\ THE DAILY BPITISH WHIG, MONDAY. JANUARY 30, 1911. A PLEASING GROWTH STATIONERY SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY masa" The College Book Store Annual Income Now Over $2,000,000] THE FINEST BOOK STORE IN EASTERN ONTARIO, m------_-- MEETING FOR MEN Held in the Orphema Theatre Sunday Evening. Mia ie CE as i A PLEA TO STUDENTS TO DEVOTE THEMSELVES TO! , _.. he very bad weather, i CHRISTIAN SERVICE. | everiing, there were quite a number of | { ' {men who gathered for the service held | i : > . 3 i Missionary Conference at Queen's-- by the Y M.U.A, at the Orpheum thea- | Sw Sw SIDEBOARDS, BUFFETS. $14.00 styles reduced to $11.00. $20.00 styles reduced to $16.00. 260.00 styles reduced to $47.00. All stock reduced proportionately. Curtains, Rugs, Carpets, Lin- oleum reduced 10 to 20 per ceat. .. Repair and Upholstering 10 per cent. cheaper now. Yours, T.F.Harrison Co. 'Phone 90, . ' ; . MARSA BLLBISB AARNE RNONS > Blankets Comforters White All-Wool Blankets. Grey All-Wool Blankets. Union Blankets. Comiorters in Batting, Wool and Biderdown filled. All fresh new stock. LE R. McFAUL. --..ARPEY WARKHOUSY Seevescsccecsscnconne COOP TOTINOIOOPOPIOOON IOP OUTOIVOOOIVO0e0ROD RS Rev. DB. J. Davidson, of Dhar, India, Sppke in Grant Hall. A large audience heard Rev, D, J. !cupied the chair, while Ald. Shaw gave | Davidson, M.A, of Dhar, India, preacas ithe Senday afternoon sermon iu | Grant Hall yesterday. Mr. Davidson is at Queen's in connection with the | missionary conference in progress there, and his address yesterday at- tracted 4 goodly portion of the stud- ent body. Mr. Davidson spoke more directly to the University men making an uent plea for students to devote themselves to Christian servite both in the foreign fields and at home. The speaker with power quietly and simp- ly told his story of the Christ; bow be had heard the divine call; how he had strenucusly struggled with temp tation and submitted to the sacra- ment of baptism. Christ in permitti baptized by John come to the truth; it was an indica tion of repentance which made for righteousness and so the Master con- formed to it. Our own claims and rights said the speaker must be coun sidered in the light of the demands of others. Where the individual ideal is impractible or we must cast in our lot with the movement of the { majority. Jesus waived all sel rights for the canse of righteousness. "It is not me but my works." In teling of the intelectual catacly- {am now in progress in the east, Mr. Davidson said in twenty-five years Canada will not be able to keep her ports closed to the Chinese. They are u people of more than four hundred millions and to-day ave equipping and | training an army of fifty millions. { Their advance in education and cul- | tare will work an influence on the west that will be nothing less than tremenduous. With the east in its plastic state of to-day there is to the Christian church ineffable opportunity. CHINESE NEW YEAR. Celestials Celebrated the Event. On Sunday, the local Chinamen were wishing each other "A Happy New Year." Sunday marked the opening of the Chinese new year (2452.) New Year's is always a time of feasting for the Chinamen, and the eighty Uelestials in * this city, had a royal time. The feast is held in their own house, and turkey and chicken, with many Chinese delicacies, was on the bill of fare. To-day they start out to make New Year's calls, and. this will occupy some fifteen days in all, Yesterday being Sunday, the celebra- tion was a very quiet one, the big featare being the feast. It takes: a Chinese chef to produce the wonderful and toothsome dishes. Coupled with the festivities of the New Year, is the custom of giving, presents to one an- other. 2 Chinese time is reckoned after founding of the new kingdom by Con- fucius. The year 2452 is thus the 2452nd year alter the advent of the Confucian era. Local HE IS A BIGAMIST. Who Came Down for Penitentiary. Edwin John Moore, of London, was brought down to Kingston last night by Deputy Sheriff Watterworth, and spent the night in police cells. He was sentenced to the penitentiary for two years, having been found guilty of bigamy. He registered at the big prison this forenoon. 1909 Moore married Miss The knot Londoner In July of Ethel Porter, of London. was tied in St. Paul's cathedral, by the late Canon Dann. Later in- formation was received which led the wife to believe that Moore already had a wife in England. The matter was taken up by the crown attorney with the result it was 'learned that in 1905 Moore had married Miss Agnes Atkins, of Brighton, Fngland. She is still living there with her son and daughter. The members of the Skating Club had another most enjoyable time at the covered rink, on Saturday night. The ice was good, and the attend ance was quite large. fg mets 1 the 4745.90. The amount received i It sas men tre from 7:30 to B30 o'clock, certainly a bad night and few were on the streets. Mavor Graham oc- | {the