2 £ ------ S------ ta A 1 or Ss [AND NL OF CANADA BANK Satisfactory Service assured to ali Business Entrusted to this Bank. Cd wf | i Savings Depariment at Every Branch T. LAMBERT, Merchant Tailor Get your clothes made to 'by 8 practical tailor. Why? 1st-----Because no two men measure prints are all different. 2nd-- Because hand-made garments are skilifully moulded. stayed and well sewn, so that they keep their shape and have lasting qualities 3rd-- Because your particular physique can be considered and pat- tern and style given which will be specially adapted to your own per- sonality. & : For your next Suit try Thos. Lambert, 157 Princess Street r o asurement your exactly alike Even thumb Our Big Furniture Sale NOW ON. Combination Bed Couches and Davenports, con: verted into a bed in a moment's notice. Hall Mirror and Hall Racks on sale, a James Rei The Leading Undertaker. Your New Overcoat i MEAS ne, in breadth of shoulder and in length to suit your proportions. In no othes way can you hope to wear a classy, distinctive looking coat. for Winter give Our - Overcoatings \ of really exclusive a wide ch Our B 4, everything adapted "3: ora as "right." : §¢ custom F Crawford & Walsh! 'Leading Tailors. Princess & Bagot Sts bbiiidiie id dat hbiniubiiniriibhabitiii 1 ------ SPECIAL SALE During February of GOLD FISH RNY SAFELY RING THE WIN TE n ANY Dis EXPRE |. ou Ww Wn Aq ium f ir LIne wr - T Tw oduce O TANCE ny port i 3 ese a fut y our Ho A Complete Mustian $l, 00 n receipt % "$1. 00 we will send you by ex- press the following Bar gains AES to Ly » Our Febru: ary Gif Offer for POPULAR OUTFIT Jupanese Fringetail Fish. Crystal Fish Globe Fancy Gold Fish, Oriole Gold Piah American Gold Fish, Gold Fish (Silver), Box Fancy Stones. Package Hayy's Wafer Fish Food Bunch Aquarium Moss --Bookiet-=Price-- List ard instructions how to fe and Fish in the Home. Regular Catalogue of Sin, Crystal Fish Globe Fancy Gold Fi Comet Tail he Beautiful Oriole Pish." Cholce Sliver Fish. Small Geld Fish. Tadpole. Package Hay's r afer Fish Feod. Bunch Aquaria r Box of a how to Pe red Fish in the He yme Regular Catalogue Price of the above collection. is. $1. Order atjabove collection is $2.75 Order at once and we will nhs or $1.90, once and we Will supply for $200. Catalogue and Price List sent Fr ee on request. THE 'HAY FLORAL & SEED CO, FLORISTS AND SEEDSMEN, BROC RVILLE, ONT. Stock Taking Sales All' Winter Goods Must fo NOTE THE FOLLOWING = Nine only choice Coats, latest styles, Black and Fancy - Tweeds, scans 1. 3%, Bee Regular peisen, $3.00 to Mh. Charen's amd Girls' Soin atest ytes on Mier, Be wn, Grey and Myrile, sizes 4 to 14 years. Regilar. jitiees, $2.25 to] sabe. $6.00, care for Gold or Gold Five RL . $2.25 to NOW HALF PRICE. i k and White Sik Waists. Reguiar, Now mas mic i» 8 _{ expressed keen appreciation of 3 THE DAILY. BRITISH WHIG, Tw FSPAY, Y. JANUARY a SE -------- a FEAR IS EXPRESSED 20TH ANNIVERSARY : OF YOUNG SOCIETIES HAT WELLAND PROJECT WILL BE SACRIFICED OF UNION PEOPLE'S | For the Georgian Pay Cansl--Mayor Celebrated in Brock Street Method- ist Church Monday Evening--Rev, wW.F. Fi iugueraldé Spoke. I of Writes the Bestir Itself Geary, of Toronto, Kingston Council to in the Matter. * wrote the ity the matter, and his at last evening's meet said, in his opening marks, that the uOn was oeishrating is twentieth ammiversary. Twenty years ago, the union had been formed, and he believed that it was stromper With such o gathering of etter 'was read He said : "Judging from newspaper repgris, 1 car thal unless the municipalities be- stir themselves, and appeal to the pre. than ever. nier and their local member at once, YOURE people, their influence was di the good work done in this pro, bound to be feit. The officers of 1910; vince will be lost, and the interests of had endeavored to perform their duty he Welland canal sivrificed for then every respect. He felt that al arger project--the Georgign Bay though they bad endenvored to do anal. It is stated that three millions] £004 work, Shere _ night have been will be out in the estimates for this MOT® Progress mw There is a anal, with hé mention of the Welland, | Mighty work to be dome among the | 3 i . - | young of this city. Some peo- | ---- Xhe mati your surly at {ple bave said that Young People's So- | i + r, seconded 'tieties in the city bad had their day, On matics. of ald. Riguey, but he believed that there was even | w Ald. Kent, this resolution was be do ps Yor. There! wdopted : That the municipal council | ™°%® lo ane RG an a - of of the city of Kingston desires to ®™® hun young people wander slace itself on record as being opposed | ing aout he ovr pig 