Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Feb 1911, p. 2

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PAGE TWO, ET ------ er ---------- A. f---------- JOHN McKAY, 149-151 Brock Street. FEB'Y FURNITURE-CARPET- ~~ CURTAIN SALE BIGGEST, BEST OF YEAR. LOWER PRICES THAN ANY OTHER TIME. Some odd, damaged or old specials. Walnut Secretary Bookcase, used, ! cost $45.00, in good condition, only $20.00. Wardrobe Dresser, $22.00, for $15.00. new, regular Wardrobe Dresser, new, regular $21.00, for $14.00, Solid Oak Bed and Stand, cost $20.00, for $6.00. ~ Leather Couch, new, regular $37, for $28.00. Imitation Leather Couch, new, re- gular $25.00, for $21.00. Imitation Leather Couch, new, re- gular $20.00, for $17.00. 8 Wilton Rugs, 9 x 2, $45, for $36." 8 Wilton Rugs. 9 x 12, regular regular $37, for $28. 10 to 20 per cent off all goods. Repair and Upholstering work 10 per cent. less than usual. 'Phone $0, Yours, T.F.Harrison Co. : Blanks *{ Comforters White All-Wool Blankets. Grey All-Wool Blankets Union Blankets. Comforters In Batting, Woo! and Widerdown filled. | All Ireah new stock, R. McFAUL. ~ CANPRY WAREHOUSE. 1 Irving Martin, Leonard HEPRBEARPSLBLPIDBL IROL IRON R RR hoBE ERR, Guwilight : asad [ tude There was a very large attendance {at the Skating Club, on Saturday i nizht, Some of those noticed were, | Mr. and Mrs. George McKay, Prof. | and Mrs. Wilhofft, Prof. and Mrs. | Kahnus, Prof, and Mrs. I. aE Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Halloway Waddell, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Craig, | Mrs. W. R. Givens, Mr. and Mrs. E. I. Fortt, Miss Amy McGill, Miss Mabel Gildersleeve, Misses Mabel and Dorothy Brownfield, Miss Muriel King, Miss Edith Hubbell, Ottawa; Miss Aileen Rogers, Miss Frances Sullivan, ! | Miss Marion , Miss Lassie Kirkpatrick, Miss Dorothy Car- ruthers, Misses Nou and Hen Gordon, Miss Ursula Deane, Lindsay; Misses Lota and Vera Carson, Mrs. R. Partridge, Toronto; Miss Marguerite Stewart, Miss Mildred Jones, Miss Jean Duff, Miss Marjorie Duff, Guelph; | Migs Lilian Kent, Miss Lenore Hamil | ton, Miss Mona Knight, Miss Edith Young, Misses Phyllis 'and Charlie Short, Miss N. Russell, Miss Marion Lesslie, Misses Bessie and Mabel Richardson, Miss Susie Anglin, Miss Frna Booth, Miss Madge Taylor, Miss Dorothy Hill, Miss M. Sellery, Miss Fairbourne, Brockville; Miss Doris ! Kent, Miss Nora Macnee, Miss Blanche ! Huglon, Messrs. Bartlett and Arthm | Dalton, Sthnley Cunningham, Ernest | Gilderslesve, P. G. Lyman, Yan | Lesslie, W. Anderson, Baine Davis, J. T. M Burnside, Georgn Richardson, irkett, Frank Smythe, A. W. Browne, Albert Shan { non, J. Conway, J. Calvin, Wilton, | Ronald Fortt, Rev. Alex. Gordon, | Lethbridge; J. Newlands, Henry Rich- | ardson, James Stewart, Noble Steacy, | Balfour Mudie. * % & | The tea at the Curling rink, on { Tuesday afternoon was in charge of the members of Mrs. W. St. Pierre Hughes' rink. Mrs. R. Ashley poured tea, and was assisted by Mrs. Hughes and Miss Marion Lesslie. Some of those present were: Mre. Walter Macnee, Mrs. R. Hooper, Mrs. H. Tandy, Mrs. R. Partridge, Toronto ; Mrs. Arthur Craig, Mrs. W. Mel.eod, Mrs. Hugh M erson, Mrs. J. Far. rand Pringle, rs, Ernest Cunning ham, Mrs. Deane, Lindsay; Mrs, R. Waldron, Mrs. W. H. Craig, Mrs. Vere Hooper, Miss Cosie Cooke, Mise G. Fairlie, Miss Florence Cunningham, Miss Marion Lesslie, Miss Mabel Rich- ardson, Miss Ajleen Rogers, Miss N. Deane, Lindsay; Miss Martha Smith, Miss I. Tandy, Miss Mona Knight, Miss Millie Ferris, Miss Florence Will- iamson, Miss Lorraine Minnes, Miss Jean Craig, Miss Amy McGill, Miss Mabel Dalton, Miss Marion Redden, Miss I. Kirkpatrick, Miss Leta Car: son, Miss ances Sullivan, Miss Edith Young, Miss C. Hooper, + ¢ & : i "Miss Carrie Waldron, Barrie street, resitlent of the Kingston Ladies' gical Club, entertained at tea, on Monday afternoon, in honor of the members of the Toronto String Quar. tette. The guests included the mem- bers of the executive committee - of the club, Miss M. Shaw, Miss Marion Redden, Miss . Drummond, Miss IL. Tandy, Mrs. Arthur Craig, Miss Jean Craig, Miss