address. For fifteen minutes the | men enjoyed a song service, the songs | being thrown on the big curtain by | means of the lantern. Ald. Shaw's re- | marks were based on the two words; "Follow me," taken from St. Mat thew, and was dealt with very effec: tively by the speaker, and many good thoughts were given to the men. The meetings will be continued next Sunday evening, when Prof. Dyde, of Queen's, will give the address. Last night's meeting, while not as largely attended as it would have been under better weather conditions, was very encouraging, and it is hoped that these services will ill a long-felt need in the down town district. JOKE ON A DRIVER. Aftermath of the Hockey Match Friday Night. According to the story going the rounds, the boys in the Collegiate In- stitute, who defeated the military col lege cadets, in the hockey match, at the covered rink, Friday night, had-a good oke on the driver of the bus 'which brought the cadets over for the match. After the match the collegians were the first to leave the rink, and when t got outside they gave the cadets' yell, and piled into the bus. As it was dark, the driver did not notice that there had been a mistake, and when he was ordered to drive to the Colle giate Inslititte, for the purpose of giv- ing the boys 'there a parting vell, he started his horses off on the run, Up- on his arrival at the collegiate, the driver was very much surprised to see the boys get out of the bus, and when he asked about it, he was told to drive back to the rink and get the cadets. He did so, but was none too Pleuasd over the little joke. ALD. CARSON'S SCHEME. Has Secured Price for His New Roadway. j, Ald. Carson had a visit from one of the agents of the company selling the material for the roadway which he is | advocating, and which was referred to in the Whig, on Saturday. Ald. Carson says that the material costs twelve cents per gallon at the shipping poin® with the cost of freight at two cents per gallon. One and a half gallons will do a square yard, and with thirty cents given as the cost to | macadam, brings the total cost of the new road up to fifty-one cents per | square yard. } Ald. Carson looks upon the price as very reasonable, and believes that the city will do well to put down these, roadways. _ A Board of Works Matter, As the question of a gurbage col- | lection will eventually come under the board of works' department, it is like- | ly that the deputation to visit west- ern gities will consist of Ald. Toye and the city "engineer. The health depart- ment is omly concerned with urging | upon the city council the necessity of a collection. The details do not be- jong to the board of health, whose' officials advise that the board of works should be represented by the engineer in the visit to Western On- tario. | Y.W.C.A. Educational Classes. | The Educational classes of the Y.W. C.A. were given a social evening, at the rooms of the institution, on Fri day evening. The hostesses were Mrs, Leslie, Miss Holmes, Miss Lovick and Miss Dix. It was decided to form 5! "Noetic Club." The following officers | were elected: Honorary president, Miss | Holmes; president, Miss Norah Man- | ning; vice-president, Miss Musiel Frayne; secretary, Miss Effie McQueen; ' pianist, Miss Leslie; critics, Miss Lovick, Mrs. Dix; programme com- mittee, Misses Norah Manning, Effie McQueen, Isabel Leslie, Muriel Frayne, i Glenvale Cheese Factory. A statement has just been given of the Glenvale cheese factory for the year 1910, which shows total receipts $15,303.30. The amount paid the pa- | trons was $13,700.79; last year, $12,- | for cheese last Vear was $15,265.48; wi 1909, $14,139.92. The amount of milk used was 15,323.21 pounds; in 1909, | 13,442.47 pounds. The averaged price per Jou last year was 10.7%.; 1909, 11.455¢c. per pound. Average number of pounds required to make milk last year, 10.88; in 1909, 10.83. \ The Sheffield Choir. The greatest musical event in the ' history of Kingston will be the ex- | pected visit in/ Apnil of the world's greatest choir (200) voices, and an airs. of (sixty) musicans, artists famous condyetor, y Cow. ars. y n, ever courageous, has the matter in hand and ould | receive the hearty of every citizen in so big 0 Wheriaking Sub- scription lists will be cireula: next -------- "The Redeemed Criminal." The criminal refuses to "peach" om ral i through a strenu- E i iF ¥ H is i F f i | i' doit gis i i 7 bits Objects extended--Thomas Mills, of This City, Made Branch i | Manager for Eastern Ontario, { It will have been noticed, by var- ious publications, that the name of the above company has been chang- ed to London and Lancashire and Geberal Assurance Limited, The original capital was £500,000. 