Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Jan 1911, p. 4

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A LL teas may look alike to you--but the difierence in Red Rose Tea is in the taste and the smell. Another marked difference is the agreéable strength that puts real quality in the cup with less tea in the pot. Will you try it. : Recommend It on -------- -- nd A DOUBTING THOMAS, ¥ | Packet, that {THE WHIG, 78th YEAR DAILY BRITISH WHIG, b od at 206-310 King Street CC ingaton, tard a $6 per Your. Editions at 5.99 and 4& LY BRITISH WHIG, 18 blisned Mo parts on Re 1v : morning at $1 a year. pos making price of Daily $3 $0 of Weekiy $1.58 per ve iy CAL lo bog of (he bast fob Print- ng in Canada: a, stylish, Bera, u ne Smalipelce, J.P. representative. wattle Winia. MORE FATAL THAN WAR, In the year just closed, in New York City, the lives of 376 persons were crushed out and 930 persons were in- f jured by trolley cars, automobiles, or | horse-drawn vehicles; and the astonish-' revealed, says the Orillia the officers and men in | both the regular and volunteer armies im lin action, or died from wounds receiv- fed in action, {and June 30th, 1599--the period of the ! 8panish- American war--were fewer | in is ing fact | | number than the pérsons who are kill- 'ed by vehicles in New York City every 'year. ------ | WHAT OF THE WELLAND? The mayor of Toronto is urging the lake front and river municipalities to Had Wis Falling Hair Stopped, and Lestir themselves or. the Welland canal Pandeaft! Cured, Without Faith. HH. B, Fletcher, Butte, Mont., Oct, 20, 1599, sags: "Like many other peo- ple, 1 have been troubled for years with dandruff, sod within the last few months my hair came out so badly that I was conoelled to have what I bad left clipped very close, A friend re commended Newbro's Herpicide. | con- fess that 1 doubted his story; but gave Herpic ide trial; now my hair i as thick as ever and entirely free from dandrufi. "Destroy the cause, you remove the effect." Herpicide is a delightiul hair dressing. for regular use. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10¢ in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Ca., Detroit, Mich. $1 bottle guaran teed. Jas. B. Mcleod, druggist, spe cial agent, Kingston, Out. Builders' Supplies' | Builders' Brick. = Portland Cement. Ashphalt Roofing. Plaster Board. Shingles. Lath, Lumber, Ete, 5. ANGLIN & GO. Office and Yard, WELLINGTON STREET. ' project is liable to be sacrificed the interest of the Georgian Bay ca- | nal route. Surprise has been express | COAL Try WM. DRURY, WELLINGTON 'Phone 443 ING"S CAFE ING'S Lunch Counter ING'S Private Dining a Rooms ING (James) Prop. ING ST. Nos. 338-342 INGSTON. Now open. Catering Contracts Taken. Telephone No. 1138. - It we please you, tell others. If we don't please you, please tell us. in dot- esti ed that a vote of three million lars appears in the dominion mates this year for the Georgian Bay ennal, while the Welland project, which all along has been declared of first is absolutely unprovided for, Surely this is a case of the cart being placed before the horse. 'the preniier and other members of the government are on record as say- the Welland canal enlarge ent was of first importance, that both routes were needed, but that the Welland canal 'must first be provided for. Why has there been no money voted for it? There are over half a million people between Montreal = and Welland who are wanting to know why. i importance, ing that AN EMPIRE'S BURDEN, It is possible that the long-standing | bitterness between the Hindu races and the colonists of South Africa, es- pecially those of Natal and the Trans vaal, may be assuaged by the passing of the resolution at the first council of "the" new viceroy of India, Lord Harding, to prohibit' indentured immi- gration from India to Natdl on the Ist of July next, says the Montreal Herald, It was the outcome of a re solution moved almost a year ago by Mr. Gokale, in the legislative council, a resolution which unquestionably re- flected the opinion of the native races in India, who felt indignant at the treatment to which those of their peo- ple who went to South Africa were subjected. Reports from India show that there is no question on which In- dians of every race and creed feel so strongly and so bitterly as the differ- ential treatment to which they are sub- jected in South Africa. There is an- | other side to the question, but it isa curious fact that neither Lord Minto nor any oflicial member of his council i ventured to express it or even attempt- el to reply to the statements made by successive Indian orators in support of the heavy indictment brought against the