& e000 eOReOOROORIOORS si Restored to Health by Vimol. Rev. I. known minister iu Writes © : "1 had a very severe stomach trow- ble last year from which I wis kept jn bed three months. I had engaged the services of a doctor, but to no avail. 1 then read of Vinol and de termined fo try a bottle. Before it wus used up I was out of bed, and dour bottles made me a well man. Schneider, why is a well Rie ie; Lake, Wie, Vinol is a splendid medicine and I can} gladly recommend it." Prominent wen from all over the courtry do not hesitate to indorse this wonderful tonic, For twelve years Vinol has been sold on > "money buck" plan and every year' strengthens its popularity and proves by continued tests that it will do what we claim for it. Mahood's Drug Store, Kingston. A WATERTIGHT ROOF For that House or Barn can easily be made with our Cedar Shingles. Neat in appearance. Proof against rain. Good for 40 years. 5. ANGLIN & C0. "Cor Wellihgton and Bay Sts. OVERCOATS At REDUCED PRICES will clear slaughter From now on we out big Btock at prices. Overconta at S450, $7.50, 8, $12.50. Equal to the best tailor-made goods. Boots and Shoes, Rubbers, ete, at Re : duced Prices. | ISAAC ZACK' "271 PRINCESS STREET. = 4 c fe, Bo my in oo Voip, Cres 5 and Brain Worry, #1 per box, six i nt of ons DME, pondeney, , | The grants to all institutions bearing Woven & | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1011. surance that they are fenerally read. The first objection to the mitiative Sires ange 26 and 4 ond referendum, as Mr. Foxeroft pute {its js that a legislative schem> is SYHIO, 18 Pages | rushed through and that a state or a 3a Lear TO | community is loaded with it before br of Daily $3!there is a definite ides abroad as to At ay ge "Job Print- | what it is all about. The old meth- Ing Offices in Canada. stylish, | 4 i carrying a bill through the - work; nine a ying : Shasp Yn house, and both branches of the THE WHIG, 78th YEAR WHIG, published at DAILY 308-310 King > $8 per year. WEEKLY tes, charge land in committee, may be the long tway, 'but it is the best and should OE prevail, For the initiative and re- ferendam some things can be said 4 I em for and against it many things, i wattle Wibig. before Manitoba adopts it there will -- {be a lively comparison of notes. The NOT MAKING MANY VOTES, socialists of the province are support- The nationalists of Quebec are not. ing the direct appeal. Why ? showing any more wisdom. The taxa-| EDITORIAL NOTES. Mr. Fielding is the first man. since of certain estates they opposed. Lord Elgin to come back from Wash- i ith bargain i hi {on the ground that - d ingige with a good gain in is {existence to the presence of Hom. Mr. F . ----- Dorlin, an Irishman, on the govern-| "Do married women own their own ment. The grant to the Baron de Hirsch | clothes ?* asks a suffragette. It all de- | institute was opposed on the ground pends on how many sisters she has to ithat the Jews were rich, or soon borrow from or lend to. f would be, and not that they are re presented, as they would like to be, in | the cabinet. Surely the Lavergne- | the senate had gone through, "Prevost combination is carrying its | would we have done to provide hostility to extremes. It is factious, | our aged and infirm politicians ? and offensive, and mot making the | rote 38 would Hhe 10° have. { tect her forests by prohibiting the REPUDIATING THE PRESS. | export of her timber, though she has The Regina Province, {fory), charg-, billions of feet that will likely rot as TORONTO OFFICE, Suite 15 and 20 Queen City Sora, 32 Church St, Toronto, Ipeice, J.P, representative tion { the name of St, Patrick, were resisted Lancaster's motion to abolish what for If Me. British Columbia province will pro: od that the attorney-general and min- it cannot be used in Canada. Refores- ister of education for Saskatchewan ; tration would keep the supply up. : : licitors | Maps ning A oon The Board of Education is em- oh - The ministers pronounced powered to rent buildings for school the charge as foundationless, and Mr. | purposes if Sr city will not provisle Haultain, the leadee of the opposition, | *M* ay a Sl. assautsads- confessed that "it was quite plain Hon. In leronto, thousa ot dol- that the attorney-general and his col- | las ia paid in ya whic would go leagues had not received the retainer {far lo p ravi interest: on eapital for in the connection mentioned." Pretty proper. buildings. hard on the Province. working up a grievance against a COW Imepng js not influenced by the ple of ministers 'Shed the man whom it | «xg Jrizh need apply." it has supports, the leader of the party, re I signated the Duke of Connaught pudiates it. Mr, Haultain is inviting Sf Canada. Con. a collision with his friends, and he naught is a good, Irish name, and accommodated beyond expec: { being Irish in name, is the next best | thing to being Irish in fact. ery, de- governor-general may be tations. : hat i WHEAT JN AMERICAN MILLS. | While we are speculating upon what will bo the effect of having Canadian wheat ground in American mills, says the Montreal Herald, it may be as well to bear in mind that it 48 being gronnd there now. The mills at The Toronto Star has caught the true spirit which pervades the liberal policy. Tt says: "By the preferential tariff of 1597, it did much to promote freer trade with Great Britain, mainly in manufactures. By the present agree- ment it promotes freer trade with the The British Whig Publishing Co., LM. 'jegisiature, with discussions in eqch |, and |" ee It has been 14 ceems that the Asquith govern: | to ngninst the wind was found to be very command may train at Petawawa this year. ; At Washington, it looks now as if the democrats may be solid for reci- proaty. Fiercest blizzard for many years is raging throaghout New Brunswick pro- vince. Quebec legislature is to erect a sta tue on the Plains of Abraham, of King Edward. and six destroy. ers of the latest type. Sir James Whitney will leave the [control of rates in the hands of the Hydro-Electrie commission. Presbyterian mission board has ap pointed Miss Margaret Drummond to Central India and Miss Ethel Cameron to Honan, China. Dr, J. N. E. Brown has tHe superintendency of the Toronto general hospital, because the salary is not more than $3,000, A. E. Maclean, B.A, late principal of the Cornwall high school, has gone to Toronto, as English teacher in the Technical school. Mr. MacLean had been teaching in Cornwall for thirteen years, H. H. Wickwire, K.C., liberal, was elected to the Nova Scotia legislature by acclamation, to fill the vacancy caused .by the death of B. H. Dodge, lof King's county. The conservatives did not venture a nomination. ONE OF WORST OF SEASON, Storm Which Struck Kingston To- day. The storm which struck Kingston fo-day was regarded as one of the {worst of the season. The street car | service was knocked out, in the morn- ling, trains were delayed, and the | Storm King reighed supreme { It was a sleet storm, and 'travelling difficult. As a result of the storm, a great many people were late in get- ting down to their place of business. he si which had just been {fixed up with sand, by the city corpor- {ation men, were again put in very, bad shape. ¢ The weather was responsible for a very poor market. Very few Wolfe Is- land people ventured 'over the ice to day, owing to the rough weather. | Diana, Well-Oiled, Resumes Work. There's too much loafing around §: here," remarked Frank K. Sturgis, Minneapolis find_that they need the hard northern wheat to mix with ~what they have in obder fo produce the best quality of flour for export. They have taken advantage of the law which permita them to collect a re MARKET SQUARE fund of ninety-nine per cent. of the! United States, mainly in natural pro president of the directors of Madison ducts. The two measures together con- figuate Gordes; a8 he stated the ilies sti " i ; of Secretary Young. tga a substantial advance toward "Where guilty "skid the secretary. enlarged commercial intercourse with! "That woman Disnd. on' the tower,' the world." - The good of all the peo: said Mr. Sturgis. "She's on the pay- ple is its care. 'yoll as a weather vane, and to my [knowledge she hasn't moved for two A Veteran Legislator. seeceve ere NOW I= the time to come apd buy our goods. For two gi 'he rush is over searce, We offer 20 per cent. off all purchases over ten dollars. A big 'Heaters and ranges yet to clear out. Our stock of beautifpl OM fashioned Furniture is the best in the country, and as we have too much on hand will sell very Reap. Ail kinds of Household Goods Bric-a-Brac bought and and sold. L. LESSES, . Cor Princess and Chatham Sts. *00000000000000000000 ING'S CAFE ING'S Lunch Counter ING'S Private Dining and money. is - - * * * ° * ® Ld . ° * e * * ® . e * e * ING (James) Prop. ING ST. Nos. 338-342 : - 1 Now open. : Catering Contracts Taken. Telephone No. 1138. If we please you, tell others. If 'we don't please you, please tell us. -- endim i before the people of Mani i {years. What's the matter with her?" duty on all such grain which enters 'poranto Star, into the composition of