a sania 3 J --- w 5 J; % RAR RHI ATT ENCES RECOUNTED IN BRIEF FORM. That Interest Everybody From AN Over--Little of erything Easily Read and Re 'I "believe my fate is not unlike that tmbered, of thoukapds of other workers who fe daily lose their places for reasons they do not knowy and probably would not believe. - When their last pay enveélape comes along, it is usually, "Your ser In cong ; San Fraucisco won the vices no longer required." Ii the truth grst vote for the. Panama exposition were known, the réason for their un- of 1915, Agent, R.J. LAWLER of one of the oldest families in New | ceremonious removal would probably Jigors disagree in the case against ork, died January 25th, leaving no | be that their usefulness was destroyed the. Toronto Street railway, and were o : . J E H ch Jot liver, her only next of kin | becanse of some mental worry, bodily the Joeont 3 bi 3 \ . - ut eson being four grand nephews and nieces, ailment or general indisposition. These King | Frederich August of Saseny : 3 Sg) CTIONEER and APPRAISES sent to $17 or ; al Soci o g: | things, as we know, are the most esterday. for hunt of severa The Histocial Society gets all. he; | things, as we all ; E left, yestQOay. a ¢ A card Albert Ntrest or real estate and the residue of her per- | fruitful causes of failure in all walks | 8 YSN o 'Sudan, h : ; : >» onder left at Ba Mdiapen's or J. 5 s after specific bequests are | of life. The battle of Waterloo was oO .government will. pro | aon sonal bate ular Sheu %9 Host because of a headache. In this vide twenty epi dollars to pro | | Posapied fram Raat retorauens wives. : "yp - Lindsay Warder" of Jan 13% last for reid The Sequel Miss de Peyst left Thoums Ker-| quick age our minds must be clear, t chi : Miss de Puy er Je » a all | rapid, active and free from outside in-| oar a ura Ferguson, promi nan, her conchman, $5,000 and i Miss Mary Ly Mr. MacIntosh says --" At the hospital I was kept masked night Miss de Pevster's horses, carriages and | fence or worry, or else we go down nent in social and educational worl stable fixtures. No definite value waste [fuilure with the throng of "float- |; Montreal, is o 3 "placed upon the estate in the applica- | °rs" Who go from ohe place of employ- | pv "vote of 11%. to 63, the Com and day for five days. At the end of that time the burns were still very bad and the doctors ¢ t ment to another, giving no satisfac- , 3 " motion, 10 cen tion for probate. tion to others or to thiadives, con- pf onice Rapi ud ov Xy stantly growing older and less useful, | The owner of a conSiznment of with nd ambition, no will power, and frozen egps at Montreal, i te no hope. 2 destroy them, and force my be used Every man requires from every oth-1 Waterloo county temperanc® Woy xt man the Beit that is. in Kim. But (ors will > (nangurate would not hear of my returning to work. I knew if I could only get some Zam-Buk for the burns I would be back at work in quick time, because I had previously used the balm and knew what it would do. At last I left the hospital and went straight to a local store and bought some Zam-Buk. At the hotel I applied a Zam-Buk dressing and this cooled the burning pains and gave Aroused, s a loeal optios nerve in the bod " Pel 1. -M great | NO man can use or get the best that campaign in every elegible mun cipal §| New York, Feb any Sea is in himself until he is first free from ¥ ris a» me quick relief. I kept on with the Zam-Buk treatment and returned to work. Within just one week after first commenc- restores every to its proper tension ; restores hits leaving N York iy. \ 07. Fromafure decay ud al sexs | Ocean steamships leaving New Yor ull fretful indispositions and worries. | William Chisholm was fined $15 An¢ ing with the Zam-Buk treatment I might have defied any. verted at y t ballasted with water, " . new man. Price Babe cu iy] do. go. out ballacte grain. So the | That was my trouble. I was full of | costs, $25.45 in all, by T. Smith, J Eo od ny ade i. Scobes) Drug : ' troubles. That's why 1 lost my job. Maxville, for breaking quarantine, and sale at Mahood's drug store. here when it bod to detect where the burns had been, so splendidly did Zam-Buk heal the injury." srstate Commerce Commission heard 4 } , le, fc hmerstate £0 resumed the adjourned | My stomach in the