G. Fairlie, Miss M. King, Miss Mona Knight, and her guest, Mrs. Charles lewis, Gananoque; Miss Hazel Massie, Miss I. Minnes, Mrs, H. P, Smith, gud the members of the String Quartette; Messrs. Frank E, Blachford, Roland Roberts, Frank C, Smith, and Frederic Nicolai. * + Mrs. J. RB. Sedgewick, Royal Mili- tary College, was hostess at a most enjoyable dinner party on Tuesday evening. Daffodils and narcissus com- bined with large bows of yellow sa- tin ribbon, made a very attractive decoration for the dinner table. The guests included Miss Dorothy Brown- field, Miss Christine Cochrane, Miss Nora and Helen Gordon, Miss Lassie Kirkpatrick, Cadets R. Fortt, Me- Lellan, Gibson and Joly de Lotbin- jere. * % 9 There was an exciting match at the curling rink, on Tuesday afternoon, played by mixed rinks. The players were Miss Frances Sullivan, Mr. G. Smythe, Mr. J. M. Farrell, Miss Ma- rion Redden, skip; Miss Leta Carson, 5 ichardso be Mr. H. E. Ri mn, Mr. C. Gildersleeve, Miss lessie Smythe, sip. The latter rink won; score, 10 to 6. \ * Invitations have been issued by th Sehool of Mining, Five, " # dance to be given in Grant Hall, riday, February 10th. The pat- for on r will Se Mrs. F. 0. Willhofit, Mrs. EL. W. Gill, Mrs. W, 1, Goodwin, Mrs, F. Clarke and Mrs. N. F. Dupuis, * Mrs. Cornelius Brcmingham, Barrie street, has asked a few of Mrs. Seti Panet's old friends to tea on ursday afternoon to say farewell fore she leaves for lax se England. + Miss Muriel %ine earned infor- mally at the tea hour on Saturday af ternoon in honor of her guest, Miss Edith Hubbell, of Lttawa, . -- ------ entertaining the students of the Fa- i Gold in 3 } + Mrs. W. S. Ellis, "Roselawn," is EE | culty. of Education at a diuver dance this evening. * * oO The mixed doubles in the annual} Badminton tournament for .the shield' were played at the Armouries this ai- ternoon. * + @ 3 . Miss Mabel Brownfield entertained Mrs. George entertained informally at bridge Tuesday 'afternoon. * & > Mrs. Elmer Davis, Sydenham street, will be hostess at a card party, on Thursday evening. on * * \ of the rink chose a good place in The social event for this afternoon {which to build it, selecting = hollow was the tea given by Mrs. Lennox between two hills, fed by a spring. Mills, Bishopscourt. * Mrs. W ct Ber, "Rockwood ; House," is hostess at a tea this after- noon. "*trung along the bunk, and these soak- Tate" ed in kerosene and ignited, made a Mr. E. F. 8. Dawson returned on very pretty scenic effect. The skating Tuesday fram Montreal. started at 7.30, and at eight o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sackett, of Cape Vincent, will go to Ottawa on Thurs- day to spend some time with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Craig, Besserer street. Miss Nan Paterson, who spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Christmas, Montreal, returned home on Monday. ; Miss Amy MoGill expects to leave on Thursday for Toronto, where she will join Mrs. E. A. Moore and ac- company her to Winnipeg. Miss Alice King returned, on Tues- day, from Montreal, where she was the guest of her sister, Mrs. David MeGill. Mrs. J. Ross Allen, Olean, N.Y. is in the city, with her brother, Mr. N. F. Greenwood, at 191 Brock street. She will be here for a week or more, * + Rev. Alexander Gordon, after spend- ing some time with his father, Prin- cipal Gordon, Queen's University, re turned to-day to Lethbridge. Miss Fdith Hubbell, Ottawa, who nas been the guest of Mrs. George King, Alice street, returned home on Monday. Mrs. Charles Lewis, of Gananoque, was in town on Monday for the pen formance of the Toronto String Quar- tette and was the guest of Miss Mona Knight, Alice street. ' Mr. H. Walkem, Union streef, came home, on Monday, after spending sev- eral weeks in London. Miss Butler, of Stratford, will ar- rive on Friday to spend some time with Mrs. J. C. Paterson, Union street. Bank, Styatford, will spend the week- end with his, mother, Mrs. J. C. Pa- terson, Union street. Miss Lois Saunders, Barrie street, is spending a few days .in Montreal. Mr. and Mrs, (George Chown, Miss Minnie Shaw, Miss Mabel