4 sveaing | o any movement having for its ob-| who coul reached by these ie- | ect the construction of the Georgian U®- We Sn . i: i ee lay canal before adequate provision must get y : cy bring them nto the 'circle of better s made for the deepening of the Wel-| 'and canal, and the St. Lawcence river environment. He shoke of the provi | route, and that = copy of this _ cial sonveiion wi 15th, oo ution be forwarded to the premier of Toronto on February 1f a ur, {all the societies to send at least one | he Soulsion and the member for the representative, if not more. There is i ------ a great deal to ry learned at Toronto | LOOKING ELP. that will be of interest to societies. NG YOR FARN HEP, | Kingston wants a convention here in} Local Agent Has Already Received !Y12, and if the local gositties go | Requests. strong enough to Toronto, they "can ee bring it here next year. The preside James F, Knapp, local immigration yj called for reports from the di gent, who also secures men for work 4 officers: of the lsague, with refer wm farms, has already received a num ence to the work that had been dbne | wr of requests for farm laborers. He in the past year. says that all the farmers who will be R. Gage, secretary, im his report, wedjng help: would do well to. send in said there had been marked advance heir request to him as early as pos ment in the league during the past ihla so. that -he will have time - to vear, which showed that the enthu- ook after the matter. A great many siasm had not abated one whit. The ut the matter off until the list min. influence from the societies had per- tte, as it were, and then the men vaded sections of the city and outside annot be seenred, There are seven societies Mr. Knapp says that the league, each in a flourishing con en suouted for {atm work, last year, dition, and ull making marked pro- vas the best in many years, and that _ "The executive of the league hs he farmers were well pleased. Nearly of five times for business during the wery man, placed with a farmer last past year, and two rallies had beer eason, was a good worker, This is held, ome in May, in Bethel church, ertainly a good record and the other in November, at Svden- LA farmer ssi 8 pam Street Methodist church, whieh ay from Anapp, short ¢ .k the form of a banquet. BAS went o the Miss M. Adsitt, i ve & Very encouraging work, which showed all (ties to be good shape. The sarer, Charles Anglin, presented a count which showed the total rece for the year to be 341.8, expenditure was $36.13, leaving a anes in the treasey of F1LI6. The roll call "of tho seven societios was riven, after ~ which Mr. Newman introduced Rev.-W. F. Fitzgerald. Mi Fitzrerald said he was pleased to have asked to be present and adda = ring He said in liste r ris he had heard, mea y missions and resolv o would speak on that gub that anyone. who . d to follow Christ was a that he had been saved save hers. The first and earliest body of men, Christ's disciples, were ss leavored by to bring their to a saving One way 1 ing. { { | places. my the class oi gt secured nd a i on unter organi Anapp was report ail from vear's the rn ol Liv Live a } a wo beside in trea wrmer rely n "1 want » Mr. orker, nan," Mr. Knapp said vis. best seat jak fink goad a man hike vou ; he He's am in and of a © aid. a while and r b that he would do ent out a man whom he would be ntable, and he was afterwards that the man that } the heen Big Bill at thé Orpheum. in t three large $ » felt called of been e first days a He ADpY ay ary at mi Ons and Ure t} is i "School Devs" a laugh introduce and e every power stuters of the truth. from we spectators HONATIES thew and good songs ous Rice sisters of the "Yama rama Chorus," taken from the "Three { fwins," are also there, and introduce | hee a missionary is to use ones | The Billiken Man," the latest song personality. Pe asonality is a great hit, Lhese sisters are remembered thing, and everyone is possessed of a ere by many for their excellent work. rent deal of it. I it is used in the ules Jacobs, the German comedian, i ht way it may count for a great was also good, his jokes and funny joa]. A strong, sane mind, a strong tories as well as good singing mak- disposition and an indomitable will ng a hit. The house was packed last ' 0 the great telling things in every- ight. Arthur Lyon sang in his us day life. The future of Canada, he ial pleasing manner. j said, depended on the personalities of | her young people. Ii they are to be Banquet at Calvary Church. | strong and able to do the right thing, On Monday evening the members of they must be pure in heart to accom- he Young People's Guild and Bible plish their task. He was