00 in 10,000 shares of 850.00 each, and the paid up capital was only $100,000.00. At the close of 1909 the funds of the company exceeded £11,000,000.00; and the annual in- come was over $2,000 000000. The company's head office is 66 and 67 Cornhill, London, with branch offices at the chief centres in the United Kingdom, glsg at Calcutta, Bombay, Capé Town, Alexandria and Caire. The company has Strong Boards of Management everywhere, and it is fortunate in its investments. The company has recently obtained the approval of the shareholders and the sanction of the courts to the ex- tension of its objects, so that it cun now business, excepting marine. For the purpose of carrying out the exten- sion the capital has been increased from £100,000 to £300,000, and, simultaneously each £10 shares, £2 paid, was split two shares of £5 each, £1 paid. Of the new capital, which is in £5 shares, £150,000 has been subscribed at £3 2s. 6d. per share, of which £2 2s. 6d. represents premium, so that the new shares, like those split, have an uncalled liability of £14 per-share At the same time the company was Sepisteted under the companies (Con- solidation) Act, 1908, with limited Liability; and the Articles of Associa into tion have been modéimized. These de- | as | a result of the directors having come | velopménts have been undertaken to the conclusion that the company's | existing branches are so well organ- {ized that they can obtain 4 very con- | siderable amount of fire, accident, and | other contingency husiness at reason | lable cost, without any correspond ing increase in the fixed charges, while the new fire and contingency business will he conducted on very conservative lines. Aeneas MacKay, been some years with the who company i and was formerly with the Royal Ip- surance Company, is now (eneraf Manager of the company, and is pur- suiDg a "vigorous campaign to in- crease the profits of the company. Let it be understood that this com. pany is .now doing a general usi. ness "such as Life, Fire, Burglary, ' Workmen's Compensation, domestic Servants. Third Party and Drivers' Risks, Motor Car, Insurance, Fidelity Guarantee, Executor and Trustee, but they not pioneers in branching out this general work. leading English, and are Life', Offices are al "Kingston's Famous Fur Store." We are pleased that Our Partnership Sale Had such a good start on Saturday. Hundreds of pleased customers left our store, Many asked "Why such big reductions ?" Because this is the first change in the personnel of our firm since com mencing business over 30 years ago, and we pur. pose giving the people something to talk about for many years to come. Watch this space daily and remember not one ar- ticle in any department is exempt from the Part- nership Sale prices s, MEN'S FUR-LINED COATS. transact all kinds of .insurance of the existing | has | Accident, | Prolits | into A number of the | 3 | Papeteries Life i Association, | 500 Boxes Finest Ameri- {can Papeteries. Regular from 35c. to 40c. Satur- day, 25¢c. ready in such business. The work of the company in Canada will, for the | Praent, be confined exclusively to fe Insurance, as heretofore. Thomas Mills, with Headquarters at 79 Clar- ence street, this (itv, was recently appointed Branch Manager of the company for the district extending from renton to Brockville, and he was just beginning to organize his territory, when he was taken ill. | He hopes soon to regain his usual | strength, and push for a share of | the business that i8-4o"Be obtained { by honest effort as a member of the "Noble Army of Life Underwriters" Mr. Mills would like five or six {good agents throughout Frontenac, (and part of Addington. Write him. { E. W. Mullin, Grocer, is going | devote a part of his fife | work. The Whig wishes the London Lancashire, and Mr. Mills every cess. to to this and suc- | DEATH OF MRS. DANIEL STALEY | Passed Away Monday Morning---- ! Eleven Children Survive. | After an illness of only two weeks | duration, Sarah Spoor, wife of Daniel | Staley, of this city, the well-known in- | surance and real estate man, passed | away at her residence, Barrie street, | Monday mmorpg, about S30 o'clock, | The late Mrs, Staley was born __on { Wolfe Island fifty-seven years ago, i and was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, | M. Spoor. She lived on the island up | till about twenty vears ago, when she | came to the city with her husband, | and has lived here ever since. She | taught school at her home for two | years previous to her marriage. Beside her bereaved husband, she | leaves a family of eleven children : i Rev. A. J. Staley, of St. Francis par | ish, Toronto; Louise, who is | Mary Cecelia at the House of Provi- i dence; Rev. Lonis, at Railton; Frank, of Syracuse, N.Y.; Isabel, wife of M. W. Shine, Kingston, Pa.; Helena, 'who is Sister Mary Louise, of the Loretto Toronto; Melville, attending | the Grand Seminary, Montreal; Stella, | wife of S. W. Brooks, Kath { leen, wife of Dr. Emile Beroard, Ot | tawa; Miss Nora, attending the lo | retto Abbey, Toronto, and Albert, at | tending St, Michael's College, Toron to. Her mother, one brother, John | Spoor, of Wolfe Island, and three sis "ters, Mrs. E. J. Baker, Wolfe