DESERT to the STEWART H Lead Gommareia) Hotel. ao $1.50 per JAS. STEWART, Prop. TRAVELLING. AL IRLL] LOCAL BRANCH TI RAILWAY SYSTEM ME-TABLE, will leave and arrive at City as follows: West. Leave City. Arrive Clty 12.5 yi hr t fhrough Pullmans Ottawa daily on trains to <> m. En J Jag T and + Toop : ins bt except Sun and. from and 5. For farther information, apply to J. P.(HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnston and Ontario Sts. 4X NC RAILWAY sTON& IPEMBROK ' in Connection With CANADIAN PACIFICO RAILWAY. | Trains Leave Kingston 1201 p. ontreal, uebec Halifax, Boston, nver, Renfrew, Duluth, Bt Paul Seattle, Bo Rm with a.m Mixed~Fo Express--For Pret erboro Toronto, Ottawa, St. John, Chi- Sault Ste Winnipeg. Portiand, and San Local, for Sharbot Lak ri East and and intermediate points, Mon, Wed, and leavin 4.38 tawa p.m. ; St. dohn, 12.90 noon. ahs ¥. CONW Toronto, pm; Montreal, +05 pm.; Boston, Kingston, at at a at Ps. 3.58 7.30 Fass. Agent. BAY OF svure RAMNEAT. AvoTiowEER asd ArPRAISER. Fa Ay: owe or J. or - Chivers'. ; "A Treé is Known Fruit" ANDe--ag€ by ts OUR COAL burn- Your Old Enemy Rheumatism WITH "FRUIT-A-TIVES" There is just one thing that 'causes Rheumatism Uric Acid in the blood. Uric Acid is formed when either the bowels, kidneys or skin system of waste matter. This waste, or Urea, remains in the body and is changed unto urie acid, It is this uric acid that poisons the blond, inflames the nerves, and causes Rheumatism, Sciatica sod Lumbago Linimemts amd ordinary rheumatic re- Rheumatism, as none ons go to the very root the blood, and the vital tives '* is the greatest we will tell you why, * Frait-a-tives ", by its action on the bowels, kidueys and skin, prevents the formaticn of an excess of uric acid. " Pruit-a-tives " causes the bowels, kid. neys and skin to throw off the waste of the body, and thus kéeps the blood absolutely pure 1f you have suffered with Rheumatism, and dread a return with the coming of cold weather, start in at once to take * Pruit-a-tives' and thus defeat your old enemy... Soc. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25C. tives Limited, Ottawa, OUR BEAVER BRAND Ot Flour is Wiexcetlen . Jor bread or pastry. Price | is ode WE or Street. | HB HOTEL "E. Send nd 8d Boat Bon ant M Electric Restorer for Men Phosphonol restores every nerve in the body vim and vitality. to its proper tension ; restores Premature decay and all i send) weakness averted at once. make you a pew man, Price hoy wih o pe bk. ailed to any address. S Scobell yi st. or sale at Mahood's drug store. Raw Furs and Skins- WE ARE BUYERS of all kinds of RAW FURS and SKINS We Guarantee Honest Assort- ment, Highest Market Prices and Quick returns. WR PAY EXPRESS CHARGES Send for our PRICE LIST FREE REVILLON FRERES 134 et 136 Neill St, Montreal. BRONCHITIS COMPLETELY TOG, St. Jean, P. LW Jan. 5th, 1910 Father Morriscy Med. Co. Ltd, 1 can gratefully testify in favor of Father Morriscy's Remedy for Br trouble. I had suffered for some time from Bronchitis, and could get nothing to | ive me ease, until ticd ther Mattia: : 's Prescription (No. 0 grea de oy Ow 1 had taken this remed § commenced to grow better, and soon after 1 was com cured. de. GEORGE DESMARAIS. Everybody knows that many common roots, barks and herbs contain Nature's own provision for the relief of eo! and colds. It remained for Father Morrisey, with his wonderful medieal skill, to com- bine extracts from these in such a way as to make the most effectiveieure for all forms of throat and lung troubles. His preseription, known as * Father .Morrisey's No. 10" or "Lung Tomic"', stops a cough by curing the coi dition of throat or 1 which causes it. It a step further, $00, and earns its name of © Lung Tonie by strengthening the weakened vial eure 3 - Regular 3 dealer' rom ther orriscy Liedicine * TAd., Chatham, N.B. 82 Sold and guaranteed in Kingston by Jas. B. Mcleod. 