colonies. To have done so would | poyiation Act," has already been pre- | ii have been to influence and provoke Indian opinion, already worked up by {his and other supposed wrongs to a dangerous and eritionl pitch. There had been hope that some understand. ing would have been reached between __the government of India" and the gov-) ernments of the South African colon jes and a commission went to India with that object, but its well-meant denture the Indians, but the people § were strongly opposed to them. The incident is an illustration of the task assimilate, but are eager each | NEW LEGAL MEASURES. The editor's mail contains a large Tel work; Sine Raprov presses. | Suite 19 and 20 Queen Cit Cham. 32 Church ae Toronto, B the United States Who were killed ' between May Ist, 1898, | efforts ended in failure. The mine own- | ers and other capitalists wanted (0 in | goo A rested at Scene of Fire Last given within a certain time. The mis {fortunes of some people are not antici- pated, and they cannot be corrected by proceedings which imply a knowledge of the law. A second Bill is that respecting the | Maintenance - of Wives, Deserted by {their Husbands. The wife must be | paid a weekly sum not exceeding #5, jand a married woman shall be deemed to be deserted when she can [not live with her husband be his cruelty refusal her with and or food cause - of ito support { other necessaries when sble to do so. ! The machinery which is provided for | the control of the reealcitrant hus- | band is certainly ample, and what is! | better, the trial may be in private within the discretion of the magis- "trate. This, is the best feature of the case. ; Many' 4' woman, though a long-suffer- er, hesitates about laying her griev- ances before the court, because of the publicity and humiliation it involves, She would rather endure in silence, and endure in pain. The new measure {ought to become law without delay and under it a mew grip can be had on men who have not been playing their part well and who have escaped their due too long because their wives have hesitated to expose them. EDITORIAL NOTES, The Winnipeg Telegram( conserva- tive) does not see in this supposed trade arrangement with the United States any "serious business disturb ance. Nothing to kick about, eh ? There is no necessity for any one all No be are more tasks to be done than can do even hy working overtime. man who is able 'and willing need without work. The Toronto confirm the reciprocity would be one way of marking the an- niversary of the hundred years peace between Camada and the United States. agreement The Woodstock Sentinel-Review man, who is likely that there is not much encouragement for thrift these days. If a man puts his money in the bank, the bank is liable to burst, and if he puts it ina piling it up, remarks {sock and hides it in his house he is liable to be murdered. The Ottawa Citizen sees in the reci- procity proposal ® sincere desire to reach a mutual understanding. The Journal says that if the United States congress accepts a good thing will have been accomplished for Canada. This ought to mollify and restrain the opposition. Mr. Borden should see signs @nd understand them. - : ' Sines comfederation our governors- | general have been : Viscount Monck, Lord Lisgar, Farl of Dufferin, Marquis | of Lorne, Marquis of Lansdowne, Lord Stanley, Farl of Aberdeen, Barl of Minto, Earl Grey. The Duke of Con- naught is the first mentber of the rey- al family sent us, the nearest ap- proach being the Maryuis of Lorne, | whose wife was the Princess Louise. BARBERS WELL PLEASED, i | with Move in Legislature for New | Regulations. . | As far as can be learned, the local | barbers are in favor of the new regu- lations proposed for their trade. A movement is on foot to secure the | appointment of a provincial examining | board for barbers and provincial regu- Jation for the barbers' trade in gene | ral, at this session of the legislature, | A draft bill, entitled {pared and circulated among the mem- | bers and a determined effort will { made to secure its approval by | legislature. One important clause of the draft bill is that every barber shall be re gistered. The members of the Trades and Labor Counéil, at its last session, Hit will be remembered; placed | record as being in favor of the new regulations. the | DRUNK CLIMBED LADDER. Night. While the firemen were fighting fire, which broke out in rear i Kenny's barber shop, last night, { ta climb ladders, give orders, fire 3 tion. begging or tramping in Ontario. There | Star thinks thah to! of | be' favor at popular prices. As this the of a h Na: rally he became interested, and with- | out an invitation, he started in to THE DAILY WHIG. TUESDAY, GIRL NIGH PERISHED REMAINED IN HIDING ON WALL NEAR CANAL. | i ee For Twenty-four Hours--A Strange | Prank--Discovered by Workmen' Turning on Water Power. Gananoque, Jan. 31.