---- : Co ---------- : OF CANADA Capital Authorized $5,000,000 Savings Department at all Branches. T LAMBERT, Merchant Tailor measurement by a practical BANK Reserve Fund ; Get your clothes made to your own tallor. Why? 1st Because no two men measure prints are all diffefent. 2nd--Hecause hand-made gurments are skilifully moulded. stayed and well sewn, so that they keep their shape and have lasting qualities. 3rd-- Because your particular physique can be considered and pat- tern and style given which will be specially adapted to your own per- sonality, For your next Suit try 'Thos. Lambert, 157 Princess Strast |; exactly alike. Even thumb Your New Overcoat #55 In breadth of shoulder and in length to suit your proportions. In no other way can you hope to wear a classy, distinctive looking coat. Our Overcoatings for Winter give you a wide choice of really exclusive fa < Our Styles, everything adapted by custom tailors as "right." Crawford & Walsh Leading Tailors. Princess & Bagot Sts SIIIIIP rabdtanand vo iStock Taking Sales <All Winter Goods Must fo' ----NOTE THE FOLLOWING -- Nine only choice 34, 36 fatest styles, in Black and Fancy ; $9.00 to $15.00, Counts, Regular prices, . OF. NOW HALF PRICE, Tweeds, sizes » Children's and Girls' Coats, latest styles. in Navy, Brown, Grey and Myrtle, sizés 4 to 14 years.: Regular prices, $2.25 to ® $4.50. : NOW HALF PRICE. Black and White Silk Waists. NOW HALF PRICE. D. M. SPEN CE, Ladies' Regular, $2.25 to $6.00, ase The Leading Millinery Store. Some More Bargain Sales CHILDREN'S BOOTS, tan or black, regular price, 5c, sizes § to 7. Regular price 49c. LITTLE BOYS" DONGOLA AND CALF BOOTS, good and strong, regular price $1.25 sizes 8, 9, 10, 104. Sale price 90c. GIRLS" DONGOLA PANTENT TIP BOOTS, regular price $1.25 and $1.50, sizes 8 to 10. Sale price 98c¢. MISSES' DONGOLA AND PEBBL lar price $1.25 and $1:50. 'H.JENNINGS KRPARCKS ART STORE pd Fine Picture Framing at Reasonable Prices works by British and full line of all pictures. CE E. Regu- KING 3 STREET A kinds of . ina i WW days do or Painted hina. w ii "nase and hive them ready i ® oh) aston ant of Bod "We hate pn ly, with also a vig onal og few Recond-ana ters whieh . water for ahd Cut [i ie DAILY BOARD | OF HEALTH J. B. McLEOD ELECTED OHAIR- MAN FOR 1911. Medical Health Officer Had Good Report to Make--Boil Water as an Extra Precaution When New Pipe is Being Laid. At the inaugural meeting of the board of health, held in they avons office, at the city hall, yesterday af- ternoon, J, B. Mcleod was elected chairman by a unanimous vote. ' Ald. Bailey, the retiring cliairman, presided at the meeting, apd also present were J. F, Knapp, H. H. Taylor and J. Lemmon. Ald Bailey moved that Mr. McLeod be chairman for the year 1911. Mr. Taylor seconded the motion, and it was carried. Ald, Bailey was voted to the chair, in the absence of the new chairman, on motion of Mr, Knapp. It was reported that the ice being Jeut by the local dealers, passed mspec- tion. Dr. Williamson reported that be had inspected the two ice houses of John Gleeson and the St. Lawrence Ice company, and had found them in a satisfactory condition for the pur- pose of storing ice. The members received very good news from the medical health officer, the latter reporting that for the week ending January 2ist; only two cases of scarlet fever had. been reported. There were no typhoid fever cases re- ported, the last being reported two weeks ago. In view of the trouble with the water, this was considered to be a very good report. A report was given by the medical | health officer which stated that hn in- spection had been made of six dairies, for the purpose of inspection of the water, and that in' each case it was found to be good. As regards the use of water when the new pipe isto be laid, the medical health officer referred tg the report of | Dr. Connell, who, whil pointing out | that the water would be free from con- | tamination by the chemicals to used, he would at the same time noti- fy the people to secure their supply of the week's time the work! would be going on, and in addition, to boil the water, Mr. Knapp: brought up the question as to whether