'GURE YOURSELF RIGHT NOW | fail to rid the | At deajers or from Fruit-a / ol leming site 50e. At | | triot, who will teach agriculture and 'THE DAILY BRITISH wana, |THE HARD in {TH AT ARE AT PRESENT BEFOLE' i PORTUGAL, Hl I------ {Church and State Separation Decree | Expected Daily--Fowers Demand- ing Restitution--Portugal win Likely Comply With Demands. Lisbon, Portugal, Jan. 25 ~The de cree announcing the dissolution of the | bonds which hitherto have joined | church and state is expected daily. | The government is experiencing some | jiffienities in the provinces at Loira in | Estremadura, sev euty- five miles north- i of Lishom, and the seat of a bish- op. A Catholic has been argested chan with trea- ison in inciting the RE to mutiny {to hring about the réstoradon of the | monarchy. tiveat Britain, Ttaly and other coun {tries have made representations to Portugal relative to much of the pro- of religious orders which was the government at the time of their expulsion. These powers claim th the real owners of the church properties are their subjects, and ask that restoration be made. The government probably ply with the demands. | east | perty (seized by a will com- ret NEWBORO LADY DEAD. » boro Won Hockey Match, Jan. 29.--It was with re gret that the announcement of the death of Mrs. J. Campbell was re ceived by her' many friend® in New- boro, The sad event occurred at home on Mill street on Wednesday, five o'clock. Mrs. Campbell her husband and one little son, years old, also three brothers and an aged father, Rev, Mr. Stanton, ot the English church, preached the fun- eral sermon. The Misses few friends on Wednesday. from here attended the wedding as Bedford Mills, 16th. Misses Annie and Nellie MeGonigle were in Elgin on Tuesday, the of Mr. and Mrs. C. Hamilton, to the storm om Thursday night the carnival was poorly attended Mrs: and Mr. D. Meborthy were "'at home" to a number of friends' Wednesday night. The hockey match here between Ath- ens and Newboro resulted 18 to 7 in favor'of Newboro. The latter plays | in Westport on Saturday next, West- port expects to win by a large score. Miss E. Ackland entertained a few friends on Saturday in honor of her friend, Miss L. McLean, of Athens Mrs. A. Hart is slowly recovering ter an attack of grippe. Mrs. E. was in Westport last week. Mr. and Mre. George Foley, ens, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Landon. Dr. Preston and J. E. Gallagher "attended the house car- nival in Westport given in honor of Nr. Adams', birthday. My. Cox and sister, of Sheatown, visited their sister at the hotel Ri- deau over Sunday. W. Bass attended the fat stock show in Ottawa . last week, Miss Ripley was in Brock ville on Monday: * 5 L. B. Talman met with a painful accident while coasting. Me fell and sprained his ankle. Mr. and Mrs. John Teylor, of Westport, attended the funeral "of their niece, the late { Mrs, Campbell. Dr. Barker, of Elgin, was here Saturday. The Misses Brady spending a few days at their at Bedford Mills. Newhoro, at three A on Owing their on on are home THROWN FROM CUTTER Skull--Died Last Friday. fying Place, Jan. 23.-W. Bab- of Ameliasburg, was thrown from his cutter, on Tuesday last, while going to an auction sale. He struck his head against a brace of a tele phone pole, breaking his skull. He lived until Friday, Rev. J. deP. | Wright conducted the funeral services on Sunday last. Mrs. W. H. May gave a dinner party recently for her visiting relatives, W. May of Toromto, 0. Alyea of Kingston, Miss Kelly of Peterboro, and Miss Al- yea of Trenton. 8.8. No. 3 has ap- pointed W. H. May as trustee. J. A. Johns, Consecon, has placed some very handsome memorials in Trinity church, Consecon. They are in memory of his parents, well known hire, and consist of a massive polished brass lecturm, a handsome polished brass altar bookrest sud a beautiful brass alms basin. The post office is now old 3 in Mr. Broke His can be found for it. The well drillers! wore successful in finding plenty of wa- ter in the school grounds, after dril- | ling some sixty-five feet in the rock. A number from here attended the ban- quet given the Masonic hall, Cons secon, in honor 'of the D.D.G.M. THE PLAN IN THE WEST. Agricultural and Manual Training Taught. Wash., Jan, 25.--A com- a Es plan for teaching agricul- ture and manual training in the rural schools under district pulervidion is being worked out by M intendent of Yakima county schools, 3 a lata, for one skilled teacher in 'each dis- manual training. The subjects will be taught in the schools, in which Jobocdtorics aod workshops are installed. A ung lib- |! the | priest. | named Faria | The Late Mrs. J. Campbell--New- | it her | i leaves | MeGonigal. entertained. a} number | O' Brien-Dayle | the | ! guests | «} w af- | of Ath-| Burley's home, until a suitable place | FEDNESDAY, JANUARY ¢ 25, Ins IN MEMORIAM. i Me mory of Me. Geore BE. 4 Parrott's Bay. 