"PAGE FOUR. Pe ge Pe PO ~C SIES ONE LABOR ) ALUN Just the tool for mending Harness, Boots and ull Leather Work. OUR PRICE 25. Sold by other stores at H0c. : Satisfaction guaran- teed or money back. ¢ ¢ ' ' ---- Corbett's. Builders' Supplies' Bullders' Brick. Portland Cement, Ashphalt Roofing. Plaster Board. Lath. Lumber, Etc, 5, MLN & 60 WELLINGTON - STREET. NOW -- Is the time to come and buy our ods. For two good reasons he rush ls over and money Is scarce. We offer 20 per cent. off all purchases over tem dollars. A big line of Heaters and ranges yet to clear ont, ' ur, stock of beautiful Old- faible Eumirs 1s the posi - 108 muep on hand. will sell very Ail kinds of Houselidbld Goods and Bric-a-Brac bought and L. LESSES, .Cor Princess and s000QO0ROOS ®e0c0conoeccesseenee® 0000000000000 000 ING'S CAFE ING'S Lunch Counter ING'S Private Dining Rooms "ING (James) Prop. ING ST. Nos 338-342 INGSTON. Now open. ~ Catering Contracts Taken. Telephone No. 1138. If we please you, tell others, If we don't please you, please tell us. deans KING'S Full Course 25¢. DINNERS ('annot be excelled in -- Kingston, Toronto or Mon= ~ treal. men will get another. He may not 3 . be easily found, but without him--a THE WHIG, 78th' YEAR DAILY BRITISH WHIGC, published at 308-310 King Street, Kingston, Ontario, at $6 per year. Editions at 3.39 and 4 o'clock p.m. WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 18 pages ublished In parts on Monday and hursday morning at $1 2 year. . To United tes, charge for postage had to making price of Dally $3 and of Weekly $1. year. Atthehed id one 0f the best Job Print. Ing Offices "In""Can ; rapid 'stylish, cheap work: dine improved presses | The Brifish Whig Publishing Co, 144... it can find . the best advantage. - The reports from TORONTS EP Cham. [other cities are really inspiring. Thes H. E lshow what men can do when banded {together and influenced by tne highest and best of motives. ningston's re cord for missions can, and will be, improved. man of large heart and. genous dis position, of sympathetic natare, of foresiul sharacter--the movement Jack its chief incentive. He leads the loommittee. Mr. Caskey put the si- ly when he suid. shat mitfnonary afssotial will 4% many as to use Suite 1% and 20 Queen bers, 32 Church St, . Toronto, Smallpeice, J.P, representative. Daily Wing, VERY COSTLY WAR OUTFITS, The naval scare in the United States, the feeling which some of itd public | men expressed, that the country was linadequately equipped for maval ser- lvice, has had the desired result. The { naval appropriation js of the most lib- (of the 'eral kind. The programme of the sec- jCONDEC DISTURBANCE OF THE WATERS. The report of the board of health-- the first meeting of the year--was very /imteresting, @nd, among other import: lant things discussed, was' the laying new intake pipe, or rather the tion between the outer link and ret of war calls for an explen diture {the wharf link. It is® said there is no of "862,000,000, and this "sum covers | help for it but to We the walt hi {the building of two colossal battle j vicinity of the wha ile the a | ships, with triple gun turrets, at $12;- | tion is made, and the 1 Sal Health | 800,000 each, { Officer has expressed the opizian ao There will be also two colliers, eight | with the chlorine treatment t i 'torpedo-boat destroyers, and four sub- ibe no danger of Syvhoid. ? marine boats. Pretty nearly every Here is a point which the board thing the secretary asked for was | health and the water committee So vl | granted by the committee. Hobson, of seem to have disc . {Santiago fame, the man who scuttled the collier and sunk her in the en- trance to the harbour, now a member of congress, moved that three big ships be built in place of two, and was voted dowh. This was a sur prise, as the committee seemed to be in voting humour and not inclined to balk at any extravagance. sew pipe, and this excavating cammot be dong, Without stirring up the mud, aye, and the filth, for two or three hundred feet out and om either side of the cut. The water so stirred up, and defiled, may not be made healthy by the addition of any chemicals. Now the Whig is not desiring to The boast of the American press is Cause any alarm, but it insists hat that the United States aims at hav- before the pipe laying is undertal on ing the biggest battleships in the all the contingencies shall be consid- world. It would be better if the boast ered. The excavating, and the dis were that the ships of Uncle Sam were turbance of the water, 1s a feature ol the safest. in the world, for if they the case that does not seem to have keap blowing up in time of peace what bern debated by any one, unless it be would be the catastrophe in times of the mayor, for he has expressed ham war? ; self as opposed to any plan which