the treatment given the water would be harmful. The medical health office replied that it would not, that just one-twentieth of a grain of the chesfical would be used to every pint of water. Mr. Taylor asked concerning the city's proposed garbage system. Was it the intention of the person who had offered to contract for the collection of the garbage to feed it to pigs ? The chairman pointed out that a deputation would go to Guelph and Brantford to secure "pointers on a garbage system. At Guelph, there was a system which included not only the collection of garbage, but also tin cans, and all kinds of refuse gathered around a house, Possibly arrange ments might be made for the city to have a similar system. It appeared that the firm offering to make a con- tract. wanted the garbage to feed to hogs. ------------------ Prof. Kirkpatrick's Bridge Scheme, Prof. A-K Kirkpatriek, - formerly | city engineer of Kingston, does not agree. with the proposal to build a new Cataragni bridge at Belles island. He says that the place for the bridge is where it is at present. His plan is to fill in from the Kingston to the Pittsburg shore to a width of 200 feet, which would give splendid dock- age for big vessels and alsg protect the vessels in the winter from ice floes, east the erect of as they could lie on the north side of the bridge roadway. In centre of the channel he would a modern swing bridge. The cost this would be about $450,000, Mishap to Locomotive, The local tgain, which is due to ar- rive in the city about eight o'clock, last night, did not arrive until nine o'clock, on account of the mishap | which occurred the other side of Ern- | esttown station. Some packing around | the boiler became ignited, and burned for a long time before it could be ex- tinguished. Piles Quickly Cured at Home Von PILES QUICKLY HOME. CURED AT Instant Relief, Permanent Cure=-- Trial Package Mailed Free to All in Plain Wrapper. Piles is a fearful disease, but easy to cure, if you go ut it right, An operation' with the knife is dan- gerous, cruel, humiliating and unneces- sary. There is just one other sure way to be cured--painless, safe and in the pri- vacy of your own home--it is Pyramid Pile Cure. We mail a trial package free to all who write. It will give you instant relief, show you the harmless, painless nature of this great remedy and start you well on the way toward a perfect cure. Then you can get a fullwized box from any druggist for SUc., and oiten one cures. Insist on having what you eall for. If the druggist tries to sell you something just as good, it is becanse more mosey on the substi a The cure begins at once and eontin- ues rapidly until it is complete and permanent, You ean go right ahead with your work and be oasy and comfortable all | snow drifts. BRITISH WHIG, TURSDAY. ROADS BLOCKED: AND FIREMEN HAD QUITE HARD TIME. They Were Stalled Several Times While on Their Way to Collins' Bay~~The Chatham Eugine Has Been Very Much in Demand. With roads blocked with snow, the members of the Kingston fire depart- ment, who went to the scene of the wreck, on Monday morning, had an experience which they will not soon forget. The roads are in a terrible state, and the Chatham engine wey | 'held up' a great many times. The firemen declare that about eigh- teen different horses were used on the | engine during the day. horses were 'pressed into service, and | in fact any horse that could be! brought into service, when the oppor- | tunity was available. The firemen arrived back in Kings ton, with the engine, about six o'clock, | and they indeed had a strennous time. 9.30 o'clock' when they got to scene of the wreck. The company did not want them when they got thee, so they started out for home again. but their troubles increased on then way back. Talk about the holes in the road, the firemen say that Princess street is not to be compared with the roads which lead to Collins Bay, and evervone in Kingston will agree that this is going some. Sometimes the engine was also buried in the snow. Every little while they would get stall- «d) and Assistant Chief Elmer and his men had to get busy. Tt was hard work, but the men managed to get | through, and, to-day, they know some- | thing about taking an engine through When the engine arrived {in the city, it was almost covered with snow, There has been a great .d demand for the Chatham fire engine of late. It was taken to Garden Island when a be \essel was burned. It also served at the Gananoque fire, and was taken to | Portsmouth when the schooner Lydon caught fire, and on this occasion, the firemen had a run in a blinding snow | storfh, i Yesterday, quite a number of people drove out from Kingston, to see the ccene of the wreck, and they say that the rduds are in a terrible shape, and that it was a hardship to make the firemen go out with the engine, in view of the fact that they could do no good. a I] A KIND ACRXOWLEDG. PENT One day last week John Gilbert, the well-known grocer, lost a valuable robe. He at once inserted a lost advertisement in the Whig. The result is told in the fol- lowing letter: -- "An honest student found the robe 1 advertised as lost and promptly delivered It. We can't get along without the paper. The Whig must save thousands of dollars' worth of goods per annum for the citizens and for a very small remuneration in comparison to the value of the goods found. JOHN GILBERT." TIARA TTI TIT Tae eres CEPI PRIIE IR ESE b abe e ie AT THE POLICE COURT. McNally Went Down for Three Months. The name of Michael McNally ap- pears on the big police court book a great many times. In fact, it_would take quite a time to count up his re- cord. This morning he was before the gistrate, and on the same old hee that of drunkenness. The last he was up, the magistrate gave him a chance, so, this morning, he im- posed a fine of $10 and coats.or three months, and he went down, Appointed Organizer. The many friends of Ei rd J. Me- 1 a pleased to Quaid, of this city, learn that he has received the ap- pointment of organizer for the Royal Guardians (incorporated), an old es- tablished insurance firm under a new name. Mr. McQuaid is one of three organizers for the province of Ontario and will have his headquarters in Belleville... This appointment carries with it a good salary and future ad- vancement. re MeQuaid was former- iy representative for the Internation- al Correspondence Schools here, and for the past while back has been with the Prudential Insurance company at its branch in Belleville. Michael Herbert Swaine to Travel. Herbert Swaine, of this city, has se- cured a position as traveller with a well known Montreal paint and oil concern. ! His duties commenced yester- day, and he did the city, starting out on his first trip west this metuing: Mr.Swaine was for some years boo keeper for the firm of W. R. McRae & Co., but the close confinement was too much for him and . he was forced to sevk a position which would neces sitate his being out of doors a great deal. This position gives him the needed amount of fresh air. Trains Slowed Down. The wreck formed quite a topic for conversatibn a I on the different trains ran past the scene of the disaster, yesterday last night. Long before Collins Bay was reached would be seen stand- ing at the cindows to catch the first ms of the appalling sight. They trains slowed down going past the wreck, so that a good view was ob-| tained | i « County Council Meets, ' The Frontenac county council hold its inaugural seagin Tuuaday temo at ie Jo. donk: The uly le acted the tl a pointment of a conmittee to tri the standing commit és. " Ontaric hall, and Thursday, Touts ¥ show. Dont Segal tor at Tussday, ERE this week, a se agi JANCARY SER OEt Farmers' |) 'They left about 3.30 a.m., and it was |! the | { They had trouble enough on the trip ® READY AT OTTAWA wpe 24, 1014, 0000 FRETS OUR SALE Sle sieslnie ste SreRee 188,878 1 -- --- SAVE | You PRICES # w IM AGE ny BE. alee i BS, oes All $5.00 Shoes All 4.50 Shoes All 4.00 Shoes All 3.59 Shoes $ All 3.00 Shoes > In other words you : spend. Not many more raYLve : oe Oe ae y 1000000000000 CO000000OK ©e $3 75 300 2 60 2.25. os EEE OC Money Saved Vea Is . Aisa ees Money Found save | of your money, or of thes» Bargain Days. Abernethy's PERRI SEE! 25¢. on COME every dollar you @ TO-DAY. TO GIVE WARM WELCOME TO ARCHBISHOP GAUTHIER. The Addressés to be Presented-- There Will be No Division of the Ottawa Diocese. of installing Mgr. Gauthier, of Kingston, as archbishop off Ottawa, and the welcome to be extended to him as head of that dio cese will all take place on the morn- ing of Weduesday, Feb. 22nd. Arrangements are now being com- pleted at the capital to extend the BS archhishop a befitting welcome and four addresses are being prepar- ed for presentation to him. 