Milo, Miss Marion Redden and Mr. John L. Whiting expect to leave on Monday for Toronto to attend the Mendels- sohn choir concerts, to he given there next week. : . Major and Mrs. Henri Panet leave on Tuesday, for St. - John, N.B., where they will spend a day or two before . proceeding to Halifax, from Thich place they will sail for Eng. and. * + » Mr. Sidon Paterson, Merchants' Miss Loretta Swift, who has been : ) . visiting in New York, Montreal and |®d to his home at Seelev's Bay with Ottawa, is expected home on Sa- | grippe. : turday. Sunkist oranges, 15e. dozen, all this * * @ Mr. Huntley Gordon, Dundas, spent the week-end in town the guest of his father, Principal Gordon, Queen's University. Miss Kate Craig, Princess street, will leave for Ottawa on Thursday to spend some time with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Adems. Mrs. George E. Boomer, of Toron- to, is visiting Mrs. F. G. Roe, Outre mont. Mr. and Mre. Allan Turner, Brock- ville, spent the week-end with Mrs Turner's brother, Captain John Coch- rane, Gore street. The friends of Mrs. Norman Smith, Alfred street, are glad to hear of the recovery of her daughter, Doris, who | has been sullsting jrom typhoid fever. * Miss Madeline Higgins, who is nurse in-training in Toronto, is spending a! few days with Mrs. Fiskin, Madison avenue, Toronto, and is expected home the end of the week for afew weeks' | rest. Miss Anna Lesslie, William stron) who has been the guest of Mrs. W. Leonard, St. Catharines, for some. | time, will visit. Dr, and Mrs, Malloch, | in Hamilton, and Mr. and Mrs. D. D. | Calvin, in 'Toronto, on her way home. | The Misses Harriet Watson and' Edith Goodwin are the guests of | Dr. and Mrs. Campbell Laidlaw, Ot- tawa. Miss Hilda Hague, Earl street, turned, on onday, from Montreal, where has been visiting her sunt, Mrs. Henry Mr. Victor Drury, of Montreal, is ng a few days with Dr. and rs. James Mills, Ottawa. re- Death at Portsmouth. F ! [ E | i i i J Sik AEH ffs' at 2:30 o' THE THE DAILY BPITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1911 GREAT TIME AT GLENBURNIE| TUESDAY EVENING. The Costumes Were Very Fine-- 'Kingston Judges Had Difficalty in informally at tea on Monday in hoi! Selecting the Winners. or of Miss N. Russell, of England, | : : > HP { The annual carnival - given by the! There is a surprise party at Mrs, residents of Glenburnie, on T ay W. I. Givens', Maitland House, this evening, was the most successful heid evening, for Miss Dorothy Hill in the history of the "Glen." The an- * + 9 nouncement of the date had. reached Mahood, Gore street, |far dnd wide, and as a result the young people came from all over the | countryside. A van load eame from Collins Bay, another from Cataraqui, and there were visitors from Battersea, Sunbury and Kingston. There were about 300 present. The management The rink is splendidly lighted by an acetylene 'gas plant. The place was very beautifully decorated, with flags and bunting. Lumps of soft coal were the skaters were judged for prizes. The jud were William Mitchell, George Nahood and D. J. Hay, of the city, and they found it a difficult task to determine the best costumed. The win- ners are : Best skating couple--First, Daniel Dee and Miss Fthel Gillespie; second, Folly and Starlight. Rest ladies' costume--First, Mrs. R. Vauir; seeon.', « | raper. Led gout cme so costame- Fiat, D. McKenzie: second, Mr. Bennington. Clown--First, Mr. Gibson; second, A. McKendry. Children under twelve years--First, Mary Draper; second, H. Vair, Boys under twelve years--Harold Sharp and Joseph Fowler. Ladies' race--First, Miss McConville; second, Miss Bennington. Gentlemen's race--First, Mr. Single ton; second, B. Vair. Children under thirteen--First, Besdie Vair; second, Mary Blackstock. Boys under thirteen--A. Fair and J. Draper. Gentlemen over thirty-five--Matthew | Shannon and C. Stook. | Married ladies--Mrs. Vair and Mrs. | Shannon, The Battersea band discoursed sweet music the entire evening, from a tent on the bank. After the judging, sup- per was served at the residence of Jos- eph McKendry, and a merry time was spent. { a