first place was al- appgarmg in a store. hearing relative to ways out. of order, and [ was worry- The Mountain Lumber Manufactur crimination of railroad Mr. MacIntosh resides at 48 Humbert St, Toronto, FREE Zswm-Buk is alee a sure cure for eczema, ringworm, salt rheum, skin erup- The Up-to-date Restaurant H tions, ulcers, piles, abscesses, bived-poisoning, bad le, varicose veins, face and Eating House, Separate the alleged dis z i i ; mind grew ing Association, Nelson, B.C., adopied blemishes, cats, brulses, and all ot wr injuriesand diseases. Best ba'm for babies, " a TRIAL : appartments. Well furnished By ! . A. grain rates | ing about it aud my JUN BEAVER BRAND against New York and in favor of | cloudy, and glow. 1 made mistakes, | strong resolutions condemming the re Y ry The witness who so testi- | 20d grew grouchy. That was the end. ciprocity agreement. becawr @ absolutely pure, 50 cent ' a box, ab all druggists and stores, or Zam. 1 Buk Ce., Toronte, for price. 'Send this coupon, 1¢ stamp, and tanye of this and lighted, BOX. od our full course dinner, To's cr FOR. Health} Drink McCarthev's Ale and Porter. It's the best. i BOAR -- TCOACHMAN GETS MORE a . ANY RELATIVES, . With half the labor, and at es half the cost of other soap, Sunlight does the whole washing in half the time, yet without injuring the most delicate fabric. Use it the Sunlight . Follow the directions. THAN My Job Reasons Why Thousands Like Me x Cannot Satisfy Their Employers. ster Gives Bulk of Fortune to Historical Society, New York, Feb 1] bequest to her éoa hman than to sox { 'ntherine Nortjiern Navigation compan will not sell out to the Iuland line. King George's libel action agains M lius will begin to-day, in London. [win of Catherine Augusta de Pey- i Leaving a larger { {of her relatives, the will of | Augusta de Peyster, filed for probate, { to-day Makes the New York Histori {enl Society her principal beneficiary. i Miss de Peyster, a wealthy member GD GS 0 Ss TN, KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE 19 » "» * 'Highest Fducarion at LowestCost - Twenty-sixth ear Fall Terme begins Augus ith Courses Jak ping wihand e and English graduate get the best® positions Wiithiz short time® ever sixty secured positions withe one of the largest railway cor- porations in Canada. Enter anve time Call or write for informa- tion. H. ¥. Metcaite, Principal ® (Limited) . . Kingston, Canada MONTREAL GETS TRADE At Expense of New York, Which is Restorer for Men THE AMERICAN CAFE 185 Wellington St. Flour 1s unexcelled for bread or) TP hi mod 1 s James T. Parker, of the firm oh ny . " : Price ls moderate. Pas Graf thembers of the New | about with "quick lmch" faces, dys- | fore. the w ays and means committee to » 3 Th . M » . Ontario Street. York Produce Exchange. Mr. Parker peptic manners, and repulsive atmos- take up the Canadian reciprocity bill contended that a continuation of the | Peres. No employer wants such men's | nd explain its features. Whithey, in po | pervices. Sir James the legisla Hie. per bushel rate would result in *™ k : Fu ; ional i pas : my advice. A healthy stomacl re, " » sessional New York losing all of ite export |, Take my advice 3 i} ture, announced that the s al in : is half the battle, for it keeps = your Ldemnity of the members would be in ain ess. As a matter of fact i ) * 4 ut it Foor alteady licen ay { mind clear, and your face rosy. I have | creased from $1,000 to $1.400. + asserte st, 3 hk a I 7 . a healthy stomach now and hold « Three men killed and ten others and he maintained that a rate of four ed 1 omblaveE ] - ents per bushel in effect between May good position, and my employer is missing as the result of a sow slide cents : p ) PICTURE SALE. Special Sale of Unframed Pictures. Large variety of sizes and styles greatly re- al. . : ; TCG 3 Montes There are thousands like me, going| 1.8. Secretary Knox will appear be- paper and we will send you free trial box. satisfied and so am 1 at the Utah Coaltion mine in Big . duced prices. WEESE & Co., Wallpaper, Photos, Framing. on "PILLS All women should read the special directions with every box. In boxes 28¢. Sold Bverywhore. Toe Is Fao By I Fruit" AND <a OUR COAL known by its good burn- es. ing quali P. WALSH, 58-57 Barrack St. 2 Isn't Worth Living I This Statement is Mado it be