will es ------------ make the use of the water pumped GIVING THE PARTY COUNSEL. from near the shore a necessity. There could be' nothing more de pried, finite than the repudiation of the re-| EDITORIAL NOTES. ferendum by the Toronto Mail and When ome hears what other places Empire, and it is significant for the are doing for missions--and the church reasons which follow. The unionist was created to push the cause--he party hit upon it, on the eve of a wonders whether he has grasped the as a happy expedient. idea of his duty towards the cause. { > | The Fdmonton Bulletin is right in saving that the want of the hour is some kind ofa court whigh will make marriage harder and not divorce casi er. The thing is to prevent a lot of fool weddings that take place, but how can this be done ? The local government. contemplates amending the license law so that it will get foes in accordance with the amount of business In other words the goverament will profit by the success of the liquor dealers. The man's sleeping partuer, as it were. ' great battle, It became evident that many conser- vatives would not vote for tariff re form on any account, and it meant disaster to stake the fortunes of the party upon it. Mr. Balfour took up tariff reform very reluctantly. Mr. Chamberlain, the stroog-minded man, dragged him into jt. Or before Mr. Chamberlain was 'laid aside by illness | he committed the conservative party to it, and Mr. Balfour fell into the movement because he could not help himsoll. It was apparently a huge blunder ' which the leader of tne party com- mitted when he accepted the sugges- | tion that the tariff question be re-| ferred to the people as a separate issue. At the time the party press applauded the proposition. Since the election it has been gradually with- drawing its support, and now the Mail pronounces it a weak and un- British thing. "The referendum idea," says our contemporary, "makes the leader of a government and the re presentatives who support him no more than trimmers and triers who re frain from taking a line of action winitil they are assured.it has the ap- done. The labour party of FEngland, in parliament, desire aun indenmity of $2,000 per annum per member. Noth- ing wrong about that. The labour members must have a living, and if they serve the people in parliament, should be given a reasofiable indem- nity. A conservative sees a sign of an election in the appropriation of three millions of dollars for preliminary work upon the Georgian Bay canal. The sign is that the Laurier govern proval of the people." {ment is one that does something; and The warning is to Cemadian -par-'it is the kind of government that liamentatians. The Bourassa party takes with the people. ould have the people of ucbec vote | ee ically -- hl aaval question} An Ottawa woman brought her hus- The Borden party, outside of Quebec, band before the magistrate, charged would favoyr the same. view. Any. {with non-support. And the magistrate thing for a divergence from the pol- (committed the offender to juil for a joy of the govermment. Pethaps the week. Which simply added to the wo- party will take the hint of the Mail mans trials, as the man could not and get back into line again upon °aTn aly money in jail. By attaching the -subject.-- Prudence warrants - a the man's wages some good would be change of plan, but the opposition is done. & not burdened with too much of this article as its performance in the el AUSTRIA'S NAVAL OUTLAY. session of parliamént and this clearly |p rai r ---- Calls "or an - Expenditure of $11,000,000. ran Vienna, Jan. 25.--An extraordinary -\ THE OUTLOOK VERY GOOD. | 50" f $11,000,000 as first instal 8 The Laymen's Missionary Movement | nent toward the construction of new received a stimulus from the meeting warships, appears in the Austro-Hun- which occurred in the YM.C.A. last gatian bulges which was presented to wening. This meeting was preceded | the delegations by Raron Burian Von | Rajeca, minister of finance, yesterday. by a banguet, a real good oe, amd) "yy uy building programme for it is remarkable how well men feel ' {he next six years vides for fous for mental activities when they have tons each, ® dined well. They can then give them- have to be some excavating for the | Tuesday, 3 this week, sud set fhe Poultry shaw, ONTARIO INTEREST INTEND TO STRONGLY OPPOSE The Starting of the Georgian Bay Catal Before the New Welland is Built--<Toronto Is Active. » Torotite, Jan. ~The Toronto Board of Trade will take some course of action in the near future to -co- operate with other interests in the city and in Western Qutario to advise the Dominion government against starting canal before improvements have been made on the Welland canal. It is thought by leading business men in the city that the government appropriation for the preliminary plans of the Georgian Bay canal will not interfere in any way with the deep- ening of the Welland canal. Nevertheless, a protest likely will be filed by the Toronto Board of Trade, in conjunction with similar organiza- tions from other municipalities, against other moves that would ne glect the waterway between Lake Erie and Lake Omtario. LAYMEN'S BIG BANQUET At Gananoque to be Attended by Kingston Men. Gananoque, Jan. 25.