BROUGHT TO THE PEN. James Gorham Given Life for Mur- der of Mother, * A prisoner who has been sentenced to stay im the hig penitentiary for the rest of his life, is the latest addition to the roll at Portsmouth. He is James Gorham, of Peterboro. He was sentenced to be hanged, but his coun- sel was able to have the sentence changed, and it was thus commuted to life imprisonment. Saturday last was the day which had been fixed for his execution. Gorham arrived here this afternoon. the Iroquois hotel at 8 and 9 p.m. to-night for the Wolfe Island C.M.B.A. ball. Oscar Johnston, Toronto, is confin- Vans will leave week, at Carnovsky's. Miss Muriel Brown, Watford, is visit- ing Mrs, H. J."Dick, University avenue, "New Tabard Inn Library Books," Gibson's. "Kingston's Famous Fur Store." Partnership CLENSCARNVAL. 'T'he . \ College Book Store THE FINEST BOOK STORE IN EASTERN ONTARIO, 260 PRINCESS STREET | OPEN NIGHTS 20 Per Cent. Discount or Pictures 20 per cent. discount on all Fram- ed and Unframed Pictures for Thurs- day. Friday and Saturday. SPECIAL. 16 Philip Boileau Pictures, beauti- fully framed in gilt frames, 14 x 22. Regular price, $2.00. 75¢ each. Special price. A PIANO FUND SOCIAL Held at Brock Street Church Tues. day Evening. The pie social in Brock street Meth- odist Sunday schoui hall last evening in aid, of the piang fund was well at- tended. The programme was very lengthy but the fine tone which per- val it all through, kept the audi- ence interested to the very last. Solos were rendered by Miss' Gertrude Laid- ley, Miss Edith Orser, Mrs. R. G. Andrew's, Joseph Hodge and a duet was given by Misses Frances Davies and Cora Smith. Dr. CC, C. Nash res cited, Herbert Treneer gave a piano solo, Mr. Chase 4 banjo solo and a company calling themselves "The Realistic Noeiety," put on 4 comic sketch which was laughable, and well received. Those wha were in the com pany were: Miss Buell, Miss Edith Orser, Miss Frances Davis, Master Oram Davies, Dr. Nash, and "Messrs. Hodge, Treneer gud Chase J. WW. Corbett acted as chairman in a cap able manner. Herbert (8 Trencer play- ed all the accompaniments. After the concert refreshments were served. HAVE GONE TO OTTAWA With Reference to Bridge and Har- bor Matters, At noon, to-day, Mayor Graham and Alds. Carson, Elliott, Hoag and Kent, and City Engineer Craig, representing the city council, and J. M. Farrell and Francis King, representing the Board of Trade, leit for Ottawa, to idterview the minister of marine and other mewm- bers of the dominion cabinet with re ference to dredging the lower harbor and erecting a new bridge to replace the old Cataraqui structure, in order to make the Kingston harbor more suitable for deep-draught vessels. The deputation will be introduced by Hon. William Harty, member for Kingston, who has arranged for the conference with the cabinet 'ministers. The gov- ernment will be asked to build a new bridge here as a part of the improve ments to Canadian harbors and riv- ers, in the interests of navigation. A SLICK OPERATOR. Man Wanted for Theft by Ottawa Police. Samuel Betts, wanted by the Ot- tawa police, on a charge of burglary, and for whom the local police have been asked to be on the lookout, is said to be one of the slickest opera tors in the business. He has quite a penitentiary record. He is thirty-four vears of age, and belongs to the States. At Ottawa he is wanted on a charge of stealing goods to the value of 8500 from a prominent resident in the capital. A Leap for Life. The heroine of this remarkable film i MUFFS | un head-on is the daughter of an engine driver. She receives word of the approach of the president's special and a runaway engine on the same track and to avert collision, takes an engine from the yard berseli and meets the light engine, leaping just in the nick of time to save herself and to destroy the approaching engine. The most ex- citing film ever witnessed. Fdward Shields may be heard in the latest il- lustrated songs, at the King Edward to-night and to-morrow afternoon and evening. Endorse the Action. | Every known fur isin cluded in our mammoth stock, from the cheap 