Generslly Attributed to Lack of Good Health. ® want to talk to people who are us, who sulfer fraquent hondaches, don't enjoy their food, wh 1 lose their ty 'ndsovd Toronto. Ont, The Woman Alive to her own best interests,-- as soon __asthere is need, will help her whole system with the tonic action of BEECHAM'S 15th and November 15th is needed in order to encourage the movement by way of this port. A. C. Fatherhoff, manager of the freight department of the Internation. al Mercantile Marine grain steamers, testified of the decline in grain ship- ments from New York, and said that recently two steamers had been with drawn from the New York service, be cause of the decrease in shipments of both cattle and grain. W. A. Wadhams, representing the New York Chamber of Commerce, an nounced that the chamber proposed to submit a new basis of rites, which would not disturb the existing rate structure, but which would put York on an equal footing with Mon. treal, PUT UP THE SHOT. LCR. Must Pay to Nurse $3,163 Damages, z Ottawa, Feb, 1.--L. A. Audette, re gistrar of the exchequer court, has filed his report in the petition of right of Delia Hamilton ve. the dominion government. | A few years ago Miss Hamilton, who had just graduated as a nurse at the Montreal Maternity hospital, while alighting from an Intercolonial railway train at Ste. Flavie, in the county of Rimouski, met with a ter rible- accident. The sudden starting of the train without any signal from the conductor caused Miss Hamilton to fall under the wheels, with the result that both of her legs were crushed and had to be amputated immediately af- terwards. Miss. Hamilton has been given judg: ment for $5,163 and costs, MARRIED HER PUPIL. -- Contests Will of Disappointed Sunday School Teacher. New York, Feb. 1.--laving trained Charles Hough from bovhood until she considered him a model young man, his Sunday school teacher be came a widow and married him. Hea opinion of the experiment after several years was conveyed in her will, which devised $1,000 to Charles and the re- mainder of her $50,000 estate to chari ties. She was twenty-five years his senior, but having provided him with a good home, she considered that he should not have heen attentive other women. Hough is contesting the New , I started to take Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets which I was told were good for the worst cases of indigestion and dyspepsia. The first two tablets"made a wonderful difference in my condi tion. One ingredient of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets digests 3,000. grains of food. The stomach doesn't have to work at all. The Tablets do all the work, no matter how heavy your meal. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets cure brash, eructations, burning sensations, bloat, irritations, loss of appetite, nauséa, heartburn, lack of energy, loss of memory and dyspepsia and indiges- tion in their very worst forms. No other little tablets in the world much. You should carry them around with you wherever vou go and take them regularly after meals. Then you will realize what it is to be freed from stomach torment, and have a clear mind, a quick mem- ory, a happy dispobition, comfort and rest. Get Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets ut any drug store for B0c. a package. Send us your name and address to- day and we will at once send you by mail a sample package, free. Address F. A. Stuart Co., 150 Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mich. can do so Toronto Street Market. Cottonwood canyon, near Alberta. Les Quon Jung, familiarly known as Boston Charlie, arrested in New York for smuggling in opium. Andrew Carnegie has donated an additional $1,250,000 in furtherance of philanthropy at his birthplace, Dumfermline, Seotland. It is anticipated that imperial pre ference will form the subject of a con servative amendment to the address at the opening of the British parliament Jackson & Co., contractors, Lon don, will dam the Euphrates for the Purkish government, being part of ths scheme for the irrigation of Mesopo tamia. Mrs. Henry Burgoyne, St. Cath arines, Ont., a bride of seven months, died, Tuesday morning. A week ago the groomsman at her wedding was buried in Buffalo. 