--Excitement was caused, at an early hour on Mon- {day morning, after Messrs. Charles {Cotton and John Bedard had opened {the gates to allow the water to rum; {into the canal furnishing powes for Mitchell & Wilson, D. F. Jones com- | pany, Spring and Axlg company, etc, | us 8 workman from a nearby factory | noticed a human hand under the plat form before Mitchell & Wilson's fac- {tory. Boards were at omce pried up, 'and there, on the stove wall, was found a girl about fourteen years of lage, nearly perished. With the water lin the canal, she could not get from ithe wall without getting into the wa- !ter. Medical aid was at once brought and restoratives given, when it was ascertaiped that the child had com- cealed herseli there on Sunday morn- 'ing, remaining all dey Sunday and Sunday night. The girl is said to 'have played such pranks before, she {being from an orphanage, and lin the oyment of a well known resident of the town, from whom she lias always received ithe kindest h treatment ad Sousiets- ition. The girl is ting along nicely. Mr, ed Tre Frank Mirani i, who re bk aca Ee 1 is ing past months in To- ronto, are the loss of their little six-months~ daughter, Grace, who passed to rest yesterday. | About 6.30 o'clock yesterday morn- ling, during the high wind, the wires | connecting with the fire alarm tower got in a tangle, and as a consequence, several different alarms were sgunded. Gananoque Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock Association opened up its big fourdays' show, to-day. The entry list is far in excess of last year. [George Robertson, Ottawa, is the judge, and Miss Yates, of the Guelph Agricultural College, will be the lectur- er during #fie afternoons, in the audi- torium of the Palace Theatre. Miss Myrtle Wiltse is visiting in Mallorytown. Mrs. William Allen is spenditig the week with Kingston fiends. J. M. Gordon and B. C. Mor i rison, 'of Toronto, are spending a few i weeks here, guests of James Sheridan. Mrs. Arthur Dettmar, patient in Kingston general hospital for the past fow weeks, has returned home. Henry Haesler was taken to Brockville gener- al hospital, recently, for treatment. A. G. Wiltse, injured by a fall, last week, while carrying a sleigh box, is uble to be around again, but as yet unable to resume his work. Miss Kate McCarney is s ing a few. weeks in Ottawa, Brockville and Smith's Falls. ogee "THE FOURTH ESTATE" -- [will be a Fine Production for i Thursday Night. To make sure they got theit "loeal color correct," Liebler & Co., previous to making their production of . "The i Fourth Fstate," the great newspaper, i f | play" which has been crowding theatres. | . in New York and Chicago for eight! months amd which will come to Grand 'on next Thursday evening, sent Mr. Morange, of the scenic artist firm the |S Bpecialists diseases of Blood, Nerves, Bladder aud Special Au. ments of men. S One visit advisable ; If impossible, send history for free oplulom and ad- vice Question blank d boo diseases of free. form. Hours: 10 am. to 1 pm, and 2 to 6 pm Sundays, 10 am. to 1 pw. » DRS. SOPER & WHITE S. Boy Peterson Lake and Little ipissing at present prices NCE INVITED 14 King St. East. "Phone Main 4228, Torente, Ont. 1 WHAT DRY CLEANING MEANS. } To clean clothing, men or women's, by French Dry Cleaning Process, means that ) there Is no ripping apart of the garment in any way-----<cleaning p it as it comes off the wearer's back and always well cleaned, R. PARKER & Co. Dyers and - She Clean, 108 NOX A COLD IN ONE BAY At last a remedy has been discov- ered that will stop a cough, cure a cold, relieve asthma in a few seconds. It is called "108 Nox 'a Cold." Just you try it. 25c a bottle at Mahood's. W. P.. O'BRIEN, 57 St. Francois Xavier St, MONTREAL, Member MONTREAL STOCK EXGHANGE Long Distance Telephone Main 6936 CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. eecesscecsssvssscssses . ---- NOW "Is the time to come and buy our Rods for, two good reasons.