issued, the Canadian express eHmpanies are not the only nstite- tions of the kind which make large iprofits. The net corporate income of ' the chief American companies is given ih this statement st $15,000,000, and afler the regular dividends were de clared, over SLO was paid out in ipecial dividends. The American ex press companies pay to cailways and jother transportation agencies over $64,000,000 {or the carringe. of x goods, 1 it would seem that the af- filiations between the expres and rails Way companies are close, thaugh not js0 close as in <Usnads. For the ex | re companies have over §0.008.000 mvestsd in railway stocks while rails way companies hold over 814.000 000 of the stock of sxpeess compasies. fi go AE Mk ¥ £0 nf his date tedglencs, in