Island; | Mrs. R. Beaupre, Johnson street, and Mrs. D. J. Dawson, Barrie street, | survive, Decensed was a Roman Catholic | religion, and am attendant of { Mary's cathedral, whence her funeral jwill take place, Wednesday moming, { at nine o'clock. She was a member of ! the Ladies' Auxiliary, of Mary's | cathedral. i Sister Toronto; also in ot, Nt WILL PIGTAILS GO? | -------- Some Local Chinamen May Cut Off | Queues. | It is stated that some of the "Chinamen are likely to follow the example set by Wu Ting Fang, am bassador in Washington, and cut off their gueues, It may not be generally known, but there are eight Chinagmen living in Kingston, who have clipped off their queues. In one of the Chinese restaut ants there are five man, and all of them are minus their queue The Celestials are beginning to see that it H--not-fashionable to "have a pigtail; and quite a few are eager to cut them off, There are a few, however, who will not stand for their queue being cut off. { Hall the Chinese in the city, there are eighty, decide to sas bye to the queue, the harbers have to sharpen their scissors ; prepare for a rush in business local and good will and |260 PRINCESS STREET OPEN NIGHTS PTV TVLVVVVRI LVR T RTL BRE English 6d Novels Over 500 English 6d Paper- bound Novels by the best authors Regular 15¢ © Saturday, 10c; 3 for 2c. Latest additions to. the Street & Smith lines Regular 10e strafght Saturday, 1c, Rubber Hot Water Bottles Special Values Now T3¢, $1, $1.25, $1.30, $1.75, $2.25, s2.80, These Bags are made of Real Rubber, nct rubber com- position that will crack in a short time All New Goods just receiy- ed at special jobbers' prices, and are fully guaranteed--- the cheaper ones for one year, the better ones Wo Vents * We have the seamless kind and also the strongly bound kind. See our prices; you. The Rexall Store M AHOOD'S DRUG PRINCESS AND BAGOT STS. | it will pay Arriving daily and will be ready for your inspec- tion shortly. Large and better values variety than ever. Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. Death of Mrs. Morris. Napanee Express. i he death occurred, on January l 16th, of Mrs. Alice Morris, reliet of the late Frank W. Morris, at her ome on West street. Deceased was seventy five years of age, and was born in Manchester, Eng. In the year 1557 she was married to her late husband, and together came to Canada in 18569, They located in Napanee and lived here for some years. Later they went to Kingston, returning here about six: teen years ago. Mr. Morris prede ceased her nearly five years ago. She leayee one daughter, Mrs. Arnold Wolfe, to mourn the loss of a kind {and loving mother. Deceased was » {member of Trinity Methodist church. A Record Service, The quarterly and sacramental ser. vice was obderved ,t Sydenham street | Methodist church, yesterday morniny, 'and was most impressive. There were | mine new members added to the roll, and the largest number of communi. cants took part, in the history of those present. "s Six for 25¢. "Mawories"; "Playmates; "Sweet Nora Doone": "Some Day"; "Abide With Us"; "Whirl of Society," each News (o., EYE Eyes should be every two years eyes change. Glasses exactly right last year fay be injurious mow. Whether you wear glasses or not your eyes- should be examined every two years. We are eye experts. We can afford you perfect sight Our varied stock of mounts helps us to give perfect satis- faction. Dr. A. P.Chown, STORE || VORB LVLVVTLRCLLRTR ACES REI CES . { Phone 919 Latest Fiction Latest Fiction, regular $1.50 to $1.25 Saturday, $1.10 Trail pf 'S8 Hobt Second Chance, Nelly Handicap, R. E. Knowles. Mistress of Shenstone, Florence Barclay Lisgeth of the Dale, Marion Keith Window at the White Cat, May Roberts Rhinehart. Man's Land Louis Joseph Vance, W. Rervice, MeClung. The No Table Silver LEEPER PRR IP FRPP PRION your Table Silver replenishing or pieces added to up? Does not need . some new little i brighten it J Look it over sometime soon. We are headquarters for TABLE SILVER. new and cost may of good Sterl- Our patterns attractive, and vary from the Plated Ware ing Silver SMITH BROS., 830 KING STREET. of Marriage are the price to Heavy Issuers Licenses, FUR Sale At GOURDIERS A Nice Home Opportunity Dw new solid Brick elling in a » location, with 8 rooms. b. and furnace, good cellar, front entrance, to Sold for This ix a peach Get ip on the deal Houses to rent Mullin Johnson and Cor. Division Streets, "Phone 539 =r Sess sssssssessss any Performances Keep Them + We've hundreds of friends won through performances. and we're -golng to get hun- dreds more When we " LAUNDRY home at a specified time our performance takes it there, SHIRTS COLLARS, CUFFS Laundered in double quick time---just as spotiessly and daintily, too, as though we bad spent a week over them. promise to send Kingston Laundry Cor. Princess and Sydenham Streets. Phone 22. -- ir rye aie I MIME ISAAAARAe Stes RTTTLIBTILTLSLSSS I pp -------- ER ------ la BL TE IRR en aR in