« Peterboro, OTEL X Go to the STEWART HOUSE. ng 3 Cammeretal Hotel. Rates, $1.50 per ay JAS. STEWART, Prop TRAVELLING. ---------------------- ---------- HEURES LOCAL BRANCH TIME-TABLE, ~ Trains wil leave and arrive at City Depot as follows: 8 s 2 1 £2 3 Q it * te - s rrive . 12. va AWNENEe I: - "gra SnD WN ot Bt a BY a 3 Limitedl WE isa UTTREP BE3E83 WOM OO : > 238333 B® < as a . - < 2 ~~ - WERT RES SE3EEE3 ® AES a pret' wusppe B3F - Sa 00 se TONES eB DAP) 7.00 pm. 1. Trains 1, 2. 3 4, 6, 6. 7 Jud daily; other trains dally capt 8 day. Fhrough Pualimans to and from Ottawa daily on trains 2 and §. For further information, apply to J.P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnston and Ontario Ste. re. wu gas © 2 KincsTond PEMBROK EVRY in Connection With CANADIAN PACIFICO RAILWAY Trains Leave Kingston 12.01 p. Express--For Ottawa. Montreal, Quebec, Peterboro, St. John, N.B.; Halifax, Boston, Toronto, Chi- cago, Denver, , Bault Ste, Marie, Duluth, St. Paul, Winnipeg. Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco, y J.m--Local for Sharbot Lak connecting with C. P. KX. Bast an t. 746 am Mixed--For Renfrew andi {ntermedl te points, Mon, Wed, and riday. Passengers leaving Kingston at 12 01 pm. arrive in Ottawa at § pn +38 pm.; 'Toronto, 65 pm.; Montreal, 7.06 pm.; Boston, 1. am; St. John, 1290 noon. ¥F. CONWAY, Gen. Fass. Agent. BAY OF QUINTE RAD. WAY, Train leaves Union Sistion, Ountari Street. 4 pm. dsily (Sunday excepted) or Tweed, Bydenba onto, Napanee, Deser , Bannockburn and all points north 3 re quick 4 tch to Baniuvcs - a Maynooth, and p points on Centra Untasio Fouts your shipments via rd i ulnte way, For 3 iy RW. DI her rt sre" apy ckBoN. Laon: FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. ESTABLISHED 1563, President--Sir Richard Cart Money issued on City and Farm perties, Muniéipal ahd County Deben- tures, Mortgages purchas posits received and interest silowed. 8 OU, MeGILL, Managing Director, 7 Clarence Street. H PARKS & SON Florists | Ri" Fone tis. | sure the gun would accomplish. GREATEST CURE FOR RAELAATM 5 "FRUTATNES 4] Honestly Believe It," says Mir. Wills Kanowlton, P.Q., Oct. 12th, 1909. Tar many years I suffered from severe Rheumatism and the attacks were very distressing and prevented me from doing my ordinary work. 1 trisd many remedies and physicians' | treatinents but nothing seemed to do me | much good, snd 1 was becoming very! ansious for fear I would become a per-| mansut eripple from Rheumatism. : 1 tried * Fruit-a-tives " and this medi- cine has entirely cured me, and I honestly believe that * Fruit-atives' i is the greatest Rhoumatism Cure in the world. : E. E. MILLS, Asst. P.M., Knowlton, Que. "Fruit-a-tives" not only strengthens and heals the kidneys--but also regulates the bowels, improves the action of the skin--and thus keeps the blood pure and rich and free from urie acid which causes Rheumatism. " Fruit-a-tives "the great fruit medi. eine--is sold by all dealers at 50¢ a box, 6 for $2 50; trial size, 25¢; or sent on Sosipt of price by Fruit-a- tives Limited, Lowa. [GRAND UNION # [OTE = tor 274. G07 onidE Book ant May MAXIM'S MAXIM. i Modest Claims Often Carry More Conviction Than Loud Boasts. | When Maxim, the famous inventor, | placed his gun before a committee of | judges, he stated its carrying power to | be considerably below what he felt The result of the trial was, therefore, =a triumph of surprise instead of disap- pointment as it might have been if he had overestimated his gun's efficiéney. Our claim regarding Newhro's Herpi- | cide is based on actual scientific facts. H a living germ is causing your hair to fall out its the most sensible thing to kill that germ. Newbro's Herpicide does this quickly and effectually. Destroy the cause you remove the effect, Es Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co; Detroit; Mich. 31 bottles guaran NEWS OF NEIGHBORS WHAT /HIG CORRESPONDENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Dotng and What They Are Saying. St. Lawrence, Wolfe Island. St. Lawrence, Jan. 31.