'arrott's Pay, Jen, 23. Death visited our nei ghborkood I . one of our most respected { residents, in the person of Mrs. Georgs HE. Cook. Although she had been ik Hor a long tine her death was not so soon expected. Deceased saffered with i anaemia, but hore her suflerings with { Christian patience. All that lov ing {hands and medical skill could do was done, but God called her heme. - She { leaves to mourn her loss her husband | and two dawshters, Mrs. Ed. Miller, of this place, and Mrs. Charles Finch, of Links Mills, who have the sym | pathy of the whole comunity in | their sad bereavement. The funeral, which was very largely attended, was | .., {held in Beulah church, conducted by | the Rev, Mr. Snider, after which. the |' i, hack and protect remains were placed In Usiacagui] his train, knowing vault. was following s iad "The Collins Bay cui," Mother is gone! My railrogder, "is considered ne To hg AE of glory above, men to be the most To join with the angels in song. on the eastern divisi And share in a fond Father's love the scene of many a of the public heard moth only when a hor ol yesterday oe learn of how that thousands pass the year. In the spring bevrred between the same spot, been done to those who passed 10 VISIT THE SCENE OF THE RAILWAY TRAGEDY COLLINS BAY. That the Wilh Visie Opmions « Cook, AY Railway iteeTom the It Learned is Commission ronta Railway hn Accident. ae Collins two men 10s eredare two points that t w Did toe a wrong order 7? Or man of the first freight ill take Kir did t tram 'the rear that ner at neg end a second tr: ald dg ace sad an mother ig lros pl by ¥ dangerous 3 It nas accident toved that It like ihe spot about. bs frageay that bad a Twad the Angel Death, and he summoned ife and a mother away needing our temps and our plead- ings with stay Not urs us our loved one might through du of 101 Oae two and ¥ ne rote the. and ollision oor train ang No mother could ever be Kinder, it shines like a heaveniy dream 11 over the farm and the dwell ind tokens of love may be seen. freigl t forget thee, dear mother? but wherever we roam cherish the memory , no! will sacred, And think of overs aay . "There starcel y that a train 18 grade zed it more tragedies have Some of the the blame on running too fast "The officials we time, and have y 0 : is the plegsurés at home. not is only a mi not of officials s the J Mother My loved mother Is gone; h, dear was my mother to me, 1d memories bring back when aloce t image so cherished io me. I for is gone! ince jur mission is ended } finished below our dear mother in} rur will a river doth Now; to expl Pk Senger man whe had bes wind three times "There st trust whe Our life work a | We will meet | heaven, Where joy like We any soon ou sand the sweet angels are singing n over : i i veel for thirty vars. should be with i Of to see her again. an pera r 'K MARKETS, Ationed LIVE STO The bank i feet high Prices Paid at, Centres. Jan. 23.-- --- cattle, The the Various L Montreal, snd of butchers' 50 sheep and lambs and re offered for sale at the { Charles stock yards to-day. ferings of live stock at this me { during the week were 2,300 | M0 calves, S00 sheep and lambs 12,000 hogs. / | Trade was good with no note in the prices, Joseph Richard bought eight choice Poin the arket cattle, and ol Miss ay De was township, low cehsed age, harry ied had resided there all change to Kk of pneumonia wa the EE steers at 6c.-per 1b; pretty good an | mals sold at 4fc. to iy and the com- mon stock, 3c. to 4jc. per Ib. Calves sold at from de. to {1b.; sheep sold at 4}c {Ib.; lambs at about 6}c. lots of hogs sold at ib. per pet 4. to 4% per 1b.; good about Se. per East Baffalo Cattle, Kast Buffalo, Jan. 23.--Cattle ceipts 3,875. Marke st active and steady Prime steers, $6.50 to $6.75. Shipping steers, $5.70 to $6.35. Butcher grades, £5.15 to 86.75, Heifers, 84.70 to- $6. Cows 3350 to $5. 25. Bulls 33.50 to £5.25. Bulls to 85.35. Mileh cows gnd springers, $2) t, 868. Calves receipts, S00 head. Market active, 205 higher, Cull to chojce, $6 to Sil. Sheep and lambs, receipts, 28,000; market slow and lower. Choice lambs, $6 to 86.15. Cull to fair, $4.55 to £5.90. Yearlings, $4.75 to 8. Sheep, £3 to $4.35. Hogs, receipts, 17,000; mgr ket stow and lower. Yorkers, $8.20 to 88.30. Pigs, S830 to $8.40. Mixed, £8 to $8.15. Heavy, $7.90 to #8. Rough 27 to $7.28. Stags, $6 to $6.50. Chicago Cattle Prices. | le Chicago, Ill, Jan. 23.