'Two of the addresses will be presented by the clergy, one in French and one in English, and two by the laity, one in French and one in English. "The addresses will be read in the Basilic immediately following the solemn hig! mass, A committee of™iwelve each has been appointed from the various English-speaking and the French speaking parishes to arrange for: the drawing up 'of the addresses. Ne addresses will be presented nin from individual societies in the dio | cose, At Ottawa there will be no division Ottawy archdiocese along racial lines, as way stated there would be at the time o the appointment of Archbishop Gau The ceremony to despatch says: That LAST NIGHT AT THE GRAND, "Liberty Hall" Provided a Delight. ful Treat, Hall," presented by Ed Terry, the distinguished English and his Foglish company, at the Grand, last might, the patrons of the Grand, were a most-gdelight ful treat. Several during the four acts, amply manifested the appresintion of the audien In this play Mr. Terry, wha kas about reac ed his three Seen in a most and one which he story cemtres around the life of Blanche and Amy Chilworth, daughters "of the late Sir Norman Chilworth. They left penniléds on the death ot father, and accept tl { with William 1 keeps 4 naturally tuken by Mr. Terr humor, and his saving and ansusing parts Then there is un interest Blanche Chilworth who offered to look sisters, but whose kind « fused. Her cousin she After: his olier ised, under the name of Owen uallywins the hand marriage, and then ity The story but it ix dayved which Fempler PV marked abil In ward actor, "Liberty gtven curtain calls and ten, character tills Ihe SCOre Vears in Interesting ably are X their a of a home le, wh "book shop xpect ful the bright oi8 brim of dry Are > Pia n marries her cousin, the tw fer w 1s re has never met. 1s ret he 1s kpown and he event of his cousin, disele his In - ident tuself, y Very erdinar one, diel whens Mins K thier, was the authoritative announce ment made by an official oi the arch- diocese today. The news will be re ceived with interest by both English nnd French-spesking Catholics, as ever since the announcement that the diocese was to be divided confirma- tion or denial has been anxiously a waited. Fhe plan, as announced at the time, was to the effect that the Kingston diocese and the bishopric of Peter- boro were to be added to Ottawa and that the eastern boundary of the lat- ter would be the Ottawa river, diocese to be' created in Quebec with a bishop of Hull under the archbish-1 opric of Montreal. This was under- stood to be due to the racial differ- ences that have from time fo time threatened to mar the good feelings that should obtain in the local" arch: diocese and had been suggested © pre- vious to its announcement as a solu- tion of the difficulty. The Ottawa river divided thé archdiocese pretty much along the lines of French and English-speaking, which lent addition- al color to the statement Had Jolly Time. Some people are good entertainers, and some are better, but the Can adian Girls' Club, of Kingston, are certainly among the best. They their social affair, last evening, they invited their gentlemen friends to participate. The first part of the evening was enjoyed in skatingg at the Palace rink, after which they re paired to the home of the president for a social time, indulging in music, games, etc. At midnight, about forty sat down to a supper and the affair came to 5 close about two o'elock. Their next outing will he 5 coasting party, and will take place on Wedpes- day, February 5th. wna tess an Not Quitting Business. . To correct a wrong 'impression, 3 K. Routley desires it to be stated that Dr. Ryan purchased, not his to- bacco