1 The council Was wise, il it desires {ie ! most up-to-date system of garbage col lection, in authorizing a deputation to | visit cities and go over the systems in Coney at $1 to the costly Russian Sable at $125. At present prices no lady iv this vicinity should be without a Muff, combin- ing style, comfort, dura- J bility. "rete use. The cost will be $100 or so, and will bring results that hours of corre 8 ce cannot do. Ald. Toye and Engineer Craig will be able to see the work in operation and Kingston will reap - the 'benefit. The Whig endorses the coumcil's action, and we are quite certain the citizens do the same. Sir Richard's Statement. Sir Richard J. Cartwright, minister of trade and commerce, made this statement to the New York Would : "Apart from material considerations the friendly spirit avidenod by Presi- dent Taft and the negotiaTdrs on the part of the United States affords the best augury of ultimate success and of the progress of an enlightened public sentiment on this question (recipro- city)" May Lay Steamer's Keel It i= expected the keel of the new stemser being built for the Ontario and Quebec Navigation Co., Ltd., Pic ton, will be laid this week at Colling- wood. J. deC. Hepburn and A. Leslie, Picton, go to Collingwood to see how on the' new steamer is i | | | ------ ---------- Valentines In Post Cards, Comics a and Fancy Styles 'Rubber Hot Water Bottles Special Values Now 75¢, $1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.25, $2.50. These Bags are made of Real Rubber, not rubber com- position that will erack in a short time All New Goods just receiv- ed at special jobbers' prices, and are fully guaranteed--- the cheaper ones for ne year, the better ones two rears We have the seamless kind and also the strongly bound kind. See our prices; it will pay you. The Rexall Store MAHOOD'S (23 STORE PRINCESS AND BAGOT STS. Corsets Corsets A big assortment of new styles ready for your ipspection. Six models at ONE DOL- LAR A PAIR. Other lines at 50c and up to $2.75 a pair. Call and see them. We have great va luesin "White Cottons, Sheetings, Pillow Cottons, Pillow Cases, Table Lin- ens, lable Nap- kins, etc., etc. Now is the time to buy. Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE Phone 919 5 e February Magazines ENGLISH FEBRUARY MAGAZINES, Harmsworti's Red Mag Wide World lag. London Mag Royal Mag. Pall Mall, Pearson's, Weldon's Fashion Book, 10¢ (7 free patterns). Fashions For All, 10c (4 free pat- terns}, Table Silver PEEP FPPPEPPEIT PENS Does not your Table Silver need some replenishing or new. little. pleces added to brighten it up? ; Look it over sometime soon. We are headquarters for TABLE SILVER. are new and the cost may price of good Heavy Sterl- i Our patterns attractive, and vary from the Plated Ware to ing Silver SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians, R50 KING STRERT. Issuers of Marriage Licenses, FUR Sale At GOURDIERS --------. A Nice Home Opportunity A new solid Brick Dwelling in a | | | | | desirable location, with 8 rooms b. & c¢. and furnace, good cellar, front {and side to be Sold for $2,850. entrance, This is a peach. Get in early on the deal Houses to 'rent, Mullin Cor. Johnson and Division Streets, "Phone 539 reas RN a2 EXAMINATION id examined | Eyes should be every two years. The eyes change. Glasses exactly right last year may be injurious now. Whether you wear glasses or not your eyes should be examined every two Fears. We are eye experts. We can afford you perfect sight ur varied stock of mounts elps us to give perfect satis faction.) : Dr. A. P.Chown, Druggist, Optician, 185 PRINCESS STREET. "Fasne 343, v ' ® Promises Get Friends Performances Keep Them hundreds of friends performances. hun- We've won through and we're going to get dreds more When we promise to send LAUNDRY home at a specified. time our performance takes it there SHIRTS COLLARS, CUFFS Jaundered in double quick time just as spotiessly and daintily, too, as though we had spent a week over them, Kingston Laundry AVVVVVLVVLLVVLTLLVLLTL VBL LVR VBLLS TUT RVVLTVATRGES

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