4 : F. H. Cunningham, for years superintendent of fish culture, marine department, Ottawa, - becomes chief dominion inspector of fisheries for British Columbia. The county comncil of Dundas and Glengarry will build » House of Refuge on W. A. Craig's 140 acre farm near Cornwall at a to tal cost of $20,000, An epidemic of diphtheria is raging: in the officers' quarters at Madison Barracks, Watertown, N.Y.. and a several Stormont, Toronto, Jan, 31.--Wheat, white, per bush., 87¢. to B8c.; wheat, red, per bush., 87e, to 88¢c.; wheat, goose, per bush., 78¢. to S0c.; oats, per bush., 3%. to 40c.; peas, per bush., Ste. to 82c.; barley, per bush., 64c. to 6dc.; rve, per bush., 65c. to 66¢c.: buckwheat per bush, 48¢. to 50c.; hay, timothy, per ton, $18 to $20; hay, mixed, r ton, $14 to $15; straw, per ton, od Alsike clover--No. 1, per bush., 87 to $7.50; No. 2, per hush., $6.50 to B75: No. 3, per bush, $85.50 t, $6; red clover, No. 1, per bush., $6.75 to $7: red elover, No: 2, per bush., $6 to £6.25: red clover, No, 3; per bush., 8 to 25.50; timothy, No. 1, recleaned, $6.25 timothy, No. 2, recleaned, $5.15: Al falfa, recleaned, $1295 to 213.25; dressed hogs, $0.75 to $10.25; hutter, dairy, per lb., 25e. ta 28¢.: butter, in- ferigr, per lhe, 20c. to 23c.; eggs, new Inid, per dozen, 35¢c. to 0c: du ks, spwinz, per Ib. 15¢. to 20c.; chickens, large portion of this section is under the strictest "quarantine; Miss Adele Rater. the noted con tralto singer and one of the leading light opera singers on the American stage, died in Hahnemmnn hospital New. York, after a brief illness. The Mexican federal forces of (en Langue are divided and cooped up-...ir the towns of Ojinago and Cuchill Parrado. The insurrectors every road leading into both towns. Monsignor Edward &, Fitzgerald, pastor of the Church of the Hol, Rosary, died at the House of Mere hospital, Holyoke, Mass., of puen monia. A. Cecil Gibson, barrister, died at his home, 61 Si. Albans steeet, To ronto, Tuesday afternoon, as the re sult of injuries sustained by a fall while alighting from a street ear, Mon day night. Mrs. George Maxwell, aged fifiy living at Lancaster, N.B., was instant occupy per 1b., 15¢. to 17¢.; turkeys, per lb., 2le. to 2Ue.; geese, per 1b. 1c. to | t Bie.; fowl, per 1b., 12c. to HMe.; apples | foe. to i5c.; cauliffower, per 75c, to $1; omions, per bag., MWe. to | Hy killed while hanging out clothes The line broke and she fell eighteer to ¢ per bbl, 83 to 85; cabbage, per dozen, | feet, breaking her neck. She leaves a dozen, | husband and six children. s Fire destroyed the main building of 166 Pritss \ For nearly.the third of' century we have known what PsycHine will do. We have known it to cur.| hundreds of thousands in that time, o jSOme of the most desperate cases of d Bease known to medical science. 3 'We bave received thouddnds of un- solicited testimonials, whi'h we will gladly let you look over $hould you desire. Think of it, a third of § century's experience with one prepfration,- a third of a cemtury's intippAle know- ledge of what extraordinarf cures it bas made--almost a lifetime Do you wonder then with}that per fect knowledge of Psyohined that we are anxious to bring it to gne Notice of everyone in Canada suffe disease? Do you wonder that we waR' those Grape F ruit 'Sunkist Oranges THOS GUY Prop 2 dozen for 25c. 15, 20, 30 and 40 cents per dozen. 12 Wrappers and 12 cents gets Rogers' A.J. REES, Sunkist Orange Spoon at Phoie 58 : FREE PSYCHINE FOR "THE SICK Let us buy a sce. bottle- from. your Druggist and gi \ : are our reasons! NEW SANITARY MATTRESS. Your old feather bed made into modern and sanitary mattress. Feathers cleaned by sanitary pro- cess. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR FEATHERS. Dominion Feather Co., KING STREET (Opposite 8t. George's Church). Drop a card and our agent will call. \ : Nope ve it to youito try. Here It these white corpuscles are not in below, mail it to us and we'll give your sufficient numbers or are not sufficient- druggist an order (for which we pay ly strong, then destroy body. That's the cause of nearly every disease that afflicts the human race, For years, centuries, in fact, it bas been recognized that herbs are the most effective treatment for disease. It is only within recent times that we have been abs to tell just why they wera so effective. Because certain of