--A large number from bere attended the mas. uerade ball, in the CM. B.A. hall, : 24th. John McDonald, who has been spending the past few months in Ogdensburg, was home for a few days. Harold Dignem, who has been ill, is able to He out azain. Thonws Hogan spent a few days here last week, ov business. A number of the people are hauling timber to the city. Miss Sadie Murray has been visiting for the past week with her aunt, Mrs. James Coyle in Marysville. George O'Brien, of Ogdensburg, is visiting his home hers, Miss Laura Dignem spent nu few days at J. Greenwood's. Sharbot Lake Notes, Sharbot Lake, Jan. 30.--Mrs. Cor- nell, while on her way to the store, fell and broke her arm. Quite a num ber from here attended the hockey match at Verona, between Verona and Sharbot Lake, the score being 2 to 0 in favor of Verona. The Bible class, on Thursday evening, was well attend- . The Foresters held an oyster sup- per, Saturday evening, in the hall. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford, of Braeside, ure visiting at David Sly's; Mrs. Harry Thompson and daughter have' return- ed home to North Augusta, acoom- aniiedd by her mother. Quite 4 num- er are on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Culbert are visiting his parents. At Leo Lake. Leo Lake, Jan. 30.--Roads are in ex- cellent condition. The shareholders of the Leeds Rural Telephone company intend holding a meeting on February 15th, Miss M. McArdle loft last week | for Long Point. T. T. Bower, of Win-' nipeg, was the guest of relatives here T. Berrigan and the Misses Jenning: | and Redmond, of the Rockwood hos | pital staff, and Mist B. Murphy, of ! Seeley's Bay, spent Sunday at R. Webb's, J. E. Donnelly at Watertown, ! N.Y; Miss [. Mountenay left last week for her home in Montreal. Mis. | M. Forrester is convalescent. Mr. and Mrs. W. Murchy, Bewer's Mills, recent | Trevelyan Tidings. | Trevelyan, Jan. 30.--Some of the | young men attended a ball in Mallory town, Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. | School is to open February lst, with! Miss Warren as teacher. Mr. and Mrs, | Edward Flood, Lansdowne, were recent | guests of Mr. and Mrs. P: Flood. "AY UP-TO-DATE. Mrs. Weeds (at Reno)---Was your second marriage happy? Mrs. Divorsay--Yes; why it was a case of divorce at sight. HIS FATAL ERROR. "Miss: De Rocks--Ruth---I dream of you day and night May I hope to claim you for my own?" "Your hopes would be in vain." "Do you really mean that?' "Certainly. The man 1 marry must be wide-awake. No dreamers need apply." ly called on friends here. KE. J. Leeder, spent Sunday, the guest | of Mr. and Mrs. M. Heffern, Athens. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1011 CHIRP UP BY OLIVER MOORE. A BOND OF SYMPATHY. "That new hired girl of ours goes out every night." "I can sympathize with you. does our furnace.' THE NATURAL BRAND. "My wife is taking lessons elocution this winter." "Mine doesn't have to. herited her line of talk." She So in " in- All kinds of Cut Flowers and Planis in n. Wedding and Funeral De- signs a specialty shipped to all parts. 