glad to ses lasses of Calvary Congregational so many young men and boys present. hurch entertained the teachers and It augured well for the societies, which | officers of the Sunday school a | they represented. Most bods, he said, | ssnquet in the church school room, | were fond of athletics and he urged' whew about forty-five people sat down them to take an active part in all to tables to paftake of the dainties clean manly sports. It would benefit] provided. Thomas Bennett, on be | them spiritually as well as physically. lf of the Guild and Bible classes, The young ladies he advised to all. welcomed the teachers and officers na themselves pure and to choose good ms. This meant a great deal) Johny Davis, hale to their morals. He spoke of the way' tendent of the Sunday school, re Canada is spoken of in the old coun- sponded. Addresses were given by try as the land of magnificent forests, Prof. McClement, of Queen's univer | mines, prairies and crop-producing{ sity, and Joha Steele, a recitation by soil. Canadians were veged to feel, Miss Agnes Monks and solo by Miss proud of their land and he did not Maggie Lesage and Miss Melntosh. blame, although it seemed to him i ( w tak After you have told your troubles Eg erat on to the world do not be surprised if in reglity it was a God-given gift, you receive ridicule for doing so. and we should remember this. While we { have all these things, we must not forget that the most valuable asset of this country is the young people and he was glad to eee that the young peoples' societies of Kingston had realized this, and were endeavor | ing to cope with the problem. he officers for the years were elpet. a by acclamation as follows : Honor nts, T. F. Harrison and Dr. sOme means m hrothers hoo it at ast services, + Treneer; . ing Sary | tary, Miss Edith Orser; treasurer, Pickeringy Srghnisat, Samuel Lilly; 3 perintendents of junior and interme diate work, Misses Pelers and Anglin The resalis of the roll call were then read which showed that Bethel had a lead over Princess street by a fraction. of a per cent, snd the t de cided to call it & le, and awarded the « thapoer to the two societies each to! have it for a month and » half # baaner was presented to Bethel 7 by Rev P. Mershon and Faesived id ¥ 3 E. LeRoy Rice. Daring the Jevening Miss Edith Orser | * i Cann, i " ! and Toye. | nanicipal elections, ion the way toward a perfect cure. 31, Joi. eee wien Special Feature This P AGE FIVE of Abernethy' s Sale Week : $1.98 ONE LOT $2.50, $2.75. AND A FEW $3 VALUES ONE LOT $3.50 SHOES, SALE ALL WOMENS $5.00 SHOES FOR $ $2.49 $83.75 $1.98 $2.49; $3.75¢ Abernethy's Shoe Store| THE CITY COUNCIL DECIDES TO > ABOLISH THE PRINTING COMMITTEE And Let Each Department Look After Its Own Printing--Garbage Deputation Authorized to Visit Western Cities. The city council had an hour's ses- | sion last evening, transacting prin- | cipally routine "usiness. In attendance Mayor Graham and Alds, Arm- Bailey, Carson, Couper, Clug- " Fraser, Givens, Hanley, Hoaz, Kent, Me- Rigney, Ross, Shaw were strong, ston, Eliott, Harrison, Harty, McCarthy, These commurdcations were received : Jans Adams and others protest. fr agrinst 5 permanent pavement on Brock street, between Wellington and | Kinz streets. Premier of receipt of acknowledging of council re Ontario resolution H. asking increase Fadward McFadden ing for the construction in Frontemac park. The Union of Canadian Musicipali- ties regarding a bill to amend the Railwa Act, \ Phillips, superintendent of parks, of salary. and others ask of a walk orks Municipali Canadian pataty of tius mune lo retary atpassy m of « asked ti e ci he ft the necessary lution. Committees, Works Reports of The Board of that apon a title satisfactory (o the city solicitor being made out, and a proper deed of conveyance being ex ecuted, the mayor and «ity treasurer be authoriged to issue cheques for the following amounts to the under-named owners of the several parcels of land required for the éxtemsion of Barrie street from Quebec street to Pine street viz:--Wilbelmina Ryder, Pt. Lot 1, $175; W. C. T. Jenkins, Pt. lot 4, $1,000; S, V. McCaig, Pt. Lot 1, #1. 