them increased and strengthened the white corpuscles or phagocytes. These herbs are employed in com- pounding Psychine. We go all over this world to obtain hese herbs. Arabia, South America, China and Japan all contribute. _ And the result is a preparation that will restore health and build vitality as these disease germs him the regular retail price) for a 50. them and disease holds the cent bottle of Psychbine 10 be given you free of cost. We will undoubtedly buy and distri bute in this manner hundreds of thou sands of these 60-ceat bottles of Pap chine, And we do that to show our entirs Sondammee in this wonderful prepara on. A confidence that hag been based on our 30 years' experience with this splendid preparation, with a full know- ledge of the hundreds of thousands of cures it has made. COUPON No. 19 To the Dr. T. A. SLOCUM Lud. 193-195 Spadina Ave.. Toronto to know who are using wrong of cure, who are not getting w oy who we kumow will be will. $1; potatoes, per bag, 9c. to 81; beef, | the Maryland College for Women at hindquarters, $9.50 to $11; beef, fore. | Lutherville, Md., entailing a loss of quarters, $8 (, $9. beef, choice, car. | $00,000. The students fled to th case, 39 {; $10: beef, medium, car | campus, half clad, where they hud- case, ¥5 to $850; motton, per owt. | died in shivering groups in the cold $8 to $0.50: veal, prime, per owt. 8117 air. to $13; lamb, per cwt., $10 to $11.50. | Hon. Mackenzie King will leave fo rane Raw Yar to make an appeal to the Niamond Mateh Co. to relinquish their Has the Marriage Registers. Iriohts in'Canada to the wn of the Lomdon, Feb. 1.--The crown advo: sequi sulphide patent. The company cate of Malta has arrived in London | has done so in the United States at with fou? boxes of marriage registers | the request of President Taft, during the period of the king's service with the Mediterranean fleet, and oth-| "5 bags Nut Milk Chocolate," Gils er documents bearing on the Mylius| son's. case. James Major, a resident of Brock The crown advocate will probably, | ville for the past twelve years, di seys the Chronicle, have a leading part Saturday at the residenve of his in the evidence for. the king in this | daughler, Mrs. Jobn McMahon, after | disease germ that geis inte tae pols Word for the tremendoasiy boneBoial case. It is understood that Myli an illness of two months, of cancer. | keeps the body healthy. {effect of Peychine. Fill out the coupon ut present without a legal "Chamois Vests," Gibson's. i presumably, therefore, will conduct ---- exhausted that they feel up, and have become Pine Grove ens. at that life. doesn't seem Pine Grove (East Inverary), Jam. y o ; : 30.--The farmers are taking advantage are the shova Sositd vondl- of the excellent roads to get out their ; bi hysed p Mhelow yearly supply of wood. . and Mrs. jon of Suturdy anes, | C- Gibson spent Saturday in town. Ning of in incur te Miss Alta Johnston left for Ottawa, 3 & jon Monday, where she intends taking a course in the business college. Jackie, son of G.' W, Bishop, very ill with pneumonia, is rapidly recov- ing. A dittle girl has come to ton the home of Charles Barr. R. K. Johnston, Queen's, spent Sanday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. . Johnston. Miss Hughes, 'Toronto, of her sister, Mrs. G. W. Bishop, feted home. Mrs. E. Lake and ave uo other preparation will. That has proven itself in nearly the Psyalline. third of a century's use as no other Do you wonder that we Bote preparation has proven itself. hundreds of thousands of 50-ce ; That {3 a most effect! tles of Psychine from the dru en of cor lective teatimant Canada to give to those who wish to try it? My Nali0...,.c comsmorssosrss sopessnng: La Grippe Bronchitis He: Sore Throat nasmnia : Weakness Indigestion Poor Appetite Chills and Fevers Heeplessness and AT ter risy, La Grippe. ati FOWL. oc corsse is tenrsnrmimunss snes reans Street and OTD sn suciesapinnn --~-- My Druggist's NAIC. ou covrsevsnessrscnse Street and Number........euveurve .... - 'R » x» Psychine bullds vitality. . It strengthens and {increases . the white corpuscles of the blood -- the phagocytes, the policemen or sca YeO- gers of tae blood. } These white corpuseles of the hr when strong enough, destroy evf'? Now we don't ask you to take our - i 1 fick nt I '13..2 It