138 King Street. teed. James B. McLeod, druggist, special agent, Kingston, Out, a Your Liver is Clogged up Tuts Why You're Tired--Out of WM. MUKHAY, Auctiveaeer. Furniture Bales on Fpecial at {ontion, Bount Katee ot | Farms kote, have n my 8 on ears. If farmers w h lar, get my services MARKET SQUARE the AS00000 00000000OOOOVS ® Wood, Lumber, Shingles Honest Measurement. w Prices. N. JACKSON, : PLACE DARMES, Residence, 280 Bagot Street 'Phone No. 1019. "esssesssssesesesesned THE GLUB HOTEL WHMLLINGTON ST., near PRINCESS. There are other hotels, bul sone approach the Club for homeilke sur roundings. ; in centre a city and close Genuine mut ben Signature ool Quick Returns -- Honest Assortment Correct Market Prices Paid for all kinds of RAW FURS and SKINS Send your collections to ~~ REVILLON FRERES ESTABLISHED 1733 The Leader in the world's Fur Trade. 134 ot 136 McGill Street, Montreal, Our PRICE LIST FREE WR PAY EXPRPSS CHARGES The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. 'Scranton Coal is good coal and we guarantee prompt. delivery. BOOTH, 4.50: Ne ee) NOOO O0 NO Ree ER) number of the young people attended | the Leeder-Jordan wedding at Lom- bardy on Wednesday. Messrs, FE. Keyes and BB. Shea, Sheatown spent Sunday ovening at. Frederick Leeder's. George Heflern, Charleston, and Miss Helena | Heffern, Athens, spent Sunday at R. J. Leeder's. Mr, and Mrs. Gi. B. Leal i on | er, Caintown, called on friends Sunday. ; Lessin Hartington Aroused. Hartington, "Jan. 31.--A missionary service was held in the church on Sun- day evening. The subject was ably discussed by T. F. Harrison; Kingston, who in a clear and thrilling address showed forth the crying need of men everywhere, to be "up and doing" if we would save our country from the evils naturally arising from the influx of a host of people of all nationali- ties, of different tongues and of a variety of creeds. His earnest appeal was met by a liberal subscription, and more is expected to follow. The choix sang as an anthem, "The Lord Jeho- veh Reigns," and during the offertory "Where Jesus Leads, We Follow." All present were delighted with Mr. Har- fos vison's address, At Yonge Mills. Yonge Mills, Jan. 30.--Mr. and Mrs. George Vanalstine and daughter, Miss Mary, Collins Bay, were visiting friends here last week. Mr. and Mrs. D. Herbison and children spent last week with Miss M. Gibson. George Gibson left, on Thursday, for Cali- fornia. Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Derby- shire, Brockville, spent Wednesday at G. A. Purvis'. School opened last week, with Miss Jones, Whithy, as F Tteacher. OU W. Dickey has been on the | sick list. Word has been received here of the death, at Rossie, N.Y., of Heze- kish Simons, Mrs. Simons is a sister of A. McLean. Special services will be be held in the Stone church for a couple of weeks, beginning to-night. Rev. Mr. Cameron, Brockville, and other ministers will assist. Cushendall Items. dall, Jan. 31.--Quite a Co. y Chivers'. A Household Necessity i ] | i : THOSE DEAR FRIENDS. "You could forget a man's past?" | "Certainly. if he didn't forget j ta present around Christmas time." liam Hawley, at his son's, James Hawley; Mr. and Mrs. Wilburn Thar- rett, at William Knapp's; Mrs. J. W, Knapp and daughter, Alma, at George Bertram's; Mr, and Mrs. William Mays, Portland, with her parents, Mr, amd Mrs. 8, Middleton. At Stella, Amherst Island. Stella, Jan. 30.~Quite a number of HIRAN GARPENTER'S WONDERFUL CURE OF SKIN DISEASE After 20 Years of Intense Suffering, "I have been aflicted for twenty years i ; J §FE HER HAND, the mitten RIGHT OFF "1 gave Fred night." "That was an do, my dear." last offhand thing to islanders are taking advantage of the good driving on the ice. J. 8S. Nel son's supply of ice is exhausted, and many are drawing from Kingston and Collins Bay. W. T. Hill, while on his wity home from Kingston, on Satur day, met with an accident. When eross- ing a crack opposite A. Speer's, hoth horses went through and but for (he titaely arrival of help, they would have been drowned. Butchers from King. ston