500; Jane Woods, Pt. Lot 15, 82%. John A. Grant, Pt. Lot 1, $50. It also recommended that these ten Piles Quickly' ~ Gured at Home | Instant Relief, Permanent Cure-- Trial Package Mailed Free to All in Plain Wrapper, Piles is a fenriul disease, but easy to cure, if you go at it right. An operation with the knife is dan- gerous, cruel, humiliating and unneces- sary. There is just ome other sure way to be cured--painless, safe and in the pri- vacy of your owa bome--it is Pyramid Bile Care. We mail a trial package free to all who write. It will give you instant relief, show you the harmless, painless nature of this great remedy and start you well recommended Then you can get a full-sized box from any druggist for 50c., and often one" box cures. iat on avidly what you call for. If the druggist tries to sell you something just as good, it is because be makes more money om the substi- tute. The cure begins at once sad contin- ues rapidly until it is complete and permanent. ou oan go Hight ahead with your work be easy 'and comfortable sil soul your name and address to Pyramid Drug Co. 37 Pyramid Build- my, Marshall, Mich., snd receive free by return mail the trial peckageina {plain wrhpper. Thomusunds have Joan cured ia this { § i 4 oe. Write ve. to-day for {in tion on Kins stron, fa Yt a $10 swat chamber : PhesnenpeNERF TELLER 7 it huky i ihame of V000000000000000000000000C0CRCOOORRORRRORRRAE Bar Solder, Babbift Metal and all Inget Metals We are headquarters. THE CANADA METAL COMPANY, LIMITED. OFFICE: WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO. es a SE OR ssooees A ---------------------- " ders be adopted, . being the lowest :-- i Cement and lumbér, Frontenac Lum. | ber & Coal Co.; hardware, W. A. Mit chell; sand, R. H. Fair; grates, Johy | Kelly; sewer pipe, Hamilton Toronto Sewer Pipe Co The tender prices those of last year stance, is 81.3% a b ee than a year ago. The recommendations of the were adopted. | The Fire and Light committee, re | commended that the chairman and! Ald. Hoag he authorized to engage W. | Yellowlees to test the Chatham engip Adopted. Md, Elliott hight committee upon the applicati for the position surgeon of the fire department Ald. Givens said that the incumbent, Ir, Nichols, was satisfaction Akt E Efljot t lower t, tor ent are than | Cemer ! fer rel, board " h Ww. Mor the veterinary asked repo wr of present | giving contended il that ant ¢ I 3 Hiot which shoald no are th we January { it could Hoag a dey way could Als favored be inforyne y establish sfacto ry 1 i tion King rston requires garbage system. Ald, Shaw pointed that time was short before the spring, and the information could be secured quick' er by a deputation The council decided to recommendation of the committee; stitating the name of the neer for that of officer, a out the athopt the the medical # 3 By-laws Read, A by-law was. presented, mendation of the finss to abolish the printing lace the civic printing rious departments. Fach would deal with its own printing Ald. Ross thought a further tude tion of committees could be mad Fy instance, properiv and parks the i en recom i yop committee, | mittee and the va rommities | { com § ander For could be amalgamated. Ald. Rigney thought that nd light and the waterworks mittees could amalpamated merly there: was only for these two depiriounts ter and light. Ald. Kent said that might be appomted to, sonsider amalgamations. He thought some of the duties of the board works could be transferred to parks committee, »hich should, instance, ve charge of thr trees an boulevards bof the city Ald. Elliott said that as the various committees have bern formed and be gan their duties for the year it would be unwise to make any change row outside of abolishing the print ing committee. The by-law was pass od, and, hereafter, eneh committer will attend to its own printing A byiaw was given 5 =e rh ing for the changing of Wade's Tame to Flgin street. Ald, Hoss th been a fitting th fare to have Been strbet The city clerk el Some time the com ¥ commitien | Fire, he one 3 committe wach that ot the for » mht it woilld for this the a standedd ths 3 decided ghreet ¢ Feipiewt petitioned. The third readin will fake pluoe when court awenis to he wat The mame sdiowmirest wd BES sleek a Yme to we te Bes hrigmie FA Nate the Jigs of ti i iW these, = For 00 Seated Coughs and Weak Lungs VINOL Nyal's Cod Liver pound Brick's Oil Wampol Oo Com- Tasteless, Cod Liver 8g 0 sy gr On, Guaicol Phy Our Own Emulsion Oil ana hine Cod Liver Pint Bottles, 350¢ PIOUSE'S ull SIO ------ A A---------- Laundry * LONge k Drop h Furniture Sale Everything Reduced 10 to 20 Per Cent. aff I IWA T 1 I\"71 15 Brass Bads reduced styles of from $6 to $11 each iron Beds from $2.00 up. 12° Mattresses, 80 at cost. slightly damaged Parlor for $22.50 -plece $50.00 has used, Suite, ibee en 6 Arm Chairs $2.50, iworn, for $1.70 'R. J. REID, Phone 577. $3.50, shop 3 SS LLPeN Best by Test Woe Te pouse 1e 2 Wormwis Try One in Your Home They are sweet toed, reasonably priced. KIN 4 N'S LEADING MUSIC HOUSE. In ai! popuisr znd classle Music in Book and Eheet Form. Orders promptly filled. WORHWTH PO 00F LIMITED, 3 PRINCESS STREET.