business, but the store in which it is carried on. Some people thought Mr. Routley might be joing out of busidess, but, of course, such is not the case. Run-Down Condition Their Cause and Effect. Run-down conditions are caused by a Inck of iron tin the blood and mal assimilation of food. If you are one of the unfortunates who have drifted into this state, change vour diet, eat foods that are rich in mineral ele ments of nutrition, and take Vinol, our delicious cold liver and iron tomic (without oil}, which supplies iron to the blood in the most easily sssimilat- 0d | od form. A case ix reported from Mattoon, Hik~Mrs. 0. M. Watrous wax in very pour health for years. She was weak, all rundown, no appetite, and only ninety-seven pounds. She had doctored for a long time without bene fit. Vinol was recommended. She tried it, and in less than a year she was in perfect health and weighed 127 povinds. Vinol creates an a i | Hashes when ppetite, re-estab- ion snd makes good, pure blood. In this natural manner it i up the run-down, weak and debiliated. and replaces weakness with strength Try a bottle of Vinal 44h the an derstand that vous wont will he returned if ot he & dias Lot Yay psa. W. shod. orer Kuga a new Mur held | wid sgh wo { tor hilworth Amy int Blache n we leen leish, as Miss (i, Paul, other members parts, ( hen re 3 youd "When Sweet To enumerate pil the comic oi masical sucers of the +r yerrs written bw Victor and George VY. Hob Wes mention the muaiority Cesnes Victor Herbert melody writin of Geary a write Siateen™ opera esl past twen Herbert ri id und of it is natural of the and keen epigram. ily that the 'combined composer ettist and libr FRANK With the r Sweet Sixrben nesday, Jar tat what Wi th i natural in giving the punlie please to a depres ton in mind 1 the song play. should appeal to the of mw erery sense of the comedy in ie hnes but embellished it} i: worth is doubled, amd it fille the wants of the publi ne of a musical attraction "When Sweet Sictesy" a story of the idler enter into foreign ito the nobility, pretty love Alors whuh dointy ax could be desired V. Hobart has writen sparkles with epigrapms with keen satire and genuine lines and sitantions When Sixtesn" copnes Lo the Grand on rnesday, Jan. 25th. "Whe the Sweet mint word. lover a " avd situs chor ih Boel blended y book and Sweet Music, Wednesday only, six sheets for 2c, Kingston, Newman Co, opposite Y. MA Dividend dis steitmtio o and the Fogted State at $4 iz F yr 5 Cama dare: ary are estimpted 1% CarSparts Taverest § = Peep 1 [EAR orer PR THE NEW AND EASY way TO CLEAN SILVER. USE WONDER SHINE / There is no rubbing / your silver in Wonder Shine, \ rinse and dry with a soft cloth Makes your silver just like new, and will not injure as- Wonder Shine is guaran feed to contains no injurious ingredients Just dip = Package. Prompt delivery A AA tA tA a, Proust's Drug Store Branch Post Office, aft te Wool: s Pastphodize, The Great English Remed) Tones a 1 invigorates the whol BOFYOUS #3st . Hiood in oi id V ous Dobility, Mental an pondency, Sexual i oe matorrhora, and If Pricent per box, $x will cure, Sold by all & plain pk « on want of nile The ad r dsord s will please six 13 or In siled in ® + pwrophied tis Co. Taronts. Ont 'sesesscesscssssesseseLe e Wood, Lumber, Shingles § ® Honest Measurement. Low o > Prices, : N. JACKSON, PLACE I'ARMES, Residence, 280 Hagot Street. 'Phone No 8. ~ reessee 1018 eosccecsces . . ws ". M. THOMPSON Proprietor. FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. ESTABLISHED 1563, President---Sir Richard Cartwright. M bi i i Farm Pro- ty Deben- Deposits 1 ed Every ¥ y and har gt Whiriag | ny CORE, atanly {THE CLUB HOTEL ; | WELLINGTON ST., near PRINCESS, There are other hotels, bui none approach the Club for homeuike sur- { roundings. Located in centre of city and ciose : Fu principal stores and thoetra, Charges are moderate. Special rates by the week. + Memon Teas... Will be complete with some of GRIMM'S Delicious lcs Gream Phone 797. ih { AMERICAN CAFE 183 Wellington St. The Uptodate Respaurant and Eating House. Separate appartments. Well furnished and lighted, fry our Hall course dinner, po THOS GUY Prop.