flour exported Wednesday was the birthday of the from the country, which means that oldest continuous legislator in Cana : : ike. of dian history, the Hon. John Costigan, they can use all they like of our 4. wag born in 1335, and who has wheat for this purpose and escape been a legislator since before confeder- with the payment of one per cent. of ation. He was a member of the New the duty, thus reducing to practically Brunswick legislature from 1861-7, and : betas to. aetting member of the House of Commons nothing at all the obsta © FetUNE from the latter date to 1907, since what of our wheat they require to en- which time he has been in the senate. able them to compete against Cana- He has been a member of four 'minis- dian made flour in England or else tries, those of Sir John A. Macdonald, 5 Rink Sir John Thompson, Sir Mackenzie where. Some people seen ta 1 N% Bowell, and Sir Charles Tupper, hold- that by refusing to ratify the tariff ing at various times the offices of min- agreement we would be securing the ister of inland revenue, secretary ol retention of the Canadian wheat for State, henge of marine ad fish- the use and advantage of our es, Je is a strom VOEtS own : A 3 of the rights of Roman Catholics with millers. That is not the case. And to separate schools, and has since others can at present get our of later years been a liberal in poli- Canadian wheat to sell as flour in tics. He completes this year a record a i & of half a century of continuous legis- England, what. object is to be served lating, an achievement which has not by seeking to withhold from them the yeep duplicated by mny other Cana- right to sell more of it as flour in dian statesman. : : thei try ? their own country = the "0's Washington Star Paul Withington, the Harvard coacii; was praising the milder football of one: ge 2 tia 'ootball in the "90's was a terrible toba, that the movement is strong game," said Mr. Withington. "Four nd ing i , because of the » you know, devoted , whole chap: or A Ia: bain es The of 'Outre Mer' to its re, i te 3 | Some of the stories of the football of i propaganda, it is well to recall what | 100 or 91 are, in fact, almost imcredi- (the experience has been in the states | ple. in which the direct appeal to theelec-| "A ia sporting editor re {tors has been tried, The summary of | turned one November Saturday from Frank Foxcroft, in the Contemporary West Fhiindetphi with a pale, fright- 'Review, is the most illuminating that has been printed for some time. It covers all the United States and shows INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM. : { Now that the initiative and refer | Ome hour later two steeplejacks inter- viewed the Huntress and crowds on Broadway were amused to see the god- dress perform wonderful tricks due to the fact that a rope was tied to the big toe of her extended right leg. She soun around in a manner that stirred the spectators. | "What was the matter with her asked Mr. Young of one of the steeple jacks, I "Aw, she just needed a bath, some oil and a little coaxing. She will work all right now. And, by the way, she said she was tired of high living; wanted a new session of congress, new 8 ys, and was aaxious to know 'Shall Ryan have another semator ¥" * replied the steeplejack.--New York World. Why Should it Whistle? An English woman who is at the St. is made her first acquaintance with a peanut roaster the other day. She was telling about it recently. "Po you know as I was walking down 'the street 1 heard a most pecu- liar whistle," she said. "At the cor her I saw a queer boxlike affair om wheels, and 1 discovered that the whistling was made by steam coming ont of a little pipe at the top. We do not have such a thing in London, and I was interesled. 1 asked the pea] ond to Rev. Mr. Batstone 5 cordial + | anot! Specialists fn diseases of Skin, Blood, Nerves, , Bladder and Special Ail- ts of men. One visit advisable ; if impessible, send history for free opinica aad ad- vice on blank and book diseaves free. form. Hours: 10 am. to 1 pm. and 210 § pm. Sundays, 10 am to 1 pw. DRS. WHITE 25 Toremto Street, Torente, Ont. » WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. Is the Result of Prolonged Study and Deep Research. Marconi--the wifeless wizard-'did not stumble accidentally upon the primci- ples of his marvellous invention. It was only by deep and prolonged study of the cause of certain known phenomena in nature that he was able to uce the startling effect. y people, in speaking of Hair Re- storers, have a way of bunching them altogether