-- he rush is over and money Is scarce.' We offer 20 per cent off all purchases over tan dollars A big line of Heaters and reuges yet to clear out Our stock of beautify! Old- e best of Gates & Morange, on a painstak- ing inspection of every newspaper of- | Morange | in each office visited, | fice in New York city. Mr. made sketches and from the total extracted enough to present this play by Joseph Medill! { Patterson antl Harriet Ford, in ambi- tious style. Detail has been followed, | down to the little flags which the compositors fasten to the front of i their linotvpe machines, and whatever else the play may be, it is a truthiul picture of every-day scenes in the of- fice of a big newspaper just as the night editor is getting ready to "send her to press." § : "Paid in Full" | Joeal theatre patrons will hail with delight the announcement that this great Eugene Walter play will be pre- sented at the Grand on Saturday, "The Barbers' | February 4th, matinee and night, when | follows : will make a bid for the con- its hold on the. public's 1s the first time that this great play has fies seen at less than ove and a half dollar prices the inducement is a great | one, and undoubtedly it will gain , many thousands of new admirers. | tinuance of -itself-on. - NATURALISTS CLUB EXHIBIT At Queen's on Monday Was Decid- edly Interesting. ' The exhibit which the Queen's uni: {versity Naturalists' Club held in the pass Datars laboratory, Old Arts { Building, on Monday, was well at tended, not only by Queen's students but by many from the city, and it was a most interesting collection which confronted the visitor. Most of the smaller mammals of Ontario were displayeds and the most interest. ing winter bird-visitors here w in various animals, and a might 'e re wie the illustrating of . 11] FLEET Hi at Fil; s | 8 omach, sliding fashioned Furniture is t in the country. and as we have too much on hand will sell very cheap Ail kinds of Household Goods {® and Bric-a-Brac bought and | ® sold i L. LESSES, .Cor Princess and Chatham Sts. {90000000000 JUDGMENT EATEN UP. | Law Costs and Expenses Take One- i Third. | William Campsall, Portland town- | ship, was killed in the mine of the Me- {Donald Feldspar company, on Septem- | ber 7th, 1910. He left a widow and | five "children, the eldest of whom was i seventeen. Justice Riddell has just {ratified a settlement of the action {brought by Mrs. Campsall against the {mining company. The company pays 18800 damages. This is distributed as Funeral expenses, $149.50; {law costs, $120; to the widow, $176.84; {to be paid to children when they {rench the age of twenty-one years, | $353.66. A Harbor Experience. A young man from one of the well-known down-town offices was out on the lake yesterday afternoon skat- hg and had all experience which might have been more serious than it was. The wind was blowing a gale and he was making good use of a large sail to assist him in Ms pro gress, The wind was taking him along about forty miles an hour when he ran into a wet spot on the ice. Of course as soon as he struck the wet spot his skates stuck, The force of the wind carried him off his feet and took him about twenty feet in': the air before he touched the ice again. When he cme down he landed on his for a considerable distance. A Writ Against' G.T.R. Mrs. Bertha M. Steacy, Ottawa, has entered a writ in the high court of Justice suing the Grand Trunk way for $32,500 and £30 costs for in- juries received last winter when . she fell off a moving train at Brockville onto the station platform. > Fort Wayne is torn with excitement as a result of the retarn of indictments against the chief .of police and 104 others, charging gfaft. Sta! that he that FRANK J. CHENEY. Ws. proses jo hie Tih Sar o Dece: ber. A.D. 1836 i (Seal) A.W. GLEABON. : Notary Pubile. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken intern- and acts didectly en the biood the system. ree. h Toleda, O. ] for .con- Al rail' EE % Our 69. § BIBBY'S Shirt Sale : HHH NHN or § FEBRUARY SALE 5 We have just about finished stock-taking, and and boys at less than wholesale prices. Men's Overcoats ~All our $18, $20 and $22 Overcoats Now $15 MEN'S SUITS, $15 Sold outs and broken lines where we have only one or two suits of a size. Suits that were sold regularly $18, $20, $22. February Price, $15.00 Men's Overcoats All our $15, $14 and $13.50 Overcoats Now $10 ® CBOE L000 00000088 $000600000000000000000 MEN'S SUITS, $12.50 That were sold $15, £16.50, and some at $18. February Price, $12.50 a MEN'S SUITS, $10 That were $12, $12.50 and $13.50 February Price, $10 A AA NN Pa A ANN NA IN The H. D.Bibby Co The Big Store With Little Prices. +0000 Florida Grape Fruit Sunkist Oranges 2 dozen for 25c. 15, 20, 30 and 40 cents per dozen. 12 Wrappers and 12 cents gets Rogers' Sunkist Orange Spoon at A.J. REES, Pont 58 : Every Stich a eh every match a and J hight 8 stead even ame. 5 Teer De-Light™ for I PCL a pe Always evéryw in Canada. Ask 0 £00YS h Manufactory Sunkist Naval Oranges, from 20c to 50c per Fancy Jamaica Grape Fruit at all prices Sunkist Wrappers exchanged for Spoons at our store. St }R. H. TOYE, 3.5.5 ? $ $ $ ¢ i

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