--Reeve C. E. Britton and Deputy Reeve John A. Webster, are in Brockville, attending the session of the council for the unit- ed counties of Leeds and Grenville. Word was received here, yesterday, tht ALrthur Rogers, son of Mr. amd Mrs. C. B. , for some time past manager of Dorchester branch' of the Bank of Toronto, has been pro- moted to a branch in British Colum- bia. Court Cambria, S.0.E.B.S., held its annual installation of officers last even- ing. John Munden, D.D.G.P., conduet- ed the peremony. Quite a large com- tingent from the Kingston lodge was present, and after the business session a bangpet was tendered to the visiting brethren. . Rev..T. W. Neal, of Sydenham Street Methodist church, Kingston, al Messrs. T. F. Harrison and Elmer Davis, will be guegts at the big Lay- men's Missionary baoquet, in Grace church, on Friday evening next. C. C. Skinner has been confined to his home, quite seriously ill, for the past few days: F. Lalonde, who has been firing on the G.T.R. for the past month, has returned to town. H. Ralph, spending the past few days with local relatives, has returned to his hotne in Kingston. James Beattie, Philadelphia, Pa., has arrived to spend the balance of the winter with local ! relatives. Miss Gussie Deimpster left, the fore part of the week, for a visit with her mister, Mrs. Frederick Campbell, Guelph. Mrs. A. Boyd, Merrickville, spending the past wok with her sis ter, © Mrs. Oscar Sheets, has returned home. TO-NIGHT AT THE GRAND. "When Sweet Sixteen" Will be the Attraction. An atmosphere of youth and melody is the theme of the new song play, "When Sweet Sixteen," by the re nowned composer and librettist, Vie tor Herbert and George V. Hobart, which was recently produced, and which has scored one of the - greatest triumphs known in theatrical seasons in many years. George V. Hobart has evolved a story for "When Sweet Sixteen," which is both amusing and interesting. His book deals with the, idle-rich who seek foreign matrimoni- al alliances, and he treats the subject with keen satire. Of course there is a charming love interest in~ "When Sweet Sixteen,' and the story i= told in a dainty and captivating manner, A distinet novelty is the introduction of scenes from 'As You Like It" into the play, affording a delightful com» bination ob Shakespeare's ly with the modern situations ob the songplay. A production of this order necessari- ly requires a cast of both singers ond actors of pronougced artistic worth, and the owners of "When Sweet Six- teen' have secured n notable array of players to interpret the songplay, at the Grand, to-night. IN MARINE CIRCLES, Sales of Vessels Have Been Re- . ported. The schooner Freeman, formerly owned by Frank Dewitty, and well. known in local marine circles, has been purchased' yy William Savage.of Picton. The vesssl iv laid" up ut Belleville. Capt. Farrington, of Belleville, has purchased the schooner Dominion, which is laid up at Belleville, and owned by parties there. » James McGowan, of the M.T. Co. was in Belleville, ing chains gud anc er Suffel. Some repair work is being carried out on the steamer Navajo. Repair work is also being made on the storm, the Keywest and the Keystone. off the schoon- South ite to call at Ontario hall, » ednesday and ¥s The nigh of Editor James for work on the proposed Georgian Bay | 2 i = IKEPT BEACON LIT Jesterday; purchas- | he would be in pinched circumstances, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, | DR. WHITE Specialists in diseases of Blood. Nerves, Bladder: and Special Ali: ments of men. One visit advisable ; if impossible, send history for free opin and ad- vice. Question blank and on diseases mea free. Consultation free. Medicine furnished in tablet form. Hours: 10 am to 1 pm, and 2 to § pm. Sundays, 10 am to 1 pw. DRS. SOPER & WHITE 25 Torento Street, Toremte, Ont. S. J. WILSON, Member Dominion Exchange, Ltd. Mining, Listed and Unlisted Securities. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED 14 King St. East. "Phone Main 4228, | Toronto, Ont. ALWAYS SMARTLY DRESSED, This is easy--well dressed for every occasion--if you allow us to clean or dye your clotuing for you at intervals during the season. RPARKER & 00. THOUGH HE WIFE HELPLESS, Rescue by a Lighthouse Keeper, Who Stuck to His Duty on a Barren Isle, and Fought Death and Raging Sea. > Portsmouth, N. H., Jan. M4 -- Through the rescue, yesterday, of Captain James .Burke, keeper of the White Island Light, Isle of Shoals, comes a tale that for devotion to duty and matter of fact heroism is unparalleled in the annals of the Jighthouse service, Shut off from rescue by warring seas and ill of pneumonia, his wife helpless and his assistant gone, Cap- tain Burke for six days overcame ob- stacles to heart and mind which would have broken a weaker man, and faithfully kept his light shin- ing as & beacon for storm tossed sai- Ors. Several times nightly, while the white-capped waves threatened to wrench him from the barren wocks, Captain Burke crawled on his hands and knees from his wife's bedside to the light tower to keep the beacon bright. On the afternoon of the fifth day, when so weak he hardly could work his signals, he tried to attract' the attention of the xgvenne cutter Gresham .as she steamed by. But the Gresham lookout failed to see the captain, and his last hope gone, he returned to his hard work and lonely vigil. On Friday he sue- ceeded in signalling the Wood Island Life Saving Station. But when the hardy life savers attempted to rescue {him and his wife the relentless waves kept them from landing. Over on the banks of the Piscatague {the story of the keeper's plight {reached the ears of Captain Thomas |B. Hoyt, of the tug Mitchell Davis. He is one of the youngest navigators on the coast and one of the brav- est, "I'll get Purke and his woman off or my tub will go to the bottom," he tol® {he life savers, And hedid, but not before he had jockeyed with the waves that wear smooth the rocks on White Island | afid came several times near being swamped and dashed upon the jut ting rocks. ¢~ i FOUND BLOOM I NG. is Happy i tented ; - Spokane, Wash., Jan, 25.-Moses Waters, of Kalispell, Mont., after if teen years' absence from His friends { who had heard nothing of him since i he leit his home at Lethbridge, Al | berta, and supposed if he were found | Moses Waters and Con- has . been located through the police { department. Sarrounded by an orch- ard of a decade's standing, where he raises peaches, plums, apples and ipears for bis own nse, and nestling ; beside the bank of the Kootenai river {in the dense forests of Lincoln county, { Waters, now sixty-five years of age, has been found by persons who have his hermit's haunt while on hunting expeditions. On the unseftied northern bank of the Koot- {enai river Waters took up his home. stead years ago, but he now keeps up communication with Trov, Mont., his nearest post office 4nd rail ¥ of a - li te to pu his home he is comfort, taking For the first time ju several years the Unigersity of Toronto won. the WAS ILL AND HIS and Hall Racks on sale, Fifteen Dollar Suits Most every man has a certain suit: price he always thinks of first in connection with a suit purchase. With thousands its Fifteen Dollars Our Fancy Worsteds, English Serge and Scotch Tweed Suits at this price are certainly the best suits ever offered anywhere for the same money. When it comes to winning the pennant for good clothes--why--we've had it nailed to the mast for a long time. Take a look at our Suits. See the handsome fabrics--the artistic tailoring--the new cut. Note the things like linings, button holes, padding, etc. We pay special attention to these points. * Sweater Coats Roll Collars, y College colors in' choice variety. V Necks, Ete. The H.D.Bibby Co The Big Store With Little Prices. Our Big Furniture Sale NOW ON. ' Combination Bed Couches and Daivenports, cone. ver ed into a bed in a moment's notice. Hall Mirrors J Rei The Leading Undertaker. WEYBURN... "The Hub of Southern Saskatchewan" POPULATION--1909, 1,500; 1910, 3,800. Weyburnt has 7 Elevators, 12 Wholesales Ho Banks, ahd 5 equipped with Electric Light, Waterwofks and Sew erare System. It is a divisional point on the C.P.R, located at the Junction on the St. Paul and Soo Raflroad, aso on the shop line to fhe Coast via Lethbridge, and is the coming City of the Weel totny. The G.T.P and C.N.R. are both to enter this year. Coupled with it's excellent location, it is fortunately situated in the best wheat belt fn the West A limited number of lots in Weyburn have been placed in my for di 1, 25 ft. x 120, within 2,000 feet of the Post Office Snow in course o eraction). at prices ranging from $128 to $250 per ~--reason rms. expect that | o hese are ideally located, will be sold this week. are 1a1t af: § ots, whieh It will pay you to investigate. J.O. HUTTON, 18 Market Street KINGSTON, ONT. EE -- . THE GLUB 'HOTEL There are other hotels, bu. sone spproach the Club for homedke ser. sandings. Located a 5 Chartered hand SOCIETY. in centre of city and ciose stores and thoetre. are moderate. cial rates by the week. P. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor, .