without discrimination. Herpicide is as different from othe: so-called "hair restorers" and "remy dies" as day is from night. It is a scientific preparation prepared for the sole purpose of destroying the calp microbe that causes dandruff and falling hair. . Sold by leading druggists. Send 10e. in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. One dollar bottles guaranteed. James B. McLeod, special agent, Kingston, Ont. S. J. WILSON, Member Dominion Exchange, Ltd. Buy Peterson Lake and Little ipissing at preseat prices CORRESPONDENCE INVITED 14 King St. East. "Phone Main 4228. Toronto, Ont. W. P. O'BRIEN, 57 St. Francois Xavier St, MONTREAL, Member MONTREAL STOCK EXGHANGE Long Distance Telephone Main 6936 CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. INVITED TO REMAIN For a Fourth Year on Yarker Cir- cuit. Colebrooke, Jan. 30--The quarterly official board of the Yarker circuit, met in the Methodist church, {ote brooke, on Monday, January 30th. A large delegation from each of the ap- pointments were present to do honor to the president of the Bay of Quinte Conference, Rev. Mr. Emsley, who presided. The financial returns were very satisfactory and encouraging be- inp considerably im advance of any February meeetitig in the history of the Yarker circuit. The president com- plimented the board on the manner in which the business was conducted. After the regular business of the meet- ing was concluded the following reso- lution was submitted by the presi dent, and carried by a standing vote: Moved by, Joseph Foster, seconded by J. F. Connoly, supported by * H. A. Baker, John Coudy and Frank Martin, ant resolved, that whereas, it is deemed expedient and in the inter est of the Yarker Circuit to consider at this meeting of the quarterly of- ficial board; the question of pulpit supply, and having implicit confidence in the loyaity, zeal, and integrity, of our beloved pastor, Rev. James Bat stone, who came to us a stranger three years ago, and during the in¢ terval has labored faithfully, for the advancement of the Master's kingdom, with the result that the circuit has risen and prospered both spiritual ly and temporally, and also in ingug- urating the local option campaign, in this' municipality which resulted in wach an overwhelming victory for the temperance cause, on the © second of January last. Be it therefore resolved that this quarterly official hoard ex- and most hearty invitation to remain the pastor of the Yarker circuit for erence year. Carried un- animously. Couldn't Balance Himself. New Liskeard Speaker. Mr. Morse having bought a pew bicycle of the most improved pattern, "I mistrast "twill be before 1 can ride it," "Why, have you . Morse. 3 0 [TH] § Boys' and Children's Stockings BOS GLV009D VOT OL LGL06H6 466009099 = Boys' Sweater Coats Plain Grey with Red. Blue or Green Trim= mings; regular 75c. quality. Bibby's February Price, 49c. fl Sachets, Worsteds, Etc, Plain or Ribbed acCK. ; Regular 25¢. Qualities for 17c. Boys' Overcoats, $4.50 For boys 10 to 14 years. New Two Style College Ulsters, new patterns, regular $6, $6.50, $7 goods. Bibby's FebruaryEPrice, $4.50 Boys' Overcoats, $2.90 . For Boys 2 1-2 to 7 years. A smart line of little fellows coats in Plain Blue, Brown, Greens, etc Neat military collars with velvet trimmings. Regular $4, $4.60 coats. Bibby's February Price, $2.90 BOYS' TWO AND THREE-PIECE SUITS, $2.50 After Stocktaking we find we have about 60 Boys' Buits for \§- ages 4 years to 14 years that we are anxious to sell before new goods are opened. These Suits were order to clear them ou at go reguarly at from $4.00 to $5.00. In ~ ih a hurry, we have marked them to sell $250 Patterns are Greys, Browns and a few Dark Worsteds. Children's Brown Suits, for Boys 5 to 15 yrs Ned Styles... New Patterns. See our special 33.50 and §4 range Positively the best yet Cheviots and tt ie The H.D.Bibby Co . The Big Store With Little Prices. | 3 i 3 Sila og | Sunkist Naval Oranges, from 20c to 50c per Holiday -:- Presents Buy Something Useful for the House Silver Knives and Forks, Silver Spoon, Carving Sets from $1 to $15 per set, Carpet Sweepers, Fancy Tea and Coffee Pots, Wringers, Washing Machines, Fancy Andirons, Gas Logs, Brass Fenders, Fancy Gas Heaters, Coal Oil Heaters, etc. Elliott Bros., Telephone 35. 77 Princess Street. / Fancy Jamaica Grape Fruit at all prices Sunkist Wrappers exchanged for Spoons at 'our store. - : : St R. H. TOYE, 53 ssscesscsssssscssnsee hhh hh fh he hci hdd Bar Solder, Babbitt Metal and a Inget Melals : We are headquarters. a or OR TED.