have bought up a lot of cattle, sheep, pigs, ete, here. Two clover dressers from the mainland began operations here last week. The con cert given under the auspices of the high school in Victoria hall, on Fri day evening, January 20th, was a fecided success. Dr. Moffat, Vi8., Pie ton, spent a week on the island lately. *. Morrow, Fmerald, was taken to the general hospital on Monday last to undergo an operation for appendi- citis, A. E. Howard and H. A. Pat terson have commenced deawing milk to Kingston. R. Filson is again driv. ing the stage to Kingston. Mrs. W. McDonald spent a few days in Ports mouth. Her daughter, Mrs. R. A. Caughey and children, returned with her for a short visit. J. McFern js] visiting in Svracuse, N.Y, Harold Reid, from the west, is visiting friends liere, Ida Hill' Items. Ida Hill, Jan. 31.---The weather has again taken another cold step, the temperature falling below zero Inst ' night. The school trusters are mak- i ing preparations for the erection of a new school the coming spring. At the present time the taxes are oo high and with an extra rate still added for the cost of a school, a number of the ratepayers do not approve of the scheme until the county expenses are lowered. Two new telephones were put into village residences last week. R. Gibson has finished drawing the school wood, having delivered a good qual ity. Joseph Patterson wos the guest of William Iiekard last week, prior to his trip west. Mise Emerson, the pre sent teacher, in the village school, is iving good satisfaction and by all her pupils. Joseph Robin. son and wife, of London, Fng., are visiting friends in this vicinity. Webb Bros. have been hauling hay from, an adjacent farm. Mrs. Thomas Robert- has again improved in health. W. Shannon is drawing firewood to. the homestead farm; recently purchased. Skating, which is now good, is much sujoved by the young people. The month of January is ending rough and stormy. The engagement is ammounced of Miss Jean Neilson McFarlane, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. John McFarlane, Almonte, 'to George Buckham, Field, RO, the martiaps to take pine in ---- ' is welll C= VENIENCE was our idea when we invented OXO Cubes. Buy the Cubesand you will say we have . succeeded. The finest health-giving drink in the world; made ina moment from OXO Cubes. Scid ia Tins containing 4 and 10 Cubes. Two Free Samples sent on recsist of Ja. stamp to pay postage and packing. OXO la also packed in botties for People whe prefer it in fluid form, 25 Lombard 51 #1 Commen 8 Montreal, -- EE -- «Your Afternoon Teas... } is not complete without Ice Cream. Order early from PRICE'S eS 1000000000000 0000O0F CU L0000000RC00000000000Y A ------------------------ "00000000 ROQOOOS - © er = e oc © - Wooveoos00esooeenene v 100000000 OOOOO OOOO Nothing Better Th @ . . ® 0000 CORE ie Purest of their kind. Have you tried them? : SAKELL'S SE CREAM PARLOR § ext to Opera House, Phone 640 8 OOOO OOOO OOOO SRO sessed ee ss aN . a i. oe (@ee The most delicious of chocolate confections. "They stand alone in their smoothness, richness and unique flavor. Insist on having COWAN'"S. Name and design patented and registered. 4 | THE COWAN CO. LIMITED, TORONTO. and as wholesor 2 cream The most digestible of nourishing beverages GC ALE and STOUT Creates appetite; makes meals 'taste better; brings healthy sleep. Keep it always in the house. Your dealer sells it, or you can order direct. 5 John Labatt LONDON - CANADA Sn Agent, James McParland. 339- 1 Ki arland King 5t. E., Kingston ry MOST SUCCESSFUL | SHOE SALE Ever Held in Kingston Deducted from regular price of any shoes in our store, 3 No Wonder Our Store is Crowded Daily COME EARLY There's always an end to all good things.