--Cattle--Re- )ceipts estimated at 31,000; market steady to 10c. lower. Beeves, $4.75 to $7; Texas steers, £4.15 to $5.30; West ern steers, $1.50 to $5.55; stockers and feeders, $3.75 to 87.75; cows and hei iat fers, $2.60 to $6.10; calves, $7.50 to $9.50. Hogs--Receipts, estimated at 50,000; i market 10e. to 13c. lower. Light, $7.65 to $7.90; mixed, $7.65 to 87.90; heavy, $780 to 21.85; rough, $7.60 to 87.70; good to choice heavy, $7.70 to $7.85; pigs, 87.50, to $8.05; bulk $7.75 to 87.85. Sheep--Reoceipts estimated at 35,000 market lOc. lower. Native; $2.50 to $4.40, Western, $2.70 to $4.33; year. lings, $4.50 to $5.50; lambs, native, $4.25 to $6.20; Western, $4.50 to $6.25 THE BIC ORDEIR-BY-MAIL PROPOSITION FOR A WORLD FAM US SHOE $3.50 We gue liave a new cata-' just issued which enables you to purchase mail the very latest for men by design of a shoe the wholesale price. Every shoe is a new last direct \ and goes to you from the factory, of sales, Cy S Brockton Shes known in every country, where men wear shoes, are * as the best made both for style and quality. Brockton, Mass: shoe town THE STORY WAS TRUE Thourasia = Xdmits Adhicsion of isthe Bishops to Naval Policy Seught. Toronto Word. Montreal, Jan. largest manufac- in. 'the 25 «Le Devoir in a | Toatler signed by its directors, Henri {Bourassa, M.P.P., who only a few [days ago was in immediate touch with f the eminent heads of the vatican, de clares that the story in the World, the effect that an attempt to secure the adhesion of the Quebec bishops te the naval policy of the goveroment, is true. The nationalist leader makes one mistake, however, when he asserts that the World correspondent obtained this important imforpation from the post- master-general, for as a matter of fact, the World published the article on the 16th, and it will be remember- turing world. Write for our New Catalogue BROCTON SHOE CO. LIMITED 119 Yonge St. - - Toronto ed 'that Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux did not arrive in Montreal till that morn- Ee World's information comes from | FEATHERS Your old feather bed made into modern and sanitary mattrega. Feathers cleaned by sanitary preo- ceshy HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR RF FEATHERS. THe journey + FOR. Health Fong laundiy feam Drink MceCarthey's Ale tub to line "can be i Port It' " . A he =o Je. easier on both ane arier. 8 the Dest, clothes and back if | Agent, R. J. LAWLER you use Sunlight ¥ Soap. TH OM. AS COPLEY You den't veed to pound and rub.' . FP = Fe i IT 3H | : & a Lad SS 8 will do the work; lather the fabrics well, let them stand awhile and then | | the din drop cut. pe soap t does the work- her | horcet yom clothes. anyone who can find ferants in Sephght Bl Use Sunlight Soap according to direc. t tions try it just e-- and convince | yourself thet it vi#l do twice as much ss other S08ps. 524 Drep a oard to Plas Street when santing anvihi jer lind, Esti ¥ repairs | Hardwood { spders will receive prom ju t : hop, 88 Queen Sireet. are 30 chemicals a it to ble [Best by Test This is in" in a Wormwith Try One i in Your Home toned, and 3 O00 sd Soap. We will give $5 YOUR HAT They are sweet artisgically desigued, reasonably priced. KINGSTON'S LEADING MUSIC HOUSE. In all popular and classic Music in Book and Sheet Form Orders promptly filled. WORNWITH PIANO CO LIMITED, 883 PRINC STREET. a Stylish Ome, Troable. May be Bat it Makes Send 100. | o ewes PonPPssssosssoy a sample Hery or " - - , De Mich t inranteed, A ent, Kingston, troal, i ADB +P 0 2000 Qo 2 @ Pon @o BoB A Few of Our Leading Cakes C hoc olate 'Walnt it at 30¢ each, Dolly: Varden at 30c each, Maple Cream Centre at 30geach. Columbia and Elderado at 30¢ each. Try our Sultana Cake at 25c per lb. 302 * King St Phone 141 A ~y aggresive ...Your Afternoon Teas... is not complete without Ice C ream. PRICE'S ° : 277 Princess St. Ow .~ Zz "~ 0 5 « on o 8 s0s0000een oOVeTTIN ESOT RENE ST = Qo p o w --- or & o Sunkist Oranges 20¢, 25¢, 30¢, 40¢ per dozen. . Sunkist Orange Spoons Desert Spoons and Fruit Knives. Save Your Wrappers A.J. REES, SUCCESSFUL SALE MOST SHOE Ever Held in Kingston 25% Deducted from regular price of any shoes in our store, No Wonder Our Store is Crowded] Daily COME EARLY There's always an end to al gout things. JH. SUTHERLAND & BRD. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES